Name: Kangaskhan
Type: Normal
Ablities: Early Bird: Pokemon will wake up in half the time.
Scrappy: A ghost-type foe can be hit by normal and fighting attacks.
Inner Focus: This pokemon will not flinch. (dream world)
HP: 105
Att: 95
Def: 80
SpA: 40
SpD: 80
Spe: 90
Level Up Moves
1. Comet Punch
1. Leer
7. Fake OUt
10. Tail Whip
13. Bite
19. Double Hit
22. Rage
25. Mega Punch
31. Little by Little
34. Dizzy Punch
37. Crunch
43. Endure
46. Outrage
49. Sucker Punch
55. Reversal
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 Solarbeam
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flame Thrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM46 Attract
TM48 Sing A Round
TM52 Focus Blast
TM56 Fling
TM59 Incinerate
TM65 Shadow Claw
TM67 Vengeance
TM68 Giga Impact
TM78 Level Ground
TM80 Cheer Up
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
Egg Moves
Focus Energy
Crush Claw
Hammer Arm
Focus Punch
Trump Card
Overhead Throw
Wall of Sorts
Kangaskhan @ Leftovers
252 HP / 200 Def / 56 Att
Overhead Throw
Toxic / Rest / Sucker punch
Kanga is one of the few pokemon with access to the interesting move overhead throw, which lets her be a somewhat decent phaser. Her main selling points for this are her decent bulk, and her ability scrappy. She is one of 2 pokemon who can abuse a scrappy overhead throw (the other being the considerably less bulky exploud). The plan is simple, set up a sub, and toss opponents around, and hopefully you'll have a couple layers of entry hazards kicking around to make her job that much easier. The last slot is filler, stall heal or a somewhat ok priority move... The elemental punches, focus punch, and wish are all illegal with overhead throw unfortunately. This set is hampered however, by the fact that plenty of other pokemon got the equally useful move dragon tail, which isn't nullified by anything. But still, she gets the tools to do it right. Another option it has, which it had last gen as well, is to just throw roar on their instead. This lets it run wish or focus punch, but leaves it vulnerable to taunters.
Don't be sad, Cheer Up
Kangashkan @ Life Orb
252 Att, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Cheer Up
Return / Double Edge
Fire Punch / Sucker Punch
So ya, kanga got a somewhat ok stat up move this gen. Now it can use its decent bulk, speed, and attack, to try to maybe sweep. Scrappy is still probably the best option, as it lets you hit ghosts and retain the elemental punches. So you got your stab, and your coverage options. One may be tempted to use fire blast, as with a neutral nature and no investment at +1, you can 2HKO 252/0 skarmory most of the time, and usually OHKO 252/0 scizor... but really its still pathetic damage even then. Scizor is still OHKO'd by fire punch after a boost anyways. 40 SpA, just don't cut it.
Lead on Momma
Kangaskhan @ Leftovers / Life Orb / Focus Sash
252 Att, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Jolly / Hasty
Inner Focus / Scrappy
Fake Out
Return / Counter
Sucker Punch / Endeavor
Earthquake / Sucker Punch
Kanga was a decent enough lead back in the lower tiers of gen 4, and inner focus helps somewhat to beat fake out leads that don't expect it. I kind of merged 2 sets into one here, so for the first one it could just be an all out attacking lead to try to get some damage done, the other is a more situational lead, that trys to destroy one opponent with counter + sash + fake out, and then cripple another hopefully with endeavor. Both sets aren't great, but I was just trying to point out a possible use for inner focus.
So that's about it for the godzilla like mother. It looks to be yet another pokemon that will never see the light of day aside from novelty or if there is a potential NU tier. Like most cool pokemon, it'll live on in our hearts, but not on our teams.