Faster than a Speeding Elekid: Little Cup Warstory

It was a day like any other. Get home from school, go upstairs, and get on Shoddybattle, and logged onto Doug's under my common nickname, Addie. Little did I know that there would be a great battle ahead of me. eric and I had just discussed some Little Cup stuff, and I decided we should ladder it out, right now. We kind of knew each other's teams, but that didn't matter too much. I was intimidated, because eric had owned me a couple of times before this, and he is, after all, the head of the Little Cup Forum. I figured I would lose, but you never know...

I was just testing out a new damage calc for Steinhauser and had Shoddy open so I could check Pokemon's stats, it was a pretty empty time of day just me HAL9000 (the CAP server's Modbot), Addie and KamenRider were on. We talked about some analysis I think, and I was just about to go back to testing the great new calculator when she suggested a battle. I had played her a few times before, but not as often as some other players so, I at least, was not accustomed to her style of play or teams. She probably knew mine as I don't switch around much.

Addie's Team:

eric the espeon's Team:

eric's comments will be in italics.
Addie's comments will be in normal font.
The Shoddy log will be in quote tags.

Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause, Little Cup Clause
eric the espeon sent out Wailmer (lvl 5 Wailmer ?).
Addie sent out Gastly (lvl 5 Gastly ?).
Okay, I've faced eric before, and I know his Wailmer is Choice Scarfed, a common strategy for firing off quick Water Spouts. My Gastly is Choice Scarfed as well, and it's faster. I'm contemplating just Thunderbolting it, OHKOing, but if eric has a Diglett, I lose Gastly. Therefore, I decide to use a move to hit whatever is coming in.

My instinct is to stay in, if I switch I risk letting a Sash TR Gastly set up for free and none of my Pokemon can take any hit from that thing safely. Missey would ignore Explosion but if she chooses Shadow Ball... Not worth the risk. Also it could be a Focus Sashed anti lead which would make switching pointless.

Gastly used Explosion.
Wailmer lost 100% of its health.
eric the espeon's Wailmer fainted.
Addie's Gastly fainted.
5-5 Tie

It faints, but this isn't what I wanted. I was expecting a Munchlax or Chinchou switch in, so that Explosion could OHKO. Ah, well, I guess it doesn't really matter, because a Wailmer can destroy my team.

Its a fair swap, one for one. I would have liked to keep Wailmer as it has saved me a few times, but on the other hand nothing I have is very safe against Gastly so I a glad its gone. Diglett is a good Pokemon to bring in next as it can trap most things and has a sash for any scarfed Pokemon she may try.

eric the espeon switched in Diglett (lvl 5 Diglett ?).
Addie switched in Diglett (lvl 5 Diglett ?).
The Diglett switch in was relatively obvious, as Diglett can trap and kill most things, and relishes a free switch. I was really unsure of my move here, because a double Diglett match up is dangerous.

This match up depends if her Diglett is Focus Sashed, if it is then the speed tie will decide it. If not then I will win.

Diglett used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Diglett lost 76% of its health.
Diglett used Earthquake.
Diglett lost 100% of its health.
Addie's Diglett fainted.
5-4 eric

Ugh! This was an incredibly stupid move on my part, because Diglett's incredibly crappy Special Attack stat makes Hidden Power Ice piss damage against anything but Gligar. My Diglett was Lonely + Choice Scarfed, so I'm pretty sure he's running Choice Band or Focus Sash because of no LO damage. I'm pretty scared here, but I have something that can easily take on Diglett.

An odd move by Addie, STAB EQ would have done more. Anyway I had a sash so it mattered little. Now Bronzor is a problem, the only things I have that can KO it are Cranidos's Mould Breaker EQ or Dratini's Fire Blast which can 2HKO. Either of those is at risk from a Gyro Ball or Flash Cannon so I bring in:

Addie switched in Bronzor (lvl 5 Bronzor).
eric the espeon switched in Misdreavus (lvl 5 Misdreavus ?).
Bronzor used Reflect.
A barrier was formed!
I take advantage of the fact that Bronzor completely walls Diglett to set up a free Reflect for my team. From past experience, I know that all of eric's Misdreavus are Sub Calm Mind variants, so Bronzor can sit there and fire off Gyro Balls.

