Metagame Force of the Fallen

approved by KaenSoul and drampa's grandpa, but technically UT

Amazing banner by IMakeNoSense

A Pokemon fainting is usually an unfavorable event during a battle for the player. This OM attempts to change that. Fainted Pokemon now turn into ghostly spirits that still have a role in the battle now. These spirits accompany the healthy Pokemon and can use one of their moves to help their teammates during battle. They can stack, giving more and more move options for your Pokemon that are alive. If this intrigues you, then consider giving this OM a try!

Premise of the Metagame: When a Pokemon faints, all other Pokemon that are alive gain the fourth move slot of the Pokemon that fainted as an extra move in their moveset.

If your first pokemon faints, the remaining five will have five moves, four of which being their regular moves and the last one being the fourth move of the fainted pokemon. If another pokemon faints, the remaining four pokemon will have six moves, four of which being their regular moves and the last two being the fourth moves of the two fainted pokemon. It goes like this until the final pokemon standing will have nine moves, four of which being their regular moves and the last five being the fourth moves of all the other fainted pokemon.


Clauses: Sleep Moves Clause, Standard OMs Clause, Terastal Clause, Min Source Gen=9
Pokemon: Arceus, Calyrex-Ice, Calyrex-Shadow, Chi-Yu, Chien-Pao, Deoxys-Attack, Deoxys-Base, Deoxys-Speed, Dialga, Dialga-Origin, Enamorus-Base, Espathra, Eternatus, Falinks, Flutter Mane, Giratina, Giratina-Origin, Groudon, Ho-oh, Iron Bundle, Komala, Kommo-o, Koraidon, Kyogre, Kyurem-Black, Kyurem-White, Landorus-Base, Lilligant-Hisui, Lugia, Lunala, Magearna, Mewtwo, Miraidon, Necrozma-Dawn-Wings, Necrozma-Dusk-Mane, Palafin, Palkia, Palkia-Origin, Rayquaza, Regieleki, Reshiram, Shaymin-Sky, Smeargle, Sneasler, Solgaleo, Spectrier, Zacian, Zacian-Crowned, Zamazenta-Crowned, Zekrom
Abilities: Arena Trap, Moody, Shadow Tag
Moves: Baton Pass, Last Respects, Rage Fist, Shed Tail
Restricted Moves (These moves cannot be used in the fourth moveslot): Belly Drum, Extreme Speed, Population Bomb, Quiver Dance, Revival Blessing, Shell Smash, Tail Glow
Items: Booster Energy, King's Rock, Razor Fang
Pokemon: Darkrai, Deoxys-Defense, Hoopa-Unbound, Kyurem, Latias, Latios, Tinkaton, Ursaluna, Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, Urshifu-Base, Veluza, Volcarona, Zamazenta
Restricted Moves: Shift Gear


- Suicide leads have the sole purpose of leading and then fainting. Adding a useful move for the rest of the team is a great way to take advantage of this mechanic without losing too much yourself. There will be an overall buff for these types of pokemon who are running niche fourth slots to fit their team well.

- There are so many recover clones and passing them to other pokemon makes them take forever to break down. With the recovery PP nerf this gen, it is very useful for stall and semi-stall teams. Obviously stall teams don’t want their pokemon dying, but even if they do, the others will be even harder to break.

- You can pass around setup moves around for your entire team. This can overwhelm opponents by constantly setting up one after another, but the opponent can also use these setup turns to their advantage. Your own defensive setup moves can also be passed to try to mitigate the opponent’s setup.

- Endgames are going to be very chaotic. Your teams can and should be able to prepare for anything the opponent might throw during these endgames. With a plethora of coverage and setup moves, you can turn the tables in an unfavorable matchup.


Q: How much PP would the shared move have?
A: The PP of the shared move would be equal to the PP of that move when the donor fainted. The shared move's PP is also distributed among the rest of the receivers that have the move.

Q: How do duplicate moves work?
A: You get a clone of the move.

Q: How does Ditto work with Imposter?
A: Ditto will still pass Transform when it faints to the rest of the healthy Pokemon.

