Multi-gen Indigo Plateau 2 [14P Won by Floppy]

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Victory RoAd: (1, 2, 3 | 4) | Indigo Plateau (1 | 2 |

Welcome to second Indigo Plateau Conference. Players are seeded into groups sorted by best record, with who qualified first as the tiebreaker.

Round 1

Group 1 (18/18)
BKC (6-6)
Lusch (5-7)
Marcop (7-5)

Group 2 (33/36)
Kingler12345 (14½-3½)
byronthewellwell (5-10)
Mael (8½-9½)
Eeveeto (5-10)

Group 3 (18/18)
Texas Cloverleaf (8-4)
Confide (4-8)
Genesis7 (6-6)

Group 4 (30/36)
Floppy (8-4)
-Frexa- (6-6)
Lavos (8-10)
Lycans (8-10)


A. Marcop (1-3) Genesis7
B. Floppy (W-0) Mael
C. Texas Cloverleaf (1-3) BKC
D. Kingler12345 (3-1) Lycans


E. Genesis7 (0-3) Floppy
F. BKC (3-0) Kingler12345


G. Floppy (3-2) BKC

Group Stage: Play each opponent in each old gen OU tier once and report wins/ties/losses. Top 2 who have won the most battles in a group will proceed to the quarterfinals.

Single Elimination Stage: Players take turns choosing tiers in a first-to-3 wins set, with tied games replayed. First to pick are group winners. If both are group winners, group points (3 man group points multiplied by 1.5) will determine who has first pick. If tied points, the first pick will determined randomly by the host. In the instance it is randomly determined, 2nd and 3rd picks will go the opponent, while 4th and 5th picks will go to who was randomly determined to pick 1st.

The overall winner earns the right to display the
Indigo Plateau trophy in their signature.

The deadline for completing Round 1 is August 16th 09:00 AM EDT / 03:00 PM CEST
The deadline for completing Quarterfinals is August 26th 09:00 AM EDT / 03:00 PM CES
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vs floppy: lost rby to a full para, lost gsc, won adv, lost dpp to a flinch, won bw, lost oras to a roll in my favor

good shit
vs lycans: lost oras, won gsc, won bw, won dpp, won adv, won rby with some luck

good shit
4-0 up against byron atm, finishign the rest later; edit: split the other 2 games 1-1 bringing the score to 5-1 in my favor
edit: 5-0 up against mael, i think we tied GSC
& 3-1 against eeveeto
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I'm not a guy who complains, but after my games vs Floppy i can say i'm cursed with this tour
I got robbed on ORAS and ADV gg's
I won
I lost
vs BKC, ggs
I won
vs Marcop, ggs
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Added this to the OP:

Players take turns choosing tiers in a first-to-3 wins set, with tied games replayed. First to pick are group winners. If both are group winners, group points (3 man group points multiplied by 1.5) will determine who has first pick. If tied points, the first pick will determined randomly by the host.

Marcop vs Genesis 7 and Texas Cloverleaf vs BKC can be played.
Forgot to post this, but I lost a game and won another against both Byron and Kingler. This means that neither me nor Byron can no longer have a higher score than Mael, who is now the runner-Up of Group 2. GL to the remaining players.
lost rby, won adv, lost bw vs bkc, ggs

just as everyone predicted

edit: opps didnt realize it was first to 3, we'll finish later tonight
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