Golem (revamp) [QC 3/3] [GP 2/2]

Can't amcheck atm, probably will fully check it later (not a placeholder) but just a few small things:

1st set said:
"This set is designed to get up hazards at the beginning of the battle."
It's entry hazard(s), never hazard(s) alone. If there are any other mistakes like that in there, fix it.

AC of the 1st set said:
"Finally, Misdreavus can be partnered alongside Golem to take on Sawk and block Rapid Spinners."
Rapid Spinners is not a word. You can use either spinner(s) or Rapid Spin user.

AC of the 1st set said:
"Scolipede makes a decent partner as well, as it can set up Spikes alongside Golem's Stealth Rock while Golem can take Fire, Rock, and Flying-type attacks aimed at Scolipede."
Fire-, Rock-, and Flying-type; don't forget the hyphens in there.

C&C said:
"Misdreavus is faster than both of Golem's sets, has access to Will-o-wisp, and is immune to both Explosion and Earthquake."
It's Will-O-Wisp.

There are more, but that was just an extremely brieft skim in no particular order. .3.
I'm not going to amcheck it because Governess wants to ^_^
Although, remember it's "Overview" not "OVERVIEW". This is the same for "Other Options" and "Checks and Counters". They are never fully capitalized, only the first letters of each word (except for and) is.
Finally got this amcheck done, nice analysis.

The biggest issues with the analysis was the lack of commas where it needed to be. There were a lot of run-on sentences that needed commas, and some of the wording of things were weird as well. Other than that, nice job! :)


Treecko37 said:

<p>NU is a tier packed full of potential Stealth Rock users, many of whom share one of Golem's typings. However, there are many different reasons to choose Golem for a slot on your team. Probably tThe best reason to choose Golem for your team is its dual Ground / Rock typing, (Space before and after the /, it should be Ground / Rock. Also, not probably, that IS the best reason to use Golem.)(AC) whichom no other common Pokemon in NU shares. This allows it to take Flying-type moves with ease while also being immune to Electric-type attacks. It also gives the rock monsterGolem an additional STAB move to utilize, (AC) whichom Pokemon like Gigalith would love to have. Additionally, Golem is one of only a few Pokemon in the tier who is nearly guaranteed to set up Stealth Rock. T thanks to Sturdy, which allows Golem is guaranteed to live any one hit from full HP unless the opposing Pokemon has Mold Breaker. With these things in mind, Golem is usually better suited for more offensively oriented teams. Despite its great qualities, not everything is perfect for Golem. NU is a tier filled with Grass-, Water-, and Ground-type Pokemon who have a favorable match-up against it. (You forgotten the hyphens throughout the analysis; remember those next time around.) Additionally, in spite of its great movepool, Golem is often hard-pressed to find room for other moves than the ones found here. Overall, Golem is not without its flaws, but if you are looking for an offensive Stealth Rock user, you have come to the right place.</p>

name: Custap Lead
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Rock Blast
move 4: Explosion
item: Custap Berry
ability: Sturdy
nature: Adamant
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>This set is designed to get up entry hazards at the beginning of the battle. With Sturdy at its disposal, Golem is guaranteed to set up Stealth Rock against most opposing leads. Another way this set benefits from the presence of Sturdy is through Custap Berry and Explosion. Thanks to Sturdy, Golem will often be knocked down to Custap range very early on in the battle. Custap Berry gives the user +1 priority on the next selected move when the holder is at 25% or less HP. This, in combination with Explosion, makes Golem a potent threat and allows for a safe switch into another Pokemon once it has completed the task of setting up Stealth Rock. Some may argue that Gigalith does this job better due to its higher Attack stat, but Golem also has Ground-type STAB to its advantage—something that Gigalith cannot claim. This makes Earthquake a givenmandatory move on the set. Rock Blast is chosen over Stone Edge or Rock Slide to allow Golem to hit through common Substitute users such as Braviary, Haunter, and Ninjask, (AC) as well as breaking Focus Sashes on Pokemon like Scolipede.</p>


