Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules.
Welcome to the Heroes Home, a place of rest, safety, but most importantly, family. In the darkest of days, and the coldest of nights, the Heroes Home will always be a beacon of warmth to guide you forward. You are neither tool, trophy, or trash - you are you, and we welcome you as such. All Pokemon are celebrated here, for everyone is equal in our family. Know that you shall never again be alone once you cross our threshold. A shoulder to cry on, a hug freely given, a mind ready to listen are all yours if you are in need. So come, sit by the fire, warm your soul, and enjoy a hot beverage, for you are in the Heroes Home.
Politeness is paramount. I will always treat you as a peer, and thus the reverse is expected.
Please be explicit in your desires/questions/intent. Communication is easiest when everyone has a firm understanding of what is taking place, and there will rarely be a rush to do so. Reread your requests before posting to ensure clarity.
Poke Classic Network [For Past Gen Wondercards/Battle Tower (World Ability Ribbon)]
PowersavesPro [For Cloning in Gen 6-7 + Item Injection + Save states for SSR Method]
Pokemon Automation software + Arduino [For Gen 8 bot automation]
This is a semi-giveaway/trade thread. All Pokemon other than those found in the Trophy Case/Special Projects lists are free - however I reserve the right to both deny trades or ask for something in return.
All Pokemon listed have been bred/SR'd/RNG'd by me, unless stated otherwise.
Please condense your requests. Multiple requests over a short period are worse than simply asking for a lot at once.
Most shiny Pokemon I have listed have been generated using save state restoration, RNG abuse, or automated breeding. If you do not condone these methods, then those Pokemon are not for you.
If a Pokemon you've obtained from me receives an update (new nickname, ribbon, etc.) you may trade it in to receive the updated Pokemon.
If you notice a listing mistake, please inform me at your earliest convince. It helps me a lot!
All parents are free upon request, however I reserve the right to refuse.
Any parents I provide will be clones and fully are redistributable.
All parents will be flawless 5-6 IV, with the dump stat dictated by their nature (except for Trick Room natures).
I am currently able to transfer/trade Pokemon to Gen 8, however most of my Gen 7 Pokemon have not been updated to Gen 8 (IE, no moveset changes, no new ribbons, etc.). All Pokemon currently offered in Gen 7 will still be available in Gen 7.
Some Pokemon may not be available in Gen 7. In most cases it will be obvious (Pokemon, movesets, abilities, etc., that are not available in Gen 7), however feel free to ask if you're unsure.
A viable build for Herdier. You design it, I approve it, and I'll give you a completed copy.
A viable build for Swadloon. You design it, I approve it, and I'll give you a completed copy.
A viable build for Pidgeotto. You design it, I approve it, and I'll give you a completed copy.
A viable build for Lombre. You design it, I approve it, and I'll give you a completed copy.
A viable build for Nidorina. You design it, I approve it, and I'll give you a completed copy.
A viable build for Sealeo. You design it, I approve it, and I'll give you a completed copy.
People who can breed perfect parent Pokemon for me. Breeding Pokemon for the correct ball, nature, EM's, etc., is the slowest and most boring part of my projects (I'm very lazy). Help is always appreciated.
Your immortal soul.
Many images have been modified from original artwork by artists. While this artwork is slowly being phased out, their artwork is their own and not owned by me in any way. I thank them for how their work has livened up the Heroes Home over the years.
Special thanks to rufusdrumknott for helping me when I first joined Smogon those many years ago.
Special thanks to .com for helping with waaaaay too many instances of corrupted BB code and other various tasks. I think I killed too many of your brain cells with my issues.
Special thanks to Max. Optimizer for helping with a variety of necessary tasks that helped me build my mons when I was unable to.
"Special Project" Pokemon are projects that either come from a pre-Gen V game, or have some special characteristic that defines them. These friends required an extraordinary effort to obtain and/or are very cute, and are thus honored by elevation to this category.
All redistribution rights are non-redis by default. However, they can (and probably will be) provided if you ask.
All Pokemon have been leveled to lvl 100 unless otherwise stated.
Trade availability is listed on each Pokemon. Any Pokemon in this category that can be traded will never be traded for free and will require an exchange of Pokemon or services.
Note, Gold text on an IV means that that stat was Hyper Trained from a non-30 IV stat. Pink text on an IV means that that stat was Hyper Trained from a 30 IV stat. Black text that is underlined on an IV means that that IV is either 30 or 0.
The majestic predator of the sky takes her rightful place as the ultimate nuke! Double-Edge Fearow was a bucket list Pokemon I wanted, and so I went all in. Soft reset a wild encounter on a legit Leaf Green cart, and here we are! I decided to make her a semi-Ribbon project as well, just beacuse she looks prettier that way. She doesn't have any of the Gen 3 Hoenn ribbons, beacuse frankly I don't have 600+ USD to drop on a legit Emerald cart. I used the Poke Classic Network to access WFC for the World Ability Ribbon. She still has the transfer-only move Endure because I needed it for Gen 4 contests and I never removed it. No real reason to remove it now. U-Turn is the optimal replacement if you intend to use her in a competitive format.
