GSC GSC OU Global Championship 2024: Round 2 [ Stage 2 @ post #55]

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As a friend you are ... replaceable, farewell!
is a Pre-Contributor


Amazing art by Alcor
hosted by Zoyotte and AC7
  • This is a standard GSC OU tournament
  • This tournament will be a Global Championship. (explained below!)
  • You may switch teams in between battles for your Best of 3s.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown! (Main or SmogTours)
  • Replays will not be required until Top 8.
  • Activity calls will be made by me, potentially with neutral assistance from a RoA Forum Moderator. Coin flips will be done publicly on PS!
  • In the event that something is added to or removed from the GSC OU metagame in the middle of a round, that change will be in effect starting the next round.
  • Do not cheat. Cheating will result in a disqualification. Additional punishments may be applied as necessary. Cheating includes, but is not limited to:
    • Signing up with more than one account
    • Ghosting or being ghosted by another player
    • Manipulating match outcomes
  • Do not harass or insult your opponents. I reserve the right to disqualify anyone breaking this rule. Additional punishments may be applied as necessary.

Each round will consist of 2 stages. The first stage each player will be given 2 sets of pairings, in which they play a Best of 3 vs both opponents. After the first stage is completed, players who win both their matches go through to the next round, while players who lost twice are eliminated. The players who went 1-1 battle it out in a tiebreaker Bo3 in stage 2 to join the two-time winners in the next round.

Example Breakdown (64 Players)

Round 1: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 32 Bo3 matches (64 unseeded players, subs period) & Stage 2
Round 2: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 16 Bo3 matches (32 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Round 3: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 8 Bo3 matches (16 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Round 4: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 4 Bo3 matches (8 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Round 5: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 2 Bo3 matches (4 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Finals: Stage 1 - 2 sets of Bo3 matches (2 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Stage 1 End: Players with 2 match wins go through, and those with 2 losses are eliminated.
Stage 2: Players with a 1-1 record play each other in a FT2W match to see who progresses (or wins the final)
You play two Bo3s each round against two different opponents
Win both Bo3s in Round: Advance to Next Round
Lose both Bo3s in Round: Eliminated from Tournament
Go 1-1 in Bo3s in Round: Play in a final Bo3 in Stage 2 - winner of the set moves on while loser is eliminated

Standard Rules and Clauses
GSC OverUsed Format

Banned Pokémon
Celebi, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Mew, Mewtwo

Banned Moves
Double Team, Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, Minimize (Evasion + OHKO moves)

Sleep Clause, Species Clause, OKHO Clause, Evasion Clause, Endless Battle Clause, SleepTrap Ban

Tie Rules
Battle ties do not progress either player towards winning the match.​
This tournament will award points towards the 2024 GSC OU Circuit, check it out here, which awards a ribbon to the winner of the entire circuit.
Global Championship Point Distribution
GSC OU Resources can be found here. GSC OU Sample Teams can be found here. The general GSC Forum can be found here.
Tournament Rules and General Guidelines can be found here. Scheduling Guide can be found here. Activity Win guidelines can be found here.

The deadline for this round is Sunday, May 19th at 23:59 GMT -4.
Set one - Matches Completed: 17/24

BlazingDark  vs  Ranshiin
gastlies  vs  GLFGno7
Siatam  vs  DanceOfHearts
The_App  vs  AstralFlare
des121  vs  avarice
hellpowna  vs  feen
AV11  vs  monchooo
leoperi99  vs  ProtFour
Groudon  vs  Enigami
false  vs  melancholy0
Thor  vs  Larry
chuggachuggachooo  vs  Vileman
Big Thicc Blissey  vs  Alice Kazumi
Zcarlett  vs  Underlying
Onraider  vs  Mgtcp10
vani  vs  TibarnWasTaken
AC7  vs  Chiles Habaneros
TyCarter  vs  chio
roxie  vs  MrSoup
Elian  vs  Deezcastforms
UltiNooba19  vs  Kenix
Seanobiwan  vs  Rubyblood
lasesino  vs  TLTK
Fakes  vs  adorluigi
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Set two - Matches Completed: 16/24

Vileman  vs  TyCarter
monchooo  vs  chuggachuggachooo
Deezcastforms  vs  Underlying
leoperi99  vs  Zcarlett
Siatam  vs  chio
gastlies  vs  Kenix
Ranshiin  vs  AstralFlare
Seanobiwan  vs  Larry
GLFGno7  vs  hellpowna
lasesino  vs  TLTK
Enigami  vs  ProtFour
The_App  vs  Thor
roxie  vs  UltiNooba19
MrSoup  vs  Elian
Rubyblood  vs  false
Chiles Habaneros  vs  avarice
Alice Kazumi  vs  Mgtcp10
des121  vs  melancholy0
BlazingDark  vs  AV11
DanceOfHearts  vs  vani
TibarnWasTaken  vs  Groudon
feen  vs  adorluigi
Onraider  vs  AC7
Fakes  vs  Big Thicc Blissey
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