Pet Mod [Gen 9] Crossover Chaos

Tainted The Lost - The Binding of Isaac - Guía Definitiva en Español

Pokémon: Tainted-Lost
Franchise/Origin: Binding of Isaac
Intended Tier: OU
Type: Ghost/Flying
Ability: Wonder Guard
Notable moves: Nasty Plot, Agility, Shadow Ball, Hex, Air Slash, Hurricane, Hydro Pump, Surf, Scald, Protect, Parting Shot, Dark Pulse, Fly, Poltergeist, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Calm Mind, Ruination, Psychic, Psyshock, Signal Beam, Bug Buzz, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Fake Tears, Astonish, Thunder, Thunderbolt.
Signature move: Holy Card (1pp move that grants the endure effect and +1 speed only if an attack is blocked)
Stats: 1(unchangeable)/100/65/130/65/100

Reasoning: Ghost/Flying is pretty self evident, and Wonder Guard is to reflect the idea of the Holy Card. Holy Card is an option which can provide immense benefit to Tainted Lost, but similar to in Base Isaac care should be used as in when to use it as it is a limited resource. Tainted Lost's stats are based on some of their base stats (1.30 damage multiplier, 1.00 luck, 6.5 range). Water coverage is based on them using tears in game, Parting Shot Dark Pulse and Poison coverage is based on their title as "The Baleful", Bug moves are based on the Web on Lost's sprite, Aura Sphere is based on an item they unlock, Sacred Orb, Psychic coverage is based on their dependence on Cards. Similarly to in Isaac, Tainted Lost is a risk reward mon which can be highly effective in the right hands, but can also just be dead weight if not carefully used.


Pokémon: Satan
Franchise/Origin: Binding of Isaac
Intended Tier: OU
Type: Dark/Fairy
Ability: Opportunist/Mold Breaker/Defiant
Notable moves: Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Throat Chop, Megahorn, Will-o-wisp, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Leech Life, Giga Drain, Curse, Spirit Break, Sucker Punch, Raging Fury, Dual Wingbeat, Hurricane, Inferno.
Signature move: Devil Deal (Lose 50% of your HP and apply Heal Block on that turn, however sharply raise Special Attack and Speed)
Z-Move: Mega Blast (Dark Type 230 BP Special Move that requires a recharge turn unless it kills)
Stats: 120/100/66/100/66/90

Reasoning: Type represents Satan's status as a fallen angel as well as as being the "Root of all Evil". HP stat is based on Satan's in game HP of 1200, 100 ATK and SPA is based off the item ID for Brimstone, and the 66 defenses are based on the "mark of the beast" 666. Opportunist is based off of his role as a shopkeeper who trades health for items, also inspiring the signature move, while Mold Breaker and Defiant represent his rebellion against god. Excluding all self explanatory moves, his Ice coverage and use of Hurricane reference Dante's inferno, while Leech Life and Giga Drain reference how he spawns Leeches in his boss battle. His overall game plan represents the idea of a devil deal, gaining strong offensive items like Brimstone or Mom's Knife in exchange for a cost in health (Heal Block on turn one means you can't cheese it).

Tainted Uknown Sprite  Sticker for Sale by Sabasics | Redbubble

Pokémon: Tainted-???
Franchise/Origin: Binding of Isaac
Intended Tier: OU
Type: Poison/Ground
Ability: Stench/Poison Touch/Merciless
Notable moves: Earth Power, Earthquake, Mud Shot, Bulk Up, Calm Mind, Sludge Wave, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Gunk Shot, Hydro Pump, Surf, Scald, Waterfall, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Attack Order, Heal Order, Defend Order, Bug Buzz, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Heat Crash, Rock Blast, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Power Gem, Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Toxic.
Stats: 135/100/90/100/65/35

Reasoning: Poison type is based on tainted ??? being themed around "excrement", and the ground typing references ???'s title of "The Soiled". All of Tainted-???'s coverage moves are based on the different types of Poop he can collect and use, notably the Corny Poops (spawn blue flies, which are the reason for the order moves) Flaming Poops (Fire moves), Hallowed Poops (Fairy moves due to it being in the Angel Deal pool) Black Poops (Dark moves) and Stone Poops (Rock moves). Water coverage is both a pun on "flushing a toilet" and reference how the isaac characters use Tears as damage. These moves along with merciless can allow it to act as a strong bulky mixed attacker, with the low speed referencing Tainted-???'s innately low tears stat. 130 HP references his 3.5 damage, 100 atk and spatk reference the maximum "poop limit" of 10, 90 def is a reference to his speed stat of 9.0, and 65 spdef references his 6.5 innate range stat.


Pokémon: Guppy
Franchise/Origin: Binding of Isaac
Intended Tier: OU
Type: Normal/Bug
Ability: Frisk/Levitate/Skill Link
Notable moves: Attack Order, Heal Order, Defend Order, Doodle, Gunk Shot, Tail Slap, Double Edge, U-Turn, Hone Claws, Tidy Up,Swords Dance, Poltergeist, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Punch, Rock Blast, Curse, Lash Out, Knock Off, Infestation, Swagger, Taunt, Trick, Fake Tears.
Signature move: Nine Lives (25 BP 90% accurate physical bug type move which hits 9 times and each hit can miss)
Stats: 90/90/90/90/90/90

Reasoning: Guppy is well, a cat, hence the normal type, and their innate ability to summon Blue Flies on hit is responsible for the Bug Type. Frisk references Guppy's Eye, an item able to see items within chests, and Levitate references how the Guppy Transformation gives you flight. Guppy gaining access to the three Order moves is a reference to their command over Blue Flies, Tail Slap is a reference specifically to Guppy's Tail, although the revive feature is unreferenced for balance reasons, Doodle references the "Child's Drawing" trinket which helps Isaac attain the Guppy Transformation, Gunk Shot references the item Guppy's Hairball, as well as the fact that Guppy being a dead cat is quite unhygienic. Guppy being dead is also the reason for their command over Ghost Moves, and their items being in the Devil and Curse Room pools are the reason for the dark type moves. Taunt, Trick, and Fake Tears are less direct references to Guppy and are more of a reference to cats in general being mischievous at times. Guppy's base 90 stats reference the adage that cats have "nine lives".
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Tainted The Lost - The Binding of Isaac - Guía Definitiva en Español

