UU Ferroseed


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QC Checks: radianthero156, Kushalos, Ernesto
GP Checks: horyzhnz, fleurdyleurse


Blessed with an excellent typing and defensive stats, it's not hard to see why Ferroseed is good in the UU tier. It also has access to great support moves in Stealth Rock and Spikes, as well as Leech Seed to regain health it may have lost. In X/Y, Ferroseed gained a new resistance to Fairy, but sadly, it lost two resistances to Dark and Ghost. It also has a low offensive presence and has to rely on residual damage to do damage. In addition, it relies a lot on Eviolite, and when it is Knocked Off, it hinders its defensive capabilities greatly. As Ferroseed is holding an Eviolite, it does not have access to passive recovery from Leftovers, and it is also very slow, meaning it gets worn down easily. It faces stiff competition with Chesnaught, has common weaknesses to Fire- and Fighting-type moves, and is rendered setup fodder by Taunt. However, Ferroseed does have some perks over other Grass-types such as Chesnaught, as it can handle Mega Aerodactyl without Taunt much more easily, and can set up against Slowbro more reliably as it doesn't care about Scald's burn as much as Chesnaught does, and has access to entry hazards for more support.

name: Support
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Leech Seed
move 3: Protect / Stealth Rock
move 4: Thunder Wave
ability: Iron Barbs
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Impish


Thanks to its many resistances, Ferroseed makes an excellent hazard setter. Spikes is a great option, asFerroseed forces many switches and can set them up with ease. Leech Seed lets Ferroseed regain health it may have taken from burn or hazards, annoys many Fire- and Fighting-type switch-ins, and can force a lot of switches as well. The third move is a toss-up. Protect is the preferred move, as it works well with Leech Seed, and is very useful for scouting out Choice-locked moves. However, Stealth Rock can be used if your team doesn't have a Pokemon that can set it. The last move is Thunder Wave because it allows Ferroseed to cripple many sweepers in the tier and lets Ferroseed support its teammates. There are no attacks on this set because Ferroseed's Attack stat is subpar, and it won't be doing a lot of damage to opposing Pokemon. In addition, it doesn't want to stay in Taunt users such as Sableye, Mew, and Azelf, as the former two can wear Ferroseed out with Will-O-Wisp and the latter can KO it with Fire Blast.

Set Details

The given EV spread maximizes Ferroseed's physical bulk. A Impish nature is used to further increase Ferroseed's physical bulk. Eviolite is the only item that should be considered, as it boosts Ferroseed's defenses to formidable levels. Iron Barbs is the ability that should be used, and with Leech Seed and Protect, it racks up a lot of residual damage, and discourages Rapid Spin users such as Tentacruel from using Rapid Spin due to the extra chip damage.

Usage Tips

Do not stay in on Knock Off users such as Sableye, because it will greatly hinder Ferroseed's longevity if its Eviolite is lost. In addition, do not stay in on super effective moves because they will most likely OHKO or 2HKO Ferroseed. Predicting the switch and using Leech Seed or setting up hazards is a good idea as Ferroseed forces a lot of switches. Try using Thunder Wave often; it's nice to support your teammates and cripple scary threats. Also, try not to get Taunted from the likes of Mew or Crobat, as Ferroseed can't do anything back to them.

Team Options

Wish passers such as Umbreon and Florges make great partners, healing Ferroseed and curing status with Heal Bell, as Ferroseed is often switched into Scald. In addition, bulky Water-types such as Slowbro, Jellicent, Milotic, and Alomomola have excellent type synergy with Ferroseed, as they can take on the super effective Fire-type moves aimed at Ferroseed, and in return, it can switch in on Electric- and Grass-type moves aimed at them. Jellicent, in particular, has excellent type synergy, being able to spin block as well as being immune to Fighting-type moves.

Other Options

A specially defensive EV spread can be used to allow Ferroseed deal with special attackers better. Bullet Seed can be used, but it is rather weak. Toxic can also be used to put deadly sweepers and walls on a timer, but Thunder Wave is a better option in general. Gyro Ball and Seed Bomb can be used as STAB attacks, but Ferroseed won't be dealing a lot of damage.

Checks & Counters

**Taunt** Taunt users such as Crobat and Mew make Ferroseed useless and render it setup fodder, as it has no attacking moves.

**Fire-types** Fire-types such as Victini, Darmanitan, Chandelure, and Entei can force Ferroseed out with their respective STAB attacks.

