
Name: SubGear
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
132 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Spe
Nature: (+Atk, -SpA)
- Gear Change
- Gear Saucer
- Return
- Substitue / protect

The idea of this set is to grab a single gear change, when they switch foretress/scizor/jirachi/bulky steel you create a sub, which protects against gay status and explosions. (If they have flamethrower or something that will 1 hit you, switch out and try to sweep later).Then you would get as many gear changes as possible and try and muscle thru their wall.

Owned by everyone of the pokemon you listed. Forry Earthquakes in your face, Scizor karate chops you, Jirachi Fire Punches your ass, add in Magnezone being completely unafraid of both of your attacking moves and trapping you? Game Freak be a Trollin'. Shed Shell this set and it's decent, which sucks, because he has the makings of a damn scary next gen steel. He would be leaps and bounds better if this only attacking types weren't all resisted by the same pokemon. Seriously this pokemon will never hit good useage becauce it's so easy to wall completely. Gear Change is an amazing boosting move and Gear Saucer has sooo much Potency. With a physical Electric move and a Fighting move Gear 'mon could really carve out a niche...
Volt Change: Electric Special Power: 70 / Accuracy: 100
Switch with ally.

IMO no need for Shed Shell if you have this special electric U-Turn. It isn't like this Pokemon learns any other worthwhile moves such that you'd miss the moveslot if you put this in there.
Gigear with pre-evo stone would probably do a better job with the support set, trading some attack and speed for much better defenses (it doesn't lose any HP)

And you know a pokemon's movepool sucks when it doesn't learn any physical attacks for any type other than Steel and Normal (other than rock smash, but seriously?)
Eh, I think people are being a little harsh to Gigigear, and looking at it all wrong.

Firstly, Gigigear is nothing like a Brongzong cousin. It's more like a Metagross Cousin.

Secondly, due to the dreadful movepool I highly doubt Gigigear will replace Metagross in OU. Or contend. However, I expect it to be fearsome in UU.

However, bear in mind, after a Gear Change, Gigigear is faster than +2 Metagross, AND hits harder with Gear Saucer than Metagross would with Meteor Mash.

The thing is, Gigigear, despite an ABYSMAL movepool, can pull off something VERY few other pokemon can do.

Mixed Set-Up Gigigear
Gigigear @ Leftovers
252 Sp.Attack, 252 Attack, 4 HP
Rash or Any Neutral Nature

- Gear Change
- Gear Saucer
- Charge Beam
- Flash Cannon

Electric and Steel actually gives great coverage, with no single type resisting both. Gigigear uses it's bulk, combined with it's coverage, to set up and sweep. Gigigear outspeeds even 252 Jolly Swellow after a Gear Change, with no investment, AKA, the whole UU teir. Charge Beam allows Gigigear to beef up it's Sp.Attack, while Gear Saucer will be the main methord of attack after a Gear Change, smashing through Substiutes with more power than Meteor Mash from Metagross after a Gear Change.

Rash is the suggested nature, to help with Gigigear's mixed nature. However, Gigigear's Sp.Def is respectable too, so it's actually perfectly feasable to use a Neutral nature on Gigigear in UU, as you'll be using all of Gigigear's stats.

Gigigear posseses no way to navigate around Registeel, unless he has already accumulated numerous Charge Beam boosts. Due to this, it's suggested to have a teammate who can take Registeel down. Wish support is also useful for Gigigear, as he may be forced out, and needs his bulk to set up a Gear Change/Charge Beams.

And Game Freak trolled Gigigear, by giving it so many Electric attacks, but not the Electric type!
It's stats are decent, but it's moveset completely ruined it's potential.

Even with it’s unique move, Gear Change, Gigigiaru finds it hard for some decent coverage. However, it can still use what it has at it's disposal to make it into a somewhat useful Support Sweeper.
I think all sets should run volt change, even though it does quite low damage.

Did u-turns non-stab low damage stop azelf from using it? Volt change is just a good move in general
Eh, I think people are being a little harsh to Gigigear, and looking at it all wrong.

Firstly, Gigigear is nothing like a Brongzong cousin. It's more like a Metagross Cousin.

Secondly, due to the dreadful movepool I highly doubt Gigigear will replace Metagross in OU. Or contend. However, I expect it to be fearsome in UU.

However, bear in mind, after a Gear Change, Gigigear is faster than +2 Metagross, AND hits harder with Gear Saucer than Metagross would with Meteor Mash.

The thing is, Gigigear, despite an ABYSMAL movepool, can pull off something VERY few other pokemon can do.

Mixed Set-Up Gigigear
Gigigear @ Leftovers
252 Sp.Attack, 252 Attack, 4 HP
Rash or Any Neutral Nature

- Gear Change
- Gear Saucer
- Charge Beam
- Flash Cannon

Electric and Steel actually gives great coverage, with no single type resisting both. Gigigear uses it's bulk, combined with it's coverage, to set up and sweep. Gigigear outspeeds even 252 Jolly Swellow after a Gear Change, with no investment, AKA, the whole UU teir. Charge Beam allows Gigigear to beef up it's Sp.Attack, while Gear Saucer will be the main methord of attack after a Gear Change, smashing through Substiutes with more power than Meteor Mash from Metagross after a Gear Change.