Pokémon: Tainted-Lost
Franchise/Origin: Binding of Isaac
Intended Tier: OU
Type: Ghost/Flying
Ability: Wonder Guard
Notable moves: Nasty Plot, Agility, Shadow Ball, Hex, Air Slash, Hurricane, Hydro Pump, Surf, Scald, Protect, Parting Shot, Dark Pulse, Fly, Poltergeist, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Calm Mind, Ruination, Psychic, Psyshock, Signal Beam, Bug Buzz, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Fake Tears, Astonish, Thunder, Thunderbolt.
Signature move: Holy Card (1pp move that grants the endure effect and +1 speed only if an attack is blocked)
Stats: 1(unchangeable)/100/65/130/65/100

Reasoning: Ghost/Flying is pretty self evident, and Wonder Guard is to reflect the idea of the Holy Card. Holy Card is an option which can provide immense benefit to Tainted Lost, but similar to in Base Isaac care should be used as in when to use it as it is a limited resource. Tainted Lost's stats are based on some of their base stats (1.30 damage multiplier, 1.00 luck, 6.5 range). Water coverage is based on them using tears in game, Parting Shot Dark Pulse and Poison coverage is based on their title as "The Baleful", Bug moves are based on the Web on Lost's sprite, Aura Sphere is based on an item they unlock, Sacred Orb, Psychic coverage is based on their dependence on Cards. Similarly to in Isaac, Tainted Lost is a risk reward mon which can be highly effective in the right hands, but can also just be dead weight if not carefully used.


Pokémon: Satan
Franchise/Origin: Binding of Isaac
Intended Tier: OU
Type: Dark/Fairy
Ability: Opportunist/Mold Breaker/Defiant
Notable moves: Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Throat Chop, Megahorn, Will-o-wisp, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Leech Life, Giga Drain, Curse, Spirit Break, Sucker Punch, Raging Fury, Dual Wingbeat, Hurricane, Inferno.
Signature move: Devil Deal (Lose 50% of your HP and apply Heal Block on that turn, however sharply raise Special Attack and Speed)
Z-Move: Mega Blast (Dark Type 230 BP Special Move that requires a recharge turn unless it kills)
Stats: 120/100/66/100/66/90

Reasoning: Type represents Satan's status as a fallen angel as well as as being the "Root of all Evil". HP stat is based on Satan's in game HP of 1200, 100 ATK and SPA is based off the item ID for Brimstone, and the 66 defenses are based on the "mark of the beast" 666. Opportunist is based off of his role as a shopkeeper who trades health for items, also inspiring the signature move, while Mold Breaker and Defiant represent his rebellion against god. Excluding all self explanatory moves, his Ice coverage and use of Hurricane reference Dante's inferno, while Leech Life and Giga Drain reference how he spawns Leeches in his boss battle. His overall game plan represents the idea of a devil deal, gaining strong offensive items like Brimstone or Mom's Knife in exchange for a cost in health (Heal Block on turn one means you can't cheese it).

Just a heads up, we have a themed slate right now and your Binding of Issac submissions qualify for the slate bonus. Nest your submission spoilers in double asterisks like this **Submission Name** next time, please.
Time to get your votes in!
Ubertrainer2000's Cell
Ubertrainer2000's Melodytchi
Ubertrainer2000's Toad Man
Ubertrainer2000's Celestia Ludenberg
Ubertrainer2000's Fortssimole
leafsaber47's Highmore
leafsaber47's Freudia Neuwahl
leafsaber47's Nian
leafsaber47's W
Psi in the sky's sans
ImaginaryNeon's Monarch
Mygavolt's Gunner
Mygavolt's Violette
Mygavolt's Terra
Mygavolt's Shopkeeper
ErrorMon's Tainted-Lost
ErrorMon's Satan
ErrorMon's Tainted-???
ErrorMon's Guppy

"Nice to meet you! I'm Starlow! Peach sent word of trouble in the Mushroom Kingdom...So, as a representative of the Star Sprites, here I am! HELLO YELLO!"

Pokémon: Starlow
Franchise/Origin: Super Mario Bros.
Intended Tier: OU
Type: =
Regional Variation:
Ability: Regenerator/Levitate/Screen Cleaner
Notable moves: Supernova Sparkle, Defog, Recover, Reflect, Light Screen, Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, Swift, Taunt, Charm, Teleport, Fly, Scary Face, Eerie Impulse, Wish, Healing Wish, Explosion, Growth
Signature move: Supernova Sparkle: A Special Fairy move with 16 PP and 100% accuracy. It deals a fixed 10 damage to the target for each of the target's positive stat buffs. For example, if the target has +3 Attack and +3 Defence, Supernova Sparkle deals 60 damage.
Z-Move: Falling Star: A Physical Fairy-type move with 160BP: After using it, Starlow uses Wish. Upgrades from Wish using the special Z-Crystal "Attack Pieces".
Stats: 50/65/115/90/100/120

"Who's the girl next door living in the haunted mansion? You'd better learn my name, 'cause I am ASHLEY!!!"
Ashley's Song

Pokémon: Ashley
Franchise/Origin: WarioWare
Intended Tier: OU
Type: ==
Regional Variation:
Ability: Total Drag: If Ashley is hit by a critical hit, she gains the Total Drag status condition. This is a non-violate status condition that makes her next move not consume any PP when used, as well as turning her hair white. Total Drag is cured after using a move, or if Ashley is hit while having it.
Notable moves: Hocus Pocus, Poltergeist, Hex, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Mystical Fire, Trick, Scary Face, Taunt, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Sunny Day, Fly, Teleport, Trick, Corrosive Gas, Growth, Destiny Bond
Signature move: Hocus Pocus: A Special Ghost-type move with 60BP, 16 PP, 100% accuracy, and +2 Priority. If it hits the target, their item turns into an Oran Berry.
G-Max Move, Z-Move, Mega Evolution, etc.: None.
Stats: 75/85/80/120/70/115

"I am K1-B0, the Ultimate Robot! But please, address me as Keebo!"

