Just a note for the QC team: Sorry if you see multiple spaces between sections, blame Windows 8! :P
Nicki Minaj
<p>The former queen of NU has returned, and she is just as powerful as ever. With a wide offensive movepool including her signature move Lovely Kiss, an amazing ability in the form of Dry Skin that lets her easily punish Water-types and rain teams alike by simply entering the field, and high stats perfectly tailored to abuse these traits, Jynx is without a doubt one of the strongest Pokemon in NU. She also sets an extremely important Speed tier in NU at base 95, which has quickly become the gold standard for Speed in a now very fast-paced metagame. As such, Jynx is an incredibly potent wallbreaker, sweeper, sleep-inducer, rain check, and revenge killer all at once. Unfortunately for Jynx, however, her absolutely pathetic defensive typing and stats leave her completely unable to take a hit, making her a tried-and-true glass cannon. She also fears the many forms of priority (excluding Aqua Jet, of course) that roam everywhere in NU, as they are likely to leave a huge dent in her, if not OHKO her.</p>
name: Life Orb
move 1: Lovely Kiss
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Psychic / Psyshock
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Life Orb
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>This set defines the term "immediate threat" in NU: if Jynx gets a free switch-in, she's almost guaranteed to at least cripple, if not completely destroy something on the opponent's side of the field. Lovely Kiss is a defining factor in this, as it guarantees absolutely nothing can get a free switch-in and easily incapacitates would-be counters to Jynx, such as Metang and Grumpig. Ice Beam is Jynx's most powerful STAB, and it easily smashes anything that doesn't resist it into the ground. Psychic and Psyshock are her two best Psychic STABs, and the choice between the two is completely up to you; Psychic has a higher Base Power and hits common Ice-resists such as Alomomola and Torkoal harder, and Psyshock hits most special walls such as Lickilicky and Munchlax harder. It should also be noted that Psyshock hits opposing Jynx for a guaranteed 2HKO. However, Psychic is still the preferred option because most of the foes Psychic hits are more common, and Jynx can hit most targets for Psyshock hard with her preferred coverage move, Focus Blast. Additionally, Focus Blast is able to hit Steel-types and other Pokemon that would be able to take Jynx's STABs, but should be used sparingly due to its unimpressive accuracy and low PP.</p>
<p>You can use Energy Ball over Focus Blast to hit bulky Rock-types, such as Regirock, more reliably, but the extra power and coverage provided by Focus Blast is far more important. As for partners, Jynx highly appreciates entry hazard support as it helps her gain several KOs against the opposing team; Lickilicky, for example, can be 2HKOed by a combination of Psyshock and Focus Blast after Stealth Rock. Additionally, standard Torkoal and Piloswine can be OHKOed by Psychic and Focus Blast, respectively, after Stealth Rock and one layer of Spikes. Rock-types make good partners to set up Stealth Rock, as they can handle Fire-types that threaten Jynx as well as lure in Water-types for her to switch into. As for Spikes users, Scolipede is arguably the best partner for this task as it is able to take on Psychic- and Dark-types that Jynx can sometimes struggle with. Rapid Spin users are also appreciated due to Jynx's vulnerability to entry hazards-Stealth Rock in particular. However, it isn't absolutely mandatory as spinners in NU are rare, and all Jynx really needs is one free switch-in to start wreaking havoc. If you do choose to have a spinner, though, Torkoal and Wartortle are the best options for this role. Torkoal provides decent type synergy and boasts the ability to beat Metang, one of Jynx's counters, and Wartortle can also beat Metang as well as get past spinblockers through the use of Foresight. This Jynx is highly appreciated on teams that need a good wallbreaker or late-game cleaner, and she never disappoints in leaving her mark on the opposing team.</p>
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Psychic
move 3: Trick / Lovely Kiss
move 4: Lovely Kiss / Focus Blast