<p>The given set runs maximum Speed EVs because the loss in bulk is not important for a suicide lead. There are also still a few options that you can use over the moves listed in this set. Toxic is a nice move to take on the bulkier Pokemon against which youGolem may otherwise struggle with. Alomomola and Tangela are notable examples of this. You may also want to run Sucker Punch over Explosion to catch some Pokemon such as Haunter off -guard after Custap Berry has been used. This set runs best on offensive teams that require a specific Pokemon being weakened or taken out, (AC) as both Explosion and Stealth Rock will deal a great amount of damage to opposing leads and switch-ins. Basically aAnything that appreciates the presence of Stealth Rock to assure a KO makes a good partner to this Golem set. (Basically was unneeded in this sentence.) Some examples include Sawsbuck, Ludicolo, and Seismitoad. Scolipede makes a decent partner as well, as it can set up Spikes alongside Golem's Stealth Rock while Golem can take the Fire-, Rock-, and Flying-type attacks aimed at Scolipede. Finally, Misdreavus can be partnered alongside Golem to take on Sawk and block Rapid Spinn users. (Like I mentioned earlier, Rapid Spinners is not a real word. Either spinners, or Rapid Spin users.)</p>

name: Utility
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Rock Blast
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Sucker Punch / Toxic
ability: Sturdy
item: Leftovers
nature: Adamant
evs: 200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spe


<p>This set takes a slightly more defensive role than the Custap Berry set while still investing EVs in Golem's attack to hit hard.(Don't mention the EVs in the Set Comments, and you don't have to compare the Custap Berry to the Utility set so often.) One of the main benefits of utilitythis set on Golem is that it stays around much longer, in most instances, than what the Custap Berry set does, allowing it to check Flying-types in the tier. Once again, this set sets up Stealth Rock and uses Rock Black and Earthquake for STAB moves. The last choicFor the fin al moveslot, betweenthere are two options: Toxic and Sucker Punch, in which the decision is up to you to make based on preference and what theyour team needs. Toxic is great for crippling walls and decreasing their vitality, (AC) while Sucker Punch takes on a more offensive role, allowing toGolem beat faster, frailer foes.</p>


<p>56 Speed EVs are used to outspeed Shell Smash Torkoal before it has gotten off the boost and defeat it beat it befofore it gets the chance to use Rapid Spin. 252 Attack EVs are also it getsnvested so that Golem chance to spin hit as hard as possible. Lum Berry can be used in lieu of Leftovers to survive status one time, giving it the opportunity to come in on a predicted Toxic later in the match. It also helps it to beat Liepard and to guarantee Stealth Rock are setis placed against opposing Golurk with DynamicPunch. Rocky Helmet is another option for an item. This, (AC) as it punishes Rapin Spin users, (AC) for blowremoving away your Stealth Rock, (AC) and punishes the likes of Swellow and Braviary, (AC) who try to regain switch initiative with U-turn. Protect may be chosen over Sucker Punch or Toxic for the last slot. While it may have less utility than either of these moves, there are situations where Protect can come in handy. First, it allows Golem to scout against common Choiced Pokemon such as Primeape and Sawk. It also allowgrants Golem the ability to recover up to Sturdy after switching in to Stealth Rock. </p>

(Paragraph was a tad too long, so I cut it in two.)Good teammates for this set are still rather similar to the Custap Berry set: Pokemon who like the presence of Stealth Rock on the field in order to help net certain KOes love the utility this set offers. Since this Golem set often sticks around longer in the battle, it can also take hits from Flying- and Normal-types that other teammates may not appreciate. This makes frailer offensive threats like, (AC) such as Swellow and Jynx, (AC) great choices for partners. Golem also appreciates a partner who can sponge the special hits that it would rather avoid. Mantine fits this role well, (AC) asince it compliements Golem's typing well, resistings Fighting-type attacks, (AC) and takinges most special Grass- and Ice-type special attacks with ease. It also has Water Absorb, (AC) which means it benefits from switching into Water-type attacks targeted at Golem.</p>