Pokémon: K1-B0
Franchise/Origin: Danganronpa
Intended Tier: OU
Type: ==
Regional Variation:
Ability: Ultimate Robot: At the end of every turn, K1-B0's Accuracy goes up by 1, and the opposing Pokémon's evasion goes down by 1. Also changes his Normal-type moves into Steel-type moves. (But does not increase their power)
Notable moves: Truth Bullet, Stored Power, Power Trip, Steel Beam, Lock-On, Zap Cannon, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, Aura Sphere, Brick Break, Amnesia, Laser Focus, Agility, Fly, Air Slash, Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Mach Punch, Bulk Up, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Conversion, Conversion 2, Stone Edge, Explosion
Signature move: Truth Bullet: A Physical Steel move with 16PP and 100% accuracy. Has an identical effect to Stored Power. Being a bullet-type move, it has no effect on Pokémon with the Bulletproof ability.
Z-Move: Ultimate Annihilation: A Physical Steel move with 300BP. K1-B0 faints after using this move. Upgrades from Truth Bullet with the special Z-Crystal "Killing Game's Final Fate".
Stats: 95/115/80/75/80/90

"Now then, hero of the lower world. You would risk your life for this land? You would stand against me, the ruler of the heavens? Very well... You will bow before the great Queen Sectonia! My beauty rivals the divine... And my power will crush all that you hold dear!"
Queen Sectionia

Pokémon: Queen Sectonia
Franchise/Origin: Kirby
Intended Tier: OU (Regular Form) Uber (Mega Evolution)
Attack Order - BUG
Regional Variation:
Ability: Sturdy/Queenly Majesty/Defiant
Notable moves: Brightness Ring, X-Scissor, Bug Buzz, Petal Dance, Petal Blizzard, Leaf Blade, Moonblast, Energy Ball, Giga Drain Swords Dance, Calm Mind, Psychic, Psycho Cut, Agility, Power Gem, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Grassy Terrain, Protect, Counter, Mirror Coat, Night Slash, Endure, Teleport, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact
Signature move: Brightness Ring: A Physical Bug-type move with 100BP, 80% accuracy, and 16 PP. Uses either the target's Defence or Special Defence for damage calculation, whichever is lower.
Stats: 70/110/60/95/65/150

Mega Evolution: Soul of Sectonia
Mega Stone: Miracle Fruit
Mega Evolution Type:
Attack Order - BUG
Mega Evolution Ability:
Moonstruck Blossom: Upon Mega Evolving, the opposing Pokémon's stat changes are cleared. While Soul of Sectiona is on the battlefield, the opposing Pokémon cannot use Status moves, (Like Taunt) and they cannot use the same move twice in a row. (Like Torment)
Mega Evolution Stats: 70/50/160/175/165/30


"If there is a source of all evil in Neopia, it isn't far from Darigan's heart."
Lord Darigan's Neopets TCG card

Pokémon: Lord Darigan
Franchise/Origin: Neopets
Intended Tier: Uber
Type: ==
Regional Variation:
Ability: Supreme Overlord/Poison Touch/Cursed Body
Notable moves: Lord Darigans Blade, Lord Darigans Jewel, Poison Jab, Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Air Slash, Hurricane, Oblivion Wing, Fire Punch, Flare Blitz, Inferno, Fire Blast, Foul Play, Dark Pulse, Scary Face, Toxic, Venom Drench, Venoshock, Torment, Taunt, Fly, Nasty Plot, Curse, Reflect, Earth Power, Mind Reader
Signature move: Lord Darigans Blade: A Physical Poison-type move with 90 BP, 100% Accuracy, and 16 BP. Has a high critical hit ratio, and may cause the target to be badly Poisoned.
Signature move: Lord Darigans Jewel: A Poison-type Status move with 1 PP and +6 Priority. As Lord Darigan: Fully heals Lord Darigan and uses Protect, at the cost of lowering his Defence, Special Defence, and Speed by 6: In addition, he must spend the next turn recharging. As Spectre of Lord Darigan: This becomes Darigan Sword of Death, a Physical Dark-type move with 250 BP that never misses, but Spectre of Lord Darigan must spend the next turn recharging. (It still has 1 PP and +6 Priority)
Stats: 90/125/85/100/85/115


Mega Evolution: Spectre of Lord Darigan
Mega Stone: Orb of Darigan
Mega Evolution Type: ==
Mega Evolution Ability:
Mega Evolution Stats: 90/150/115/140/105/100
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"If there is a source of all evil in Neopia, it isn't far from Darigan's heart."
Lord Darigan's Neopets TCG card

Pokémon: Lord Darigan
Franchise/Origin: Neopets
Intended Tier: OU
Type: ==
Regional Variation:
Ability: Supreme Overload/Poison Touch/Cursed Body
Notable moves: Lord Darigans Blade, Lord Darigans Jewel, Poison Jab, Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Air Slash, Hurricane, Oblivion Wing, Fire Punch, Flare Blitz, Inferno, Fire Blast, Foul Play, Dark Pulse, Scary Face, Toxic, Venom Drench, Venoshock, Torment, Taunt, Fly, Nasty Plot, Curse, Reflect, Earth Power, Mind Reader
Signature move: Lord Darigans Blade: A Physical Poison-type move with 90 BP, 100% Accuracy, and 16 BP. Has a high critical hit ratio, and may cause the target to be badly Poisoned.
Signature move: Lord Darigans Jewel: A Poison-type Status move with 1 PP and +6 Priority. As Lord Darigan: Fully heals Lord Darigan and uses Protect, at the cost of lowering his Defence, Special Defence, and Speed by 6: In addition, he must spend the next turn recharging. As Spectre of Lord Darigan: This becomes Darigan Sword of Death, a Physical Dark-type move with 250 BP that never misses, but Spectre of Lord Darigan must spend the next turn recharging. (It still has 1 PP and +6 Priority)
Stats: 80/115/75/90/75/100

Mega Evolution: Spectre of Lord Darigan
Mega Stone: Orb of Darigan
Mega Evolution Type: ==
Mega Evolution Ability:
Mega Evolution Stats: 80/155/105/130/95/80

Neopets is more of a website than a video game in my honest opinion. I suggest moving this submission of yours to Expanded instead.