Well its a sacrifice so it may as well do some damage. And with a little hax from a SpD drop or crit I could win.

Misdreavus used Shadow Ball.
Bronzor lost 44% of its health.
Bronzor's special defence was lowered.
Bronzor used Gyro Ball.
Misdreavus lost 36% of its health.
Ugh. A Special Defense drop was the only thing keeping me from lowering Misdreavus' health into easy KO range for my revenge-killers, so I was really unhappy here.

Perfect! Now to go for the KO.

Misdreavus used Shadow Ball.
A critical hit!
Bronzor lost 56% of its health.
Addie's Bronzor fainted.
Bronzor's Oran Berry restored health!
5-3 eric

Double hax! Whee! I don't suppose it really mattered, though, because Bronzor would have died anyway that turn. I'm getting really nervous here, as eric often packs Cranidos, and now my counter is gone. I decide to get a quick revenge-kill, so I switch in my Elekid.

Addie switched in Elekid (lvl 5 Elekid ?).
hmm.. I spend a lot of time thinking over my options here, she will probably predict my switch to Diggy and use Ice Punch so going to Dratini is not an option. Staying in could work, but right now Diggy is less important and she could easily come in on an Electric move.

eric the espeon switched in Diglett (lvl 5 Diglett ?).
Elekid used Thunderbolt.
It doesn't affect Diglett...
An obvious Diglett switch thwarts my clever revenge-killing. This was relatively obvious, but since it was late I wasn't expecting it. Now, I wonder what to do. His Diglett isn't Choice Scarfed, so Elekid will tie it, but an timely Sucker Punch could end it for me. I decide to stay in and take it...

Now, its a speed tie so I could just go for EQ and hope but several things stop me. First it could very well run Quick Attack which would certainly KO me and second I want to get some damage in, not hurting it would mean only Cranidos could revenge kill and that is risky. Sucker Punch seems like the safest option.

Diglett used Sucker Punch.
Elekid lost 26% of its health.
Elekid's Static paralysed Diglett!
Elekid used Ice Punch.
It's super effective!
Diglett lost 24% of its health.
eric the espeon's Diglett fainted.
Elekid lost 5% of its health.
Elekid's reflect wore off!
4-3 eric

I forgot about my Reflect! Elekid would surely have been toast (or at least severely weakened) if it had hit with max power, so I'm really happy.

I also forgot about Reflect.. maybe EQ would have been better, anyway the best thing now is my Scarf Cranidos which will outspeed his Elekid and 2HKO pretty much anything she brings in.

eric the espeon switched in Cranidos (lvl 5 Cranidos ?).
Cranidos! Ugh! I knew he would have it, one because we've battled before, and two because he knew I would sacrifice Bronzor to Misdreavus so that it couldn't set up. So, now, I turn to the only thing that can take a Cranidos hit, Munchlax.

Stone Edge is more reliable than Head Smash, better Accuracy. And it will still do a hell of a lot to anything switching in.

Addie switched in Munchlax (lvl 5 Munchlax ?).
Cranidos used Stone Edge.
Munchlax lost 82% of its health.
Munchlax's Oran Berry restored health!
Munchlax restored 30% of its health.
Once again, "Ugh!". I have two revenge-killers waiting in the wings, but Cranidos can win the Speed tie with my Choice Scarf Mankey, because it's Adamant.

Fine, lets KO that thing.

Cranidos used Stone Edge.
Cranidos's attack missed!
Munchlax used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Cranidos lost 100% of its health.
eric the espeon's Cranidos fainted.
3-3 Tie

Yes! I get lucky, for once, and I get a great Stone Edge miss, and OHKO!

Ahhhh! Crap.. Cranidos was my most important Pokemon at this point.. Now Elekid is a real threat.. Well Dratini's Outrage can do a lot to most Pokemon and everything outspeeds Munchlax.

eric the espeon switched in Dratini (lvl 5 Dratini ?).
I haven't faced many Dratini, and from what I hear, they are over-hyped. I don't know if it will be a pure special version, but it might, so I figure Munchlax can stay in.

Now I could Agility and survive with my sash, hitting 30 speed (outspeeding all but the very fastest scarfers) and follow up with Outrage, but the problem is that if she has anything with Priority its a waste of a Sash. So I got straight to the attack.

