Ghoul King's Pet Mod: Coded!

Flash freeze, then Freeze Dry. Thunder Wave, then horn drill/fissure. Sleep, then guillotine.

when you have pokemon who can guarantee almost everything dies with two moves, this meta is fun. And then you realize that there's Smeargle, whoo does this strat perfectly.
I've re-adjusted my Paralysis concept to account for my lacking coding skills: Paralysis lowers the Pokemon's Evasion by one stage at the end of every turn.

So yes now Clear Body partially protects you against Paralysis' effects.

Flash freeze, then Freeze Dry. Thunder Wave, then horn drill/fissure. Sleep, then guillotine.

when you have pokemon who can guarantee almost everything dies with two moves, this meta is fun. And then you realize that there's Smeargle, whoo does this strat perfectly.

Thunder Wave+Fissure/Horn Drill is Stunfisk and Groudon.

You're looking for Sheer Cold, not Freeze Dry. 8 Pokemon aside from Smeargle get the combination.

Smeargle is the only Pokemon in the game to get a Sleep-inducing move and Guillotine, so Guillotine is most useful as a way of punishing the newly-empowered Rest.

I suppose you could use Smeargle to set this stuff up, but honestly it seems a bit of a waste of Smeargle's potential, especially since it's no longer possible to actually trap a Pokemon and so force the KO (They can always just switch out on your obvious ploy), and Paralysis is the only one of these conditions that you don't have to worry about having it end before Smeargle gets to finish them off. I'd probably use Stunfisk instead, as it substantially out-stats Smeargle outside of Speed, which is compensated by the fact that you're hitting them with Thunder Wave. In particular, it's more than twice as tough.
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I've re-adjusted my Paralysis concept to account for my lacking coding skills: Paralysis lowers the Pokemon's Evasion by one stage at the end of every turn.

So yes now Clear Body partially protects you against Paralysis' effects.
Does it try and lower every turn, or just check on the turn it paralyzes you? If the second, paralysis is now less useful, and Metagross has serious competition as to which ability to use (para+stats, or 1 turn revenge killing).

op said:
Normal is super effective against dragon and fairy types if the pokemon is normal
I missed this, but... why? Type effectiveness is a trait of the move, not the pokemon. If you want normal types to have an advantage, just make them weak no matter what. If you have a reason I could understand, but this seems nonsensical.
op said:
Crit chance now works as: 0% chance with no boost, 25% chance with one stage increase, 50% chance from two stages of increase, and 100% chance from three stages of increase.
rip, crits are useless
What about moves with high crit ratio? (1 stage? 2 stages?)

op said:
Big Root doubles leeching efficiency. (Not above 100%) Coded.

Shell Bell restores the user's HP by 33% of the damage they dealt. Coded.
Shell bell and big root are identical on oblivion wing. Huh.

Quash is still useless
Bh seems cool here. Contrary+Octazooka lets go

Dizzy punch might be broken. 80 bp+50 of their bp.

SPit up is still bad, swallow *might* be usable.

Uproar>snore. Also snore should wake up sleeping pokemon as well :).
Does it try and lower every turn, or just check on the turn it paralyzes you? If the second, paralysis is now less useful, and Metagross has serious competition as to which ability to use (para+stats, or 1 turn revenge killing).

Every turn.

(For clarity, in case any confusion is occurring: this is Evasion being lowered. Paralysis-based Speed crippling behaves as in Standard)

I missed this, but... why? Type effectiveness is a trait of the move, not the pokemon. If you want normal types to have an advantage, just make them weak no matter what. If you have a reason I could understand, but this seems nonsensical.

If you give Normal type moves intrinsic super effectives, you put severe pressure on whatever types are suffering from being weak to Normal, between Normal type moves including many unfairly high BP moves and Normal coverage being essentially universally available at high BP. (Literally anything that can use TMs gets Return/Frustration, at the minimum, meaning Physical attackers uniformly have strong Normal coverage, virtually no exceptions)

So Normal type moves simply being super effective is... only really acceptable if I reworked Normal type moves as a whole to bring them in line with "Normal as just another type". (eg reworked the Return/Frustration formula to cap out at 80-90 BP instead of 102, gave Boomburst an actual disadvantage, etc) For all that this Pet Mod makes a lot of changes, I wanted to stay in the realm of familiarity -among other points, a lot of the individual changes are just "This move that's mostly-reliable is completely reliable".

But Normal type Pokemon suffer badly from the fact that their STABs are utterly lacking super effectives, with one of the most obvious pain-points being Normal/Flying types, which should never use a Normal type move over a Flying type move (Assuming equivalent BP etc) unless the target is an Electric type that isn't also paired with a type weak to Flying or with Ghost.

So I wanted Normal type Pokemon to have proper STAB coverage utility of the sort where a player might look at their team and go "You know, I should add a Normal type to provide offensive pressure against X Pokemon type(s)" (Or at least that Starraptor has an actual reason to use Double Edge outside of like, Zapdos, that kind of thing) but not create the outcome that Normal type moves warp the metagame, period.

rip, crits are useless
What about moves with high crit ratio? (1 stage? 2 stages?)

Crits aren't useless, you just don't get the 1/16 baseline chance. If you want a crit, you have to be doing something to grab a crit chance. On the other hand, a Scope Lens is a 1/4 chance of a crit on everything, rather than a 1/8, and all the increased critical hit ratio moves like Night Slash are also 1/4 base, making them much closer to reliable.

