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Gardevoir (Analysis) [QC 1/3]

Thanks bro, i'm glad you like the analysis. However, i want to keep mqgic coat slashed on the dual screens set since it lets gardevoir switch in on mischievious heart users (which are common), forcing them out and then setting up without fear of disruption. Mental herb may also be worth a slash on the dual screens set, since it blocks taunt now qnd lets gardevoir run her STAB or another option like thunderwave or will o wisp.
How would a Destiny Bond, Scarfed, Trace Gardevoir do against Excadrill with Sand Rush?

I believe Gardevoir would...hit someone like 800+ speed.

If Excadrill uses the turn to say, sword dance, and then sees you use destiny bond, it's more than likely going to switch, allowing you to send in a pokemon that can kill it before it kills the counter due to it not having the swords dance boost, or you can continue to use Gardevoir and end up killing another pokemon.

And obviously if it attacks and ends up killing you (due to not caring, or because they don't expect/know gardevoir has access to destiny bond) than you take out probably their most potent sweeper.

If that makes sense, tell me what you think.

Also...Focus Sash wouldn't make much sense unless sand rush gives you an immunity to sand. (has that been checked?) because the storm would kill you after that one turn. Not only that, but you NEED the Scarf.

And I don't mention focus blast because we all know how accurate that move is.
Gallade would be a choice for OU before Gardevoir.

It doesn't work like that. They're completely different Pokemon, and OU <-> BL/UU is based on usage, not power. Since Gardevoir is usable (if not outstanding) in OU, this writeup is based on how it fits into and can be used in the OU metagame. If it ends up UU (and I'd be surprised if it didn't), there will eventually be a UU writeup when there's a UU metagame to talk about.
I would probably mention:

Now that Aldaron's Proposal has been passed in the second Suspect round, Gardevoir's analysis should adapt to this. Keep a less specific mention of Rain Dance teams, and more emphasis on Sandstorm Teams. No longer does Gardevoir have to deal with Kingdra or Ludicolo much, but now it has to deal with more susceptible targets (Doryuuzu and Tyranitar and Landuros).
I would probably mention:

Now that Aldaron's Proposal has been passed in the second Suspect round, Gardevoir's analysis should adapt to this. Keep a less specific mention of Rain Dance teams, and more emphasis on Sandstorm Teams. No longer does Gardevoir have to deal with Kingdra or Ludicolo much, but now it has to deal with more susceptible targets (Doryuuzu and Tyranitar and Landuros).
Will-O-Wisp helps alot (though Landuros can run mixed right?)

Not to mention I have not seen alot of Tyrannitar's run with alot, if any EV's in Speed.
Will-O-Wisp helps alot (though Landuros can run mixed right?)

Not to mention I have not seen alot of Tyrannitar's run with alot, if any EV's in Speed.

The most standard Excadrill runs a Jolly Nature with maximum Speed EVs, so Gardevoir is forced to use the Choice Scarf set to outrun Doryuuzu in Sandstorm and copy Sand Throw. It's not a bad thing though, as Gardevoir can also outrun Tyranitar and Landuros with a Choice Scarf.

Also, Gardevoir does not have to resort to Will-O-Wisp, and can instead lie in Hidden Power Ice, Psychic, and Focus Blast to decimate the targets. Landlos rarely goes mixed and barely scratches Gardevoir with its Special moves bar Earth Power. Check the Choice Scarf set.

As for the sets in general...yeah. Lower emphasis on Rain teams, edit Rain guys out. Thunderbolt's taken a bit of a hit, and Signal Beam's almost got little use outside of hitting the occasional Dark or Psychic type (Psychic which you may not even see). I would also advise a Modest nature slash or mention, as Gardevoir sometimes needs the power and can already outrun "double-speed in weather" Pokemon with Scarf.
What IV's do you need for HP-Ice?

Also, I just don't like the accuracy of Focus Blast. I believe most Exca' also run X-Scissor also, so thats just another reason I'm thinking Destiny Bond. I have no way to test how well DB works in actuallity thought since your essentially sacrificing one for one anyways. (and again, does having sand-throw make you immune to sandstorm?)