Dratini used Outrage.
Dratini went on a rampage!
Munchlax lost 48% of its health.
Addie's Munchlax fainted.
3-2 eric

And I get finished off by Outrage. I suppose it's a Agility Dratini, who, without set up, is easily revenge-killed.

Addie switched in Mankey (lvl 5 Mankey ?).
Well, I'm trapped into Outrage so I don't have much choice about my next move, so..

Mankey used Ice Punch.
It's super effective!
Dratini lost 100% of its health.
Dratini hung on using its Focus Sash!
Dratini used Outrage.
Mankey lost 100% of its health.
Addie's Mankey fainted.
Dratini's rampage ended.
Dratini became confused!
3-1 eric

Focus Sash, a rather common item, is used against me. Well, now Dratini is in easy KO range for my last Pokemon, Elekid, but can Elekid win this for me?

Dratini is little use at this point, it's slow, confused, and at 1HP. The perfect sacrifice.

Addie switched in Elekid (lvl 5 Elekid ?).
Elekid used Ice Punch.
It's super effective!
Dratini lost 5% of its health.
eric the espeon's Dratini fainted.
Elekid lost 5% of its health.
2-1 eric

Dratini goes down, and, unless my opponent is packing Chinchou or something faster (I doubt this, as he was already using Choice Scarf Wailmer and Cranidos), I have a clean Elekid sweep, thanks to its great 20 Speed stat.

I don't think my Croagunk's Vacuum Wave has quite enough power to KO Elekid, but I have a feeling that an extra turn of LO recoil will be enough. Missey for the sacrifice.

eric the espeon switched in Misdreavus (lvl 5 Misdreavus ?).
Elekid used Thunderbolt.
Misdreavus lost 64% of its health.
eric the espeon's Misdreavus fainted.
Elekid lost 5% of its health.
1-1 Tie

Misdreavus gets a Thunderbolt to the face, and goes down! I just need to OHKO the last Pokemon, and I'm home free!

I reveal my last Pokemon, Croagunk:
eric the espeon switched in Croagunk (lvl 5 Croagunk ?).
As I invest heavily in Special Attack, my STAB Vacuum Wave should out damage Sucker Punch, so here we go.

Croagunk used Vacuum Wave.
Elekid lost 53% of its health.
Croagunk lost 10% of its health.
Elekid used Fire Punch.
Croagunk lost 86% of its health.
Elekid lost 5% of its health.
Addie's Elekid fainted.
eric the espeon wins!
1-0 eric

Whoa! Vacuum Wave doesn't OHKO, and Elekid's super effective Fire Punch, to a Dry Skin Pokemon, doesn't OHKO! I'm really surprised, actually. Anyway, great game, thanks eric!

aaaaaahh that was not at all what I expected, not only did I not KO it but it did not KO me! Dry Skin saved me, I think. Fire attacks only do 1.25 normal damage and Fire Punch's base power is lower than Thunderbolts, even without accounting for STAB. Dry Skin lured her into a false sense of security!

gg Addie, overall well played by both.

Team Analysis:

Addie: I was using a balanced team, based around the defensive combination of Munchlax and Bronzor, which can handle most of the metagame's threats. This team doesn't have a good Cranidos counter, though, so I end up losing a lot to it. Fortunately, its usage has died down recently, so it works well.

Gastly: Shadow Ball / Sludge Bomb / Thunderbolt / Explosion - Choice Scarf

Gastly is a popular lead, for good reason. It gets to 25 Speed with a Choice Scarf, which outspeeds every popular lead, and it has great type coverage. You can also bluff a few sets with it. For my team, Gastly provides a few good immunities and another revenge-killer.

Bronzor: Stealth Rock / Reflect / Gyro Ball / Earthquake - Oran Berry

Bronzor is an incredibly helpful Pokemon that partners with Munchlax to form the defensive combo in this team. It is also my "counter" to Diglett, and back-up for Croagunk, #1 and #2 in usage. Reflect and Stealth Rock give my offensive team some good support.

Munchlax: Return / Earthquake / Fire Blast / Pursuit - Oran Berry

Munchlax is the best special wall in LC, similar to Blissey in OU. It handles the popular special threats, like Houndour, Kabuto, Abra, and others, with Return or Earthquake. It also takes out Bronzor with Fire Blast for my team, and Pursuit destroys Ghost-types like Gastly.