IVs Before Hyper Training: 28 HP, 1 Atk, 31 Def, 10 SpAtk, 14 SpD, 24 Spd
Most people probably don't know who rufus is/was. They haven't been on Smogon in quite some time, but when they were, they were active in the WiFi section. In large part thanks to their generosity, I ended up really getting into competitive Pokemon. So to honor them, I turned one of their giveaway Pokemon into a Ribbon Project, even if this Ampharos is a bit outdated. This Pokemon is Free-Redis only (can only be redistributed for free).
This was the first legendary Pokemon I ever soft-reset! Came out pretty well! Use this guy for a fast support. I actually have a First Edition Pokemon card of Raikou somewhere, gotta love the old art design!
Named after Quetzalcōātl, the god of life, light, wisdom, day, and the winds in Aztec mythology. Literally translated as "The Feathered Serpent", Quetzalcōātl was one of the most important deities in a number of different Mesoamerican cultures, with many myths attributed to him.
A long-term project finally complete! Zuihou makes her all the way from Gen 4 with every ribbon! I started work on this project all the way back in 2016, when I was really interested in getting a Vacuum Wave Infernape. Over time, that project evolved into what it is now. One of the issues I faced was that I was (and still am) too potato brained to RNG abuse. Zuihou is el-natural, IE I spent 6 months of my life constantly breeding Chimchar until I finally got her. I used the Poke Classic Network to access WFC for the World Ability Ribbon. Her name Zuihou is derived from Zuì Hóu in Chinese, or Drunken Monkey after the famous Kung Fu style.
I realized that I kept having people help me with projects, but that I also had nothing to give back but spitbacks. Thus, Gratitude was born (well, I mean give or take a few days). Gratitude chimes loudly and somehow clones itself into your PC if you help Blizzard with a project without asking for anything in return (don't ask, I blame The Domed One). If you've helped me in the past, you can request Gratitude to clone herself into your PC, otherwise, don't bother asking, she comes to you, not the other way around. You can also help Gratitude clone herself into other people's PC's, if they help you as well (IE, conditional redistribution rights. You can redistribute her only if you do so as a gift to those who help you.)!
Named after Mugen-Kane (The Bell Of Mugen), a bell from Mugenyama, Japan. In Japanese folklore, priests (with the help of locals) melted down mirrors for a new bell. However, one of the mirrors could not be melted, beacuse the mirror had not been given selflessly as it's owner regretted the donation. When discovered, she drowned herself in shame, but cursed the bell such that it had to be discarded in a lake.
Named after Lucifer, also known as Satan, the devil, or Iblis in Abrahamic mythology.
(#491 - Darkrai "Nova" Ø✵)
OT: Blizz | ID: 00580 | Newmoon Island (Sinnoh)
Timid| Bad Dreams | RNG Abuse
IVs: 31 | 7 | 31 | 31| 31 | 31 (HP Dark) Ev'd: Sludge Bomb, Dark Pulse, Dark Void, Nasty Plot
{252 SpAtk / 4 SpD / 252 Spd}
Available For Trade
Named after Nova Artino, also known as Nova McLain, one of the protagonists from the Renegades series. She is a member of the Anarchists, where she goes by the name Nightmare; later, she infiltrates the Renegades and goes by Insomnia. She has the ability to put others to sleep, and does not sleep herself.
I love Hawlucha. I've been playing Pokemon since Gen 4, and I still love Hawlucha over all the rest! He has excellent offensive typing, a great move set, one of the best abilities in the game, he's built to be fast and strong, and he looks great! What's not to love? He can brawl with the best of them and come out on top, and he's ready to fight in a pinch. But what matter most about a Pokemon, is not their strength, or how they look, it's whether or not they have your back, and are willing to be your friend. I can safely say with 100% certainty, Hawlucha will always have my back, as I will have his.
"Battle Ready" Pokemon are projects that comprise the main body of the Heroes Home family. Any Pokemon that is not a "Special Project" or "Parent" will fall under this category.
All redistribution rights are non-redis by default. However, they can (and probably will be) provided if you ask.
All Pokemon have been leveled to lvl 100 unless stated otherwise.
All Pokemon in this category are free (Check Trading Information/Rules for a better explanation).
Note, Gold text on an IV means that that stat was Hyper Trained from a non-30 IV stat. Pink text on an IV means that that stat was Hyper Trained from a 30 IV stat. Black text that is underlined on an IV means that that IV is either 30 or 0.
-⬟}{Pokemon Image}{Pokeball} OT: {Original Trainer} | ID: {Trainer ID on Pokemon} | {Location Hatched (Region)}
{Nature} | {Ability} | {Method of Obtaining = Standard Breeding, Save State Restore Method, Soft-Reset, etc.} IVs: HP | Atk | Def | SpAtk | SpD | Spd ({Hidden Power}) Ev'd: {Attacks Currently Taught to Pokemon}
{Effort Value Distribution = { / / }}
{Obtained Ribbons}
Named after Euderus set, also know as the crypt-keeper wasp. This metallic-green parasitic wasp infests hosts and manipulates the host's behavior to provide food for brood.
