it's sad to see the attitude and entitlement of today's smogon userbase.
back when i joined, young 2xxxxx, 3xxxxx, 4xxxxx, 5xxxxx and 6xxxxx users, smogon was still using vbulletin. what did smogon look like on vbulletin, you might ask? well, it had a very similar colour scheme to the smogon classic theme that many of us use today. a key thing to note about vbulletin smogon is that it didn't have any themes to choose from at all. you used smogon as it was, and you liked it... or you clicked X and made an account on serebii or something.
even when we were basically forced to move to xenforo in 2013, there were still no themes. themes are actually a quite recent development that came around long after we moved to xenforo 2.0 in 2018. those of you who joined while we were still on xenforo 1.0 should know better.
i think returning to only having light and dark themes to choose from will be a character-building exercise for all who had gotten too used to having smogon "spooky" or smogon "festive" grace their screens. for someone like myself who remembers the old days, having a dark theme at all is a luxury. we should be grateful for what we have instead of yearning for themes that probably overstayed their welcomes.