Q: How to play the format?
A: Send the following code in a private message.
/challenge gen9anythinggoes@@@ forceofthefallenmod, sleepmovesclause, standardoms, terastalclause, -arceus, -calyrexice, -calyrexshadow, -chiyu, -chienpao, -deoxysattack, -deoxysbase, -deoxysspeed, -dialga, -dialgaorigin, -enamorusbase, -espathra, -eternatus, -falinks, -fluttermane, -giratina, -giratinaorigin, -groudon, -hooh, -ironbundle, -komala, -kommoo, -koraidon, -kyogre, -kyuremblack, -kyuremwhite, -landorusbase, -lilliganthisui, -lugia, -lunala, -magearna, -mewtwo, -miraidon, -necrozmadawnwings, -necrozmaduskmane, -palafin, -palkia, -palkiaorigin, -rayquaza, -regieleki, -reshiram, -shayminsky, -smeargle, -sneasler, -solgaleo, -spectrier, -zacian, -zaciancrowned, -zamazentacrowned, -zekrom, -arenatrap, -moody, -shadowtag, -batonpass, -lastrespects, -ragefist, -shedtail, *bellydrum, *extremespeed, *populationbomb, *quiverdance, *revivalblessing, *shellsmash, *tailglow, -boosterenergy, -kingsrock, -razorfang


:darkrai: prunyy
:ninetales-alola: DosDogs
:mimikyu: Dark Koopatrol
:dewott: KaenSoul
100th post wooo!
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What happens if a mon gains a move it already has (for example if Clodsire and/or Garganacl die in the second sample team, passing Recover to each other or the rest of the team)?
I do not know until the meta is coded. I’m guessing the PP will be replenished for every Pokemon that has the move already. Or the PP might add together if it can go over the limit.


heartbreak is one thing, my ego's another
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hi hi, this tier is looking really fun rn. my concerns are:
  • giving moves like shift gear, victory dance, quiver dance to literally any pokemon
  • gambit with like agility or smth and the coverage it needs to break thru stuff
  • explosion / memento / final gambit spam might seem funny, doubt it will be good unless someone figures smth out
for the fun stuff, im looking at some form of fighting spam, with incredible mons like Urshifu-Base, Tusk, Sneasler, etc. that team is a prototype, so who knows how it goes

Don Vascus

Certified Wednesday Poster
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Torkoal @ Focus Sash/Heat Rock
Ability: Drought
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin
- Lava Plume
- Shell Smash

Since cloyster lost spin (fuck you gamefreak) and it can no longer provide the five core S' (Sash, Smash, Spikes, Spin, S'pretty good), this is the best we got for getting the five core S' (Sash, Smash, Stealth Rock, Spin, S'the best weve got). Set rocks, Spin opposing hazards, threaten some stuff at +2, die and give the most broken setup move to all your team. Its probably alright for HO teams, but its still pretty slow, and needs like +3 speed to outrun everything relevant.


Tri Attack will freeze
is a Tiering Contributor
:dragonite: :lilligant_hisui: :maushold: :cloyster: :cyclizar:
So if I understand this correctly, you could give moves that boost multiple stats to any pokemon, meaning slow mons with massive attack stats could fix their low speed and just sweep teams without a second thought.
:ursaluna: :kingambit: :iron_hands: huh...
:garchomp: sounds like the perfect opportunity to give garchomp dragon dance!
Ok but seriously, I assume shell smash/victory dance/shift gear/dragon dance and similar moves wouldn't last long in the tier right???

Tea Guzzler

forever searching for a 10p freddo
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so i think this is a pretty cool meta concept but since it isn't even coded in there's some oversights.

- setup moves being donated is pretty obvious. restricting shell smash, belly drum, shift gear, ddance, victory dance, quiver dance should be definite. tidy up is also just a dumb move in general (better ddance), but it'd probably need playtime to actually see if the hazard removal + having to use maushold balance it.
- some notable demons are missing from the banlist. most notable of these is both urshifus, which are probably broken in and of themselves but also donate wicked blow and surging strikes. mid mons that have dumb moves, like ceaseless samurott-h and parade typh-h, might also be worth considering when the meta has playtime.
- :regidrago: dragon energy
- :ting-lu::iron hands::dondozo::ursaluna::garchomp::great tusk::goodra-hisui::landorus-therian::rotom-wash::zamazenta: these guys with recover / strength sap is insane
- :garchomp: speaking of which, this can get dragon dance, glaive rush, and scale shot now. STAB banned it for the first 2 (plus headlong but it can also get that) so i don't see it lasting
- :baxcalibur: glaive rush means physical dragons have an actual dragon stab
- :toxapex: this now gives toxic out to stuff on stall. nothing having magic guard / heal bell being locked to blissey significantly boosts this
- :iron valiant: good offensive choice as it can receive play rough for physical sets and can also give knock, which stuff like gambit will adore


is a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a member of the Battle Simulator Staffis a Top Contributor Alumnus
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The fact you could give recovery or setup to absolutely anything you want seems interesting. I think you might justify a suicide lead with a recovery move that sets a layer of hazards on Gholdengo stall teams, enabling mons like Dondozo or Ting Lu to have reliable recovery. Distributing Knock Off could also be a terrifying alternative idea on teams like this imo
I have a couple of other fun moves that I've thought about in this meta:

