
As we all (should) know, Shadow Tag Gothitelle was released today and now Gothitelle is now godlike in comparison to some of the other bulky psychic types (Musharna, Duosion, and Gardevoir). It has a solid 95 base defense and special attack and great 110 special defense, but is weakened by its low speed and HP stats. It's movepool is pretty standard for a psychic type with access to psychic, psyshock, dark pulse, calm mind, trick room, heal bell, signal beam, resttalk, and magic coat. The ability to trap and set up on a wide variety of common and choice locked pokemon in the tier, including shitmola, amoonguss, sawk, wartortle (lol), tangela, electrode, piloswine, golem, probopass, and torkoal is what makes gothitelle so damn good right now. This thread is to discuss good and/or original sets, counters, teammates, and effect on the metagame of the mighty emo gardevoir.

Gothitelle (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Psyshock/Shadow Ball
- Hidden Power [Fighting/Ground]/Signal Beam
- Substitute/Heal Bell
- Calm Mind
This will probably be the gothitelle set that 95% of us will use because its just so stronf. It comes in on a pokemon like Amoonguss or Alomomola and then subs to avoid status (her archnemesis) and gets up to plus 6 behind the sub. It then proceeds to sweep the rest of the opponents team. The choice between signal beam and Hidden Power Fighting is yours depending on if you want to hit psychics or steels, respectively.

Gothitelle (F) @ Choice Specs
Trait: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe
Modest Nature (+SpA, -Atk)
- Psychic
- Signal Beam
- Hidden Power Ground/Thunderbolt
- Trick
This Gothitelle takes a more offensive stance, cutting out the bullshit and just slapping opponents around. Just switch into something you resist (or does peanuts), and wallop opponents until they faint. Psychic isn't amazingly powerful but it'll do the job in a pinch; Signal Beam and Hidden Power Ground hit everything else fairly hard, and they can't switch, so you don't risk losing the momentum as they switch to a response. Trick is also cool, because you can cripple walls like Lickilicky without them being able to switch out and avoid it. Psyshock is another option, but it's honestly pretty weak, so I wouldn't bother.

Gothitelle @ Expert Belt
Trait: Shadow Tag
EVs: 100 Spd / 252 SAtk / 156 HP
Modest Nature
- Psychic
- Hidden Power [Fighting]
- Grass Knot
- Taunt
The EV's are used to outrun standard Cacturne, defensive Garbodor, and most Stealth Rock users. Hidden Power Fighting is able to hit both Probopass and Cacturne for super effective damage. Obviously this set won't work as well if the opponent doesn't lead with a hazard user or if they have something faster like Miltank or Gabite, but it does beat a whole lot of common leads. Also, Probopass can simply Volt Switch out after being Taunted but it will still suffer a lot of damage.

Gothitelle @ Leftovers
Ability: Shadow Tag
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 HP / 96 Def / 160 Spe (these need optimized)
- Taunt
- Torment
- Protect
- Psychic
The idea is to come in, and break the wall down slowly. 160 spe allows you to outspeed many walls, but I'm not sure about Misdreavus, or if you should even try against her. Hp allows for Longevity, as well as the defense does much the same, making it's defense slightly higher than is Special Defense (which is till high; 256 and 275). You trap the wall in, taunt it so it is unable to do much, then Torment/Protect it to hell. I can run calcs on how strong Psychic is without investment later, but still; Shadow Tag + Taunt + Torment = The most annoying pokemon out there.
Substitute gains a mention as a pseudo-protect, but it really isn't worth using over Protect. This strategy works best with Toxic Spikes/An absorber, so Garbodor works well with it to do both. Though, Toxic Spikes are generally poor. This is especially well after Amoongus is taken out (which shouldn't be hard). Also, a dark type destroyer such as 252 HP/ 252 SpAtk / 4SpDef Probopass with Earth Power is good for taking out the incredibly scary Skuntank, who might think to use Taunt on Probopass. A Will-O-Wisp/Scald user can help take out Absol and Skuntank (by making them weak), just please, I beg, don't use Wartortle. Physically defensive Rotom-S does pretty well at this too, and is commonly seen as a Scarfer anyway, so Sucker the Punch would bt likely to happen if you can bluff well. Even if not, taking a hit is easy.
As previously mentioned, Gurdurr makes a fine partner to take out Steel types and Dark types, while they can hardly do anything in return (even Absol's Psycho Cut as long as it doesnt crit).
0SpAtk Gothitelle (Neutral) Psychic vs 252HP/0SpDef Amoonguss (Neutral): 51% - 61% (224 - 266 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.

Gothitelle (M) @ Starf Berry
Trait: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SAtk
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Recycle
- Psychic
- Hidden Power [Fighting]/Rest
- Substitute
Basically come in on something that can't hurt you, sub into Starf range, and Spam Recycle until it runs out of PP and you have a sum total of +34 boosts (out of the maximum of +42, though admittedly getting +6 attack and accuracy when you have all special attacks and no moves with less than 100% accuracy is annoying). I've been running it in conjunction with a Trick Scarf Gothorita whose sole purpose is to support Gothitelle by tricking someone on a predicted status move so Gothitelle can run a coverage move instead of Rest (the lack of coverage otherwise is annoying what with Dark Pulse being illegal with Shadow Tag, Psychic, Psyshock, HP Fighting, Thunderbolt, and Shadow Ball being walled by entire types, and Signal Beam being much too weak unstabbed for a monoattacker set) and ensuring Gothitelle manages to set up without being crippled.
Personally, I've been running Psychic and HP Fighting in slots two and three, since Psychic/Fighting is only resisted by Psychic types, which rarely run phazing moves, but again Rest is a necessity without some way to ensure an unbroken sub. The main flaw with the set is just that you have to either have eliminated all members of the type you can't hit on your opponent's team before you can do anything or be out against someone who can get you into pinch range but otherwise can't 17 hit KO your sub (such as something locked into Stealth Rock faced with two trappers switching back and forth until Goth gets to 50%).
This set possibly has the worst 4MSS I have ever seen, since if it could run just one more move and have coverage and recovery, I honestly thing it would be one of the most awful things to face ever.