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>Jynx has an excellent combination of power, Speed, and movepool that lets her pull off an effective Choice Scarf set. What she lacks in wallbreaking power, she makes up for in both Speed and utility. Ice Beam is once again Jynx's most powerful STAB. Psychic is another great STAB that provides decent coverage with Ice Beam and is chosen over Psyshock due to its higher initial power, which this set desperately needs. It is also especially helpful for revenge killing Carracosta after a Shell Smash with ease, as it hits Carracosta's weaker Special Defense. Trick provides a way to cripple all of Jynx's common switch-ins, such as Metang, Munchlax, and Grumpig, especially crippling any Eviolite user. Finally, Lovely Kiss in tandem with Choice Scarf turns Jynx into an incredibly fast sleep-inducer that can quickly and effectively remove a troubling opponent from the battle. Focus Blast can be used for extra coverage, but is not preferred as Choice Scarf Jynx lacks the ability to power through most special walls, and instead prefers to punish them through the use of Trick and Lovely Kiss. If you do opt to use Focus Blast, however, Lovely Kiss should be used over Trick as it is by far the best move at Jynx's disposal. Do note that this is the easiest set to force out due to being locked into one move. It is especially risky to use when threats like Skuntank are still on the field, but the extra Speed it possesses gives her much more opportunities to switch in and revenge kill the opponent. It should be noted that Choice Scarf is not Jynx's strongest set, and is not quite as effective as it once was. However, it's easily the best late-game cleaner out of all of Jynx's sets, and it gets its specific task done well.</p>
<p>Energy Ball is a viable move in place of Trick or Focus Blast (removing Lovely Kiss is not advised, as it is still Jynx's best move) to reliably revenge kill Gorebyss after a Shell Smash, but doesn't provide much use otherwise and Jynx loses out on a valuable move by doing so.</p>
<p>As for partners for this set, Fighting-types make excellent candidates to ensure Jynx can sweep and to make up for her loss of power. Sawk, Primeape, and Gurdurr perform excellently against special walls and Skuntank, and in general provide great offensive synergy with her. A Rapid Spin user is also appreciated, as this Jynx is forced out a lot and is weak to Stealth Rock, but because Jynx is mostly used to clean up and generally doesn't repeatedly switch in and out, it isn't mandatory. Still, Torkoal and Wartortle are the best partners if you do choose to have one.</p>
name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Lovely Kiss
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Substitute / Psyshock
item: Leftovers
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>This set packs neither the immediate power nor the versatility of the first two sets, but makes up for it in several ways. Thanks to the combination of Substitute and Nasty Plot, this Jynx is able to boost her stats, protect herself from crippling status such as paralysis and poison, and take priority attacks from behind a Substitute, extending her longevity drastically. Despite Jynx's absolute frailty, it's actually quite easy for her to set up through the use of Lovely Kiss, and from there just continuously set up with Substitute, Nasty Plot and Lovely Kiss until Jynx is ready to start smashing through the opponent's team with boosted Ice Beams. Psyshock is a coverage option in the last slot to hit most Ice resists hard, but Jynx finds it much easier to set up when she's behind a Substitute. Do note this set is much more easily walled than the other sets with only Ice coverage, but it's much easier to sweep with the given tools.</p>
