HollowRidley's Art Stuff

Hey everyone, my name is HollowRidley, and welcome to my Art Thread! :D
I've always enjoyed drawing, so I recently started using a digital medium (Procreate on iPad). I'm still not totally used to it, but it's a lot of fun, so I plan to keep at it!

Now onto the actual art...

Gulpin, Master of Swag:
(This one was drawn using SketchBook Express and was mainly a test drawing.)

Chingling's Birthday:

Budew - Gotta Go Fast:
(Just messing around with blend affects in Procreate, had a lot of fun with this one)

I'm not open for requests right now, mainly because I'm not confident enough in my current skill level.
All feedback is appreciated, and I hope you guys enjoy ^_^
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Huh, I like your use of shading in Chingling's Birthday. Looking forward to future works. Perhaps something a little more in a darker tone (Pawniard?) would be interesting to see...
Huh, I like your use of shading in Chingling's Birthday. Looking forward to future works. Perhaps something a little more in a darker tone (Pawniard?) would be interesting to see...
Yeah, all my current pieces have been really bright and the like, so perhaps a darker tone would be a good change of pace. I've got some ideas for a darker more atmospheric piece, so look for that in the future n_n
Oof, I haven't updated this in a while. Never fear though Hollow is here, with a teeny tiny update of two pictures :>

First up is a drawing of Mudkip! I tried to follow Bummer's tutorial, and I think it turned out pretty decent (shading is still my bane though >_<)

The second one is a WIP for CAP 18, a sketch of the Fire/Water Pokemon: Riftochi!

This definitely isn't my final submission, it was mainly to get my creative juices flowing. Trying to find cool sea life is kinda hard though :/

Well that's all for now, hopefully I can be a bit quicker and actually remember to update this lol.

I kinda stopped drawing for a while because of school, and I lacked motivation because my drawings are kinda bad compared to other's here Q_Q. Anyway, I don't have a stylus yet for my iPad, so I haven't done any digital pieces in quite a while. Hopefully I can get one soon for either Christmas or my birthday, so I can actually work to improve my skills. So for now, have some pencil sketches I did for some friends from LC n_n. (I might actually update this occasionally since I have a bit more free time)

For Aerow :)

Drawing of Corporal Levi (very short n_n)


Ugh the pictures are so small when hid :(

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