  • Ceaseless Edge from Samurott-Hisui (and Stone Axe from Kleavor ig, but both the mon and the move aren't nearly as good imo) also seems like a really cool move to donate to fatter builds, as the move is extremely clickable as is and fat builds will no doubt be able to throw it off rather easily.
  • Sucker Punch can easily create a ton of rather frustrating mindgames depending on the Pokemon its given to. Priority moves in general outside of Extreme Speed look to be rather scary on the right mons.
  • Not a donation move really, but using Healing Wish as a quick means to give a Pokemon a move could be a good strat in this metagame. Hatterene looks to be an interesting candidate, as it has a pretty decent movepool on most fronts, meaning it can provide something decent to a wide array of mons in this format.
  • Boomburst is a potentially underexplored option for a donomove in this format. Being a high base power, no drawback move makes it a very easy to move to click, and when given to the right Pokemon, could make for some rather scary wallbreakers.
Very interesting metagame to theorymon for, and I'm excited to give it a go once it gets coded
Wait, why is Komala banned? I don't really see what it does even with Comatose
Comatose allows Sleep Talk to be used without needing to be asleep, which when combined with Roar/Whirlwind, can allow you to get off those moves at neutral priority. With a Choice Scarf, Komala is faster than most of the unboosted metagame, and with some hazards up, is very difficult to counter, as it can phase you and wrack up hazard damage before you can move. This can be especially obnoxious in this format, where you can get access to Roar/Whirlwind rather easily, and get (potentially, not confirmed) additional Sleep Talk PP through other Sleep Talk donors. It's a very degenerate strat, and though it has answers, more often than not those answers require you to build specifically with this matchup in mind, which creates a rock-paper-scissors meta in terms of team structures that - quite simply - isn't fun.
Initially thought of Gigaton plus Gambit go brrr, but ended up making a monosteel team as a stopgap against toxic stall. Realistically I don’t see Shift Gear staying unrestricted or even Gigaton for that matter but who knows.
Revavroom @ Air Balloon
Ability: Filter
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Parting Shot
- Spin Out
- Shift Gear

Tinkaton (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Mold Breaker
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Play Rough
- Encore
- Gigaton Hammer

Corviknight @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Roost
- Power Trip

Gholdengo @ Light Clay
Ability: Good as Gold
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Shadow Ball
- Recover

:Iron Treads:
Iron Treads @ Metal Coat
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Rapid Spin
- Ice Spinner
- Knock Off

Kingambit @ Lum Berry
Ability: Supreme Overlord
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Kowtow Cleave
- Low Kick
- Shadow Claw
- Sucker Punch
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Goon of the OM variety
is a Pre-Contributor
I know it's probably not good to ban too much stuff before the meta's even coded, but Supreme Overlord gambit seems way too broken in a meta where you're incentivized to let mons faint. Give it gigaton hammer, knock, and a recovery move and it seems very very unbalanced


Goon of the OM variety
is a Pre-Contributor
Falinks @ Life Orb
Ability: Defiant
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Close Combat
- Megahorn
- Iron Head
- No Retreat

Gholdengo @ Focus Sash
Ability: Good as Gold
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Memento
- Steel Beam
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

Volcanion @ Choice Band
Ability: Water Absorb
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Explosion
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt
- Earthquake

Tinkaton (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Mold Breaker
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Fake Out
- Thunder Wave
- Gigaton Hammer

Samurott-Hisui @ Focus Sash
Ability: Torrent
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Sucker Punch
- Taunt
- Ceaseless Edge

Kingambit @ Leftovers
Ability: Supreme Overlord
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Kowtow Cleave
- Brick Break
- Stone Edge

