Ghoul King's Pet Mod: Coded!

Approved by Eevee General

Yeah, I have no idea what to call this thing.

Whatever its name, welcome to this Pet Mod('s thread)!

The real summary is "Fix a bunch of things that annoy Ghoul King about the current design", but have a summary to pretend there's a more formal mission statement.

Less extreme randomness/less randomness in general: Randomness can be good, but various pieces of Pokemon's randomness are too uncommon, too extreme in their outcome, or both, and various mechanisms are handled in a randomized way where I feel randomness is inappropriate.

Better type balance: Pokemon's type chart is surprisingly solid for being so ad hoc and oriented on considerations other than competitive balance, but there's still painful bits like Ice being unbearably awful defensively, with essentially no redeeming quality. I don't make a ton of changes here, and I was careful to avoid reversals of normal experience -resists do not become super effectives and super effectives don't become resists or immunities- so as to keep the experience reasonably accessible, but I also made an effort to ensure the changes help prop up sub-par types by at least giving them notable niches.

Reduce choice limiting effects: Trapping and Sleep, among other examples, are so powerful because they completely remove choices from the afflicted, often key choices necessary for core gameplay to function. (eg trapping removing switching) I have made an effort to keep to the spirit of these mechanics (trapping is still switch-unfriendly), including keeping them meta-relevant, while reducing their ability to simply ruin the competitive experience by destroying the ability of a player to participate in the match.

Keep changes accessible: Some changes are fairly substantial overhauls, but in most cases I tried to both stay true to the spirit of the effect -defensive Abilities that punish contact still do so- and minimize the extent to which players have to do research to know what's even possible in the Pet Mod. Most cases of altering Ability access are on Megas, and therefore are handled automatically, and I've made no movepool changes, ensuring players can largely import Standard teams and jump right in.

Clearly pointless things stop being pointless: I have not and will not be making changes to the tune of "make Ember competitively viable" because Ember was never intended to be a competitively viable -it's the Fire move you eventually replace with Flamethrower or the like- but Mega Punch and Mega Kick were essentially invalidated by the arrival of Return and Frustration, particularly Mega Punch with its inferior BP, and are -or were- clearly intended to be viable moves. More debateably, a number of Abilities either have essentially useless effects or too weak to be selected over other, more interesting and useful Abilities. Rock Head is literally a more limited version of Magic Guard, as a fairly extreme example.

Unbans: Shadow Tag, and tentatively Mega Gengar and Shaymin-Sky. (Their primary reasons for being banned have been massively altered/nerfed)

Pokemon resist
, but are vulnerable to

moves are super effective against
if the user is
, period.

is super effective against
, but ineffective against


is super effective against
, but is resisted by

Coded. Fully functional, with thanks to AWailOfATail for help with Normal's offensive benefits.

Confusion causes a Pokemon to hurt itself every turn it doesn't snap out of confusion, but it no longer causes skipped turns. The “move” used has a BP of 50. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Flinching causes a Pokemon to do 75% damage that turn. Every move that causes flinching has a 100% chance of causing flinching. Fake Out still forces the target to skip its turn, but this is a special-casing effect. Shield Dust still blocks Fake Out's turn-skipping effect, as well as regular Flinching. This modified mechanic includes not only all moves but also added effects from items (eg King's Rock) or Abilities, (eg Stench) including being 100% reliable in all cases. Coded. Fully functional.

Infatuation causes the afflicted to do halved damage. No chance of missing a turn. Coded. Functions perfectly.

“Fully paralyzed” does not happen when Paralyzed. Paralysis lowers Evasion by 1 stage at the end of every turn instead. Paralysis still quarters Speed. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Freeze causes a Pokemon's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed to all lower at the end of every turn by one stage, if the Pokemon doesn't defrost. The Pokemon is free to act, however. Coded. Fully functional.

Pokemon may use Status moves while Asleep. (Rest will fail if used while Asleep) Coded. Fully functional.

Regular Poisoning inflicts 1/6th of maximum HP each turn. Coded. Fully functional.

Crit chance now works as: 0% chance with no boost, 25% chance with one stage increase, 50% chance from two stages of increase, and 100% chance from three stages of increase. Tentatively coded. I've only got a small sample size, and I'm not 100% sure that moves with no crit multiplier bonus are actually barred from critical hits, but so far I think the ratios are correct. Difficult to say for sure when randomness is so core to the issue.

In all cases where an additional type can be added by an effect, this will overwrite any existing added type, just as with Forest's Curse and Trick Or Treat overwriting each other.

Damaging moves no longer miss -when they fail their accuracy check, they instead “graze” the target for 25% of the damage they would have done and fail to activate any secondary effects that require they hit the target. (Knock Off won't remove items, nothing can inflict statuses, nothing can modify stats, etc, no matter what these secondary effects might be)

All trapping effects no longer prevent switching, including "pseudo"-trapping effects like Fire Spin. Instead, trapping effects cause the "trapped" Pokemon to lose 1/8th of its HP when switching. Trapping immunity in turn is protection from the trapping damage: Ghost types that switch out of Shadow Tag take no damage, anything with Shed Shell switching out of Magnet Pull etc takes no damage, etc. Magic Guard protects from this damage, too. Coded. Everything's done and works!

Moltres gains Well of Power as an Ability. Coded. Select Gale Wings in the teambuilder to give Moltres Well of Power.

Articuno gains Ice Age as an Ability. Coded. Select Snow Warning in the teambuilder to give Articuno Ice Age.

Zapdos gains Drizzle as an Ability. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Giratina-Altered Forme gains Distortion as an Ability. The Origin Forme it transforms into will still have Levitate. An implication of the mechanics is that Giratina-Altered Forme granted Distortion will have the effect end, transform back into their Altered Forme, trigger Distortion, and thus become Origin Forme again without interruption. Coded. Select Shadow Tag in the Teambuilder. (Currently does not restart Distortion World when switching back, but otherwise functions perfectly)

Gengar, Mismagius, Dusknoir, and Spiritomb all also gain Distortion as Abilities. Coded. Select Shadow Tag in the teambuilder. Functions perfectly.

Castform now has a Form for Sandstorm, which is Rock typed. Coded. Functions perfectly, albeit with no graphic.

Meloetta-Aria and Meloetta-Pirouetta both replace Serene Grace with Fluidity. Coded. Handled automatically by the code, no need for Teambuilder shenanigans.

Durant replaces Hustle with Adaptability. Coded.

Mega Beedrill replaces Adaptability with Hustle. Its base Speed is 105, but its Defense is 70 and its Special Defense 90. Coded.

Mega Gallade replaces Inner Focus with Moxie. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Mega Alakazam now has 75 base Defense, normalizing its Mega BST gain to be the usual +100. It replaces Trace with Transcendent. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Mega Steelix replaces Sand Force with Arena Trap. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Mega Sceptile replaces Lightning Rod with Multiscale. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Mega Abomasnow replaces Snow Warning with Ice Age. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Big Root doubles leeching efficiency. (Not above 100%) Coded.

Shell Bell restores the user's HP by 33% of the damage they dealt. Coded.

Expert Belt boosts the damage of the user's super effective moves by 50%. Coded.

Wide Lens increases accuracy by 20%. Coded.

Zoom Lens increases accuracy by 50%, if the user moves after the target. Coded.

Quick Claw causes the user to move first in their priority bracket on the first turn they are out. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Enigma Berry heals 75% of the consumer's health instead of 25%. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Wide Guard blocks Teeter Dance and Dark Void. (And any future multiple-target Status moves) Coded. Functions perfectly.

Quick Guard is +4 priority. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Crafty Shield's effect lasts for three turns. Coded. Functions perfectly, though the display is unaltered.

