Gen V OU Heavy Stall (its more than possible)

Why I Built The Team/posted it here(Ignore)-

It has been my personal goal to build the ultimate, no weather, no gimmick, stall team since the middle of the 4th generation. I ended up building a lot of semi stall but never got real good results at it. I switched back to my own bulky offense team I used before I got into stall and used it pretty well. With the new generation, I decided stall would be the easiest way to adapt to the generation.

I did pretty well with this team, I peaked at 1299 in Standard OU, not a real bragging right but I feel pretty good about it, knowing I could've gone higher. However, I don't feel like I can use it anymore. I got into stall because I faced a really good team a year ago. Now, I faced a really good team that, for the most part, directly outclasses mine. It's not the best, but at least this is my original creation.

I'm not going to show the whole team building process, because it would be way too long and boring. Heres the team "at a glance"-




Blissey @ Leftovers
Ability- Natural Cure
Nature- Bold
EVs- 252 HP/252 def/4 spD
-Stealth Rock
-Seismic Toss

Blissey is the most obvious choice for a full stall team. It's special walling capabilities are unrivaled and now it can 357 HP Wishes, usually letting it completely heal whatever you switch in. Blissey is also my setter of Stealth Rock, not just because I couldn't fit it on anyone else, Blissey is the one who makes the most free turns.

She is my lead a lot of times because Stealth Rock is one of the hazards I like to have up first. She also sets up for free on Politoed and Ninetails most of the time. Hypnosis on both is annoying, but the worst is Nasty Plot Tails, who can only hope to weaken Blissey and get set up on by Latias.

Her synergy with the rest of the team is simple, wall any special attackers, and give someone 357 extra HP to switch into something Blissey can't deal with. This is particulary useful for Quagsire, because no physical sweeper can do more than ~65%, and if they use SD or Nasty Plot (Lucario) they still can't OHKO because of Unaware. Bloongell is immune to fighting type attacks, Zapdos/Latias resist them, and Quagsire generally deals with them.


Bloongell @ Leftovers
Ability- Water Absorb
Nature- Calm
EVs- 252 HP/240 def/16 spD

Bloongell earned his spot as my spinblocker because Evo Stone Dusclops wasn't exactly the best and Water/Ghost brings some nice resistances. I hardly ever spin block with it because Excadrill is the most common spinner and Tentacruel isn't threatened in the least.

The EVs give maximum overall bulk, helping it against threats like Blaziken while making it an easy switch in to Rain Dance Kingdra. It survives any Draco Meteor and recovers off the damage. If it DDs, Quaggy walls it endlessly. It is also part of my response to last pokemon SD Scizor, I burn it then laugh at it with Quagsire. I have considered running more speed and replacing Will-o-wisp with Toxic to make Vaporeon and other Bloongell easier to deal with, but that takes away the diversity of threats I can status with Toxic on Quagsire, not to mention giving Tyranitar a free kill.

Quagsire/Blissey take Electric attacks, Forretress/Blissey/Latias/Zapdos all take Grass attacks, Ghost by Forretress/Blissey, and Dark by Forretress.


Forretress @ Leftovers
Ability- Sturdy
Nature- Relaxed
EVs- 252 HP, 16 def, 240 spD
IVs- 31/31/31/X/31/0
-Toxic Spikes
-Rapid Spin
-Gyro Ball

Forretress lays the majority of my hazards and is often my lead when I don't use Blissey. The first 3 moves are obvious, while Gyro Ball is there as the reliable STAB attack. It hits fast threats like Gengar and Terakion for a 2HKO. Forry got its job because I absolutely need to set up on this Nattorei infested metagame.

The EVs are for the best overall bulk, giving me a jump point for that huge defense and letting me set up on stuff like bulky waters. It switches into Latios when they're so obviously trying to trick Blissey because Forry doesn't really mind a choice item. If Quaggy is down and im facing something like a +2 Terakion, its ability Sturdy can prove very battle saving.

Special fire attacks are walled by Blissey/Latias/Bloongell, physical ones by Quagsire.


Quagsire @ Leftovers
Ability- Unaware
Nature- Relaxed
EVs- 252 HP, 252 def, 4 atk
-Ice Beam

Unaware Quagsire is one of my favorite Dream World pokemon. It stops any sweep from a physical boosting sweeper that doesn't have a Grass type attack, making it a mini Blissey on the physical side. Water/Ground is a great typing and while im sad I cant use Swampert effectively anymore this is even better than 4th gen Pert.

EVs are for maximum physical bulk so no Doryuzu can break past it, baloon versions are easily walled with Ice Beam/Recover/EQ and no SD version can do more than ~50% at a time. It also toxic stalls Roopushin, not the perfect strategy for Guts versions but even that doesn't 2HKO. I didn't feel like running Zong for countering Landlos so I really needed to keep this in reserve.

Grass attacks are taken by Blissey/Zapdos/Forry/Latias.