[OTHER OPTIONSther Options]

<p>There are not very many other options for Golem. One thing that it can fit into its Custap set is Sunny Day over Explosion. With this setchange, Golem is able to set up both Stealth Rock and Sunny Day in order to support its team. This is a solid option for sun teams, (AC) as Golem will likely use Sunny Day right before it dies, providing a free switch into a threatening sun sweeper. You can also choose to run Stone Edge for more power or Rock Slide for greater accuracy, though you lose out on being able to break Substitutes and Focus Sashes. Normal Gem can be used alongside Explosion to deal massive amounts of damage, though this is less reliable than Custap Berry. For this same reason, Lum Berry and Leftovers are generally poor choices on the Custap set. Autotomize may seem like a good option to outspeed and defeat common checks to Golem, but between its common weaknesses, (AC) making it becomes difficult to set up, (AC) and its Speed, (AC) it leavinges itself vulnerable to being revenge killed by common Choice Scarf users. A Choice Band could be used, but Golem is not best suited for this role; since many other common Stealth Rock users share a similar typing, you are just compounding weaknesses for your opponent to exploit. Sturdy is also great for a Stealth Rock lead role, and by running a Choice Band set, you aren't utilizing Golem to its fullest potential.</p>

[CHECKS AND COUNTERShecks and Counters]

<p>As has been already stated, Golem's weaknesses are common., and It also has a poor Special Defense status that can be used against it. For this reason, it has many checks and counters are many. Some Taunt users, (AC) such as Misdreavus and Serperior, (AC) can both prevent Stealth Rock from being set up and defeat Golem one on -on-one. Misdreavus is faster than both of Golem's sets, has access to Will-o-wO-Wisp, and is immune to both Explosion and Earthquake. Serperior can use Taunt and hit Golem hard with Giga Drain. Mold Breaker Sawk can also prevent Stealth Rock from being setplaced by ignoring Sturdy and knocking out Golem in one hit. Golem struggles to beat bulky Water- and Grass-types, (AC) such as Samurott, Ludicolo, and Torterra, (AC) who can all manage to take a hit while bringing Golem down to 1 HP. Piloswine can also beat Golem thanks to its STAB Ice Shard and Earthquake, both of which itGolem is weak to. Alomomola cannot prevent Golem from setting up Stealth Rock, but otherwise, it will always beat Golem not carrying Toxic thanks to its great HP and Defense stat and access to Wish. Finally, while Golem may seem like a solid answer to Braviary, it needs to be wary against it. Golem relies on hitting multiple times with Rock Blast in order to break through Substitutes and hit for solid damage. Otherwise, Braviary can set up to +6 Attack and Defense with Bulk Up while Golem struggles to break through its Substitutes. Golem also risks being hit with a Superpower if it switches into Braviary.</p>
Implemented most of the above changes.

Under the overview, I left "which" over "whom" in both cases since it refers to Golem's typing and secondary STAB respectively rather than the Pokemon itself.

Under Custap's AC, I didn't add "with" to the end of "Toxic is a nice move to take on the bulkier Pokemon against which Golem may otherwise struggle." since dangling prepositions are bad and I already had "against which" to cover that.

For Utility's AC, I did not add the "252 Atk for max power" comment because as far as I know, since this is so obvious, it's typically left out. If I am told otherwise, I'll add it though.

Everything else, I either implemented or tweaked just slightly to better fit my writing style. I liked that you split Utility's AC to two paragraphs, so that was implemented.

