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Flygon (OU Analysis - GP 2/2)

This... I kind of agree with. However, it's not really weaker than stuff like Scrafty, or Virizion. I mean, let's just compare it to DD Scrafty. Yes, Scrafty is bulkier, but Flygon is faster and stronger initially (I'm talking CB) while having arguably better STABs (although Scrafty's are excellent too).

On the contrary, both of these Pokemon end up being stronger than in almost all cases. Yes initially, they're weaker, but they can easily set up due to their bulk + typing. In Scrafty's case it is capable of using Dragon Dance, and when paired with Moxie its actually pretty vicious lategame. Virizion can run 2 equally deadly sets (Swords Dance or Calm Mind) whereas Flygon is pretty limited offensively. It doesn't have a good boosting move, and its limited to running a choice band to increase its power. I find that these comparisons are pointless because all 3 of these Pokemon do different things.

This... I don't agree with.

I've stated clearly why it isn't outclassed by Salamence. Gliscor would never switch into Mence unless whoever's using Gliscor doesn't know his stuff. Dragonite, maybe, Hydreigon, hell no. Sure, if the lure set becomes popular, people would be wary of switching into Flygon, but when would Flygon ever become popular enough in OU for people to notice?

A set that revolves around a single Pokemon isn't good. Yes, this Flygon can lure out Gliscor... but what else? Its flat out worse at being a special attacker than every other Dragon i've listed. That too me is the definition of being outclassed. Maybe not "overshadowed" due to its unique benefits, but those benefits aren't that good. It's dead weight if Gliscor isn't on the opposing team. If you take a look at the usage statistics, Gliscor is at an all time low, its #11. It isn't nearly as common now that Excadrill is banned, and it doesn't have a huge presence in the metagame. In fact, nowadays more and more Gliscor's are running SubSD, which gives this set even less of a niche.

I disagree with Flygon being "outclassed" by the other Dragons. What is it outclassed by? Power isn't everything. Which other Dragon-type in OU can spam both STAB Dragon and Ground attacks (which hits you know, 676/680 Pokemon for neutral or super effective damage) since Garchomp's banning? Which one of them can do it while keeping momentum with U-turn? I don't think I've ever seen Choice Band Hydreigon before, and I don't I'd want to. CB Haxorus has a shitty Speed tier, while lacking STAB EQ. CB Dragonite is even slower, while it and CB Mence are weak to Stealth Rock, which are inherently bad for Choice users. Sure they are stronger, bulkier and seemingly better, but Flygon is better at keeping its head down and doing its job (U-turning, Outrage/Earthquaking, etc). Choice Band Fire Blast shouldn't even be an argument since it's only there so you can take a pot shot at Skarmorys coming (which 2HKOs).

Flygon is definitely outclassed. Power, speed or bulk define the dragons in OU and Flygon has neither of these things. It has access to an awesome STAB combo, but can't make good use out of it. In fact, Haxorus is flat out better at Outrage / Earthquake because of Mold Breaker (which lets it target levitators that make Earthquakers a liability) and the fact that its Earthquakes just as strong as Flygons. Dragonite and Salamence outclass it offensively, can boost their speed and are better choice users (Dragonite with CB / Salamence with CS). They're used despite their SR weaknesses because they're really, really good. On paper, that SR weakness is a major hindrance, but a team that wants to make good use out of them will assuredly run a Rapid Spin user. Even if they don't, when SR is on the field CB nite / Mence / Haxorus (for posterities sake) are STILL better because of the damage they can do. Flygon can't break through anything.

There is 0 reason to use the Choice Band because every single other Dragon type in the tier is better. Choiced Fire Blast is terrible. It leaves you prone to being set up on some of the most dangerous threats in the tier like Terrakion, Volcorona and opposing dragons. It doesn't even do good damage against Skarmory, and the Skarmory user will immediately switch out and turn Flygon into a liablity. Its minor advantages are completely and utterly irrelevant in the grand scope of things.

I stand by what I said, Flygon is too weak / outclassed in OU.
All I can say mate, is that you're being very narrow minded.

On the contrary, both of these Pokemon end up being stronger than in almost all cases. Yes initially, they're weaker, but they can easily set up due to their bulk + typing. In Scrafty's case it is capable of using Dragon Dance, and when paired with Moxie its actually pretty vicious lategame. Virizion can run 2 equally deadly sets (Swords Dance or Calm Mind) whereas Flygon is pretty limited offensively. It doesn't have a good boosting move, and its limited to running a choice band to increase its power. I find that these comparisons are pointless because all 3 of these Pokemon do different things.

The initial power can make all the difference. Over the course of two turns, two consecutive attacks at +1 do more damage than one attack at +1 (or +2). Flygon isn't supposed to sweep, it's supposed to attack, then gtfo.

A set that revolves around a single Pokemon isn't good. Yes, this Flygon can lure out Gliscor... but what else? Its flat out worse at being a special attacker than every other Dragon i've listed. That too me is the definition of being outclassed. Maybe not "overshadowed" due to its unique benefits, but those benefits aren't that good. It's dead weight if Gliscor isn't on the opposing team. If you take a look at the usage statistics, Gliscor is at an all time low, its #11. It isn't nearly as common now that Excadrill is banned, and it doesn't have a huge presence in the metagame. In fact, nowadays more and more Gliscor's are running SubSD, which gives this set even less of a niche.

Jeez, when I say Gliscor, I expect you to be able to extrapolate that to meaning "physical walls". I'd expect a QC member like yourself to be able to make those kind of associations. But since we're here, let's list the other stuff that Flygon lures out better than the other Dragons. I've listed a bunch there already in the calculations: Slowbro, Hippowdon, Quagsire, Skarmory, Bronzong. Yeah, you may say they aren't very common, but those are the most common physical walls out there. The list can also extend to other physically bulky Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Gyarados, Donphan, Cloyster. #11 is pretty damn high for Gliscor as well. If there isn't one of those Pokemon on your opponent's team, that's good news since your physically inclined team will have an easy time battering the opponent down. Even if there aren't Flygon isn't completely useless. Yes, the other dragons are better at Special Attacking, but even off 284 SpA, Draco Meteor still hurts shit.

Flygon is definitely outclassed. Power, speed or bulk define the dragons in OU and Flygon has neither of these things. It has access to an awesome STAB combo, but can't make good use out of it. In fact, Haxorus is flat out better at Outrage / Earthquake because of Mold Breaker (which lets it target levitators that make Earthquakers a liability) and the fact that its Earthquakes just as strong as Flygons. Dragonite and Salamence outclass it offensively, can boost their speed and are better choice users (Dragonite with CB / Salamence with CS). They're used despite their SR weaknesses because they're really, really good. On paper, that SR weakness is a major hindrance, but a team that wants to make good use out of them will assuredly run a Rapid Spin user. Even if they don't, when SR is on the field CB nite / Mence / Haxorus (for posterities sake) are STILL better because of the damage they can do. Flygon can't break through anything.

There is 0 reason to use the Choice Band because every single other Dragon type in the tier is better. Choiced Fire Blast is terrible. It leaves you prone to being set up on some of the most dangerous threats in the tier like Terrakion, Volcorona and opposing dragons. It doesn't even do good damage against Skarmory, and the Skarmory user will immediately switch out and turn Flygon into a liablity. Its minor advantages are completely and utterly irrelevant in the grand scope of things.

I stand by what I said, Flygon is too weak / outclassed in OU.

Just saying that Heatproof Bronzong calc of yours showed that Flygon had a much bigger chance of OHKOing the thing after SR and Leftovers than Haxorus does, heh.

Firstly, being outclassed is not an excuse to not have an analysis. I remember you were very favouring this notion back when you approved UU Raichu. If Stealth Rock is up, I'd much rather use CB Flygon over CB Dragonite anyday. I'd much prefer a Pokemon that can gain momentum with U-turn, take nothing next to nothing from SR and come in again and again. Having a Rapid Spinner is just an extra bit of support that Flygon doesn't need. By that logic you can say "well Charizard is awesome because in the sun and with spin support it completely trashes everything!". Eh hehe, no. Again, Choiced Fire Blast shouldn't even come into the argument. It's only a coverage move. You could easily say CB Terrakion because EQ turns it into setup fodder for Flying-types and Levitators if that's the case. It is completely trivial that you don't need to talk about it. Flygon has its advantages over the other dragons and I'll name them again, and they are quite big, actually.

1) Hazards immunity and resistances - With Ferrothorn everywhere and Spikes quite common, taking stuff like 25% per switch-in for Haxorus (SR + Spikes x1), Dragonite and Salamence (SR). The ones with Levitate aren't physical attackers anyway. That SR weakness hurts Dragonite and Mence more than you think. I can bring Flygon in and spam with much less reservation than I would with the two Flying dragons.

2) U-turn - Walks hand in hand with the hazards immunity. You know how Voltturn hates hazards? Well Flygon doesn't give a shit. Outside of U-turn, it also has you know, that brilliant pair of STABs. It also eases prediction, which the other Uber Dragons (particularly Dragonite) really needs to do because of their hazard weaknesses.

3) Dual STABs - Yes, Haxorus's EQ is similar to Flygon's. However, Flygon's is still stronger. For example, Flygon's EQ does 42.90% - 50.57% to 252/88+ Ferrothorn. Haxorus's does 37.50% - 44.32%. Quite a big difference, actually. Flygon's EQ has about a 98% chance to 2HKO Rocky Helmet Ferrothorn after a layer of Spikes while Haxorus has about a 1% chance. You can say that Haxorus can kill Ferrothorn if it uses Brick Break, but what would rather lock yourself into, a 75 BP unSTAB'd move or a 100 BP STAB'd move? This is not to mention that 25% damage you're taking due to Iron Barbs and Rocky Helmet. This shit is significant.

4) Speed. While base 100 isn't the benchmark any more, Flygon is still tied with Salamence as the fastest physical Dragon in OU (not going to count Latios, because virtually no-one uses DD Latios). You can say a base 147 Attack to base 100 Attack is a huge difference, but I say a base 100 Speed to base 97 Speed difference is even bigger. This metagame is ruled by Speed.

So yeah, PK Straw Hat, you need to broaden your thinking.

I'm stubborn at times but i'm not incorrigible. If i'm unsure of something or i'm QCing a controversial Pokemon, I ask others for some much needed feedback. I asked a fair amount of users (QC and regular) what they thought of Flygon and the majority of the responses were negative.

There's no point in further arguing since we'll end up going circles. I my humble opinion the summation of Flygon's individuals perks (Levitate, ability to lure out physical wall) just isn't up to par. We can argue that Flygon's lack of SR weakness in comparison to Dragonite / Salamence, or its ability to lure out physical attackers gives it an edge, but in reality it doesn't. Pokemon like that don't need to lure out defensive threats because they're so powerful they'll end up doing it anyway. Anyway I don't have much else to say on the matter, there are still some QC members left who are undecided so they might end up approving Flygon. As for me, I adamantly stand by my rejection.

Finally, there is no excuse to post sarcastic and tasteless quips. Don't get me wrong, i'm not a tightass and those posts don't really offend me.They're just unneeded imo and they don't help your case. They make you come off as very petty.
Hey, I in no way am attacking your character, nor do I expect you to remove your rejection. For a QC member, I do expect you to think outside the box a bit more when you're arguing with me (the Gliscor bit is mostly what I'm talking about). I'm just pointing out things in your argument that I disagree with, just so if anybody else has a similar stance, they might give it a second look.

Everybody else carry on.
That wasn't even the main crux of my argument though. Ok, there are way more physically bulky walls in OU than just Gliscor, but I can't help but disregard them; none of them are common. Hippowdon, Slowbro, Quagsire are BL and below. There's no point in selling a set that can beat things that are about as rare as Flygon itself.

That isn't even the main point here. I know Flygon can do this, but the other Dragon types do it a lot better. They're not as likely to lure out Pokemon like Gliscor and the other physical defensive Pokemon like Hippo, Quagsire, etc, but thats not a problem because most teams don't have a choice and end up using those defensive threats to check those Pokemon anyway (at least Pokemon like Haxorus and Dragonite; with Salamence players will obviously take discretion). Basically it boils down to this; The other dragons are better / the main point of the selling point of the set isn't good enough.

Just posting this because I don't want you to think i'm close minded. I'm stubborn and a bit dimwitted at times, but never close minded. I even ended testing Flygon (and i've done so in the past) and my results were all less than satisfactory.
shrang, I don't appreciate your offensive attitude that implied doubt in PK Gaming's capabilities - never do that again. You're lucky that he's a chill dude.

You certainly have valid points, but so does PK Gaming. The best way for you to support your stance is to provide us with some logs or replays of Lure Flygon and CB Flygon doing the job you claimed they do. I will test your sets myself if we are still at a stand-still, but providing logs / replay would quicken the process.
Based on what Chou Toshio and I said, I still think a Scarfed set is the best Flygon point. And I'm problably not the only one. Won't you really consider it ? And what about QC members, what do you think of it ?
Firstly, I'm going to include a Scarf set for the reasons that Chou pointed out. I personally find it a bit weak and lacking, but Chou has some really good reasoning. EDIT: Scarf set is up.

Okay, I've gone and got some logs that were requested. I've obviously not included ones where Flygon did absolutely nothing, but more of the kind of "typical day at the office" battles that Flygon gets.

Mixed logs:

Battle between Anky Darkness and shrang started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +11, -21
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Azelf / Landorus / Celebi / Tyranitar / Lucario / Flygon
Opponent's team: Terrakion / Magnezone / Jirachi / Salamence / Ferrothorn / Starmie

Anky Darkness sent out Porthos! (Terrakion)
shrang sent out Azelf!

Start of turn 1!
Azelf used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Anky Darkness's team!

Anky Darkness's Porthos used X-Scissor!
It's super effective!
Azelf lost 292 HP! (100% of its health)
Azelf fainted!
Anky Darkness's Porthos is hurt by its Life Orb!

All of the lights 3 is watching the battle.
shrang sent out Landorus!

Start of turn 2!
Anky Darkness called Porthos back!
Anky Darkness sent out Ferrothorn!
Pointed stones dug into Anky Darkness's Ferrothorn!

Landorus used U-turn!
Anky Darkness's Ferrothorn lost 17% of its health!
Anky Darkness's Ferrothorn's Iron Barbs hurts Landorus
shrang called Landorus back!
shrang sent out Celebi!

Anky Darkness's Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The Passenger is watching the battle.

Start of turn 3!
Anky Darkness called Ferrothorn back!
Anky Darkness sent out Jirachi!
Pointed stones dug into Anky Darkness's Jirachi!

Celebi used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Anky Darkness's Jirachi lost 43% of its health!

Anky Darkness's Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 4!
Anky Darkness's Jirachi used Fire Punch!
It's super effective!
Celebi lost 142 HP! (40% of its health)

Celebi used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Anky Darkness's Jirachi lost 41% of its health!

Anky Darkness's Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Celebi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 5!
Anky Darkness called Jirachi back!
Anky Darkness sent out Salamence!
Pointed stones dug into Anky Darkness's Salamence!

Anky Darkness's Salamence intimidates Celebi!
Celebi's Attack fell!
Celebi used Recover!
Celebi regained health!

Start of turn 6!
shrang called Celebi back!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!

Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Anky Darkness's Salamence used Draco Meteor!
The attack of Anky Darkness's Salamence missed!

The sandstorm rages!
Anky Darkness's Salamence is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 7!
Anky Darkness called Salamence back!
Anky Darkness sent out Porthos! (Terrakion)
Pointed stones dug into Anky Darkness's Porthos!

shrang called Tyranitar back!
shrang sent out Landorus!

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 8!
Landorus used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
Anky Darkness's Porthos lost 13% of its health!
shrang called Landorus back!
shrang sent out Celebi!

Anky Darkness's Porthos used Stone Edge!
Celebi lost 232 HP! (66% of its health)
Anky Darkness's Porthos is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!
Celebi is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Celebi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 9!
Anky Darkness's Porthos used X-Scissor!
It's super effective!
Celebi lost 117 HP! (33% of its health)
Celebi fainted!
Anky Darkness's Porthos is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!
shrang sent out Lucario!

Start of turn 10!
Lucario used Bullet Punch!
It's super effective!
Anky Darkness's Porthos lost 50% of its health!
Anky Darkness's Porthos fainted!
Lucario is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!
Anky Darkness sent out Salamence!
Pointed stones dug into Anky Darkness's Salamence!

Anky Darkness's Salamence intimidates Lucario!
Lucario's Attack fell!

Start of turn 11!
shrang called Lucario back!
shrang sent out Landorus!

Anky Darkness's Salamence used Earthquake!
It had no effect!

The sandstorm rages!
Anky Darkness's Salamence is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 12!
Landorus used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Anky Darkness's Salamence lost 38% of its health!
Anky Darkness's Salamence fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Anky Darkness sent out Mindfang! (Starmie)
Pointed stones dug into Anky Darkness's Mindfang!

Start of turn 13!
shrang called Landorus back!
shrang sent out Lucario!

Anky Darkness's Mindfang used Surf!
Lucario lost 186 HP! (65% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Anky Darkness's Mindfang is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 14!
Lucario used ExtremeSpeed!
Anky Darkness's Mindfang lost 49% of its health!
Lucario is hurt by its Life Orb!

Anky Darkness's Mindfang used Surf!
Lucario lost 40 HP! (14% of its health)
Lucario fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Anky Darkness's Mindfang is buffeted by the sandstorm!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!

Start of turn 15!
Anky Darkness's Mindfang used Surf!
It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 176 HP! (51% of its health)

Tyranitar used Dragon Dance!
Tyranitar's Attack rose!
Tyranitar's Speed rose!

The sandstorm rages!
Anky Darkness's Mindfang is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 16!
Anky Darkness's Mindfang used Surf!
It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 166 HP! (48% of its health)
Tyranitar fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Anky Darkness's Mindfang is buffeted by the sandstorm!
shrang sent out Flygon!

Start of turn 17!
Anky Darkness's Mindfang used Surf!
Flygon lost 190 HP! (63% of its health)

Flygon used Earthquake!
Anky Darkness's Mindfang lost 13% of its health!
Anky Darkness's Mindfang fainted!
Flygon is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!
Anky Darkness sent out Ferrothorn!
Pointed stones dug into Anky Darkness's Ferrothorn!

Start of turn 18!
Flygon used Fire Blast!
It's super effective!
Anky Darkness's Ferrothorn lost 76% of its health!
Anky Darkness's Ferrothorn fainted!
Flygon is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!
Anky Darkness sent out Jirachi!
Pointed stones dug into Anky Darkness's Jirachi!

Start of turn 19!
Anky Darkness's Jirachi used Iron Head!
A critical hit!
Flygon lost 51 HP! (16% of its health)
Flygon fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Anky Darkness's Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
shrang sent out Landorus!

Start of turn 20!
Landorus used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
Anky Darkness's Jirachi lost 20% of its health!
Anky Darkness's Jirachi fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Anky Darkness sent out Magnezone!
Pointed stones dug into Anky Darkness's Magnezone!

Start of turn 21!
Landorus used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
All of the lights 3 stopped watching the battle.
shrang: gg
Anky Darkness's Magnezone lost 93% of its health!
Anky Darkness's Magnezone fainted!

shrang won the battle!
Anky Darkness: Good game.

Battle between Golazol17 and shrang started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +22, -10
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Azelf / Landorus / Virizion / Tyranitar / Slowbro / Flygon
Opponent's team: Tyranitar / Terrakion / Rotom-W / Scizor / Celebi / Skarmory

Golazol17 sent out Rotom-W!
shrang sent out Flygon!

Start of turn 1!
Flygon used U-turn!
Golazol17's Rotom-W lost 37% of its health!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Azelf!

Golazol17's Rotom-W used Will-O-Wisp!
The attack of Golazol17's Rotom-W missed!