Rash is the suggested nature, to help with Gigigear's mixed nature. However, Gigigear's Sp.Def is respectable too, so it's actually perfectly feasable to use a Neutral nature on Gigigear in UU, as you'll be using all of Gigigear's stats.

Gigigear posseses no way to navigate around Registeel, unless he has already accumulated numerous Charge Beam boosts. Due to this, it's suggested to have a teammate who can take Registeel down. Wish support is also useful for Gigigear, as he may be forced out, and needs his bulk to set up a Gear Change/Charge Beams.

And Game Freak trolled Gigigear, by giving it so many Electric attacks, but not the Electric type!

Why use Flash Cannon? Shouldn't you use Thunderbolt for the added Power or Hidden Power for coverage?
Flash Cannon gains STAB, making it stronger than Thunderbolt, and having two Special Attacks of the same type is pointless. The other steel-type attack is physical, so it allows Gigigear to attack both sides of the spectrum with it's STABS.

And while Hidden Power may be helpful [Maybe slashed in?], Flash Cannon is Gigigear's strongest Special attack, and can help it's bulk with a little luck as well [Accuracy Drop].

Finally, HP won't be that helpful anyway, it's not really gonna help Gigigear get around anything that it wouldn't before. Registeel should switch in far before Gigigear gets enough Sp.Attack boosts, and most other pokemon take heavy damage from 2 Charge Beams/STAB move.
This guy is just itching for earthquake. Sad to see, it could've been quite a decent physical sweeper what with gear change and somewhat nice stats. But with a movepool like this... seems that most anything would be a better choice than gigigear =T.
Boy, Gigigear really got screwed over as far as its movepool goes- even Flareon has more options than this guy does, and that's saying something.

Average attack with nothing to use it with, and sub-par special attack with only slightly more to use it with.

Gear Change is alright, but without any moves to back it up...
Eh, I think people are being a little harsh to Gigigear, and looking at it all wrong.

Firstly, Gigigear is nothing like a Brongzong cousin. It's more like a Metagross Cousin.

Secondly, due to the dreadful movepool I highly doubt Gigigear will replace Metagross in OU. Or contend. However, I expect it to be fearsome in UU.

However, bear in mind, after a Gear Change, Gigigear is faster than +2 Metagross, AND hits harder with Gear Saucer than Metagross would with Meteor Mash.

The thing is, Gigigear, despite an ABYSMAL movepool, can pull off something VERY few other pokemon can do.

Mixed Set-Up Gigigear
Gigigear @ Leftovers
252 Sp.Attack, 252 Attack, 4 HP
Rash or Any Neutral Nature

- Gear Change
- Gear Saucer
- Charge Beam
- Flash Cannon

Electric and Steel actually gives great coverage, with no single type resisting both. Gigigear uses it's bulk, combined with it's coverage, to set up and sweep. Gigigear outspeeds even 252 Jolly Swellow after a Gear Change, with no investment, AKA, the whole UU teir. Charge Beam allows Gigigear to beef up it's Sp.Attack, while Gear Saucer will be the main methord of attack after a Gear Change, smashing through Substiutes with more power than Meteor Mash from Metagross after a Gear Change.

Rash is the suggested nature, to help with Gigigear's mixed nature. However, Gigigear's Sp.Def is respectable too, so it's actually perfectly feasable to use a Neutral nature on Gigigear in UU, as you'll be using all of Gigigear's stats.

Gigigear posseses no way to navigate around Registeel, unless he has already accumulated numerous Charge Beam boosts. Due to this, it's suggested to have a teammate who can take Registeel down. Wish support is also useful for Gigigear, as he may be forced out, and needs his bulk to set up a Gear Change/Charge Beams.

And Game Freak trolled Gigigear, by giving it so many Electric attacks, but not the Electric type!

electric resists electric and steel
Did u-turns non-stab low damage stop azelf from using it? Volt change is just a good move in general

But Azelf has a good attack stat while Volt Change will go off of a sucky 70 Sp. Atk.


Attacking Set=No Clever Name
Gigigear @ Shed Shell/Leftovers
Adamant or Jolly
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
-Gear Change
-Gear Saucer
-Substitute/Toxic/Thunder Wave/Volt Change

Jolly is retarded, but I thought I would mention it anyway.
If using Return, use Substitute or Volt Change.
If using Facade, use Toxic or Thunder Wave.
If NOT using Volt Change, serious consideration for Shed Shell.

While not the best, it is the best that this 'mon has.

