Honey Trees

I just got the game last night and was wondering about the Honey Trees. I have some honey and was wondering if the honey tree pokemon can be caught on any honey tree or if they are caught on specific ones.
just spread your honey on a tree, come back in a few hours and you should see the tree shaking, go up to it and youll get in a battle, after that put on more honey! also, you cant just spread honey on and come back the next day, if you wait too long the pokemon will leave and youve just wasted some honey.
Well, it's obviously there to catch pokemon, and this is going to be the only way to catch a few pokemon.

Eh, I suppose you could wait for them to show up on Wi-Fi.
You have to wait 24 hours for the pokemon to appear from the trees. Like others have said, it's a waste of time.
Can't you just set the DS clock ahead the required amount of hours?
If Animal Crossing is any proof, dicking with the DS's clock usually won't do what you want. For example, if you just want to set it ahead for the trees, it somehow will record it as a year or something crazy passing.
You have to wait 24 hours for the pokemon to appear from the trees. Like others have said, it's a waste of time.

Too bad that according to Serebii you can only get certain Pokemon by spreading honey. Granted, the only D/P Pokemon worth getting through sweet honey is a female Combee, but still.

EDIT: and if you can't live without a Snorlax/Heracross.
At ^

Combee, Cherubi and Burmy are the three pokemon that are worth getting, as they are the DP pokes that can be found by the Trees
Heracross and Munchlax can only be caught by spreading honey in trees in DP. They are among the rarest you'll find, too. Seems kinda worth it to me.
Heracross and Munchlax can only be caught by spreading honey in trees in DP. They are among the rarest you'll find, too. Seems kinda worth it to me.
Yes, but you can simply just use Pal Park to transfer either from the GBA and save yourself the time.
So, is the pokemon that appears on the tree set? or can you save in front of the tree, see what it is, and if its a wumrple reset it and try again for a different, rare, pokemon?
So, is the pokemon that appears on the tree set? or can you save in front of the tree, see what it is, and if its a wumrple reset it and try again for a different, rare, pokemon?
The pokemon is set, but its gender isn't. So if you get Combee, you can just reset until you get a female....
Is it the only way to find a Combee in the game so you can have it recorded in your dex? If then, I'll have to do that to complete the National Dex ;_;
I already got a female Combee from a tree ;D

May I suggest going around the world map spreading as many honey as you can. Go to work/school/sleep, and when you get home, check them in the same order you put the honey on.

Something very interesting I've noticed with the trees, too. Sometimes the trees don't have to shake for a Pokemon to be there! I checked a tree to see if it would tell me if the honey was eaten yet or not, and BAM! Burmy. Out of nowhere. So even if your tree isn't shaking after a few hours, there's no harm in walking up to it and checking anyway.

Edit: Also, there is a trainer with a Combee, so don't worry.
I do have a question, we know Munchlax is supposed to be seen from the tress, but when you check the pokedex it says "Area Unknown" when looking at its Area dex page... This is far different from other Tree Pokemon such as Burmy where you see in their dex page the location "in a red tint color" of where they are...

Similar to this Drifloon (only seen Friday) has "Area Unknown" in the dex entry... So is there anything specific that needs to be done in order to find Munchlax? (such as honey a tree on a specific day of the week etc...)
Drifloon can be found outside Valley Windworks on Friday (Daytime). They guy you save at the beginning hints at it too.
Drifloon can be found outside Valley Windworks on Friday (Daytime). They guy you save at the beginning hints at it too.
And do not make the same mistake I did and run throught the tall grass near the Windworks like an idiot. It appears right outside the build and is engaged just like normal, non-running legendaries. I would assume you get one chance a week at it.
Sweet, I got a Combee on my third try. I had to reset like 12 times before I got a female. It was a pain to catch too, took like 5 balls when it had 1 HP and was Paralyzed....
Anybody know how long is "waiting too long" before the pokemon leaves and you wasted your honey?

Seems to me that it varies. Sometimes, 8 hours later I'll have something to battle, other times I've already missed my chance. The trick is to slather as many trees as you can in some kind of logical order, and then check them again in that order.

Heracross and Munchlax are both incrediby rare, especially when you consider that you have to wait around 5-6 hours before one shows up. This kinda sucks, too, since I really wanted a Heracross for my in-game team.

If you wanna get a Heracross off of the GTS, you have wait until you fight your rival in Canalave city. That's the first time you'll see a Heracross in a trainer battle, which is about 3/4 of the way through the main quest.
.....i've gotten a Female combee- but i was finding a ton of those, which frusterated me as I was searching for a Heracross/Munchlax- I reseted about 50 times...

and all I found were Combee.....
I really hate the honey trees though...