Thanks for the help Governess!
No need to add superfluous stuff like max attack power. It's little things like that clutter analyses and make them really long and we don't want that (lol). Gave the ammy check a very quick lookover and I trust Treecko37's judgment on pretty much everything so...
remove add commentary


<p>NU is a tier packed full of potential Stealth Rock users, many of whom share one of Golem's typings. However, there are many different reasons to choose Golem for a slot on your team. The best reason to choose Golem for your team is its dual Ground / Rock typing, which no other common Pokemon in NU shares. This allows it to take Flying-type moves with ease while also being immune to Electric-type attacks. It also gives Golem an additional STAB move to utilize, which Pokemon like Gigalith would love to have. Additionally, Golem is one of only a few Pokemon in the tier that is nearly guaranteed to set up Stealth Rock thanks to Sturdy, allowing Golem to live any one hit from full HP unless the opposing Pokemon has Mold Breaker. With these things in mind, Golem is usually better suited for more offensively oriented teams. Finally, while Golem may have exploitable Grass-, Water-, and Ground-type weaknesses and a low Special Defensive stat, it is still a great Stealth Rock user that gets its job done well.</p>

name: Custap Lead
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Rock Blast
move 4: Explosion
item: Custap Berry
ability: Sturdy
nature: Adamant
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>This set is designed to get up entry hazards at the beginning of the battle. With Sturdy at its disposal, Golem is guaranteed to set up Stealth Rock against most opposing leads. Another way this set benefits from the presence of Sturdy is through Custap Berry and Explosion. Thanks to Sturdy and a lack of EVs in Defense or Special Defense, Golem will often be knocked down to Custap range very early on in the battle. Custap Berry gives the user +1 priority on the next selected move when the holder is at 25% or less HP. This, in combination with Explosion, makes Golem a potent threat and allows for a safe switch into another Pokemon once it has completed the task of setting up Stealth Rock. Some may argue that Gigalith does this job better due to its higher Attack stat, but Golem also has Ground-type STAB to its advantage—something that Gigalith cannot claim. This makes Earthquake a mandatory move on the set [What does Earthquake hit?]. Rock Blast is chosen over Stone Edge or Rock Slide to allow Golem to hit through common Substitute users such as Braviary, Haunter, and Ninjask, as well as breaking Focus Sashes on Pokemon like Scolipede.</p>


<p>The given set runs maximum Speed EVs because the loss in bulk is not important for a suicide lead. There are also still a few options that you can use over the moves listed in this set. Toxic is a nice move to take on the bulkier Pokemon against which Golem may otherwise struggle., chipping away at walls such as Alomomola and Tangela are notable examples of this. You may also want to run Sucker Punch over Explosion to catch some Pokemon such as Haunter off guard after Custap Berry has been used. This set runs best on offensive teams that require a specific Pokemon being weakened or taken out, as both Explosion and Stealth Rock will deal a great amount of damage to opposing leads and switch-ins. Anything that appreciates the presence of Stealth Rock to assure a KO makes a good partner to this Golem set. Some examples include Sawsbuck, Ludicolo, and Seismitoad. Scolipede makes a decent partner to Golem as well, as it can set up Spikes alongside Golem's Stealth Rock while Golem can take the Fire-, Rock-, and Flying-type attacks aimed at Scolipede. Finally, Misdreavus can be partnered alongside Golem to take on Sawk and block Rapid Spin.</p>

name: Utility
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Rock Blast
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Sucker Punch / Toxic
ability: Sturdy
item: Leftovers
nature: Adamant
evs: 200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spe


<p>This set takes a slightly more defensive role than the Custap Berry set. One of the main benefits of Golem using this set is that it stays around much longer, in most in most cases, allowing it to check Flying-types in the tier. Once again, this set sets up Stealth Rock and uses Rock Black and Earthquake for STAB moves. For the final moveslot, there are two options: Toxic and Sucker Punch. The choice between the two is entirely up to what your team needs more. Toxic is great for crippling walls and decreasing their vitality, while Sucker Punch takes on a more offensive role, allowing Golem to beat faster, frailer foes such as Haunter [Example are always helpful for the audience to understand what the moves accomplish!].</p>