Stealth Rock's base damage to switch-ins is 1/12th of their HP. It still scales that value based on the typing of enemy switch-ins. Rock types that switch in on active Stealth Rocks take no damage and clear the Stealth Rocks on their side of the field. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Misty Terrain halves the damage dealt by grounded Dragon type Pokemon. It also boosts the damage done by grounded Fairy typed Pokemon by 30%, regardless of the move used. It still prevents major status effects and converts Nature Power to Moon Blast. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Electric Terrain boosts the damage output of grounded Electric typed Pokemon by 30%. Additionally, it not only blocks Sleep but will awaken currently sleeping Pokemon, if they are grounded. It still converts Nature Power to Thunderbolt. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Grassy Terrain restores 1/8th of all grounded Pokemon's HP each turn, and boosts the damage done by grounded Grass typed Pokemon by 30%. It still converts Nature Power to Energy Ball and halves the damage dealt by Earthquake, Bulldoze, and Magnitude. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Phantom Force and Shadow Force have special interaction with the new “Distortion World” weather: they attack in one turn during it. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Sky Drop has 75 BP. Coded.

Razor Wind has 100 Accuracy, 120 BP, and Hazes the target on impact. Coded.

Sky Attack raises the user's Speed and Attack on the charge turn. On its damaging turn it has a 30% chance of Burning the target, instead of causing Flinching. It has 100 Accuracy. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Skull Bash harshly lowers the target's Defense on impact in addition to its normal effects. Coded.

Freeze Shock and Ice Burn both have an Accuracy of 100, 100 BP and are no longer two-turn moves, with Freeze Shock being super effective against Water and Ice Burn being super effective against Steel. They retain their respective side effects and chances of those occurring. Coded. No animation, but functions perfectly otherwise.

Guillotine skips Accuracy checks. If the target is asleep, it is KOed. If it is not asleep, the move fails. Guillotine respects immunities. It still fails against Sturdy Pokemon. -3 Priority. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Horn Drill skips Accuracy checks. If the target is Paralyzed, it is KOed. If it is not Paralyzed, the move fails. Horn Drill respects immunities. It still fails against Sturdy Pokemon. -3 Priority. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Fissure skips Accuracy checks. If the target is Paralyzed, it is KOed. If it is not Paralyzed, the move fails. Fissure respects immunities. It still fails against Sturdy Pokemon. -3 Priority. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Sheer Cold skips Accuracy checks. If the target is Frozen, it is KOed. If it is not Frozen, the move fails. Sheer Cold respects immunities. It still fails against Sturdy Pokemon. -3 Priority. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Blaze Kick is calculated as a Fire/Fighting move, as per Flying Press. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Sky Uppercut is neutrally effective against the Flying type. It has 100 Accuracy, but 70 BP. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Ion Deluge sets a field condition for 4 turns, converting Normal moves to Electric for the duration. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Detect harshly lowers the attacker's Speed if they used a Protectable move on the user (Contact is irrelevant), in addition to its existing effects. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Will O Wisp has 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Toxic has 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Leech Seed has 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Magma Storm is 80 BP, 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Poison Gas has 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Incinerate's BP is doubled if it destroys the target's item. It still only destroys Berries and Gems. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Bone Club, Bonemerang, and Bone Rush all ignore Ground immunity of any sort except Wonder Guard, and Bonemerang is Super Effective against Flying types. Bone Club also Smacks Down the target if applicable, instead of causing Flinching. They all have 100 Accuracy, but Bonemerang is only 45 BP. Coded. Appears to function perfectly. (Flinch chance removal for Bone Club is untested)

Present has a priority of +3. It targets a single adjacent Pokemon, and if the target uses a Status move after Present has been set, the target loses 50% of its health instead of using the move. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Outrage, Thrash, and Petal Dance do not lock the user into the move for 2-3 turns, nor do they Confuse the user. Instead they have 150 BP and lower the user's Defense, Special Defense, and Speed on impact. They have a base PP of 5. Coded. Function perfectly.

Rage is 80 BP, and is now a Dark move with 20 PP. On impact it raises the user's Attack one stage but lowers their Defense and Special Defense by one stage each. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Teleport switches the user to a chosen ally. This is a normal switch, not a Baton Pass. +1 priority. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Silver Wind, Ominous Wind, and Ancient Power all employ Focus Punch behavior (“[name] is preparing an untold power!”) and raise all five stats without fail on a successful hit. This includes that they are -4 priority. They cannot be called by Assist, Copycat, Sleep Talk, or Mirror Move. Coded. Function perfectly.

Endure raises the user's Speed by one stage every time the user is attacked during the effect. The rest of its behavior is unaltered. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Charge's “Charged” status persists indefinitely, rather than being expended when attacking with an Electric move. Coded. Functions perfectly, display issues aside.

Mud Sport and Water Sport add Ground typing and Water typing, respectively, to all Pokemon on the field. This can be a third type, though it will do nothing to Pokemon that already have the type being added. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Defog now bypasses Protect etc. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Quash has +1 priority. Coded.

Aromatic Mist raises Special Defense of the user and all their allies by one stage each. Coded. Untested, strictly speaking.

Acid is super effective against Steel type and has a 20% chance of lowering Special Defense one stage. It hits both adjacent opponents. 65 BP. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Acid Spray is super effective against Steel types and harshly lowers the target's Special Defense. Single target. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Rock Wrecker, Roar of Time, Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn, and Hydro Cannon all have 100 Accuracy, and they all force-switch the target. Substitutes will block the force-switching, as with Dragon Tail and Circle Throw. They still have normal priority, and still force the user to recharge. Coded. Function perfectly.

Fire Spin, Clamp, Wrap, Bind, Whirlpool, and Sand Tomb all have 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Dream Eater is 120 BP. Coded.

Octazooka is 80 BP, 100 Accuracy, +1 priority, but harshly lowers the user's Special Attack. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Rock Slide is 70 BP, 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Self-Destruct is a Fire move with 180 BP. Explosion is unchanged. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Air Slash has 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Water Spout and Eruption cap at 140 BP. Coded.

Muddy Water has 80 Accuracy, 80 BP, and lowers Speed by one stage in Pokemon it hits. Coded.

Psycho Boost, Overheat, Draco Meteor, and Leaf Storm all have 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Wring Out is Grass typed. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Charge Beam has 100 Accuracy and its chance of raising Special Attack is 100%, but it has 40 BP. Coded. Tentatively functions perfectly.

Spacial Rend has 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Venom Drench sets a field condition that lasts five turns. At the end of each turn, all Pokemon suffering from Poison/Toxic lose one stage each in Attack, Special Attack, and Speed. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Night Daze has 100 Accuracy, 80 BP, and switches the user out on a successful hit instead of having a chance of lowering Accuracy. Coded. Functions perfectly. I am reasonably confident the Accuracy dropping effect has been removed, at this point.

Techno Blast is Steel-typed if no Drive is carried. It is otherwise unaltered. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Relic Song is now 60 BP and automatically inflicts “drowsiness” as per Yawn on hit enemies. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Belch has 100 Accuracy and 135 BP. Coded.

Parabolic Charge has 65 BP. Coded.

Mystical Fire lowers the target's Special Attack and Special Defense one stage each. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Drill Peck has an increased critical hit ratio. Coded. Tentatively functions perfectly.

Spike Cannon has +1 priority. Coded.

Dizzy Punch always Confuses the target and has 80 BP. Coded.

Crabhammer has 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Super Fang has 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Slash always crits, but has 65 BP. Coded.

Sacred Fire has 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Aeroblast has 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Dynamic Punch has 110 BP. Coded.

Rock Smash always lowers the target's Defense one stage. Coded. Tentatively functions perfectly.

Poison Fang additionally causes Flinching. Coded.

Meteor Mash has 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Poison Tail has 60 BP and a 30% chance of Poisoning the target. Coded.

Payback has 65 BP base. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Punishment's BP raises by 30 apiece instead of 20. Coded.

Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, and Fire Fang all have 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Zen Headbutt has 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Circle Throw and Dragon Tail skip Accuracy checks. Coded.

Drill Run has 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Razor Shell has 100 Accuracy and always lowers the target's Defense one stage. Coded.

Icicle Crash has 100 Accuracy, but 80 BP. Coded.

Flying Press has 100 Accuracy. Instead of being dual-typed, it is super effective against Bug, Grass, and Fighting types. Coded. Functions perfectly as far as I can tell.

Fell Stinger is +1 Priority, but 20 BP. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Play Rough is 100 Accuracy, 85 BP. Coded.

Diamond Storm always raises the user's Defense one stage if it hits and has 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Land's Wrath additionally resets the stats of Pokemon it hits, like Clear Smog. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Air Cutter has 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Mist Ball always lowers the target's Special Attack one stage. Coded.

Luster Purge always lowers the target's Special Defense one stage. Coded.

Hyper Voice has 100 BP. Coded.

Uproar can be used while asleep and has doubled BP when used from sleep. It no longer locks in the user but will still awaken all Pokemon (Including the user) and prevents Pokemon from falling asleep for the next three turns, including preventing Rest. Its BP is 80. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Snarl has 100 Accuracy. Coded.

Comet Punch has 100 Accuracy, 25 BP. (It's still a multi-hit move) Coded.

Mega Punch has 100 Accuracy, is +1 priority, and lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense one stage each. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Mega Kick has 100 Accuracy and is +1 priority, but the user is forced to recharge. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Crush Claw has 100 Accuracy and always lowers the target's Defense one stage. Coded.

Hyper Fang has 100 Accuracy and 100 BP. Coded.

Crush Grip's maximum BP is 150. Coded.

Swallow now restores 40%/60%/80% of the user's health based on Stockpile count, but does not consume Stockpiles. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Spit Up no longer consumes Stockpiles. The BP is 50/100/150 for 1/2/3 Stockpiles, respectively. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Curse now removes 1/3rd of a Ghost user's health rather than 1/2. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Sleep Talk will never call Status moves, and will simply fail if the user's movepool is nothing but Status moves. It also will no longer call Circle Throw or Dragon Tail. Coded. Status moves per se are giving me trouble.

Powder Snow now has a 30% chance to Freeze target. Coded. Functions perfectly.

New moves, sort of

Acid Injection: When Poison Jab is used by Beedrill or Mega Beedrill, it is a 100 BP move that is super effective against Steel types. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Hustle raises Attack and Speed by 25%, but every move the Pokemon uses loses an additional PP per use. Coded. Functions perfectly, with thanks to AWailOfATail.

Rock Head additionally provides immunity to effects that punish contacting the enemy -the user will take no damage from Rough Skin, Iron Barbs, Flame Body, Poison Point, Static, Rocky Helmet, Spiky Shield, and Aftermath, will not lose Attack when making contact with King's Shield, will not become Infatuated when attacking an opponent with Cute Charm, nor affected by Effect Spore, nor lose Speed to Gooey, nor lose their item to Pickpocket, nor will they acquire a Sticky Barb when impacting an enemy holding one. Mummy is an exception, and will still replace Rock Head on contact. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Shed Skin always clears major status ailments and does so immediately, but lowers the user's Speed by one stage every time it does so. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Illuminate lowers enemy Evasion one stage when the user switches in or when the Ability is Traced. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Run Away protects the user from trapping damage and causes Pursuit to fail against the user. (Even if they aren't switching) Coded. Functions perfectly.

Big Pecks ignores enemy Attack increases in addition to its existing effect. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Battle Armor additionally clears hazards on switch-in, preventing the user from being affected by them. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Shell Armor additionally halves the damage the user takes on the first turn they are out. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Limber provides immunity to Paralysis and Speed reductions. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Magma Armor renders the user immune to being Frozen and to Water type moves. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Water Veil renders the user immune to Burn. Additionally, the user's Attack and Defense are increased by 50% in Rain. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Immunity provides immunity to Poison type moves in addition to rendering the user immune to the Poison and Toxic status effects. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Insomnia provides immunity to Sleep and Dark type moves. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Vital Spirit, in addition to providing immunity to Sleep, causes the user's Speed to rise sharply anytime any stat is lowered by an outside source. (Defiant, but for Speed) Coded. Functions perfectly.

Iron Fist causes “Fist” moves to always crit. This is in place of the damage increase. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Tough Claws increases the damage of contact moves by 20%, and causes contact moves to “trap” the target. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Reckless increases the priority of the user's recoil moves by +1. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Slow Start causes the user to miss their first turn on a fresh switch. No other effect. Coded. Functions perfectly. Note that you still use PP on the first move.

Defeatist halves the user's Speed when below half health in place of the damage halving. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Truant puts the user to Sleep for one turn immediately after taking action while awake. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Toxic Boost raises Attack and Speed by 50% when Poisoned. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Flare Boost raises Special Attack by 50% when Burned and the user heals 1/16th of their HP each turn when Burned instead of losing HP. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Marvel Scale raises Defense and Special Defense by 50% when afflicted with a major status ailment. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Quick Feet doubles Speed when afflicted with a major status ailment, instead of boosting it by 50%. Coded.

Grass Pelt doubles Defense and Special Defense in Grassy Terrain. Fire type moves do doubled damage to the user. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Air Lock clears the current weather and causes all moves and Abilities that activate any kind of weather to fail so long as Rayquaza is on the field. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Cloud Nine's behavior is unchanged -and thus different from Air Lock.

Forecast cannot be Traced, Role Played, Skill Swapped, suppressed or replaced by any other Ability, just like Multitype and Stance Change. Anytime it successfully sets weather, Castform gains +1 to Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Rain Dish renders the user immune to all secondary effects of moves if it is currently Raining, in addition to its end-of-turn healing. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Ice Body renders the user immune to all secondary effects of moves if it is currently Hailing (Including Ice Age), in addition to its end-of-turn healing. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Adaptability instead increases the damage the user deals with super effective hits by 50%. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Normalize instead causes the user's moves to have 100 BP. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Inner Focus protects the user from both the new Flinching effect and from Fake Out's turn-blocking effect. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Steadfast increases Speed and Attack by one stage each when the user flinches. Fake Out's effect does not count. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Weak Armor raises the user's Speed by 50% but reduces their Defense by 33%. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Heavy Metal raises the user's Attack and Defense by 50%, but halves its Speed, in addition to doubling its weight. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Light Metal doubles the user's Speed, but lowers its Attack and Defense by 33%, in addition to halving its weight. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Wonder Skin causers Status moves that target the user to fail and restore the user's health by 25% of their max HP. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Cheek Pouch causes the user to replace a used-up Berry when switching, in addition to its existing effect. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Heatproof renders the user immune to Fire moves and Burn damage (In the event they end up Burned) and their Defense and Special Defense rise one stage each when blocking a Fire move. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Leaf Guard prevents status effects and raises Defense and Special Defense by 50% when Sunny. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Justified causes the user to gain the “Justified” status when damaged by a Physical or Special Dark move, which increases Attack by 50%. The “Justified” status can be Baton Passed. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Victory Star's Accuracy increase is 20%. Coded.

Pixilate, Aerilate, and Refrigerate only boost affected moves by 20%. Coded.

Thick Fat renders the user immune to Hail in addition to its existing effects. Coded... and for some reason provides Leech Seed immunity? What?