Named after Daikokuten, the syncretic Japanese deity of fortune and wealth that emerged from combining Hindu and Shinto deities. Daikokuten is closely associated with rats and mice.
Named after Nakamura Jirokichi, also nicknamed "Nezumi Kozo". Jirokichi was a Japanese thief and folk hero in Edo-period Japan, who has been often commemorated in Japanese culture. His nickname translates as "Rat Kid".
Named Adishesha after Shesha, the Hindu mythological serpent king. Adishesha translates as "First Shesha", in reference to his role in creation and destruction.
Named after Tsubomi, the main character from the short, "Yume no Tsubomi" who befriends and partners with a male Nidoran who later evolves into a Nidorino at the end of the short.
Named after Duke Kahanamoku, a famous competitive swimmer who helped popularize surfing. Often called the Father of Modern Surfing.
(#052 - Meowth "Naotaka"♂✵)
OT: Nasuada | ID: 483625 | Po Town (Alola)
Hasty | Technician | SSR Method
IVs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 (HP Dark) Ev'd: Aerial Ace, Water Pulse, Fake Out, Feint
{252 Atk / 36 SpAtk / 36 SpD / 196 Spd}
Named after Ii Naotaka, a Japanese daimyo in the early Edo period. Legend states that he became the patron of a temple after being saved by a maneki-neko.
Named after Sarutahiko Ōkami, a Japanese kami who is a symbol of strength and guidance. Sarutahiko is also closely associated with Japanese macaques, and shares many features with them.
Named after Briareus, a Hecatoncheires or "Hundred-Handed One" in Greek mythology. Briareus is often explicitly associated with the sea, with relations to both Pontus and Poseidon.
(#076 - Alolan Golem "Langevin" ♂✵)
OT: Nasuada | ID: 483625 | Ten Carat Hill (Alola)
Jolly | Magnet Pull | SSR Method
IVs: 31 | 31| 31 | 31| 31 | 31 (HP Dark) Ev'd: Earthquake, Stone Edge, Wild Charge, Fire Punch
{252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spd}
Named after Paul Langevin, a French physicist who developed Langevin dynamics, the Langevin equation, and sonar using piezoelectricity.
(#078 - Rapidash "Oshichi" ♀✵)
OT: Nasuada | ID: 483625 | Konikoni City (Alola)
Jolly | Flash Fire | SSR Method
IVs: 31 | 31| 31 | 0| 31 | 31 (HP Electric) Ev'd: Flare Blitz, High Horsepower, Will-O-Wisp, Morning Sun
{252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spd}
Named after Yaoya Oshichi, a young woman who lived during Edo-period Japan. Born during the year of the fire horse, she was executed for committing arson. As a result, women born during the year of the fire horse became stigmatized in Japan, as superstition holds that they will grow up to kill their husbands.
Oh how do I love me some Mega Slowbro! It's such a funny design, and it makes me want squeeze that chubby little body. I even actually have a plush of M-Slow! That being said, the ideal set is generally without the mega, but when have I ever prioritized optimal builds over looks? Doesn't matter, Slowbro will easily outlast almost any threat you face.
(#082 - Magneton "Lorentz" Ø✵)
OT: Nasuada | ID: 483625 | Not Paniola Ranch (Alola)
Modest | Analytic | Standard Breeding IVs: 31 | 0 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 (HP Dragon) Ev'd: Thunderbolt, Flash Cannon, Tri Attack, Volt Switch
{252 SpAtk / 4 SpD / 252 Spd}
Named after Lorentz forces, a...well... I'm not a physicist so just look it up.
Named after the Chernobyl disaster, a nuclear accident in Ukraine (then USSR). Following a reactor meltdown event and detonation, the Chernobyl disaster became one of the most serious and devastating nuclear incidents in history.
Named after Deepwater Horizon, an offshore oil drilling rig. Following an explosion on the rig, the resulting oil spill became the largest marine oil spill in history and is regarded as one of the largest environmental disasters in world history.
Named after the shikigami, a spirit-like being in Japanese folklore that can be conjured to do their invokers will. Shikigami can possess animals and humans, but if their invoker is careless they can gain their own willpower and take revenge.
Named after Encephalartos woodii or Wood's cycad, a rare cycad that is often referred to as "The Loneliest Tree in the World". Woodii is extinct in the wild and only one specimen has ever been found. Because cycads are dioecious and the last woodii is male, no offspring can be produced.
Named after Anjea, a fertility goddess who holds people's souls and spurns their reincarnation in the mythology of various clans in Queensland, Australia.
Named after TON 618, a hyperluminous ultra-massive quasar. It possesses one of the most massive black holes ever discovered, with a solar mass of 66 billion, and is as bright as one hundred trillion stars. TON 618 is so massive that it may be the largest single-body in the universe.
Named Serusuman after the Japanese word for salesman, sērusuman - in reference to the Magikarp Salesman. This is a meme build, never use this in battle.