Hypah Offense: 1st time.

This will be my final team before Black and White will appear in stores. The reason of posting this is because it's my most succesfull team since Salamence and Latias left the OU tier to struggle their way into Uber.

This is an Hyper Offensive team, and i got my inspiritation from "Greek RMT". It's pretty similar to Greek RMT but i rather focus on physical in OU.



Azelf @ Light Clay
Timid/Jolly: 252 HP / 252 Speed / 4 Special Defense
Light Screen / Reflect / Taunt / Stealth Rock

Ties with Specs Starmie and Azelf (non scarf obv). It loses to Scarf Starmie and Aerodactyl. Bar these Pokémon, Azelf makes a great HO lead as it places dual screens on the field and maintaining potential dangers with Taunt and keeps switching at a minimum with the must have; Stealth Rock. When facing Azelf i usually Taunt and cross my fingers for the tie win so i get a free screen + SR, it won me a couple of times so.
Azelf is a must have on a fast HO team, since i didn't like the way Bronzong tested over a long period of time.


Scizor @ Life Orb
Adamant: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 HP
Swords Dance / Bullet Punch / Brick Break / Quick Attack

My first sweeper and it's a monster after a Swords Dance, a single boost allows me to plow the battle ground with Double STAB Bullet Punch and Quick Attack. SD on a obvious switch to Starmie (who wants to take the CB Bullet Punch) and Quick Attack it for a clean OHKO thanks due to Technician and Priority Brick Break is ideal for opponents such as Blissey, Snorlax, Togekiss, Metagross and Tyranitar; who would otherwise completely wall me.

I used Bug Bite over Quick Attack to take down Celebi but i got enough counters for Celebi, and Starmie is one of the most threatening Pokémon when Scizor is down; for it is the only one who can come in and Set-Up on it; who i now OHKO with a +2 Quick Attack.


Gyarados @ Life Orb
Adamant: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 Defense
Dragon Dance / Waterfall / Stone Edge / Earthquake

DD Gyarados is my second sweeper and it's a real common one. It Dragon Dances on the switch as it's Speed and Attack go +1/+1 which allows me to outspeed everything non scarfed. Waterfall for OBV STAB and Stone Edge gives me a check on Gyarados, Zapdos and Togekiss. Earthquake for overall damage on Electivire, Magnezone and Metagross mainly.


Metagross @ Life Orb
Adamant: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 Special Defense
Agility / Meteor Mash / ThunderPunch / Earthquake

Agiligross is probably the most dangerous Pokémon when it sets up barring Empoleon as it outspeeds alot and OHKO's even more with it's impressive 405 Attack. Meteor Mash is for STAB and kills alot of Ice and Rock type Pokémon, while Earthquake gives Metagross good overall coverage vs mirrors or steel. ThunderPunch is here to hit Skarmory and Gyarados, 2 of the most threatening Pokémon.

I use Earthquake over Zen Headbutt, B/C i usually have a good check on Breloom with Infernape and others. Machamp becomes a bit of a problem though.


Infernape @ Life Orb
Jolly: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 Special Defense
Swords Dance / Close Combat / Fire Punch / Mach Punch

SD Infernape, who just switched positions with Lucario. After a single Swords Dance there is little this Pokémon can't seriously hurt. Swords Dance on the switch, followed by Close Combat + Mach Punch is a force to be reckoned with. Fire Punch gives me a check on Steel types, the biggest Physical walls in the game who now crumble in pieces.

