Haxrachi v Heatran: Hyperbeem v Grasskicker

I actually really enjoyed this and found it fairly easy and fun to read, which surprises me as normally I cant read warstories that dont have sprites at every turn. Lefties and sand message editing was nice too :P

9/10 + A Luvdisc :3
I know it sounds petty to complain about a lack of pictures, but for someone with ADD it is ridiculously hard to read a warstory that is not well-formatted. If you can't think of a format or don't know how to format it the way you want, just ask someone! I've never had someone tell me "That question was just too stupid to be worth answering" here, and that's saying something with my record of dumb questions.

Of course, saying this is quite silly anyway since the OP hasn't been here for a while.