<p>56 Speed EVs are used to outspeed Shell Smash Torkoal before it has gotten off the boost and defeat it before it gets the chance to use Rapin Spin. Lum Berry can be used in lieu of Leftovers to survivecure one infliction of status one time, giving itGolem the opportunity to come in on a predicted Toxic later in the match. It also helps it to beat Liepard and to guarantee Stealth Rock is placed against opposing Golurk with DynamicPunch. Rocky Helmet is another option for an item, as it punishes both Rapin Spin users for removing your Stealth Rock and Swellow and Braviary that try to regain switch initiative with U-turn. Protect may be chosen over Sucker Punch or Toxic for the last slot. While it may have less utility than either of these moves, there are situations where Protect can come in handy. First, it allows Golem to scout against common Choiced Pokemon such as Primeape and Sawk. It also grants Golem the ability to recurn of Leftover up to Sturds recovery after switching in to Stealth Rock, allowing it to refresh the effects of Sturdy.</p>

<p>Good teammates for this set are rather similar to the Custap Berry set: Pokemon that like the presence of Stealth Rock on the field in order to help net certain KOes love the utility this set offers. Since this Golem set often sticks around longer in the battle, it can also take hits from Flying and Normal-types that other teammates may not appreciate. This makes frailer offensive threats, such as Swellow and Jynx, great choices for partners. Golem also appreciates a partner who can sponge the special hits that it would rather avoid. Mantine fits this role well since it complements Golem's typing well, resists Fighting-type attacks, and takes most special Grass and Ice-type attacks with ease. It also has Water Absorb, which means it benefits from switching into Water-type attacks targeted at Golem.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>There are not many other options for Golem. One thing that it can fit into its Custap set is Sunny Day over Explosion. With this change, Golem is able to set up both Stealth Rock and Sunny Day in order to support its team. This is a solid option for sun teams, as Golem will likely use Sunny Day right before it dies, providing a free switch into a threatening sun sweeper. You can also choose to run Stone Edge for more power or Rock Slide for greater accuracy, though you lose out on being able to break Substitutes and Focus Sashes. Normal Gem can be used alongside Explosion to deal massive amounts of damage, though this is less reliable than Custap Berry. For this same reason, Lum Berry and Leftovers are generally poor choices on the Custap set. Autotomize may seem like a good option to outspeed and defeat common checks to Golem, but between its common weaknesses making it difficult to set up and its Speed leaving it vulnerable to being revenge killed by common Choice Scarf users, itGolem is a generally infbetter off filling a suppor choicting role. A Choice Band could be used, but Golem is not best suited for this role; since many other common Stealth Rock users share a similar typing, you are just compounding weaknesses for your opponent to exploit. Sturdy is also great for a Stealth Rock lead role, and by running a Choice Band set, you aren't utilizing Golem to its fullest potential.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Golem's weaknesses are common, and it also has a poor Special Defense status that can be used against it. For these reasons, its has many checks and counters. Some Taunt users, such as Misdreavus and Serperior, can both prevent Stealth Rock from being set and defeat Golem one-on-one. Misdreavus is faster than both of Golem's sets, has access to Will-O-Wisp, and is immune to both Explosion and Earthquake. Serperior can use Taunt and hit Golem hard with Giga Drain. Mold Breaker Sawk can also prevent Stealth Rock from being placed by ignoring Sturdy and knocking out Golem in one hit. Golem struggles to beat bulky Water- and Grass-types, such as Samurott, Ludicolo, and Torterra, which can all manage to take a hit while bringing Golem down to 1 HP. Piloswine can also beat Golem thanks to STAB Ice Shard and Earthquake, both of which Golem is weak to. Alomomola cannot prevent Golem from setting up Stealth Rock, but otherwise, it will always beat Golem not carrying Toxic thanks to its great HP and, high Defense and access to Wish. Finally, while Golem may seem like a solid answer to Braviary, it needs to be wary against it due to Bulk Up. Golem relies on hitting multiplea high number of times with Rock Blast in order to break through Substitutes and hit for solid damage. O; otherwise, Braviary can set up to +6 Attack and Defense with Bulk Up while Golem struggles to break Substitute. Golem also risks being hit with a Superpower if it switches into Braviary.</p>