+2 Jolly Infernape: Mach Punch ThunderPunch Fire Punch

Relaxed Swampert 252 HP / DEF 27 - 32 % 0% 26 - 30%
Impish Hippowdon 252 HP / 168 Def 23 - 28% 0% 44 - 52%
Bold Vaporeon 188 HP / 252 Def 32 - 37% 79 - 94% 29 - 35%
Bold Blissey 252 HP / 252 Def 73 - 87% 46 - 54% 69 - 81%
Jolly Gliscor 252 HP / 4 Def 16 - 19% 0% 63 - 74%
Impish Skarmory 252 HP / 176 Def 26 - 31% 64 - 76% 97 - 115%
Bold Zapdos 248 HP / 228 Def 15 - 18% 38 - 45% 58 - 68%
Swampert takes 84 - 99% from +2 CC
Hippowdon takes 71 - 83% from +2 CC
Vaporeon takes 95 - 112% from +2 CC
Blissey takes 221 - 261% from +2 CC
Gliscor takes 50 - 59% from +2 CC
Skarmory takes 78 - 91% from +2 CC
Zapdos takes 46 - 54% from +2 CC
Swampert can ohko with Waterfall
Hippowdon can Earthquake
Vaporeon can Surf
Blissey can't do anything
Gliscor can Earthquake
Skarmory can't do anything
Zapdos can't do anything
Infernape will always outspeed Swampert, Hippowdon, Vaporeon, Gliscor, Skarmory and Zapdos bashing them for a minimum of:
Swampert: 27%
Hippowdon: 44%
Vaporeon: 79%
Blissey: 73%
Gliscor: 63%
Skarmory: 97%
Zapdos: 58%
(Note: All damage calculations are done without the use of Stealth Rocks, because i can't rely on that with my current lead.)
I'm using Jolly because if Adamant i won't be able to outspeed base 100's positive nature with max EVs such as:
Jirachi <-- Threatens with T-Wave
Celebi <- Threatens with T-Wave
Shaymin <- ...
Tentacruel <- Threatens with Surf
Zapdos <- Threatens with Agility
Flygon (It's always scarfed these days but ok.. if not then i outspeed)
+2 Jolly Infernape: Mach Punch ThunderPunch Fire Punch
+Atk Dragonite 0 HP / 0 Def 23 - 27% 58 - 69% 44 - 52%
+Spe Heatran 0 HP / 0 Def 86 - 102% 53 - 63% 0%
+Spe Starmie 0 HP / 0 Def 32 - 37% 159 - 187% 59 - 70%
+Spe Jolteon 0 HP / 0 Def 81 - 96% 0% 151 - 178%
+Def Zapdos 248 HP / 228 Def 15 - 18% 38 - 45% 58 - 68%
+Spe Shaymin 0 HP / 0 Def 42 - 50% 26 - 31% 158 - 188%
+Def Jirachi 240 HP / 160 Def 28 - 33% 35 - 41% 105 - 124%
+SDef Tentacruel 252 HP / 120 Def 24 - 28% 120 - 141% 45 - 53%
+Spe Flygon 0 HP / 0 Def 58 - 69% 0% 54 - 64%

So yeah, should i replace Close Combat with ThunderPunch to lay more damage overall or keep Close Combat ?

Dragonite @ Life Orb
Adamant: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 Defense
Dragon Dance / ThunderPunch / Outrage / ExtremeSpeed

My final sweeper, DD Dragonite. Dragon Dance on the switch, and unleash hell. ThunderPunch ohko's Vaporeon and Skarmory after Dragon Dance, who usually switch in to take the Outrage. The teams biggest threat currently is Scarfed Flygon, who i now check with a guaranteed OHKO with ExtremeSpeed.

Final View:


Final Thoughts:


- Swords Dance Lucario;
- Swords Dance Breloom;
- Dragon Dance Tyranitar.


- Technician Breloom;
- Iron First Infernape;
- Overconfidence Gyarados.

Extra Information:

I use this team on WI-FI and it tests flawless. On shoddy it has some major issues with Rotom forms, i could really use some help on this.


