First Competitive Sandstorm Team

Hey guys, this is my first OU team, which I'm not used to since I focus on only using Ground Types from all tiers (except Groudon), so please go easy on me! Lol. It's your basic Sandstorm Team, though I'd still like to use ground, rock, and steel type pokemon only if you guys have any changes you want to make.

Sand Bringer

Tyranitar (male)
Nature: Adamant
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EV value: 252 HP / 32 Atk / 224 SpD

Move set:
Stealth Rock
Stone Edge

This is the Standard lead set for Ttar. His job is to set up SR and bring in the Sand. If he's up against something he can hurt I keep him in, but if he goes up against something like Infernape or any pokemon that likes to carry Earthquake or Close Combat, I have the guy below to come in.

Tricky Bomb

Nature: Brave
Item: Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
EV Value: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def

Move set:
Trick Room

I know what many of you will say. "What the hell is he thinking? Why a Claydol?" Claydol unlike the popular OU Bronzong has the fighting resistance, which Bronzong lacks due to it's steel type. Fighting is Ttar's achilles heel and Clay here is to stop fighting and ground type threats. Trick room is here to give the others a massive boost since most powerful rock, steel, or ground type are, let's be honest, slow. After he gets it up, I can have him explode to either KO a pokemon, force a switch into stealth rock, or just to get one of my other team members out.

I am also wondering if I should send him in first rather than risk switching him in to save Ttar to ensure a TR.

Falcon Punnnnnnnch!!!!!

Scizor (Male)
Nature: Adamant
Item: Choice Band
Ability: Technician
EV Value: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Move set:
Quick Attack/Pursuit
Bullet Punch

Another standard set, like Ttar. Scizor here is made to make use of his high attack and ability. With technician, Bullet Punch and Quick Attack get a boost and the former gets STAB. U-Turn is for STAB and Superpower is for coverage. I went with scizor to deal with annoying grass and ice types that could surprise my team and to revenge kill anything else.
Plus if Trick Room is out, even if Scizor is slower Bullet Punch will still let him go first.

Bayou Boy

Swampert (Male)
Nature: Jolly
Item: Choice Band/Life Orb
Ability: Torrent
EV Value: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Move set:
Ice Punch
Stone Edge

This is one of the members of my ground team, like Claydol. I went with a Jolly nature this time so he could out speed other bulky pokemon and hit hard with STAB WF and EQ. SE and IP are here for coverage. Swampert also gets alot of help from Trick Room especially against fast sweepers like Aerodactyl, Infernape, and others without getting hurt in the process of attacking.

The Tricky Sweeper

Rhyperior (Male)
Nature: Adamant
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Solid Rock
EV Value: 244 HP / 16 Atk / 248 SpD

Move set:
Swords Dance
Stone Edge

Rhyperior is another unorthodox pokemon, which I admit may not really fit into the OU environment. He is only ever really called upon after two things have happened; Sandstorm and Trick Room. With this combination and his speed of 90 and Solid Rock, Rhyperior's spd reaches nearly 300 and will go first for three turns at max and take a hit.
Leftovers is used to heal the damage from attacks after SD and to heal him as he sweeps until TR wears off.

Walking Globe

Torterra (Male)
Nature: Jolly
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Overgrow
EV Value: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Move set:
Wood Hammer
Stone Edge

Another pokemon made to abuse trick room, and has a speed of 225. Unlike Rhyperior, Torterra works better against water types, specifically bulky ones with no speed EVs, whom he is generally faster than with his given EV Values and Nature. With TR out he can hit the fast, but defensivly frail water sweepers like Starmie with STAB moves while using SE and Crunch on fast Flying,Ghost, Ice, and Psychic pokemon Rhyperior may be too risky to use against.

I'm also wondering if instead I should emphasize EV in Hp to make him bulkier to withstand the recoil from WH.

Remember this is my first OU team and I admit is extremely unorthodox with half of the team not even being in OU, but UU. I hope I get alot of response from veteran Sandstorm users and Rock, Steel, and Ground users. Thank you.
Wait, what? Jolly nature on Trick Room? It's absurd. Use Brave as your natures, as it's 12 times better than Jolly under Trick Room. Also, if you plan to rely on Trick Room, have another TR, and Bronzong (as you mentioned it) would work. It has similar synergy with Tyranitar/Claydol and sturdy, and can explode just like Claydol.

Another thing, leftovers on your TR sweepers is generally a bad idea. 3x 120 Base Power Grass Knot or 3x 95 Base Power Surf (usually STAB) will make quick work of Rhyperior, even with huge SpD investment. Again, Brave nature and Life Orb for extra power you could get.
That sounds like an awesome idea! Thanks soonerorlater! I am also already working on Bronzong. Who should I replace for him?
Trickstorm team? maybe you should have more trick room users and i think you should try adding in bronzong but i understand your desire not to because you wanna save the beastly ttar from his weakness... so why not try a gliscor. i'd say replace torterra but i agree that an obvious water weakness for some of your guys.
Why would he not care about tiers if he's posting in OU?