**Fighting-types** Fighting-types such as Mienshao and Heracross can force Ferroseed out with their STAB moves.

**Knock Off** Knock Off hinders Ferroseed's defensive capabilities, and thus permanently hinders its ability to take hits.

**Rapid Spinners** Rapid Spin users such as Tentacruel, Blastoise, and Forretress make Ferroseed's efforts to lay down entry hazards useless as they can use Rapid Spin to remove entry hazards and Leech Seed at any time.

**Defog** Defog users such as Mew and Empoleon can remove any entry hazards Ferroseed may have set.
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I think a specially defensive spread is very viable. If I need to prove it, then I will right now :3

252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Earth Power vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Ferroseed: 99-118 (33.9 - 40.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Earth Power vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Ferroseed: 142-168 (48.6 - 57.5%) -- 91% chance to 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Shaymin Earth Power vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Ferroseed: 57-68 (19.5 - 23.2%) -- possible 5HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Shaymin Earth Power vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Ferroseed: 81-96 (27.7 - 32.8%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Starmie Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Ferroseed: 57-68 (19.5 - 23.2%) -- possible 5HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Starmie Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Ferroseed: 81-96 (27.7 - 32.8%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
252 SpA Galvantula Bug Buzz vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Ferroseed: 64-76 (21.9 - 26%) -- 3.3% chance to 4HKO
252 SpA Galvantula Bug Buzz vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Ferroseed: 91-108 (31.1 - 36.9%) -- 72.1% chance to 3HKO

Of course, it walls other things like Roserade without HP Fire, Mega Ampharos, Raikou, etc.
You can mention how chesnaught is a counter to it being grass type, also you can talk about how chesnaught is preferred in most situations over ferroseed as it can also set up spikes and leech seed, also it brings offensive presence opposed to ferroseed being lack luster in that department. Ferroseed does have an advantage over chesnaught because it has bulk on the special defense side and access to stealth rocks.
What does this do better than forretress?
Leech Seed and a much better SpD (whilst having comparable physical defense), which lets it withstand (and possibly outstall) a wider variety of opponents.

Also, Sapphire. because you have Seed Bomb slashed with Gyro Ball you might wanna slash Impish as a nature, as there's no point in lowering your Speed if you're not running Gyro Ball. Nitpicky in the extreme I know, but Relaxed just isn't the optimal nature in that case, so ya. (although outrunning a paralysed Slowbro is always nice if it's possible lol)
Ferro has more weaknesses, less bulk, and less hazards
But also more resistances, and more bulk when (obviously) taking Eviolite into account. The set in the OP has an effective base Defense of 161 compared to Forry's 140 and an effective 138 base SpD compared to Forry's (lol) 60. Of course, Forry has more HP but their physical bulk is pretty much the same whereas Ferro's special bulk is a lot better.

252+ Atk Rhyperior Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Ferroseed: 97-115 (33.2 - 39.3%) -- 100% chance to 3HKO
252+ Atk Rhyperior Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Forretress: 109-129 (30.7 - 36.4%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Hydreigon Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Ferroseed: 97-115 (33.2 - 39.3%) -- 100% chance to 3HKO
252 SpA Hydreigon Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Forretress: 193-228 (54.5 - 64.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Ofc Ferro lacks Toxic Spikes, but Forry lacks Leech Seed, so they're both good in their own way and Ferro is absolutely not outclassed.
yeah ferroseed is definitely viable. the comparison with forretress is not even much valid imo, as it has important resistances that forre lacks as in water, electric and rock; comparing it to chesnaught is more legit.

on the analysis itself, imo move 3 should be protect/twave, with move 4 being gyro ball/seed bomb/twave, mentioning later that gyro ball and thunder wave have poor synergy, though.

now, you can build up team options. it should probably look like this:
  • mention here bulky waters like milotic or alomomola, which are good partners to take on the fire types that threaten ferroseed, while ferroseed sets up on electric/grass attacks for them. slowbro also resisting fighting and jellicent being able to spinblock makes them excellent options too.
  • here you should mention cleric support because ferroseed is often switched into scald (florges/aromatisse, or blissey, or umbreon, etc)
  • wish passing is also good

on other options, you should probably remove curse (cannot setup as it's threatened by a huge part of the meta and it's weak as balls even at +6), seed bomb (it's already slashed in the set), poison jab (wtf?)

good luck, 1/3
Mention spinners in the C&C section, especially Tentacruel is annoying since it has Liquid Ooze to give Ferro passive damage instead of recovery, while Blastoise can hit it with a supereffective Aura Sphere. Forretress can use Ferro as setup fodder for its own hazards and spin away the spikes and leech seed anytime.