Damp Hazes on switch-in. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Flame Body punishes contact with damage, using Fire typing to define effectiveness. Neutral effectiveness is 1/8th. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Static punishes contact with damage, using Electric typing to define effectiveness. Neutral effectiveness is 1/8th. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Poison Point punishes contact with damage, using Poison typing to define effectiveness. Neutral effectiveness is 1/8th. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Iron Barbs now scales damage using Steel typing to define effectiveness. Neutral effectiveness is still 1/8th. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Rough Skin now scales damage using Dark typing to define effectiveness. Neutral effectiveness is still 1/8th. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Sticky Hold additionally causes the user's contact moves to trap the target. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Zen Mode causes Darmanitan to enter its Zen Mode Form anytime it is asleep, and allows Darmanitan to use Special moves while asleep -Physical moves being selected will cause it to do nothing while sleeping as normal. When Darmanitan wakes up it immediately exits its Zen Mode Form. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Anger Point raises the user's Attack and Speed one stage each when hit with a psychological effect. (Same list that Aroma Veil blocks/clears) Coded. Functions perfectly.

Snow Cloak sets a Substitute for free at the end of any turn it is Hailing or Ice Age is in effect. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Sand Veil sets a Substitute for free at the end of any turn Sandstorm is in effect. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Pressure applies its effect to any move any enemy Pokemon uses while the user is on the field, regardless of targeting.

Healer Heal Bells the user's team on switch-in. (Not affected by Soundproof) Coded. Functions perfectly, aside from a harmless error message.

Cute Charm triggers every time it can trigger. Coded.

New Abilities

Well of Power: The user executes two-turn moves in one turn, in the same way as a Power Herb. (eg Skull Bash increases the user's Defense and then attacks in the same turn turn) Coded. Functions perfectly.

Distortion: The user sets the Distortion World weather (ie it conflicts with other weathers) for five turns on entering the field or acquiring the Ability. While “Distortion World” is up Giratina shifts to its Origin Forme (Regardless of whether it is holding the Griseous Orb or not), Phantom Force and Shadow Force skip their charge turn, and non-Ghosts are treated as having Contrary for the duration of the effect. (Ghosts behave normally with respect to boosting) Coded. Functions perfectly.

Fluidity: Cannot be Traced, Role Played, Skill Swapped, suppressed, or replaced. Only works for Meloetta-Aria and Meloetta-Pirouette. Aria Forme automatically switches to Pirouette Forme when employing a Physical attacking move before executing the attack, while Pirouette Forme automatically switches to Aria Forme when employing a Special attacking move before executing the attack. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Ice Age: So long as the user is on the field, a weather called Ice Age is in effect. Ice Age is identical to Hail, except that Ice type Pokemon lose all their weaknesses, like Delta Stream. It works identically to the Primordial weather Abilities in terms of blocking “lesser” weathers, lasting as long as the user is on the field, etc. The user is immune to Ice Age's damage. Coded. Functions perfectly.

Transcendent: Moves with increased priority fail so long as the user is on the field. This includes Prankster-ed moves and Pursuit when it punishes a switch, as well as support moves like Protect and Helping Hand. Coded. Functions perfectly.

This is not a community project, though that doesn't mean I won't take into account feedback.

The meta is almost completely coded. (Much thanks to AWailOfATail for their help!) I'm still uncertain how to go about implementing the "grazing" mechanic, and Mummy not affecting Fluidity and Forecast is still not implemented -Mummy failing on Multitype and Stance Change is implemented in the Battle Engine itself, which makes it tricky to figure out.

This is the first generation of the code.
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A lot of these things seem really cool, I especially like the "grazing" effect that replaces missing.
can u clear this up for me, is Fairy not immune to Dragon anymore?

Oh and you didnt fix Stall. Maybe make it (Stall makes the user move last in priority bracket, but halves damage dealt to it)
can u clear this up for me, is Fairy not immune to Dragon anymore?

Oh and you didnt fix Stall. Maybe make it (Stall makes the user move last in priority bracket, but halves damage dealt to it)

Fairy is still immune to Dragon. I only changed neutral interactions into non-neutral interactions. Non-neutral interactions from Standard are all untouched.

I considered making an alteration to Stall. Then I discovered that only Sableye has it, and it already has both Prankster and its Mega Evolution. I don't see much point in adding a third notable niche for Sableye, and that's all changing Stall would do if I didn't spread it around, which is contrary to my aim to keep this reasonably accessible. (I suppose I could put the revamped Stall on one of the slower Megas, like Mega Steelix or something, but eeeh)
Yeah, but i say do it just for consistency

And while Ice resisting Electric and Ghost are good, i suggest making it resist Flying as well. That would actually buff its defensive prowess, and give me reasons to run Avalugg Plus it makes. Kyube the ultimate Flying killer.
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Light Metal is a pretty neat-o ability. Outside of the more obvious "using Light Metal for temporal insane boost prior to Mega" on the only two real viable users of it (Scizor and Metagross), here's another application


Metagross @ Life Orb
Ability: Light Metal
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Psyshock
- Flash Cannon
- Grass Knot / Stealth Rock
- Hidden Power [Fire] / Icy Wind

I haven't done exact calcs on stats yet, all I know is that the -33% in Attack basically murders both Scizor's and Metagross's Attack stat. However, Metagross has a usable 95 SpA, especially when its using Modest due to its doubled speed. The lower defense is also not that bad, considering that Metagross has a humongous Defense - I think it should push it into overall average bulk. I think the strongest part of the set is hitting usual Metagross switch-ins on the side they don't except (i.e. hitting a Skarmory with a Hidden Power Fire) while also being a cool revenge killer overall.

Actually, the set reminds me a lot of the Deo-S revenge killing set, without all the things that made that set broken (it can't really go mixed and doesn't have great coverage). Dunno if this set is viable, but it's at least pretty cool. Sadly, I don't think Scizor can pull off a similar set - its SpA is just way too low, especially when you factor in the lack of Technician.

EDIT: Also, Rest looks like a very powerful move now that you can use Status moves while sleeping.
It atually CAN go mixed, the nerf to its attack buts it JUST where I believe Deoxys-S speed attack stat.
It atually CAN go mixed, the nerf to its attack buts it JUST where I believe Deoxys-S speed attack stat.

Remember that Light Metal affects the final stat and not the base stat (or at least I assume, since Swift Swim works this way). So you're not going from 135 to ~90 - you're going from 405 to ~271 (this is assuming 252+), which is a lot less (90 grants you 306). So it's not 90 - it's a lot less (I don't know exactly what it would be closes too, but its quite a bit lower than 90 so its not viable tbh)
I think Flying and Ground would be better, and more logical resistances for Ice than Ghost and Electric.

It probably won't hurt to remove its Rock weakness too. It's already weak to Fire, Fighting, and Steel, three common attacking types, Ice-types can do without losing 25% of their HP just for switching in. This would also make Avalugg and Cryogonal less shitty at spinning.
Remember that Light Metal affects the final stat and not the base stat (or at least I assume, since Swift Swim works this way). So you're not going from 135 to ~90 - you're going from 405 to ~271 (this is assuming 252+), which is a lot less (90 grants you 306). So it's not 90 - it's a lot less (I don't know exactly what it would be closes too, but its quite a bit lower than 90 so its not viable tbh)

It's equivalent to something like fully invested 74 base. So, you know, nearly halving the base stat equivalent.

Personally, I can actually imagine Scizor using Light Metal to produce a fast pivot with utility moves like Knock Off. Sure, Landorus-Therian is popular as such while throwing in Intimidate, but it has to Scarf to beat base 100, where Light Metal Scizor just needs to run Light Metal -and it's not like Knock Off and U-Turn benefit from Technician anyway. A fast pivot with the ability to remove items that, itself, remains a fast pivot if its item is removed could be useful. It also could potentially work as a fast Baton Passer, particularly if it scares out something expecting a more traditional Mega Scizor -Swords Dance up and then Baton Pass out before the switch can hit you. Some move changes might also benefit it -later in the match, after Knock Off has already removed most/all the enemy's items, this pivot Scizor might run Rock Smash to weaken targets before U-Turning out to something that would otherwise struggle to KO the target, but can use a -1 Defense edition as setup fodder.

