Tournament Gen 9 Random Battles Open - (Won by MrSoup)

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Welcome to Round 3! All rules from the OP continue to apply. Without further ado:

Onderbroek  vs  LordST
Perish Song  vs  Don Bork
HoopsspooH  vs  Enzonana.
NFS15  vs  Taka
Ubo  vs  SirVala
Anthonyy23  vs  A brazilian guy
WhoDatMan  vs  Shadows4
Mr.Yessir  vs  Mudkiped
aybekay  vs  autumn
(winner of Giga-Chandélure vs Banana043)  vs  dunoks
poopawmcgee  vs  Sylveon used calm mind
KitKat  vs  majaco
Clementine  vs  agentkeval
Xceloh  vs  Ina fable
Legendary  vs  Davo2544
latias999999999  vs  Chinezul
Champfernape  vs  Lrogue
VanitasEcho  vs  Sparzza
hammy3581  vs  feen
diegoyuhhi  vs  pannu
Chaos23333  vs  Amaranth
R1C3M4N  vs  pmfg10
LoSconosciuto  vs  RSB
maxseiji  vs  Galactikitty
Buhrito  vs  C'haLeFiammeViola
TrainerPla  vs  1729is56time
Ducky1231  vs  MichaelderBeste2
ZviTello  vs  Mr_Aloosh
cheesesir  vs  satvik123
DramaticMonster  vs  drakloak
zachattack01  vs  Lambovino
Vrynsand  vs  PrinceOfAllTacos
teresbahji  vs  the blue heron
PepsiEnby  vs  mpcastellana
davidelbello  vs  Wait2Seconds
(winner of Iceman8911 vs teuny805)  vs  Kinetic1000
(winner of Trade vs infrequentmemory)  vs  Canned Furs
Scaperishimfr  vs  Soul Unmei
Yes or no my dude  vs  (winner of Typical_bastard vs skatt7000)
zaydapoketrainer  vs  JangMoo-Moo
Pura Killa  vs  DripLegend
Mannaggiamme  vs  (winner of Manan999 vs kiritofps)
livid washed  vs  Critsomnia
Palothor  vs  Rage.Spam.Quit.
MultiAmmiratore  vs  platinumCheesecake
Piapia  vs  jipple
franzy613  vs  Divine10
retnas11  vs  ElonMM
Knele97  vs  samisalami
Milkshook  vs  Lialiabeast
Luchik  vs  baconeatinassassin
malefic  vs  aColeWorld
Qwone  vs  Ghostilex
Banbadoro  vs  Rusl2
JuanPkMaster  vs  Godigimon
sanguine  vs  Pinazo
Lyppa  vs  tiemzi
Morp_y8380  vs  Elgino
MasterJ007  vs  Career Ended
ZZZDamon1896  vs  (winner of cicepece11 vs Shiny gold!)
IDaHAN  vs  Lady Writer
Indi01  vs  MrSoup
Trefleuh  vs  Ren_Harriet
S3raphiM  vs  meeVariann
uBezin  vs  Mannuraj
Smucky  vs  Failbor
Emboar02  vs  snorlax142857
BoRida  vs  pokeblade101
Star Thunderbolt  vs  PokeChess
freebird88  vs  Cepha
Celever  vs  Comedier
RandomPopplio  vs  ajhockeystar
Xiri  vs  Michielleus
Arandompolarbear  vs  (winner of Drifting vs Roginald)
Eeveeto  vs  Memoriazero
neycwang  vs  Hairoll
Kinzo Ketchum  vs  jackofspadesman
Bodi 69  vs  Thiago Nunes
Jonen  vs  TNTDestroyer
(winner of Golden Warrior vs AxelRod45)  vs  Kaneki-san
Commander Awesome  vs  Wubben
Ladder Jumper GX  vs  Frozoid
oliethefarmer  vs  Chetyre
Catalyszoid paolode99 vs  averagetoxapexlover
p4rk  vs  Skadoty
Tarrembeau  vs  Exi0022
Anacardo46  vs  Zygarde12
freezai  vs  soTsoT
Legokimbo  vs  justin frog
JJ09LIE  vs  booghostie12
ShckSheep  vs  Lady Salamence
IronBritish  vs  duckycrater
DarmanitanDLuffy  vs  DragonPhoenix333
flameingpigey2  vs  TheGreatGatley
Joffacake  vs  Mundnar

The deadline for extension games is Wednesday, September 20th at 11:59PM GMT-4.

The deadline for Round 2 is Sunday, September 24th at 11:59 PM GMT-4. Good luck and have fun!
Hi. If possible, I'd like to request an extension for our match. Can we have some extra time to complete it?
Its getting kinda late and my opponent didnt show up at the time we arranged. Proof on my wall. Correct me if im wrong but i think i win by act, although i feel a bit bad since its almost last second before the deadline.
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