<p>This set is much more of an offensive stallbreaker than anything else, and requires much more team support than the other sets to function properly. First off, Jynx absolutely requires something to deal with bulky Ice resists, such as Munchlax and Grumpig. These two Pokemon laugh at Ice Beam and even possess the ability to phaze via Whirlwind, ridding Jynx of all her hard-earned boosts. Rapid Spin support is not required, as this Jynx boasts much more longevity than the other sets, but it's still appreciated. This Jynx actually really appreciates something to get rid of Toxic Spikes, however, which are by far the most crippling hazard to this set. Jynx actually works exceptionally well in a rain team, as partners such as Ludicolo and Seismitoad can really help with dealing with most Ice resists, and Seismitoad can set up Stealth Rock for extra support. Additionally, Dry Skin heals Jynx in the rain, allowing her to heal off residual damage much faster and set up more Substitutes. In return, Jynx can easily handle Roselia and Mantine, two Pokemon that would normally easily handle rain teams. This particular variant of Jynx is much harder to use than the other two, and requires a lot of skill to work. However, it pays off in the end if you are able to use it efficiently.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Jynx has many other options at her disposal, but none of them really bring out her fullest potential. Perhaps her most interesting option is her famous Luna set: a Calm Mind set similar to the Nasty Plot set but with investment in HP rather than Special Attack. However, Jynx's stats are not that of a bulky booster, and the Nasty Plot set boosts much faster and thus is preferred. Taunt and Magic Coat can be used to block and bounce back status, respectively, but Jynx does not have the room for these moves and Lovely Kiss usually gets the job done anyway. She can use a combination of Mean Look and Perish Song to Perish Trap in conjunction with Lovely Kiss, but this is an extremely risky tactic and a waste of Jynx's offensive potential. She has a colorful support movepool including Wish, Heal Bell, Light Screen, and Reflect, but does not have the bulk or typing to pull off the role of a supporter, and again wastes her offensive potential.</p>
<p>Jynx can utilize Choice Specs over Life Orb to further increase her power, but Life Orb allows for switching up moves and is preferred because of that. Additionally, Life Orb recoil isn't too bothersome as Jynx is unable to take hits anyway. On the Nasty Plot set, she could use Salac Berry in tandem with Substitute to boost her Speed as well as her Special Attack, but mono-Ice coverage is undesirable for that kind of set and one of the main selling points of the set is her ability to repeatedly set up Substitutes. Shadow Ball and Signal Beam can be used to provide coverage against Psychic- and Ghost-types, but don't provide much else otherwise, and Ice Beam usually hits them hard enough. Finally, a more offensive Nasty Plot set with a Focus Sash can attempt to weaken the opponent's team from the start of the game, but Jynx usually prefers to wreak havoc later on in the match rather than just dying at the start.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Jynx really does not have any counters in the strictest sense of the word, due to her amazing Special Attack, select movepool and, most importantly, Lovely Kiss. This makes her capable of incapacitating almost any so-called "counters" for the rest of the match. However, once Sleep Clause is activated, there are certain Pokemon that can shakily check her. Metang laughs at Jynx's STABs, has the bulk to shrug off a Focus Blast, and can OHKO her with Meteor Mash. Grumpig, with its Thick Fat, can easily take anything Jynx normally carries, but really can't do much in return aside from Whirlwind. Munchlax can also take almost anything Jynx throws at it (including Lovely Kiss), but must beware of Trick and Life Orb-boosted Psyshocks.</p>
<p>The Choice Scarf set can be beaten through prediction, as she can be easily played around because she is locked into one move. Skuntank also serves as an excellent check as it is immune to Psychic, can live an Ice Beam and OHKO with its STAB move of choice. Most Pursuit users in general can serve as good checks, such as Choice Scarf Tauros, Scolipede, and Swellow. Special walls such as Lickilicky also get a mention as Choice Scarf Jynx lacks the power to break through them. As for the Nasty Plot set, bulky Ice-type resists—particularly Munchlax and Grumpig with their ability to phaze—are the best way to go.</p>
