Furries absolutely deserve the stigma surrounding their subculture.
The common complaints about stigma surrounding furry culture as I see it are as follows: 1) Furries are depicted as overtly sexual being their primary motivation; 2) furries are seen as attracted to animals; 3) furries get a bad rap from a minority subculture
All of these stigmas are
deserved. In multiple studies there is a near universal sexual component to maintaining a fursona. Hsu and Bailey (2019) reports that "a large majority of our sample reported non-heterosexual identities (84%) and some degree of sexual motivation for being furries (99%). Male furries also tended to report a pattern of sexual interests consistent with an ETII ("erotic target identity inversion") involving anthropomorphic animals. Both sexual attraction to anthropomorphic animals and sexual arousal by fantasizing about being anthropomorphic animals were nearly universal." (
source). In Evans (2008), when asked "Is your interest in furry of a sexual or non-sexual nature?",
79% of respondents replied with some form of sexual component (
source). In Plante, Reyson, Roberts, Gerbasi (2011) they found that
75% reported some sexual component to their attraction to the furry fandom, with one third of the overall sample claiming that it was extremely important to them on a Likert scale (
source). (Supplementary Material:
"But tcr, why does it matter what two consenting adults do in the bedroom, if they want to knock boots with a tail plug then why shouldn't they be allowed to?"
They should be allowed to but the problems with the movement are no different than that of the movements surrounding Lolis, MAPs (child attracted people), rape fantasies, or other kinks that involve some form of stigma attached, such as BDSM. There is a clear element of nonconsent attached to the sexual motivations when the object of attraction is meant to replicate an animal, which cannot consent. That they are anthropomorphic instead of being copies of animals is of no concern in the argument as it is no different than other "victimless crimes" such as being attracted to lolis, which glamorize and normalize problematic fetishes.
The claims that the furry community is just a group of people sharing a hobby is a poorly concealed facade paraded by people who are in the closet about their sexual attractions due to social stigma surrounding it, at a young enough age to where they are unsure what sexual attraction even is and have not developed enough to give a cogent thought, or an incredibly vocal minority community within the already small subculture. As sexualization of a fictional being (that is, it does not exist in nature - sexualization of Peter Griffin, while fictional, still constitutes sexualization of a 'real' creature, a human) can be seen as problematic due to normalizing deviant behavior, as seen in depiction of Lolis or MAPs, normalization of furries runs counter-intuitive to finding a moral center in society. The stigma thus attached to their movement is rightfully deserved, seen as an attempt for society to push back against aberrant fetishes.