Green: Threat level 1
Orange: Threat level 2
Red: Threat level 3

Aerodactyl: Switch to Scizor, take the Taunt and Bullet Punch for the kill.
Azelf: Taunt, and hope for the tie to win, then set up rocks on the switch, and screen from there.
Blissey: Close Combat it with Infernape or SD + Brick Break it with Scizor.
Breloom: Biggest threat when not set up, if set up outspeed and OHKO.
Bronzong: Taunt it then Reflect and continue from there. Keep Azelf in for it WILL Explode.
Celebi: Fire Punch it with Infernape, Stone Edge with Gyarados and Bullet Punch with Scizor.
Dragonite: Gyarados Stone Edges it for a clean OHKO.
Dusknoir: Never faced it, probably just go to Infernape to take the Will-O-Wisp, set up and Fire Punch it.
Electivire: Earthquake it with Gyarados, Close Combat it with Infernape, ExtremeSpeed Dragonite, Quick Attack Scizor.
Empoleon: Earthquake it with Gyarados, ThunderPunch it with Dragonite.
Flygon: Big threat when Scizor is down, after a DD Dragonite can ES it for a OHKO.
Forretress: Mainly lead, so Taunt it with Azelf and setup screens and SR, then go to Infernape and set up.
Gengar: Scizor Bullet Punches it and Metagross Zen Headbutt's it after Agility.
Gliscor: +2 Bullet Punch 2HKO's it after SR. Infernape outspeeds and Fire + Mach Punches it. After a set up it's no threat.
Gyarados: Huge threat after DD, barring Meta's ThunderPunch on the DD. Same goes for Dragonite.
Heatran: Huge threat when not predicted. Everything can either OHKO or set up on it, barring Scizor and Metagross.
Hippowdon: Taunt it and screen up, followed by bashing it's skull with water and fighting moves.
Infernape: If it doesn't carry ThunderPunch, Dragonite and Gyarados can kill it. Infernape will tie and hopefully ko it with CC.
Jirachi: If lead i go to Infernape and Close Combat it, for when he predicts and goes to Heatran. Close Combat 2HKO's Jirachi it it stays in.
Jolteon: Big Threat for it outspeeds me and hits everything for neutral or super effective damage. Need help on this (Gliscor?)
Kingdra: Scizor's best option. Take the Meteor, SD up, take the switch or Hydro Pump and SD up. After that you can sweep at least 2 Pokémon before Scizor faints due to recoil. Metagross can set up and wreck havoc with Zen Headbutt.
Lucario: Infernape kills it with Mach Punch, and Gyarados EQ's it. Meta can ko with Zen Headbutt.
Machamp: Lead? Set up Reflect on the Payback, then Stealth Rock on the next Payback and Light Screen if it doesn't Bullet Punch. Meta rapes it with Zen Headbutt.
Magnezone: Gyarados OHKO's it with Earthquake, Infernape's Close Combat kills it and Scizor Brick Breaks. If not Timid, Scizor outspeeds and OHKO with Brick Break.
Mamoswine: Low threat.. can't hurt anything bar Dragonite and Metagross and get OHKO'd by everything else.
Metagross: EQ and Fire Punch deal with it. Dragonite can hit it with ThunderPunch.
Ninjask: Stealth Rock on the Protect and Reflect up on the Sub. Go to Scizor, set up and Bullet Punch away.
Roserade: Taunt, Light Screen, Reflect, Switch and Infernape will finish the job with Fire Punch + Mach Punch.
Rotom: Biggest threat for it kills me HARD. HP Ice / Overheat / Thunderbolt is a bitch behind a sub.
Scizor: Infernape Fire Punches it, Gyarados sets up and Waterfall for the OHKO
Shaymin: Could cause problems but Infernape outspeeds and Fire Punches it. Scizor, Infernape and Dragonite can priority kill it.
Skarmory: Fire Punch and ThunderPunch on the obvious whirlwind, for it expects setups. It's a consistent 2HKO.
Smeargle: Taunt, Reflect, SR, Light Screen and switch to Infernape which threatens it and set up from there.
Snorlax: Infernape SD's on the Curse or switch and CC for the OHKO. Scizor can Set up and Brick Break it.
Starmie: Scizor comes in and SD, followed by a Quick Attack for a clean OHKO. Dragonite can ES it. When scizor is down, it becomes a great problem.
Suicune: TP with Dragonite on the obvious Calm Mind, followed by ES for a KO. Metagross Agility + ThunderPunch.
Swampert: Lowest threat, it only shows itself when it sees Infernape only to run in a SD. +2 CC kills it.
Tentacruel: Metagross, +1 Gyarados, +1 Dragonite, +2 Scizor kills it.
Togekiss: ThunderPunch kills it, if Modest Gyarados SE's it, if timid +1 Gyarados SE's it.
Tyranitar: +2 Scizor, +2 Infernape prior kill it. If scarfed Gyarados DD's up and sweep from there.
Umbreon: Infernape and Scizor kill it. If lead just Taunt it to get a ragequit.
Vaporeon: ThunderPunch it with Dragonite and Metagross.
Weavile: Mach Punch it with Infernape for it does little damage with shard.
Zapdos: +1 Gyara kills it with SE and everyone else who set up can damage it for neutral.

Test results:

Shoddy 1st: 41 - 09
Shoddy 2nd: 44 - 06
Shoddy 3rd: 39 - 11

124 - 26
This team has two major problems: First, you should only have special or physical attackers. With both, you now have to deal with blissey AND skarmory/rotom/swampert. It is your choice whether to go either way, but you will have make some major changes. Agiligross works incredibly well over empoleon. Similarly, a gyarados would work over suicune. The second problem is flygon. You shouldn't have choiced pokemon. You absolutely need to maintain momentum or a sweeper could set up in one turn on a locked EQ. Having kingdra here would work well with dragonite, as they have similar counters.
Why not simply run LO Starmie over Suicune? Her natural middling bulk really shines with recover and dual screens and nothing can set up through her. Surf and BoltBeam and Recover. If you get Kingdra issues then run Psychic over Recover. Calm Mind my butt haha, Starmie is your homie, but if you still want it then run CM Raikou with HP Ice and Shuca Berry (flygon) for the better speed stat. Screens will see you through against bulkier teams and speed will get it done against offensive teams.
@Eggbert: At least i know what the reason was why i lost so many times. My new build is more effective and it works really well, can you give me some more suggestions?