Light Metal is a pretty neat-o ability. Outside of the more obvious "using Light Metal for temporal insane boost prior to Mega" on the only two real viable users of it (Scizor and Metagross), here's another application


Metagross @ Life Orb
Ability: Light Metal
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Psyshock
- Flash Cannon
- Grass Knot / Stealth Rock
- Hidden Power [Fire] / Icy Wind

I haven't done exact calcs on stats yet, all I know is that the -33% in Attack basically murders both Scizor's and Metagross's Attack stat. However, Metagross has a usable 95 SpA, especially when its using Modest due to its doubled speed. The lower defense is also not that bad, considering that Metagross has a humongous Defense - I think it should push it into overall average bulk. I think the strongest part of the set is hitting usual Metagross switch-ins on the side they don't except (i.e. hitting a Skarmory with a Hidden Power Fire) while also being a cool revenge killer overall.

Actually, the set reminds me a lot of the Deo-S revenge killing set, without all the things that made that set broken (it can't really go mixed and doesn't have great coverage). Dunno if this set is viable, but it's at least pretty cool. Sadly, I don't think Scizor can pull off a similar set - its SpA is just way too low, especially when you factor in the lack of Technician.

EDIT: Also, Rest looks like a very powerful move now that you can use Status moves while sleeping.

Honestly, with doubled Speed there's not much need to invest into Speed. With no investment, Metagross's base 70 actually beats fully invested +Natured base 95, and indeed beats fully invested +Natured base 110. You should only invest if you're specifically looking to beat the really fast stuff like Sceptile or Mega Beedrill. Otherwise, shore up your bulk.

With Status moves usable while Sleeping, Rest props up a lot of stallmons and even some attackers. Furthermore, Sleep Talk will no longer call Rest itself, meaning that, for instance, Giratina running Rest/Sleep Talk/Dragon Tail/Whirlwind will now always call Dragon Tail with Sleep Talk -and in fact Giratina can then call Whirlwind manually if it wants to let a slower enemy go first for some reason. Resttalk monoattackers are now perfectly reliable! (eg Suicune running Calm Mind with Scald as its only offense)

I think Flying and Ground would be better, and more logical resistances for Ice than Ghost and Electric.

It probably won't hurt to remove its Rock weakness too. It's already weak to Fire, Fighting, and Steel, three common attacking types, Ice-types can do without losing 25% of their HP just for switching in. This would also make Avalugg and Cryogonal less shitty at spinning.

The priority with the type chart modifications was to provide niches. Resisting Ground is awful because you're just Bad Flying -Flying is outright immune to Ground, and Ground types are already running Rock coverage to beat Flying types. Since I'm not going to remove the Rock weakness -I was careful to only change neutrals because it's easier to keep in mind- that leaves Ice as Bad Flying, outside of the niche point of resisting Ice instead of being weak to it. (Problem: Mamoswine is one of the only Pokemon I can see this mattering against, and it is effectively resistant to Ice)

Resisting Flying puts it in direct competition with Electric. Ice has the advantage that its STAB is not possible to be immune to, where Electric has to deal with Ability and type-based immunities, but overall Electric is a vastly superior defensive type in the first place. Even if Ice's weakness to Rock was removed, would you really start running Articuno over Zapdos?

Resisting both at once is, at first glance, a unique niche, as no one type is protected against both. Oh wait, Skarmory/Aerodactyl/Bronzong/other less meta-relevant stuff is immune to Ground and resistant to Flying. Why on Earth would you use Ground+Flying-resisting Avalugg over Skarmory, when Skarmory only has two weaknesses, is immune to Toxic, etc? Skarmory is sufficiently good that the calculator has a set for Ubers for Skarmory!

I went with Ghost because Dark is currently the only type that resists Ghost, and Normal the only type immune to it. Resisting Ghost is a huge niche by itself. Somewhat hurt by the fact that it continues the trend of Ghost/Fighting coverage being perfect, but still, it also helps make Ghost a slightly less amazing attacking type, which was a secondary goal -the main reason Ghost isn't a dominating attacking type in Standard is that Ghost moves are underwhelming.

Electric is the bigger one, though -it means Ice types block boltbeam. Innately. Rotom-Wash does that, of course, as does Mamoswine in practice (Bar Kyurem-Black) without any need for Ice to provide an Electric resist, but having random Ice types inherently block it is a pretty big deal.

Ice types often fancy themselves Special walls -Avalugg excepted- and Electric and Ghost are primarily Special attacking types, helping Ice types actually do the Special walling job. The two resists also tend to prop up those Ice types that struggle the most -a lot of the below-UU Ice types are weak to Electric or Ghost, where most of the already-viable Ice types resist one or the other, and I'd rather prop up weak Ice types than push strong ones over the edge.
Hmmm, so unless someone removes Giratina's ability, it is forever stuck in Origin form thanks to Distortion? And since it activates on switch-in, Giratina can't even come in to take a hit. What exactly is the point of Altered form existing then?
Well RIP Smogonburd, Staripper is coming in!!!!

Staraptor @ Choice Band
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Ability: Reckless
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Double-Edge
- Close Combat
- U-Turn / Pursuit

Well Talonflame can still SD sweep, Its Choice Band set is completely outclassed by Staraptor. +1 Priority BB coming off 120 attack is no joke, and unlike Talon, Rotom-W and Heatran are anything but counters. Double-Edge easily 2HKO'es Rotom while CC smashes Heatran. Its last moveslot can be either U-Turn for momentum, or Pursuit for trapping escaping foes.
Hmmm, so unless someone removes Giratina's ability, it is forever stuck in Origin form thanks to Distortion? And since it activates on switch-in, Giratina can't even come in to take a hit. What exactly is the point of Altered form existing then?

It's a third Ability option. You can still run Pressure and Telepathy Giratina if you want Altered.

Well RIP Smogonburd, Staripper is coming in!!!!

Staraptor @ Choice Band
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Ability: Reckless
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Double-Edge
- Close Combat
- U-Turn / Pursuit

Well Talonflame can still SD sweep, Its Choice Band set is completely outclassed by Staraptor. +1 Priority BB coming off 120 attack is no joke, and unlike Talon, Rotom-W and Heatran are anything but counters. Double-Edge easily 2HKO'es Rotom while CC smashes Heatran. Its last moveslot can be either U-Turn for momentum, or Pursuit for trapping escaping foes.

Welp, I've created a monster. At least it lacks Swords Dance and priority Roost... but yeah, its Band set is basically flatly superior to Talonflame's Band set, barring I guess Doublade? Wow.
With Status moves usable while Sleeping, Rest props up a lot of stallmons and even some attackers. Furthermore, Sleep Talk will no longer call Rest itself, meaning that, for instance, Giratina running Rest/Sleep Talk/Dragon Tail/Whirlwind will now always call Dragon Tail with Sleep Talk -and in fact Giratina can then call Whirlwind manually if it wants to let a slower enemy go first for some reason. Resttalk monoattackers are now perfectly reliable! (eg Suicune running Calm Mind with Scald as its only offense)
I don't think Suicune would want to run Sleep talk, then. In OU it is mostly already ditching that for roar- with cm/roar both now being usable, Sleep talk really isn't that amazing. Good thing
Also this is really might be a terrible idea, because this cancer-
Riolu @ Eviolite
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Impish Nature
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Circle Throw
- Bulk Up

It might not turn out that bad, but its something to note.
Electric is the bigger one, though -it means Ice types block boltbeam. Innately. Rotom-Wash does that, of course, as does Mamoswine in practice (Bar Kyurem-Black) without any need for Ice to provide an Electric resist, but having random Ice types inherently block it is a pretty big deal.
Actually, It is Rotom-Frost and Heat that block it. As you said so does Mamoswine, but Seaking and Lanturn do as well. Not important, just something to not (now Rotom-Frost double resists electric lets go)

This seems really cool, particularly rivalry. Now if only Geoxern had a gender...
I don't think Suicune would want to run Sleep talk, then. In OU it is mostly already ditching that for roar- with cm/roar both now being usable, Sleep talk really isn't that amazing. Good thing
Also this is really might be a terrible idea, because this cancer-
Riolu @ Eviolite
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Impish Nature
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Circle Throw
- Bulk Up

It might not turn out that bad, but its something to note.

