
Gigigear would love to get superpower, or at least another physical move that's remotely useful. It gets thunderbolt, but not wild volt?
FINALLY. A Pure Steel type that can actually be (to some extent) used in competitive play. 11 resistances and one immunity with 60/115/80 defenses with gear change and a stab sub-breaking move with electric u-turn? COUNT ME IN!
Body Purge's secondary effect really needs to be listed in the OP. :0 It greatly reduces the user's weight in addition to boosting speed (not sure if it halves, or does less). For the most part, it's probably not better than Gear Change, but I think it's worth slashing over Gear Change on most sets for its ability to greatly reduce Low Kick's damage on it.

...but then again, we don't know how common Low Kick will be, so maybe not.

Sorry if this was mentioned already, but I didn't notice anyone bring this up.
To me, Gigigear serves as a wall/scouter early on and later becomes a sweeper once all threats/counters are taken care of.

Basically, I would go with something like this.

Impish @ Leftovers
176 HP/ 252 Def/ 76 Att (or something like that, maybe take away some Def EVs and put them into SpD)
Gear Shift
Gear Saucer
Volt Change

Basically, he can come in and absorb some resisted attacks early on and scout a little bit. Once some threats have been taken care of, Gigigear can come in, boost up, and clean up. Dugtrio is a problem, but how often is that thing actually used?
Why doesn't this guy get any moves?! Trollfreak seriously needs to make more elemental attacks (blazing gears sound awesome...)

Yeah, blazing gears sounds like an awesome move, if it existed.

I do kinda understand that he doesn't get wild bolt. He doesn't really seem that wild.

Hell, even nitro charge would be nice for this guy.
A rest/sleep talk/gear change/gear saucer set would be cool (especially since he's probably gonna be UU with that horrible movepool), but of course sleep talk is no longer a tm...
Just a note: 70 SA isn't horrible, and it gets access to metal sound. Metal sound on the switch and you can outspeed Magnezone with 64 evs and OHKO with HP Fire (because most will run balloon), although you need near max SA with a neutral nature and Expert Belt.

Expert Belt near Max SA neutral nature will OHKO with HP Ground without metal sound, as will any Metal Sounded HP Ground.

Movepool is terrible. Doesn't even get Natural Gift.
Yeah, I know, but a Fire berry and natural gift would wreck magnezone. Doesn't make sense, but Natural Gift is my go to physical gimmick.
I was battling N I think and his Klinklang used Metal Sound which actually made it's special attacks pretty painful. Just something to keep in mind incase you wanna add a special move or two to your sets....
I had some varying success a while back with a TR Gigigear, I ran something along the lines of.

172 HP/240 S.Atk/96 S.Def
-Volt Change
-Metal Sound
-Flash Cannon
-Trick Room
I had some varying success a while back with a TR Gigigear, I ran something along the lines of.

172 HP/240 S.Atk/96 S.Def
-Volt Change
-Metal Sound
-Flash Cannon
-Trick Room

This thing learns Trick Room? Huh.

TBH, though, this would seem better suited to a physical attacking Klang than this. Gear Grind/Return/Volt Change (for quick Switches)/TR works a hell of a lot better with better defences and much more abysmal speed.

Of course, its prevo doesn't lear TR. Great. You might as well use Jirachi then since they have more or less equal base speeds but Jirachi sucks a hell of a lot less.
This thing learns Trick Room? Huh.

TBH, though, this would seem better suited to a physical attacking Klang than this. Gear Grind/Return/Volt Change (for quick Switches)/TR works a hell of a lot better with better defences and much more abysmal speed.

Of course, its prevo doesn't lear TR. Great. You might as well use Jirachi then since they have more or less equal base speeds but Jirachi sucks a hell of a lot less.

I'm assuming he will be placed in a non-OU tier, so Jirachi isn't really an option in those.
Love the concept, great stats, horrible movepool. >_>

Like, seriously. Could his movepool get any worse? Well, I did manage to create an interesting movepool. Actually got quite a few sweeps.

Klinklang w/ Chesto Berry
Adamant Nature, 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP (though moving some EVs from Speed to HP could work well).
Gear Shift
Gear Grind

I'll explain it and post a video of it working spectacularly later.
Body Purge's secondary effect really needs to be listed in the OP. :0 It greatly reduces the user's weight in addition to boosting speed (not sure if it halves, or does less). For the most part, it's probably not better than Gear Change, but I think it's worth slashing over Gear Change on most sets for its ability to greatly reduce Low Kick's damage on it.

...but then again, we don't know how common Low Kick will be, so maybe not.

Sorry if this was mentioned already, but I didn't notice anyone bring this up.

Body Purge really doesn't need to be mentioned at all. Why give up +1 Attack just to lower Low Kicks base power from 80 to 60, whilst simultaneously boosting the damage you take from Heat Stamp and Heavy Bomber. There is literally no reason at all to do that.
Love the concept, great stats, horrible movepool. >_>

Like, seriously. Could his movepool get any worse? Well, I did manage to create an interesting movepool. Actually got quite a few sweeps.

Klinklang w/ Chesto Berry
Adamant Nature, 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP (though moving some EVs from Speed to HP could work well).
Gear Shift
Gear Grind

I'll explain it and post a video of it working spectacularly later.

I was thinking about running such a set in UU, but wouldn't it be better to run more bulk and less Spe? The point of Chesto Rest sets is to get two turns of setup. I don't think you need any Spe investment to outspeed Scarf 115+s, if I'm estimating correctly.
Klinklang has good stats, and good signature moves, BUT IT DOESN'T LEARN ANY MOVES OF NOTE OTHER THAN ITS SIGNATURES!!!!! it should at least gotten wild charge. I would usually try to make a set for it, but it's moves that are in the gear shift set are the ONLY physical moves it learns. This thing would have been so much better if gear shift raised SP atck and its offensive stats were switched THEN We'd have something notable.
Such a sad, sad tale. There are many ways to nerf a potentially awesome pokemon, but having a tiny movepool must be one of the cruelest. A pure-Steel type with decent bulk and it learns awesome signature moves? A better Dragon Dance and a STAB Double Hit to break subs? GameFreak, sometimes you can be so cruel.
You can't even call that perfect coverage on Skarm. Rock Smash won't even break 20% after setup, I bet.