It doesnt have great stats, but the typing giving it so many resists including the new introduced Fairy type make it viable, while Eviolite makes up for the meh stats.

If implemented QC 2/3
Sorry nothing against you but I'm gonna personally QC reject 1/3 this because I find this 'mon too eclipsed by Forry, Chesnaught, and Roserade. Yes there are differences that stick out specifically for Ferroseed, but that can be said about any 'mon. Altogether, I find Ferroseed too weak for the UU meta.
First of all, I think the set should look like this:

- Spikes
- Leech Seed
- Protect / Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave

Ferroseed has no business attacking with Gyro Ball or Seed Bomb, it's way too weak. You can now get SR, Spikes, and Leech Seed all on the same set now, so you can skip either Protect or Twave (imo Protect is much more dispensable) if you don't have another SR user on your team.

Secondly, Ferroseed has an entirely different niche than Forretress. It can be used to check some special attackers much better (Hydregion, Starmie, random electric types, random water types that try to scaldhax you or that are named Cloyster), Iron Barbs is great utility, Leech Seed is a great way to take advantage of hazards.

And I don't really think I need to go into why it can be better than Chestnaught / Roserade in Staraptor meta...
First of all, I think the set should look like this:

- Spikes
- Leech Seed
- Protect / Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave

Ferroseed has no business attacking with Gyro Ball or Seed Bomb, it's way too weak. You can now get SR, Spikes, and Leech Seed all on the same set now, so you can skip either Protect or Twave (imo Protect is much more dispensable) if you don't have another SR user on your team.

Secondly, Ferroseed has an entirely different niche than Forretress. It can be used to check some special attackers much better (Hydregion, Starmie, random electric types, random water types that try to scaldhax you or that are named Cloyster), Iron Barbs is great utility, Leech Seed is a great way to take advantage of hazards.

And I don't really think I need to go into why it can be better than Chestnaught / Roserade in Staraptor meta...

ferroseed, now with 100% more taunt bait ( i do see the point of the new movespread, but I think it's indicative of why ferro suffers as a whole. Forretress is enough of a momentum suck, but having a poke that gets completely shut down by taunt or substitute and can be set up on with ease? being able to tank hits isn't everything )

Ok a couple of points. 1. Ferroseed doesn't have an entirely different niche from Forretress, in the same way that Aromatisse doesn't have an entirely different niche from Florges. Their roles are equitable - they're spinners and hazard setters with similar typings. They're obviously different pokes - it's very rare that one poke is just directly outclassed by another, and you can create a niche for every scenario. The problem remains that Ferroseed still struggles against many of the things that Forretress does not - and not tiny little niche things either. This set is entirely set-up bait for so many things to an extent that Forretress isn't due to Volt Switch and Gyro Ball. It's completely dismantled by anything with Taunt or Substitute, and its ability to tank things is crippled by one of the most common physical moves its meant to wall (knock off). Due to running eviolite it also loses the crucial lefties recovery that Forretress gets loads of due to its use as a defensive pivot. Its typing is also far worse defensively.

2. The Staraptor meta may be over soon. Analyses should not be written in the hopes of a potential drop to UU - it's very possible that Staraptor might be banned, and if Ferroseed's niche hinges entirely on this it doesn't justify the making of the analysis before the ruling.

3. There may be extremely niche situations on certain high-leveled teams in which Ferroseed is the best option for its role. Whatever the extenuating circumstances may be, it's certainly possible. However, the analyses are not meant to cover every single possible remotely viable mon in UU - the people who are really capable of deciding that an NU mon like Ferro fits on their team are not people who need analyses.

