This thread is far deader than it should be, you’re one of the best spriters I’ve seen! I hope you don’t mind me making lots of requests, and if you choose to accept, please do in order of given.
1. N riding on a Zekrom
2. A Zeraora with it’s fist out and electricity all around it
3. Flint with Infernape, with infernape growling (e: you already did that one never mind)
4. Cynthia riding a black and red lugia
5. The Litten evolution line
6. Marshadow using its Z-Move, I’ll leave that to you on how it looks.
7: Tapu Koko, like, roaring? You know what it does in the game, it like cries out and electricity arcs around it. Something like that, but a sprite?
Keep up the great work!