<p>However, it should be noted that the easiest way to beat Jynx is to revenge kill her. Faster Choice Scarf users, such as Zebstrika and Charizard, can outspeed all variants of Jynx and OHKO her with their Fire-type moves. Priority attacks (sans Aqua Jet) are also good ways to revenge kill her with her abysmal bulk. Offensive Metang's Bullet Punch, however, gets a special mention as Metang can actually switch in on Jynx's STABs, and in return OHKO her after Stealth Rock. Kangaskhan's Fake Out also ensures a "free hit" with its 100% flinch rate, making it a good check. Finally, as Jynx is prone to wearing herself down whether through Life Orb recoil, Substitute, or entry hazards, sometimes the best way to beat Jynx is to wait for her to take herself down.</p>

Nicki Minaj
name: Life Orb
move 1: Lovely Kiss
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Psychic / Psyshock
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Life Orb
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Psychic
move 3: Trick
move 4: Lovely Kiss / Focus Blast
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Lovely Kiss
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Substitute / Psyshock
item: Leftovers
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- One of the strongest Pokémon in NU
- Wide offensive movepool including its signature move Lovely Kiss
- Amazing ability in Dry Skin; lets it use Water-types as setup/sleep fodder/excellent check to rain teams
- Sets an extremely important Speed tier in NU at base 95
- Main roles in the meta: wallbreaker, sweeper, sleep-inducer, rain check, revenge killer
- Completely unable to take a hit/vulnerable to priority (excluding Aqua Jet)
- Not meant to take hits, meant to dish them out
name: Life Orb
move 1: Lovely Kiss
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Psychic / Psyshock
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Life Orb
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Defines the term "immediate threat" in NU
- If it gets a free switch-in, pretty much guaranteed to at least cripple, if not completely destroy something
- Lovely Kiss is the main reason this set is so threatening, as it ensures nothing can switch in safely
- Ice Beam is Jynx's strongest/most reliable STAB, smashes anything that doesn't resist into the ground
- Psychic/Psyshock are its best Psychic STABs, Psychic hits stuff like Alomomola/Torkoal harder and has higher BP but Psyshock hits special walls like Lickilicky/Munchlax harder and hits opposing Jynx for a 2HKO
- Psychic preferred b/c threats you hit w/ Psyshock are relatively rare
- Also, Jynx still has Focus Blast to hit most special walls (Licki, Audino, Regice) hard
- Focus Blast hits Steels and other things that would take pittance from Jynx's other attacks
- Should be used sparingly as it only as 8 PP and 70 accuracy
- Appreciates hazard support to gain several KOs, such as against Lickilicky (2HKO by Psyshock + Focus Blast after SR), Munchlax (2HKO w/ Psyshock after SR), Piloswine (OHKO by Focus Blast after SR + 1 layer of Spikes), etc.
- Rock-types make good partners as they can set up SR, beat Fire-types that threaten Jynx, and lure in Water-types for Jynx to switch in on
- As for Spikers, Scolipede makes a great partner b/c it can deal with Dark-types that threaten Jynx
- You could use Energy Ball > Focus Blast to hit hit Rock-types more reliably, but the extra power/coverage from Focus Blast is more important
- Rapid Spin support is also appreciated w/ Jynx’s vulnerability to hazards, especially SR, but not absolutely mandatory as Jynx usually just needs a free switch in to start destroying shit
- Torkoal is a good partner w/ good type synergy + the ability to beat Metang, one of Jynx’s counters
- Wartortle also defeats Metang/basically ensures a spin w/ Foresight + Rapid Spin
- Highly appreciated on teams in need of a powerful wallbreaker/late-game cleaner, and never disappoints in leaving its mark on the opposing team
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Psychic
move 3: Trick
move 4: Lovely Kiss / Focus Blast
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Has sufficient power, Speed and movepool to pull off an effective Scarf set
- What it lacks in wallbreaking power, it makes up for in Speed
- Ice Beam is once again Jynx’s best STAB, w/ high power/perfect accuracy
- Psychic is the main Psychic STAB b/c this set needs all the initial power it can get, lets it revenge Carracosta after a Smash with ease
- Trick cripples all of Jynx's common switch-ins (Metang, Grumpig, Munchlax, etc.)
