<p>Flygon is probably one of the biggest victims of BW's power creep. With three new powerful OU or BL Dragon-types introduced, upgrades to Dragonite, and the demotion of Salamence, Latias, and Latios from Ubers, the competition was just far too great, and Flygon fell from very high OU in DPP to being a staple on BW UU teams. The introduction of Team Preview also made the "scouting" job redundant. However, this is not to mean that Flygon is bad in OU, as it still has its distinct advantages over the other Dragon-types. Its excellent offensive typing, Levitate granting virtual immunity to all hazards, immunity to Thunder Wave, and a decent Speed stat still make it very attractive in its own way. However, even with these fabulous toys, Flygon is still very much on the "weak" end of the OU spectrum, and needs to take full advantage of these toys; otherwise, you're better off using a better dragon.</p>
name: Choice Band
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Fire Blast / Stone Edge
item: Choice Band
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
<p>While Flygon's Attack stat of 100 is below average this generation, it can remedy this by slapping on a Choice Band, boosting it to more respectable levels. The upside of using Flygon is its fantastic offensive coverage, as between Outrage and Earthquake, Flygon hits 676 out of 680 of the total Pokemon for neutral or better damage. It doesn't end here, as Flygon can fully take advantage of its immunity to hazards to hold momentum with U-turn. Flygon's greatest advantage over its newfound rival Landorus is its access to Dragon STAB. Fire Blast is preferred in the final slot just so Skarmory thinks twice about switching in, as Fire Blast 2HKOs it in neutral weather. Note that apart from 2HKOing Skarmory, Fire Blast is very weak and is easily set up on. Stone Edge can be used in the final slot to attain "EdgeQuake" coverage and to net an OHKO on Volcarona.</p>
<p>The EVs are as simple as you can get. Max Attack and Speed provide Flygon with maximum offensive potential. The nature is a bit more controversial, however, as Flygon really wants an Adamant nature to reach certain 2HKOs—such as Rocky Helmet Ferrothorn after one layer of Spikes damage. It also greatly appreciates any boost in power it can nab in general. However, a Jolly nature allows Flygon to take full advantage of its superior Speed when compared to the new dragons, and could potentially decide a game.</p>
<p>Skarmory, physically defensive Ferrothorn, and Bronzong can take hits from Flygon all day, although the former two need rain to be able to cushion Fire Blast. Physically bulky walls, such as Slowbro, Gliscor, Tangrowth, Porygon2, and Cresselia, can take Flygon's attacks and retaliate reasonably well. It is for this reason that Swords Dance Scizor is an excellent teammate to Flygon. It can set up on Ferrothorn, Bronzong, Porygon2, Tangrowth, and Cresselia, as well as Slowbro that lack a Fire-type move. Lucario works in a similar fashion, although it cannot defeat Cresselia. As an Outrage-spamming Pokemon, Magnezone is naturally a good teammate to remove opposing Steel-types. As for Slowbro and Gliscor, Rotom-W makes short work of both of them, while being a good "VoltTurn" partner for Flygon. Grass-types such as Celebi, Virizion, Rotom-C, and Shaymin also take them out without much trouble, although Virizion won't enjoy Thunder Wave or Toxic from Slowbro, nor do any of them enjoy taking Acrobatics from Flying Gem Gliscor. Latios and Hydreigon do not enjoy getting paralyzed by Thunder Wave either, but they can easily switch into Slowbro and Gliscor to fire off deadly Draco Meteors.</p>
name: Mixed Lure
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Fire Blast
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: U-turn / Roost
item: Life Orb
nature: Rash / Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
<p>While this set may appear to be outclassed by Salamence, who boasts much higher attacking stats, Flygon has a few unique qualities that distance itself from the big blue salamander. Firstly, Flygon resists Stealth Rock, which allows it to switch in more frequently than Salamence, while secondly, it is immune to Thunder Wave. The biggest reason to use Flygon, however, is the fact that physical walls that neglect their Special Defense are much more likely to switch into Flygon than Salamence, only to meet their doom. Salamence's high base 110 Special Attack would make Pokemon such as Gliscor and Slowbro more hesitant to switch in. Flygon's base 80, however, is completely off the radar. However, while it may appear low, Flygon's Special Attack is just enough to severely cripple the main physical walls in the tier; with a Life Orb and the combination of Draco Meteor and Fire Blast, Flygon is still OHKOing or 2HKOing most of them. Draco Meteor is the bread and butter of this set, as it easily puts Gliscor, Slowbro, Hippowdon, and Quagsire out of commission, and this allows another physical sweeper to sweep much more easily. Fire Blast OHKOs Skarmory and Ferrothorn while 2HKOing standard Bronzong. Earthquake is chosen over Earth Power because it hits Tyranitar, Specially Defensive Heatran, and Jirachi harder than Earth Power does. U-turn is preferred in the last slot because it severely damages Celebi while retaining momentum. Roost can be used for recovery if you desire it, although Flygon's frailness makes it bit hard to pull off a successful Roost.</p>