Zapdos @ Leftovers
Ability- Pressure
Nature- Calm
EVs- 248 HP/108 def/136 spD/16 spe
-Heat Wave

Zapdos is a mixed wall to strike here to KO Nattorei and Forry. It is very resilient and is one of my two phazers.

The EV spread is to take on Breloom, Scizor, Special Venusaur, and Draco Meteors on at the same time. Full special defense lets you survive the latter two without spinnning rocks but I like the defense for random hits and KOing Excadrill if I need to.

Rock attacks are taken by Quagsire, Ice by Blissey/Forretress.

Latias @ Leftovers
Ability- Levitate
Nature- Timid
EVs- 252 HP, 4 spA, 252 spe
-Calm Mind
-Dragon Pulse

Latias is here to deal with the Calm Minders that would be tricky to deal with otherwise. The obvious two are Reuniclus are Virizion, but there are many others she can beat. I found her to be the best practical Rank counter, not guranteed at all but has the most use outside of countering it.

The EV spread is a simple blend of bulk and speed, letting me set up a barrier on many special attackers like Ninetails before they hit me. She can Roost off the damage and phaze their counter out. The main problem im encountering is Pursuit, this can lead to a quick loss if they carry Reuniclus.

Ice and Dragon attacks are both taken by Blissey/Forretress depending on the situation.

My biggest problems are Landlos, Rapid Spin Dory, Manaphy, and Choice Band Dragonite. Half of them deserve to be banned imo, Excadrill im on the fence about.

That's it thanks for reading and make comments/suggestions/questions as you like.

I can't give a full rate now, and this is more of a nitpick, but why is Latias running Roost instead of Recover? Roost doesn't negate any of her weaknesses, instead just makes her susceptible to Ground moves on the turn you're roosting. While no one really is gonna be desperate to EQ Latias or something, but still, Recover>Roost on Latias.
I can't give a full rate now, and this is more of a nitpick, but why is Latias running Roost instead of Recover? Roost doesn't negate any of her weaknesses, instead just makes her susceptible to Ground moves on the turn you're roosting. While no one really is gonna be desperate to EQ Latias or something, but still, Recover>Roost on Latias.

On Levitate Pokémon, Roost does not remove the Ground weakness (unless it changed in V generation), which means Roost=Recover in this case
You NEED your spinblocker to beat spinners or you will lose all you're heard earned spikes/sr/toxic spikes whenever they want to spin. Not sure how your ghost (or any ghost) can beat the drill mole, though. You can start with shadow ball for starmie and to hit tenta harder i guess.
Okay this is actually a pretty cool team, so I'll give it a rate. I too am a fan of Dream World Quagsire, so I'm glad that SOMEBODY can recognize his potential. You do, however, possess some very perturbing weaknesses so we'll need to address those. First up, Doryuuzu can really break you down once Quagsire is gone/weakened, which can happen remarkably easily if he takes a Toxic or something. The same would also be said for Voltolos. Powerful mixed dragons are also a problem, such as Dragonite, Salamence or Sazandora, but Specs version can also be annoying if you're out on Blissey for some reason. Gengar is also very annoying thanks to Blissey's only move being Seismic Toss.

I feel like a special defensive Hippowdon would be good for this team. With this set, he is a remarkable check or counter to all of the threats I have listed, takes loads of pressure off of Quagsire, is a weather inducer to deal with annoying drizzle teams, and a good stall member in general. Try this set over Zapdos, who is rather redundant with Latias:
@ Leftovers
252 Hp / 252 spDef / 4 Def
-Ice Fang
-Slack Off
-Stealth Rock / Roar

Some oddities- the spread is an enormous lifesaver and really balances out his bulk, think of special defensive Skarmory. Ice Fang is awesome for breaking balloons and stopping the likes of Randorusu, Salamence, or whatever. I'd recommend putting Stealth Rock on here so that Blissey can run Flamethrower (to help with Gengar, Nattorei, Forretress and to stop Scizor from setting up on her) but you can run Roar if this doesn't suit you.

Anyways that's all the advice I have, great team. I hope this helps!
Ice Beam is all Quaggy needs to deal with Balloon dory, it cant 2hko so I can easily break its balloon and Recover the damage.

Hippowdon is an interesting option, so ill think about fitting it in. I was a bit reluctant to run two bulky grounds but it does reduce my weaknesses to Landlos/Salamence/Dragonite somewhat. I dont have problems with Gengar, because Blissey passes a Wish to Zapdos who can deal with any Gengar from there on, even Sub+Disable which Blissey cant scratch. Running Hippowdon over Zapdos opens up a potential 6-0 sweep for Venusaur however, ill think about it though, thanks for the rates!
I think you really need to include stealth rock somewhere since its the easiest thing to set up. You won't always have the opportunity to set up all three layers of spikes and two layers of ts, but stealth rock only takes one turn. Although I am not really sure how to include it in your team since it seems so well put together... >.<