- Finally, Lovely Kiss in tandem w/ Scarf makes Jynx an incredibly fast sleep-inducer that can quickly remove a troubling mon from battle
- Focus Blast can be used for extra coverage, but since this set lacks power, it's not preferred
- This is the easiest set to force out because it’s locked into one move, but boasts extra utility over the other sets b/c of the extra Speed
- Scarf's main role is to be an effective revenge killer/cleaner, and cripples any counter w/ Trick/Lovely Kiss
- Energy Ball can be used to easier revenge Gorebyss after a Smash, but loses out on a valuable move by doing so
- Fighting-types make great partners to ensure Jynx’s sweep and make up for the loss of power
- Sawk, Primeape and Gurdurr are good partners, breaking down special walls/Skuntank and providing excellent offensive synergy
- Forced out a lot/is SR weak, so a spinner is useful to keep Jynx alive, although still not mandatory as Jynx still just needs a free switch-in to wreck something
- Torkoal/Wartortle are the best partners for this job b/c they can beat Metang/Wartortle can guarantee spins
- Scarf isn’t its strongest set, but it’s the best late-game cleaner out of the listed sets and gets its specific job done well
name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Lovely Kiss
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Substitute / Psyshock
item: Leftovers
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Doesn’t pack the immediate power/versatility of the other sets, but makes up for it in several ways
- This set can boost its stats, be protected from crippling status, and can take priority thanks to the combo of Sub + NP
- Easy to get up a Sub by either using Lovely Kiss or bluffing it
- The trick is to LK, then Sub, then NP and rinse and repeat until you can start smashing through teams w/ boosted Ice Beams
- Psyshock is a decent option in the last slot to hit most Ice-resists hard, but it’s much harder to set up then
- Much more easily walled than the first set w/ only STAB coverage, but finds it much easier to sweep with the given tools
- Much more of an offensive stallbreaker than anything else, and needs more support than the first set to function properly
- Absolutely requires something to deal w/ Ice resists, as they take shit from Ice Beam and can fire back
- Doesn’t require Rapid Spin support as much b/c of its better longevity, but still appreciated
- Works exceptionally well on a rain team w/ partners like Ludicolo/Seismitoad, they can deal w/ most Ice resists and Toad can set up SR, plus Jynx heals in rain so it can set up more Subs
- Additionally, Jynx can deal w/ Roselia/Mantine, two mons that normally are great counters to rain teams
- Harder to use than the first set, but it pays off if you’re able to use it efficiently
- It can use a bulkier Calm Mind set, but NP boosts much faster and Jynx’s stats aren’t built to be a bulky booster
- Taunt/Magic Coat can be used to block/bounce back status moves, respectively, but Jynx doesn’t have the room for it and LK usually gets the job done anyway
- It can Perish Trap w/ Lovely Kiss, but is extremely risky and a waste of its offensive potential
- Has a colorful support movepool w/ Dual Screens/Wish/Heal Bell, but isn’t advised b/c it doesn’t have the bulk/typing to pull it off very well, and again wastes its great offense
- Choice Specs can be used on the LO set, but LO lets you switch up moves and is preferred b/c of that
- Additionally, LO recoil doesn't bother Jynx too much as it can't take hits anyway
- Salac Berry can be used on the NP set in tandem w/ Sub, but mono-Ice coverage is undesirable for that kind of set
- Shadow Ball/Signal Beam can hit Psychics/Ghosts, but Ice Beam usually hits them hard enough
- An NP set w/ Focus Sash can work to try and weaken a team from the very start of the game
- EXTREMELY difficult to counter with its amazing Special Attack, offensive movepool, and Lovely Kiss
- Once Sleep Clause is activated, there are a few mons that can shakily check it
- Metang laughs at Jynx’s STABs, can shrug off a Focus Blast and OHKO w/ Meteor Mash
- Grumpig laughs at anything it usually carries w/ Thick Fat, but can’t really do much in return
- Munchlax can take almost anything (including Lovely Kiss) but must watch out for LO Psyshock and Trick
- For NP, bulky Ice resists are the best way to beat it, such as Regice, Munchlax, Metang, etc.