Pokémon: Pyro
Franchise/Origin: Team Fortress 2
Intended Tier: OU
Type: Fire/Fairy
Ability: Flash Fire, Unaware (HA)
Notable moves: Soak, Poison Gas, Bullet Seed, Bullet Punch, Supervolt Slam (lacking other electric moves), Flamethrower, Overheat, Fire Blast, Volt Switch, Airblast, Focus Energy, Moonblast, Flare Gun, Defog, Air Cutter, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Uproar, Dark Pulse, Dive, Psychic Noise, Smack Down, Acid Spray, Weather Ball, Wake-Up Slap, Double Slap, Headbutt, Cut, Sunny Day, Fairy Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Dragon Breath, Fly, Bubble Beam, Rain Dance, Me First,
Signature move 1: Airblast (40 BP, Flying, Special, 100% Accuracy, 16 PP, bypasses Substitute, switches hazards on both sides a la Court Change)
Signature move 2: Flare Gun (75 BP, Fire, Special, 95% Accuracy, 24 PP, Hex clone, Target: 20% burn, 'bullet')
G-Max Move: G-Max Execution (Fire, Burns foes)
Stats: 80/65/85/120/105/85 (540 BST)

Explanation: The reasoning for the Pyro's primary typing and ability should be obvious, but its secondary typing and hidden ability reference Pyroland, the world that the Pyro sees where fire, murder, and carnage become sparkles, kindness, and joy. (Sickening, I know.)
Soak, Poison Gas, Acid Spray: Gas Passer
Supervolt Slam, Volt Switch, Dive: Neon Annihilator
Flamethrower, Airblast: Flamethrower(s)
Fire Blast, Dragon Breath: Dragon's Fury
Focus Energy: Phlogistinator/Manmelter
Moonblast, Fairy Terrain, Dazzling Gleam: Pyroland (disambiguation)
Flare Gun: Flare Gun(s)
Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave: Hadouken (Taunt)
Smack Down: Reserve Shooter
Wake-Up Slap, Double Slap: Hot Hand
Headbutt: Skullcracker (Taunt)
Cut: Fire Axe
Fly: Thermal Thruster
Bubble Beam, Rain Dance: Rainblower
G-Max Execution: Execution (Taunt)
fuck it, gacha game resub power hour


"I am... a believer chasing after the will of the heroes. My weapon shall remain ever sharp and free of rust, to be employed against the forces of injustice and cruelty. My humility shall not be forgotten, and it will remind me of my mission to save others."
Pokémon: Pallas
Franchise/Origin: Arknights
Intended Tier: OU

88 / 114 / 95 / 57 / 70 / 105 (BST: 529)
Abilities: Guts / Tangled Feet (HA: Victory Star)
: Counter, Reversal, Revenge, Superpower, Slam, Endeavor, Facade, Retaliate, High Horsepower, Stone Edge, Smack Down, U-turn, Power Whip, Trailblaze
: Final Gambit, Wring Out, Terrain Pulse, Air Slash, Giga Drain, Grass Knot, Stored Power, Aurora Beam
: Quick Guard, Coaching, Swords Dance, Endure, Morning Sun, Safeguard, Helping Hand, Wish, Entrainment, Work Up, Laser Focus, Wide Guard, Metal Sound, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Life Dew, Grassy Terrain, Agility, Light Screen, Reflect, Calm Mind, Magic Coat, Role Play, Flatter, Quash, Sweet Kiss, Floral Healing

Victory Strikes -
- 50 BP - 10 PP - 100% - Hits twice. Does not make contact unlike most Physical moves.

Reasoning: Pure-Fighting type due to her status as a valiant defender of her homeland’s forces against Sargon and took leadership against Sargon invaders for a small Minoan village and the resistance she minted with them. This is like how the Fighting-type Swords of Justice were united to push back humans by protecting various Pokémon. Additionally, Paldean Tauros, a similar bovine character, is Fighting-type, either a pure-typing or in a part of a dual-typing, in all three of its forms/breeds. Her primary ability is Guts, owing to her tenacity against the invaders from Sargon during Minos’s war with the neighbouring Sargon despite her unremarkable fighting prowess. Various Fighting-types often carry Guts as an ability. Taillow, is noted to stand up to foes more powerful than it despite the disadvantages that might have. Pallas’s best friend Erato, like Taillow, is based on various bird species. As an alcoholic, Tangled Feet is her secondary ability. Spinda, which carries that same ability (in the same ability slot, no less), often is assumed to have a gait that can be seen as one made under inebriation. Her Hidden Ability is Victory Star, owing to the epithet the Minoan citizens granted her with, “Goddess of Victory and Wisdom”, as she formerly had many followers that worshipped her as if her epithet/title was the truth. Her codename refers to the Greek goddess Athena, and the realmon owner of Victory Star is Victini, who takes inspiration from similar Greek goddess Nike. As Victini is a Mythical Pokémon, Victory Star has been relegated to a Hidden Ability. Her signature move, Victory Strikes, is based and nearly named after her first skill (and the most useful out of the three she has, funnily enough) from her source material, Strikes of Victory, which changes her attacks to hit twice in a consecutive manner, reflected in the multi-strike nature of the move. As Pallas uses a flail/whip to attack and Victory Strikes makes use of it as a reliable STAB move, it does not make contact and provide her Fighting STAB that helps her avoid Static, Poison Point, Effect Spore, Rough Skin, Iron Barbs, and any other such ability — as the strong Fighting moves Superpower and its stronger sister move Close Combat (Pallas cannot learn Close Combat though) make contact. This flail/whip of hers is the reason why she also learns Power Whip, as shaky of a coverage type Grass can be. She uniquely has various experiences with medicine and drama. Combined with her rose and flower-based thematises, she can learn Floral Healing to provide a supportive role in Double Battles. Two other assets in Helping Hand (from her actions in her Minoan resistance against Sargon invasion attacks) and Wide Guard (because she hails from a tower defence game) makes her a very potent and versatile player in Double Battles. Her base stats are derived from her Elite 2 promotion parameters at Lv. 90 (minus Trust bonuses) – this additionally means that with her Physical Attack bias, her low Sp. Atk is notably odd since she learns the offbeat Aurora Beam, which goes off that weaker Sp. Atk stat. Aurora Beam is learned by her because her A Drip of Orea and Potamous alternate costume has a rainbow in the artwork, taking its concept of a rainbow-coloured beam quite in a literal manner.

Pallas (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Tangled Feet / Guts
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Victory Strikes
- Morning Sun / Wish
- Stone Edge / Protect
- U-turn
Pallas (F) @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Facade
- Victory Strikes / Superpower
- Stone Edge / High Horsepower
- U-turn
Pallas (F) @ Choice Band
Ability: Victory Star
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Victory Strikes / Superpower
- Stone Edge
- High Horsepower / Power Whip
- U-turn


"Games, cats, friends...and even this moment. The world is full of beautiful things."
Pokémon: Aris Tendou
Franchise/Origin: Blue Archive
Intended Tier: UU(BL?)/OU

Stats: 70 / 90 / 111 / 151 / 66 / 52 (BST: 540)
Abilities: Mega Launcher (HA: Berserk)
: Gyro Ball, Metal Burst, Heavy Slam, Steel Roller, Hard Press, Slam, Strength, Thrash, Endeavor, Double Hit, Giga Impact, Revenge, Superpower, Earthquake, Bulldoze, High Horsepower, Rock Blast, Stone Edge, Wild Charge, Outrage, Knock Off, Assurance, Payback, Brutal Swing
: Flash Cannon, Steel Beam, Hyper Beam, Tri Attack, Weather Ball, Terrain Pulse, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Final Gambit, Air Slash, Mud Shot, Earth Power, Meteor Beam, Water Pulse, Snipe Shot, Solar Beam, Zap Cannon, Shock Wave, Charge Beam, Volt Switch, Ice Beam, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse
: Iron Defense, Metal Sound, Focus Energy, Recover, Lock-On, Mean Look, Helping Hand, Work Up, Laser Focus, Sandstorm, Wide Guard, Spite, Grudge, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Thunder Wave, Charge, Magnet Rise, Amnesia, Light Screen, Reflect, Calm Mind, Role Play, Fake Tears, Flatter, Memento, Torment, Quash

Supernova Cannon -
- 130 BP - 5 PP - 90% - Lowers user’s Sp. Atk stat by 2 stages.

Reasoning: Pure Steel-type due to being a robot android. Her primary ability is Mega Launcher to reference her use of a giant railgun about twice her body size (ala Clawitzer), named Sword of Light: Supernova, referenced in the name of her signature STAB-boosted move, Supernova Cannon, which has the same effect as Fleur Cannon, signature move of fellow female automaton Magearna and gives her a very risky STAB move more powerful than Flash Cannon. Unlike Magearna though, Aris is a robot android made for the purpose of war - behind her game-obsessed façade is a violent robot personality named as the Princess of the Nameless Gods, known as Divi:Sion in an attempt to purge the people of Kivotos. This violent personality surfaces as <Key>, which replaces her blue eyes with red eyes that are slightly pink, to signify her original programming has resurfaced. Her Hidden Ability is Berserk, as a way to reference Aris’s lapse into her murderous robot personality depending on how dire the situation gets for her. As a user of Mega Launcher, she has various coverage move options that get boosted by Mega Launcher such as Aura Sphere, Water Pulse, and Dark Pulse. By running any STAB move, Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere, and Mega Launcher, she employs powerful neutral coverage against the whole metagame. With her railgun, she has various beam-based attacks such as Hyper Beam (Destruction Beam in Japanese, fits her killer gynoid alternate personality), Ice Beam, Charge Beam, and Meteor Beam. Her android nature is additionally bolstered with nanomachines that gives her self-regenerative properties, like Senator Armstrong and his own set of nanomachines (they don’t harden in response to physical trauma though), so she gains reliable recovery in the form of Recover. Her base stats are mainly sourced from her source material, at Level 100 with a 5-star rarity. Her EVA stat results in her base 52 Speed. With a high base Sp. Atk stat of 151 befitting her powerful robotic nature and destructive railgun-totting firepower, it turns her into a potent special wallbreaker that synergises perfectly with her two abilities.

Aris Tendou (F) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Mega Launcher
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Supernova Cannon / Flash Cannon
- Aura Sphere
- Dark Pulse
- Volt Switch / Tera Blast
Aris Tendou (F) @ Leftovers / Air Balloon
Ability: Berserk
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Calm Mind
- Flash Cannon
- Earth Power / Iron Defense
- Recover
Aris Tendou (F) @ Leftovers / Room Service
Ability: Mega Launcher
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Quiet Nature
- Flash Cannon
- Dark Pulse
- Aura Sphere
- Recover


"It is the complex hidden rules of human society that made me who I am and destroyed who I really was... But no matter what I have become, the night and the starry sky are always there for me, just like they're there for everyone else."
Pokémon: Kaalaa Baunaa
Franchise/Origin: Reverse: 1999
Intended Tier: UU (with potential OU niche)

91 / 87 / 82 / 145 / 73 / 70 (BST: 548)
Abilities: Steadfast / Super Luck (HA: Analytic)
: Rock Slide, Rock Blast, Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, Psyshield Bash, Reversal, Acrobatics, Bulldoze, Lunge
: Ancient Power, Power Gem, Meteor Beam, Confusion, Psychic, Future Sight, Mirror Coat, Psyshock, Stored Power, Expanding Force, Swift, Tri Attack, Hidden Power, Terrain Pulse, Focus Blast, Earth Power, Scorching Sands, Shadow Ball, Mystical Fire, Magical Leaf, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Zap Cannon, Shock Wave
: Sandstorm, Stealth Rock, Barrier, Light Screen, Meditate, Reflect, Calm Mind, Cosmic Power, Imprison, Skill Swap, Gravity, Trick Room, Magic Room, Wonder Room, Psychic Terrain, Disable, Focus Energy, Mind Reader, Helping Hand, Wish, Work Up, Confuse Ray, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Thunder Wave, Flatter, Torment, Quash

Z-Move - Requires Meteor Beam and Kaalaabaunium Z - Ultimate Perfection -
- 200 BP - Raises user’s Sp. Atk stat by 1 stage after dealing damage.

Reasoning: Primary Rock-type due to her Mineral afflatus. Her secondary Psychic-type is due to her work as an astrologist and a master of a separate plane of reality known as the “Meditation Realm”, meditation being seen in realmons Meditite and Medicham with its Hindu themes, as Kaalaa Baunaa herself is from the Indian subcontinent. Fellow Psychic-type Starmie’s pre-evolution Staryu communicates with the stars, and she shares the same hidden ability as Staryu and Starmie Analytic, as Kaalaa Baunaa is very into her astrological work, which is done in a very methodical manner, and shows an astute intelligence on level with an arcanist but exceeded her fellow humans she interacted with when she was a child. Kaalaa Baunaa’s non-Hidden Abilities includes Steadfast, owing to her fixed and unmoving research routine — how she is often compared to a fixed star in the night sky, and Super Luck, as her Insight II Inheritance Effect increases her critical hit rate like Super Luck does. Her Z-Move uses Meteor Beam as its base move, as the move adheres to space in the same way the telescope-using astrologists and astronomers (which the former is often confused with the latter). This Z-Move is her Ultimate within her source material of the same name, and includes the Full Moon Divination boosts to her damage (which is the Mental type ala Special attacks) as an additional effect. Enchanted Strike, her Arcane Skill, is depicted as a shoulder tackle so Psyshield Bash is her only Physical Psychic-type move she can learn (over Psycho Cut or Zen Headbutt). Most of Kaalaa Baunaa’s base stats are derived from her various Attributes from Reverse: 1999 itself (HP to HP ofc, ATK to Attack/Sp. Atk, Reality DEF to Defense, Mental DEF to Sp. Def). Her base Speed stat is 70, the same as Solrock and Lunatone, which both share the same Rock/Psychic typing as her. This works quite well with her Analytic ability as she can retaliate against the plenty of faster foes she gets outspeeded by harder than without Analytic without the overreliance on trying to hit any switch-ins for the ability’s damage bonus to apply.

Kaalaa Baunaa (F) @ Power Herb / Kaalaabaunium Z
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Meteor Beam
- Earth Power
- Psychic / Psyshock
- Stealth Rock / Focus Blast
Kaalaa Baunaa (F) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Power Gem
- Earth Power
- Psychic / Psyshock
- Hidden Power (Ice)
Kaalaa Baunaa (F) @ Colbur Berry / Leftovers
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
- Protect
- Wish
- Stealth Rock / Thunder Wave
- Power Gem / Mirror Coat
Pokémon: [sans]
Intended Tier:
Type:ghost dark)
Ability:wonder guard
Notable moves:all bone moves pulse moves and psychic
Signature move:gaster blaster:hyper beam with no recharge and it is dark type

Reasoning: I have sans wonder guard because in his boss fight he doesn’t get hit but he dies in one hit and his physical stats are the same as in undertale and 1 is his max health

Pokémon: Piranha Plant
Franchise/Origin: Super Mario
Intended Tier: OU
Type: Grass
Ability: Firespit (Gain STAB and Resistances of the Fire type, changes Lay in Wait to Fire type)/Venomocity (Gain STAB and Resistances of the Poison type, changes Lay in Wait to Poison type)/Adaptability
Notable moves: Power Whip, Bullet Seed, Seed Bomb, Spiky Shield, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Crunch, Foul Play, Leech Seed, Stun Spore, Toxic, Sleep Powder, Grass Knot, Energy Ball, Substitute, Gunk Shot, Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Swords Dance, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Will-o Wisp, Flare Blitz, Raging Fury, Burning Jealousy.
Signature move: Lay in Wait (Physical Grass Shell Trap clone which type is determined by ability)
Stats: 100/100/120/85/85/20
Reasoning: Generally self explanatory, similar to SSBU they are based on the many different varieties of Piranha Plant, and their signature move referencing their Down B as well as the general role held by Piranha Plants in the Mario games. Stats are based of varying Mario RPG ones and also 1985, the year Mario 1 came out.

Pokémon: Giygas
Franchise/Origin: Earthbound/Mother
Intended Tier: OU
Type: Dark/Psychic
Ability: Intimidate/Embodiment Of Evil (Bad Dreams but for Paralysis), Alien Origin (All special moves have the Shell Side Arm effect of being Physical if it would be stronger)
Notable moves: Psychic, Psyshock, Zen Headbutt, Expanding Force, Future Sight, Cosmic Power, Wish, Protect, Light Screen, Reflect, Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Foul Play, Burning Jealousy, Parting Shot, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Wild Charge, Ruination, Calm Mind, Swords Dance, Overdrive, Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb
Signature move: Unknowable Attack (100BP Dark Special Move, 50% Paralysis Chance) Incomprehensible Attack (90BP Psychic Special Move 30% Confuse Chance)
Stats: 166/99/66/99/66/80
Reasoning: Giygas's type is based off of him being the root of all evil, and of course his ability to use PSI. Excluding the self explanatory moves, his use of Thunder is due to one of Giygas's attacks being a renamed version of PSI Thunder, many of his moves like Ruination and Burning Jealousy are based off of his whole "being of pure evil" deal, and Overdrive is a reference to Giygas being able to use PSI Rockin'. The 99's in his stats reference the 999PP he has, 80 speed is directly taken from his Earthbound stats and 66 is general Devil/Evil imagery. Giygas's playstyle is a general reference to the idea of an RPG final boss, with their trademark large HP pools and status spreading.

