Haze Appreciation Post
As gsc uubl has developed, we have come to see the incredibly excellent application of haze as a utility move on offense and defense alike. It is just so incredible to be able to stifle your opponent's threatening setup sweepers, whether curse users like porygon2 or even growth users like espeon. I just want to quickly go over the threat list of setup sweepers susceptible to hazing and every mon that may use haze on its set and their positives.
Primary Threat List:
(Espeon, Jolteon, Scizor, Kangaskhan, Ursaring, Porygon2, Tentacruel, Scyther, Clefable, and Quagsire. There are others but they're usually either too fast, like Charizard, or (unfortunately) you won't like ever see them due to being quite niche, like Sandslash or Victreebel.)
The pinnacle of haze users. With a combo of haze, ice beam, and 2 out of tbolt/thunder, body slam/dedge, dynamic punch, flamethrower/fire blast, and thunder wave, this mon is able to provide excellent utility midgame and/or in the lead if you choose to, as it has excellent all around stats and a very good typing. Excellent mon, able to put a temporary stop to physical sweepers and espeon (but not jolteon unfortunately because of hp ice).
I will admit, haze isn't my first choice on the 4th slot on qwilfish despite what you may think, and I'll explain why. Tentacruel is an extremely oppressive pokemon in the builder and often, in battle, you will have to wiggle your way around it and potentially have to give up a kill or two, but luckily, qwilfish can also be an excellent check to tentacruel in addition to spikes, as it can curse up and take minimal damage from tentacruel's swords dance-boosted sludge bombs, needing to be 5hko'd by the inaccurate hydro pump and always breaking tenta's subs in return with sludge bomb at only +1. Tentacruel is generally such a problem pokemon that curse will be the 4th move on your qwilfish quite a large amount of time. However, if you find you are not in need of qwilfish's tentacruel-checking qualities, then haze is quite a good option, as while curse qwil falters against the several threatening physical setup sweepers, haze qwil can shut them down.
Normally, this mon runs curse, allowing it to provide a potential breaking or in the right circumstances, even a sweeping threat. But a good alternate option that has popped up is haze, which combines muk’s excellent natural bulk and a powerful explosion to potentially pull a 180 on a dangerous kangaskhan or porygon2 who might be attempting to sweep your team. In addition, thanks to muk's big special defense stat, it can come in on jolteon, and if you are predicting them to baton pass out with their growth boost because they know that in a 1v1 their jolteon will lose to your muk, you can haze away the boost instead of having to explode or sludge bombing for middling damage.
This mon has a lot it wants to do already so it's tough to fit haze, but it's a very nice option for the usual reasons of stopping physical sweepers, but with the added bonus that haunter has a normal immunity added on, so even if they have like earthquake in the case of some kangaskhan and ursaring or haunter succumbs to a bunch of ice beams or thunderbolts in the case of porygon2 and haunter dies, you can at least make them a lot less threatening for your other teammates. And just like muk, haze + boom can be very powerful, even if haunter's boom is a bit weak relatively.
Ultra passive pokemon, but with the power of haze (or also roar but ignore that), this mon can somewhat prevent powerful physical setup sweepers from eating its semi-dinky surfs all day and going to town, or even interrupting their sweep if they setup on a different pokemon.
This mon is half decent in this tier because of haze. Without it, physical setup sweepers (primarily mono kangaskhan and non-tbolt porygon2) would be able to eat this thing’s hits and eventually boost to a point where they can easily kill omastar. Luckily, with haze, omastar can sit on them endlessly, forcing them to burn all their pp and struggle. Obviously, you would rather kill the mon, but regardless these are massive threats, and stopping them is always good. At the very least, omastar can potentially thief kangaskhan or porygon2, allowing it to maybe beat them relatively quickly instead of having to pp stall. Generally, however, omastar faces a lot of competition, with shuckle invalidating it as a consideration on stall and donphan and aerodactyl giving it competition on balance, bo, and offense, especially since none of these 3 really care about earthquake as opposed to omastar who highly dislikes them.
Primarily, this thing clicks belly drum, usually with a speed pass or high amounts of paralysis spreading. As a more defensive option though, this mon can fit on very fat teams as not something that takes advantage of the team's bulk but contributes to it, as with haze it can endlessly shut down jolteon and scizor, and in a pinch, something else like tentacruel, scyther, a normal sweeper (besides non-paralyzed clefable), or espeon. This set is a bit difficult to fit and very passive, but it is possibly the best counter to jolteon available and can be quite effective when it works.
Only fits on stall teams, and at all usable because of haze. With this, it's able to provide an immediate stop to any setup pokemon in a pinch in large part to its absolutely massive 130 base speed, primarily belly drum users, even charizard, as well as baton passers and general curse or swords dance users. Haze works well in conjunction with whirlwind if you choose to use it on your crobat, as haze provides a quick stop if you need it or instead if you can afford to, you can phaze them out and gather some spikes chip along with it.
Dodrio (?)
This pokemon suffers so much competition it's absurd. There are like 6 better normal types. However, dodrio can at least distinguish itself. Thanks to its solid base 100 speed, being one of the fastest available pokemon with haze, and its good 110 attack stat and stab double edge, dodrio can haze away the curses of an opposing normal type pokemon like ursaring and hit them really hard with double edge. However, dodrio is extremely frail and tough to fit, so while haze is a good option, you probably won't be using this pokemon in the first place.
Weezing (?)
This mon wasn't even on the vr (due to not being on the template), but essentially it's like the same as muk but worse and outclassed by it. Instead of having big special defense and high attack but low special attack and ok defense, weezing has decent attack and special attack with good defense and ok special defense. That's about it really, this pokemon's usage of haze is the same dance of removing their curse boosts and exploding, but generally, unless you really, and I do mean
really, need weezing's better physical defense and bit better special attack, just use muk. However, it's at least worth using haze on.
Honorable Mentions/Pokemon that can learn haze but you really shouldn't be using it on
Kingdra - Stick with the standard surf + dragon breath set. Dropping dragon breath really isn't that worth it, it decreases kingdra's effectiveness by a noticeable amount as you can no longer threaten paralysis to assist your teammates and cripple dangerous threats like alakazam and (on the switch) tentacruel
Tentacruel - Offensive tentacruel is far and away the best set and really the only one you should be using, but if you want to use defensive tentacruel you should probably just use surf, sludge bomb, rapid spin, and rest, cause otherwise a fat set isn't worth much.
Politoed - If you want to give this thing any chance of being usable, use growth + surf + rest talk.
Poliwrath - If you want to give this thing any chance of being usable, use lovely kiss + belly drum + two attacks.
Edit: Haze Kingdra is viable. Ibby made a really annoying team with Haze + dbreath + rest talk Kingdra and it works really well.