Who can suggest sets here?
- Active users on the QC teams of their respective metagames (C&C or TFP). They should discuss sets worth spotlighting and post them by the start of the month.
- Keep in mind that our social media audience does include a lot of casuals / noobs who like to see cool, less common Pokemon, so if there is a viable Pokemon that also happens to be popular like Flygon or Gallade, that would be a good suggestion.
- Also, make sure your suggested set hasn't already been done lately. There is an archive of already completed set spotlights at the bottom of this post.
Who can reserve sets here?
- Anyone, but make sure you have sufficient knowledge to write a good spotlight.
- You can only reserve one set spotlight at a time. Once your first spotlight is ready for QC, you can reserve another, but don't take one of the same tier until the next month to give others opportunities to write spotlights as well.
- Additionally, you can only reserve two spotlights each month. This is because spotlights are much more limited compared to regular analyses, so we would like to provide as many opportunities for other writers to reserve a set spotlight, especially those who want to try to write one for the first time.
Review of the writing process
- Reserve a set in this thread.
- Once your reservation has been approved, which is usually done by someone editing your post, post a thread for your spotlight.
- Get ONE QC check and ONE GP check. QC can come from someone on the respective metagame's QC (C&C or TFP) or VR team; tag your favorite one once you're ready for QC. GP comes from the GP team as usual, so provide a link your spotlight in the GP Queue.
- You're done! Please mark your thread with the DONE tag so we know it's ready to be scheduled. Please note, though, that if your spotlight somehow becomes outdated (usage stats come out, Pokemon gets banned, etc.) in the time between you finishing and someone uploading it, you need to let us know asap.
And now, what you've all been waiting for.
Sets in bold and without a name next to them are available for reservation. You're more than welcome to take them!

- Heatran (spoo)
- Necrozma (Monky25)
- Aerodactyl (Aqua Jet)
- Guzzlord (adem)

- Gigalith (nimzowitsch)
- Cofagrigus (pannuracotta)

- Zygarde-C (Aurora)
- Pawniard (DC)

- Mew (royalfluxh)

- Alolan Marowak (Fire) (Lasen)

- None!

- None!

National Dex

- Mega Lopunny (Sulo)

- None!

- None!

- None!

- None!

- Pure Hackmons Eternamax-Eternatus (Heracross2.0)
- Staraptor (UT)
https://spo.ink/socialmediamaster -> Featured Sets
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