heatproof bronzong good or bad?

is it just me, or is levitate bronzong so common that it would be worthwhile to use heatproof on it, because everyone expects levitate on bronzong? this would cause them to switch in a fire type, and get protection from fire? after this, of course, you would have to be leary of earthquake
Levitate is obviously the better ability. I would rather have an immunity than a neutral. Also ground is used much more than fire. Too bad it can't have both, huh.
Yea, it'd be good for basically one hit, then you'd get raped by EQ, not to mention you could no longer switch into EQ, and for something thats supposed to wall stuff, unfortunately not good
your opponent will also find out that you have heatproof when you have to switch into spikes. Or when burn and fire attacks are doing minimal damage.
Levitate is always better than heatproof. This mindgame stuff doesn't work, I've tried it. I'd always rather have a Levitate Bronzong.
Hmm...say Infernape hits Bronzong with a Flamethrower and it only does 38% or whatever. Bang, surprise gone, the opponent knows so hopefully Bronzong made that turn count by sleeping Infernape or something.

So you get one sneaky turn off, then you're vulnerable to dozens of Earthquake users like Garchomp, Mamoswine and Metagross - all things that Bronzong should be countering for fun.

And lol if the opponent has a Dugtrio.

It's not worth it.
If it were a more offensive poke that could make up huge using just one turn, than a dual ability like Bronzong's would be more worth it.

For instance, if Metagross had Heat Proof/Levitate as his options instead of clear body, there'd definitely be a few heat proof Metagross running around. That one turn of miss-predict could mean a very nice agility-sweep. :P
If it were a more offensive poke that could make up huge using just one turn, than a dual ability like Bronzong's would be more worth it.

For instance, if Metagross had Heat Proof/Levitate as his options instead of clear body, there'd definitely be a few heat proof Metagross running around. That one turn of miss-predict could mean a very nice agility-sweep. :P

Not neccesarily true. Bronzong running Levitate walls Chomp, unless it's carrying F-Blast. Bronzong's typing+Levitate is what makes it a good wall.
If Heatproof was an immunity, Bronzong would be a much better Pokemon (no one knows it's weakness, it'd be almost 50/50, though I'd expect more levitaters).

It's viable, but it's CB Kiss viable. Only really there for the surprise.
Not neccesarily true. Bronzong running Levitate walls Chomp, unless it's carrying F-Blast. Bronzong's typing+Levitate is what makes it a good wall.

You miss-understand what I'm saying.

The reason why no one uses Heat Proof (the topic of this thread mind you) is because it's easily discovered and then ran over with earthquake. In other words (as others have mentioned here) being able to "psyche the opponent out" by keeping him guessing on the ability is only worth it if the pokemon can make up a huge advantage in the 1 turn it'll gain before its true ability is discovered.

Aside from hypnosis (which isn't quite enough advantage probably) bronzong is not capable of this-- after all, it's a wall as you said, and usually takes more than 1 turn to really pull its weight. It can't use the 1 turn of "psyching out" to set up and then destroy. Even with trick room, it's not really doing enough damage to be a major thread just because of a 1 turn set up.

Metagross would be able to play those mind games because of no opponent could be sure of a 100% wall without knowing its set (bullet punch, elemental punches, agility, etc), which would give it more opportunities to set up and sweep one way, or just mash for a free turn in another. I'm not trying to make this a metagross v. bronzong argument mind you--

I'm just saying if Bronzong had that kind of power then playing mind games with its abilities would be doing a lot more, and we'd see at least a few heat-proofs here and there.
The only time I'd use Heatproof Bronzong, and I actually have, is on a Mono Steel team where you need all the help you can get against Infernape.
Bronzong may only be losing an immunity to one type, but with that one immunity gone it's losing a lot of versatility. It turns Zong from a safe switch-in to, say, Garchomp, into one of the worst pokemon you can switch into it. You may just be losing an immunity to ground, but most of Bronzong's useful resistances (Dragon, Rock, and Ice in particular) are frequently paired with ground, and taking that one immunity away really hurts it (actually, without that immunity, you'd be better off using Metagross as a physical tank).

As for what benefits it has...well, like other people have said, the surprise factor certainly helps. Bronzong is definitely weak enough that it can be beaten with just neutral attacks, though, and like other people have said it can't do much in just one turn.
Its also really shit when your against CB users, would you rather have them locked into a nuteral, or an immunity?
This topic has already been beaten to death before, but I think the main reason for keeping levitate on Bronzong is his ability to switch in. Not being able to switch into Earthquakes is a huge blow to his usefulness and survivability.
This topic has already been beaten to death before, but I think the main reason for keeping levitate on Bronzong is his ability to switch in. Not being able to switch into Earthquakes is a huge blow to his usefulness and survivability.

Yeah I remember there being a topic about this a while back, and even there I also said that it's more of the fact that Levitate let's Bronzong switch into the many things it can that its a good ability for him.
Well, if you switch in on Spikes, the entire thing is blown. The surprise value is nice, but regardless it's not as good as levitate.

I'd think you've been around the forum long enough to know that people sometimes make spelling mistakes. :/

adding on: Fact is that even the "free turn" heat proof could net you isn't really a free turn-- as Fishin mentioned, Bronzong is not exactly to thrilled about taking too many neutral hits either. Pathetic HP and no means of recovery outside rest. bleh . . .
i realize that people make spelling mistakes, it is just funny that he said heatproff bronzong is not a huge thread

Normally in this context you would say "it was funny that you said," rather than "it was funny what he said" but . . . I guess your observation runs deep enough to make cracks about spelling mistakes but not deep enough to take note of who you're talking too. :/

edit-- actually, that is pretty funny though. :P
Normally in this context you would say "it was funny that you said," rather than "it was funny what he said" but . . . I guess your observation runs deep enough to make cracks about spelling mistakes but not deep enough to take note of who you're talking too. :/

edit-- actually, that is pretty funny though. :P

oh. lol. ur right. i dont do a good job of checking posters on certain things. whenever i go into a trade thread and see something someone posted, i have to go back to the top ot see who posted the trade thread :toast:
Much of Bronzong's worth comes from its ability to switch in on Earthquakes; with Heatproof, Bronzong is going to have a hard time proving its worth by countering things like Garchomp.
Resistance vs. immunity. Take your pick. EQ is more common than fire moves, and only 2 categories (that I can think of right now, so don't kill me if there are others) use it.

a) STAB Infernape and Heatran.
b) Specs Pokemon and Blissey who generally use it for Skarmory and ULTRA ULTRA last-ditch against Heracross, should all else fail.

What about EQ?

a) Well? Every physical sweeper.

Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and SR immunity/resistance also comes into play. Surprise should annoy your opponent, not give them a free turn. Even with Heatproof, fire attacks still do damage.