Okay so here's a little team I came up with. The goal of everything besides gambit is to die and make gambit an unkillable monster. Sacrifice samurott first so everything can click ceaseless edge, and make sure to sacrifice gholdengo last, bc Memento will give gambit a much easier time getting a sub up. Once gambit has subbed, it can use no retreat preferably twice but one is fine as it still outspeeds a lot. Once it's fast you can just alternate between gigaton hammer, recover, and no retreat if you can afford it, kowtow cleave if hammer's on cooldown and it could ohko, eq for steels, but it basically devolves into mindless clicking at that point, bc let's be real, even resists ain't surviving +2 max supreme overlord 160 bp stab move coming off of gambit attack. Hope y'all enjoy whenever this gets coded.
Falinks @ Life Orb
Ability: Defiant
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Close Combat
- Megahorn
- Iron Head
- No Retreat

Gholdengo @ Focus Sash
Ability: Good as Gold
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Memento
- Steel Beam
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

Volcanion @ Choice Band
Ability: Water Absorb
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Explosion
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt
- Earthquake

Tinkaton (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Mold Breaker
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Fake Out
- Thunder Wave
- Gigaton Hammer

Samurott-Hisui @ Focus Sash
Ability: Torrent
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Sucker Punch
- Taunt
- Ceaseless Edge

Kingambit @ Leftovers
Ability: Supreme Overlord
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Kowtow Cleave
- Brick Break
- Stone Edge

Okay so here's a little team I came up with. The goal of everything besides gambit is to die and make gambit an unkillable monster. Sacrifice samurott first so everything can click ceaseless edge, and make sure to sacrifice gholdengo last, bc Memento will give gambit a much easier time getting a sub up. Once gambit has subbed, it can use no retreat preferably twice but one is fine as it still outspeeds a lot. Once it's fast you can just alternate between gigaton hammer, recover, and no retreat if you can afford it, kowtow cleave if hammer's on cooldown and it could ohko, eq for steels, but it basically devolves into mindless clicking at that point, bc let's be real, even resists ain't surviving +2 max supreme overlord 160 bp stab move coming off of gambit attack. Hope y'all enjoy whenever this gets coded.
You can't use No Retreat more than once unless you've already been trapped by another move. If you really want multiple No Retreats, you'll need Jaw Lock, but it's probably not worth it.


Goon of the OM variety
is a Pre-Contributor
You can't use No Retreat more than once unless you've already been trapped by another move. If you really want multiple No Retreats, you'll need Jaw Lock, but it's probably not worth it.
Oh, that's too bad then, my funny strat has fallen apart. Maybe I could try replacing it with fillet away.


I like Cross Evolution
is a Pre-Contributor
A lot of untested samples you may want to build off of or take inspiration from.

:Dudunsparce: :Garganacl: :Corviknight: :Sneasler: :Goodra-Hisui: :Ting-Lu: Dire Claw stall - DosDogs
:Tyranitar: :Garganacl: :Arcanine-Hisui: :Garchomp: :Great Tusk: :Clodsire: Sand with WA Clodsire - DosDogs
:Volcarona: :Great Tusk: :Scream Tail: :Rotom-Wash: :Iron Valiant: :Garganacl: Quiver Dance with Garg - DosDogs
:Torkoal: :Walking Wake: :Toxapex: :Great Tusk: :Lilligant-Hisui: :Skeledirge: Sun with pex - DosDogs
:Scream Tail: :Zoroark-Hisui: :Braviary-Hisui: :Skeledirge: :Sylveon: :Toxtricity: Sound/Boomburst - DosDogs
:Maushold-Four: :Skuntank: :Grimmsnarl: :Gallade: :Mimikyu: :Kingambit: funny Population Bomb DosDogs
:Pelipper: :Braviary-Hisui: :Dragapult: :Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: :Azumarill: :Walking Wake:Rain Belly Drum -DosDogs
:Garganacl: :Ting-Lu: :Glimmora: :Toxapex: :Samurott-Hisui: :Gholdengo: Hazard Stack - DosDogs
welp I wanted first post :psysad:

I'm quite exited to be apart of this meta, as you can tell by the amount of teams I made , A few mons I think will strong(outside of the watchlist) are Garganacl, Great Tusk, Dragapult, Ting-Lu, and Gholdengo
Explanation for these teams/My thought process