I might simply make all forced-switching moves uncallable by Sleep Talk. (Well, not the Recharge ones) It's honestly kind of a dumb thing that they can be called in Standard, with the only thing checking it being that realistically you have a chance of calling Rest and wasting your turn, which is just... leaning on luck to "balance" a dumb dynamic.

And yeah, I suspect Suicune will ditch Sleep Talk just because it can do things like run Toxic or Roar to handle specific other things, instead of needing Sleep Talk to be doing its Rest+Calm Mind shenanigans.

This seems really cool, particularly rivalry. Now if only Geoxern had a gender...

Rivalry is not gender-based in this Pet Mod. Switch in your Nidoking on a predicted Geomancy, and it'll work. (As soon as I code it, anyway)
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Rivalry is not gender-based in this Pet Mod. Switch in your Nidoking on a predicted Geomancy, and it'll work. (As soon as I code it, anyway)
Ok, thats really cool. Haxorus is another neat user, able to take on MMence. Probably still niche, but w/e.
OMG the power of Mega Alakazam....

Cant be hit by priority.

Cant be Pursuit-Trapped.

It forces Staraptor to run Return JUST to hit it neutrally.

Seriously though, only Scarfs can beat revengekill this thing.
Ok, thats really cool. Haxorus is another neat user, able to take on MMence. Probably still niche, but w/e.

Honestly, Haxorus will probably be the main user. It's the overall best of the bunch, and Mold Breaker, though nice, isn't that essential for it.

OMG the power of Mega Alakazam....

Cant be hit by priority.

Cant be Pursuit-Trapped.

It forces Staraptor to run Return JUST to hit it neutrally.

Seriously though, only Scarfs can beat revengekill this thing.

And I even have it coded successfully!

Disadvantage: you can no longer use Protect to get that first Mega Evolution turn off successfully, as you block your own Protect.

You can still use bulky attackers to force your way through it, though, and its coverage is still terrible. But yes, for instance it will actually always beat non-Focus Sash/Scarf Bisharp in a 1v1 because it's immune to Sucker Punch and OHKOs with Focus Blast, even if it misses. (The grazing mechanic)

252 SpA Mega Alakazam Focus Blast (40 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Bisharp: 292-348 (107.7 - 128.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Suddenly Mega Alakazam is scary.
You can still use bulky attackers to force your way through it, though, and its coverage is still terrible. But yes, for instance it will actually always beat non-Focus Sash/Scarf Bisharp in a 1v1 because it's immune to Sucker Punch and OHKOs with Focus Blast, even if it misses. (The grazing mechanic)

252 SpA Mega Alakazam Focus Blast (40 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Bisharp: 292-348 (107.7 - 128.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Suddenly Mega Alakazam is scary.
This isn't actually true, from the OP. You probably want to fix one or the other.
op said:
Damaging moves no longer miss -when they fail their accuracy check, they instead “graze” the target for 25% of the damage they would have done and fail to activate any secondary effects that require they hit the target. (Knock Off won't remove items, nothing can inflict statuses, nothing can modify stats, etc, no matter what these secondary effects might be)
In this case, the damage would be:
252 SpA Mega Alakazam Focus Blast (1/4) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Bisharp: 218-257 (80.4 - 94.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

even your damage should be:
252 SpA Mega Alakazam Focus Blast (1/3) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD : 292-344 (107.7 - 126.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Assualt Vest/invested obviously lives. Granted these aren't amazing, but even so.

Edit: previous calcs are wrong. I forgot the two hidden bp. Has been fixed
Last edited:
I'm terrible at math. I knew I was talking 25%, dunno why I then went with a 1/3rd calc beyond derp.

I picked 25% specifically because I wanted to soften the most extreme edge cases, where you're using a x4 effectiveness move/a x2 where everything else is resisted/etc and if it misses you would've been better off using one of your other moves even though they're really ineffective. So for instance Mega Charizard Y using Focus Blast is still better off using Focus Blast in this Pet Mod, rather than using Solar Beam, let alone Fire Blast, and is competitive with Dragon Pulse even if Focus Blast misses. Or with the Mega Alakazam case, Focus Miss is better than Signal Beam against Bisharp. That kind of thing.
So for instance Mega Charizard Y using Focus Blast is still better off using Focus Blast in this Pet Mod, rather than using Solar Beam, let alone Fire Blast
Well, given that even before calculating in misses Fire Blast does more, it should be using that. /pedantic
  1. Poison might be a useful status now! If only it had a good move. Still, it makes fishing for one with Sludge Bomb/Poison Jab much more rewarding, and means that any (non sheer force) mon will probably pick it.
  2. Thunder wave is much less useful for stopping sweeps.
  3. Zap cannon might be usable! Its probably a better discharge, given that they now have very similar effective bp (75 vs 80) and a better paralysis chance (50% vs 30%). Further, when it paralyzes it is now actually likely to hit.
  4. Clear Body/White Smoke makes you resistant to status (Not Poison/Burn). I'm sure Metagross and diancie will appreciate it (haha torkoal, heatmor, and regis- you thought you were relevant). Maybe Tentacruel will to, although it probably still prefers Liquid Ooze.
  5. Meloetta is really good this meta! Not only can it now run its pirouette form, it also has surprise factor/Can hit things with a third stab in its Pirouette form. Its probably still BL due to Megalop and it lacking scrappy, but Skarmory will hate it. Now if only it got fakeout...
  6. MegaBee hits like a truck. Sure it isn't that accurate, but the defenses are nice, and 105 is still fast. Now if only Mega Alakazam didn't exist...
  7. Zapdos is OU again, and Politoed is complete garbage except as a backup setter on rain teams. Articuno might see some use (although The SR weakness will probably leave it in UU, where it will happily demolish Suicune and Salamence with Freeze Dry). Moltres has a physical stab in fly and a neat Solar Beam that works even in the rain (although its much weaker), but is still probably outcompeted by MzardY. Oh wait, fly is now good. Another UU?
  8. MFW Delcatty's Double Slap. And Fake Out. It also gets a neat sucker punch and a boosting move in work up. It could instead run a special set with Charge Beam, Water Pulse, Mud Slap, And hyper voice. It can Even run Icy wind in their. Still not an OU threat, but thank goodness nothing else gets Normalize.
  9. Speaking of which, Skitty in LC will now be a viable member. No longer outclassed by other normal's, Skitty may be a top metagame pick. That felt painful to write, but its true.
  10. Shed sking scrafty can easily recover health while setting up, but isn't really strong enough for higher tiers. It'll still go up one. Dragonair the great wall of PU now has difficulty choosing an ability. The cocoons are still trash.
  11. MMY beats Darkrai even more.
  12. Mega Metagross destroys stall. Seriously. Better moves, better ability...
  13. Both Slaking and Regigigas are easy OU, Probably Ubers. Maybe their mono-normal typing will hold them back?
  14. Archeops is honestly worse.
  15. Mewtwo is probably a better nidoking. Come in, stop the power herb, and psych up the stats/knock it out. It can even do something to their team! Of course, it cant revenge...
  16. Too bad Geomancy isn't snatchable. Hoopa-U is sad
  17. Speaking of which, Geoxern is also sad. Its (probably) much less relevant.
  18. Are the new moves physical or special? I think the first is physical, the second special?
  19. Fly, Dig, etc are all really stupidly overpowered. They make every move extreme speed, and let extreme speed/Talonflame with fly+gale wings move go before protect. If they don't pass on priority, you have dumb things like dig+dragon tail.
  20. Magnezone (and really all steel types, but Magnezone in particular because typing and trapping) seem really neat with focus band. Seriously, Magnezone has (effectively) wonder guard for 14 types.
  21. Gallade is a neat sweeper. Not a major change, but it's much less reliant on swords dance.