Pokémon: Monstro
Franchise/Origin: Binding Of Isaac
Intended Tier: OU
Type: Normal/Fighting
Ability: Intimidate/Guts
Notable moves: Body Slam, Body Press, Double Edge, Rock Blast, Bullet Seed, Hyper Voice, Bulk Up, Swords Dance, Gunk Shot, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Body Press, Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Toxic, Bounce, Rock Slide, Outrage, Heavy Slam, Agility.
Signature moves: Monstro's Spit (Normal Type 25BP Physical Attack which hits 3-5 times) Monstro's Hop (140 BP Fighting Physical Attack which cannot be used twice in a row) Monstro's Brimstone (120BP 2 Turn Normal Type Physical Move which raises attack by 2 on the first turn)
Stats: 125/105/90/35/62/90

Mega Evolution: Monstro II (Ghost/Fighting)
Ability: Posthumous (Pixilate but for Ghost Moves)
Stats: 150/125/100/55/77/100
Reasoning: The Normal type is a reference to Monstro being a mostly miscellaneous beast without any other affinities, but they are a fighting type as to reference how aggressive Monstro is (bit of a stretch I know). Excluding the self explanatory moves, the multi hit moves and Gunk Shot reference how one of Monstro's attacks are him spitting multiple blood particles (Blood is unhygienic fyi). Monstro's HP is exactly half of his real HP in game (250), the Ministro's each have 9 HP which is referenced by the 90, and the 35 special attack references the Lil Monstro familiar doing 3.5 damage per hit. Monstro in game does relatively high damage given he's a first floor boss and you will likely have low HP, but is predictable in his moves and patterns. This is why he lacks in a lot of coverage, but can make up for it with his signature moves.


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Pokémon: Meta Knight
Franchise/Origin: Kirby
Intended Tier: OU
Type: Steel/Flying
Regional Variation: (Optional)
Ability: Inner Focus / Sharpness / Justified (HA)
Notable moves: Aerial Ace, Drill Run, Slash, Air Slash, Night Slash, Sacred Sword, Aqua Cutter, Psycho Cut, Hurricane, Flash Cannon, Tachyon Cutter, Phantom Force, Bitter Blade, Dual Wingbeat, Quick Attack, Rapid Spin, Iron Head, Meteor Mash, Rock Slide
Signature move:
G-Max Move, Z-Move, Mega Evolution, etc.:
Stats: 75/125/80/105/80/115
Justification: Meta Knight is a magic user in addition to being a swordsman, so I gave him decent Special Attack too.
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Pokémon: [sans]
Intended Tier:
Type:ghost dark)
Ability:wonder guard
Notable moves:all bone moves pulse moves and psychic
Signature move:gaster blaster:hyper beam with no recharge and it is dark type

Reasoning: I have sans wonder guard because in his boss fight he doesn’t get hit but he dies in one hit and his physical stats are the same as in undertale and 1 is his max health
Let me give it to you straight: No one is going to vote for this submission.
  1. It only has 5 base stats. This is not a Gen 1 mod.
  2. Base stats cannot exceed 255.
  3. 255/200 special offense is at least Uber material, and having Wonder Guard with only one weakness* pushes it to AG.
*besides Fighting-types that can hit Ghost-types

If you want to keep Wonder Guard, I would suggest making it Ghost/Ground (with Ground representing bones) so that it has as many weaknesses as Shedinja.

That's my two cents, at least. Some of the Discord members likely have better feedback to offer.
I hath returneded



"You will like the rug. I will like the money. All will be happy and well."
Name: Saharah
Franchise/Origin: Animal Crossing
Intended Tier: UU
Type: Ground
Abilities: Forewarn, Sand Rush, Sand Stream (HA)
Sand Tomb, Bulldoze, High Horsepower, Headlong Rush, Stomp, Take Down, Body Slam, Wild Charge, Rock Slide, Double Kick, Reversal, Counter
Scorching Sands, Echoed Voice, Psychic, Mirror Coat
Sandstorm, Sand Attack, All Terrain moves, Yawn, Roar, Mat Block, Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Barrier, Wonder Room, Trick Room, Magic Room, Curse
Stats: 66/87/110/73/100/74 (510)
yeah this sub isn't winning so i dont think i'll finish it