Its a stall team that uses Dire Claw to annoy mons with status conditions. Dudunsparce uses serene grace to guarantee a status, and also has potential as a coil spam mon if you haven't passed dire claw yet. Garg does its thing while also passing more chip to everything. Corv is your defog mon, but also becomes less passive with salt cure and dire claw, also passes recover to the rest of the team which is always useful. Sneasler passes dire claw and hits hard for a bit. Goodra and Ting-Lu phase mons and Ting sets up spikes and passes phasing move.
This was my attempt at a sand team, it's mostly a balance team that likes sand up. Ttar sets up sand and can set up sometimes. Ironpress Garg loves sand and is passing recovery instead of chip this time. Arcanine passing head smash is a little weird, it could pass cc instead, but head smash is very strong and garg passes recover so it should be OK, otherwise it just hits very hard. Garchomp sets up hazards and chips mons as much as it can, then passes a move that forces more mons into hazards. Great tusk is a fast attacker who can hit very hard and clear hazards n your side, you could also make it a bulky attacker and have it wear down mons. Clodsire is your counter to the main weakness this team shares, being immune to water gives you a switch in to water moves, and it also passes recover, but could also pass toxic (depends on how the multiple of the same move plays out in coding)
This team utilizes Quiver Dance to help boost attackers like crazy. Volc passes Quiver Dance and also is a nice special attacker. Great tusk is your hazard control and sets up rocks, and can hit some special walls. Scream tail sets up screens to make using quiver dance more effortless, wish makes switching no problem, and stored power makes for some funny scenarios. Washtom can cripple walls and is a fast attacker who can abuse QD. Iron Valiant is a mixed attacker who can hit hard with physical moves or set up a QD or two and hit with a special STAB move. Lastly, Garg is a funny mon, it can do garg things and pass recover, or you can spam QD, Iron Defense and Stored Power for some crazy endgames.
This is a sun team that just slowly gets better as mons die. Torkoal can pass spin(or shell smash and get rid of Bpress) and sets up weather. Wake does wake things and passes a sun boosted fire move. Toxapex is your special defensive wall and baneful can make opposing teams miserable. Great Tusk is the hardest physical wall to exist plus it sets up rocks and passes a disruptive knock off. Lilligant doesn't pass Vdance mostly because I don't want this team to be a set up team, but it is still useful, either to outspeed mons or hit like a truck with hustle, and passing a strong fighting move is very nice. Skeledirge is a great unaware mon that can pass recovery and annoy physical attackers.
Scream Tail sets up screens, spreads paralysis, and passes a 140 BP move. while the rest of the team takes advantage of this. Zoroark-H is a normal/ghost type that surprise opponents and set up a plot, then blow mons away with a strong STAB move or a hard hitting coverage option. Braviary-H uses Tinted Lens to make sure that it can hit anything, and after a plot and Esper Wing it should be able to go through mons quite quickly, while also being hazard control and passing recovery to the rest of the team. Skeledirge plays the same role as normal but now passes torch song to help SpA attackers even more. Sylveon now can abuse a STAB pixilate boosted BoomBurst and wishpass, and protect is nice to have on any mon, especially with gigaton going to be very strong. Toxtricity can pass shift gear and abuse the sound moves, (if you don't want to run burst on it then replacing it with a coverage move could be beneficial), it is also great with having access to plot now.
So Pop bomb is a stupid move that is extremely funny. One big drawback is missing your 5th hit randomly, or having to run wide lens, so instead you can pass Hone Claws with Mimikyu, with screens to set up the Hone Claws. Then the rest of the team abuses Pop Bomb with gimmicks like sharpness and stench, then finally you have to fight a gambit with Pop Bomb, which is not terrifying at all.
Rain team with broken set up move, should be fun. Pelipper sets up rain and passes roost so the rest of the team can use the broken set up move. Sheer Force Braviary is a strong SpA attacker that passes a Speed boosting move (Psychic should be replaced with Defog, that was a mistake). Broken set up move Dragapult is crazy strong, and passing darts allows mons to break pass sash and also gives coverage. Urshifu with Broken Set Up Move is very strong and it also passes Broken Signature Move. Azumarill is the passer of the Broken Set Up Move, and it's still really strong without added coverage/Broken Signature Move. Wake passes sub so some mons can use tanks like pex as set up fodder, and avoids toxic.
This is the first FOTF team ever created, bow down before it. IronPress Garg that passes the crazy chip move. Ting-Lu can now get recovery, and can pass a move that makes walls cry. Glimmora `is your suicide lead who sets up hazards, and passes hazard control. Toxapex is a set up sweeper counter, a SpD wall, and a recovery passer. Samurott passes Ceaseless Edge, meaning you don't have to set up spikes with Glimmora, and it can revenge kill a few mons. Basically this team is stall but it gets more annoying to play against every time you kill a mon