Just from a flavor point of view, rivalry applying a psych up affect fits better. It matches the opponent, not steal from it.

Dangit, now I'm tempted to make a viability ranking, even though it isn't playable or (probably) complete.
Well, given that even before calculating in misses Fire Blast does more, it should be using that. /pedantic

Heatran is immune, so no, Focus Blast is the winner. It's why Mega Charizard Y runs Focus Blast in Standard and various OMs. If it weren't for Heatran, it would be basically useless -STAB Sun-boosted Fire Blast is better against Steel types and Ice types, Solar Beam is more reliable against Rock types, it's not like Focus Blast let's you beat Normal types and anyway STAB Sun-boosted is better against pretty much anything weak to Fighting but neutral to Fire. (ie Dark and Normal types that aren't, like, part Dragon or something -if it's Water, just hit them with Solar Beam again)

Poison might be a useful status now! If only it had a good move. Still, it makes fishing for one with Sludge Bomb/Poison Jab much more rewarding, and means that any (non sheer force) mon will probably pick it.
Poison Gas is a Status Move with base 90 Accuracy that Poisons the target.

Excuse me, I just made it into a 100 Accuracy move. I'd forgotten about it because it's not normally viable.

Zap cannon might be usable! Its probably a better discharge, given that they now have very similar effective bp (75 vs 80) and a better paralysis chance (50% vs 30%). Further, when it paralyzes it is now actually likely to hit.

I'm not entirely sure where you're grabbing the 75 effective BP for Zap Cannon, but yes, it's a lot more viable.

Clear Body/White Smoke makes you resistant to status (Not Poison/Burn). I'm sure Metagross and diancie will appreciate it (haha torkoal, heatmor, and regis- you thought you were relevant). Maybe Tentacruel will to, although it probably still prefers Liquid Ooze.

Er, no? They're not modified by the Pet Mod at all, I don't know where you're getting this.

Meloetta is really good this meta! Not only can it now run its pirouette form, it also has surprise factor/Can hit things with a third stab in its Pirouette form. Its probably still BL due to Megalop and it lacking scrappy, but Skarmory will hate it. Now if only it got fakeout...

Pirouette alone would probably be lame compared to Mega Lopunny, but Mega Lopunny doesn't have excellent mixed offenses and doesn't have a Yawn-as-side-effect STAB to throw around.

MegaBee hits like a truck. Sure it isn't that accurate, but the defenses are nice, and 105 is still fast. Now if only Mega Alakazam didn't exist...

Hustle eats PP, and raises the user's Speed and Attack by 25%. It doesn't miss, but it also doesn't increase Attack by 50%. 105 Speed is to make it less insane. Taking into account investment... Mega Alakazam gets 438 at maximum investment. Mega Beedrill gets 339 with a base Speed of 105 at maximum investment, which is then increased by 25%. 25% of 339 is 85~, which admittedly isn't enough to get Mega Beedrill equal to Mega Alazakam (it would need exactly 100 from Hustle, in fact), but it's still crazy fast, being, if I have my calculations right, exactly equivalent to a base Speed of 143. That's actually only 2 points less than it got in Standard.

Zapdos is OU again, and Politoed is complete garbage except as a backup setter on rain teams. Articuno might see some use (although The SR weakness will probably leave it in UU, where it will happily demolish Suicune and Salamence with Freeze Dry). Moltres has a physical stab in fly and a neat Solar Beam that works even in the rain (although its much weaker), but is still probably outcompeted by MzardY. Oh wait, fly is now good. Another UU?

I'm not sure why you think Moltres isn't spamming Sky Attack, which now Dragon Dances as the first turn and has a 30% chance of Burn on impact while still being 140 BP.

Articuno's new Ability fits with it thinking it's a wall, though yes the Stealth Rock weakness hurts -but Stealth Rock only removes 33% from it, which isn't that much worse than being singly weak in Standard to Stealth Rock, and stuff like Zapdos is acceptable as a Defogger in OU.

Zapdos is just great, obviously, and is even a setter with Volt Switch, which is neat. Potentially you could outright Scarf it, if you're confident the enemy won't switch in an immunity/confident in your prediction skills.

MFW Delcatty's Double Slap. And Fake Out. It also gets a neat sucker punch and a boosting move in work up. It could instead run a special set with Charge Beam, Water Pulse, Mud Slap, And hyper voice. It can Even run Icy wind in their. Still not an OU threat, but thank goodness nothing else gets Normalize.

252+ Atk Delcatty Fake Out (100 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 115-136 (33.7 - 39.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

252+ Atk Delcatty Double Slap (3 hits, 100 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 345-408 (101.1 - 119.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

This is a blank Mew and obviously the real wall to overcome is Skarmory, but I think you're underestimating Normalize.

Hell, look at this:

0- SpA Delcatty Charge Beam (100 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Skarmory: 108-128 (32.3 - 38.3%) -- 2.5% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Delcatty is actually a potentially very scary wallbreaker, and honestly Fake Out+Sucker Punch is enough to let it terrorize various offensive teams.

MMY beats Darkrai even more.

Wait, Darkrai doesn't ever run Sucker Punch in Standard Ubers? Really?

Mega Metagross destroys stall. Seriously. Better moves, better ability...

Actually, Tough Claws provides a slightly weaker damage boost, and "trapping" now means the target can switch, it just hurts itself in the process.

You'd have to name some moves for me to comment on that part.

Both Slaking and Regigigas are easy OU, Probably Ubers. Maybe their mono-normal typing will hold them back?

Regigigas still eats momentum horribly and can't get damage in on things switching in on it, allowing even fragile things to switch in and drop a Will O Wisp on it utterly fearlessly.

Slaking is predictable but powerful, definitely.

Mewtwo is probably a better nidoking. Come in, stop the power herb, and psych up the stats/knock it out. It can even do something to their team! Of course, it cant revenge...

Since Nidoking steals the targets stats, it's advantaged rather than evened out.

Of course, it wouldn't surprise me if Nidoking sees no use in Ubers. It would be surprising if it did, really.

Too bad Geomancy isn't snatchable. Hoopa-U is sad

... huh, so it is.

Are the new moves physical or special? I think the first is physical, the second special?

They all three say what they are: Distortion Drift and Flash Freeze are Status, Acid Injection is Physical.

Fly, Dig, etc are all really stupidly overpowered. They make every move extreme speed, and let extreme speed/Talonflame with fly+gale wings move go before protect. If they don't pass on priority, you have dumb things like dig+dragon tail.

Huh. I didn't notice I didn't specify on the second turn's priority.

The intention is that the first turn is +2 priority and then you just use a move as normal. Dig+Dragon Tail definitely is obvious, though, yes.

It might end up being irrelevant if I give up on recoding them. They're one of the more ambitious changes, and I suspect I'd be the only person really all that disappointed to not have those moves meta-relevant.

Magnezone (and really all steel types, but Magnezone in particular because typing and trapping) seem really neat with focus band. Seriously, Magnezone has (effectively) wonder guard for 14 types.

Trapping just does damage on the switch-out, and Focus Band only prevents the KO, not the damage. Pseudo-Wonder Guard, kind of, sortof, yes, but not that amazing.

Just from a flavor point of view, rivalry applying a psych up affect fits better. It matches the opponent, not steal from it.

I considered that, but it doesn't provide the effect I want it to provide (Making setup risky), and is basically a worse Imposter Ditto at that point.

