Why doesn't this guy get any moves?! Trollfreak seriously needs to make more elemental attacks (blazing gears sound awesome...)
I had some varying success a while back with a TR Gigigear, I ran something along the lines of.
172 HP/240 S.Atk/96 S.Def
-Volt Change
-Metal Sound
-Flash Cannon
-Trick Room
This thing learns Trick Room? Huh.
TBH, though, this would seem better suited to a physical attacking Klang than this. Gear Grind/Return/Volt Change (for quick Switches)/TR works a hell of a lot better with better defences and much more abysmal speed.
Of course, its prevo doesn't lear TR. Great. You might as well use Jirachi then since they have more or less equal base speeds but Jirachi sucks a hell of a lot less.
Body Purge's secondary effect really needs to be listed in the OP. :0 It greatly reduces the user's weight in addition to boosting speed (not sure if it halves, or does less). For the most part, it's probably not better than Gear Change, but I think it's worth slashing over Gear Change on most sets for its ability to greatly reduce Low Kick's damage on it.
...but then again, we don't know how common Low Kick will be, so maybe not.
Sorry if this was mentioned already, but I didn't notice anyone bring this up.
Love the concept, great stats, horrible movepool. >_>
Like, seriously. Could his movepool get any worse? Well, I did manage to create an interesting movepool. Actually got quite a few sweeps.
Klinklang w/ Chesto Berry
Adamant Nature, 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP (though moving some EVs from Speed to HP could work well).
Gear Shift
Gear Grind
I'll explain it and post a video of it working spectacularly later.
gear grind
gear shift
rock smash
perfect coverage except for jellicent and chandelure (tyranitar anyone?)