Jirachi - The steel monster

Hi there all! Last time I check I'm pretty sure Jirachi was in OU but I'm not sure. Even if it isn't, Jirachi is an amazing pokemon, capable of being a defensive or offensive pokemon. I have loved Jirachi for years and today I finally managed to get my hands on a usable one in competitive play (on my Y cartridge game). Anyways, hope you enjoy the team.

Jirachi @ Life Orb
Hasty nature - Serene Grace - 252 sp. atk/ 252 spd/ 4 HP
- U-Turn HP Fighting
- Psychic
- Calm Mind
- Flash Cannon

I love this Jirachi set. Not only is this set unique, but it also puts Jirachi's dual- STAB to good use. Calm Mind is Jirachi's number 1 stat boosting move and combine that with it's STAB Flash Cannon and you have a KO'd fairy. Psychic is there to KO any poison or fighting pokemon who also try to set up on me and U-turn is for doing damage whilst switching out (and doing super effective damage on dark pokemon who try to KO me with their dark stabs).

Greninja @ Life Orb
Timid nature - Protean - 252 sp. atk/ 252 spd/ 4 HP
- Scald
- Grass Knot
- Dark Pulse
- Ice Beam

I decided to add Greninja to my team to be the Fire, Ghost and Ground check Jirachi needs. Greninja (like Jirachi) has a very high speed and sp. atk and can do a lot of damage if not prepared (which everyone is because its so common). This set is pretty much Greninja's bread and butter. Ice Beam and Dark Pulse for coverage, Scald fro burn chance and Grass knot to do large amounts of damage to bulky ground type pokemon.

Infernape @ Choice Band
Jolly nature - Iron Fist - 252 atk/ 252 spd/ 4 HP
- Flare Blitz
- Close Combat
- Mach Punch
- Thunder Punch

Infernape is Jirachi's Dark type check. It has access to a priority fighting type move, Mach Punch (which does large amounts of damage with band and Iron Fist). It also has Close Combat if Mach Punch is unable to leave a dent on the opposing pokemon. Flare Blitz is Infernapes best physical stab. Thunder Punch is for Talonflame (whom I predict to come out on me. I'm not stupid enough to stay in and take a brave bird.) and other walls weak to electric type attacks (and the butterfly of death. Needs a mention)

252 Atk Choice Band Infernape Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Umbreon: 462-546 (117.2 - 138.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Choice Band Infernape Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Cradily: 516-608 (137.2 - 161.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Choice Band Infernape Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Ferrothorn: 600-708 (170.4 - 201.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Sylveon @ Leftovers
Bold nature - Cute Charm - 252 HP/ 252 sp. def/ 4 def
- Moonblast
- Wish
- Heal Bell
- Protect
While, in my opinion, Sylveon is not as bulky (*cough* or good *cough*) as Umbreon, Sylveon makes up for it in some ways for being a good fighting check and also doing amazing damage with Moonblast. Some people would recommend me using a Pixilate/ Hyper Voice over Moonblast but sometimes you need that cute charm so you can heal yourself whilst not getting hit (by a full powered Flare Blitz from Infernape). It still has the same wish/ protect/ heal bell like Umbreon though and can do the same things so changing from one eeveelution to another in no big issue.

Umbreon @ Leftovers
Calm nature - Synchronise - 252 HP/ 252 sp. def / 4 def
- Heal Bell
- Foul Play
- Wish
- Protect
Umbreon is my cleric. He provides my Jirachi with Wish support which this set of Jirachi is incapable. He also provides another dark and ghost check for Jirachi. Foul Play is to do large amounts of damage to other walls that use physical moves and Ghost types. Heal Bell is to heal burns from Garchomp and Protect is to heal itself. I love Umbreon and if I ever hear a word about Umbreon being useless I will sweep your team with it (trust me, I've done it plenty of times).

Garchomp @ Choice Scarf
Jolly nature - Rough Skin - 252 Atk/ 252 spd / 4 HP
- Outrage
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

Even though I hate using more than one choice item, I'm going to do it anyways. Garchomp is a monster with Choice scarf. It can outspeed Life orb Latios, Salamence, Greninja, survive a brave bird from Talonflame before I KO it with Stone Edge, ect... It is incredible. I run Dragon Claw over Fire Blast on Garchomp mainly because if I need a dragon move and don't want to be locked in and played with for 2 - 3 turns.