@Technomancer: No, i fixed it already.

Any one got other suggestions?
This new version is solid. I would try this metagross set though: Jolly with 60 Hp/252 Atk/196 Spe and the use of zen headbutt or explosion over thunderpunch. This allows it to KO flygon and help weaken swampert and rotom successfully.
short rate. :-p

hey pretty solid team. big issue with skarmory though. i'd suggest using mixape for killing defencive walls and lure killing blissey.

good luck
@Eggbert: I will test this out. Not sure about the movesets though, ThunderPunch gives me another check on Bulky Water Gyarados + Skarmory.

I refuse to use Explosion, this is not the right choice to go with imo. Zen Headbutt would be great though.

@-Lux-: +2 Infernape does 97-115% to standard Skarmory with Fire Punch.
Hi, Nice team you got here. On the rate,

Choice Scarf Flygon will give problems when Scizor + Screens is down. I recommend you switching out Kingdra for Dragonite, since Dragonite have Extremespeed which is appreciated by the team members. Dragonite @ Life Orb | Inner Focus | Adamant | 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Hp | Outrage / Extremespeed / Dragon Dance / Earthquake. With Life Orb equipped + 1 DD, Extremespeed will do 80% to Flygon. On Scizor,i think Leftovers is a way to go, since Dragonite lures Outrage, which Scizor will take. On Gyarados, you might want to use Earthquake > Taunt, since this is a HO team, you focus only on attack, attack ,attack until you die, and the other sweeping comes in and kill it. Advantages are that you ain't walled by Metagross,Jirachi and Tentacruel. Sword Dance Lucario could work in place of Metagross, you could test it out.

Good Luck!

short rate. :-p

hey pretty solid team. big issue with skarmory though. i'd suggest using mixape for killing defencive walls and lure killing blissey.

good luck

Lux, nah, it doesn't wall. All of them beats Skarmory, the objective of HO is to weaken the wall and bring another fresh sweeping in. Use your god damn brain ok?
Hi, Nice team you got here. On the rate,

Choice Scarf Flygon will give problems when Scizor + Screens is down. I recommend you switching out Kingdra for Dragonite, since Dragonite have Extremespeed which is appreciated by the team members. Dragonite @ Life Orb | Inner Focus | Adamant | 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Hp | Outrage / Extremespeed / Dragon Dance / Earthquake. With Life Orb equipped + 1 DD, Extremespeed will do 80% to Flygon. On Scizor,i think Leftovers is a way to go, since Dragonite lures Outrage, which Scizor will take. On Gyarados, you might want to use Earthquake > Taunt, since this is a HO team, you focus only on attack, attack ,attack until you die, and the other sweeping comes in and kill it. Advantages are that you ain't walled by Metagross,Jirachi and Tentacruel. Sword Dance Lucario could work in place of Metagross, you could test it out.

Good Luck!

Lux, nah, it doesn't wall. All of them beats Skarmory, the objective of HO is to weaken the wall and bring another fresh sweeping in. Use your god damn brain ok?

Dragonite @ Life Orb
Adamant: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Hp
Outrage / Extremespeed / Dragon Dance / Earthquake

I dig this alot, as it absorbs EQ's and FB's for Metagross and Scizor. I will test this out for a little bit and then maybe toss Kingdra for Dragonite. It does however give me 2 electric weaks now.. is it really beter overall?

Scizor @ Leftovers is a bad idea, i did test it before but in the end Life Orb gave me more KO's. And with Leftovers i need to Invest some HP and lose the Speed/Attack which are very essential to Scizor.

I thought a way of dealing with Skarmory, Blissey, Vaporeon and other phazers was to play taunt somewhere and b/c Azelf doesn't always live very long i decided to test it on Gyarados, which works pretty well. I can DD+3 attacks Gyarados but i get phaze haxed very fast this way.. i'll need to test it.