Start of turn 2!
Azelf used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Golazol17's team!

Golazol17's Rotom-W used Volt Switch!
Azelf lost 156 HP! (53% of its health)
Golazol17 called Rotom-W back!
Golazol17 sent out Tyranitar!
Pointed stones dug into Golazol17's Tyranitar!

Golazol17's Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

The sandstorm rages!
Azelf is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Golazol17's Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 3!
Azelf used U-turn!
It's super effective!
Golazol17's Tyranitar lost 47% of its health!
Azelf is hurt by its Life Orb!
shrang called Azelf back!
shrang sent out Flygon!

Golazol17's Tyranitar used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around shrang's team!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17's Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 4!
Golazol17 called Tyranitar back!
Golazol17 sent out Skarmory!
Pointed stones dug into Golazol17's Skarmory!

Flygon used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
Golazol17's Skarmory lost 4% of its health!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!
Pointed stones dug into Slowbro!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Golazol17's Skarmory restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 5!
Golazol17 called Skarmory back!
Golazol17 sent out Rotom-W!
Pointed stones dug into Golazol17's Rotom-W!

Slowbro used Fire Blast!
It's not very effective...
Golazol17's Rotom-W lost 15% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17's Rotom-W is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 6!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Flygon!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!

Golazol17's Rotom-W used Rest!
Golazol17's Rotom-W went to sleep and became healthy!
Golazol17's Rotom-W ate its Chesto Berry!
Golazol17's Rotom-W woke up!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17's Rotom-W is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 7!
Flygon used U-turn!
Golazol17's Rotom-W lost 32% of its health!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Azelf!
Pointed stones dug into Azelf!

Golazol17's Rotom-W used Will-O-Wisp!
Azelf was burned!

The sandstorm rages!
Azelf is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Golazol17's Rotom-W is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Azelf is hurt by its burn!
Azelf fainted!
shrang sent out Virizion!
Pointed stones dug into Virizion!

Start of turn 8!
Golazol17 called Rotom-W back!
Golazol17 sent out Scizor!
Pointed stones dug into Golazol17's Scizor!

Virizion used Calm Mind!
Virizion's Sp. Att. rose!
Virizion's Sp. Def. rose!

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 9!
Virizion used Focus Blast!
Golazol17's Scizor lost 87% of its health!
Golazol17's Scizor fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Golazol17 sent out Celebi!
Pointed stones dug into Golazol17's Celebi!

Start of turn 10!
Virizion used Calm Mind!
Virizion's Sp. Att. rose!
Virizion's Sp. Def. rose!

Golazol17's Celebi used Psychic!
It's super effective!
Virizion lost 110 HP! (34% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Golazol17's Celebi is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Golazol17's Celebi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 11!
Virizion used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Golazol17's Celebi lost 58% of its health!

Golazol17's Celebi used Psychic!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Virizion lost 133 HP! (41% of its health)
Virizion fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17's Celebi is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Golazol17's Celebi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
shrang sent out Landorus!
Pointed stones dug into Landorus!

Start of turn 12!
Golazol17 called Celebi back!
Golazol17 sent out Skarmory!
Pointed stones dug into Golazol17's Skarmory!

Landorus used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
Golazol17's Skarmory lost 3% of its health!
shrang called Landorus back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!
Pointed stones dug into Slowbro!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Golazol17's Skarmory restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 13!
Golazol17 called Skarmory back!
Golazol17 sent out Rotom-W!
Pointed stones dug into Golazol17's Rotom-W!

Slowbro used Fire Blast!
It's not very effective...
Golazol17's Rotom-W lost 13% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17's Rotom-W is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 14!
Golazol17's Rotom-W used Will-O-Wisp!
Slowbro was burned!

Slowbro used Slack Off!
Slowbro regained health!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17's Rotom-W is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 15!
Golazol17's Rotom-W used Rest!
Golazol17's Rotom-W went to sleep and became healthy!

Slowbro used Slack Off!
Slowbro regained health!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17's Rotom-W is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 16!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar!

Golazol17's Rotom-W is fast asleep!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17's Rotom-W is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 17!
Tyranitar used Dragon Dance!
Tyranitar's Attack rose!
Tyranitar's Speed rose!

Golazol17's Rotom-W is fast asleep!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17's Rotom-W is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 18!
Tyranitar used Stone Edge!
Golazol17's Rotom-W lost 81% of its health!
Golazol17's Rotom-W fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17 sent out Skarmory!
Pointed stones dug into Golazol17's Skarmory!

Start of turn 19!
Tyranitar used Fire Punch!
It's super effective!
Golazol17's Skarmory lost 44% of its health!

Golazol17's Skarmory used Whirlwind!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!
Flygon was dragged out!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17's Skarmory restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 20!
Golazol17 called Skarmory back!
Golazol17 sent out Tyranitar!
Pointed stones dug into Golazol17's Tyranitar!

Flygon used Fire Blast!
It's not very effective...
Golazol17's Tyranitar lost 4% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17's Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 21!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Landorus!
Pointed stones dug into Landorus!

Golazol17's Tyranitar used Crunch!
Landorus lost 136 HP! (42% of its health)
Landorus's Defense fell!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17's Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 22!
Landorus used U-turn!
It's super effective!
Golazol17's Tyranitar lost 37% of its health!
shrang called Landorus back!
shrang sent out Flygon!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!

Golazol17's Tyranitar used Crunch!
Flygon lost 154 HP! (51% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17's Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 23!
Flygon used U-turn!
It's super effective!
Golazol17's Tyranitar lost 17% of its health!
Golazol17's Tyranitar fainted!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17 sent out Terrakion!
Pointed stones dug into Golazol17's Terrakion!

Start of turn 24!
shrang called Tyranitar back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!
Pointed stones dug into Slowbro!

Golazol17's Terrakion used Substitute!
Golazol17's Terrakion made a substitute!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 25!
Golazol17's Terrakion used Swords Dance!
Golazol17's Terrakion's Attack sharply rose!

Slowbro used Scald!
It's super effective!
Golazol17's Terrakion's substitute faded!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 26!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Flygon!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!

Golazol17's Terrakion used Stone Edge!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
Golazol17's Terrakion's Rock Gem raised Stone Edge's power!
Flygon lost 75 HP! (24% of its health)
Flygon fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
shrang sent out Slowbro!
Pointed stones dug into Slowbro!

Start of turn 27!
Golazol17's Terrakion used Stone Edge!
The attack of Golazol17's Terrakion missed!

Slowbro used Scald!
It's super effective!
Golazol17's Terrakion lost 40% of its health!
Golazol17's Terrakion was burned!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Golazol17's Terrakion is hurt by its burn!
Slowbro is hurt by its burn!
Golazol17: FUCKING BS

Start of turn 28!
Golazol17's Terrakion used Stone Edge!
Slowbro lost 124 HP! (31% of its health)

Slowbro used Slack Off!
Slowbro regained health!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Golazol17's Terrakion is hurt by its burn!
Slowbro is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 29!
Golazol17 called Terrakion back!
Golazol17 sent out Celebi!
Pointed stones dug into Golazol17's Celebi!

Slowbro used Slack Off!
Slowbro regained health!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17's Celebi is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Golazol17's Celebi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 30!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Landorus!
Pointed stones dug into Landorus!

Golazol17's Celebi used Recover!
Golazol17's Celebi regained health!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17's Celebi is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Golazol17's Celebi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 31!
Golazol17 called Celebi back!
Golazol17 sent out Skarmory!
Pointed stones dug into Golazol17's Skarmory!

Landorus used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
Golazol17's Skarmory lost 3% of its health!
shrang called Landorus back!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17's Skarmory restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 32!
Tyranitar used Fire Punch!
It's super effective!
Golazol17's Skarmory lost 18% of its health!
Golazol17's Skarmory fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Golazol17 sent out Terrakion!
Pointed stones dug into Golazol17's Terrakion!
Golazol17's Terrakion fainted!

Golazol17 sent out Celebi!
Pointed stones dug into Golazol17's Celebi!

Start of turn 33!
Golazol17's Celebi used Giga Drain!
It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 146 HP! (42% of its health)
Tyranitar had its energy drained!

Tyranitar used Crunch!
It's super effective!
Golazol17: BS
shrang: gg
Golazol17's Celebi lost 72% of its health!
Golazol17's Celebi fainted!

shrang won the battle!

Battle between shrang and BFan started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +10, -22
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Azelf / Landorus / Celebi / Tyranitar / Lucario / Flygon
Opponent's team: Celebi / Scizor / Gastrodon-East / Terrakion / Heatran / Magnezone

shrang sent out Azelf!
BFan sent out Terrakion!

Start of turn 1!
BFan's Terrakion used X-Scissor!
It's super effective!
Azelf lost 268 HP! (91% of its health)

Azelf used Zen Headbutt!
It's super effective!
BFan's Terrakion lost 100% of its health!
BFan's Terrakion fainted!
Azelf is hurt by its Life Orb!
Azelf fainted!

shrang sent out Flygon!

BFan sent out Scizor!

Start of turn 2!
BFan's Scizor used Bullet Punch!
Flygon lost 204 HP! (67% of its health)

Flygon used Fire Blast!
It's super effective!
BFan's Scizor lost 100% of its health!
BFan's Scizor fainted!
Flygon is hurt by its Life Orb!

MG is watching the battle.
BFan sent out Celebi!

Start of turn 3!
Flygon used Fire Blast!
The attack of Flygon missed!

BFan's Celebi used Giga Drain!
Flygon lost 67 HP! (22% of its health)
Flygon fainted!
Flygon had its energy drained!
BFan's Celebi is hurt by its Life Orb!

shrang sent out Landorus!

Start of turn 4!
Landorus used U-turn!
It's super effective!
BFan's Celebi lost 80% of its health!
shrang called Landorus back!
shrang sent out Celebi!

BFan's Celebi used Giga Drain!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
Celebi lost 156 HP! (44% of its health)
Celebi had its energy drained!
BFan's Celebi is hurt by its Life Orb!

Celebi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 5!
Celebi used Giga Drain!
It's not very effective...
BFan's Celebi lost 16% of its health!
BFan's Celebi had its energy drained!

BFan's Celebi used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Celebi lost 196 HP! (56% of its health)
BFan's Celebi is hurt by its Life Orb!
BFan's Celebi fainted!

Celebi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
BFan sent out Heatran!

BFan's Heatran is floating on a balloon!

Start of turn 6!
shrang called Celebi back!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!

Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
BFan's Heatran used Fire Blast!
The attack of BFan's Heatran missed!

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 7!
BFan's Heatran used Earth Power!
It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 164 HP! (47% of its health)

Tyranitar used Dragon Dance!
Tyranitar's Attack rose!
Tyranitar's Speed rose!

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 8!
Tyranitar used Stone Edge!
BFan's Heatran lost 78% of its health!
BFan's Heatran's Air Balloon popped!

BFan's Heatran used Earth Power!
It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 156 HP! (45% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
BFan forfeited against shrang!

The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.

Battle between shrang and Galindar17 started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +11, -21
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Azelf / Landorus / Celebi / Tyranitar / Lucario / Flygon
Opponent's team: Tyranitar / Cobalion / Terrakion / Virizion / Mew / Mandibuzz

shrang sent out Azelf!
Galindar17 sent out Louis XIII! (Tyranitar)
Galindar17's Louis XIII's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

Start of turn 1!
Azelf used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Galindar17's team!

Galindar17's Louis XIII used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around shrang's team!

The sandstorm rages!
Azelf is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 2!
Azelf used U-turn!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Galindar17's Louis XIII lost 100% of its health!
Galindar17's Louis XIII fainted!
Azelf is hurt by its Life Orb!
shrang: sorry
shrang called Azelf back!
shrang sent out Landorus!
Pointed stones dug into Landorus!

The sandstorm rages!
Galindar17 sent out Athos! (Cobalion)
Pointed stones dug into Galindar17's Athos!

Start of turn 3!
shrang called Landorus back!
shrang sent out Azelf!
Pointed stones dug into Azelf!

Galindar17's Athos used Hidden Power!
Azelf lost 60 HP! (20% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Azelf is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Galindar17's Athos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Lunar_ is watching the battle.

Start of turn 4!
Galindar17 called Athos back!
Galindar17 sent out Queen Anne! (Mandibuzz)
Pointed stones dug into Galindar17's Queen Anne!

Azelf used Zen Headbutt!
It had no effect!

The sandstorm rages!
Azelf is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Galindar17's Queen Anne restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 5!
Azelf used Explosion!
Azelf fainted!
Galindar17's Queen Anne lost 81% of its health!
Galindar17's Queen Anne fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
shrang sent out Landorus!
Pointed stones dug into Landorus!

Galindar17 sent out Athos! (Cobalion)
Pointed stones dug into Galindar17's Athos!

Start of turn 6!
Landorus used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Galindar17's Athos lost 96% of its health!
Galindar17's Athos fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Galindar17: more crits.
Galindar17 sent out Porthos! (Terrakion)
Pointed stones dug into Galindar17's Porthos!

Galindar17's Porthos is floating on a balloon!
shrang: doubt that mattered

Start of turn 7!
shrang called Landorus back!
shrang sent out Celebi!
Pointed stones dug into Celebi!

Galindar17's Porthos used Stone Edge!
A critical hit!
Celebi lost 306 HP! (87% of its health)
Celebi fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
shrang sent out Flygon!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!

Start of turn 8!
Galindar17 called Porthos back!
Galindar17 sent out d'Artagnan! (Mew)
Pointed stones dug into Galindar17's d'Artagnan!

Flygon used Draco Meteor!
Galindar17's d'Artagnan lost 60% of its health!
Flygon's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
Flygon is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!
Galindar17's d'Artagnan is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Galindar17's d'Artagnan restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 9!
Flygon used Draco Meteor!
Galindar17's d'Artagnan lost 26% of its health!
Galindar17's d'Artagnan fainted!
Flygon's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
Flygon is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!
Galindar17 sent out Porthos! (Terrakion)
Pointed stones dug into Galindar17's Porthos!

Galindar17's Porthos is floating on a balloon!

Start of turn 10!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Landorus!
Pointed stones dug into Landorus!

Galindar17's Porthos used Swords Dance!
Galindar17's Porthos's Attack sharply rose!

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 11!
Landorus used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
Galindar17's Porthos lost 12% of its health!
Galindar17's Porthos's Air Balloon popped!
shrang called Landorus back!
shrang sent out Flygon!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!

Galindar17's Porthos used Stone Edge!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
Flygon lost 205 HP! (68% of its health)
Flygon fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
shrang sent out Lucario!
Pointed stones dug into Lucario!

Start of turn 12!
Lucario used Bullet Punch!
It's super effective!
Galindar17's Porthos lost 56% of its health!
Lucario is hurt by its Life Orb!

Galindar17's Porthos used Close Combat!
It's super effective!
Lucario lost 246 HP! (87% of its health)
Lucario fainted!
Galindar17's Porthos's Defense fell!
Galindar17's Porthos's Sp. Def. fell!

The sandstorm rages!
shrang sent out Landorus!
Pointed stones dug into Landorus!

Start of turn 13!
Landorus used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
Galindar17's Porthos lost 19% of its health!
Galindar17's Porthos fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Galindar17 sent out Aramis! (Virizion)
Pointed stones dug into Galindar17's Aramis!

Start of turn 14!
Landorus used Earthquake!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!

Battle between shrang and Renkh started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +24, -8
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Azelf / Landorus / Celebi / Tyranitar / Lucario / Flygon
Opponent's team: Politoed / Volcarona / Tentacruel / Celebi / Gyarados / Jirachi

shrang sent out Azelf!
Renkh sent out Politoed!
Renkh's Politoed's Drizzle made it rain!
The Passenger is watching the battle.

Start of turn 1!
Renkh's Politoed used Protect!
Renkh's Politoed protected itself!

Azelf used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Renkh's team!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 2!
Azelf used Zen Headbutt!
Renkh's Politoed lost 39% of its health!
Azelf is hurt by its Life Orb!

Renkh's Politoed used Scald!
Azelf lost 162 HP! (55% of its health)

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Politoed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 3!
Renkh's Politoed used Protect!
Renkh's Politoed protected itself!

Azelf used Zen Headbutt!
Renkh's Politoed protected itself!

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Politoed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 4!
Renkh called Politoed back!
Renkh sent out Celebi!
Pointed stones dug into Renkh's Celebi!

Azelf used Explosion!
Azelf fainted!
Renkh's Celebi lost 64% of its health!

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Celebi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!

Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

Start of turn 5!
shrang called Tyranitar back!
shrang sent out Celebi!

Renkh's Celebi used U-turn!
It's super effective!
Celebi lost 184 HP! (52% of its health)
Renkh called Celebi back!
Renkh sent out Tentacruel!
Pointed stones dug into Renkh's Tentacruel!

The sandstorm rages!
Celebi is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Renkh's Tentacruel is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Celebi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Renkh's Tentacruel restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!

Start of turn 6!
Celebi used Nasty Plot!
Celebi's Sp. Att. sharply rose!

Renkh's Tentacruel used Rapid Spin!
Celebi lost 11 HP! (3% of its health)
Renkh's Tentacruel blew away Stealth Rock!

The sandstorm rages!
Celebi is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Renkh's Tentacruel is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Celebi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Renkh's Tentacruel restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!

Start of turn 7!
Celebi used Giga Drain!
Renkh's Tentacruel lost 59% of its health!
Renkh's Tentacruel had its energy drained!

Renkh's Tentacruel used Knock Off!
It's super effective!
Celebi lost 22 HP! (6% of its health)
Renkh's Tentacruel knocked off Celebi's Leftovers!

The sandstorm rages!
Celebi is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Renkh's Tentacruel is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Renkh's Tentacruel restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!

Start of turn 8!
Renkh's Tentacruel used Protect!
Renkh's Tentacruel protected itself!

Celebi used Giga Drain!
Renkh's Tentacruel protected itself!

The sandstorm rages!
Celebi is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Renkh's Tentacruel is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Renkh's Tentacruel restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!

Start of turn 9!
Renkh called Tentacruel back!
Renkh sent out Volcarona!

Celebi used Giga Drain!
It's not very effective...
Renkh's Volcarona lost 15% of its health!
Renkh's Volcarona had its energy drained!

The sandstorm rages!
Celebi is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Renkh's Volcarona is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 10!
shrang called Celebi back!
shrang sent out Landorus!

Renkh's Volcarona used Bug Buzz!
It's not very effective...
Landorus lost 85 HP! (26% of its health)
Landorus's Sp. Def. fell!

The sandstorm rages!
Renkh's Volcarona is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 11!
Renkh called Volcarona back!
Renkh sent out Politoed!

Renkh's Politoed's Drizzle made it rain!
Landorus used Earthquake!
Renkh's Politoed lost 36% of its health!

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Politoed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 12!
shrang called Landorus back!
shrang sent out Celebi!

Renkh's Politoed used Ice Beam!
It's super effective!
Celebi lost 132 HP! (37% of its health)

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Politoed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 13!
Renkh's Politoed used Protect!
Renkh's Politoed protected itself!

Celebi used Giga Drain!
Renkh's Politoed protected itself!

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Politoed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 14!
shrang called Celebi back!
shrang sent out Landorus!

Renkh called Politoed back!
Renkh sent out Volcarona!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 15!
Renkh called Volcarona back!
Renkh sent out Tentacruel!

Landorus used Stone Edge!
Renkh's Tentacruel lost 28% of its health!
Renkh's Tentacruel fainted!

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh sent out Jirachi!

Start of turn 16!
shrang called Landorus back!
shrang sent out Flygon!

Renkh's Jirachi used Substitute!
Renkh's Jirachi made a substitute!

