Good morning everyone. This is a very important issue for several reasons, but on a personal level it is my first release since being named Head Editor -- I'm sure you didn't know that. ;) The Smog issue #19 is packed with a total of forty articles, which makes this our most ambitious release to date in terms of number of featured articles. As usual, all of our recurring ones—Judge a Pokemon, Featured RMTs, Featured Pokemon, Type Analysis, Interviews—are back, along with other different topics that range from competitive strategies, to amusement with some SPL drama, to information on important aspects of the site such as the Translation Projects and Suspect results. Speaking of results, you may want to make the Smog Awards one of the first articles you read, as there's a lot to see there this time! Once again, we have managed to put some great things together for you to read, and we hope you enjoy this issue as much as we enjoyed working on it!
Now, I want to take a moment to thank all the people who have contributed to this issue of The Smog. Writers, proofreaders, artists, and HTMLers -- you all do an extensive amount of work every time, and you're all integral parts of the magazine. Good job! But the Smog contributors shouldn't take all the credit, because without an audience we wouldn't be able to do what we do here in the first place. So, to you, the reader, thank you! And as always, I encourage you to leave your feedback in the comments section so that we can continue to work toward making every issue of The Smog a better one.
As a final note, I'm glad to announce that old contributors jumpluff and Fatecrashers are now back in the Staff and in full force! Thank you for your hard work this time -- it's awesome to have you guys back. That said, I hope you all enjoy the articles we're bringing to you this time, and remember that you can also pitch us your ideas and get to do one or many of the things Smog contributors do every issue. Cheers!