<p>NU is a tier packed full of potential Stealth Rock users, many of whom share one of Golem's typings. However, there are many different reasons to choose Golem for a slot on your team. The best reason to choose Golem for your team is its dual Ground / Rock typing, which no other common Pokemon in NU shares. This allows it to take Flying-type moves with ease while also being immune to Electric-type attacks. It also gives Golem an additional STAB move to utilize, which Pokemon like Gigalith would love to have. Additionally, Golem is one of only a few Pokemon in the tier that is nearly guaranteed to set up Stealth Rock thanks to Sturdy, allowing Golem to live any one hit from full HP unless the opposing Pokemon has Mold Breaker. With these things in mind, Golem is usually better suited for more offensively oriented teams. Finally, while Golem may have exploitable Grass-, Water-, and Ground-type weaknesses and a low Special Defense stat, it is still a great Stealth Rock user that gets its job done well.</p>

name: Custap Lead
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Rock Blast
move 4: Explosion
item: Custap Berry
ability: Sturdy
nature: Adamant
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>This set is designed to get up entry hazards at the beginning of the battle. With Sturdy at its disposal, Golem is guaranteed to set up Stealth Rock against most opposing leads. Another way this set benefits from the presence of Sturdy is through Custap Berry and Explosion. Thanks to Sturdy and a lack of EVs in Defense or Special Defense, Golem will often be knocked down to Custap range very early on in the battle. Custap Berry gives the user +1 priority on the next selected move when the holder is at 25% or less HP. This, in combination with Explosion, makes Golem a potent threat and allows for a safe switch into another Pokemon once it has completed the task of setting up Stealth Rock. Some may argue that Gigalith does this job better due to its higher Attack stat, but Golem also has Ground-type STAB to its advantage—something that Gigalith cannot claim. This makes Earthquake a mandatory move on the set. Rock Blast is chosen over Stone Edge or Rock Slide to allow Golem to hit through common Substitute users such as Braviary, Haunter, and Ninjask, as well as breaking Focus Sashes on Pokemon like Scolipede.</p>


<p>The given set runs maximum Speed EVs because the loss in bulk is not important for a suicide lead. There are also still a few options that you can use over the moves listed in this set. Toxic is a nice move to take on the bulkier Pokemon against which Golem may otherwise struggle, chipping away at walls such as Alomomola and Tangela. You may also want to run Sucker Punch over Explosion to catch some Pokemon such as Haunter off guard after Custap Berry has been used. This set runs best on offensive teams that require a specific Pokemon being weakened or taken out, as both Explosion and Stealth Rock will deal a great amount of damage to opposing leads and switch-ins. Anything that appreciates the presence of Stealth Rock to assure a KO makes a good partner to this Golem set. Some examples include Sawsbuck, Ludicolo, and Seismitoad. Scolipede makes a decent partner to Golem as well, as it can set up Spikes alongside Golem's Stealth Rock while Golem can take the Fire-, Rock-, and Flying-type attacks aimed at Scolipede. Finally, Misdreavus can be partnered alongside Golem to take on Sawk and block Rapid Spin.</p>

name: Utility
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Rock Blast
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Sucker Punch / Toxic
ability: Sturdy
item: Leftovers
nature: Adamant
evs: 200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spe


<p>This set takes a slightly more defensive role than the Custap Berry set. One of the main benefits of Golem using this set is that it stays around much longer, in most in most cases, allowing it to check Flying-types in the tier. Once again, this set sets up Stealth Rock and uses Rock Black and Earthquake for STAB moves. For the final moveslot, there are two options: Toxic and Sucker Punch. The choice between the two is entirely up to what your team needs more. Toxic is great for crippling walls and decreasing their vitality, while Sucker Punch takes on a more offensive role, allowing Golem to beat faster, frailer foes such as Haunter.</p>


