VGC Goodra-Hisui


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Goodra-Hisui @ Leftovers
Ability: Shell Armor
Level: 50
Tera Type: Flying / Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 244 Def / 4 SpD / 4 Spe
Careful Nature
- Heavy Slam
- Body Press
- Acid Armor
- Life Dew

Hailing from ancient Sinnoh, Hisuian Goodra's superb defensive typing and monstrous bulk makes it one of VGC's premier defensive pivots. Acid Armor in tandem with Body Press lets it wreak havoc, transforming Hisuian Goodra into a formidable physical sponge that even Urshifu-R and Iron Hands struggle to break. That said, Hisuian Goodra is still vulnerable to strong physical attackers prior to setting up, making Grimmsnarl and Amoonguss popular partners. Tera Flying perfectly patches up its innate weaknesses, allowing it to better stay in against Urshifu-R, while Tera Fairy is also a naturally good defensive Tera type. Life Dew and Leftovers give Hisuian Goodra immense longevity especially behind dual screens, and Heavy Slam provides a consistent STAB attack against Pokemon that resist Body Press, most notably OHKOing Flutter Mane. However, Hisuian Goodra still struggles against other Ghost-types such as Basculegion and Gholdengo. Rocky Helmet Amoonguss is also annoying to face, as it can cripple this set with Spore while redirecting Body Press.
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Goodra-Hisui @ Leftovers
Ability: Shell Armor
Level: 50
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 244 Def / 4 SpD / 4 Spe
Careful Nature
- Heavy Slam
- Body Press
- Acid Armor
- Life Dew

Hailing from ancient Sinnoh, Hisiuan Goodra has arguably the best defensive typing in the format. Taking advantage of its monstrous bulk, Acid Armor transforms Goodra into a fearsome physical sponge that even Urshifu-R and Iron Hands struggle to break — in part thanks to Shell Armor. This when combined with Body Press enables Goodra to deal massive damage back to both Pokemon. Tera Flying also perfectly patches up Goodra's innate weaknesses, allowing it to better stay in against Urshifu-R. That said, Goodra is still vulnerable to strong physical attackers prior to setting up, making Grimmsnarl and Amoonguss popular partners. Life Dew gives Goodra a source of recovery and heals its teammates, while Heavy Slam provides a consistent STAB against Tornadus and Flutter Mane which otherwise resist Body Press. However, Goodra still struggles against other Ghost-Types such as Basculegion and Gholdengo. It also needs to watch out against Rocky Helmet Amoonguss, which can cripple it with Spore and redirect Body Press.
Goodra-Hisui @ Leftovers
Ability: Shell Armor
Level: 50
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 244 Def / 4 SpD / 4 Spe
Careful Nature
- Heavy Slam
- Body Press
- Acid Armor
- Life Dew
Hailing from ancient Sinnoh, Hisiuan Hisuian Goodra has arguably the best defensive typing in the format. Make this less subjective and explain why the typing helps Goodra. Taking advantage of its monstrous bulk, Acid Armor transforms Hisuian Goodra into a fearsome physical sponge that even Urshifu-R and Iron Hands struggle to break — in part thanks to Shell Armor. This when combined with Body Press enables Hisuian Goodra to deal massive damage back to both Pokemon. Tera Flying also perfectly patches up Hisuian Goodra's innate weaknesses, allowing it to better stay in against Urshifu-R. That said, Hisuian Goodra is still vulnerable to strong physical attackers prior to setting up, making Grimmsnarl and Amoonguss popular partners. Life Dew gives Hisuian Goodra a source of recovery and heals its teammates Problaby worth mentioning how valuable this is on an archetype like screens., while Heavy Slam provides a consistent STAB against Tornadus and Flutter Mane which otherwise resist Body Press. Isn't Consistent stab quite the understatement when it OHKOes Flutter? However, Hisuian Goodra still struggles against other Ghost-Types such as Basculegion and Gholdengo. It also needs to watch out against Rocky Helmet Amoonguss, which can cripple it with Spore and redirect Body Press. Rephrase this so it says why specifucally Rocky Helmet Amoonguss is annoying, also specify this is for this specific Goodra set, as some are goggles.
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GP 1/1
Goodra-Hisui @ Leftovers
Ability: Shell Armor
Level: 50
Tera Type: Flying / Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 244 Def / 4 SpD / 4 Spe
Careful Nature
- Heavy Slam
- Body Press
- Acid Armor
- Life Dew

Hailing from ancient Sinnoh, Hisuian Goodra's superb defensive typing and monstrous bulk makes it one of VGC's premier defensive pivots. Acid Armor in tandem with Body Press lets it wreak havoc, transforming Goodra into a formidable physical sponge that even Urshifu-R and Iron Hands struggle to break. That said, Goodra is still vulnerable to strong physical attackers prior to setting up, making Grimmsnarl and Amoonguss popular partners. Tera Flying perfectly patches up its innate weaknesses, allowing it to better stay in against Urshifu-R, (AC) while Tera Fairy is also a naturally good defensive Tera(space)type. Life Dew and Leftovers give Goodra immense longevity especially behind dual screens, and Heavy Slam provides a consistent STAB attack against Pokemon that resist Body Press, (comma) most notably OHKOing Flutter Mane. However, Goodra still struggles against other Ghost-types such as Basculegion and Gholdengo. Rocky Helmet Amoonguss is also annoying to face, (AC) as it can cripple this set with Spore while redirecting Body Press.
GP Team done