<p>Here are some damage calculations to illustrate Flygon's ability to remove physical walls:</p>
<ul class=”damage_calculation”>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 0 SpD Gliscor: 84.18% - 99.44%</li>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 0 SpD Slowbro: 71.83% - 84.77%</li>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 4 SpD Hippowdon: 72.86% - 85.95%</li>
<li>Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 4 SpD Quagsire: 84.01% - 99.24%</li>
<li>Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 4 SpD Skarmory: 108.38% - 127.54%</li>
<li>Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 92 SpD Sassy Bronzong: 65.09% - 76.92%</li>
<p>The EVs used allow Flygon to outspeed any Pokemon up to base 100 Speed that are not boosted. A Naive nature can be used instead, but the power lost is considerable, especially when low damage rolls could mean that Gliscor with Protect can avoid being 2HKOed by Draco Meteor. Outrage is another option to put in the last slot, as it's still a powerful STAB attack that could hurt, even from 237 Attack.</p>
<p>Because this set is aiming to lure out and destroy physical walls, sweepers that appreciate their removal are good teammates for Flygon. Swords Dance Lucario, Terrakion, Dragonite, Salamence, Haxorus, Swords Dance Virizion, and Landorus can all sweep with much more confidence when physical walls are out of the way. Lucario gets a special mention because it resists Flygon's two weaknesses, while Landorus shares common switch-ins with Flygon, which means its counters are easily smoked out by Flygon.</p>
<p>Specially bulky Pokemon that aren't physically frail are generally good switch-ins to mixed Flygon. Jellicent can easily take a Draco Meteor and Recover off any damage. Deoxys-D, Porygon2, and Chansey all have huge overall defenses which prevent Flygon from breaking through them. Due to this, Choice Band Tyranitar is an excellent teammate for Flygon because of its ability to check all of the aforementioned threats. Gengar threatens all of them with its powerful Shadow Ball and Focus Blast, although it needs be careful to avoid switching into Jellicent's own Shadow Ball. Vaporeon can also take hits from Mixed Flygon without much problem and use Wish to heal itself. Bulky Grass-types such as Virizion and Celebi can set up on Vaporeon quite easily. Toxic Spikes also makes life for those walls difficult. Forretress and Tentacruel can easily set up Toxic Spikes while resisting Flygon's Ice-type weakness, and in Forretress's case, Dragon-type weakness as well. Since Flygon is weak to both Ice- and Dragon-type moves, bulky Water- and Steel-types are useful teammates. Apart from Tentacruel, a Jellicent or Vaporeon of your own can absorb Ice-type attacks aimed at Flygon, while Steel-types such as Scizor, Metagross, and Bronzong are good at switching into Dragon-type attacks.</p>
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Fire Blast
item: Choice Scarf
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
<p>Flygon's good Speed stat and excellent type coverage makes it a workable Choice Scarf user in OU. It is able to revenge kill many threats, such as Dragon Dance Dragonite and Haxorus, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon; it also can Speed tie with +1 Volcarona or Salamence at the very worst. It still takes hardly anything from entry hazards, is immune to Thunder Wave, and can use U-turn to keep momentum. What sets Flygon apart from Landorus, the other Ground-type Choice Scarfer with U-turn, is its access to STAB Outrage. With its excellent pair of STABs, Flygon is possibly one of the most efficient late-game cleaners in the game due to the number of Pokemon it can hit. It tends to force the opponent into hanging onto their more defensive Pokemon and lose offensive momentum. As such, Choice Scarf Flygon is useful in all stages of the match, as it can keep offensive momentum in the early-game with U-turn, revenge kill threats mid-game, and clean up late-game.</p>
