Kricketune is a Pokemon that, no matter what about it you look at, it just looks bad. It has below average stats, terrible defenses, a highest stat of 85, a terrible typing, a crippling stealth rocks weakness, and an AWFUL movepool. However, with the introduction of 5th gen, it did gain one selling point, the ability technician. It boosts a few of kricketune's moves, making it slightly more effective. However, still keep in mind that without the right suppost, you might as well have dead weight on your team.
Choice Scarf
Kricketune@ Choice Scarf
Ability: Technician
Nature: Rash
EVs: 252 ATK: 4 SPA: 252 SPE
-Aerial Ace
-Bug Bite
-Echoed Voice
-Hidden Power Ice (Base 59/60 power)
This is probably the best set for Kricketune, with a choice scarf boosting its terrible speed. Aerial Ace is boosted up to a 90 power move that not even snow cloak or sand veil to avoid. Bug bite, with stab and technician, a base 135 power move, boasting more power than non-STAB megahorn, and eating the salac and lum berries of foes. Echoed Voice, while not that strong, works well with choice scarf and still receives the technician boost each time you use it. Hidden power ice, while again mostly used for filler, provides decent coverage and has a base 88-90 power.
I know it would probable flop completely and I'm a failure, but please give honest critique. Any other Krapitune movesets will be added to this MP.
Choice Scarf
Kricketune@ Choice Scarf
Ability: Technician
Nature: Rash
EVs: 252 ATK: 4 SPA: 252 SPE
-Aerial Ace
-Bug Bite
-Echoed Voice
-Hidden Power Ice (Base 59/60 power)
This is probably the best set for Kricketune, with a choice scarf boosting its terrible speed. Aerial Ace is boosted up to a 90 power move that not even snow cloak or sand veil to avoid. Bug bite, with stab and technician, a base 135 power move, boasting more power than non-STAB megahorn, and eating the salac and lum berries of foes. Echoed Voice, while not that strong, works well with choice scarf and still receives the technician boost each time you use it. Hidden power ice, while again mostly used for filler, provides decent coverage and has a base 88-90 power.
For the sake of argument, I'd say that the closest thing to a viable moveset that is fairly conistent would be in an Anti-Lead role, and even then only in RU (NU provided the tiers settle).
Kricketune (M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Swarm
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)/Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- X-Scissor
- Taunt
- Endeavor
- Knock Off/Protect/Sing
Basically the best he can manage. X-Scissor for the obligatory stab, with Taunt preventing the opponent from setting up on him, which would be...everything? Probably, I don't know, just my guess. Endeavor allows you to bring an opponent down to 1 Hp with you, which should happen often considering his piddling defenses. With this it is of course possible to run Hasty/Naive with 0 IVs in Hp/Def/SDef to guarantee this, seeing as he isn't really going to viable late-game anywho. Knock Off is basically the biggest impact he could make, removing a foe's Lefties/Scarf/etc. (hopefully). Protect can be used in order to buffer himself against Fake Out users in addition to scouting the next attack, though Sing is somewhat viable, I suppose.
Kricketune does have a fairly neat movepool, namely in Perish Song, though he lacks the bulk to abuse it. Unfortunately he is simply cursed to inadequecy, tis but the nature of the poke :/
I know it would probable flop completely and I'm a failure, but please give honest critique. Any other Krapitune movesets will be added to this MP.