Thanks for the tips, i will test them.
Hey I got your message, I remember using both Rotom and Breloom against this team, which explains a lot. :) But actually a very solid HO team, Kingdra is definitely going to work better over Dragonite with a ChestoRest set. As you've noted, fast special attackers, like most ho, are problems, as well as rotom forms. I can see this team being very effective on wifi for that reason! Of course here you have to deal with him, so my suggestion is highly unorthodox but revolves around my favourite metagross set- Trick + Iron Ball. This set, while not possessing the sweeping prowess of agiligross, helps your team out by a mile by luring and removing the evil Rotom as well as the less problematic but still considerable Skarmory and Flygon. This really paves the way for your other sweepers- one of my previous team was hugely successful by using this Metagross and Gyarados, just like you have now!

Of course Breloom is still an issue, but for a team like this, I think just not letting it set up is the best option you have. Adding something like Gliscor or Rotom would really ruin the offensive synergy in my opinion. I think making Metagross not a sweeper is the most non-sweeping Pokemon this team can have. I hope this helps, good luck with the team.
I will test that Metagross out on this team, i used it a while ago on balanced where it didn't really shine the way it was supposed to. If i run that Metagross set on this team, i got no out to lead machamp who i now outspeed and ohko with Zen Headbutt. So i'll probably calculate:

Howmuch Spe ev's needed to outspeed standard Machamp, and howmuch Atk ev's are needed to OHKO 252 HP Machamp, unless i've tricked a Scarf obviously.

236 HP Metagross is nice bulk;
252 Attack Metagross is perfect;
20 Speed Metagross is meh.
After the Trick it outspeeds max'd out +Natured 115, mainly Starmie and Azelf.

Now if i deceide to run this set, i still have problems defeating Skarmory and Rotom forms.

A big problem for me running this Metagross is the fact that i have to play DD Tyranitar to take out Rotom fast, correct me if i'm wrong.

Custom Iron-Trick set:

Metagross @ Iron Ball
Adamant: 252 Atk / 236 HP / 20 Spe
Trick / Meteor Mash / Earthquake / Zen Headbutt

Earthquake is god vs Skarmory and Rotom, Meteor Mash is nice STAB but not prefered tbh. Zen Headbutt is a reliable check on Machamp and Breloom.

ThunderPunch isn't needed now EQ hit's Skamory, but Vaporeon becomes a problem. So i'm thinking about changing Meteor Mash with ThunderPunch, any suggestions?

Also on your ChestoRest set for Kingdra, i really don't have the time to rest up B/C i need to do damage everyturn, unless i set up. I could at least test it out, so i'll do that later.

Thanks alot Smith.
I strongly recommend super power over brick break to beat skarmory with. Also I really hate your dragonite set, it is walled by any steel type pokemon, and this is needless, you can run earthquake over thunderpunch instead. Same thing for metagross, it has little game against steel type pokemon, I would switch zen headbutt to eq.
ThunderPunch ohko's Vaporeon and Skarmory after Dragon Dance, who usually switch in to take the Outrage.
+1 252 Adamant Dragonite's Thunderpunch only does 49.7% - 58.7% to 252/176 Impish Skarm

Jirachi: If lead i go to Infernape and Close Combat it, for when he predicts and goes to Heatran. Close Combat 2HKO's Jirachi it it stays in.
LeadRachi carry Scarf so it can flinchhax your Infernape to death.

Scizor: Infernape Fire Punches it, Gyarados sets up and Waterfall for the OHKO
+1 Adamant 252 Gyarados does 79% - 93.6% to Scizor with Waterfall

Skarmory: Fire Punch and ThunderPunch on the obvious whirlwind, for it expects setups. It's a consistent 2HKO.
As seen from the calcs above, you only have around 25% chance to 2HKO factoring in Leftovers Recovery and it can simply roost off the damage if you don't 2HKO

Starmie: Scizor comes in and SD, followed by a Quick Attack for a clean OHKO. Dragonite can ES it. When scizor is down, it becomes a great problem.
+2 Adamant Scizor only does 62.6% - 74% to Offensive Starmie and few Starmies are offensive.
Just FYI Starmie 2HKOs with Surf

Please do your Calcs
Dragonite should have Earthquake over Thunderpunch, for more coverage. Outrage hits Gyarados pretty hard anyways, and Earthquake really should be used to hit Steels. Right now, your Dragonite is walled by Magnezone, and even Scizor won't take much from a boosted Thunderpunch. Lucario can take an Outrage and maybe even set up a Swords Dance before hitting you with Extremespeed. Earthquake really helps against many threats, and provides good coverage with Outrage.

Good luck!