<p>Outrage and Earthquake are obviously Flygon's two excellent STAB attacks. U-turn allows Flygon to maintain momentum for the team and force switches to rack up entry hazard damage. Stone Edge is preferred in the last moveslot, as it allows Flygon to revenge kill Volcarona. However, if the fiery moth of no concern, Fire Blast can be used to give Skarmory a nasty surprise upon switch-in.</p>
<p>ThunderPunch can be used in the final slot to revenge kill Gyarados, but is rather useless otherwise. Dragon Claw can also be used to avoid locking Flygon into Outrage, but Flygon is already very weak and really needs the power that Outrage provides. Although Flygon desperately needs power given by an Adamant nature, there are way too many Choice Scarf users that have between 448 and 492 Speed that Flygon can defeat, such as Haxorus, Hydreigon, and Kyurem. This is why only a Jolly nature is recommended.</p>
<p>As a revenge killer, Flygon is pretty self-sufficient. However, there are Pokemon that can make its late-game cleaning job a lot easier. As Flygon is very much on the weak side, it appreciates the weakening of bulky Pokemon so it can just swat them aside later. Removing Steel-types also helps its cause, making Magnezone a fantastic teammate to Flygon. Not only does it resist both of Flygon's weaknesses, but it can also use its Magnet Pull ability to trap and remove Steel-types. Strong wall-breakers such as Choice Band Haxorus and Swords Dance Terrakion can also punch holes for Flygon to rampage through later. Flygon likes cleaning up in the late-game, so Spikes can whittle opponents down into its KO range. With a layer of Spikes and Stealth Rock down, Pokemon such as Eviolite Chansey are much more nervous about switching into Flygon's Outrage. Ferrothorn is the premier Spiker of OU due to its excellent bulk and typing, and it also possesses good synergy with Flygon. Skarmory and Forretress are also good Spikes users. As for spinblockers to keep the Spikes down, Gengar is an excellent offensive spinblocker, while Jellicent, Sableye, Dusclops can fit onto bulkier teams. Choice Scarf Rotom is another good spinblocker who can also form a "VoltTurn" combo with Flygon.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Screech Flygon was a decent set in DPP because of its ability to force switches. However, since the power creep of BW, this set isn't very viable any more, while U-turn forces switches anyway. Flygon can use Toxic, Earthquake, and Roost to try and stall, but its general frailty means it can't stall for very long, while its common counters, Gliscor and Skarmory, are immune to both Toxic and Earthquake. Flygon has access to Hone Claws as a boosting move, but every other Dragon-type in OU does a better job at boosting. Finally, Flygon is a rather interesting Shell Smash recipient. While it is relatively frail and doesn't resist any form of priority, its virtual immunity to hazards and Thunder Wave, as well as fantastic type coverage, can make it hard to stop.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>In general, if you want a full counter to Flygon, look no further than excessively bulky Pokemon such as Cresselia, Deoxys-D, Eviolite Chansey and Porygon2. Flygon's low attacking stats can never hope to break their thick hides. Bronzong, Skarmory, physically defensive Ferrothorn, and Forretress can take everything from Choice Band Flygon, although the latter three need to watch out for a well-timed Fire Blast. Bronzong can easily take Flygon out with Gyro Ball or Hidden Power Ice, while the other three can set up entry hazards at will. Physical walls such as Slowbro and Tangrowth can also switch into Choice Band Flygon and threaten with Scald and Giga Drain, respectively. However, both of them do not like being U-turned on. As for the mixed set, bulky Water-types with access to recovery, such as Jellicent, Vaporeon, and Milotic, can tank hits from Flygon all day, while threatening with nasty moves such as Scald, Ice Beam, or even a status move.</p>
<p>Since Flygon is frail by this generation's standards, it is quite easy to take advantage of this and just hit Flygon very hard. Strong priority can take down Flygon very quickly. Ice Shard from Mamoswine and Weavile easily OHKO it, while Donphan can 2HKO with an Ice Shard of its own. Choice Band Scizor is easily chewing off over 65% of Flygon's health with Bullet Punch, while Choice Band Dragonite is doing a similar amount with ExtremeSpeed. Pokemon that are faster than Flygon can easily revenge kill it. Terrakion completely annihilates Flygon with Close Combat, Starmie can OHKO with Ice Beam, Landorus and Virizion with Hidden Power Ice, and Latios with any of its Dragon-type moves. Beware, however, that Flygon may be using a Choice Scarf, so these Pokemon need a Choice Scarf of their own to outspeed Flygon.</p>