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 17!
Renkh's Jirachi used Water Pulse!
Flygon lost 88 HP! (29% of its health)

Flygon used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
Renkh's Jirachi's substitute faded!
Flygon is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 18!
Renkh's Jirachi used Substitute!
Renkh's Jirachi made a substitute!

Flygon used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
Renkh's Jirachi's substitute faded!
Flygon is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 19!
Renkh's Jirachi used Substitute!
Renkh's Jirachi made a substitute!

Flygon used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
Renkh's Jirachi's substitute faded!
Flygon is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 20!
Renkh called Jirachi back!
Renkh sent out Gyarados!

Flygon used Earthquake!
It had no effect!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 21!
Renkh called Gyarados back!
Renkh sent out Jirachi!

Flygon used Draco Meteor!
It's not very effective...
Renkh's Jirachi lost 29% of its health!
Flygon's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
Flygon is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 22!
Renkh's Jirachi used Substitute!
Renkh's Jirachi made a substitute!

Flygon used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Renkh's Jirachi's substitute faded!
Flygon is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 23!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Celebi!

Renkh's Jirachi used Water Pulse!
It's not very effective...
Celebi lost 38 HP! (10% of its health)

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 24!
Renkh's Jirachi used Water Pulse!
It's not very effective...
Celebi lost 34 HP! (9% of its health)
Celebi became confused!

Celebi is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!
Celebi lost 2 HP! (0% of its health)
Celebi fainted!

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
shrang sent out Landorus!

Start of turn 25!
Renkh called Jirachi back!
Renkh sent out Volcarona!

Landorus used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
Renkh's Volcarona lost 10% of its health!
Renkh's Volcarona's Flame Body activates!
Landorus was burned!
shrang called Landorus back!
shrang sent out Flygon!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 26!
Renkh called Volcarona back!
Renkh sent out Jirachi!

Flygon used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
Renkh's Jirachi lost 19% of its health!
Renkh's Jirachi fainted!
Flygon is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh sent out Celebi!

Start of turn 27!
Flygon used U-turn!
It's super effective!
Renkh's Celebi lost 29% of its health!
Renkh's Celebi fainted!
Flygon is hurt by its Life Orb!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!

Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

The sandstorm rages!
Renkh sent out Politoed!

Renkh's Politoed's Drizzle made it rain!

Start of turn 28!
shrang called Tyranitar back!
shrang sent out Landorus!

Renkh's Politoed used Scald!
It's super effective!
Landorus lost 234 HP! (73% of its health)
Landorus fainted!

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Politoed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
shrang sent out Flygon!

Start of turn 29!
Renkh's Politoed used Protect!
Renkh's Politoed protected itself!

Flygon used Draco Meteor!
Renkh's Politoed protected itself!

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Politoed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 30!
Renkh called Politoed back!
Renkh sent out Volcarona!

Flygon used Draco Meteor!
Renkh's Volcarona lost 61% of its health!
Renkh's Volcarona fainted!
Flygon's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
Flygon is hurt by its Life Orb!
Flygon fainted!

Rain continues to fall!
shrang sent out Lucario!

Renkh sent out Gyarados!

Start of turn 31!
Renkh's Gyarados used Dragon Dance!
Renkh's Gyarados's Attack rose!
Renkh's Gyarados's Speed rose!

Lucario used Swords Dance!
Lucario's Attack sharply rose!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 32!
Lucario used ExtremeSpeed!
Renkh's Gyarados lost 68% of its health!
Lucario is hurt by its Life Orb!

Renkh's Gyarados used Waterfall!
Lucario lost 254 HP! (90% of its health)
Lucario fainted!
Renkh's Gyarados's Attack rose!

Rain continues to fall!
Renkh's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Battle between shrang and Taking A Shit started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +13, -19
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Azelf / Landorus / Celebi / Tyranitar / Lucario / Flygon
Opponent's team: Rotom-W / Tentacruel / Dragonite / Breloom / Ferrothorn / Politoed

shrang sent out Azelf!
Taking A Shit sent out Dragonite!
The Passenger is watching the battle.

Start of turn 1!
Azelf used Zen Headbutt!
Taking A Shit's Dragonite lost 26% of its health!
Azelf is hurt by its Life Orb!

Taking A Shit's Dragonite flinched!

Start of turn 2!
Azelf used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Taking A Shit's team!

Taking A Shit's Dragonite used Outrage!
Azelf lost 263 HP! (90% of its health)
Azelf fainted!

shrang sent out Flygon!

Start of turn 3!
Flygon used Draco Meteor!
It's super effective!
Taking A Shit's Dragonite lost 73% of its health!
Taking A Shit's Dragonite fainted!
Flygon's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
Flygon is hurt by its Life Orb!

Taking A Shit sent out Ferrothorn!
Pointed stones dug into Taking A Shit's Ferrothorn!

Start of turn 4!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Celebi!

Taking A Shit called Ferrothorn back!
Taking A Shit sent out Rotom-W!
Pointed stones dug into Taking A Shit's Rotom-W!

Taking A Shit forfeited against shrang!

The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.


Battle between Hegemoth and shrang started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +9, -23
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Heatran / Salamence / Virizion / Tyranitar / Slowbro / Flygon
Opponent's team: Bronzong / Gardevoir / Machamp / Electivire / Gyarados / Breloom

Hegemoth sent out Bronzong!
shrang sent out Heatran!

Start of turn 1!
Heatran used Fire Blast!
It's super effective!
Hegemoth's Bronzong lost 67% of its health!
Heatran is hurt by its Life Orb!

Hegemoth's Bronzong used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around shrang's team!

Start of turn 2!
Heatran used Fire Blast!
It's super effective!
Hegemoth's Bronzong lost 32% of its health!
Hegemoth's Bronzong fainted!
Heatran is hurt by its Life Orb!

Hegemoth sent out Gyarados!

Hegemoth's Gyarados intimidates Heatran!
Heatran's Attack fell!

Start of turn 3!
Heatran used Dragon Pulse!
Hegemoth's Gyarados lost 38% of its health!
Heatran is hurt by its Life Orb!

Hegemoth's Gyarados used Substitute!
Hegemoth's Gyarados made a substitute!

Hegemoth's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 4!
Heatran used Dragon Pulse!
Hegemoth's Gyarados's substitute faded!
Heatran is hurt by its Life Orb!

Hegemoth's Gyarados used Dragon Dance!
Hegemoth's Gyarados's Attack rose!
Hegemoth's Gyarados's Speed rose!

Hegemoth's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 5!
Hegemoth's Gyarados used Waterfall!
It's super effective!
Heatran lost 195 HP! (60% of its health)
Heatran fainted!

Hegemoth's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
shrang sent out Salamence!
Pointed stones dug into Salamence!

Start of turn 6!
Salamence used Outrage!
Hegemoth's Gyarados lost 54% of its health!
Hegemoth's Gyarados fainted!
Salamence's Attack rose!

Hegemoth sent out Machamp!

Start of turn 7!
Salamence used Outrage!
Hegemoth's Machamp lost 100% of its health!
Hegemoth's Machamp fainted!
Salamence's Attack rose!
Salamence calmed down!
Salamence became confused!

Hegemoth sent out Gardevoir!

Start of turn 8!
shrang called Salamence back!
shrang sent out Flygon!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!

Hegemoth's Gardevoir used Will-O-Wisp!
Flygon was burned!

Flygon is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 9!
Flygon used U-turn!
It's super effective!
Hegemoth's Gardevoir lost 55% of its health!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!
Pointed stones dug into Slowbro!

Hegemoth's Gardevoir used Calm Mind!
Hegemoth's Gardevoir's Sp. Att. rose!
Hegemoth's Gardevoir's Sp. Def. rose!

Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 10!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Flygon!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!

Hegemoth's Gardevoir used Will-O-Wisp!
The attack of Hegemoth's Gardevoir missed!

Flygon is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 11!
Flygon used U-turn!
It's super effective!
Hegemoth's Gardevoir lost 44% of its health!
Hegemoth's Gardevoir fainted!
Frizy is watching the battle.
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar!

Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

The sandstorm rages!
Hegemoth sent out Breloom!

Start of turn 12!
shrang called Tyranitar back!
shrang sent out Flygon!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!

Hegemoth's Breloom used Spore!
But if failed!

The sandstorm rages!
Hegemoth's Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Flygon is hurt by its burn!
Hegemoth's Breloom's Toxic Orb activated!
Hegemoth's Breloom was badly poisoned!

Start of turn 13!
Flygon used Outrage!
Hegemoth's Breloom lost 54% of its health!

Hegemoth's Breloom used Stone Edge!
It's not very effective...
Flygon lost 76 HP! (25% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Hegemoth's Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Flygon is hurt by its burn!
Hegemoth's Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 14!
Flygon used Outrage!
A critical hit!
Frizy: Strong flygon
Hegemoth's Breloom lost 45% of its health!
Hegemoth's Breloom fainted!
Flygon calmed down!
Flygon became confused!

The sandstorm rages!
Flygon is hurt by its burn!
Flygon fainted!
Hegemoth sent out Electivire!

shrang sent out Salamence!
Pointed stones dug into Salamence!

Start of turn 15!
Salamence used Earthquake!
It's super effective!

Battle between shrang and [SS]Nape started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +8, -24
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Probopass / Salamence / Virizion / Tyranitar / Slowbro / Flygon
Opponent's team: Tyranitar / Terrakion / Gliscor / Rotom-W / Jellicent / Skarmory

shrang sent out Flygon!
[SS]Nape sent out Tyranitar!
[SS]Nape's Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

Start of turn 1!
[SS]Nape called Tyranitar back!
[SS]Nape sent out Skarmory!

Flygon used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
[SS]Nape's Skarmory lost 11% of its health!
Flygon is hurt by [SS]Nape's Skarmory's Rocky Helmet!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Probopass!

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 2!
[SS]Nape's Skarmory used Spikes!
Spikes were scattered all around the feet of shrang's team!

Probopass used Thunderbolt!
It's super effective!
[SS]Nape's Skarmory lost 54% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 3!
[SS]Nape's Skarmory used Spikes!
Spikes were scattered all around the feet of shrang's team!

Probopass used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
[SS]Nape's Skarmory lost 33% of its health!
[SS]Nape's Skarmory fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
[SS]Nape sent out Tyranitar!

Start of turn 4!
[SS]Nape's Tyranitar used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around shrang's team!

Probopass used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around [SS]Nape's team!

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 5!
[SS]Nape called Tyranitar back!
[SS]Nape sent out Rotom-W!
Pointed stones dug into [SS]Nape's Rotom-W!

shrang called Probopass back!
shrang sent out Flygon!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!

The sandstorm rages!
[SS]Nape's Rotom-W is buffeted by the sandstorm!
[SS]Nape's Rotom-W restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 6!
Flygon used U-turn!
[SS]Nape's Rotom-W lost 27% of its health!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Probopass!
Pointed stones dug into Probopass!
Probopass is hurt by spikes!

[SS]Nape's Rotom-W used Will-O-Wisp!
Probopass was burned!

The sandstorm rages!
[SS]Nape's Rotom-W is buffeted by the sandstorm!
[SS]Nape's Rotom-W restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Probopass restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Probopass is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 7!
[SS]Nape's Rotom-W used Hydro Pump!
It's super effective!
Probopass lost 140 HP! (43% of its health)

Probopass used Thunderbolt!
[SS]Nape's Rotom-W lost 25% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
[SS]Nape's Rotom-W is buffeted by the sandstorm!
[SS]Nape's Rotom-W restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Probopass restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Probopass is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 8!
[SS]Nape's Rotom-W used Volt Switch!
Probopass lost 42 HP! (12% of its health)
[SS]Nape called Rotom-W back!
[SS]Nape sent out Jellicent!
Pointed stones dug into [SS]Nape's Jellicent!

Probopass used Thunderbolt!
It's super effective!
[SS]Nape's Jellicent lost 42% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
[SS]Nape's Jellicent is buffeted by the sandstorm!
[SS]Nape's Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Probopass restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Probopass is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 9!
[SS]Nape called Jellicent back!
[SS]Nape sent out Gliscor!
Pointed stones dug into [SS]Nape's Gliscor!

Probopass used Thunderbolt!
The attack of Probopass missed!

The sandstorm rages!
Probopass restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Probopass is hurt by its burn!
Probopass fainted!
shrang sent out Virizion!
Pointed stones dug into Virizion!
Virizion is hurt by spikes!

Start of turn 10!
[SS]Nape called Gliscor back!
[SS]Nape sent out Jellicent!
Pointed stones dug into [SS]Nape's Jellicent!

Virizion used Hidden Power!
It's not very effective...
[SS]Nape's Jellicent lost 8% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
[SS]Nape's Jellicent is buffeted by the sandstorm!
[SS]Nape's Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 11!
Virizion used Giga Drain!
It's super effective!
[SS]Nape's Jellicent lost 24% of its health!
[SS]Nape's Jellicent fainted!
[SS]Nape's Jellicent had its energy drained!

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
[SS]Nape sent out Terrakion!
Pointed stones dug into [SS]Nape's Terrakion!

Start of turn 12!
shrang called Virizion back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!
Pointed stones dug into Slowbro!
Slowbro is hurt by spikes!

[SS]Nape's Terrakion used Close Combat!
It's not very effective...
Slowbro lost 85 HP! (21% of its health)
[SS]Nape's Terrakion's Defense fell!
[SS]Nape's Terrakion's Sp. Def. fell!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 13!
[SS]Nape called Terrakion back!
[SS]Nape sent out Rotom-W!
Pointed stones dug into [SS]Nape's Rotom-W!

Slowbro used Slack Off!
Slowbro regained health!

The sandstorm rages!
[SS]Nape's Rotom-W is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
[SS]Nape's Rotom-W restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 14!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Flygon!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!

[SS]Nape's Rotom-W used Pain Split!
The battlers shared their pain!

The sandstorm rages!
[SS]Nape's Rotom-W is buffeted by the sandstorm!
[SS]Nape's Rotom-W restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
777777235gr is watching the battle.

Start of turn 15!
Flygon used Outrage!
[SS]Nape's Rotom-W lost 46% of its health!
[SS]Nape's Rotom-W fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
[SS]Nape sent out Tyranitar!
Pointed stones dug into [SS]Nape's Tyranitar!

Start of turn 16!
Flygon used Outrage!
[SS]Nape's Tyranitar lost 67% of its health!
Flygon calmed down!
Flygon became confused!

[SS]Nape's Tyranitar used Crunch!
Flygon lost 139 HP! (46% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
[SS]Nape's Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 17!
Flygon is confused!
Flygon used Outrage!
[SS]Nape's Tyranitar lost 25% of its health!
[SS]Nape's Tyranitar fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
[SS]Nape sent out Terrakion!
Pointed stones dug into [SS]Nape's Terrakion!

Start of turn 18!
[SS]Nape's Terrakion used X-Scissor!
Flygon lost 1 HP! (0% of its health)
Flygon fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
shrang sent out Slowbro!
Pointed stones dug into Slowbro!
Slowbro is hurt by spikes!

Start of turn 19!
[SS]Nape's Terrakion used X-Scissor!
It's super effective!
Slowbro lost 144 HP! (36% of its health)

Slowbro used Slack Off!
Slowbro regained health!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 20!
[SS]Nape's Terrakion used X-Scissor!
It's super effective!
Slowbro lost 148 HP! (37% of its health)

Slowbro used Scald!
It's super effective!
[SS]Nape's Terrakion lost 45% of its health!
[SS]Nape's Terrakion was burned!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[SS]Nape's Terrakion is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 21!
[SS]Nape's Terrakion used X-Scissor!
It's super effective!
Slowbro lost 74 HP! (18% of its health)

Slowbro used Slack Off!
Slowbro regained health!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[SS]Nape's Terrakion is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 22!
[SS]Nape's Terrakion used X-Scissor!
It's super effective!
Slowbro lost 66 HP! (16% of its health)

Slowbro used Scald!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
[SS]Nape's Terrakion lost 17% of its health!
[SS]Nape's Terrakion fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[SS]Nape sent out Gliscor!
Pointed stones dug into [SS]Nape's Gliscor!

Start of turn 23!
[SS]Nape's Gliscor used Acrobatics!
[SS]Nape's Gliscor's Flying Gem raised Acrobatics's power!
Slowbro lost 180 HP! (45% of its health)

Slowbro used Scald!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
shrang: gg
[SS]Nape's Gliscor lost 75% of its health!
[SS]Nape's Gliscor fainted!

shrang won the battle!
[SS]Nape: gg

Battle between shrang and BLUE SCHUCLE started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +17, -15
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Probopass / Landorus / Virizion / Tyranitar / Slowbro / Flygon
Opponent's team: Tyranitar / Ferrothorn / Chandelure / Reuniclus / Rhyperior / Bronzong

shrang sent out Flygon!
BLUE SCHUCLE sent out GREAT HALL! (Bronzong)

Start of turn 1!
Flygon used U-turn!
BLUE SCHUCLE's GREAT HALL lost 31% of its health!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Probopass!

BLUE SCHUCLE's GREAT HALL twisted the dimensions!

Start of turn 2!
shrang called Probopass back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!

BLUE SCHUCLE's GREAT HALL used Earthquake!
A critical hit!
Slowbro lost 145 HP! (36% of its health)

Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 3!
BLUE SCHUCLE's GREAT HALL's Normal Gem raised Explosion's power!
Slowbro lost 269 HP! (68% of its health)

Slowbro used Slack Off!
Slowbro regained health!

Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
BLUE SCHUCLE sent out MITOSE! (Reuniclus)

Start of turn 4!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Probopass!

BLUE SCHUCLE's MITOSE used Energy Ball!
Probopass lost 91 HP! (28% of its health)

Probopass restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 5!
BLUE SCHUCLE's MITOSE used Focus Blast!
It's super effective!
Probopass lost 253 HP! (78% of its health)
Probopass fainted!

The twisted dimensions returned to normal!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!

Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

Start of turn 6!
Tyranitar used Crunch!
It's super effective!
BLUE SCHUCLE's MITOSE lost 79% of its health!

BLUE SCHUCLE's MITOSE used Trick Room!
BLUE SCHUCLE's MITOSE twisted the dimensions!

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 7!
shrang called Tyranitar back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!

BLUE SCHUCLE's MITOSE used Focus Blast!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
Slowbro lost 224 HP! (56% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 8!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Virizion!

BLUE SCHUCLE's MITOSE used Energy Ball!
It's not very effective...
Virizion lost 47 HP! (14% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 9!
shrang called Virizion back!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!

BLUE SCHUCLE's MITOSE used Psyshock!
It had no effect!

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 10!
shrang called Tyranitar back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!

BLUE SCHUCLE's MITOSE used Focus Blast!
It's not very effective...
Slowbro lost 114 HP! (28% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The twisted dimensions returned to normal!

Start of turn 11!
Slowbro used Scald!
BLUE SCHUCLE's MITOSE lost 20% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
BLUE SCHUCLE sent out TIRANO! (Tyranitar)

Start of turn 12!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Virizion!

BLUE SCHUCLE's TIRANO used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around shrang's team!

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 13!
shrang called Virizion back!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar!

BLUE SCHUCLE sent out SHANDORA! (Chandelure)

The sandstorm rages!
BLUE SCHUCLE's SHANDORA is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 14!
BLUE SCHUCLE sent out DARKTHORN! (Ferrothorn)

Tyranitar used Crunch!
It's not very effective...
BLUE SCHUCLE's DARKTHORN lost 18% of its health!
BLUE SCHUCLE's DARKTHORN's Iron Barbs hurts Tyranitar

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 15!
Tyranitar used Fire Punch!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
BLUE SCHUCLE's DARKTHORN lost 81% of its health!
BLUE SCHUCLE's DARKTHORN's Iron Barbs hurts Tyranitar

The sandstorm rages!
BLUE SCHUCLE sent out TIRANO! (Tyranitar)

Start of turn 16!
BLUE SCHUCLE's TIRANO's Quick Claw activated!
BLUE SCHUCLE's TIRANO used Superpower!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Tyranitar lost 216 HP! (63% of its health)
Tyranitar fainted!
BLUE SCHUCLE's TIRANO's Attack fell!
BLUE SCHUCLE's TIRANO's Defense fell!

