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Keldeo (Analysis)

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Seconding Choice Specs if SD is included. Non-LO SD Aqua Jet fails to OHKO Doryuuzu of all things, I believe. It may be just me, but SD off base 72 Atk is laughable in my experience, especially when the CM set is so potent.

The Specs set is able to get past both Chansey and Blissey, something few other Specs users can boast, and if you think LO Starmie's Hydro Pump hits hard, Keldeo's is simply brutal.
After extensive use with the CM set I would like to propose a recommendation for HP Grass, for Quagsire and Swampert. I found too often being walled by the two Water/Grounds when facing Drizzle teams, moreso than not being able to deal with Lati@s, Celebi or Gyarados.

I found the set to be most effective with rain support, and partnered by CB Scizor & LO Starmie.
moving this to locked and outdated, once keldeo is released (soon!!!) you will have priority to write its analysis!
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