#214 Heracross
Typing: Bug / Fighting
Ability 01: Swarm[INDENT] When HP is below 1/3rd, Bug’s power increases to 1.5 times.
[/INDENT]Ability 02: Guts[INDENT] Attack raises to 1.5 times when induced with a status (BURN, PARALYZE,
SLEEP, POISON, FREEZE). BURN’s effect of lowering Attack is not applied.
[/INDENT]Ability 03: Overconfidence (Dream World)[INDENT] Attack rises when you faint an opponent.
[/INDENT]Base Stats:
HP: 80
Atk: 125
Def: 75
SpA: 40
SpD: 95
Spe: 85
Level-Up Moves:
Lv1: Night Slash,
Lv1: Tackle,
Lv1: Leer,
Lv1: Horn Attack,
Lv1: Endure,
Lv7: Fury Attack,
Lv13: Aerial Ace,
Lv19: Brick Break,
Lv25: Counter,
Lv31: Take Down,
Lv37: Close Combat,
Lv43: Reversal,
Lv49: Feint,
Lv55: Megahorn
Egg Moves:
Seismic Toss
Focus Punch
Learnable TMs: ,
TM06 - Toxic,
TM09 - Venom Shock,
TM10 - Hidden Power,
TM11 - Sunny Day,
TM15 - Hyper Beam,
TM17 - Protect,
TM18 - Rain Dance,
TM21 - Frustration,
TM23 - Strike Down,
TM26 - Earthquake,
TM27 - Return,
TM28 - Dig,
TM31 - Brick Break,
TM32 - Double Team,
TM39 - Rock Tomb,
TM40 - Aerial Ace,
TM42 - Facade,
TM44 - Rest,
TM45 - Attract,
TM46 - Thief,
TM48 - Troll,
TM52 - Focus Blast,
TM54 - False Swipe,
TM56 - Fling,
TM65 - Shadow Claw,
TM67 - Get Even,
TM68 - Giga Impact,
TM71 - Stone Edge,
TM75 - Swords Dance,
TM76 - Bug Resistance,
TM78 - Smooth Over,
TM80 - Rock Slide,
TM83 - Cheer Up,
TM87 - Swagger,
TM90 - Substitute,
TM94 - Rock Smash,
HM01 - Cut,
HM04 – Strength
Heracross @ Choice Scarf/ Life Orb
252 Atk/ 252 Spe/ 4 HP
Overconfidence Ability/ Jolly Nature
- Megahorn
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge/ Swords Dance
- Night Slash/ Swords Dance
The set here, is pretty self explanatory; since Heracross’ attack is going to be automatically raised with every KO, it makes sense to power up its average speed stat; but if you enjoy the ability to switch moves, a Life Orb can be used. The EVs are pretty standard; max attack and max speed for maximum offensive potential and a Jolly nature to reach max speed. The Moveset, as you can see, consists of Heracross’ powerful STABs (base 120 Megahorn + STAB, and base 120 Close Combat + STAB) and two filler moves - Stone Edge and Night Slash which provide decent coverage. Also, if you opt for a Life Orb for Heracross’ item, you can use Swords dance over Stone Edge or Night Slash to raise the Singlehorn Pokemon’s attack faster.
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That was my interpretation of how Heracross might become a better weeper in the generation5 metagame through the use of its new ability, Overconfidence, feel free to discuss what you think of Heracross and what might be its new role in the new competitive metagame.