The sandstorm rages!
shrang sent out Flygon!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!

Start of turn 17!
BLUE SCHUCLE's TIRANO's Quick Claw activated!
Flygon lost 124 HP! (41% of its health)

Flygon used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
BLUE SCHUCLE's TIRANO lost 100% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
BLUE SCHUCLE sent out DARUNIA! (Rhyperior)

Start of turn 18!
Flygon used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
BLUE SCHUCLE's DARUNIA lost 100% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
BLUE SCHUCLE forfeited against shrang!

The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.

Battle between shrang and gr8astard2 started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +12, -20
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Probopass / Salamence / Virizion / Tyranitar / Slowbro / Flygon
Opponent's team: Tyranitar / Terrakion / Rotom-W / Scizor / Celebi / Skarmory

shrang sent out Flygon!
gr8astard2 sent out Rotom-W!

Start of turn 1!
Flygon used U-turn!
Gr8astard2's Rotom-W lost 37% of its health!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Virizion!

Gr8astard2's Rotom-W used Will-O-Wisp!
The attack of gr8astard2's Rotom-W missed!

Start of turn 2!
gr8astard2 called Rotom-W back!
gr8astard2 sent out Skarmory!

Virizion used Calm Mind!
Virizion's Sp. Att. rose!
Virizion's Sp. Def. rose!

Start of turn 3!
Virizion used Focus Blast!
Gr8astard2's Skarmory held on thanks to Sturdy!
Gr8astard2's Skarmory lost 99% of its health!

Gr8astard2's Skarmory used Brave Bird!
It's super effective!
Virizion lost 323 HP! (100% of its health)
Virizion fainted!
Gr8astard2's Skarmory is hit with recoil!
Gr8astard2's Skarmory fainted!

shrang sent out Flygon!

gr8astard2 sent out Scizor!

Start of turn 4!
gr8astard2 called Scizor back!
gr8astard2 sent out Terrakion!

Flygon used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
Gr8astard2's Terrakion lost 18% of its health!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!

Start of turn 5!
gr8astard2 called Terrakion back!
gr8astard2 sent out Rotom-W!

Slowbro used Thunder Wave!
Gr8astard2's Rotom-W is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Start of turn 6!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Probopass!

Gr8astard2's Rotom-W used Will-O-Wisp!
Probopass was burned!

Probopass is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 7!
Probopass used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around gr8astard2's team!

Gr8astard2's Rotom-W used Hydro Pump!
It's super effective!
Probopass lost 284 HP! (87% of its health)
Probopass fainted!

shrang sent out Flygon!

Start of turn 8!
Flygon used Outrage!
Gr8astard2's Rotom-W lost 62% of its health!
Gr8astard2's Rotom-W fainted!

gr8astard2 sent out Scizor!
Pointed stones dug into gr8astard2's Scizor!

Start of turn 9!
Flygon used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
Gr8astard2's Scizor lost 44% of its health!

Gr8astard2's Scizor used Swords Dance!
Gr8astard2's Scizor's Attack sharply rose!

Start of turn 10!
Gr8astard2's Scizor used Bullet Punch!
Flygon lost 279 HP! (92% of its health)

Flygon used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
Gr8astard2's Scizor lost 41% of its health!
Flygon calmed down!
Flygon became confused!

shrang: awww

Start of turn 11!
Gr8astard2's Scizor used Bullet Punch!
Flygon lost 22 HP! (7% of its health)
Flygon fainted!

shrang sent out Salamence!

Start of turn 12!
Gr8astard2's Scizor used Bullet Punch!
Salamence lost 262 HP! (79% of its health)

Salamence used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
Gr8astard2's Scizor lost 1% of its health!
Gr8astard2's Scizor fainted!
Salamence's Attack rose!

gr8astard2 sent out Tyranitar!
Pointed stones dug into gr8astard2's Tyranitar!

gr8astard2's Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

Start of turn 13!
Salamence used Outrage!
Gr8astard2's Tyranitar lost 72% of its health!
Salamence calmed down!
Salamence became confused!

Gr8astard2's Tyranitar used Crunch!
Salamence lost 69 HP! (20% of its health)
Salamence fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Gr8astard2's Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!

Start of turn 14!
Tyranitar used Stone Edge!
Gr8astard2's Tyranitar lost 21% of its health!
Gr8astard2's Tyranitar fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
gr8astard2 sent out Terrakion!
Pointed stones dug into gr8astard2's Terrakion!

Start of turn 15!
shrang called Tyranitar back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!

Gr8astard2's Terrakion used Substitute!
Gr8astard2's Terrakion made a substitute!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 16!
Gr8astard2's Terrakion used Swords Dance!
Gr8astard2's Terrakion's Attack sharply rose!

Slowbro used Scald!
It's super effective!
Gr8astard2's Terrakion's substitute faded!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 17!
Gr8astard2's Terrakion used Stone Edge!
Gr8astard2's Terrakion's Rock Gem raised Stone Edge's power!
Slowbro lost 372 HP! (94% of its health)

Slowbro used Scald!
It's super effective!
Gr8astard2's Terrakion lost 45% of its health!
Gr8astard2's Terrakion was burned!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro fainted!
Gr8astard2's Terrakion is hurt by its burn!
Gr8astard2's Terrakion fainted!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!

gr8astard2 sent out Celebi!
Pointed stones dug into gr8astard2's Celebi!

Start of turn 18!
Gr8astard2's Celebi used Giga Drain!
It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 156 HP! (45% of its health)
Tyranitar had its energy drained!
gr8astard2: had to get the burn

Tyranitar used Crunch!
It's super effective!
Gr8astard2's Celebi lost 67% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
Gr8astard2's Celebi is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Gr8astard2's Celebi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
shrang: sorry

Start of turn 19!
Gr8astard2's Celebi used Giga Drain!
It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 152 HP! (44% of its health)
Tyranitar had its energy drained!

Tyranitar used Crunch!
It's super effective!
Gr8astard2's Celebi lost 51% of its health!
Gr8astard2's Celebi fainted!

shrang won the battle!

This is more of a Flygon "performing really well" log
Battle between shrang and -HBK- started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +23, -9
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Heatran / Salamence / Virizion / Tyranitar / Slowbro / Flygon
Opponent's team: Tyranitar / Mienshao / Landorus / Slowbro / Scizor / Rotom-C

Jwlen is watching the battle.
XxWafflezxX is watching the battle.
Leonida from italy is watching the battle.
shrang sent out Flygon!
-HBK- sent out Kojondo! (Mienshao)

Start of turn 1!
-HBK- called Kojondo back!
-HBK- sent out Slowbro!

shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!

XxWafflezxX: DAT FLYGON!!!

Start of turn 2!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Flygon!

-HBK- called Slowbro back!
-HBK- sent out Rotom-C!

Start of turn 3!
-HBK- called Rotom-C back!
-HBK- sent out Tyranitar!

-HBK-'s Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Flygon used U-turn!
It's super effective!
-HBK-'s Tyranitar lost 54% of its health!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Virizion!

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
-HBK-: oh right

Start of turn 4!
Virizion used Calm Mind!
Virizion's Sp. Att. rose!
Virizion's Sp. Def. rose!

-HBK-'s Tyranitar used Fire Blast!
It's super effective!
Virizion lost 90 HP! (27% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 5!
Virizion used Giga Drain!
It's super effective!
-HBK-'s Tyranitar lost 39% of its health!
-HBK-'s Tyranitar had its energy drained!

-HBK-'s Tyranitar used Fire Blast!
It's super effective!
Virizion lost 96 HP! (29% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 6!
Virizion used Giga Drain!
It's super effective!
-HBK-'s Tyranitar lost 6% of its health!
-HBK-'s Tyranitar fainted!
-HBK-'s Tyranitar had its energy drained!

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
XxWafflezxX: hbk y u no use hp flying tar
-HBK- sent out Scizor!

-HBK-: idk

Start of turn 7!
-HBK-'s Scizor used U-turn!
4747474747 is watching the battle.
Virizion lost 149 HP! (46% of its health)
Virizion fainted!
-HBK- called Scizor back!
-HBK- sent out Randorosu! (Landorus)

The sandstorm rages!
shrang sent out Slowbro!

Start of turn 8!
-HBK-'s Randorosu used U-turn!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Slowbro lost 249 HP! (63% of its health)
-HBK- called Randorosu back!
-HBK- sent out Rotom-C!

Slowbro used Thunder Wave!
-HBK-'s Rotom-C is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
-HBK-'s Rotom-C is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
-HBK-'s Rotom-C restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 9!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Flygon!

-HBK-'s Rotom-C used Volt Switch!
It had no effect!

The sandstorm rages!
-HBK-'s Rotom-C is buffeted by the sandstorm!
-HBK-'s Rotom-C restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 10!
Flygon used U-turn!
It's super effective!
-HBK-'s Rotom-C lost 70% of its health!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Heatran!

-HBK-'s Rotom-C used Pain Split!
The battlers shared their pain!

The sandstorm rages!
-HBK-'s Rotom-C is buffeted by the sandstorm!
-HBK-'s Rotom-C restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 11!
-HBK- called Rotom-C back!
-HBK- sent out Slowbro!

Heatran used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around -HBK-'s team!

The sandstorm rages!
-HBK-'s Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
-HBK-'s Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 12!
shrang called Heatran back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!

-HBK-'s Slowbro used Scald!
It's not very effective...
Slowbro lost 58 HP! (14% of its health)
Slowbro was burned!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
-HBK-'s Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
-HBK-'s Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 13!
-HBK- called Slowbro back!
-HBK- sent out Rotom-C!
Pointed stones dug into -HBK-'s Rotom-C!

Slowbro used Slack Off!
Slowbro regained health!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
-HBK-'s Rotom-C is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
-HBK-'s Rotom-C restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 14!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Flygon!

-HBK-'s Rotom-C used Volt Switch!
It had no effect!

The sandstorm rages!
-HBK-'s Rotom-C is buffeted by the sandstorm!
-HBK-'s Rotom-C restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
XxWafflezxX: Rotom-C used volt switch!
XxWafflezxX: Lol

Start of turn 15!
-HBK- called Rotom-C back!
-HBK- sent out Slowbro!
Pointed stones dug into -HBK-'s Slowbro!

Flygon used U-turn!
It's super effective!
-HBK-'s Slowbro lost 38% of its health!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!

The sandstorm rages!
-HBK-'s Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
-HBK-'s Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 16!
Tyranitar used Crunch!
It's super effective!
-HBK-'s Slowbro lost 49% of its health!
-HBK-'s Slowbro fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
XxWafflezxX: dat u turn chain
-HBK- sent out Kojondo! (Mienshao)
Pointed stones dug into -HBK-'s Kojondo!

Start of turn 17!
shrang called Tyranitar back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!

-HBK-'s Kojondo used Hi Jump Kick!
It's not very effective...
Slowbro lost 109 HP! (27% of its health)
-HBK-'s Kojondo is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!
-HBK-'s Kojondo is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 18!
-HBK-'s Kojondo used Hi Jump Kick!
It's not very effective...
Slowbro lost 111 HP! (28% of its health)
-HBK-'s Kojondo is hurt by its Life Orb!

Slowbro used Thunder Wave!
-HBK-'s Kojondo is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
-HBK-'s Kojondo is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 19!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Salamence!

-HBK- called Kojondo back!
-HBK- sent out Rotom-C!
Pointed stones dug into -HBK-'s Rotom-C!

The sandstorm rages!
Salamence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
-HBK-'s Rotom-C is buffeted by the sandstorm!
-HBK-'s Rotom-C restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 20!
-HBK- called Rotom-C back!
-HBK- sent out Scizor!
Pointed stones dug into -HBK-'s Scizor!

Salamence used Fire Fang!
It's super effective!
-HBK-'s Scizor lost 87% of its health!
-HBK-'s Scizor fainted!
Salamence's Attack rose!

The sandstorm rages!
Salamence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
shrang: oh awesome
-HBK-: gg that was stupid
-HBK- forfeited against shrang!

The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.

Battle between shrang and LauraSig started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +6, -26
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Heatran / Salamence / Virizion / Tyranitar / Slowbro / Flygon
Opponent's team: Dragonite / Jirachi / Politoed / Ferrothorn / Blissey / Tentacruel

Chocolate Rain is watching the battle.
-HBK- is watching the battle.
Chocolate Rain: o_O
LauraSig: +26 -6 ?
shrang sent out Flygon!
LauraSig sent out FerroTroll! (Ferrothorn)
Chocolate Rain: ur an ass
LauraSig: kk ty
-HBK-: no u
Chocolate Rain: no not u

Start of turn 1!
Flygon used Earthquake!
LauraSig's FerroTroll lost 44% of its health!

LauraSig's FerroTroll used Leech Seed!
Flygon was seeded!

LauraSig's FerroTroll restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Flygon's health is sapped by leech seed.
Chocolate Rain: fuck ya hbk

Start of turn 2!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Heatran!

LauraSig's FerroTroll used Spikes!
Spikes were scattered all around the feet of shrang's team!

LauraSig's FerroTroll restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 3!
LauraSig called FerroTroll back!
LauraSig sent out Purple Rain! (Politoed)

LauraSig's Purple Rain's Drizzle made it rain!
Heatran used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around LauraSig's team!

Rain continues to fall!
Chocolate Rain: and shrang i'm being timestalled by legend-dragon -____- :(
-HBK-: toxic tran go

Start of turn 4!
shrang called Heatran back!
shrang sent out Virizion!
Virizion is hurt by spikes!

LauraSig's Purple Rain used Scald!
It's not very effective...
Virizion lost 51 HP! (15% of its health)

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 5!
Virizion used Calm Mind!
Virizion's Sp. Att. rose!
Virizion's Sp. Def. rose!

LauraSig's Purple Rain used Hypnosis!
Virizion fell asleep!

Rain continues to fall!
-HBK-: troll
Chocolate Rain: yeah
shrang: oh that was a dick move

Start of turn 6!
LauraSig called Purple Rain back!
LauraSig sent out Gnite Dragon! (Dragonite)
Pointed stones dug into LauraSig's Gnite Dragon!

Virizion is fast asleep!

Rain continues to fall!
LauraSig's Gnite Dragon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Chocolate Rain: i hate timestallers
IGotPie is watching the battle.
LauraSig: I think I've seen you in a warstory, shrang

Start of turn 7!
Virizion woke up!
Virizion used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
LauraSig's Gnite Dragon lost 81% of its health!
LauraSig's Gnite Dragon fainted!

Rain continues to fall!
shrang: YES
shrang: VAMOS
LauraSig: xD
LauraSig: dale caña
IGotPie stopped watching the battle.
LauraSig sent out Flinch Flinc! (Jirachi)
Pointed stones dug into LauraSig's Flinch Flinc!

Start of turn 8!
shrang called Virizion back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!
Slowbro is hurt by spikes!

LauraSig's Flinch Flinc used Psyshock!
It's not very effective...
Slowbro lost 34 HP! (8% of its health)

Rain continues to fall!
LauraSig's Flinch Flinc restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 9!
LauraSig's Flinch Flinc used Substitute!
LauraSig's Flinch Flinc made a substitute!

Slowbro used Scald!
LauraSig's Flinch Flinc's substitute faded!

Rain continues to fall!
LauraSig's Flinch Flinc restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
shrang: I see how this works

Start of turn 10!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!
Tyranitar is hurt by spikes!

Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
LauraSig's Flinch Flinc used Thunder!
The attack of LauraSig's Flinch Flinc missed!

The sandstorm rages!
LauraSig's Flinch Flinc restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Chocolate Rain: :]

Start of turn 11!
LauraSig called Flinch Flinc back!
LauraSig sent out Purple Rain! (Politoed)
Pointed stones dug into LauraSig's Purple Rain!

LauraSig's Purple Rain's Drizzle made it rain!
Tyranitar used Dragon Dance!
Tyranitar's Attack rose!
Tyranitar's Speed rose!

Rain continues to fall!
LauraSig's Purple Rain restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 12!
Tyranitar used Stone Edge!
LauraSig's Purple Rain lost 93% of its health!
LauraSig's Purple Rain fainted!

Rain continues to fall!
LauraSig sent out Flinch Flinc! (Jirachi)
Pointed stones dug into LauraSig's Flinch Flinc!

Start of turn 13!
shrang called Tyranitar back!
shrang sent out Flygon!

LauraSig's Flinch Flinc used Thunder!
It had no effect!

Rain continues to fall!
LauraSig's Flinch Flinc restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Chocolate Rain: g2g
Chocolate Rain stopped watching the battle.

Start of turn 14!
LauraSig's Flinch Flinc used Thunder!
It had no effect!

Flygon used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
LauraSig's Flinch Flinc lost 87% of its health!
LauraSig's Flinch Flinc fainted!

Rain continues to fall!
LauraSig: I'm done hehe
LauraSig sent out U Jelly?! (Tentacruel)
Pointed stones dug into LauraSig's U Jelly?!

Start of turn 15!
LauraSig's U Jelly? used Scald!
Flygon lost 141 HP! (46% of its health)
Flygon was burned!

Flygon used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
LauraSig's U Jelly? lost 87% of its health!
LauraSig's U Jelly? fainted!

Rain continues to fall!
Flygon is hurt by its burn!
LauraSig sent out FerroTroll! (Ferrothorn)
Pointed stones dug into LauraSig's FerroTroll!

shrang: boo

Start of turn 16!
Flygon used Earthquake!
LauraSig's FerroTroll lost 22% of its health!

LauraSig's FerroTroll used Leech Seed!
Flygon was seeded!

Rain continues to fall!
LauraSig's FerroTroll restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Flygon's health is sapped by leech seed.
Flygon is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 17!
Flygon used Earthquake!
LauraSig's FerroTroll lost 20% of its health!

LauraSig's FerroTroll used Spikes!
Spikes were scattered all around the feet of shrang's team!

Rain continues to fall!
LauraSig's FerroTroll restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Flygon's health is sapped by leech seed.
Flygon fainted!
IGotPie is watching the battle.
shrang sent out Tyranitar!
Tyranitar is hurt by spikes!

Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

Start of turn 18!
Tyranitar used Fire Punch!
It's super effective!
LauraSig's FerroTroll lost 54% of its health!
LauraSig's FerroTroll fainted!
LauraSig's FerroTroll's Iron Barbs hurts Tyranitar

The sandstorm rages!
LauraSig sent out U mad, sis?! (Blissey)
Pointed stones dug into LauraSig's U mad, sis?!

Start of turn 19!
Tyranitar used Crunch!
A critical hit!
IGotPie: DD set?
LauraSig's U mad, sis? lost 87% of its health!
LauraSig's U mad, sis? fainted!

shrang won the battle!
shrang: gg
shrang: yep

Battle between shrang and Schwiegerknecht started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +9, -23
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Probopass / Salamence / Virizion / Tyranitar / Slowbro / Flygon
Opponent's team: Kingdra / Scizor / Magnezone / Gliscor / Latias / Heatran

Janemba is watching the battle.
Janemba stopped watching the battle.
Janemba is watching the battle.
Janemba stopped watching the battle.
shrang sent out Flygon!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Magnezone!
Schwiegerknecht: hi
shrang: hi
Schwiegerknecht: hf
shrang: you too
Schwiegerknecht: interesting team
ari. is watching the battle.