Anyway, if you want to abuse Trick Room...

Slowking (M) @ Leftovers/Life Orb
Trait: Oblivious
EVs: 148 HP / 108 Def / 252 SAtk
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Nasty Plot
- Trick Room
- Surf
- Ice Beam/Slack Off

Think about this monster. I'd use Life Orb and Slack Off, that way you can recover HP when Trick Room ends, but you may wanna OHKO Celebi.
Why would he not care about tiers if he's posting in OU?

Anyway, if you want to abuse Trick Room...

Slowking (M) @ Leftovers/Life Orb
Trait: Oblivious
EVs: 148 HP / 108 Def / 252 SAtk
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Nasty Plot
- Trick Room
- Surf
- Ice Beam/Slack Off

Think about this monster. I'd use Life Orb and Slack Off, that way you can recover HP when Trick Room ends, but you may wanna OHKO Celebi.

but if you gonna put this Pokémon in your team than (with life orb) he loses Evert turn 16% of its HP so if you use this poke with leftovers than it's Ok. Otherwise Bronzong is better to set up trick room.
It's not that I don't I don't care about tiers (which I don't), it's that I believe any pokemon is good if you know how to use it. Tiers never sat well with me, because whenever I look at other teams and warstories, it's always the same ones, which is boring. Also I hate legendaries, which is another thing entirely.

Anyway, I want to add Bronzong because I'm already getting a lot of positive info about it. Shuckle seems good too, epsecially with power trick. I've also been reading up on trick room teams and it looks like for every sweeper I might have to go with a TR bringer, so 3 TR and 3 Sweepers. I already have Bronzong in the works and Claydol, so the only other ones that would fit in my desired team would be a Brave Solroc or Quiet Lunatone, especially the former.

@The Lost Hylian. The Slowking set looks good , but I want this team to be based around five things all togther; SS, Trick Room, Rock, Ground, and Steel. Thanks anyway.

Also, since I'm going to make a Brave Torterra, what kind of EV's should I use? most of the ones on the sight say in speed, but that would work against me.
I like the synergy of this team, and on paper it is good, however, a few threats may be a concern. For example, Mixed Nape will plow through all your team bar claydol, and not just do heavy damage, but he will also outspeed, unless you have your trick room up, and by the looks of it, once it is gone, will now be going back up due to claydols lack of bulk.
Rhyperior is also not a good candidate for swords dance, he is too slow and runs weaknesses to fighting, ground, grass and water. Meaning Nape, Gyara, and other bulky phsical attackers will have ample time to switch in on the SD, and OHKO, or set up in some cases.

To fix this, I would look into not using all ground/ rock, for thats not what a SS team is about, and is more for wearing out teams and setting something up for your team. Bulky waters, and maybe a faster replacement to claydol and Torterra, (perhaps even scarf Torteera if you'd like) to outpace threats and allow your team to sweep.

I hope you consider my options and good luck with your team
Hi,Welcome To Smogon.

Sigh,Sandstorm Doesn't Need To Be Every Pokemon To Be Resisted To It.Read This Article About Building Sandstorm Teams.

You Have A Mixape Weakness.Claydol Will Be 2HKOED By Hp Ice Or Grass Knot.I Wonder Why Gliscor Isn't In This Team.With His Unique Typing And Ability,He Can Takes Hits Like A Champion.

Replace Claydol With Gliscor.Gliscor Have Fighting,Electric And Ground Resist.With A Reliable Recovery Move Roost And A StallBreaker,Use Him To Set-Up Rocks.SandTrick Isn't Good In My Opinion.It Just Hard To Set-Up And If Machamp Is In Midgame And You Have Used Trick Room,He Will Take Advantage Of It And KOing Your Pokemon.

Use Starmie > Swampert: To Rapid Spin Those Nasty Spikes And It Gives Check To Mixape And Bulky Waters.The Only Pokemon That Resist It Is Lanturn But Rarely Seen.

Use Scarfgon > Rhyperior: I Know Its Weird.You Need Some Revenge Killer To Give Check Against Infernape If Starmie Is Down.Earthquake For Jolteon And Well,U-Turn To Scout

Thats All I Got.You Can Replace Toterra With Cradily Though ^_^.Idk About Sandstorm Teams.But I Gotta Tell Ya,Shuckle In Sandstorm Is Uber.With His INSANE Defence,Its Might as Well GG.

Good Luck!
.Idk About Sandstorm Teams.But I Gotta Tell Ya,Shuckle In Sandstorm Is Uber.With His INSANE Defence,Its Might as Well GG.

