A Pokemon fainting is usually an unfavorable event during a battle for the player. This OM attempts to change that. Fainted Pokemon now turn into ghostly spirits that still have a role in the battle now. These spirits accompany the healthy Pokemon and can use one of their moves to help their teammates during battle. They can stack, giving more and more move options for your Pokemon that are alive. If this intrigues you, then consider giving this OM a try!
Premise of the Metagame: When a Pokemon faints, all other Pokemon that are alive gain the fourth move slot of the Pokemon that fainted as an extra move in their moveset.
If your first pokemon faints, the remaining five will have five moves, four of which being their regular moves and the last one being the fourth move of the fainted pokemon. If another pokemon faints, the remaining four pokemon will have six moves, four of which being their regular moves and the last two being the fourth moves of the two fainted pokemon. It goes like this until the final pokemon standing will have nine moves, four of which being their regular moves and the last five being the fourth moves of all the other fainted pokemon.
Clauses: Sleep Moves Clause, Standard OMs Clause, Terastal Clause, Min Source Gen=9
Pokemon: Arceus, Calyrex-Ice, Calyrex-Shadow, Chi-Yu, Chien-Pao, Deoxys-Attack, Deoxys-Base, Deoxys-Speed, Dialga, Dialga-Origin, Enamorus-Base, Espathra, Eternatus, Falinks, Flutter Mane, Giratina, Giratina-Origin, Groudon, Ho-oh, Iron Bundle, Komala, Kommo-o, Koraidon, Kyogre, Kyurem-Black, Kyurem-White, Landorus-Base, Lilligant-Hisui, Lugia, Lunala, Magearna, Mewtwo, Miraidon, Necrozma-Dawn-Wings, Necrozma-Dusk-Mane, Palafin, Palkia, Palkia-Origin, Rayquaza, Regieleki, Reshiram, Shaymin-Sky, Smeargle, Sneasler, Solgaleo, Spectrier, Zacian, Zacian-Crowned, Zamazenta-Crowned, Zekrom
Abilities: Arena Trap, Moody, Shadow Tag
Moves: Baton Pass, Last Respects, Rage Fist, Shed Tail
Restricted Moves (These moves cannot be used in the fourth moveslot): Belly Drum, Extreme Speed, Population Bomb, Quiver Dance, Revival Blessing, Shell Smash, Tail Glow
Items: Booster Energy, King's Rock, Razor Fang
Pokemon: Darkrai, Deoxys-Defense, Hoopa-Unbound, Kyurem, Latias, Latios, Tinkaton, Ursaluna, Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, Urshifu-Base, Veluza, Volcarona, Zamazenta
Restricted Moves: Shift Gear
Restricted Moves: Shift Gear
- Suicide leads have the sole purpose of leading and then fainting. Adding a useful move for the rest of the team is a great way to take advantage of this mechanic without losing too much yourself. There will be an overall buff for these types of pokemon who are running niche fourth slots to fit their team well.
- There are so many recover clones and passing them to other pokemon makes them take forever to break down. With the recovery PP nerf this gen, it is very useful for stall and semi-stall teams. Obviously stall teams don’t want their pokemon dying, but even if they do, the others will be even harder to break.
- You can pass around setup moves around for your entire team. This can overwhelm opponents by constantly setting up one after another, but the opponent can also use these setup turns to their advantage. Your own defensive setup moves can also be passed to try to mitigate the opponent’s setup.
- Endgames are going to be very chaotic. Your teams can and should be able to prepare for anything the opponent might throw during these endgames. With a plethora of coverage and setup moves, you can turn the tables in an unfavorable matchup.
Q: How much PP would the shared move have?
A: The PP of the shared move would be equal to the PP of that move when the donor fainted. The shared move's PP is also distributed among the rest of the receivers that have the move.
Q: How do duplicate moves work?
A: You get a clone of the move.
Q: How does Ditto work with Imposter?
A: Ditto will still pass Transform when it faints to the rest of the healthy Pokemon.
Q: How to play the format?
A: Send the following code in a private message.
/challenge gen9anythinggoes@@@ forceofthefallenmod, sleepmovesclause, standardoms, terastalclause, -arceus, -calyrexice, -calyrexshadow, -chiyu, -chienpao, -deoxysattack, -deoxysbase, -deoxysspeed, -dialga, -dialgaorigin, -enamorusbase, -espathra, -eternatus, -falinks, -fluttermane, -giratina, -giratinaorigin, -groudon, -hooh, -ironbundle, -komala, -kommoo, -koraidon, -kyogre, -kyuremblack, -kyuremwhite, -landorusbase, -lilliganthisui, -lugia, -lunala, -magearna, -mewtwo, -miraidon, -necrozmadawnwings, -necrozmaduskmane, -palafin, -palkia, -palkiaorigin, -rayquaza, -regieleki, -reshiram, -shayminsky, -smeargle, -sneasler, -solgaleo, -spectrier, -zacian, -zaciancrowned, -zamazentacrowned, -zekrom, -arenatrap, -moody, -shadowtag, -batonpass, -lastrespects, -ragefist, -shedtail, *bellydrum, *extremespeed, *populationbomb, *quiverdance, *revivalblessing, *shellsmash, *tailglow, -boosterenergy, -kingsrock, -razorfang
Dark Koopatrol
100th post wooo!
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