Start of turn 1!
Schwiegerknecht called Magnezone back!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Gliscor!

Flygon used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor lost 10% of its health!
ari. stopped watching the battle.
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Virizion!

Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor's Toxic Orb activated!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor was badly poisoned!

Start of turn 2!
Schwiegerknecht called Gliscor back!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Scizor!

Virizion used Calm Mind!
Virizion's Sp. Att. rose!
Virizion's Sp. Def. rose!

Start of turn 3!
Virizion used Focus Blast!
The attack of Virizion missed!

Schwiegerknecht's Scizor used U-turn!
Virizion lost 265 HP! (82% of its health)
Schwiegerknecht called Scizor back!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Latias!

Start of turn 4!
shrang called Virizion back!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!

Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Schwiegerknecht's Latias used Dragon Pulse!
Tyranitar lost 75 HP! (21% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Schwiegerknecht's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Schwiegerknecht's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 5!
Schwiegerknecht's Latias used Reflect!
Reflect raised Schwiegerknecht's team defense!

Tyranitar used Crunch!
It's super effective!
Schwiegerknecht's Latias lost 42% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
Schwiegerknecht's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Schwiegerknecht's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 6!
Schwiegerknecht called Latias back!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Heatran!

Tyranitar used Dragon Dance!
Tyranitar's Attack rose!
Tyranitar's Speed rose!

The sandstorm rages!
Schwiegerknecht: yuk

Start of turn 7!
Tyranitar used Stone Edge!
The attack of Tyranitar missed!

Schwiegerknecht's Heatran used Toxic!
Tyranitar was badly poisoned!

The sandstorm rages!
Tyranitar is hurt by poison!

Start of turn 8!
shrang called Tyranitar back!
shrang sent out Flygon!

Schwiegerknecht called Heatran back!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Magnezone!

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 9!
Schwiegerknecht called Magnezone back!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Gliscor!

Flygon used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor lost 20% of its health!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Virizion!

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!
Schwiegerknecht's reflect wore off!

Start of turn 10!
Schwiegerknecht called Gliscor back!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Scizor!

Virizion used Giga Drain!
It's not very effective...
Schwiegerknecht's Scizor lost 8% of its health!
Schwiegerknecht's Scizor had its energy drained!

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 11!
Schwiegerknecht's Scizor used Bullet Punch!
Virizion lost 32 HP! (9% of its health)
Virizion fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
shrang sent out Probopass!

Schwiegerknecht: oops

Start of turn 12!
Schwiegerknecht's Scizor used Bullet Punch!
Probopass lost 118 HP! (36% of its health)

Probopass used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Schwiegerknecht's team!

The sandstorm rages!
Probopass restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 13!
Schwiegerknecht's Scizor used Bullet Punch!
Probopass lost 123 HP! (37% of its health)

Probopass used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Schwiegerknecht's Scizor lost 91% of its health!
Schwiegerknecht's Scizor fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Probopass restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Gliscor!
Pointed stones dug into Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor!

Start of turn 14!
shrang called Probopass back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!

Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor used Swords Dance!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor's Attack sharply rose!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 15!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor used Protect!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor protected itself!

Slowbro used Scald!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor protected itself!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 16!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor used Facade!
Slowbro lost 140 HP! (35% of its health)

Slowbro used Scald!
It's super effective!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor lost 62% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 17!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor used Protect!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor protected itself!

Slowbro used Slack Off!
Slowbro regained health!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 18!
Schwiegerknecht called Gliscor back!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Latias!
Pointed stones dug into Schwiegerknecht's Latias!

Slowbro used Scald!
It's not very effective...
Schwiegerknecht's Latias lost 10% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
Schwiegerknecht's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Schwiegerknecht's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 19!
Schwiegerknecht's Latias used Recover!
Schwiegerknecht's Latias regained health!

Slowbro used Thunder Wave!
Schwiegerknecht's Latias is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Schwiegerknecht's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Schwiegerknecht's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 20!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Probopass!

Schwiegerknecht called Latias back!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Magnezone!
Pointed stones dug into Schwiegerknecht's Magnezone!

The sandstorm rages!
Probopass restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
shrang: ahh
Schwiegerknecht: what advantages does probopass have execept surprise value?

Start of turn 21!
Schwiegerknecht's Magnezone used Volt Switch!
Probopass lost 87 HP! (26% of its health)
shrang: it gets SR
shrang: I really wanted magnezone too
shrang: but that has to SR
shrang: has no*
Schwiegerknecht: ok
Schwiegerknecht called Magnezone back!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Heatran!
Pointed stones dug into Schwiegerknecht's Heatran!

Probopass used Pain Split!
The battlers shared their pain!

The sandstorm rages!
Schwiegerknecht's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Probopass restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Schwiegerknecht: oops
Schwiegerknecht: that was the surprise value

Start of turn 22!
shrang called Probopass back!
shrang sent out Flygon!

Schwiegerknecht's Heatran used Toxic!
Flygon was badly poisoned!

The sandstorm rages!
Schwiegerknecht's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Flygon is hurt by poison!

Start of turn 23!
Schwiegerknecht called Heatran back!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Magnezone!
Pointed stones dug into Schwiegerknecht's Magnezone!

Flygon used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
Schwiegerknecht's Magnezone lost 17% of its health!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!

The sandstorm rages!
Tyranitar is hurt by poison!

Start of turn 24!
Tyranitar used Dragon Dance!
Tyranitar's Attack rose!
Tyranitar's Speed rose!

Schwiegerknecht's Magnezone used Flash Cannon!
It's super effective!
Tyranitar's Babiri Berry weakened Flash Cannon's power!
Tyranitar lost 136 HP! (39% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Tyranitar is hurt by poison!

Start of turn 25!
Schwiegerknecht called Magnezone back!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Heatran!
Pointed stones dug into Schwiegerknecht's Heatran!

Tyranitar used Crunch!
It's not very effective...
Schwiegerknecht's Heatran lost 26% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
Schwiegerknecht's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyranitar is hurt by poison!
Tyranitar fainted!
shrang sent out Flygon!

Start of turn 26!
Flygon used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
Schwiegerknecht's Heatran lost 30% of its health!
Schwiegerknecht's Heatran fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Flygon is hurt by poison!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Magnezone!
Pointed stones dug into Schwiegerknecht's Magnezone!

Start of turn 27!
Flygon used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
Schwiegerknecht's Magnezone lost 50% of its health!

Schwiegerknecht's Magnezone used Flash Cannon!
Flygon lost 238 HP! (79% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Flygon is hurt by poison!
Flygon fainted!
shrang sent out Salamence!

Start of turn 28!
Salamence used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
Schwiegerknecht's Magnezone lost 14% of its health!
Schwiegerknecht's Magnezone fainted!
Salamence's Attack rose!

The sandstorm rages!
Salamence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Gliscor!
Pointed stones dug into Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor!

Schwiegerknecht: not good

Start of turn 29!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor used Protect!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor protected itself!

Salamence used Outrage!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor protected itself!

The sandstorm rages!
Salamence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 30!
Salamence used Outrage!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor lost 56% of its health!
Schwiegerknecht's Gliscor fainted!
Salamence's Attack rose!

The sandstorm rages!
Salamence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Latias!
Pointed stones dug into Schwiegerknecht's Latias!

Start of turn 31!
Salamence used Outrage!
It's super effective!
Schwiegerknecht's Latias lost 71% of its health!
Schwiegerknecht's Latias fainted!
Salamence's Attack rose!
Salamence calmed down!
Salamence became confused!

The sandstorm rages!
Salamence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Schwiegerknecht sent out Kingdra!
Pointed stones dug into Schwiegerknecht's Kingdra!

Start of turn 32!
shrang called Salamence back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!

Schwiegerknecht's Kingdra used Rain Dance!
It started to rain!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 33!
Schwiegerknecht's Kingdra used Hydro Pump!
It's not very effective...
Slowbro lost 221 HP! (56% of its health)
Schwiegerknecht's Kingdra is hurt by its Life Orb!

Slowbro used Thunder Wave!
Schwiegerknecht's Kingdra is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Rain continues to fall!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Schwiegerknecht: gg
shrang: gg

Start of turn 34!
Schwiegerknecht's Kingdra used Hydro Pump!
It's not very effective...
Slowbro lost 197 HP! (50% of its health)
Slowbro fainted!
Schwiegerknecht's Kingdra is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!
shrang sent out Salamence!

Start of turn 35!
Salamence used Outrage!
It's super effective!
Schwiegerknecht's Kingdra lost 67% of its health!
Schwiegerknecht's Kingdra fainted!
Salamence's Attack rose!

shrang won the battle!
There are standards and codes. You trying to push Flygon is most unorthodox. You make the users on this site uncomfortable. I will see to it that you're banned for posting in C&C forever.


Just kidding, I checked over the logs and started thinking it over. Keep in mind that a great deal many of them weren't that impressive tbh, but a one main thing struck out.

His typing: Immunity to electric moves. This hinders Rotom-W more than anything, since I don't T-wave has an overwhelming presence in OU. Basically Flygon can throw a wrench in Volt-turn with that typing of his. This is best aspect of Flygon since despite having awesome dual STABs its weak as dirt.

Durability: It's defenses are meh, but that typing makes immune to spikes and SR like you say. The other dragons are either SR weak (Mence, Dnite) pursuit weak (Lati@s).

And with that, I revoke my previous rejection and:


Though I want to make it clear that Flygon isn't good by any stretch. In fact, its barely on the cusp of being viable in BW OU. Even though the other dragons have weaknesses, they're still miles above Flygon so I think its important to stress that in the analysis. Use Flygon because you have to use it, not because its "cool" or "unique." I only have a few suggestions. Swap U-turn with Roost in on the lure set and mention that Fire Blast (while it has the ability to 2HKO Skarmory) on the Choice Band can turn Flygon into a liability should any of BW OU's top tier threats decide to set up on it.
There are standards and codes. You trying to push Flygon is most unorthodox. You make the users on this site uncomfortable. I will see to it that you're banned for posting in C&C forever.


Just kidding, I checked over the logs and started thinking it over. Keep in mind that a great deal many of them weren't that impressive tbh, but a one main thing struck out.

His typing: Immunity to electric moves. This hinders Rotom-W more than anything, since I don't T-wave has an overwhelming presence in OU. Basically Flygon can throw a wrench in Volt-turn with that typing of his. This is best aspect of Flygon since despite having awesome dual STABs its weak as dirt.

Durability: It's defenses are meh, but that typing makes immune to spikes and SR like you say. The other dragons are either SR weak (Mence, Dnite) pursuit weak (Lati@s).

And with that, I revoke my previous rejection and:


Though I want to make it clear that Flygon isn't good by any stretch. In fact, its barely on the cusp of being viable in BW OU. Even though the other dragons have weaknesses, they're still miles above Flygon so I think its important to stress that in the analysis. Use Flygon because you have to use it, not because its "cool" or "unique." I only have a few suggestions. Swap U-turn with Roost in on the lure set and mention that Fire Blast (while it has the ability to 2HKO Skarmory) on the Choice Band can turn Flygon into a liability should any of BW OU's top tier threats decide to set up on it.

Nice, thanks PK. I'll mention all those things. Oh, I apologise if I came out rude in my responses, I actually wasn't trying to be mean o_0.
Awesome logs, shrang - you overdid yourself. From reading the logs, I would even say CB Flygon should deserve the top spot and the the lure set 2nd, since its bulk and power came in much more handy imo.

I would otherwise approve this, but I am not too certain about Scarf Flygon yet. Perhaps Scarf can be left as an OO mention?
Mmm, I guess I could go and test the Scarf set, since Chou did put up some really good reasoning.

Okay, I got a couple of logs here. From what I've seen, Scarf Flygon is definitely usable, even though it's just ordinary at best. There's nothing flashy about it, but it gets the job done (like all the other Flygon sets).

Battle between Present and shrang started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +7, -25
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Heatran / Terrakion / Virizion / Tyranitar / Slowbro / Flygon
Opponent's team: Zapdos / Scizor / Heatran / Gastrodon / Haxorus / Starmie

Present sent out Zapdos!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!
Present's Zapdos is exerting its Pressure!
Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

Start of turn 1!
Present called Zapdos back!
Present sent out Gastrodon!

Tyranitar used Dragon Dance!
Tyranitar's Attack rose!
Tyranitar's Speed rose!

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 2!
Tyranitar used Crunch!
Present's Gastrodon lost 68% of its health!

Present's Gastrodon used Toxic!
Tyranitar was badly poisoned!

The sandstorm rages!
Present's Gastrodon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyranitar is hurt by poison!

Start of turn 3!
Present called Gastrodon back!
Present sent out Heatran!

Tyranitar used Crunch!
It's not very effective...
Present's Heatran lost 24% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
Present's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyranitar is hurt by poison!

Start of turn 4!
Present's Heatran used Protect!
Present's Heatran protected itself!

Tyranitar used Stone Edge!
Present's Heatran protected itself!

The sandstorm rages!
Present's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyranitar is hurt by poison!

Start of turn 5!
Tyranitar used Stone Edge!
The attack of Tyranitar missed!

Present's Heatran used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around shrang's team!

The sandstorm rages!
Present's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyranitar is hurt by poison!

Start of turn 6!
Present's Heatran used Protect!
Present's Heatran protected itself!

Tyranitar used Dragon Dance!
Tyranitar's Attack rose!
Tyranitar's Speed rose!

The sandstorm rages!
Present's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyranitar is hurt by poison!

Start of turn 7!
Present's Heatran used Protect!
Present's Heatran protected itself!

Tyranitar used Stone Edge!
Present's Heatran protected itself!

The sandstorm rages!
Tyranitar is hurt by poison!
Tyranitar fainted!
shrang sent out Terrakion!
Pointed stones dug into Terrakion!

Start of turn 8!
Present called Heatran back!
Present sent out Gastrodon!

Terrakion used Close Combat!
Present's Gastrodon lost 37% of its health!
Present's Gastrodon fainted!
Terrakion's Defense fell!
Terrakion's Sp. Def. fell!

The sandstorm rages!
Present sent out Starmie!

Start of turn 9!
shrang called Terrakion back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!
Pointed stones dug into Slowbro!

Present's Starmie used Hydro Pump!
It's not very effective...
Slowbro lost 99 HP! (25% of its health)
Suhnny is watching the battle.

The sandstorm rages!
Present's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Present's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 10!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Flygon!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!

Present's Starmie used Thunderbolt!
It had no effect!

The sandstorm rages!
Present's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Present's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 11!
Present called Starmie back!
Present sent out Scizor!

Flygon used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
Present's Scizor lost 9% of its health!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Heatran!
Pointed stones dug into Heatran!

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 12!
Heatran used Fire Blast!
It's super effective!
Present's Scizor lost 90% of its health!
Present's Scizor fainted!
Heatran is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!
Present sent out Heatran!

Start of turn 13!
Present's Heatran used Protect!
Present's Heatran protected itself!

Heatran used Earth Power!
Present's Heatran protected itself!

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 14!
Present called Heatran back!
Present sent out Starmie!

Heatran used Earth Power!
Present's Starmie lost 65% of its health!
Present's Starmie's Sp. Def. fell!
Heatran is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!
Present's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Present's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 15!
shrang called Heatran back!
shrang sent out Virizion!
Pointed stones dug into Virizion!

Present's Starmie used Hydro Pump!
The attack of Present's Starmie missed!

The sandstorm rages!
Present's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Present's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 16!
Present called Starmie back!
Present sent out Zapdos!

Present's Zapdos is exerting its Pressure!
Virizion used Calm Mind!
Virizion's Sp. Att. rose!
Virizion's Sp. Def. rose!

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Present's Zapdos is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 17!
Virizion used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Present's Zapdos lost 60% of its health!

Present's Zapdos used Heat Wave!
It's super effective!
Virizion lost 156 HP! (48% of its health)
Present's Zapdos is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Present's Zapdos is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 18!
Virizion used Giga Drain!
It's not very effective...
Present's Zapdos lost 17% of its health!
Present's Zapdos fainted!
Present's Zapdos had its energy drained!

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Present sent out Haxorus!

Present's Haxorus has Mold Breaker!

Start of turn 19!
Present's Haxorus used Outrage!
Virizion lost 94 HP! (29% of its health)
Virizion fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Present's Haxorus is buffeted by the sandstorm!
shrang sent out Flygon!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!

Start of turn 20!
Flygon used Outrage!
It's super effective!
Present's Haxorus lost 93% of its health!
Present's Haxorus fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Present sent out Heatran!

Start of turn 21!
Flygon used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
Present's Heatran lost 20% of its health!
Flygon calmed down!
Flygon became confused!

Present's Heatran used Lava Plume!
It's not very effective...
Flygon lost 70 HP! (23% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Present's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 22!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Heatran!
Pointed stones dug into Heatran!

Present's Heatran used Lava Plume!
Heatran's Flash Fire raised the power of its Fire-type moves!

The sandstorm rages!
Present's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 23!
Present's Heatran used Protect!
Present's Heatran protected itself!

Heatran used Earth Power!
Present's Heatran protected itself!

The sandstorm rages!
Present's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 24!
Heatran used Earth Power!
It's super effective!
Present's Heatran lost 97% of its health!
Present's Heatran fainted!
Heatran is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!
Present sent out Starmie!

Start of turn 25!
Present's Starmie used Hydro Pump!
It's super effective!
Heatran lost 147 HP! (45% of its health)
Heatran fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Present's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Present's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
shrang sent out Flygon!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!

Start of turn 26!
Flygon used Outrage!
Present's Starmie lost 34% of its health!
Present's Starmie fainted!

shrang won the battle!

The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.

Battle between shrang and Aristote started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +20, -12
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Heatran / Terrakion / Virizion / Tyranitar / Slowbro / Flygon
Opponent's team: Tyranitar / Breloom / Skarmory / Alakazam / Latias / Heatran

shrang sent out Flygon!
Aristote sent out Breloom!

Start of turn 1!
Flygon used U-turn!
Aristote's Breloom lost 16% of its health!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Virizion!

Aristote's Breloom used Spore!
Virizion fell asleep!

Aristote's Breloom's Toxic Orb activated!
Aristote's Breloom was badly poisoned!

Start of turn 2!
shrang called Virizion back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!

Aristote called Breloom back!
Aristote sent out Heatran!

Start of turn 3!
Aristote's Heatran used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around shrang's team!

Slowbro used Scald!
It's super effective!
Aristote's Heatran lost 37% of its health!

Aristote's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 4!
Aristote's Heatran used Protect!
Aristote's Heatran protected itself!

Slowbro used Thunder Wave!
Aristote's Heatran protected itself!

Aristote's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 5!
Aristote called Heatran back!
Aristote sent out Latias!

Slowbro used Thunder Wave!
Aristote's Latias is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Start of turn 6!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar!

Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Aristote's Latias used Refresh!
Aristote's Latias's status cleared!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Aristote's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 7!
Aristote called Latias back!
Aristote sent out Heatran!

Tyranitar used Dragon Dance!
Tyranitar's Attack rose!
Tyranitar's Speed rose!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 8!
Tyranitar used Dragon Dance!
Tyranitar's Attack rose!
Tyranitar's Speed rose!

Aristote's Heatran used Roar!
Pointed stones dug into Heatran!
Heatran was dragged out!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 9!
Aristote called Heatran back!
Aristote sent out Latias!

Heatran used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Aristote's team!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Aristote's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 10!
Aristote's Latias used Calm Mind!
Aristote's Latias's Sp. Att. rose!
Aristote's Latias's Sp. Def. rose!

Heatran used Dragon Pulse!
It's super effective!
Aristote's Latias lost 41% of its health!
Heatran is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Aristote's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 11!
shrang called Heatran back!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar!

