ITT post obscure words that you enjoy using

Juxtapose. God, what a cool word.


It's also a word I learned from a Pokemon card.

But if you note what that attack actually does (swapping damage counters)... it's not particularly well-named. Still, since my friend Mewtwo wouldn't lie to me, I happily thought "juxtapose" was synonymous with "swapping" and used it like that since I thought it sounded cool. I did this blissfully unaware of my incorrect usage for years (I mean, what other kid/teenager is going to correct someone on their use of "juxtapose"?).

Then came college. The big, adult place for big, adult words. But I didn't fear it. For I had my secret weapon... juxtapose! I had some GenEd literature class, and I had to write an essay about Don Quixote (I will agree that "quixotic" is also a very cool word). You better believe I put juxtapose in that essay.

It was the only essay I ever got a failing grade on, and I got a specific mark from the professor on my use of "juxtapose" that said "this is not what this word means". Well, that's my cool word story.
"Insipid" I had to look up when I read it in a book one day back in high school, or somewhere around that time, and I've never forgotten it.

"Anathema" is in my OKCupid profile and I've had some matches comment on my colorful use of language.
I use "ergo" a lot and I don't know why. I use a lot of "furthermore", "sporadic", and "admonished" as well though they aren't that obscure.

Prat is a personal favourite. It’s a British insult that means idiot, though I also use it as a replacement for asshole or twat. Idk it’s a fun word to say
Can confirm this is one of the best insults to come out of this fetid pit of a country.