<p>56 Speed EVs are used to outspeed Shell Smash Torkoal before it has gotten off the boost and defeat it before it gets the chance to use Rapin Spin. Lum Berry can be used in lieu of Leftovers to cure one infliction of status, giving Golem the opportunity to come in on a predicted Toxic later in the match. It also helps it to beat Liepard and to guarantee Stealth Rock is placed against opposing Golurk with DynamicPunch. Rocky Helmet is another option for an item, as it punishes both Rapin Spin users for removing your Stealth Rock and Swellow and Braviary that try to regain switch initiative with U-turn. Protect may be chosen over Sucker Punch or Toxic for the last slot. While it may have less utility than either of these moves, there are situations where Protect can come in handy. First, it allows Golem to scout against common Choiced Pokemon such as Primeape and Sawk. It also grants Golem a turn of Leftovers recovery after switching in to Stealth Rock, allowing it to refresh the effects of Sturdy.</p>

<p>Good teammates for this set are rather similar to the Custap Berry set: Pokemon that like the presence of Stealth Rock on the field in order to help net certain KOes love the utility this set offers. Since this Golem set often sticks around longer in the battle, it can also take hits from Flying and Normal-types that other teammates may not appreciate. This makes frailer offensive threats, such as Swellow and Jynx, great choices for partners. Golem also appreciates a partner who can sponge the special hits that it would rather avoid. Mantine fits this role well since it complements Golem's typing well, resists Fighting-type attacks, and takes most special Grass and Ice-type attacks with ease. It also has Water Absorb, which means it benefits from switching into Water-type attacks targeted at Golem.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>There are not many other options for Golem. One thing that it can fit into its Custap set is Sunny Day over Explosion. With this change, Golem is able to set up both Stealth Rock and Sunny Day in order to support its team. This is a solid option for sun teams, as Golem will likely use Sunny Day right before it dies, providing a free switch into a threatening sun sweeper. You can also choose to run Stone Edge for more power or Rock Slide for greater accuracy, though you lose out on being able to break Substitutes and Focus Sashes. Normal Gem can be used alongside Explosion to deal massive amounts of damage, though this is less reliable than Custap Berry. For this same reason, Lum Berry and Leftovers are generally poor choices on the Custap set. Autotomize may seem like a good option to outspeed and defeat common checks to Golem, but between its common weaknesses making it difficult to set up and its Speed leaving it vulnerable to being revenge killed by common Choice Scarf users, Golem is generally better off filling a supporting role. A Choice Band could be used, but Golem is not best suited for this role; since many other common Stealth Rock users share a similar typing, you are just compounding weaknesses for your opponent to exploit. Sturdy is also great for a Stealth Rock lead role, and by running a Choice Band set, you aren't utilizing Golem to its fullest potential.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Golem's weaknesses are common, and it also has a poor Special Defense status that can be used against it. For these reasons, its has many checks and counters. Some Taunt users, such as Misdreavus and Serperior, can both prevent Stealth Rock from being set and defeat Golem one-on-one. Misdreavus is faster than both of Golem's sets, has access to Will-O-Wisp, and is immune to both Explosion and Earthquake. Serperior can use Taunt and hit Golem hard with Giga Drain. Mold Breaker Sawk can also prevent Stealth Rock from being placed by ignoring Sturdy and knocking out Golem in one hit. Golem struggles to beat bulky Water- and Grass-types, such as Samurott, Ludicolo, and Torterra, which can all manage to take a hit while bringing Golem down to 1 HP. Piloswine can also beat Golem thanks to STAB Ice Shard and Earthquake, both of which Golem is weak to. Alomomola cannot prevent Golem from setting up Stealth Rock, but otherwise, it will always beat Golem not carrying Toxic thanks to its great HP, high Defense and access to Wish. Finally, while Golem may seem like a solid answer to Braviary, it needs to be wary against it due to Bulk Up. Golem relies on hitting a high number of times with Rock Blast in order to break through Substitutes and hit for solid damage; otherwise, Braviary can set up to +6 Attack and Defense with Bulk Up while Golem struggles to break Substitute. Golem also risks being hit with a Superpower if it switches into Braviary.</p>