I disagree, shuckle may seem to benefit from the sandstorm boost with his high defences, however, his puny health and lack of recovery outside of rest make it a bad idea, plus shuckle does not gain anything from the SS boost, as he lacks the ability to do anything else to any common sweeper and is set-up fodder outside of using toxic.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, but as inferNAPE mentioned, starmie is a good alternative to swampert, if you would favor a nice bulky sweeper and nice check to Nape as I mentioned before and can heal itself all the while
Use Starmie > Swampert: To Rapid Spin Those Nasty Spikes And It Gives Check To Mixape And Bulky Waters.The Only Pokemon That Resist It Is Lanturn But Rarely Seen.

This messes with the original concept of the team somewhat.. If you really insist on keeping with the ground/rock theme then may I suggest Aerodactyl. (Towelie will love this.. ;) ) to counter Mixape:

Aerodactyl @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Jolly
EV's: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

~Stone Edge

This will outspeed and destroy Infernape but will not agree with your trick room theme. I'm sorry for how useless that is but it's something to consider.

Also, You're going to be outspeeding massive threats like Machamp once trick room is up which I am almost certain you don't want. He'll enjoy the free reign you give him mid game to spread some confusion.

Also, try:

Scizor @ Choice Band
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Technician
EV Value: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spd

Move set:
Quick Attack/Pursuit
Bullet Punch

Scizor does not miss the speed at all, will soak up hits better and actually wants to lose to other Scizor when it comes to it as Superpower will OHKO the faster due to the defense drop.

Against Mixape - Try sacking something to CC and revenging with Scizors Quick Attack.

Scizor @ Choice Band Quick Attack Vs. -1 Def Infernape: 73.4 - 86.7 %

2 turns of SS (12%) Life Orb recoil (10%) and Stealth Rock (12%) = 34%

Good chance of a OHKO and certainly useful in an emergency..

Happy Hunting, I hope at least something in there is useful. Good luck
@[DR]Infernape: It's a sandtrick team of rock, ground, and steel only, I don't want to use any other type. The whole point of this team is to use the speed of popular OU sweepers against them and pummel them with bulky heavy hitters like Swampert and Ttar that they would normally walk all over. It's also a wish, but a hard one to make true, but I want to build a competitive grass type for this team. Water is the bane of most pokemon on sandstorm teams and I feel like if enough work is put into it Toterra can do it, though I do like the idea of Cradily. You're right not all pokemon on sandstorm or sandtrick teams have to be the same type, but I feel they work better that way. Also the Mixnape would be a problem, but with three TR pokemon I think I might be okay. Thank you for your help.

@SmileZ: I like the Scizor and even if the Aerodactyl wouldn't really fit I'm still going to build it since it looks awesome.

The team so far (still changing around)
Torterra (optional)
Cradily (optional)
Armaldo (optional)
Trick Roomers
I disagree, shuckle may seem to benefit from the sandstorm boost with his high defences, however, his puny health and lack of recovery outside of rest make it a bad idea, plus shuckle does not gain anything from the SS boost...

Are you kidding me? Shuckle is a ROCK type meaning he gets a boost in SpD meaning you can go all out 252 HP and 252 Def EVs. Shuckle becomes a tank who can stand up to any and every pokemon and stall it out with Toxic + Rest + Wrap + Bide. I've KO'd entire teams with having Hippo go out, set-up SR and then sending in Shuckle, it's an easy GG from there.

Shuckle takes roughly 30% from Heatrans FB in SS, meaning he can use Bide to KO it. Rest it off and then when he wakes up, he has 40% health if Heatran was not already dealt with.

Please, do NOT bash a pokemon without using it. I can easily tell you haven't used a Shuckle, much less in SS, just by how you completely shut in down and hated the mere idea of using it.

My vote is with Shuckle, I suggested it first -.-
@[DR]Infernape: It's a sandtrick team of rock, ground, and steel only, I don't want to use any other type.

You will have an unfortunate time building this team if you do not consider going out of the 3 types who do not take SS damge.

Even so, [Dr]InferNAPE made a great suggestion in Scarf-Gon. He'd be a great scout on this team, especially if you remove Trick Room which I HIGHLY reccomend.

Also, I'm not sure if you've considered this, but Ttar is a pretty bad Lead currently, because (As you mention) he rarely can stay in to put up rocks. I'd go with a Hippo Lead, he's bulkier and is much more reliable SR'er.
This is a very interesting take on a sandstorm team. It seems to rely on the periodic damage, rather than other tricks. Mine uses the advantage of Sand Veil. It's hard to do in a strictly OU team, but a Cacturne has unique typing while still getting the Sand Veil evasion boost.
I agree with adding a Shuckle, it's got beast defense and special defense.
You're right about Ttar. I have a Hippo too from my groud team with SR/Slack Off/ Toxic/EQ set. He doesn't suffer from the common fighting types like Ttar. Thanks Nozizaki.

@Sign: That's it. I'm so going with the Shuckle.