4. In particular, this analysis doesn't do anything to address Ferroseed's particular weaknesses other than mentioning them in the Overview. Whether or not Ferroseed has a small niche over Forretress, the fact remains that in the history of XYUU high-leveled players by and large have not chosen to use Ferroseed over Forretress on their teams - and yet the only mention of Forretress in the entire analysis is in C&C. I would have no problem with this analysis if it constantly reminded the reader that yes, most of the time Ferroseed is not the best option for teams, but it can occasionally fill very specific niches. Yet, this analysis consistently touts Ferroseed as a premier spinner and hazard setter in the tier, and that's just not true. It's tantamount to writing a Kabutops analysis and portraying it as the best physical sweeper in the tier, when it's only really viable on very specific teams.
I kind of agree with the above post. Im still undecided on whether I think it needs an analysis. They make it seem like ferro is completely outclassed though, which it isnt. It isnt a spinner, and it has much better special defense with the eviolite. Also leech seed, iron barbs, etc. Much more comparable to chesnaught imo.
Is there any reason to run Relaxed and 0 speed if you aren't running Gyro Ball? It seems to be lacking from the set, so I am confused as to why you have listed relaxed and 0 IVs. Also you mention Gyro in set details despite it not being in either the set or moves.

While I'm on the subject of Gyro, you should probably add it into OO along with Seed Bomb tbh as they were originally on the set.
Reserving post for l8r so that Sapphire. doesn't continue to hate me.

Edit: OK so mention more Taunt users (Sable and Mew, for example), and Knock Off users (Sable, Donphan but it struggles to beat it one on one due to no recovery, Defog Mew and penguin I guess can can also use it); mention that the Fire- and Fighting-types dislike switching into Leech Seed or T-Wave; also rephrase the part of the Rapid Spin users so that it's more readable, and mention that the Spinners besides Tenta dislike Leech Seed + Protect, especially considering spinning harms them further. Basically none of the mons mentioned like switching into Leech Seed, lol.

And I think Rapid Spinners isn't an accepted term, so say Rapid Spin users and start the sentence with Spinners.

Regarding the overview, I'd say it has next to no offensive presence, since the only set lacks attacking moves, lol. Also I'd emphasize its perks over Chester, which are basically not getting donked by Taunt-less Mega Aero (pretty common) and setting up against Slowbro more reliably (since Scald burns wreck Chester more than they do Ferro), and access to SR and T-Wave to provide further support.

Do that and I'll approve Sapphire.
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Blessed with an excellent typing and defensive stats, it's not hard to see why Ferroseed is good in the UU tier. It also has access to great support moves in Stealth Rocks and Spikes, as well as Leech Seed to regain health back it may have loss. In XY, Ferroseed gained a new resistance to Fairy-types, but. I would just make a note of its good resistances and a quick Knock Off mention It sadly it lost two resistances to Dark- and Ghost-types. It also has a lowhas very little offensive presence and has to rely on residual damage to do anything. In addition, ist relies a lot on the item Eviolite, and as Knock Off is as great as ever, it hinders its defensiy common move capabilities greatly. Since Ferroseed is forced to holding an Eviolite, it does not have access to passive recovery from Leftovers, and is very slow too, and has n. you already said thisIt also offensive presence. It faces stiff competition with Chesnaught, as well as having common weaknesses to Fire- and Fighting-type moves, and is rendered usetup bait fromless by Taunt. However, Ferroseed does have some perks over other Grass-types such as Chesnaught, as it can handle Mega Aerodactyl without Taunt much more easily, and can set up against Slowbro more reliably as it doesn't care about Scald's burn as much as Chesnaught does, and has access to entry hazards for more support.

name: Support
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Leech Seed
move 3: Protect / Stealth Rock
move 4: Thunder Wave
ability: Iron Barbs
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Impish

Ferroseed makes an excellent hazard setter, having many important resistances. Spikes is a great option, since Ferroseed forces many switches, and it can easily set them up. Leech Seed lets Ferroseed regain health it may have taken from burn or hazards, and annoys many Fire- and Fighting-type switch ins, and can force a lot of switches as well. The third move is a toss up. Protect is the preferred move in the third slot, as it goes hand in hand with Leech Seed, and is very useful for scouting out Cchoice locked moves. However, Stealth Rock can be used if your team doesn't have a Pokemon that can set it. The last mounder Wave is Thunder Waveused in the last slot because it allows itFerroseed to cripple many sweepers in the tier and lets F. Therroseed support its teammates. There is no attacks on this set because Ferroseed's Attack stat is subpar, not doing a lot ofvery little damage to opposing Pokemon. In addition, Pokemon which you wouldn't want to stay in Taunt users anyways be attacking, such as Sableye, Mew and Azelf as the former two can wear Ferroseed outdown with Will-O-Wisp and the latter can KO it with Fire Blast.