Gigigear @ Leftovers
Impish or Careful
252 HP, Make Your Own Defenses
-Gear Saucer/Trick Room
-Volt Change
-Toxic/Thunder Wave

Best for non-attacking options. Very gimmicky to use Trick Room as it can't fully use it itself.

Anything I missed? because I don't think mixed attacking is viable.
lol Nuttre is sadly the cool metalic part pokemon of this gen =P.Well anyway gigiear kinds of reminds me of metagross with a somewhat worse typing and worse coverage.But it does have those two signature moves which are really nice.Seems fun il try it out sometimes ^.^
Gigigear is joke. Better to discuss Smeargle passing Gear Change than agree on how fail this is.

On a side note, I agree that Gear Change mixed is the best way to go, functioning much like Mixdra in rain. But way suckier.
dammit. another missed opportunity which i have to wait another gen for. maybe some robot will get gear change in gen 6.
They at least need to give him a good physical Electric move...

Those stats along with Gear Change seem to give the illusion of having great potential, but his movepool is just pathetic. The fact that we're considering Return and Rock Smash as filler moves is sad.
He gets Volt Change (Electric U-turn) I'd say that's about good enough. I love dthis guy from the moment i saw him, and with his awesome stats i love him even more. Shame his movepool sucks, but i'm likingthe idea of a Gear Change/Gear Saucer/Volt Change/Filler set here, which wouldn't need shed shell becaus eof Volt Change.
He gets Volt Change (Electric U-turn) I'd say that's about good enough. I love dthis guy from the moment i saw him, and with his awesome stats i love him even more. Shame his movepool sucks, but i'm likingthe idea of a Gear Change/Gear Saucer/Volt Change/Filler set here, which wouldn't need shed shell becaus eof Volt Change.

Volt Change is a Special move so he would still need to go mixed. What he really needs is Super Power.
I'm planning on running a T-Wave / Gear Change / Gear Saucer / Return or Rock Smash set.
Seems rather cool on paper, but meh, I dunno what to expect.

At least it's one hell of an amazing pokemon, design-wise.
I'm planning on running a T-Wave / Gear Change / Gear Saucer / Return or Rock Smash set.
Seems rather cool on paper, but meh, I dunno what to expect.

At least it's one hell of an amazing pokemon, design-wise.

Gear Saucer / Return gets walled pretty hard core. Rock Smash might work, but god it has such a low BP...
His movepool is as horrible as him!

However, I think the best Gigigear has to give is the next movepool:
-Gear Saucer
-Gear Change
-Thunder Wave
-Volt Change

With an EVs Spread of 252 Attack/252 Sp. Attack/4 Speed
After all, he reaches a Speed stat of 400 something after a single Gear Saucer.
Lol, I was about to make a thread on giga.
here are a few of the sets I came up with:
-Gigigear@ Life Orb

Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Attack/252 Speed/4 Special Attack
Naive (+Speed, - Special Defense)/Naughty (+Attack, - Special Defense)
-Gear Change
-Gear Saucer
-Volt Change
Volt Change to get away from steel-types that will wall you (though you can just switch if its faster than you/immune to electric and doesn't have magnet pull), Gear Saucer and return I believe give you perfect coverage on all but steel-types and original rotom (haha, no more spinblocking for rotom forms ^^). After a Gear change with a Naive nature, you're at 612 Speed, and you get ~445 attack (492 attack with Naughty nature).

Gigigear @ Life Orb/ Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
EVs:252 Special Attack/252 Speed/4 HP
Timid (+Speed, -Attack)/Modest(+Special Attack,-Attack)
-Charge Beam
-Flash Cannon
-HP Ground/HP Fire
Gigi's Sp.A stat isn't fantastic, but his special movepool is decent enough to do decent damage with the added suprise.
Go into something that you predict will switch out expecting you to kill it (ex:starmie locked into T-bolt), and sub up. Use charge beam whenever possible to get some Sp.A boosts. Flash Cannon is for STAB and works pretty well with charge beam. Now its the choice of HPs:Ground or Fire.
With HP ground, you hit heatran and electric-types SE, but are then walled by all the rotom forms and zapdos (though dos isn't too common in OU from my experience, and I believe this thing has a chance at OU). With HP fire, you hit scizor and forry SE and get neutral coverage on tran, but you're still walled by rotom-H. I'd say choose your HP based on what the rest of your team has problems dealing with.

I thought of a special RP set too, but i'm in a rush. i might post it later. sorry about text size, can't seem to fix it. :/

I think its safe to say he was tailor made for triple/double battles where if (in a triple battle) his partners also have plus or minus, they all will start with +2 Sp. Attack.
gear change, gear saucer, volt change, and either thunder wave or toxic. Use gear change, and either paralyze or poison their counter, then switch out with volt change. Once it's been worn down a little bit, you can come in again and attempt to do it in. A Gigigear sweep seems implausible, regardless of the circumstances. Steel is just not a great attacking type by itself. Lack of coverage moves is just too much for the poor guy to overcome.