^ Yeah I would've had a set with both Circle Throw and Disable but sadly they're illegal together :(
Too bad Kangaskhan doesn't learn dragon tail, it looks like it possibly could with it's awesome tail.
and Focus Punch in the last slot wouldn't be too bad
name: Sub Disable
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Disable
move 3: Frustration\Return
move 4: Focus Punch
item: leftovers
ability: Scrappy
nature: Jolly
evs: 212 HP / 120 Att / 176 Spe
It would hit as hard as my stab too base 150 moves are nothing to scoff at.
But I think Golurk might out class kangaskhan in the sense that it's focus punch it's harder with the higher attack stat and iron fist.
ah well I'll have to test it out for myself
Eh my philosophy is if something is the best at a certain job, then use it that way. The only competition in rest stalling that Early Bird Khan has is from Harvest Lum (waaay too many weaknesses to stall) and Shed Skin Scrafty (much lower life but makes up for it with 35 more base defensive stats).
And yes, I'm really do like those with a niche... if it crossed your mind.