Aristote's Latias used Recover!
Aristote's Latias regained health!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Aristote's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 12!
Aristote called Latias back!
Aristote sent out Heatran!
Pointed stones dug into Aristote's Heatran!

Tyranitar used Dragon Dance!
Tyranitar's Attack rose!
Tyranitar's Speed rose!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 13!
Aristote called Heatran back!
Aristote sent out Skarmory!
Pointed stones dug into Aristote's Skarmory!

Tyranitar used Stone Edge!
Aristote's Skarmory lost 46% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 14!
Tyranitar used Fire Punch!
It's super effective!
Aristote's Skarmory lost 41% of its health!
Aristote's Skarmory fainted!
Tyranitar is hurt by Aristote's Skarmory's Rocky Helmet!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote sent out Heatran!
Pointed stones dug into Aristote's Heatran!

Start of turn 15!
Tyranitar used Stone Edge!
Aristote's Heatran lost 65% of its health!

Aristote's Heatran used Roar!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!
Flygon was dragged out!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 16!
Aristote's Heatran used Protect!
Aristote's Heatran protected itself!

Flygon used Outrage!
Aristote's Heatran protected itself!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 17!
Flygon used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
Aristote's Heatran lost 15% of its health!
Aristote's Heatran fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote sent out Breloom!
Pointed stones dug into Aristote's Breloom!

Start of turn 18!
Flygon used Outrage!
Aristote's Breloom lost 48% of its health!

Aristote's Breloom used Leech Seed!
Flygon was seeded!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Flygon's health is sapped by leech seed.
Aristote's Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 19!
Aristote's Breloom used Protect!
Aristote's Breloom protected itself!

Flygon used Outrage!
Aristote's Breloom protected itself!
Flygon calmed down!
Flygon became confused!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Flygon's health is sapped by leech seed.
Aristote's Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 20!
Aristote's Breloom is tightening its focus!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Slowbro!
Pointed stones dug into Slowbro!

Aristote's Breloom used Focus Punch!
It's not very effective...
Slowbro lost 72 HP! (18% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Aristote's Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 21!
Aristote called Breloom back!
Aristote sent out Latias!
Pointed stones dug into Aristote's Latias!

Slowbro used Thunder Wave!
Aristote's Latias is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

The sandstorm rages!
Slowbro is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Aristote's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Slowbro restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Aristote's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 22!
shrang called Slowbro back!
shrang sent out Tyranitar!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar!

Aristote called Latias back!
Aristote sent out Tyranitar!
Pointed stones dug into Aristote's Tyranitar!

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 23!
Aristote's Tyranitar used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
Aristote: m
Tyranitar lost 159 HP! (46% of its health)
Tyranitar fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
HAMMER SMASHED FACE is watching the battle.
shrang sent out Flygon!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!

Start of turn 24!
Aristote called Tyranitar back!
Aristote sent out Breloom!
Pointed stones dug into Aristote's Breloom!

Flygon used Outrage!
Aristote's Breloom lost 44% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Aristote's Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 25!
Aristote's Breloom used Protect!
Aristote's Breloom protected itself!

Flygon used Outrage!
Aristote's Breloom protected itself!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Aristote's Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 26!
Aristote's Breloom used Protect!
Aristote's Breloom protected itself!

Flygon used Outrage!
Aristote's Breloom protected itself!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Aristote's Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 27!
Flygon used Outrage!
Aristote's Breloom lost 38% of its health!
Aristote's Breloom fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote sent out Tyranitar!
Pointed stones dug into Aristote's Tyranitar!

Start of turn 28!
Flygon used Outrage!
Aristote's Tyranitar lost 45% of its health!

Aristote's Tyranitar used Crunch!
Flygon lost 163 HP! (54% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!

Start of turn 29!
Flygon used Outrage!
Aristote's Tyranitar lost 30% of its health!
Aristote's Tyranitar fainted!
Flygon calmed down!
Flygon became confused!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote sent out Latias!
Pointed stones dug into Aristote's Latias!

Start of turn 30!
shrang called Flygon back!
shrang sent out Virizion!
Pointed stones dug into Virizion!

Aristote's Latias used Dragon Pulse!
Virizion lost 99 HP! (30% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Virizion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Aristote's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Aristote's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 31!
shrang called Virizion back!
shrang sent out Flygon!
Pointed stones dug into Flygon!

Aristote's Latias used Dragon Pulse!
It's super effective!
Flygon lost 10 HP! (3% of its health)
Flygon fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Aristote's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
shrang sent out Terrakion!
Pointed stones dug into Terrakion!

Start of turn 32!
Terrakion used Rock Polish!
Terrakion's Speed sharply rose!

Aristote's Latias used Refresh!
Aristote's Latias's status cleared!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Aristote's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 33!
Terrakion used Swords Dance!
Terrakion's Attack sharply rose!

Aristote's Latias used Dragon Pulse!
Terrakion lost 81 HP! (25% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Aristote's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 34!
Terrakion used Stone Edge!
The attack of Terrakion missed!

Aristote's Latias used Dragon Pulse!
Terrakion lost 76 HP! (23% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote's Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Aristote's Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 35!
Terrakion used Stone Edge!
Aristote's Latias lost 75% of its health!
Aristote's Latias fainted!

The sandstorm rages!
Aristote sent out Alakazam!

Start of turn 36!
Terrakion used Close Combat!
It's not very effective...
Aristote's Alakazam lost 100% of its health!
Aristote's Alakazam fainted!
Terrakion's Defense fell!
Terrakion's Sp. Def. fell!

shrang won the battle!
Aristote: gg
shrang: gg

The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.
Great stuff - Scarf Flygon did exactly what Chou Toshio said, and you did a nice job executing it. The sets are all viable :)

I believe that Outrage at least deserves an AC mention on the Lure Flygon set. It does not pack nearly as much punch as an Outrage from other mixed dragons, all of which can afford to invest in their Atk, but it's still hitting just as hard as your Scarf Flygon's Outrage, so it's still doing respectable damage to a team that lost their first defense to physical assaults.

Now on to the analysis itself. Counters of each set are only meant to provide context to the teammates suggestion that you make. If you mention P2 and Cresselia as CB Flygon counters, for instance, make sure you offer teammates to deal with them (ie SD Scizor). You also mentioned a host of counters to Lure Flygon without providing possible teammates to deal with them.

Also the Checks and Counters section needs more detail - it's supposed to be a comprehensive and well-organized section that people can easily identify ways to beat opposing Flygons. You need to provide specific Pokemon - not generalizations, like bulky Water mons or faster strong-hitters. You also forgot to mention powerful priority from the likes of Mamoswine or CB Scizor, as well as set-up sweepers like SD Scizor and Shell Smash Cloyster against your CB Flygon. You may possibly move the list of counters you provided on CB Flygon and Lure Flygon in here, and expand upon their capabilities of addressing opposing Flygons.
- Counters (to Lure Flygon): Bulky Pokemon in general. Jellicent doesn't take too much from Draco Meteor and can Recover off the damage. Stuff like Deoxys-D, Porygon2 and Chansey don't give a crap about Flygon one bit.

It would suck if somehow the opponent knows that your Flygon is a lure-set and walls you with those mons. You would ideally want a partner to remove these walls to allow Flygon to do its job (punching holes). Mention something like CBTar here, and you're good to go.

QC Approved (2/3)
GP 1/2


<p>Flygon is probably one of the biggest victims of 5th generationBW's power creep. With three new powerful OU or BL Dragon-types introduced, upgrades to Dragonite and the dropping dowemotion of Salamence, Latias, and Latios from Ubers, the competition was just far too great, and Flygon fell from very high OU in 4th generationDPP to being a staple on 5th generationBW UU teams. The introduction of Team Preview also made the "scouting" job redundant. However, this is not to mean that Flygon is bad in OU, since it still has its distinct advantages over the other Dragon-types. Its excellent offensive typing, Levitate for virtual immunity to all hazards, immunity to Thunder Wave, and decent Speed stat still make it very attractive in its own way. However, even with these fabulous toys, Flygon is still very much on the "weak" end of the OU spectrum, and needs to take full advantage of these toys; otherwise, you're better off using a better dragon.</p>

name: Choice Band
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Fire Blast / Stone Edge
item: Choice Band
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>While Flygon's Attack stat of 100 is below average this generation, it can remedy this by slapping on a Choice Band, boosting it to more respectable levels. The upside of using Flygon is its fantastic offensive coverage, as between Outrage and Earthquake, Flygon hits 676 out of 680 of the total Pokemon for neutral or better damage. It doesn't end here, as Flygon can fully take advantage of its immunity to hazards to hold momentum with U-turn. Flygon's greatest advantage of its new found rival Landorus is its access to Dragon STAB. Fire Blast is preferred in the final slot just so Skarmory thinks twice before switching in, as Fire Blast 2HKOs it in neutral weather. Note that apart from 2HKOing Skarmory, Fire Blast is very weak and is easily set up on. Stone Edge can be used in the final slot forto attain "EdgeQuake" coverage, as well as OHKOingnd to net an OHKO on Volcarona.</p>


<p>The EVs are as simple as you can get. Max Attack and Speed soprovide Flygon haswith maximum attackingoffensive potential. The nature is a bit more controversial, however, since Flygon really wants an Adamant nature to reach certain 2HKOs, such as Rocky Helmet Ferrothorn after one layer of Spikes damage, and the fact that it's lacking in power as it is. It also greatly appreciates any boost in power it can nab in general. However, a Jolly nature fully allows Flygon to take advantage of its Speed advantage over the newcomer dragons, and could very potentially decide a game.</p>

<p>Skarmory, physically defensive Ferrothorn, and Bronzong can take hits from Flygon all day, although the former towo need rain to be able to cushion Fire Blast. Physically bulky walls, such as Slowbro, Gliscor, Tangrowth, Porygon2, and Cresselia, can take Flygon's attacks and retaliate reasonably hard. It is for this reason that Swords Dance Scizor is an excellent teammate to Flygon. It can set up on Ferrothorn, Bronzong, Porygon2, Tangrowth, and Cresselia, as well as Slowbro that lack a Fire-type move. Lucario works in a similar fashion, although it cannot defeat Cresselia. As an Outrage-spamming Pokemon, Magnezone is naturally a good teammate to remove opposing Steel-types. As for Slowbro and Gliscor, Rotom-W makes short work of both of them, while being a good "Volt-tTurn" partner for Flygon. Grass-types such as Celebi, Virizion, Rotom-C, and Shaymin also takes them out without much trouble, although Virizion won't enjoy Thunder Wave or Toxic from Slowbro, nor do any of them enjoy taking Acrobatics from Flying Gem Gliscor. Latios and Hydreigon does not like getting paralyzed by Thunder Wave either, but they can easily switch into Slowbro and Gliscor to fire off deadly Draco Meteors.</p>

name: Mixed Lure
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Fire Blast
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: U-turn / Roost
item: Life Orb
nature: Rash / Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>While this set may appear outclassed by Salamence, who boasts a much higher attacking stats, Flygon has a few unique qualities that different itself from the big blue salamander. Firstly, Flygon resists Stealth Rock, which allows it to switch in more frequently than Salamence, while secondly, it is immune to Thunder Wave. The biggest reason to use Flygon, however, is the fact that physical walls that neglect their Special Defense are much more likely to switch into Flygon than Salamence, only to meet their doom. Salamence's high base 110 Special Attack would make Pokemon such as Gliscor and Slowbro more hesitant to switch in. Flygon's base 80, however, is completely off the radar. However, while it may appear low, Flygon's Special Attack is just enough to severely cripple the main physical walls in the tier, as; with a Life Orb, and the combination of Draco Meteor and Fire Blast, itFlygon is still OHKOing andor 2HKOing most of them. Draco Meteor is the bread and butter of this set, as it easily puts Gliscor, Slowbro, Hippowdon, and Quagsire out of commision, and this allows another physical sweeper to sweep much more easily. Fire Blast OHKOs Skarmory and Ferrothorn, as well as while 2HKOing standard Bronzong. Earthquake is chosen over Earth Power because it hits Tyranitar, and Specially Defensive Heatran and Jirachi harder than Earth Power does. U-turn is preferred in the last slot because it severely damages Celebi, as well as keep while retaining momentum. Roost can be used for recovery if you desire it, although Flygon's frailness makes it bit hard to pull off a successful Roost.</p>


<p>Here are some damage calculations to illustrate Flygon's ability to remove physical walls:</p>

<ul class=”damage_calculation”>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 0 SpD Gliscor: 84.18% - 99.44%</li>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 0 SpD Slowbro: 71.83% - 84.77%</li>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 4 SpD Hippowdon: 72.86% - 85.95%</li>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 4 SpD Quagsire: 84.01% - 99.24%</li>
<li>Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 4 SpD Skarmory: 108.38% - 127.54%</li>
<li>Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 92 SpD Sassy Bronzong: 65.09% - 76.92%</li>

<p>The EVs used allow Flygon to outspeed any Pokemon up to base 100 Speed that are not boosted. A Naive nature can be used instead, but the power lost is considerable, especially when low damage rolls could mean that Gliscor with Protect can avoid being 2HKOed by Draco Meteor. Outrage is another option to put in the last slot, as it's still a powerful STAB attack that could hurt, even from 237 Attack.</p>

<p>Since this set is aiming to lure out and destroy physical walls, physical sweepers that appreciate their removal are good teammates to Flygon. Swords Dance Lucario, Terrakion, Dragonite, Salamence, Haxorus, Swords Dance Virizion, and Landorus can all sweep with much more confidence when physical walls are out of the way. Lucario gets a special mention since it resists Flygon's two weaknesses, while Landorus shares common switch-ins with Flygon, which means its counters are easily smoked out by Flygon.</p>

<p>Specially bulky Pokemon that aren't frail physically are generally good switch-ins to mixed Flygon. Jellicent can easily take a Draco Meteor and Recover off any damage. Deoxys-D, Porygon2, and Chansey all have huge overall defenses which prevent Flygon from breaking through them. Due to this reason, Choice Band Tyranitar is an excellent teammate to Flygon because of its ability to checkmate all of the aforementioned threats. Gengar threatens all of them with its powerful Shadow Ball and Focus Blast, although it needs be careful to avoid switching into Jellicent's own Shadow Ball. Vaporeon can also take hits from Mixed Flygon without much problem, either, and use Wish to heal itself. Bulky Grass-types such as Virizion and Celebi can set up on Vaporeon quite easily. Toxic Spikes also makes the life for those walls difficult. Forretress and Tentacruel can easily set up Toxic Spikes while resisting Flygon's Ice-type weakness, and in Forretress's case, Dragon-type weakness as well. Since Flygon is weak to both Ice- and Dragon-typed moves, bulky Water-types and Steel-types are useful teammates. Apart from Tentacruel, a Jellicent or Vaporeon of your own can absorb Ice-type attacks aimed at Flygon, while Steel-types such as Scizor, Metagross, and Bronzong are good at switching into Dragon-type attacks.</p>

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Fire Blast
item: Choice Scarf
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>Flygon's good Speed stat and excellent type coverage makes it a workable Choice Scarf user in OU. It is able to revenge kill many threats, such as Dragon Dance Dragonite and Haxorus, Choice Scarf Hydreigon, as well as s; it also can Speed-tie with +1 Salamence or VolcaronaVolcarona or Salamence at the very worst. It still takes hardly anything from entry hazards, is immune to Thunder Wave, and can use U-turn to keep momentum. What sets Flygon apart from Landorus, the other Ground-type Choice Scarfer with U-turn, is its access to STAB Outrage. With its excellent pair of STABs, Flygon is possibly one of the most efficient late game cleaners in the game due to the number of Pokemon it can hit. It tends to force the opponent into hanging onto their more defensive Pokemon and lose offensive momentum. As such, Choice Scarf Flygon is useful in all stages of the match, as it can keep offensive momentum in the early game with U-turn, revenge kills threats mid-game, and clean up late game.</p>

<p>Outrage and Earthquake are obviously Flygon's two excellent STAB attacks. U-turn allows Flygon to maintain momentum for the team and force switches to rack up entry hazard damage. Stone Edge is preferred in the last moveslot, as it allows Flygon to revenge kill Volcarona. However, if the fiery moth of no concern, Fire Blast can be used to give Skarmory a nasty surprise upon switch-in.</p>


<p>ThunderPunch can be used in the final slot to revenge kill Gyarados, but is rather useless otherwise. Dragon Claw can also be used to avoid locking Flygon into Outrage, but Flygon is already very weak anyway, and really needs the power that Outrage provides. Although Flygon desperately needs power given by an Adamant nature, there are way too many Choice Scarf users that have between 448 and 492 Speed that Flygon can defeat, such as Haxorus, Hydreigon, and Kyurem. This is why only a Jolly nature is recommended.</p>

<p>As a revenge killer, Flygon is pretty self-sufficient. However, there are Pokemon that can make its late-game cleaning job a lot easier. Since Flygon is very much on the weak side, it appreciates the weakening of bulky Pokemon so it can just swat them aside later. Removing Steel-types also helps its cause. This is why Magnezone is a fantastic teammate to Flygon. Not only does it resist both of Flygon's weaknesses, but it can also use its Magnet Pull ability to trap and remove Steel-types. Strong wall-breakers such as Choice Band Haxorus and Swords Dance Terrakion can also punch holes for Flygon to rampage through later. Also, since Flygon likes cleaning up in the late-game, Spikes can whittle opponents down into its KO range. With a layer of Spikes and Stealth Rock down, Pokemon such as Eviolite Chansey are much more nervous about switching into Flygon's Outrage. Ferrothorn is the premier Spiker of OU withdue to its excellent bulk and typing, as well and it also possesses good synergy with Flygon. Skarmory and Forretress are also good Spikers to runusers. As for spin-blockers to keep the Spikes down, Gengar is an excellent offensive spin-blocker, while Jellicent, Sableye, Dusclops can fit onto bulkier teams. Choice Scarf Rotom is another good spin-blocker who can also form a "Volt-turn" combo with Flygon.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Screech Flygon was a decent set in generation 4DPP because of its ability to force switches. However, since the power creep of generation 5BW, this set isn't very viable any more, while U-turn forces switches very well anyway. Flygon can use Toxic, Earthquake, and Roost to try and stall, but its general frailty means it can't stall for very long, while its common counters such as, Gliscor and Skarmory, are immune to both Toxic and Earthquake. Flygon has access to Hone Claws as a boosting move, but every other Dragon-type in OU does a better job at boosting. Finally, Flygon is a rather interesting Shell Smash recipient. While it is relatively frail and doesn't resist any form of priority, its virtual immunity to hazards and Thunder Wave, as well as fantastic type coverage can make it hard to stop.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>In general, if you want a full counter to Flygon, look no further than excessively bulky Pokemon such as Cresselia, Deoxys-D, Eviolite Chansey and Porygon2. Flygon's low attacking stats can never hope to break their thick hides. Bronzong, Skarmory, physically defensive Ferrothorn, and Forretress can take everything from Choice Band Flygon, although the latter three need to watch out for a well-timed Fire Blast. Bronzong can easily take Flygon out with Gyro Ball or Hidden Power Ice, while the other three can set up entry hazards at will. Physical walls such as Slowbro and Tangrowth can also switch into Choice Band Flygon and threaten with Scald and Giga Drain, respectively. However, both of them do not like being U-turned on. As for the mixed set, bulky Water-types with access to recovery, such as Jellicent, Vaporeon, and Milotic, can tank hits from Flygon all day, while threatening with nasty moves such as Scald, Ice Beam, or even a status move.</p>