Mankey: Close Combat / Ice Punch / U-turn / Overheat - Choice Scarf

Mankey is a great revenge-killer that Kannon suggested for me. It is also my Croagunk check, and back up for taking on Bronzor. Close Combat destroys most of LC, and Ice Punch hits Dragons.

Elekid: Thunderbolt / Ice Punch / Cross Chop / Fire Punch (Ugh...) - Life Orb

Elekid is my team's only real sweeper, and it does a great job, taking out most of the metagame with its unparalleled type coverage. Psychic is certainly better than Fire Punch, though, because I can already take out Bronzor.

Diglett: Earthquake / Hidden Power Ice / Sucker Punch / Pursuit - Choice Scarf

Balancing two Choice Scarfers in the Little Cup metagame is a challenge, but Choice Scarf Diglett revenge-kills everything so easily it doesn't really matter. Hidden Power Ice is for revenge-killing Gligar, and Pursuit hits Ghosts. Diglett also takes Electric-type attacks aimed at my other sweepers.


eric: This is a team that me and Vader made together a few weeks ago, its been reliable but not stunning all along but with some Gligar problems as well as having trouble with Hail teams. The team is slightly offensive with the wall breaking duo of ScarfWailmer and ScarfCranidos at its heart. It does not have as much priority as many of the teams around these days but it does have more sashed Pokermon than usual which helps. And Wailmer deals with the most common SR lead, Gligar so its harder for my opponent to set up.

Wailmer: Water Spout / Ice Beam / Hidden Power Ground / Surf - Choice Scarf

Pretty standard set for Wailmer, HP Ground is a twist on the normal HP Grass, because of this it has problems with most Water-types but generally Croagunk and Chinchou are more common than pure Waters, so they are useful to hit. Smashes through most walls with Spout or becomes a bulky revenge killer late game.

Cranidos: Stone Edge / Earthquake / Ice Beam / Head Smash - Choice Scarf

Again a slightly odd twist to a normal moveset. With Mold Breaker Rock/Ground hits everything that is needed hard enough, leaving room for Ice Beam to beat Gligar and Head Smash if I need a massive hit. Cranidos was the last Pokemon to fit into this team but its often my most important because of its raw power and nice speed, and often the target of repeated hax. I am seriously considering putting Rock Slide on to avoid missing.

Misdreavus: Shadow Ball / Hidden Power Fighting / Charge Beam / Substitute - Salac Berry

I needed a Ghost to switch into all the Fake Out leads that would love to hurt Wailmer and Vader suggested this. Sets up a Sub on a switch and tries for a sweep with Charge Beam. With all the Munchlax around right now I am thinking of replacing it with an Explosion Gastly, but then Bronzor can counter more easily.

Diglett: Earthquake / Rock Slide / Sucker Punch / HP Ice - Focus Sash

Standard every popular revenge killer and trapper. Also provides an Electric immunity and has a great speed. HP Ice is for Gligar and because there is nothing better to put there.

Dratini: Agility / Outrage / Fire Blast / Aqua Tail - Focus Sash

Dratini is one of my favourite LC Pokemon and a staple on many of my more recent teams, it can revenge kill effectively or go for a sweep. It can take most neutral attacks and set up on resisted ones (pure Dragon is an awesome defensive type). Normally I save this for late game and try for a sweep or if needed bring it in for a revenge kill mid/early game.

Croagunk: Vacuum Wave / Nasty Plot / Ice Punch / Sucker Punch - Life Orb

My main priority user and has some important resistances, notably Dark and the water immunity. Ice Punch lets me surprise Gligar switches but leaves me vulnerable to other Croagunk.

Addie's Props and Slops:


- eric, for a great battle and helping with joint-commentary.
- Elekid, for almost taking out eric's last 3 Pokemon to win it.
- Bronzor, for setting up a Reflect that would allow Elekid to later sweep.
- Munchlax, for taking out Cranidos.


- My stupid moves, like HP Ice on Diglett.
- Diglett, for dying because I'm stupid.
- Fire Punch on Elekid. Enough said.
- Gastly, for not doing much.

eric's Props and Slops:


- Addie, for putting up a fight and putting up with my mild hax at points and writing half of this warstory.
- Dratini for bringing me back into the match with Outrage.
- Missey for taking out Bronzor.
- Diglett for beating one of its kind and hurting Elekid.
- Croagunk for luring Addie into Fire Punch and winning the game.