Set Details
The given EV spread maximizes Ferroseed's physical bulk. An Impish nature is used to further increase Ferroseed's physical bulk. Eviolite is the only item that should be considered, as it boosts Ferroseed's defenses to formidable levels. Iron Barbs is the ability that should be usonly useful ability Ferroseed has, and with Leech Seed + Protect, it racks up a lot of residual damage, and discourgaes Rapid Spin users such as Tentacruel from using Rapid Spin, as it will harm them further, and hazards will not be removed from the opposing side if the a Pokemon using Rapid Spin is KOd by recoil. this seemed like a better note

Usage Tips
Do not stay in on Knock Off users such as Sableye, because it will hinder Ferroseed's durationbility is decreased greatly if its Eviolite is lost. In addition, do not stay in super effective moves because ithey will most likely OHKO or 2HKO it. Predicting the switch and using Leech Seed or setting up hazards is a good idea since Ferroseed forces a lot of switches. Try uUsing Thunder Wave often is nice to support your teammates and cripple scaryopposing threats. Also, try not to get Taunted from the likes of Mew or Crobat, as Ferroseed can'twill not be able to do anything back. Using Protect to scout moves and healing from Leech Seed is smart.almost always a good idea. this just needs to be reworded

Team Options
Wish passers such as Umbreon and Florges make great partners, healing Ferroseed with Wish and curing status with Heal Bell or Aromatherapy, respectively, as Ferroseed is often switched into Scald. In addition, bulky Water-types such as Slowbro, Jellicent, Milotic, and Alomomola have excellent type synergy with Ferroseed, as they can take on the super effective Fire-type moves aimed at Ferroseed, and in return, it can switch in on Electric- and Grass-type moves aimed at them. Jellicent in particular has excellent type synergy, being able to spin block as well as being immune to Fighting-type moves.

Other Options
A specially defensive EV spread can be used to allow Ferroseed deal with special attackers better. Bullet Seed can be used, but it is rather weak. Toxic can also be used to bput deadly sweepers and walls on a timer, but Thunder Wave is a better option in general. Gyro Ball and Seed Bomb can be used as STAB attacks, though Ferroseed is very weak, and it won't be dealing a lot of damage.

Checks and Counters
**Taunt** Taunt users such as Crobat and Mew makerender Ferroseed useless and renders it setup bait, as it has no attacking moves.

**Fire-types** Fire-types such as Victini, Darmanitan, Chandelure, and Entei can force Ferroseed out with their respective STAB attacks.

**Fighting-types** Fighting-types such as Mienshao and Heracross can force Ferroseed out with their STAB moves.

**Knock Off** Knock Off hinders Ferroseed's defensive capabilities by removing its Eviolite.

**Rapid Spin users** Spinners such as Tentacruel, Blastoise, and Forretress make Ferroseed's efforts of laying entry hazards useless, as they can use Rapid Spin to remove entry hazards and Leech Seed at any time. , but Iron Barbs prevents hazards from being removed should they be KOd by the recoil.

**Defog** Defog users such as Mew and Empoleon can remove entry hazards Ferroseed may have set.

Edit: Ununhexium how's it feel to be ninjad now n_n

Blessed with an excellent typing and defensive stats, it's not hard to see why Ferroseed is good in the UU tier. It also has access to great support moves in Stealth Rocks and Spikes, as well as Leech Seed to regain health back it may have loss lost. In XY, Ferroseed gained a new resistance to Fairy-types, but sadly it lost two resistances to Dark- and Ghost-types. It also has a low offensive presence and has to rely on residual damage to do anything damage. In addition, is it relies a lot on the item Eviolite, and as when it is Knocked Off is as great as ever, it hinders its defensive capabilities greatly. Since Ferroseed is holding an Eviolite, it does not have access to passive recovery from Leftovers, and it is also very slow too, and has no offensive presence meaning it gets worn down easily. It faces stiff competition with Chesnaught, as well as having has common weaknesses to Fire- and Fighting-type moves, and is rendered setup bait from fodder by Taunt. However, Ferroseed does have some perks over other Grass-types such as Chesnaught, as it can handle Mega Aerodactyl without Taunt much more easily, and can set up against Slowbro more reliably as it doesn't care about Scald's burn as much as Chesnaught does, and has access to entry hazards for more support.

name: Support
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Leech Seed
move 3: Protect / Stealth Rock
move 4: Thunder Wave
ability: Iron Barbs
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Impish


