Name: SubGear
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
132 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Spe
Nature: (+Atk, -SpA)
- Gear Change
- Gear Saucer
- Return
- Substitue / protect
The idea of this set is to grab a single gear change, when they switch foretress/scizor/jirachi/bulky steel you create a sub, which protects against gay status and explosions. (If they have flamethrower or something that will 1 hit you, switch out and try to sweep later).Then you would get as many gear changes as possible and try and muscle thru their wall.
Owned by everyone of the pokemon you listed. Forry Earthquakes in your face, Scizor karate chops you, Jirachi Fire Punches your ass, add in Magnezone being completely unafraid of both of your attacking moves and trapping you? Game Freak be a Trollin'. Shed Shell this set and it's decent, which sucks, because he has the makings of a damn scary next gen steel. He would be leaps and bounds better if this only attacking types weren't all resisted by the same pokemon. Seriously this pokemon will never hit good useage becauce it's so easy to wall completely. Gear Change is an amazing boosting move and Gear Saucer has sooo much Potency. With a physical Electric move and a Fighting move Gear 'mon could really carve out a niche...