<p>Since Flygon is frail by this generation's standards, it is quite easy to take advantage of this and just hit Flygon very hard. Strong priority can take down Flygon very quickly. Ice Shard from Mamoswine and Weavile easily OHKOs it, while Donphan can 2HKO with an Ice Shard of its own. Choice Band Scizor is easily chewing off over 65% of Flygon's health with Bullet Punch, while Choice Band Dragonite is doing a similar amount with ExtremeSpeed. Pokemon that are faster than Flygon can easily revenge kill it. Terrakion completely annihilates Flygon with Close Combat, Starmie can OHKO with Ice Beam, Landorus and Virizion with Hidden Power Ice, and Latios with any of its Dragon-type moves. Beware however, that Flygon may be using a Choice Scarf, so these Pokemon need a Choice Scarf of their own to outspeed Choice Scarf Flygon.</p>

<p>Flygon is probably one of the biggest victims of BW's power creep. With three new powerful OU or BL Dragon-types introduced, upgrades to Dragonite and the demotion of Salamence, Latias, and Latios from Ubers, the competition was just far too great, and Flygon fell from very high OU in DPP to being a staple on BW UU teams. The introduction of Team Preview also made the "scouting" job redundant. However, this is not to mean that Flygon is bad in OU, since it still has its distinct advantages over the other Dragon-types. Its excellent offensive typing, Levitate for virtual immunity to all hazards, immunity to Thunder Wave, and decent Speed stat still make it very attractive in its own way. However, even with these fabulous toys, Flygon is still very much on the "weak" end of the OU spectrum, and needs to take full advantage of these toys; otherwise, you're better off using a better dragon.</p>

name: Choice Band
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Fire Blast / Stone Edge
item: Choice Band
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>While Flygon's Attack stat of 100 is below average this generation, it can remedy this by slapping on a Choice Band, boosting it to more respectable levels. The upside of using Flygon is its fantastic offensive coverage, as between Outrage and Earthquake, Flygon hits 676 out of 680 of the total Pokemon for neutral or better damage. It doesn't end here, as Flygon can fully take advantage of its immunity to hazards to hold momentum with U-turn. Flygon's greatest advantage of its new found rival Landorus is its access to Dragon STAB. Fire Blast is preferred in the final slot just so Skarmory thinks twice before switching in, as Fire Blast 2HKOs it in neutral weather. Note that apart from 2HKOing Skarmory, Fire Blast is very weak and is easily set up on. Stone Edge can be used in the final slot to attain "EdgeQuake" coverage and to net an OHKO on Volcarona.</p>


<p>The EVs are as simple as you can get. Max Attack and Speed provide Flygon with maximum offensive potential. The nature is a bit more controversial, however, since Flygon really wants an Adamant nature to reach certain 2HKOs, such as Rocky Helmet Ferrothorn after one layer of Spikes damage. It also greatly appreciates any boost in power it can nab in general. However, a Jolly nature fully allows Flygon to take advantage of its Speed advantage over the new dragons, and could potentially decide a game.</p>

<p>Skarmory, physically defensive Ferrothorn, and Bronzong can take hits from Flygon all day, although the former two need rain to be able to cushion Fire Blast. Physically bulky walls, such as Slowbro, Gliscor, Tangrowth, Porygon2, and Cresselia, can take Flygon's attacks and retaliate reasonably hard. It is for this reason that Swords Dance Scizor is an excellent teammate to Flygon. It can set up on Ferrothorn, Bronzong, Porygon2, Tangrowth, and Cresselia, as well as Slowbro that lack a Fire-type move. Lucario works in a similar fashion, although it cannot defeat Cresselia. As an Outrage-spamming Pokemon, Magnezone is naturally a good teammate to remove opposing Steel-types. As for Slowbro and Gliscor, Rotom-W makes short work of both of them, while being a good "VoltTurn" partner for Flygon. Grass-types such as Celebi, Virizion, Rotom-C, and Shaymin also take them out without much trouble, although Virizion won't enjoy Thunder Wave or Toxic from Slowbro, nor do any of them enjoy taking Acrobatics from Flying Gem Gliscor. Latios and Hydreigon does not like getting paralyzed by Thunder Wave either, but they can easily switch into Slowbro and Gliscor to fire off deadly Draco Meteors.</p>

name: Mixed Lure
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Fire Blast
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: U-turn / Roost
item: Life Orb
nature: Rash / Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>While this set may appear to be outclassed by Salamence, who boasts much higher attacking stats, Flygon has a few unique qualities that different itself from the big blue salamander. Firstly, Flygon resists Stealth Rock, which allows it to switch in more frequently than Salamence, while secondly, it is immune to Thunder Wave. The biggest reason to use Flygon, however, is the fact that physical walls that neglect their Special Defense are much more likely to switch into Flygon than Salamence, only to meet their doom. Salamence's high base 110 Special Attack would make Pokemon such as Gliscor and Slowbro more hesitant to switch in. Flygon's base 80, however, is completely off the radar. However, while it may appear low, Flygon's Special Attack is just enough to severely cripple the main physical walls in the tier; with a Life Orb and the combination of Draco Meteor and Fire Blast, Flygon is still OHKOing or 2HKOing most of them. Draco Meteor is the bread and butter of this set, as it easily puts Gliscor, Slowbro, Hippowdon, and Quagsire out of commision, and this allows another physical sweeper to sweep much more easily. Fire Blast OHKOs Skarmory and Ferrothorn while 2HKOing standard Bronzong. Earthquake is chosen over Earth Power because it hits Tyranitar and Specially Defensive Heatran and Jirachi harder than Earth Power does. U-turn is preferred in the last slot because it severely damages Celebi while retaining momentum. Roost can be used for recovery if you desire it, although Flygon's frailness makes it bit hard to pull off a successful Roost.</p>


<p>Here are some damage calculations to illustrate Flygon's ability to remove physical walls:</p>

<ul class=”damage_calculation”>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 0 SpD Gliscor: 84.18% - 99.44%</li>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 0 SpD Slowbro: 71.83% - 84.77%</li>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 4 SpD Hippowdon: 72.86% - 85.95%</li>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 4 SpD Quagsire: 84.01% - 99.24%</li>
<li>Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 4 SpD Skarmory: 108.38% - 127.54%</li>
<li>Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 92 SpD Sassy Bronzong: 65.09% - 76.92%</li>

<p>The EVs used allow Flygon to outspeed any Pokemon up to base 100 Speed that are not boosted. A Naive nature can be used instead, but the power lost is considerable, especially when low damage rolls could mean that Gliscor with Protect can avoid being 2HKOed by Draco Meteor. Outrage is another option to put in the last slot, as it's still a powerful STAB attack that could hurt, even from 237 Attack.</p>

<p>Since this set is aiming to lure out and destroy physical walls, physical sweepers that appreciate their removal are good teammates to Flygon. Swords Dance Lucario, Terrakion, Dragonite, Salamence, Haxorus, Swords Dance Virizion, and Landorus can all sweep with much more confidence when physical walls are out of the way. Lucario gets a special mention since it resists Flygon's two weaknesses, while Landorus shares common switch-ins with Flygon, which means its counters are easily smoked out by Flygon.</p>

<p>Specially bulky Pokemon that aren't frail physically are generally good switch-ins to mixed Flygon. Jellicent can easily take a Draco Meteor and Recover off any damage. Deoxys-D, Porygon2, and Chansey all have huge overall defenses which prevent Flygon from breaking through them. Due to this reason, Choice Band Tyranitar is an excellent teammate to Flygon because of its ability to checkmate all of the aforementioned threats. Gengar threatens all of them with its powerful Shadow Ball and Focus Blast, although it needs be careful to avoid switching into Jellicent's own Shadow Ball. Vaporeon can also take hits from Mixed Flygon without much problem, either, and use Wish to heal itself. Bulky Grass-types such as Virizion and Celebi can set up on Vaporeon quite easily. Toxic Spikes also makes life for those walls difficult. Forretress and Tentacruel can easily set up Toxic Spikes while resisting Flygon's Ice-type weakness, and in Forretress's case, Dragon-type weakness as well. Since Flygon is weak to both Ice- and Dragon-typed moves, bulky Water-types and Steel-types are useful teammates. Apart from Tentacruel, a Jellicent or Vaporeon of your own can absorb Ice-type attacks aimed at Flygon, while Steel-types such as Scizor, Metagross, and Bronzong are good at switching into Dragon-type attacks.</p>

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Fire Blast
item: Choice Scarf
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>Flygon's good Speed stat and excellent type coverage makes it a workable Choice Scarf user in OU. It is able to revenge kill many threats, such as Dragon Dance Dragonite and Haxorus, Choice Scarf Hydreigon; it also can Speed tie with +1 Volcarona or Salamence at the very worst. It still takes hardly anything from entry hazards, is immune to Thunder Wave, and can use U-turn to keep momentum. What sets Flygon apart from Landorus, the other Ground-type Choice Scarfer with U-turn, is its access to STAB Outrage. With its excellent pair of STABs, Flygon is possibly one of the most efficient late game cleaners in the game due to the number of Pokemon it can hit. It tends to force the opponent into hanging onto their more defensive Pokemon and lose offensive momentum. As such, Choice Scarf Flygon is useful in all stages of the match, as it can keep offensive momentum in the early game with U-turn, revenge kills threats mid-game, and clean up late game.</p>

<p>Outrage and Earthquake are obviously Flygon's two excellent STAB attacks. U-turn allows Flygon to maintain momentum for the team and force switches to rack up entry hazard damage. Stone Edge is preferred in the last moveslot, as it allows Flygon to revenge kill Volcarona. However, if the fiery moth of no concern, Fire Blast can be used to give Skarmory a nasty surprise upon switch-in.</p>


<p>ThunderPunch can be used in the final slot to revenge kill Gyarados, but is rather useless otherwise. Dragon Claw can also be used to avoid locking Flygon into Outrage, but Flygon is already very weak anyway, and really needs the power that Outrage provides. Although Flygon desperately needs power given by an Adamant nature, there are way too many Choice Scarf users that have between 448 and 492 Speed that Flygon can defeat, such as Haxorus, Hydreigon, and Kyurem. This is why only a Jolly nature is recommended.</p>

<p>As a revenge killer, Flygon is pretty self-sufficient. However, there are Pokemon that can make its late-game cleaning job a lot easier. Since Flygon is very much on the weak side, it appreciates the weakening of bulky Pokemon so it can just swat them aside later. Removing Steel-types also helps its cause. This is why Magnezone is a fantastic teammate to Flygon. Not only does it resist both of Flygon's weaknesses, but it can also use its Magnet Pull ability to trap and remove Steel-types. Strong wall-breakers such as Choice Band Haxorus and Swords Dance Terrakion can also punch holes for Flygon to rampage through later. Also, since Flygon likes cleaning up in the late-game, Spikes can whittle opponents down into its KO range. With a layer of Spikes and Stealth Rock down, Pokemon such as Eviolite Chansey are much more nervous about switching into Flygon's Outrage. Ferrothorn is the premier Spiker of OU due to its excellent bulk and typing, and it also possesses good synergy with Flygon. Skarmory and Forretress are also good Spikes users. As for spinblockers to keep the Spikes down, Gengar is an excellent offensive spinblocker, while Jellicent, Sableye, Dusclops can fit onto bulkier teams. Choice Scarf Rotom is another good spinblocker who can also form a "Volt-turn" combo with Flygon.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Screech Flygon was a decent set in DPP because of its ability to force switches. However, since the power creep of BW, this set isn't very viable any more, while U-turn forces switches anyway. Flygon can use Toxic, Earthquake, and Roost to try and stall, but its general frailty means it can't stall for very long, while its common counters, Gliscor and Skarmory, are immune to both Toxic and Earthquake. Flygon has access to Hone Claws as a boosting move, but every other Dragon-type in OU does a better job at boosting. Finally, Flygon is a rather interesting Shell Smash recipient. While it is relatively frail and doesn't resist any form of priority, its virtual immunity to hazards and Thunder Wave, as well as fantastic type coverage can make it hard to stop.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>In general, if you want a full counter to Flygon, look no further than excessively bulky Pokemon such as Cresselia, Deoxys-D, Eviolite Chansey and Porygon2. Flygon's low attacking stats can never hope to break their thick hides. Bronzong, Skarmory, physically defensive Ferrothorn, and Forretress can take everything from Choice Band Flygon, although the latter three need to watch out for a well-timed Fire Blast. Bronzong can easily take Flygon out with Gyro Ball or Hidden Power Ice, while the other three can set up entry hazards at will. Physical walls such as Slowbro and Tangrowth can also switch into Choice Band Flygon and threaten with Scald and Giga Drain, respectively. However, both of them do not like being U-turned on. As for the mixed set, bulky Water-types with access to recovery, such as Jellicent, Vaporeon, and Milotic, can tank hits from Flygon all day, while threatening with nasty moves such as Scald, Ice Beam, or even a status move.</p>

<p>Since Flygon is frail by this generation's standards, it is quite easy to take advantage of this and just hit Flygon very hard. Strong priority can take down Flygon very quickly. Ice Shard from Mamoswine and Weavile easily OHKO it, while Donphan can 2HKO with an Ice Shard of its own. Choice Band Scizor is easily chewing off over 65% of Flygon's health with Bullet Punch, while Choice Band Dragonite is doing a similar amount with ExtremeSpeed. Pokemon that are faster than Flygon can easily revenge kill it. Terrakion completely annihilates Flygon with Close Combat, Starmie can OHKO with Ice Beam, Landorus and Virizion with Hidden Power Ice, and Latios with any of its Dragon-type moves. Beware however, that Flygon may be using a Choice Scarf, so these Pokemon need a Choice Scarf of their own to outspeed Choice Scarf Flygon.</p>

Good job, just know it's checks and counters now not just counters. Other than that good writing.

<Quick Comments>


<p>Flygon is probably one of the biggest victims of BW's power creep. With three new powerful OU or BL Dragon-types introduced, upgrades to Dragonite (comma) and the demotion of Salamence, Latias, and Latios from Ubers, the competition was just far too great, and Flygon fell from very high OU in DPP to being a staple on BW UU teams. The introduction of Team Preview also made the "scouting" job redundant. However, this is not to mean that Flygon is bad in OU, since (as) it still has its distinct advantages over the other Dragon-types. Its excellent offensive typing, Levitate for (granting) virtual immunity to all hazards, immunity to Thunder Wave, and (a) decent Speed stat still make it very attractive in its own way. However, even with these fabulous toys, Flygon is still very much on the "weak" end of the OU spectrum, and needs to take full advantage of these toys; otherwise, you're better off using a better dragon.</p>

name: Choice Band
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Fire Blast / Stone Edge
item: Choice Band
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>While Flygon's Attack stat of 100 is below average this generation, it can remedy this by slapping on a Choice Band, boosting it to more respectable levels. The upside of using Flygon is its fantastic offensive coverage, as between Outrage and Earthquake, Flygon hits 676 out of 680 of the total Pokemon for neutral or better damage. It doesn't end here, as Flygon can fully take advantage of its immunity to hazards to hold momentum with U-turn. Flygon's greatest advantage of (over) its new(no space)found rival Landorus is its access to Dragon STAB. Fire Blast is preferred in the final slot just so Skarmory thinks twice before (about) switching in, as Fire Blast 2HKOs it in neutral weather. Note that apart from 2HKOing Skarmory, Fire Blast is very weak and is easily set up on. Stone Edge can be used in the final slot to attain "EdgeQuake" coverage and to net an OHKO on Volcarona.</p>


<p>The EVs are as simple as you can get. Max Attack and Speed provide Flygon with maximum offensive potential. The nature is a bit more controversial, however, since (as) Flygon really wants an Adamant nature to reach certain 2HKOs,()such as Rocky Helmet Ferrothorn after one layer of Spikes damage. It also greatly appreciates any boost in power it can nab in general. However, a Jolly nature fully allows Flygon to take (full) advantage of its (superior) Speed advantage over (when compared to) the new dragons, and could potentially decide a game.</p> <advantage seemed redundant>

<p>Skarmory, physically defensive Ferrothorn, and Bronzong can take hits from Flygon all day, although the former two need rain to be able to cushion Fire Blast. Physically bulky walls, such as Slowbro, Gliscor, Tangrowth, Porygon2, and Cresselia, can take Flygon's attacks and retaliate reasonably hard (well). It is for this reason that Swords Dance Scizor is an excellent teammate to Flygon. It can set up on Ferrothorn, Bronzong, Porygon2, Tangrowth, and Cresselia, as well as Slowbro that lack a Fire-type move. Lucario works in a similar fashion, although it cannot defeat Cresselia. As an Outrage-spamming Pokemon, Magnezone is naturally a good teammate to remove opposing Steel-types. As for Slowbro and Gliscor, Rotom-W makes short work of both of them, while being a good "VoltTurn" partner for Flygon. Grass-types such as Celebi, Virizion, Rotom-C, and Shaymin also take them out without much trouble, although Virizion won't enjoy Thunder Wave or Toxic from Slowbro, nor do any of them enjoy taking Acrobatics from Flying Gem Gliscor. Latios and Hydreigon does not like (enjoy) getting paralyzed by Thunder Wave either, but they can easily switch into Slowbro and Gliscor to fire off deadly Draco Meteors.</p>

name: Mixed Lure
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Fire Blast
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: U-turn / Roost
item: Life Orb
nature: Rash / Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>While this set may appear to be outclassed by Salamence, who boasts much higher attacking stats, Flygon has a few unique qualities that different (distance) itself from the big blue salamander. Firstly, Flygon resists Stealth Rock, which allows it to switch in more frequently than Salamence, while secondly, it is immune to Thunder Wave. The biggest reason to use Flygon, however, is the fact that physical walls that neglect their Special Defense are much more likely to switch into Flygon than Salamence, only to meet their doom. Salamence's high base 110 Special Attack would make Pokemon such as Gliscor and Slowbro more hesitant to switch in. Flygon's base 80, however, is completely off the radar. However, while it may appear low, Flygon's Special Attack is just enough to severely cripple the main physical walls in the tier; with a Life Orb and the combination of Draco Meteor and Fire Blast, Flygon is still OHKOing or 2HKOing most of them. Draco Meteor is the bread and butter of this set, as it easily puts Gliscor, Slowbro, Hippowdon, and Quagsire out of commis(s)ion, and this allows another physical sweeper to sweep much more easily. Fire Blast OHKOs Skarmory and Ferrothorn while 2HKOing standard Bronzong. Earthquake is chosen over Earth Power because it hits Tyranitar and (comma) Specially Defensive Heatran (comma) and Jirachi harder than Earth Power does. U-turn is preferred in the last slot because it severely damages Celebi while retaining momentum. Roost can be used for recovery if you desire it, although Flygon's frailness makes it bit hard to pull off a successful Roost.</p>


<p>Here are some damage calculations to illustrate Flygon's ability to remove physical walls:</p>

<ul class=”damage_calculation”>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 0 SpD Gliscor: 84.18% - 99.44%</li>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 0 SpD Slowbro: 71.83% - 84.77%</li>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 4 SpD Hippowdon: 72.86% - 85.95%</li>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 4 SpD Quagsire: 84.01% - 99.24%</li>
<li>Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 4 SpD Skarmory: 108.38% - 127.54%</li>
<li>Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 92 SpD Sassy Bronzong: 65.09% - 76.92%</li>

<p>The EVs used allow Flygon to outspeed any Pokemon up to base 100 Speed that are not boosted. A Naive nature can be used instead, but the power lost is considerable, especially when low damage rolls could mean that Gliscor with Protect can avoid being 2HKOed by Draco Meteor. Outrage is another option to put in the last slot, as it's still a powerful STAB attack that could hurt, even from 237 Attack.</p>

<p>Since (Because) this set is aiming to lure out and destroy physical walls, physical sweepers that appreciate their removal are good teammates to (for) Flygon. Swords Dance Lucario, Terrakion, Dragonite, Salamence, Haxorus, Swords Dance Virizion, and Landorus can all sweep with much more confidence when physical walls are out of the way. Lucario gets a special mention since (because) it resists Flygon's two weaknesses, while Landorus shares common switch-ins with Flygon, which means its counters are easily smoked out by Flygon.</p>