- Wailmer for doing almost nothing.
- Cranidos for missing.
- Me for needing hax to beat Bronzor, and being Elekid weak.


If you want, check out more information, like analysis, on the Little Cup Forum.

Little Cup is played on the ladder in Doug's CAP Server, so it would be great for people to go there.

Also, people have been saying I stole the format from Vader. That's false, it's just a great format that I thought of before, and the team analysis is helpful for people who don't play Little Cup.

So, there we go, my first warstory! Comments, questions, critiques?


I love weather; Sun for days
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Damn Katherine, that was one awesome Warstory. I want to see more from you ;D
Thanks, guys for all the positive comments! It's awesome that people want to play LC, and there are people willing to tutor you on the forums and in the server.

Gen, what do you mean by "want to see me from you"?


I love weather; Sun for days
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
More warstories? Sorry if that sounded creepy...


EDIT: I put me instead of more, I'm dumb
Not a great way to get me into believing you're gonna be a great tutor, Addie =P

Very nice warstory though ^_^


protected by a silver spoon
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
I expect archival, or I will be very disappointed in eric. Kidding. Good job, guys. ^.^ Good to see I'm not the only one making these ;x
Why does Elekid only take 5% from life Orb, while Croagunk takes 10%?
probably because Elekid had only 19 HP, so it only lost 1 HP every time it used life orb, effectively giving it the chance to make 19 attacks.


Banned deucer.
I love the sprites in this warstory, I use the same ones occasionally for some of my posts. I also enjoyed reading it, though it could use some more colors and stuff like that.
Yeah, hhjj, in Little Cup, not everything takes as much LO recoil. RB Golbat, you should get into LC, lol.

The reason there are no colors is because my computer doesn't see text or background colors, and I really dislike eye-sore warstories.
GG as i would expect obviously with two great battlers.

Addie/Kath i wish i had your Grammar :P.

Vader is working on a Warstory atm I beleive, so expect more LC Warstories. They are simply the most entertaining.

Furthermore I look forward to our round Robin in the final round of the Tourney!
you should use psychic elekid, that was my original elekid analysis for lcf

gg, glad to see eric still has "the moves"
Little Cup eh? I forgot how awesome Little Cup was. Maybe I will make that my next metagame of choice. (Almost, but not quite, bored of UU.) Excellent warstory. I like double-commentary warstories. One thing I noticed:

Stone Edge is more reliable than Head Smash, better Accuracy.
Both moves have the same accuracy. Although I would still agree that Stone Edge is more reliable, not having massive recoil.

p.s. If anyone wants to try the new calculator mentioned at the beginning of the post, there's a link in my sig. v. 1.4, probably the final big release, is out! [/plug]

eric the espeon

maybe I just misunderstood
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Good to see that most of you enjoyed it, and great to see that a few of you are going to try out or get back into the meta because of this!

One thing I noticed:
Stone Edge is more reliable than Head Smash, better Accuracy.
Both moves have the same accuracy. Although I would still agree that Stone Edge is more reliable, not having massive recoil.
Right you are, my mistake. Well it can't be perfect.

p.s. If anyone wants to try the new calculator mentioned at the beginning of the post, there's a link in my sig. v. 1.4, probably the final big release, is out! [/plug]
Do try it, its much fast to use and more user friendly than most of the other calcs around because it calculates stats from base stats and EVs automatically. It also has lots of useful extra features. It also seems to handle low level calcs fine.[/plugassist]

Edit: heh, 14 turns with 11 KOs (almost 12). Can't get much faster than that!
lol I'm surprised I liked this

it amused me greatly
I don't know what you mean by surprised and amused. ?_?

you should use psychic elekid, that was my original elekid analysis for lcf

gg, glad to see eric still has "the moves"
I revamped your analysis to keep it up to date, and I removed Fire Punch from the options. I'm really surprised why I had that on, as my team already handles Bronzor, and I always need Crogunk checks.

I really encourage everyone to try out Little Cup, it's always good to have more players on the server!
Sweet warstory I love Little Cup, I am 7th on the ladder(not good haha), and am suprised we never faced, keep up the good work, and its good to see Little Cup getting some recognition.

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