Goon of the OM variety
is a Pre-Contributor
Here's the optimized veluza version of the last team I made. Send out samurott first and ideally use ceaseless edge, but ig you can also knock if you see something with boots. Once samurott is down, send out veluza and click ceaseless until it goes down too, don't worry about it's other moves, they're just filler. Then you either send out Volcanion or Tink, depending on the situation. If the oppo has been setting up, send out tink and either ceaseless edge or, if the max layers of spikes are already up, use twave. Then send out volc and haze, and then on the next turn volc either gets taken out or explodes, either works. If the oppo hasn't been setting up it doesn't really matter. Then you send out gholdengo and Memento to make it easier for gambit to sub. If the opposing mon has a ground, fighting, or fire move then tera to either be immune, resistant or at least neutral to potentially get a free sub. Once sub is up, fillet away, if sub goes down that turn, hammer and hopefully get a ko or recover if you can afford it. If sub is still up, recover. Then you just alternate between hammer and whichever move is the second most powerful, recover occasionally, and continue until everything dies.


I like Cross Evolution
is a Pre-Contributor
Here's the optimized veluza version of the last team I made. Send out samurott first and ideally use ceaseless edge, but ig you can also knock if you see something with boots. Once samurott is down, send out veluza and click ceaseless until it goes down too, don't worry about it's other moves, they're just filler. Then you either send out Volcanion or Tink, depending on the situation. If the oppo has been setting up, send out tink and either ceaseless edge or, if the max layers of spikes are already up, use twave. Then send out volc and haze, and then on the next turn volc either gets taken out or explodes, either works. If the oppo hasn't been setting up it doesn't really matter. Then you send out gholdengo and Memento to make it easier for gambit to sub. If the opposing mon has a ground, fighting, or fire move then tera to either be immune, resistant or at least neutral to potentially get a free sub. Once sub is up, fillet away, if sub goes down that turn, hammer and hopefully get a ko or recover if you can afford it. If sub is still up, recover. Then you just alternate between hammer and whichever move is the second most powerful, recover occasionally, and continue until everything dies.
I feel like passing sucker on samurott could be better than ceaseless, it's more useful to the team overall, as the other mons won't be clicking ceaseless and priority is good on any mon.
Edit: I suppose I should give a little bit more clarification, I don't think setting up spikes should be a priority in actual battle, I think you should set up a layer or two of spikes with samurott, pass sucker, then set up rocks and try to delete any hazard control mons, thunder wave fast attackers and wisp physical attackers, then after you have knocked out a pokemon or two and put chip on a few others you can memento with gho and set up your kingambit. Sucker should help gambit and help hit some of your opponents faster threats. I just looked at the team and kinda ignored the text when I first made this post... oops. Also samorutt should have sharpness, u don't have a water move on it.
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Final Gambit spam seems very scary in this meta. Even without something like kingambit having a whopping nine moves at max plus Supreme Overlord, something like Regidrago or Scream Tail passing on Dragon Energy/Boomburst after clicking the Auto-OHKO move sounds ridiculously overpowered

ban scrappy hdecidueye
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I like Cross Evolution
is a Pre-Contributor
Final Gambit spam seems very scary in this meta. Even without something like kingambit having a whopping nine moves at max plus Supreme Overlord, something like Regidrago or Scream Tail passing on Dragon Energy/Boomburst after clicking the Auto-OHKO move sounds ridiculously overpowered

ban scrappy hdecidueye
I actually hadn't thought of that. That does seem strong. Time to build some teams and test them on ladder in a few days :)
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I usually post builds with lengthy explanations but because of how this is id have to put extra moves as well, so instead i just made two teams that'd id like to show off before this gets added in the next few days

:hatterene: :ursaluna: :iron hands: :Azumarill: :Diancie: :Kingambit:
A tr team that, like many teams, is meant to end on kingambit. Though unlike some of the teams we'll most likely see at the begining of the meta it's not a suicide into gambit sweep and more of a, well, offensive tr team. The team may struggle against big walls like dondozo as it is a full physical attacking team with the exeption of diancie and hatterene

:Glimmora: :Polteageist: :Indeedee: :Krookodile: :Bruxish: :Hoopa-unbound:
Who decided that espeed is too good but then allowed shell smash? Sash with shell smash spam is real espesislly when every mon is able to remove hazards for the next potential sweeper. Wish stored power and power trip both hoopa and bruxish become really powerful and dumb sweeper with one not affected by priority and one just one shotting everything.

Anyways i love the concept and can't wait for it too be added for omotm
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