<p>Specially bulky Pokemon that aren't frail physically (frail) are generally good switch-ins to mixed Flygon. Jellicent can easily take a Draco Meteor and Recover off any damage. Deoxys-D, Porygon2, and Chansey all have huge overall defenses which prevent Flygon from breaking through them. Due to this reason, Choice Band Tyranitar is an excellent teammate to (for) Flygon because of its ability to checkmate all of the aforementioned threats. Gengar threatens all of them with its powerful Shadow Ball and Focus Blast, although it needs be careful to avoid switching into Jellicent's own Shadow Ball. Vaporeon can also take hits from Mixed Flygon without much problem, either, and use Wish to heal itself. Bulky Grass-types such as Virizion and Celebi can set up on Vaporeon quite easily. Toxic Spikes also makes life for those walls difficult. Forretress and Tentacruel can easily set up Toxic Spikes while resisting Flygon's Ice-type weakness, and in Forretress's case, Dragon-type weakness as well. Since Flygon is weak to both Ice- and Dragon-typed moves, bulky Water-types and Steel-types are useful teammates. Apart from Tentacruel, a Jellicent or Vaporeon of your own can absorb Ice-type attacks aimed at Flygon, while Steel-types such as Scizor, Metagross, and Bronzong are good at switching into Dragon-type attacks.</p>

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Fire Blast
item: Choice Scarf
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>Flygon's good Speed stat and excellent type coverage makes it a workable Choice Scarf user in OU. It is able to revenge kill many threats, such as Dragon Dance Dragonite and Haxorus, (and) Choice Scarf Hydreigon; it also can Speed tie with +1 Volcarona or Salamence at the very worst. It still takes hardly anything from entry hazards, is immune to Thunder Wave, and can use U-turn to keep momentum. What sets Flygon apart from Landorus, the other Ground-type Choice Scarfer with U-turn, is its access to STAB Outrage. With its excellent pair of STABs, Flygon is possibly one of the most efficient late(hyphen)game cleaners in the game due to the number of Pokemon it can hit. It tends to force the opponent into hanging onto their more defensive Pokemon and lose offensive momentum. As such, Choice Scarf Flygon is useful in all stages of the match, as it can keep offensive momentum in the early(hyphen)game with U-turn, revenge kills threats mid-game, and clean up late(hyphen)game.</p>

<p>Outrage and Earthquake are obviously Flygon's two excellent STAB attacks. U-turn allows Flygon to maintain momentum for the team and force switches to rack up entry hazard damage. Stone Edge is preferred in the last moveslot, as it allows Flygon to revenge kill Volcarona. However, if the fiery moth of no concern, Fire Blast can be used to give Skarmory a nasty surprise upon switch-in.</p>


<p>ThunderPunch can be used in the final slot to revenge kill Gyarados, but is rather useless otherwise. Dragon Claw can also be used to avoid locking Flygon into Outrage, but Flygon is already very weak anyway, and really needs the power that Outrage provides. Although Flygon desperately needs power given by an Adamant nature, there are way too many Choice Scarf users that have between 448 and 492 Speed that Flygon can defeat, such as Haxorus, Hydreigon, and Kyurem. This is why only a Jolly nature is recommended.</p>

<p>As a revenge killer, Flygon is pretty self-sufficient. However, there are Pokemon that can make its late-game cleaning job a lot easier. Since (As) Flygon is very much on the weak side, it appreciates the weakening of bulky Pokemon so it can just swat them aside later. Removing Steel-types also helps its cause. This is why (comma) (making) Magnezone is a fantastic teammate to Flygon. Not only does it resist both of Flygon's weaknesses, but it can also use its Magnet Pull ability to trap and remove Steel-types. Strong wall-breakers such as Choice Band Haxorus and Swords Dance Terrakion can also punch holes for Flygon to rampage through later. Also, since Flygon likes cleaning up in the late-game, (so) Spikes can whittle opponents down into its KO range. With a layer of Spikes and Stealth Rock down, Pokemon such as Eviolite Chansey are much more nervous about switching into Flygon's Outrage. Ferrothorn is the premier Spiker of OU due to its excellent bulk and typing, and it also possesses good synergy with Flygon. Skarmory and Forretress are also good Spikes users. As for spinblockers to keep the Spikes down, Gengar is an excellent offensive spinblocker, while Jellicent, Sableye, Dusclops can fit onto bulkier teams. Choice Scarf Rotom is another good spinblocker who can also form a "Volt-t(T)urn" combo with Flygon.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Screech Flygon was a decent set in DPP because of its ability to force switches. However, since the power creep of BW, this set isn't very viable any more, while U-turn forces switches anyway. Flygon can use Toxic, Earthquake, and Roost to try and stall, but its general frailty means it can't stall for very long, while its common counters, Gliscor and Skarmory, are immune to both Toxic and Earthquake. Flygon has access to Hone Claws as a boosting move, but every other Dragon-type in OU does a better job at boosting. Finally, Flygon is a rather interesting Shell Smash recipient. While it is relatively frail and doesn't resist any form of priority, its virtual immunity to hazards and Thunder Wave, as well as fantastic type coverage (comma) can make it hard to stop.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>In general, if you want a full counter to Flygon, look no further than excessively bulky Pokemon such as Cresselia, Deoxys-D, Eviolite Chansey and Porygon2. Flygon's low attacking stats can never hope to break their thick hides. Bronzong, Skarmory, physically defensive Ferrothorn, and Forretress can take everything from Choice Band Flygon, although the latter three need to watch out for a well-timed Fire Blast. Bronzong can easily take Flygon out with Gyro Ball or Hidden Power Ice, while the other three can set up entry hazards at will. Physical walls such as Slowbro and Tangrowth can also switch into Choice Band Flygon and threaten with Scald and Giga Drain, respectively. However, both of them do not like being U-turned on. As for the mixed set, bulky Water-types with access to recovery, such as Jellicent, Vaporeon, and Milotic, can tank hits from Flygon all day, while threatening with nasty moves such as Scald, Ice Beam, or even a status move.</p>

<p>Since Flygon is frail by this generation's standards, it is quite easy to take advantage of this and just hit Flygon very hard. Strong priority can take down Flygon very quickly. Ice Shard from Mamoswine and Weavile easily OHKO it, while Donphan can 2HKO with an Ice Shard of its own. Choice Band Scizor is easily chewing off over 65% of Flygon's health with Bullet Punch, while Choice Band Dragonite is doing a similar amount with ExtremeSpeed. Pokemon that are faster than Flygon can easily revenge kill it. Terrakion completely annihilates Flygon with Close Combat, Starmie can OHKO with Ice Beam, Landorus and Virizion with Hidden Power Ice, and Latios with any of its Dragon-type moves. Beware (comma) however, that Flygon may be using a Choice Scarf, so these Pokemon need a Choice Scarf of their own to outspeed Choice Scarf Flygon.</p>​


<p>Flygon is probably one of the biggest victims of BW's power creep. With three new powerful OU or BL Dragon-types introduced, upgrades to Dragonite, and the demotion of Salamence, Latias, and Latios from Ubers, the competition was just far too great, and Flygon fell from very high OU in DPP to being a staple on BW UU teams. The introduction of Team Preview also made the "scouting" job redundant. However, this is not to mean that Flygon is bad in OU, as it still has its distinct advantages over the other Dragon-types. Its excellent offensive typing, Levitate granting virtual immunity to all hazards, immunity to Thunder Wave, and a decent Speed stat still make it very attractive in its own way. However, even with these fabulous toys, Flygon is still very much on the "weak" end of the OU spectrum, and needs to take full advantage of these toys; otherwise, you're better off using a better dragon.</p>

name: Choice Band
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Fire Blast / Stone Edge
item: Choice Band
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>While Flygon's Attack stat of 100 is below average this generation, it can remedy this by slapping on a Choice Band, boosting it to more respectable levels. The upside of using Flygon is its fantastic offensive coverage, as between Outrage and Earthquake, Flygon hits 676 out of 680 of the total Pokemon for neutral or better damage. It doesn't end here, as Flygon can fully take advantage of its immunity to hazards to hold momentum with U-turn. Flygon's greatest advantage over its newfound rival Landorus is its access to Dragon STAB. Fire Blast is preferred in the final slot just so Skarmory thinks twice about switching in, as Fire Blast 2HKOs it in neutral weather. Note that apart from 2HKOing Skarmory, Fire Blast is very weak and is easily set up on. Stone Edge can be used in the final slot to attain "EdgeQuake" coverage and to net an OHKO on Volcarona.</p>


<p>The EVs are as simple as you can get. Max Attack and Speed provide Flygon with maximum offensive potential. The nature is a bit more controversial, however, as Flygon really wants an Adamant nature to reach certain 2HKOs—such as Rocky Helmet Ferrothorn after one layer of Spikes damage. It also greatly appreciates any boost in power it can nab in general. However, a Jolly nature allows Flygon to take full advantage of its superior Speed when compared to the new dragons, and could potentially decide a game.</p>

<p>Skarmory, physically defensive Ferrothorn, and Bronzong can take hits from Flygon all day, although the former two need rain to be able to cushion Fire Blast. Physically bulky walls, such as Slowbro, Gliscor, Tangrowth, Porygon2, and Cresselia, can take Flygon's attacks and retaliate reasonably well. It is for this reason that Swords Dance Scizor is an excellent teammate to Flygon. It can set up on Ferrothorn, Bronzong, Porygon2, Tangrowth, and Cresselia, as well as Slowbro that lack a Fire-type move. Lucario works in a similar fashion, although it cannot defeat Cresselia. As an Outrage-spamming Pokemon, Magnezone is naturally a good teammate to remove opposing Steel-types. As for Slowbro and Gliscor, Rotom-W makes short work of both of them, while being a good "VoltTurn" partner for Flygon. Grass-types such as Celebi, Virizion, Rotom-C, and Shaymin also take them out without much trouble, although Virizion won't enjoy Thunder Wave or Toxic from Slowbro, nor do any of them enjoy taking Acrobatics from Flying Gem Gliscor. Latios and Hydreigon do not enjoy getting paralyzed by Thunder Wave either, but they can easily switch into Slowbro and Gliscor to fire off deadly Draco Meteors.</p>

name: Mixed Lure
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Fire Blast
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: U-turn / Roost
item: Life Orb
nature: Rash / Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>While this set may appear to be outclassed by Salamence, who boasts much higher attacking stats, Flygon has a few unique qualities that distance itself from the big blue salamander. Firstly, Flygon resists Stealth Rock, which allows it to switch in more frequently than Salamence, while secondly, it is immune to Thunder Wave. The biggest reason to use Flygon, however, is the fact that physical walls that neglect their Special Defense are much more likely to switch into Flygon than Salamence, only to meet their doom. Salamence's high base 110 Special Attack would make Pokemon such as Gliscor and Slowbro more hesitant to switch in. Flygon's base 80, however, is completely off the radar. However, while it may appear low, Flygon's Special Attack is just enough to severely cripple the main physical walls in the tier; with a Life Orb and the combination of Draco Meteor and Fire Blast, Flygon is still OHKOing or 2HKOing most of them. Draco Meteor is the bread and butter of this set, as it easily puts Gliscor, Slowbro, Hippowdon, and Quagsire out of commission, and this allows another physical sweeper to sweep much more easily. Fire Blast OHKOs Skarmory and Ferrothorn while 2HKOing standard Bronzong. Earthquake is chosen over Earth Power because it hits Tyranitar, Specially Defensive Heatran, and Jirachi harder than Earth Power does. U-turn is preferred in the last slot because it severely damages Celebi while retaining momentum. Roost can be used for recovery if you desire it, although Flygon's frailness makes it bit hard to pull off a successful Roost.</p>


<p>Here are some damage calculations to illustrate Flygon's ability to remove physical walls:</p>

<ul class=”damage_calculation”>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 0 SpD Gliscor: 84.18% - 99.44%</li>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 0 SpD Slowbro: 71.83% - 84.77%</li>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 4 SpD Hippowdon: 72.86% - 85.95%</li>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 4 SpD Quagsire: 84.01% - 99.24%</li>
<li>Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 4 SpD Skarmory: 108.38% - 127.54%</li>
<li>Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 92 SpD Sassy Bronzong: 65.09% - 76.92%</li>

<p>The EVs used allow Flygon to outspeed any Pokemon up to base 100 Speed that are not boosted. A Naive nature can be used instead, but the power lost is considerable, especially when low damage rolls could mean that Gliscor with Protect can avoid being 2HKOed by Draco Meteor. Outrage is another option to put in the last slot, as it's still a powerful STAB attack that could hurt, even from 237 Attack.</p>

<p>Because this set is aiming to lure out and destroy physical walls, sweepers that appreciate their removal are good teammates for Flygon. Swords Dance Lucario, Terrakion, Dragonite, Salamence, Haxorus, Swords Dance Virizion, and Landorus can all sweep with much more confidence when physical walls are out of the way. Lucario gets a special mention because it resists Flygon's two weaknesses, while Landorus shares common switch-ins with Flygon, which means its counters are easily smoked out by Flygon.</p>

<p>Specially bulky Pokemon that aren't physically frail are generally good switch-ins to mixed Flygon. Jellicent can easily take a Draco Meteor and Recover off any damage. Deoxys-D, Porygon2, and Chansey all have huge overall defenses which prevent Flygon from breaking through them. Due to this, Choice Band Tyranitar is an excellent teammate for Flygon because of its ability to check all of the aforementioned threats. Gengar threatens all of them with its powerful Shadow Ball and Focus Blast, although it needs be careful to avoid switching into Jellicent's own Shadow Ball. Vaporeon can also take hits from Mixed Flygon without much problem and use Wish to heal itself. Bulky Grass-types such as Virizion and Celebi can set up on Vaporeon quite easily. Toxic Spikes also makes life for those walls difficult. Forretress and Tentacruel can easily set up Toxic Spikes while resisting Flygon's Ice-type weakness, and in Forretress's case, Dragon-type weakness as well. Since Flygon is weak to both Ice- and Dragon-type moves, bulky Water- and Steel-types are useful teammates. Apart from Tentacruel, a Jellicent or Vaporeon of your own can absorb Ice-type attacks aimed at Flygon, while Steel-types such as Scizor, Metagross, and Bronzong are good at switching into Dragon-type attacks.</p>

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Fire Blast
item: Choice Scarf
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>Flygon's good Speed stat and excellent type coverage makes it a workable Choice Scarf user in OU. It is able to revenge kill many threats, such as Dragon Dance Dragonite and Haxorus, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon; it also can Speed tie with +1 Volcarona or Salamence at the very worst. It still takes hardly anything from entry hazards, is immune to Thunder Wave, and can use U-turn to keep momentum. What sets Flygon apart from Landorus, the other Ground-type Choice Scarfer with U-turn, is its access to STAB Outrage. With its excellent pair of STABs, Flygon is possibly one of the most efficient late-game cleaners in the game due to the number of Pokemon it can hit. It tends to force the opponent into hanging onto their more defensive Pokemon and lose offensive momentum. As such, Choice Scarf Flygon is useful in all stages of the match, as it can keep offensive momentum in the early-game with U-turn, revenge kill threats mid-game, and clean up late-game.</p>

<p>Outrage and Earthquake are obviously Flygon's two excellent STAB attacks. U-turn allows Flygon to maintain momentum for the team and force switches to rack up entry hazard damage. Stone Edge is preferred in the last moveslot, as it allows Flygon to revenge kill Volcarona. However, if the fiery moth of no concern, Fire Blast can be used to give Skarmory a nasty surprise upon switch-in.</p>


<p>ThunderPunch can be used in the final slot to revenge kill Gyarados, but is rather useless otherwise. Dragon Claw can also be used to avoid locking Flygon into Outrage, but Flygon is already very weak and really needs the power that Outrage provides. Although Flygon desperately needs power given by an Adamant nature, there are way too many Choice Scarf users that have between 448 and 492 Speed that Flygon can defeat, such as Haxorus, Hydreigon, and Kyurem. This is why only a Jolly nature is recommended.</p>

<p>As a revenge killer, Flygon is pretty self-sufficient. However, there are Pokemon that can make its late-game cleaning job a lot easier. As Flygon is very much on the weak side, it appreciates the weakening of bulky Pokemon so it can just swat them aside later. Removing Steel-types also helps its cause, making Magnezone a fantastic teammate to Flygon. Not only does it resist both of Flygon's weaknesses, but it can also use its Magnet Pull ability to trap and remove Steel-types. Strong wall-breakers such as Choice Band Haxorus and Swords Dance Terrakion can also punch holes for Flygon to rampage through later. Flygon likes cleaning up in the late-game, so Spikes can whittle opponents down into its KO range. With a layer of Spikes and Stealth Rock down, Pokemon such as Eviolite Chansey are much more nervous about switching into Flygon's Outrage. Ferrothorn is the premier Spiker of OU due to its excellent bulk and typing, and it also possesses good synergy with Flygon. Skarmory and Forretress are also good Spikes users. As for spinblockers to keep the Spikes down, Gengar is an excellent offensive spinblocker, while Jellicent, Sableye, Dusclops can fit onto bulkier teams. Choice Scarf Rotom is another good spinblocker who can also form a "VoltTurn" combo with Flygon.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Screech Flygon was a decent set in DPP because of its ability to force switches. However, since the power creep of BW, this set isn't very viable any more, while U-turn forces switches anyway. Flygon can use Toxic, Earthquake, and Roost to try and stall, but its general frailty means it can't stall for very long, while its common counters, Gliscor and Skarmory, are immune to both Toxic and Earthquake. Flygon has access to Hone Claws as a boosting move, but every other Dragon-type in OU does a better job at boosting. Finally, Flygon is a rather interesting Shell Smash recipient. While it is relatively frail and doesn't resist any form of priority, its virtual immunity to hazards and Thunder Wave, as well as fantastic type coverage, can make it hard to stop.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>In general, if you want a full counter to Flygon, look no further than excessively bulky Pokemon such as Cresselia, Deoxys-D, Eviolite Chansey and Porygon2. Flygon's low attacking stats can never hope to break their thick hides. Bronzong, Skarmory, physically defensive Ferrothorn, and Forretress can take everything from Choice Band Flygon, although the latter three need to watch out for a well-timed Fire Blast. Bronzong can easily take Flygon out with Gyro Ball or Hidden Power Ice, while the other three can set up entry hazards at will. Physical walls such as Slowbro and Tangrowth can also switch into Choice Band Flygon and threaten with Scald and Giga Drain, respectively. However, both of them do not like being U-turned on. As for the mixed set, bulky Water-types with access to recovery, such as Jellicent, Vaporeon, and Milotic, can tank hits from Flygon all day, while threatening with nasty moves such as Scald, Ice Beam, or even a status move.</p>

<p>Since Flygon is frail by this generation's standards, it is quite easy to take advantage of this and just hit Flygon very hard. Strong priority can take down Flygon very quickly. Ice Shard from Mamoswine and Weavile easily OHKO it, while Donphan can 2HKO with an Ice Shard of its own. Choice Band Scizor is easily chewing off over 65% of Flygon's health with Bullet Punch, while Choice Band Dragonite is doing a similar amount with ExtremeSpeed. Pokemon that are faster than Flygon can easily revenge kill it. Terrakion completely annihilates Flygon with Close Combat, Starmie can OHKO with Ice Beam, Landorus and Virizion with Hidden Power Ice, and Latios with any of its Dragon-type moves. Beware, however, that Flygon may be using a Choice Scarf, so these Pokemon need a Choice Scarf of their own to outspeed Flygon.</p>​


GP (2/2)