Skarmory @ Leftovers
Impish nature - sturdy - 224 HP/ 252 def/ 32 sp. def
- Stealth Rock
- Brave Bird
- Defog
- Roost
Skarmory is my new and improved Aggron. It has access to stealth rock, has a neat resistance to Bisharp, and can also remove rocks from my side of the field (if needed).
Brave Bird is my move of choice (and everyone else's who ever bother to use Skarmory) since it does nice damage to fighting type pokemon who wreck this team. Skarmory's final move is roost to heal back it's HP after KO'ing those fighting type pokemon.
0 Atk Skarmory Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Keldeo: 236-278 (73 - 86%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0 Atk Skarmory Brave Bird vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Breloom: 516-612 (196.9 - 233.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
0 Atk Skarmory Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Blaziken: 288-342 (95.6 - 113.6%) -- 75% chance to OHKO (why I would stay in though I have absolutely no idea)
Aggron @ Aggronite
Impish nature - filter - 4 HP/ 252 atk / 252 def
- Heavy Slam
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic / Thunder Wave

Aggron is my second wall ( which I dearly need). It has access to stealth rock, which my team is severely lacking and a status move in Thunder Wave or Toxic. My team is already pretty fast so I'm leaning more towards Toxic because it racks up in damage over time and my aggron is amazingly bulky for a pure steel type. Heavy Slam is used over Iron Head since Aggron becomes heavier in Mega form and Earthquake is for coverage.

So there you have it. My team is full of UU pokemon that need a bit of love and affection. Especially Jirachi. Jirachi has amazing overall stats and an amazing typing and I think over time, people will start to see just how viable Jirachi it. I hope you enjoyed reading through my team!
P.S. If anyone knows a decent fighting check to be used over Aggron please alert me. I know that weakness is there but it's just a case of how to deal with it :/
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For a fighting type check, I would look into bulky gyarados. Terrakion is the only thing that commonly gives gyarados problems and you can leave it crippled with a twave or waterfall + intimidate generally. You coud also look into skarm if you are looking for a more traditional wall, but it still takes neutral hits. My choice would be skarm honestly as it has rocks, defog (if you want it), reliable recovery, and brave bird for fighting types while packing amazing bulk.

You may want to change up your rachi. Currently it is easily walled and not quite fast enough to be devestating. Consider swapping out u-turn for something to take out tflame or bisharp. Both wall or revenge you pretty easily and are very common offensive threats that your team struggles with. (moreso tflame than sharp) u-turn is nice, but you lose your boosts whenever you use it and your current coverage isnt great. If you would rather try a momentum set, you could always try doom desire for something unique and have like u-turn, healing wish, and some other powerful attack. Just a thought. Hope I helped. Feel free to fire back with any retorts or questions.
if you are setting up with jirachi i dont reccomend u-turn as it kills productivity i'd recommend thunder wave or drain punch instead.
Mega Venusaur can replace Mega Aggron in the walling position. It resists fighting and has decent recovery in Synthesis. You will be missing out on Stealth Rocks though. As a plus you have a decent Breloom switch in. It also helps that Jirachi resists both of its weaknesses to Psychic and Flying. However, I would suggest changing the Rachi set, although to what I can't say right now.
Since when did Infernape get Ice Punch. Can you at least test the team first before you post this RMT because its stupidly clear you didn't test it when Infernape can't get Ice Punch legally.

Any fighting-type shits on your team since you have 3 pokemon weak to it and 0 pokemon resisting it. You may want to try Sylveon over Umbreon as a cleric and you still have a dark-resist.

Your Jirachi set is bad because you can't even touch steel-types, and it provides close to 0 support for your team and since when would poison and fairy-types switch into a Jirachi anyway? Tbh Jirachi is garbage in OU because it isn't as stellar as the previous gen with the steel and rain nerf, and its weaknesses are significantly much more exploitable.
DracoNinja I have no idea why I put Ice Punch their tbh! I run it with thunder punch. Thanks for alerting me that I have stuffed up.
@ Everyone Jirachi has U-Turn changed to Hidden Power fighting for Bisharp. Any objections? (don't recomend changing IV's for HP rock or fire since this is an in game team)
mac1275 I have changed Aggron for Skarmory. I really love using it!
aPandaCub and Sacron10 thanks for the suggestions!