- Scarf set can be beaten through prediction/bulky walls, as it boasts the least power of the three sets
- Infinitely easier to revenge kill
- Faster Scarfers, such as Zebstrika and Charizard can come in after something has fainted and OHKO w/ their Fire attacks
- Priority (except Aqua Jet) can usually at the least do a very large chunk to Jynx with its abysmal bulk
- Metang’s Bullet Punch gets a special mention, as Metang can actually switch in on Jynx and OHKO after SR
- Prone to being worn down through either LO recoil, Substitute, or hazard damage
<p>The former queen of NU has returned, and she is just as powerful as ever. With a wide offensive movepool including her signature move Lovely Kiss, an amazing ability in the form of Dry Skin that lets her easily punish Water-types and rain teams alike by simply entering the field, and high stats perfectly tailored to abuse these traits, Jynx is without a doubt one of the strongest Pokemon in NU. She also sets an extremely important Speed tier in NU at base 95, which has quickly become the gold standard for Speed in a now very fast-paced metagame. As such, Jynx is an incredibly potent wallbreaker, sweeper, sleep-inducer, rain check, and revenge killer all at once. Unfortunately for Jynx, however, her absolutely pathetic defensive typing and stats leave her completely unable to take a hit, making her a tried-and-true glass cannon. She also fears the many forms of priority (excluding Aqua Jet, of course) that roam everywhere in NU, as they are likely to leave a huge dent in her, if not OHKO her.</p>
name: Life Orb
move 1: Lovely Kiss
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Psychic / Psyshock
move 4: Focus Blast
item: Life Orb
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>This set defines the term "immediate threat" in NU: if Jynx gets a free switch-in, she's almost guaranteed to at least cripple, if not completely destroy something on the opponent's side of the field. Lovely Kiss is a defining factor in this, as it guarantees absolutely nothing can get a free switch-in and easily incapacitates would-be counters to Jynx, such as Metang and Grumpig. Ice Beam is Jynx's most powerful STAB, and it easily smashes anything that doesn't resist it into the ground. Psychic and Psyshock are her two best Psychic STABs, and the choice between the two is completely up to you; Psychic has a higher Base Power and hits common Ice-resists such as Alomomola and Torkoal harder, and Psyshock hits most special walls such as Lickilicky and Munchlax harder. It should also be noted that Psyshock hits opposing Jynx for a guaranteed 2HKO. However, Psychic is still the preferred option because most of the foes Psychic hits are more common, and Jynx can hit most targets for Psyshock hard with her preferred coverage move, Focus Blast. Additionally, Focus Blast is able to hit Steel-types and other Pokemon that would be able to take Jynx's STABs, but should be used sparingly due to its unimpressive accuracy and low PP.</p>
<p>You can use Energy Ball over Focus Blast to hit bulky Rock-types, such as Regirock, more reliably, but the extra power and coverage provided by Focus Blast is far more important. As for partners, Jynx highly appreciates entry hazard support as it helps her gain several KOs against the opposing team; Lickilicky, for example, can be 2HKOed by a combination of Psyshock and Focus Blast after Stealth Rock. Additionally, standard Torkoal and Piloswine can be OHKOed by Psychic and Focus Blast, respectively, after Stealth Rock and one layer of Spikes. Rock-types make good partners to set up Stealth Rock, as they can handle Fire-types that threaten Jynx as well as lure in Water-types for her to switch into. As for Spikes users, Scolipede is arguably the best partner for this task as it is able to take on Psychic- and Dark-types that Jynx can sometimes struggle with. Rapid Spin users are also appreciated due to Jynx's vulnerability to entry hazards-Stealth Rock in particular. However, it isn't absolutely mandatory as spinners in NU are rare, and all Jynx really needs is one free switch-in to start wreaking havoc. If you do choose to have a spinner, though, Torkoal and Wartortle are the best options for this role. Torkoal provides decent type synergy and boasts the ability to beat Metang, one of Jynx's counters, and Wartortle can also beat Metang as well as get past spinblockers through the use of Foresight. This Jynx is highly appreciated on teams that need a good wallbreaker or late-game cleaner, and she never disappoints in leaving her mark on the opposing team.</p>
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Psychic