Dangit, now I'm tempted to make a viability ranking, even though it isn't playable or (probably) complete.

Not complete by a large margin, no, though I've gotten most of the moves coded and some of the Abilities, as well as most of the Status changes. (Trapping is proving annoying)
Heatran is immune, so no, Focus Blast is the winner. It's why Mega Charizard Y runs Focus Blast in Standard and various OMs. If it weren't for Heatran, it would be basically useless -STAB Sun-boosted Fire Blast is better against Steel types and Ice types, Solar Beam is more reliable against Rock types, it's not like Focus Blast let's you beat Normal types and anyway STAB Sun-boosted is better against pretty much anything weak to Fighting but neutral to Fire. (ie Dark and Normal types that aren't, like, part Dragon or something -if it's Water, just hit them with Solar Beam again)
Well, also Charizard has nothing better to run. Although this insures it will never run eq.

I'm not entirely sure where you're grabbing the 75 effective BP for Zap Cannon, but yes, it's a lot more viable.

Er, no? They're not modified by the Pet Mod at all, I don't know where you're getting this.
Presumably they still affect stat drops then? I can see para working like normal, but freeze dropping stats in a non stat manner seems inconsistent and annoying.

Hustle eats PP, and raises the user's Speed and Attack by 25%. It doesn't miss, but it also doesn't increase Attack by 50%. 105 Speed is to make it less insane. Taking into account investment... Mega Alakazam gets 438 at maximum investment. Mega Beedrill gets 339 with a base Speed of 105 at maximum investment, which is then increased by 25%. 25% of 339 is 85~, which admittedly isn't enough to get Mega Beedrill equal to Mega Alazakam (it would need exactly 100 from Hustle, in fact), but it's still crazy fast, being, if I have my calculations right, exactly equivalent to a base Speed of 143. That's actually only 2 points less than it got in Standard.
About that, yes.
But how am I supposed to know that? It isn't in the op.

I'm not sure why you think Moltres isn't spamming Sky Attack, which now Dragon Dances as the first turn and has a 30% chance of Burn on impact while still being 140 BP.
I would think it would use fly and then Sky attack, but yes. I forgot it got that.

Articuno's new Ability fits with it thinking it's a wall, though yes the Stealth Rock weakness hurts -but Stealth Rock only removes 33% from it, which isn't that much worse than being singly weak in Standard to Stealth Rock, and stuff like Zapdos is acceptable as a Defogger in OU.

Zapdos is just great, obviously, and is even a setter with Volt Switch, which is neat. Potentially you could outright Scarf it, if you're confident the enemy won't switch in an immunity/confident in your prediction skills.
Yes, exactly. But why is is only 33%? Is that another change?

252+ Atk Delcatty Fake Out (100 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 115-136 (33.7 - 39.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

252+ Atk Delcatty Double Slap (3 hits, 100 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 345-408 (101.1 - 119.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

This is a blank Mew and obviously the real wall to overcome is Skarmory, but I think you're underestimating Normalize.

Hell, look at this:

0- SpA Delcatty Charge Beam (100 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Skarmory: 108-128 (32.3 - 38.3%) -- 2.5% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Delcatty is actually a potentially very scary wallbreaker, and honestly Fake Out+Sucker Punch is enough to let it terrorize various offensive teams.
I am, and Delcatty probably wants a boosting item. Still, the point is taken.

Wait, Darkrai doesn't ever run Sucker Punch in Standard Ubers? Really?

Actually, Tough Claws provides a slightly weaker damage boost, and "trapping" now means the target can switch, it just hurts itself in the process.

You'd have to name some moves for me to comment on that part.
I forgot the lack of passive damage. The moves are the newly accurate meteor mash and zen headbut.

Since Nidoking steals the targets stats, it's advantaged rather than evened out.

Of course, it wouldn't surprise me if Nidoking sees no use in Ubers. It would be surprising if it did, really.
I know that. Actually I'm still a moron, as Mewtwo must carry both twave and Psych up (so as to not fail to copy the nonexistant stats, while still not dying. However, Psystrike ignores the boosts

They all three say what they are: Distortion Drift and Flash Freeze are Status, Acid Injection is Physical.
Missed that, ty.

Huh. I didn't notice I didn't specify on the second turn's priority.

The intention is that the first turn is +2 priority and then you just use a move as normal. Dig+Dragon Tail definitely is obvious, though, yes.

It might end up being irrelevant if I give up on recoding them. They're one of the more ambitious changes, and I suspect I'd be the only person really all that disappointed to not have those moves meta-relevant.
Ah, ok. Focus Punch is another obvious one, unless I'm misunderstanding it, but the inability of ignoring protect is pretty great. Makes slow Pokemon stupidly broken, though. They don't have to waste stats on speed, and cant be harmed.

Trapping just does damage on the switch-out, and Focus Band only prevents the KO, not the damage. Pseudo-Wonder Guard, kind of, sortof, yes, but not that amazing.
Ik, it just makes it so that the opponent is harmed whichever choice they make. (ie, even if they don't stay in and let you stall forever, they get chip on themselves and on the switching- especially since Magnezone gets zap cannon.

I considered that, but it doesn't provide the effect I want it to provide (Making setup risky), and is basically a worse Imposter Ditto at that point.

I don't follow where the +30 comes in.

Presumably they still affect stat drops then? I can see para working like normal, but freeze dropping stats in a non stat manner seems inconsistent and annoying.

Ah, yes, they should affect Freeze yes. (I haven't tested that yet) Paralyze shouldn't be affected by them, no.

About that, yes.
But how am I supposed to know that? It isn't in the op.

Changes to specific Pokemon said:
Mega Beedrill replaces Adaptability with Hustle. Its base Speed is 105, but its Defense is 70 and its Special Defense 90.

Ability changes said:
Hustle raises Attack and Speed by 25%, but every move the Pokemon uses loses an additional PP per use.

They're in the OP, there's just a lot of information to go through.

I would think it would use fly and then Sky attack, but yes. I forgot it got that.

I... haven't actually thought about how Fly etc would interact with two-turn moves, honestly. Hm.

Yes, exactly. But why is is only 33%? Is that another change?

move changes said:
Stealth Rock's base damage to switch-ins is 1/12th of their HP. It still scales that value based on the typing of enemy switch-ins. Rock types that switch in on active Stealth Rocks take no damage and clear the Stealth Rocks on their side of the field. Coded. Functions perfectly.

1/12th doubled=1/6th which doubled is 1/3rd.

I forgot the lack of passive damage. The moves are the newly accurate meteor mash and zen headbut.

Ah, yes, true.

Ah, ok. Focus Punch is another obvious one, unless I'm misunderstanding it, but the inability of ignoring protect is pretty great. Makes slow Pokemon stupidly broken, though. They don't have to waste stats on speed, and cant be harmed.

... holy crap can a lot of Pokemon learn both Focus Punch and Fly/Dig/Dive.

Hm. I might need to just give up on the Fly/Dig/Dive idea. It's more abuseable than I'd thought when I came up with it. Good excuse to not have to figure out how to code it, too.
I don't follow where the +30 comes in.

They're in the OP, there's just a lot of information to go through.

1/12th doubled=1/6th which doubled is 1/3rd.
I totally looked rather than control-Fing. Sorry about that

I... haven't actually thought about how Fly etc would interact with two-turn moves, honestly. Hm.

... holy crap can a lot of Pokemon learn both Focus Punch and Fly/Dig/Dive.

Hm. I might need to just give up on the Fly/Dig/Dive idea. It's more abuseable than I'd thought when I came up with it. Good excuse to not have to figure out how to code it, too.
Yeah. There is also lagging tail, full incense, vital throw, avalanche, revenge, ... Maybe ban priority change? Or turn everything into +0 (under the theory that everything had plenty of time to prepare? Idk.
1/12th doubled=1/6th which doubled is 1/3rd.