Ferroseed makes an excellent hazard setter, having due to its many resistances. Spikes is a great option, since Ferroseed forces many switches, and it can easily set them up. Leech Seed lets Ferroseed regain health it may have taken from burn or hazards, and annoys many Fire- and Fighting-type switch-ins, and can force a lot of switches as well. The third move is a toss up. Protect is the preferred move, as it goes hand in hand with Leech Seed, and is very useful for scouting out Choice-locked moves. However, Stealth Rock can be used if your team doesn't have a Pokemon that can set it. The last move is Thunder Wave because it allows it Ferroseed to cripple many sweepers in the tier and lets Ferroseed support its teammates. There is are no attacks on this set because Ferroseed's Attack stat is subpar, not and it won't be doing a lot of damage to opposing Pokemon. In addition, you wouldn't it doesn't want to stay in Taunt users anyways such as Sableye, Mew,(AC) and Azelf,(AC) as the former two can wear Ferroseed out with Will-O-Wisp and the latter can KO it with Fire Blast.

Set Details

The given EV spread maximizes Ferroseed's physical bulk. A Impish nature is used to further increase Ferroseed's physical bulk. Eviolite is the only item that should be considered, as it boosts Ferroseed's defenses to formidable levels. Iron Barbs is the ability that should be used, and with Leech Seed + Protect, it racks up a lot of residual damage, and discourgaes discourages Rapid Spin users such as Tentacruel from using Rapid Spin,(RC) as it will harm them further due to the extra chip damage.

Usage Tips

Do not stay in on Knock Off users such as Sableye, because it will greatly hinder Ferroseed's duration longevity greatly if its Eviolite is lost. In addition, do not stay in on super effective moves because it will most likely OHKO or 2HKO it. Predicting the switch and using Leech Seed or setting up hazards is a good idea since Ferroseed forces a lot of switches. Try using Thunder Wave often; is it's nice to support your teammates and cripple scary threats. Also, try not to get Taunted from the likes of Mew or Crobat, as Ferroseed can't do anything back. Using Protect to scout moves and healing from Leech Seed is smart.

Team Options

Wish passers such as Umbreon and Florges make great partners, healing Ferroseed with Wish and curing status with Heal Bell, as Ferroseed is often switched into Scald. In addition, bulky Water-types such as Slowbro, Jellicent, Milotic, and Alomomola have excellent type synergy with Ferroseed, as they can take on the super effective Fire-type moves aimed at Ferroseed, and in return, it can switch in on Electric- and Grass-type moves aimed at them. Jellicent in particular has excellent type synergy, being able to spin block as well as being immune to Fighting-type moves.

Other Options

A specially defensive EV spread can be used to allow Ferroseed deal with special attackers better. Bullet Seed can be used, but it is rather weak. Toxic can also be used to but put deadly sweepers and walls on a timer, but Thunder Wave is a better option in general. Gyro Ball and Seed Bomb can be used as STAB attacks, though but Ferroseed is very weak,(RC) and it won't be dealing a lot of damage.

Checks & Counters

**Taunt** Taunt users such as Crobat and Mew make Ferroseed useless and renders it setup bait fodder, as it has no attacking moves.

**Fire-types** Fire-types such as Victini, Darmanitan, Chandelure, and Entei can force Ferroseed out with their respective STAB attacks.

**Fighting-types** Fighting-types such as Mienshao and Heracross can force Ferroseed out with their STAB moves.

**Knock Off** Knock Off hinders Ferroseed's defensive capabilities. Should probably expand on this

**Rapid Spinners users** Spinners such as Tentacruel, Blastoise, and Forretress make Ferroseed's efforts of laying hazards to lay down entry hazards useless as they can use Rapid Spin to remove entry hazards and Leech Seed at any time.