move 3: Trick / Lovely Kiss
move 4: Lovely Kiss / Focus Blast
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>Jynx has an excellent combination of power, Speed, and movepool that lets her pull off an effective Choice Scarf set. What she lacks in wallbreaking power, she makes up for in both Speed and utility. Ice Beam is once again Jynx's most powerful STAB. Psychic is another great STAB that provides decent coverage with Ice Beam and is chosen over Psyshock due to its higher initial power, which this set desperately needs. It is also especially helpful for revenge killing Carracosta after a Shell Smash with ease, as it hits Carracosta's weaker Special Defense. Trick provides a way to cripple all of Jynx's common switch-ins, such as Metang, Munchlax, and Grumpig, especially crippling any Eviolite user. Finally, Lovely Kiss in tandem with Choice Scarf turns Jynx into an incredibly fast sleep-inducer that can quickly and effectively remove a troubling opponent from the battle. Focus Blast can be used for extra coverage, but is not preferred as Choice Scarf Jynx lacks the ability to power through most special walls, and instead prefers to punish them through the use of Trick and Lovely Kiss. If you do opt to use Focus Blast, however, Lovely Kiss should be used over Trick as it is by far the best move at Jynx's disposal. Do note that this is the easiest set to force out due to being locked into one move. It is especially risky to use when threats like Skuntank are still on the field, but the extra Speed it possesses gives her much more opportunities to switch in and revenge kill the opponent. It should be noted that Choice Scarf is not Jynx's strongest set, and is not quite as effective as it once was. However, it's easily the best late-game cleaner out of all of Jynx's sets, and it gets its specific task done well.</p>
<p>Energy Ball is a viable move in place of Trick or Focus Blast (removing Lovely Kiss is not advised, as it is still Jynx's best move) to reliably revenge kill Gorebyss after a Shell Smash, but doesn't provide much use otherwise and Jynx loses out on a valuable move by doing so.</p>
<p>As for partners for this set, Fighting-types make excellent candidates to ensure Jynx can sweep and to make up for her loss of power. Sawk, Primeape, and Gurdurr perform excellently against special walls and Skuntank, and in general provide great offensive synergy with her. A Rapid Spin user is also appreciated, as this Jynx is forced out a lot and is weak to Stealth Rock, but because Jynx is mostly used to clean up and generally doesn't repeatedly switch in and out, it isn't mandatory. Still, Torkoal and Wartortle are the best partners if you do choose to have one.</p>
name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Lovely Kiss
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Substitute / Psyshock
item: Leftovers
ability: Dry Skin
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>This set packs neither the immediate power nor the versatility of the first two sets, but makes up for it in several ways. Thanks to the combination of Substitute and Nasty Plot, this Jynx is able to boost her stats, protect herself from crippling status such as paralysis and poison, and take priority attacks from behind a Substitute, extending her longevity drastically. Despite Jynx's absolute frailty, it's actually quite easy for her to set up through the use of Lovely Kiss, and from there just continuously set up with Substitute, Nasty Plot and Lovely Kiss until Jynx is ready to start smashing through the opponent's team with boosted Ice Beams. Psyshock is a coverage option in the last slot to hit most Ice resists hard, but Jynx finds it much easier to set up when she's behind a Substitute. Do note this set is much more easily walled than the other sets with only Ice coverage, but it's much easier to sweep with the given tools.</p>
<p>This set is much more of an offensive stallbreaker than anything else, and requires much more team support than the other sets to function properly. First off, Jynx absolutely requires something to deal with bulky Ice resists, such as Munchlax and Grumpig. These two Pokemon laugh at Ice Beam and even possess the ability to phaze via Whirlwind, ridding Jynx of all her hard-earned boosts. Rapid Spin support is not required, as this Jynx boasts much more longevity than the other sets, but it's still appreciated. This Jynx actually really appreciates something to get rid of Toxic Spikes, however, which are by far the most crippling hazard to this set. Jynx actually works exceptionally well in a rain team, as partners such as Ludicolo and Seismitoad can really help with dealing with most Ice resists, and Seismitoad can set up Stealth Rock for extra support. Additionally, Dry Skin heals Jynx in the rain, allowing her to heal off residual damage much faster and set up more Substitutes. In return, Jynx can easily handle Roselia and Mantine, two Pokemon that would normally easily handle rain teams. This particular variant of Jynx is much harder to use than the other two, and requires a lot of skill to work. However, it pays off in the end if you are able to use it efficiently.