Gardy does take special hits very well, but it still has low HP and I've always found that to be her biggest downfall. Speed you can usually find ways around, but HP means a 2 hit instead of a 3-hit. Though In the past I did run a Calm-mind/rest/lum-berry combo that worked wonders when stalling against special hitters.

Though you could run Wish/Protect, but again Low HP makes her much less effective as a support also, and of course takes up two slots. But it definately is worth considering I think.
I think HP fighting should be an option, if you use focus blast you are basically revenging doryuzu and tyranitar 70 percent of the time which isn't nice. Doryuzu is also frail so I'm pretty sure the hp fighting would handle it. Also, more and more tyranitar on weather based teams are running a lot of special defense, focus blast would probably not OHKO. HP fighting is a nice alternative to handle doryuzu and possibly tyranitar without sacrificing yourself with destiny bond
Good point, but you still might include DB along side HP fighting (if it knocks it out) to take out a second one.

HP-F is a great idea I think.
Excadrill isn't THAT frail. HP Fighting only does 58.6% - 69.1% to it.

What he said. Whilst I'd like for Focus Blast to be more accurate, unfortunately that's not going to happen, and HP Fighting just fails in comparison since instead of failing 30% of the time, you're failing 100% of the time. And MasterX, Gardy's Focus Blast does 99.4% - 118.1% to your standard Tyranitar, and that's including Sandstorm so unless the opponent is trying specifically to resist special attacks you can pretty much OHKO all him every time.

Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll rewrite this and focus it more on Sand teams, probably on Tuesday night.
Focus Blast would be preferred only for Excadrill in this case. Scarf Sand Rush Destiny Bond is usable but majority of Excadrill run Jolly nature. High risk, high return. It's usable but not advisable. Plus, there are many others who can take down Excadrill with ease such as...anyone have a good example?
Physically defensive Virizion?!

Nah but seriously, I think Gardevoir is one of the only offensive checks to Doryuuzu in the game, apart from stuff like Erufuun with Stun Spore and Mach Punch / Aqua Jet users.
Please use prefixes in the future, do not bold the section headers, and do not write your analysis before it is QC approved as that team may demand changes to the sets that require full rewriting (and wasting of your effort).
Please use prefixes in the future, do not bold the section headers, and do not write your analysis before it is QC approved as that team may demand changes to the sets that require full rewriting (and wasting of your effort).

This thread was written months ago and thus i never had the option to prefix :/ Thanks for the other advice, though, when i get round to changing this tomorrow i'll just write a skeleton like i did for my more recent gastrodon analysis.
Focus Blast would be preferred only for Excadrill in this case. Scarf Sand Rush Destiny Bond is usable but majority of Excadrill run Jolly nature. High risk, high return. It's usable but not advisable. Plus, there are many others who can take down Excadrill with ease such as...anyone have a good example?
DB is a "just in case" sorta deal anways.

You've still got even then, a potential super fast sweeper in the sun/rain/sand with a high special attack, amazing special defense, and good coverage.

Also, some good counters to Exac' are Gliscor, Azumarril, dragonite (aqua jet) and of course aqua jet luvdisc.
Gardevoir is my Favorite Poke in the entire game (tied with Persian) and it really is a shame that it seems outclassed in almost every way, however she's great in UU and I can easily fit her in most on my teams, also Psyquic is great for posion types many grass' second type (venusaur being the Top Threat) as a Weather counter, and although unreliable, you still can use hipnosis to shut down an inminent sweep with tha speed, that could make you at least pull something (Been there and really it can change the whall game)
If Gardevoir had base 90 speed, It would be fantastic in this metagame. Unfortunately, base 80 speed means it can't outspeed Doryuuzu without a scarf and the passing of Aldaron's proposal means that her niche in beating rain teams is gone.
De-slash Signal Beam (Its too weak) and remove mentions of Gardevoirs ability to OHKO rain sweepers. (since the current ones aren't electric weak)


QC Approved 1/3
Thanks a bunch for the QC, PK. :) I'm really sorry that I haven't updated this, but I've been swamped with coursework as well as pressing obligations elsewhere... however, i should definitely have some time free on Saturday to revise this and make the necessary changes. Thanks for showing the necessary support, everyone.