"Aaay... (You've got moves, it's true...) Aaay! (But I've got... uh... MORE MOVES!)"
Name: Big Man
Franchise/Origin: Splatoon
Intended Tier: OU
Type: Water/Poison
Abilities: Storm Drain, Hydration, Dancer (HA)
Splat Bomb, Aqua Step, Flip Turn, Dive, Wave Crash, Triple Dive, Gunk Shot, Tri Attack, Triple Kick, Triple Arrows, Triple Axel, Shadow Sneak, Phantom Force, Play Rough
Surf, Chilling Water, Scald, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Echoed Voice, Round, Hyper Voice, Revelation Dance, Fiery Dance, Overdrive, Disarming Voice, Alluring Voice,
Rain Dance, Soak, Acid Armor, Sing, Perish Song, Teeter Dance, Victory Dance, Mist, Lunar Dance, Parting Shot
Splat Bomb - Poison -
- 90 BP - 10 PP (16 Max) - Acc 95% - Super effective on opposing Poison Types. Does not make contact.
Stats: 138/126/66/99/81/33 (543)
REASONING: Big Man is one of the 3 members of Deep Cut, the main idol group of Splatoon 3. While Deep Cut functions the same as the idols in the first 2 games, reporting the news, Splatfests and such, they double as boss fights in the campaign. Water type is due to him leading Team Water in the Pokémon crossover Splatfest, among other things. Poison is a type I believe should go to all future Splatoon subs (maybe Inkling/Octo characters could be ground/poison to get the canonical Water weakness?). All of his stats are multiples of 3, a number seen many times in Splatoon 3 (Tri-Stringer, Trizooka, 3 Splatfest teams, etc.) Dancer references his idol status, and the others are basic water-esque abilities that make sense for him. His boss fight references Phantamanta from Super Mario Sunshine, in which he covers himself in ink and dives into the ground, splitting himself into clones. One is real, and you need to defeat that one to win. This earns him moves like Acid Armor, Dive, Shadow Sneak, and more. He gets various dancing and sound based moves as well. He also fires Tri-Stringer shots and Splat Bombs in his fight, so I gave him Triple Arrows and made Splat Bomb a signature move that other Splatoon subs are welcome to use. He also gets other moves related to the number 3.
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"He was inside the model, he was outside the model, and just...just who was pulling all the strings?" - Narrator
Pokémon: Bob
Franchise/Origin: A Fisherman's Tale
Intended Tier: OU
Type: Grass/Water
Ability: Long Reach / Water Absorb / Reckless
Notable moves: Wood Hammer, Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed, Wave Crash, Liquidation, Body Press, Circle Throw, Head Smash, Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Anchor Shot, Double-Edge, Body Slam, Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Surf, Chilling Water, Whirlpool, Flamethrower, Discharge, Sludge Bomb, Nature Power, Growth, Curse, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Teleport, Tidy Up
Other moves: Dive, Rock Smash, Thief, Fling, Strength, Secret Power, Tackle, Bind, Crush Grip, Giga Impact, Natural Gift, Mega Drain, Absorb, Brine, Hyper Beam, Substitute, Worry Seed, Mimic, Recycle, Flash, Minimize, Double Team
Stats: 83/90/115/100/100/65 | 553 BST

Reasoning: Bob is a wooden puppet of a fisherman who got caught in a mighty storm. Part of his tale is being unaffected by a flood, hence his Water typing and Water Absorb. Long Reach is based on his ability to extend his arms, especially in the sequel. His ship is called Le Téméraire IV, and Téméraire is the French name of the Ability Reckless.
To progress through the first game, Bob must familiarize himself with a paradoxical environment where he can interact with a smaller model thereof (which originally he built himself, including a figurine designed to look like him) and find a larger version outside. (It's like Tiny-Huge Island taken to the utmost extreme.) In the process, he interacts with anchors, battery-powered electronics, lit matches, and other seaworthy things. He can be controlled by teleport movement and is something of a neat freak, particularly in dusting his lucky seashell. Everything else is standard for his type combination.


"A wild Neptune appeared!"
Pokémon: Neptune
Franchise/Origin: Hyperdimension Neptunia
Intended Tier: UU
Type: Fairy/Fighting
Ability: Victory Star / Truant
Custom moves:
  • Cross Combo - Fighting, Physical, 25 BP, 100% Acc, 15 PP | Hits 2-5 times.
  • Victory Slash - Fairy, Physical, 50 BP, 90% Acc, 10 PP | Hits 2 times.
  • Stat Multiplier - Fairy, Status, 10 PP | Grants +1 Def, SpD, and Spe to the user or an adjacent ally.
Notable moves: Sacred Sword, Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Swords Dance, Teleport
Other moves: Slash, Double Hit, Cut, Dazzling Gleam, Aura Sphere, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Air Slash, Discharge, Incinerate
Stats: 80/120/75/65/80/100 | 520 BST


"Hahahaha! Neptune missiles fire!"
G-Max Move: G-Max HDD Neptune (Fairy) - 160 BP; ignores Abilities

"I fight for a reason!"
Ultra Burst: Neptune-Purple-Heart
Item: Purple CPU Memory
Intended Tier: OU
Ability: Levitate
Z-Move: Neptune Break - Fighting, Physical, 200 BP | Requires Cross Combo
Stats: 80/135/105/80/100/120 (+15 Atk, +30 Def, +15 SpA, +20 SpD, +20 Spe) | 620 BST

Reasoning: Neptune is the most well-known CPU (Console Patron Unit) of Planeptune, a guardian deity like the Tapus. She does not specialize in any one element, so she is Fighting-type because of her unexplained proficiency in swordplay. Victory Star relates to her status as the series' protagonist, the "Victory" part of the third installment title, and her SP skill Victory Slash. She also gets Truant from her tendency to shirk her duties in favor of recreational activities. In her HDD (Hyper Drive Divinity) form, she floats with wings and gains a stat boost. It's an Ultra Burst because she can use her EXE Drive, the closest thing to a Z-Move in the Neptunia series, regardless of her form.
In-game, she is a simple attacker and stat booster with mostly sword attacks and a few magic attacks, the latter including all four of the game's attack elements: fire, ice, lightning, and wind. Leaf Blade is one particular sword attack that corresponds to how she typically starts off with a wooden sword. Discharge and Incinerate correspond to EX Finish moves: Thunder Break and Thunder Crush with their paralysis chances, and Blaze Break with no added effect, respectively.
Her Gigantamax form is based on the EXE Drive skill HDD Neptune, in which she transforms into a fighter jet (pictured above) and bombards the enemy with missiles.
You know the drill. There's one week to vote for your three favourite submissions.
Ubertrainer2000's Starlow
Ubertrainer2000's Ashley
Ubertrainer2000's K1-B0
Ubertrainer2000's Queen Sectonia
Ubertrainer2000's Lord Darigan
ImaginaryNeon's The Pyro
leafsaber47's Pallas
leafsaber47's Aris Tendou
leafsaber47's Kaalaa Baunaa
Psi in the sky's sans
ErrorMon's Piranha Plant
ErrorMon's Giyagas
ErrorMon's Mostro
Swagodile's Meta Knight
SpyderMarz's Saharah
SpyderMarz's Big Man
Mygavolt's Bob
Mygavolt's Neptune