What is Do Not Use?
Do Not Use, or DNU from here on out, is a metagame composed of the worst Pokemon to have existed. By severely limiting the power level, it creates a metagame that feels very distinct from any other tier you can find. We've been working to find the best of the worst since August 2022! In addition to the main tier itself, DNU has a rich history of playing with its mechanics, with lower tiers and OMs having been popular. (If you want a metagame where Seedot is the best Pokemon, DNRU Legacy would be right up your alley!)
Following the release of the Scarlet/Violet DLCs, Do Not Use underwent a reset, starting over with a new list of legal Pokemon, at a slightly higher power level. As such, the metagame is still very much developing and has a lot of opportunity for discoveries. Following the reset, the list of legal Pokemon is all Pokemon at or below 280 BST, plus Luvdisc and Unown, minus bans.
Edits: Capsakid, Snorunt, Beldum, and Swablu have all been freed as well!
Challenge Code
We have a functional teambuilder on the Petmods Dragon Heaven server! We're under the Gen 9 Solomods category.
Ruleset and Banlist
Species Clause: Players cannot have more than one Pokémon with any National Pokédex number.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent their opponent's Pokémon from fainting from PP depletion and Struggle recoil.
Sleep Clause Mod: Players can not induce sleep on more than one of the opponent's Pokémon at once.
Evasion Clause: Moves that boost evasion like Minimize are banned.
OHKO Clause: Moves that OHKO the foe (Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, and Sheer Cold) are banned.
Terastal Clause: Players may not Terastalize.
Z-Move Clause: Z-Moves are banned.
Due to the concept, I don't think anyone will be too mad at me for not listing every Pokemon not legal. Instead, I will list things that have been explicitly banned from DNU.
Pokemon Bans:
Ability Bans:
Arena Trap
Shadow Tag
Huge Power
Pure Power
Cute Charm
In addition, Baton Pass is banned, as per usual ND Ubers rules.
What is Do Not Use?
Do Not Use, or DNU from here on out, is a metagame composed of the worst Pokemon to have existed. By severely limiting the power level, it creates a metagame that feels very distinct from any other tier you can find. We've been working to find the best of the worst since August 2022! In addition to the main tier itself, DNU has a rich history of playing with its mechanics, with lower tiers and OMs having been popular. (If you want a metagame where Seedot is the best Pokemon, DNRU Legacy would be right up your alley!)
Following the release of the Scarlet/Violet DLCs, Do Not Use underwent a reset, starting over with a new list of legal Pokemon, at a slightly higher power level. As such, the metagame is still very much developing and has a lot of opportunity for discoveries. Following the reset, the list of legal Pokemon is all Pokemon at or below 280 BST, plus Luvdisc and Unown, minus bans.
Edits: Capsakid, Snorunt, Beldum, and Swablu have all been freed as well!
I won't ramble too much here to keep this post concise, but late-stage DNU Legacy, despite being playable, had developed in an unfavorable direction. Several top tier Pokemon had people requesting tier action, and due to the direction of the metagame you could not clearly single out one Pokemon as the cause. There were strong fears that banning one Pokemon would lead to several other Pokemon needing bans as a direct result. When you only have 50 or so legal Pokemon, and half of them are route 1 bugs, this was very undesirable.
After the DLC gave already-debatably-unhealthy Pokemon such as Swinub and Cleffa massive buffs, this train of thought led to the council deciding that, instead of trying to attempt the Herculean task of fixing the meta, we would reset at a higher power level, allowing the tier to redevelop while also giving us more room to ban Pokemon should we need to. So far, it appears to have been a success--the metagame feels fun and stable despite few bans.
After the DLC gave already-debatably-unhealthy Pokemon such as Swinub and Cleffa massive buffs, this train of thought led to the council deciding that, instead of trying to attempt the Herculean task of fixing the meta, we would reset at a higher power level, allowing the tier to redevelop while also giving us more room to ban Pokemon should we need to. So far, it appears to have been a success--the metagame feels fun and stable despite few bans.
Challenge Code
/challenge gen9nationaldexubers @@@ -all pokemon, +Applin, +Arrokuda, +Azurill, +Beldum, +Bidoof, +Blipbug, +Bounsweet, +Bramblin, +Budew, +Bunnelby, +Burmy, +Capsakid, +Cascoon, +Caterpie, +Charcadet, +Cherubi, +Cleffa, +Combee, +Cosmog, +Cottonee, +Diglett, +Dreepy, +Feebas, +Fletchling, +Fomantis, +Gossifleur, +Happiny, +Hatenna, +Hoothoot, +Hoppip, +Igglybuff, +Impidimp, +Jigglypuff, +Kakuna, +Kirlia, +Kricketot, +Lechonk, +Ledyba, +Lillipup, +Litwick, +Lotad, +Magikarp, +Makuhita, +Mareep, +Marill, +Meditite, +Metapod, +Milcery, +Nacli, +Nickit, +Nidoran-F, +Nincada, +Noibat, +Nymble, +Patrat, +Pawmi, +Petilil, +Pichu, +Pidgey, +Pidove, +Pikipek, +Poochyena, +Ralts, +Rattata, +Rattata-Alola, +Rellor, +Rockruff, +Roggenrola, +Rolycoly, +Rookidee, +Scatterbug, +Seedot, +Sentret, +Shinx, +Silcoon, +Skitty, +Skwovet, +Slakoth, +Slugma, +Smoliv, +Snom, +Snorunt, +Spearow, +Spewpa, +Spinarak, +Starly, +Sunkern, +Surskit, +Swablu, +Swinub, +Tadbulb, +Taillow, +Tarountula, +Togepi, +Toxel, +Tynamo, +Tyrogue, +Venipede, +Weedle, +Whismur, +Wiglett, +Wimpod, +Wooloo, +Wooper, +Wooper-Paldea, +Wurmple, +Wynaut, +Yamper, +Yungoos, +Zigzagoon-Galar, +Zubat, +Luvdisc, +Unown, -Shadow Tag, -Arena Trap, -Cute Charm, -Huge Power, -Moody, -Pure Power, Terastal Clause, +Assist, Z-Move Clause, -Diglett-Alola
We have a functional teambuilder on the Petmods Dragon Heaven server! We're under the Gen 9 Solomods category.
Ruleset and Banlist
Species Clause: Players cannot have more than one Pokémon with any National Pokédex number.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent their opponent's Pokémon from fainting from PP depletion and Struggle recoil.
Sleep Clause Mod: Players can not induce sleep on more than one of the opponent's Pokémon at once.
Evasion Clause: Moves that boost evasion like Minimize are banned.
OHKO Clause: Moves that OHKO the foe (Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, and Sheer Cold) are banned.
Terastal Clause: Players may not Terastalize.
Z-Move Clause: Z-Moves are banned.
Due to the concept, I don't think anyone will be too mad at me for not listing every Pokemon not legal. Instead, I will list things that have been explicitly banned from DNU.
Pokemon Bans:
Ability Bans:
Arena Trap
Shadow Tag
Huge Power
Pure Power
Cute Charm
In addition, Baton Pass is banned, as per usual ND Ubers rules.
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