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Jynx has many other options at her disposal, but none of them really bring out her fullest potential. Perhaps her most interesting option is her famous Luna set: a Calm Mind set similar to the Nasty Plot set but with investment in HP rather than Special Attack. However, Jynx's stats are not that of a bulky booster, and the Nasty Plot set boosts much faster and thus is preferred. Taunt and Magic Coat can be used to block and bounce back status, respectively, but Jynx does not have the room for these moves and Lovely Kiss usually gets the job done anyway. She can use a combination of Mean Look and Perish Song to Perish Trap in conjunction with Lovely Kiss, but this is an extremely risky tactic and a waste of Jynx's offensive potential. She has a colorful support movepool including Wish, Heal Bell, Light Screen, and Reflect, but does not have the bulk or typing to pull off the role of a supporter, and again wastes her offensive potential.</p>
<p>Jynx can utilize Choice Specs over Life Orb to further increase her power, but Life Orb allows for switching up moves and is preferred because of that. Additionally, Life Orb recoil isn't too bothersome as Jynx is unable to take hits anyway. On the Nasty Plot set, she could use Salac Berry in tandem with Substitute to boost her Speed as well as her Special Attack, but mono-Ice coverage is undesirable for that kind of set and one of the main selling points of the set is her ability to repeatedly set up Substitutes. Shadow Ball and Signal Beam can be used to provide coverage against Psychic- and Ghost-types, but don't provide much else otherwise, and Ice Beam usually hits them hard enough. Finally, a more offensive Nasty Plot set with a Focus Sash can attempt to weaken the opponent's team from the start of the game, but Jynx usually prefers to wreak havoc later on in the match rather than just dying at the start.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Jynx really does not have any counters in the strictest sense of the word, due to her amazing Special Attack, select movepool and, most importantly, Lovely Kiss. This makes her capable of incapacitating almost any so-called "counters" for the rest of the match. However, once Sleep Clause is activated, there are certain Pokemon that can shakily check her. Metang laughs at Jynx's STABs, has the bulk to shrug off a Focus Blast, and can OHKO her with Meteor Mash. Grumpig, with its Thick Fat, can easily take anything Jynx normally carries, but really can't do much in return aside from Whirlwind. Munchlax can also take almost anything Jynx throws at it (including Lovely Kiss), but must beware of Trick and Life Orb-boosted Psyshocks.</p>
<p>The Choice Scarf set can be beaten through prediction, as she can be easily played around because she is locked into one move. Skuntank also serves as an excellent check as it is immune to Psychic, can live an Ice Beam and OHKO with its STAB move of choice. Most Pursuit users in general can serve as good checks, such as Choice Scarf Tauros, Scolipede, and Swellow. Special walls such as Lickilicky also get a mention as Choice Scarf Jynx lacks the power to break through them. As for the Nasty Plot set, bulky Ice-type resists—particularly Munchlax and Grumpig with their ability to phaze—are the best way to go.</p>
<p>However, it should be noted that the easiest way to beat Jynx is to revenge kill her. Faster Choice Scarf users, such as Zebstrika and Charizard, can outspeed all variants of Jynx and OHKO her with their Fire-type moves. Priority attacks (sans Aqua Jet) are also good ways to revenge kill her with her abysmal bulk. Offensive Metang's Bullet Punch, however, gets a special mention as Metang can actually switch in on Jynx's STABs, and in return OHKO her after Stealth Rock. Kangaskhan's Fake Out also ensures a "free hit" with its 100% flinch rate, making it a good check. Finally, as Jynx is prone to wearing herself down whether through Life Orb recoil, Substitute, or entry hazards, sometimes the best way to beat Jynx is to wait for her to take herself down.</p>