Help!!! Alolan Starters In All The Balls!!! ~ Inkblot's RNG abuse & Past Gen shop (It's about time)

Hey ink, would I be able to ask for a custom adamant landorus with 0 or just a low iv in special atk? I can offer you 2 Lure Balls, fast Ball, and love ball? I could trade you all those apriballs if you would like.
Hey ink, would I be able to ask for a custom adamant landorus with 0 or just a low iv in special atk? I can offer you 2 Lure Balls, fast Ball, and love ball? I could trade you all those apriballs if you would like.

Unfortunately, I do not have one available to rng abuse. Both of the landorus's in my USUM files and both the landorus's on my ORAS files have already been caught. I could try and do one in gen 5, but it would need to play through the games again and that would take forever. I do have adamant landorus's my shop, but I don't think the special attack ivs are low.
Unfortunately, I do not have one available to rng abuse. Both of the landorus's in my USUM files and both the landorus's on my ORAS files have already been caught. I could try and do one in gen 5, but it would need to play through the games again and that would take forever. I do have adamant landorus's my shop, but I don't think the special attack ivs are low.
In that case, can you do a bold cresselia with 0 atk iv’s instead?
I can rng abuse a cresselia, but I can't promise a 0 attack as its a huge pain to rng abuse wormhole pokemon, and going for 0 attack would make it even worse than it aready is.

I can trade if you are around.
That’s okay. You don’t have to go for a 0 attack
Orgborgis, ChrisDoukas & Anyone else I still need to trade with, Sorry I have been inactive here. School and other obligations have gotten in the way of pokemon for a while, but now I am Back into pokemon and should be able to trade. Just give me times when you are avalible and i'll try and reach you.

Also minor update. Doing a lot of gen 3 stuff, and a bit of gen 4 stuff. A bunch of gen 3 legendaries and gen 3 & 4 events should be coming, and All should be nicknameable (Yes, even the events). Once i have them ready i'll add them to my shop.
Orgborgis, ChrisDoukas & Anyone else I still need to trade with, Sorry I have been inactive here. School and other obligations have gotten in the way of pokemon for a while, but now I am Back into pokemon and should be able to trade. Just give me times when you are avalible and i'll try and reach you.

Also minor update. Doing a lot of gen 3 stuff, and a bit of gen 4 stuff. A bunch of gen 3 legendaries and gen 3 & 4 events should be coming, and All should be nicknameable (Yes, even the events). Once i have them ready i'll add them to my shop.
No worries, take your time! All your pokes are ready and waiting for you when you have time to take them, also cant wait for a nicknamed jirachi!

Anyway, now that i see how much you enjoy Gen3 it is possible to ask for 1 custom request? If you are willing to take
i want a shiny psyduck Jolly nature with good ivs bred with hypnosis move
and the move tutor moves Dynamic punch and from gen 6 hone claws,
(based from this vid,its the jolly nature
If is hard then its ok you can leave it xD
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No worries, take your time! All your pokes are ready and waiting for you when you have time to take them, also cant wait for a nicknamed jirachi!

Anyway, now that i see how much you enjoy Gen3 it is possible to ask for 1 custom request? If you are willing to take
i want a shiny psyduck Jolly nature with good ivs from fire red/leaf green in dive ball or if it easier from safari zone of r/s/e
with the move tutor moves Dynamic punch and from gen 6 hone claws,
(based from this vid,its the jolly nature
If is hard then its ok you can leave it xD

Oh, that seems fun! Yeah, I could get this for you! It would be easier in RSE, so i'll get it there for you!
dang I can not believe you bought all those cartridges and technically aren't they illegal to own since they are not for resale cartridges