QC Checks: radianthero156, Kushalos, Ernesto
GP Checks: horyzhnz, fleurdyleurse
Blessed with an excellent typing and defensive stats, it's not hard to see why Ferroseed is good in the UU tier. It also has access to great support moves in Stealth Rock and Spikes, as well as Leech Seed to regain health it may have lost. In X/Y, Ferroseed gained a new resistance to Fairy, but sadly, it lost two resistances to Dark and Ghost. It also has a low offensive presence and has to rely on residual damage to do damage. In addition, it relies a lot on Eviolite, and when it is Knocked Off, it hinders its defensive capabilities greatly. As Ferroseed is holding an Eviolite, it does not have access to passive recovery from Leftovers, and it is also very slow, meaning it gets worn down easily. It faces stiff competition with Chesnaught, has common weaknesses to Fire- and Fighting-type moves, and is rendered setup fodder by Taunt. However, Ferroseed does have some perks over other Grass-types such as Chesnaught, as it can handle Mega Aerodactyl without Taunt much more easily, and can set up against Slowbro more reliably as it doesn't care about Scald's burn as much as Chesnaught does, and has access to entry hazards for more support.
name: Support
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Leech Seed
move 3: Protect / Stealth Rock
move 4: Thunder Wave
ability: Iron Barbs
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Impish
Thanks to its many resistances, Ferroseed makes an excellent hazard setter. Spikes is a great option, asFerroseed forces many switches and can set them up with ease. Leech Seed lets Ferroseed regain health it may have taken from burn or hazards, annoys many Fire- and Fighting-type switch-ins, and can force a lot of switches as well. The third move is a toss-up. Protect is the preferred move, as it works well with Leech Seed, and is very useful for scouting out Choice-locked moves. However, Stealth Rock can be used if your team doesn't have a Pokemon that can set it. The last move is Thunder Wave because it allows Ferroseed to cripple many sweepers in the tier and lets Ferroseed support its teammates. There are no attacks on this set because Ferroseed's Attack stat is subpar, and it won't be doing a lot of damage to opposing Pokemon. In addition, it doesn't want to stay in Taunt users such as Sableye, Mew, and Azelf, as the former two can wear Ferroseed out with Will-O-Wisp and the latter can KO it with Fire Blast.
Set Details
The given EV spread maximizes Ferroseed's physical bulk. A Impish nature is used to further increase Ferroseed's physical bulk. Eviolite is the only item that should be considered, as it boosts Ferroseed's defenses to formidable levels. Iron Barbs is the ability that should be used, and with Leech Seed and Protect, it racks up a lot of residual damage, and discourages Rapid Spin users such as Tentacruel from using Rapid Spin due to the extra chip damage.
Usage Tips
Do not stay in on Knock Off users such as Sableye, because it will greatly hinder Ferroseed's longevity if its Eviolite is lost. In addition, do not stay in on super effective moves because they will most likely OHKO or 2HKO Ferroseed. Predicting the switch and using Leech Seed or setting up hazards is a good idea as Ferroseed forces a lot of switches. Try using Thunder Wave often; it's nice to support your teammates and cripple scary threats. Also, try not to get Taunted from the likes of Mew or Crobat, as Ferroseed can't do anything back to them.
Team Options
Wish passers such as Umbreon and Florges make great partners, healing Ferroseed and curing status with Heal Bell, as Ferroseed is often switched into Scald. In addition, bulky Water-types such as Slowbro, Jellicent, Milotic, and Alomomola have excellent type synergy with Ferroseed, as they can take on the super effective Fire-type moves aimed at Ferroseed, and in return, it can switch in on Electric- and Grass-type moves aimed at them. Jellicent, in particular, has excellent type synergy, being able to spin block as well as being immune to Fighting-type moves.
Other Options
A specially defensive EV spread can be used to allow Ferroseed deal with special attackers better. Bullet Seed can be used, but it is rather weak. Toxic can also be used to put deadly sweepers and walls on a timer, but Thunder Wave is a better option in general. Gyro Ball and Seed Bomb can be used as STAB attacks, but Ferroseed won't be dealing a lot of damage.
Checks & Counters
**Taunt** Taunt users such as Crobat and Mew make Ferroseed useless and render it setup fodder, as it has no attacking moves.
**Fire-types** Fire-types such as Victini, Darmanitan, Chandelure, and Entei can force Ferroseed out with their respective STAB attacks.
**Fighting-types** Fighting-types such as Mienshao and Heracross can force Ferroseed out with their STAB moves.
**Knock Off** Knock Off hinders Ferroseed's defensive capabilities, and thus permanently hinders its ability to take hits.
**Rapid Spinners** Rapid Spin users such as Tentacruel, Blastoise, and Forretress make Ferroseed's efforts to lay down entry hazards useless as they can use Rapid Spin to remove entry hazards and Leech Seed at any time.
**Defog** Defog users such as Mew and Empoleon can remove any entry hazards Ferroseed may have set.
GP Checks: horyzhnz, fleurdyleurse
Blessed with an excellent typing and defensive stats, it's not hard to see why Ferroseed is good in the UU tier. It also has access to great support moves in Stealth Rock and Spikes, as well as Leech Seed to regain health it may have lost. In X/Y, Ferroseed gained a new resistance to Fairy, but sadly, it lost two resistances to Dark and Ghost. It also has a low offensive presence and has to rely on residual damage to do damage. In addition, it relies a lot on Eviolite, and when it is Knocked Off, it hinders its defensive capabilities greatly. As Ferroseed is holding an Eviolite, it does not have access to passive recovery from Leftovers, and it is also very slow, meaning it gets worn down easily. It faces stiff competition with Chesnaught, has common weaknesses to Fire- and Fighting-type moves, and is rendered setup fodder by Taunt. However, Ferroseed does have some perks over other Grass-types such as Chesnaught, as it can handle Mega Aerodactyl without Taunt much more easily, and can set up against Slowbro more reliably as it doesn't care about Scald's burn as much as Chesnaught does, and has access to entry hazards for more support.
name: Support
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Leech Seed
move 3: Protect / Stealth Rock
move 4: Thunder Wave
ability: Iron Barbs
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Impish
Thanks to its many resistances, Ferroseed makes an excellent hazard setter. Spikes is a great option, asFerroseed forces many switches and can set them up with ease. Leech Seed lets Ferroseed regain health it may have taken from burn or hazards, annoys many Fire- and Fighting-type switch-ins, and can force a lot of switches as well. The third move is a toss-up. Protect is the preferred move, as it works well with Leech Seed, and is very useful for scouting out Choice-locked moves. However, Stealth Rock can be used if your team doesn't have a Pokemon that can set it. The last move is Thunder Wave because it allows Ferroseed to cripple many sweepers in the tier and lets Ferroseed support its teammates. There are no attacks on this set because Ferroseed's Attack stat is subpar, and it won't be doing a lot of damage to opposing Pokemon. In addition, it doesn't want to stay in Taunt users such as Sableye, Mew, and Azelf, as the former two can wear Ferroseed out with Will-O-Wisp and the latter can KO it with Fire Blast.
Set Details
The given EV spread maximizes Ferroseed's physical bulk. A Impish nature is used to further increase Ferroseed's physical bulk. Eviolite is the only item that should be considered, as it boosts Ferroseed's defenses to formidable levels. Iron Barbs is the ability that should be used, and with Leech Seed and Protect, it racks up a lot of residual damage, and discourages Rapid Spin users such as Tentacruel from using Rapid Spin due to the extra chip damage.
Usage Tips
Do not stay in on Knock Off users such as Sableye, because it will greatly hinder Ferroseed's longevity if its Eviolite is lost. In addition, do not stay in on super effective moves because they will most likely OHKO or 2HKO Ferroseed. Predicting the switch and using Leech Seed or setting up hazards is a good idea as Ferroseed forces a lot of switches. Try using Thunder Wave often; it's nice to support your teammates and cripple scary threats. Also, try not to get Taunted from the likes of Mew or Crobat, as Ferroseed can't do anything back to them.
Team Options
Wish passers such as Umbreon and Florges make great partners, healing Ferroseed and curing status with Heal Bell, as Ferroseed is often switched into Scald. In addition, bulky Water-types such as Slowbro, Jellicent, Milotic, and Alomomola have excellent type synergy with Ferroseed, as they can take on the super effective Fire-type moves aimed at Ferroseed, and in return, it can switch in on Electric- and Grass-type moves aimed at them. Jellicent, in particular, has excellent type synergy, being able to spin block as well as being immune to Fighting-type moves.
Other Options
A specially defensive EV spread can be used to allow Ferroseed deal with special attackers better. Bullet Seed can be used, but it is rather weak. Toxic can also be used to put deadly sweepers and walls on a timer, but Thunder Wave is a better option in general. Gyro Ball and Seed Bomb can be used as STAB attacks, but Ferroseed won't be dealing a lot of damage.
Checks & Counters
**Taunt** Taunt users such as Crobat and Mew make Ferroseed useless and render it setup fodder, as it has no attacking moves.
**Fire-types** Fire-types such as Victini, Darmanitan, Chandelure, and Entei can force Ferroseed out with their respective STAB attacks.
**Fighting-types** Fighting-types such as Mienshao and Heracross can force Ferroseed out with their STAB moves.
**Knock Off** Knock Off hinders Ferroseed's defensive capabilities, and thus permanently hinders its ability to take hits.
**Rapid Spinners** Rapid Spin users such as Tentacruel, Blastoise, and Forretress make Ferroseed's efforts to lay down entry hazards useless as they can use Rapid Spin to remove entry hazards and Leech Seed at any time.
**Defog** Defog users such as Mew and Empoleon can remove any entry hazards Ferroseed may have set.
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