Skuntank (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Stench
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Sucker Punch
- Pursuit
- Taunt
- Crunch
Skuntank is one of gothitelle's best counters by far as it get supereffective STAB Crunch on Gothitelle, can prevent her from switching with pursuit, prevent further stat boosts and subs with taunt, and is not weak to any of her STABS. Stench is also gay and annoying but idk if it works behind subs.

Musharna @ Leftovers
Trait: Synchronize
Evs: 252 hp/ 252 spD/ 4 Spatk
Calm Nature
-Calm Mind
-Signal Beam
Like i said previously, this set walls all sets without signal beam, primarily the expert belt and Torment sets. Musharna is able to set up calm minds, while taking minimal damage from either psychic or Hp fighting. An unboosted hidden power bug does 29%-34% damage on a 252hp/ 252Def Gothitelle, while Gothitelle's attacks do laughable damage, allowing Mushy to simply moonlight off the damage once her hp gets low. Gothitelle's lack of reliable recovery means that she will be worn down by repeated hits. The calm mind set without signal beam can also be countered by this Mushy set. She can tank +6 psychics with them only doing 31-37%, while simultaneously setting up calm minds and moonlighting the damage off.

Shedinja @ Focus Sash
Trait: Wonder Guard
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Lonely Nature (+Atk, -Def)
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Sneak
- X-Scissor
- Protect
This, as Incon pointed out, is probably the best surefire counter to all gothitelle sets, bar the taunt + torment one. (And even that can be countered with protect +prediction). It is immune to all of her move bar the rare (and shitty) dark pulse. He can basically use the biggest creator of setup fodders as set up fodder. This really isnt that viable on a team unless its sole purpose is to counter gothitelle and sux without her on the opps. team. However, if u lose to the emovoir every time, this is a pretty good way to go.

Skuntank (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Stench
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Sucker Punch
- Pursuit
- Taunt
- Crunch
Who would have thought that gothitelle's greatest weakness would be also one of her best allies. Skuntank is one of the most effective ways of eliminating the psychics that can give non-chignal beam gothitelle huge problems. It also absorbs the toxic spikes (which suck in nu) that end gothitelle's massacre. Plus, skuntank beats absol one on one, who is another major counter of gothitelle.

Probopass @ Air Balloon
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Flash Cannon
- Earth Power
- Volt Switch
However, a great partner would be the ever beautiful Probopass. It lures in fighting type moves with the Air Balloon attacking set, the author of which I don't know. Air Balloon gives and immunity to Ground types, so it baits in Fighting type moves very well. In this case, Probopass can either Volt Switch into Gothitelle, being taken down to sturdy but getting a switch with no damage, or switch into Gothitelle if you know your opponent is going to use a fighting type move/ a move that can't 2hko. From there, either my Taunt/Torment strategy can work solidly, or the Specs/Expert Belt one can get a kill. I'm not too certain if the Calm Mind one will want to set up, but if it can, so be it.
Probopass also lures in Amoonguss and/or Alomomola, to a small extent; Amoonguss to attempt to stop it from setting up rocks (I always thought this was stupid, just because Probopass is faster anyway), and Alomomola to attempt to scare it out by using Waterfall and Wish Stalling. Gothitelle is easily able to stop both of these with any set, really, as long as it can taunt <3

Audino (M) @ Light Clay
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Wish/Healing Wish
- Toxic
The goal is sort of the same as Probopass, but this set supports the ever fearsome sub+Calm Mind set. You lure in a fighting type, or something that Gothitelle can set up on with Screens. Then, either pass a Wish to it, or if you want more turns Healing Wish works (for the rocks/ if the opponent switches anticipating your switch to Gothitelle). Wish is generally better if you can pull it off. Toxic is used in the last slot so that Torment Gothitelle can whittle the foes hp.
With Regenerator, Audino can do this multiple times, if Healing Wish is not selected, and it ends up benefiting the whole team anyway, so that other teammates can take out Gothitelle's threats. I've used this to my advantage many times, especially because Audino is already bulky.
I'll add all of the good sets, counters, and teammates to their respective places. The person with the best or most creative of each will win the Uxsee Award (which is something that I just made up). I'm unbiased btw so sorry Incon :P
Winners of the Uxsee Award
Set: Melvni (Pro set and cool art)
Counter: Incon (Shedinja strong)
Teammate: Shovel (Only nob to submit a teammate)
Counter: Incon (Shedinja strong)
Teammate: Shovel (Only nob to submit a teammate)
Enjoy the massacre that Gothitelle creates!
Just thought I would add this cuz this thread needs it: