Co-hosted by Celever and Rage. Approved by sharpclaw.
Welcome to the second annual Gen 7 Open! This tournament is your chance to showcase your skills in Gen 7 Random Battles, in a single elimination best-of-3 series (best-of-5, quarterfinals onward).
This tournament is part of our ongoing Rands Slam III circuit. Stay tuned after this tour for news about the next one!
The winner of the Gen 7 Open will receive the Room Prize Winner rank in the Random Battles room for a month, be inducted into the Randbats Hall of Fame, and be awarded points for the Rands Slam III. The winner of the Slam Playoffs Round will get a Smogon banner for a full year, along with a month-long Room Prize Winner rank and joinphrase, and a custom avatar!
How does the tour work?
It’s simple:
1. Contact your opponent on their Smogon wall and decide on a time to battle.
2. Battle each other in the format “[Gen 7] Random Battle”.
3. The first player to 2 wins (3 wins for quarterfinals onwards) advances to the next round.
Please note:
1. All scheduling attempts MUST be done publicly on Smogon Walls. No other proof of communication will count for act calls regarding scheduling attempts.
2. You MUST post replays of your wins.
We strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with the Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines, if you haven’t already. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact the tour hosts (me, Celever, or Rage) on Smogon.
The deadline for Round 1 is Sunday June 18th, 2023 at 11:59PM GMT -4. Substitute calls will be made on Thursday June 15th at 12:00PM GMT -4 for inactive players.
Good luck and have fun to everyone taking part!
Due to the number of signups being just above the 512 threshold, there will be subs that will get first pick for players that are inactive in scheduling. Scheduling on Smogon Walls is necessary in making sure you are not subbed out.
Round 1 Matchups:
proffessor-After vs Thootjuh
Betathunder vs Zsynaps
Astralst0rm vs DukeOfKings
Manan999 vsFlamesOfEternity
ZebstrikemDown vs imtiltingoce
CoolWinnerChicken vsibouv
Mr.Bossaru vsAnthonyy23
noloaf vsMilkshook
pevesito vs BigReeApple
Ceteris Paribus vsScoobstar4000
Riku Sakuraba vsTurtlek
Furqan_N vs Godigimon
satvik123 vsMagmar54
IceLoverFrostalicious vsChatblox
Roginald vs Endersteve
Bigwubben vs swadloom
Kinzo Ketchum vsIkaishi
ttiler vs glowbrogang
mj vsdeathdragon25o
Drifting vspalladiumpaladin
BhuoTucan vs fxl
IcyPenguin2 vs Mr.Yessir
Wait2Seconds vsHats
Kempicus vs idiotclips
VentisH12 vsCronusVGC
RemmyEZ vs Robbie35646
Heaskedfurret vs beneux
Hexer003 vs TGA
kpse vs Clouds
Wispr vs Nael222
ZDen vsConmanyeet25
Critsomnia vsgen7enjoyer
kringeIssues vs Stankmonger Jones
Geekazoid349 vs YBW
Wooper Person vsMicoy
Theblobfishman9 vs Tperms
NPSHarmonia vs RSB
Beuto vspowerviolence
kiplerKP vsnolen
Zachary10 vs Landino6540
StreetBoom vs GoldenBoot04
Pranay vsZamaBino
Indi01 vs entrocefalo
chuggachuggachooo vs Amstan
ajhockeystar vsLeCehlou
NoobishTrainerJoe vs csgoob
Vertigo vs Sae
Sylveon used calm mind vsBlaze Boy34
Nine Iota vsPlugDome
leo-bloodysweet vs Tyrantrum23
Call me PK vs One Last Kiss
Kidbu vs Grandmaster7890
relevartemit vsLyna
stevener vs WigglyTree
Cureja vsInnerWaffles
Suonai vs Dorron
koukees vsgimme da goat
Deathbang vs maxhooij
Tyler409 vs Indulge in dreams
noleafclover32 vs crow crumbs
M0w3 vs Sparzza
lemonstre1 vsEljaydee
CHEESETHE vs Realblazing
VanitasEcho vsduartemole
tlelv vs soTsoT
ironcladorc vs Unhedged
contraryplate vs Mr Crcr
tgolacki vs MitchTEM
Tuthur vsbobby badass
YeetedByGrandma vsShckSheep
poke_master2548 vs ClassyArk
Golden Warrior vsDemoind
Shiny_Raptorch vsultra_soda
Doge136 vs snorlax142857
HeatS33ker vsD3monG0d
Lashum vs Hello craco
Doomful vs Bodi 69
BurnieSanders69 vs JabsGr
BrunnoGreen vsBandedCrizor
klawf and I vs Watercelly
Dearest Deerling vs Phantom0rion
Down By VI vs nemoauditur
Icy149 vsLugia_numair
Sivayt vs patos
BendedCart vs frostyicelad
volcanionisgood vsDaPokeFruit
A-drago destroyer vs Aketzagar18
PikaPlayer vs Wubben
SeeLearnWin vs Darkreaper96
Mrsatanthegod vs Fluore
Mannuraj vs KokenoCastro
Jumppuh vs Shiritu
DoubleSword vs Hallormour
SOM/05 vs WishingUmbreon
SuouEdits7533 vs2Ghosty
Da1sy2345 vs p5 vioz
Haruno vs DruggedTurtle
El químico del pueblucho vs oreobeam
Astral Spectrier❤ vs chefcooke
GetSleidSun vs LivingInkwell
winteredsoul vs tarunc
Amaranth vsXiri
Scarf Kricketune vsCartoonNeko
ezrasensei vs PG is PG
Trainer Z vs InvejaMata
GEEV vs Rasche
MOHAMEDALL vsIrpachuza
Cookiecattirnado vs Piapia
BerliTz05 vswho ate my food
XYZ15 vs Blessed
Dawn Dreams vselhiroshi
Normalname vs Lialiabeast
neycwang vsRocketScienz8
opo3443 vs Dlanyer
giove97 vs Andy Snype
Biscoffmilkshake vs TheFranklin
Bellossom01 vs Wartionzz
Ptwifty vs LoSconosciuto
ChronicIronic vs AnandPog
Srminilol12 vsIrene-2002
hunternoooob vsGlen47
Valkyrye vs gorex
huntersoka vs Estuardo19
aywun vsChainlessJoe
kabosoo vsUnknownSenji1400
beubz vs Failbor
AtraX Madara vsPedropan3la
Tails72 vsAnimayshu
Longestbanana vsTabo_0
PokedemonMC vsBewarethebewear
Infinite Misery vsjedu123
Hairoll vs SpinoWolf19
Evil Kettle vs R1C3M4N
Fragments vsKoalemos
za vsboo_945
BeeOrSomething vs MachJacob
veryrealnoah vs Biogeosinohsoviet
omjithb vs drifttrick
iVitaminC vs FunnyDoude
Antonio0304 vs Abdul69420
Lord Rekkuza vsKeem
Flop_Ding vsBirdNotReal
Lrogue vs Blue YM
papiloco vsDeathlypickachu
Follower of Karpism vs davidelbello
Chains of Markov vsDIMU179
Potatoboybob vs Lady Writer
Medeia vsCongram
napssss vsEastDub
Exotic64 vsShawshank
bobomania vsX_alexanderX_
YinTurtle vsfreedom spoon
Sebaszc08 vs Ron
Abilty vsKinetic1000
Syrinix vs Kaneki-san
Yes or no my dude vs Michielleus
Caitlin_L vs AllanG13
eto89 vs Referrals
X-Calibur101 vsPerish Song
Srn vsClarke Emilia
BIG loven vswtf_mike
Ev_Evan vsTranquility
Xerzack987 vsiLL1ftw
Uta The Clown vs SnorlaxMan
Nuage vs RoFnA
Zoyotte vsojosderata
cvact vs Huggy39
maxou1239 vs McBaggins98
Joltoh vs SpeedyBlu
KeanuGrindingArc vs Xinc
YPlaysShowdown vs RaJ.Shoot
Abele01 vs Shadows4
sleepyzen vs LunarEvents
articoo vsPhineas Blade
Fingie Snatcher vsAvocadorable
Gyarikkuho vsPokemaster 911
Javi vsNo Luck No Life
JacintoElGrande vs MichaelderBeste2
ShinyAlolamola vstxitxas
pmfg10 vs Accidere
Jordy004 vsShadow Registeel
trial mayb vs Memoriazero
Poipole is so cute vs Burt Jarvis
35Q71N vsOnemagician
Havens vsPsycho782
Utku vs hammy3581
Graou vs MNagi
Gold Hakurei vs TeamCharm
Elgino vs MajoraWaffled
SpaceSpeakers vs pokeblade101
F4nt45m vs adorluigi
Fant'sy Beast vsSquirtell 1v1
samuespejo6 vsTeeWizzy
Casual dot exe vs Lucas2543
Giga-Chandélure vsOliverBlue_
MrSoup vsFelix-felines
Luis Cl vs Clementine
Dabman1069 vs Canned Furs
PrinceOfAllTacos vs Raahel
Greentea570 vs boris69
Timmyturner69 vs matrega
memedose46 vs JJ09LIE
LEMILLION10000 vs Mathy
Wigglytuff vs Geki_Alt
yogo896 vsNidz_Vidz
Jonathan81 vs yakarimseni
i_am_the_big_sad vs frickEDmt
TrainerPla vs Banbadoro
Sparksss vs deftinwolf
BlazeOfVictory vsmaskedevil
PoliticalMan vs Mr. Uncompetitive
Vonols vsAhpel the applin water
SLimeape vs RandomPopplio
Jose32 vs Commy
Real GLaDOS vsSpanglyBadger30
freebird88 vsVitoran
Aqua Jet vs Martinique Jason
Tarrembeau vsLondon13
landorockz vsAriff157
Kuzakii vs Gappar
pokefin1234 vs sharpclaw
Flipper1 vs Zygarde12
Knele97 vs Zane(Bifloofendoofen)
HaunterBoy28 vsFinding_A_Username
Agency Bomb vsMorgan&Sableye
kingnasir vs Daki
Fifty Shades of Rez vsmonkeycoonery
Frozoid vs Luchik
aWeirdMike vs platinumCheesecake
SubZeroZilla vs Dragonillis
BlackDemonAsta vs velvet
Mannaggiamme vs Prqk
DudeOfRandom vsHoney SweeTTootH
MTB vsYonis_
TheBoyWithTheBugz vslivid washed
TR1T0 vs Harshbro97
Celever vsbuziarv
waspwarrior vsshuguhhshane
Darthcoyo34 vsYuki_23_23
It's classified vsTheyCallMe_FreshRatMilk
xCaptainHero vsRohanPokemaster
WhoDatMan vs Crogoze
Snekneek731 vsJerry64
Ney9000 vs Metroshock
mimikyuu vsShadowChromatic
Nenuu vs paolode99
Trefleuh vsDoc-Mellitus
teresbahji vslarakecheese
gardedude vs MackDad456
fujitive vsGoldenSaiiber
13firebolt vs SwordIsBored
feke367ew vs ariesbk
IchabodRB vsthedeepdreamer
Emotirainboi vsWhat should by name be?
Zerotti vsEmboar02
Welcome to the second annual Gen 7 Open! This tournament is your chance to showcase your skills in Gen 7 Random Battles, in a single elimination best-of-3 series (best-of-5, quarterfinals onward).
This tournament is part of our ongoing Rands Slam III circuit. Stay tuned after this tour for news about the next one!
The winner of the Gen 7 Open will receive the Room Prize Winner rank in the Random Battles room for a month, be inducted into the Randbats Hall of Fame, and be awarded points for the Rands Slam III. The winner of the Slam Playoffs Round will get a Smogon banner for a full year, along with a month-long Room Prize Winner rank and joinphrase, and a custom avatar!
How does the tour work?
It’s simple:
1. Contact your opponent on their Smogon wall and decide on a time to battle.
2. Battle each other in the format “[Gen 7] Random Battle”.
3. The first player to 2 wins (3 wins for quarterfinals onwards) advances to the next round.
Please note:
1. All scheduling attempts MUST be done publicly on Smogon Walls. No other proof of communication will count for act calls regarding scheduling attempts.