Stack on a Scope Lens, and Stone Edge is 1 in 2. And of course then stack on Super Luck and every hit is a crit, though that's not a change from Standard.

Quash is still useless

Probably, but it annoys me how many Quash-capable Pokemon are slow, so much so that there's no reason to use Quash in Doubles or Triples. Murkrow and Kingdra (Prankster, Swift Swim) are the only potentially sensible users of it in Standard. (I have in fact seen Quash Kingdra in Doubles a handful of times, and it can be fairly useful. Never seen Quash Murkrow, though)

Bh seems cool here. Contrary+Octazooka lets go

Combine with Petal Dance! (And then get anti-Dragon/Grass coverage, ie Ice, probably ) No more need for this mixed Contrary nonsense, just spam hideously powerful Special moves! Too bad Ludicolo doesn't have Uber-tier stats. Still, GKBH Palkia is an obvious terror.

Dizzy punch might be broken. 80 bp+50 of their bp.

It's got a really limited distribution, actually, admittedly including Mega Lopunny in its list.

SPit up is still bad, swallow *might* be usable.

I'll admit Gastrodon is the only one I can see maybe wanting to run Spit Up... Maybe I should raise the BP to multiples of 50 so that it's at least Hyper Beam-tier at the end. Swallow is actually kind of scary-good. Generally if you're using Stockpile you're going to get in a use before you do any healing, and then it's 80% of a regular recovery move, and then it gets better.

Uproar>snore. Also snore should wake up sleeping pokemon as well :).

I'll admit it hadn't crossed my mind that Uproar basically invalidates Snore. To be entirely fair, Sleep Talk basically invalidates Snore, too. I considered buffing Snore, but I'm not sure what kind of buff would be worthwhile and not-broken, particular because, again, Sleep Talk.


As it turns out that new Moves are more of a problem to implement than new Abilities, I am strongly considering doing away with the three new Moves -in the case of Flash Freeze I would replace it with "Powder Snow has 30% Freeze chance", for Acid Injection I would make Poison Jab have effectiveness against Steel when used by Beedrill or Mega Beedrill, and for Distortion Drift I would simply make the Distortion Ability available to the Pokemon I originally intended to give the Move version to in addition to Giratina-Altered.

Overall I'm very nearly done coding the meta. The only major change that still eludes me is the grazing mechanic -the other uncoded things are just a few individual Abilities and Moves, many of which I don't have particularly strong feelings on. I may be releasing a grazing-less version of the code soon, if I don't figure out how to implement Grazing.
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You could have Twineedle gain Acid Injection's effects. A few other Mons get the move, but they could use the buff as well.
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I considered that, but among other points I'm not a fan of the idea of bolstering Scolipede. I'm sticking with the kludge-y solution of Poison Jab behaving differently on Beedrill/Mega Beedrill.


Code-wise I am very nearly done, aside from having given up on grazing for the moment and the minor issue that I have no idea how to make Fluidity and Forecast immune to Mummy. (Not a big concern overall, it's not like Castform is a fan of contact moves or Meloetta a fan of contact moves that actually work on Ghosts)

This is in part by adjusting my concept on various things and outright giving up on others -Nightmare is no longer altered, alas, and with Curse I settled for reducing the HP cost for Ghosts using it- but most of the original changes have still made it. One pair of changes I will point out in particular, however, is that of Snow Cloak and Sand Cloak Veil, which obviously needed a change since the grazing mechanic is not implemented and may never be -they now automatically set a Substitute at the end of a turn in which it is Hailing/Sandstorm is running, respectively, for free. (Note that the Substitute still uses their HP value to determine its HP value. It just doesn't cost them that HP)

Depending on how long it takes to get the last niggling issues dealt with, I may be releasing the code as early as tomorrow.
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Finished! (Excepting grazing and the niche point that Mummy can still suppress Fluidity and Forecast -this should almost never crop up, however)

Here is the code. Much thanks to AWailOfATail for their feedback and the cases where they outright wrote a piece of code.

Now we just need hosting.
Finished! (Excepting grazing and the niche point that Mummy can still suppress Fluidity and Forecast -this should almost never crop up, however)

Here is the code. Much thanks to AWailOfATail for their feedback and the cases where they outright wrote a piece of code.

Now we just need hosting.
Note: for those who want grazing, I've been thinking of implementation options, look for that relatively soon.

Anytime, Ghoul King. Glad to work with you on this!
It's not currently hosted anywhere, unfortunately.

And yeah, that was my first thought when Dazzling was announced, too, though I suspect Dazzling only blocks moves targeting the Pokemon.

As an aside, I've been considering reworking one of Meloetta's Forme's statline so it has consistent Speed across the two Formes, since Fluidity means you get weird dynamics of it wanting to enter Pirouette ASAP so it can outspeed switch-ins and all as-is.
Just a suggestion here. Regice should probably get Ice Age. I mean, it was literally made in the ice age. Besides, it's worse than Articuno even in PU and Articuno got buffed with Ice Age...
Don't really want to make a no-weaknesses Pokemon.

I've thought some about modifying the Regis, but ultimately their biggest problem is their movepool, and I'm trying to minimize movepool alterations. I probably could use Abilities to make them viable -Regirock with Regenerator might have an actual niche- but even though they're Abilities are legitimately underwhelming it's not their primary problem.

I might do something with them later, though, particularly if Gen VII provides inspiration, particularly if this gets hosted and played.