**Defog** Defog users such as Mew and Empoleon can remove any entry hazards Ferroseed may have set.
GP 1/2
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Blessed with an excellent typing and defensive stats, it's not hard to see why Ferroseed is good in the UU tier. It also has access to great support moves in Stealth Rock and Spikes, as well as Leech Seed to regain health it may have lost. In X/Y, Ferroseed gained a new resistance to Fairy, but sadly, it lost two resistances to Dark and Ghost. It also has a low offensive presence and has to rely on residual damage to do damage. In addition, it relies a lot on Eviolite, and when it is Knocked Off, it hinders its defensive capabilities greatly. SinceAs Ferroseed is holding an Eviolite, it does not have access to passive recovery from Leftovers, and it is also very slow, meaning it gets worn down easily. It faces stiff competition with Chesnaught, has common weaknesses to Fire- and Fighting-type moves, and is rendered setup fodder by Taunt. However, Ferroseed does have some perks over other Grass-types such as Chesnaught, as it can handle Mega Aerodactyl without Taunt much more easily, and can set up against Slowbro more reliably as it doesn't care about Scald's burn as much as Chesnaught does, and has access to entry hazards for more support.
name: Support
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Leech Seed
move 3: Protect / Stealth Rock
move 4: Thunder Wave
ability: Iron Barbs
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Impish
Thanks to its many resistances, Ferroseed makes an excellent hazard setter, due to its many resistances. Spikes is a great option, asince Ferroseed forces many switches, and it can easily set them up with ease. Leech Seed lets Ferroseed regain health it may have taken from burn or hazards, annoys many Fire- and Fighting-type switch-ins, and can force a lot of switches as well. The third move is a toss -up. Protect is the preferred move, as it goes hand in handworks well with Leech Seed, and is very useful for scouting out Choice-locked moves. However, Stealth Rock can be used if your team doesn't have a Pokemon that can set it. The last move is Thunder Wave because it allows Ferroseed to cripple many sweepers in the tier and lets Ferroseed support its teammates. There are no attacks on this set because Ferroseed's Attack stat is subpar, and it won't be doing a lot of damage to opposing Pokemon. In addition, it doesn't want to stay in Taunt users such as Sableye, Mew, and Azelf, as the former two can wear Ferroseed out with Will-O-Wisp and the latter can KO it with Fire Blast.
Set Details
The given EV spread maximizes Ferroseed's physical bulk. A Impish nature is used to further increase Ferroseed's physical bulk. Eviolite is the only item that should be considered, as it boosts Ferroseed's defenses to formidable levels. Iron Barbs is the ability that should be used, and with Leech Seed +and Protect, it racks up a lot of residual damage, and discourages Rapid Spin users such as Tentacruel from using Rapid Spin due to the extra chip damage.
Usage Tips
Do not stay in on Knock Off users such as Sableye, because it will greatly hinder Ferroseed's longevity if its Eviolite is lost. In addition, do not stay in on super effective moves because ithey will most likely OHKO or 2HKO itFerroseed. Predicting the switch and using Leech Seed or setting up hazards is a good idea asince Ferroseed forces a lot of switches. Try using Thunder Wave often; it's nice to support your teammates and cripple scary threats. Also, try not to get Taunted from the likes of Mew or Crobat, as Ferroseed can't do anything back to them.
Team Options
Wish passers such as Umbreon and Florges make great partners, healing Ferroseed and curing status with Heal Bell, as Ferroseed is often switched into Scald. In addition, bulky Water-types such as Slowbro, Jellicent, Milotic, and Alomomola have excellent type synergy with Ferroseed, as they can take on the super effective Fire-type moves aimed at Ferroseed, and in return, it can switch in on Electric- and Grass-type moves aimed at them. Jellicent, in particular, has excellent type synergy, being able to spin block as well as being immune to Fighting-type moves.
Other Options
A specially defensive EV spread can be used to allow Ferroseed deal with special attackers better. Bullet Seed can be used, but it is rather weak. Toxic can also be used to put deadly sweepers and walls on a timer, but Thunder Wave is a better option in general. Gyro Ball and Seed Bomb can be used as STAB attacks, but Ferroseed won't be dealing a lot of damage.
Checks & Counters
**Taunt** Taunt users such as Crobat and Mew make Ferroseed useless and render it setup fodder, as it has no attacking moves.
**Fire-types** Fire-types such as Victini, Darmanitan, Chandelure, and Entei can force Ferroseed out with their respective STAB attacks.
**Fighting-types** Fighting-types such as Mienshao and Heracross can force Ferroseed out with their STAB moves.
**Knock Off** Knock Off hinders Ferroseed's defensive capabilities, and thus permanently hinders its ability to take hits.
**Rapid Spinners** Rapid Spinn users such as Tentacruel, Blastoise, and Forretress make Ferroseed's efforts to lay down entry hazards useless as they can use Rapid Spin to remove entry hazards and Leech Seed at any time.
**Defog** Defog users such as Mew and Empoleon can remove any entry hazards Ferroseed may have set.
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