2. You MUST post replays of your wins.
We strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with the Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines, if you haven’t already. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact the tour hosts (me, Celever, or Rage) on Smogon.
When spectating Rands Slam battles, do not ghost. Ask yourself, “Would my comment reveal information that hasn’t already been explicitly revealed in this battle?” Examples of ghosting include pointing out that an unexpectedly fast Pokemon must be holding a Choice Scarf, that a Zoroark’s disguised level proves it’s a Zoroark, etc.
The deadline for Round 1 is Sunday June 18th, 2023 at 11:59PM GMT -4. Substitute calls will be made on Thursday June 15th at 12:00PM GMT -4 for inactive players.
Good luck and have fun to everyone taking part!
Due to the number of signups being just above the 512 threshold, there will be subs that will get first pick for players that are inactive in scheduling. Scheduling on Smogon Walls is necessary in making sure you are not subbed out.
Round 1 Matchups:
Astralst0rm vs DukeOfKings
Manan999 vs
CoolWinnerChicken vs
Mr.Bossaru vs
noloaf vs
Ceteris Paribus vs
Riku Sakuraba vs
satvik123 vs
IceLoverFrostalicious vs
Kinzo Ketchum vs
mj vs
Drifting vs
IcyPenguin2 vs Mr.Yessir
Wait2Seconds vs
VentisH12 vs
ZDen vs
Critsomnia vs
Wooper Person vs
Beuto vs
kiplerKP vs
StreetBoom vs GoldenBoot04
Pranay vs
ajhockeystar vs
Sylveon used calm mind vs
Nine Iota vs
relevartemit vs
Cureja vs
koukees vs
lemonstre1 vs
VanitasEcho vs
Tuthur vs
YeetedByGrandma vs
Golden Warrior vs
Shiny_Raptorch vs
HeatS33ker vs
BrunnoGreen vs
klawf and I
Icy149 vs
volcanionisgood vs
A-drago destroyer
SOM/05 vs
SuouEdits7533 vs
El químico del pueblucho vs oreobeam
GetSleidSun vs
Amaranth vs
Scarf Kricketune vs
BerliTz05 vs
Dawn Dreams vs
neycwang vs
Srminilol12 vs
hunternoooob vs
aywun vs
kabosoo vs
AtraX Madara vs
Tails72 vs
Longestbanana vs
PokedemonMC vs
Infinite Misery vs
Fragments vs
za vs
omjithb vs drifttrick
Antonio0304 vs
Lord Rekkuza vs
Flop_Ding vs
papiloco vs
Follower of Karpism
Chains of Markov vs
Medeia vs
napssss vs
Exotic64 vs
bobomania vs
YinTurtle vs
Abilty vs
X-Calibur101 vs
Srn vs
BIG loven vs
Ev_Evan vs
Xerzack987 vs
Uta The Clown
Zoyotte vs
articoo vs
Fingie Snatcher vs
Gyarikkuho vs
Javi vs
ShinyAlolamola vs
Jordy004 vs
trial mayb
35Q71N vs
Havens vs
Graou vs MNagi
Gold Hakurei vs TeamCharm
Fant'sy Beast vs
samuespejo6 vs
Casual dot exe
Giga-Chandélure vs
MrSoup vs
Luis Cl
Greentea570 vs
yogo896 vs
BlazeOfVictory vs
Vonols vs
Real GLaDOS vs
freebird88 vs
Aqua Jet
Tarrembeau vs
landorockz vs
HaunterBoy28 vs
Agency Bomb vs
Fifty Shades of Rez vs
DudeOfRandom vs
MTB vs
TheBoyWithTheBugz vs
Celever vs
waspwarrior vs
Darthcoyo34 vs
It's classified vs
xCaptainHero vs
Snekneek731 vs
mimikyuu vs
Trefleuh vs
teresbahji vs
fujitive vs
IchabodRB vs
Emotirainboi vs
Zerotti vs
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