Far Better OU Tournament (Round 5)

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Approved by Earthworm

The Far Better OU Tournament

Yet again another late post and I have nothing to do but blame myself. Anyways, welcome to Generation 5 everyone! Nothing like a new game to bring back to life Pokemon. Let finish up one of the last Gen. 4 tournaments!

- OHKO Clause
- Evasion Clause
- Freeze Clause
- Sleep Clause
- Self KO Clause
- All Ubers banned
- Species Clause
- Timed Battle

Heres some stuff in cease anyone cares.
Last round:

And now on to the pairings:​

Lil Niglet vs. Cristall
kael vs. Delta2777
BlackMarketTrader vs. Fatecrashers
Mizuno vs. whistle

After each battle the winner will PM me the log or both contestants will confirm the result. This round ends in a week or in other words 9/25/10. If you have yet to finish the last round, you have two days to do so. Good luck and have fun!​
Lil Niglet vs. Cristall
(IronBullet93 vs. kael) vs. Delta2777
BlackMarketTrader vs. Fatecrashers
Mizuno vs. (whistle vs. JabbaTheGriffin)

Cristall vs. Delta2777
Fatecrashers vs. Mizuno

Delta2777 vs. Mizuno
Lil Niglet vs. Cristall
(IronBullet93 vs. kael) vs. Delta2777
BlackMarketTrader vs. Fatecrashers
Mizuno vs. (whistle vs. JabbaTheGriffin)

lol man , i on every day, and you never on for battle.

On Sunday I was on all day, mainly in the afternoon.
and I sent pm to you
It's nearly midnight, and I can't wait any longer for kael, he's usually on at this time. Sorry dude, but I don't think we'll be able to get this done, due to our timezone issues.
Lil Niglet vs. Cristall
kael vs. Delta2777
BlackMarketTrader vs. Fatecrashers
Mizuno vs. whistle

Goodluck everybody!
I sent PM to BlackMarketTrader, awaiting response.

EDIT: should we wait? getting a free win at this point in the tourney is kind of :/
Ive been having computer problems and I just sent it in today to be fixed. (Using a PS3 to type this) And I wont be getting it back until at least tuesday if Im lucky. So you'll just have to give Fatecrashers the win.
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