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Kricketune is a Pokemon that, no matter what about it you look at, it just looks bad. It has below average stats, terrible defenses, a highest stat of 85, a terrible typing, a crippling stealth rocks weakness, and an AWFUL movepool. However, with the introduction of 5th gen, it did gain one selling point, the ability technician. It boosts a few of kricketune's moves, making it slightly more effective. However, still keep in mind that without the right suppost, you might as well have dead weight on your team.

Choice Scarf
Kricketune@ Choice Scarf
Ability: Technician
Nature: Rash
EVs: 252 ATK: 4 SPA: 252 SPE
-Aerial Ace
-Bug Bite
-Echoed Voice
-Hidden Power Ice (Base 59/60 power)

This is probably the best set for Kricketune, with a choice scarf boosting its terrible speed. Aerial Ace is boosted up to a 90 power move that not even snow cloak or sand veil to avoid. Bug bite, with stab and technician, a base 135 power move, boasting more power than non-STAB megahorn, and eating the salac and lum berries of foes. Echoed Voice, while not that strong, works well with choice scarf and still receives the technician boost each time you use it. Hidden power ice, while again mostly used for filler, provides decent coverage and has a base 88-90 power.

For the sake of argument, I'd say that the closest thing to a viable moveset that is fairly conistent would be in an Anti-Lead role, and even then only in RU (NU provided the tiers settle).
Kricketune (M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Swarm
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)/Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- X-Scissor
- Taunt
- Endeavor
- Knock Off/Protect/Sing

Basically the best he can manage. X-Scissor for the obligatory stab, with Taunt preventing the opponent from setting up on him, which would be...everything? Probably, I don't know, just my guess. Endeavor allows you to bring an opponent down to 1 Hp with you, which should happen often considering his piddling defenses. With this it is of course possible to run Hasty/Naive with 0 IVs in Hp/Def/SDef to guarantee this, seeing as he isn't really going to viable late-game anywho. Knock Off is basically the biggest impact he could make, removing a foe's Lefties/Scarf/etc. (hopefully). Protect can be used in order to buffer himself against Fake Out users in addition to scouting the next attack, though Sing is somewhat viable, I suppose.

Kricketune does have a fairly neat movepool, namely in Perish Song, though he lacks the bulk to abuse it. Unfortunately he is simply cursed to inadequecy, tis but the nature of the poke :/

I know it would probable flop completely and I'm a failure, but please give honest critique. Any other Krapitune movesets will be added to this MP.
Here is my moveset:
@choice scarf
-hidden power (anything)
-bug bite/silver wind

First use his higher speed to put something to sleep maybe, then next time you switch in you can fire off hidden power (the type doesn't matter because you won't be hurting anything anyway but let's just assume it's ice or ground or who cares???). Endeavor forms the crux of the set, using his stealth rock weakness to your advantage as you might be able to actually hurt something after your 3rd switch in or so. Finally the choice of STAB move rounds out the set. silver wind after a technician boost 4hko's celebi and does 12% to tyranitar and also has a 10% chance of raising Kricketune's stats to almost luvdisc like levels. Bug bite however, runs off his incredible(ly mediocre) 85 attack stat, however you'll have to split EV's and its secondary effect isn't as good.
Wouldn't metronome be more helpful for a move like Echoed Voice? Besides, it's like kricketunes signature item, and i think easier to get than choice scarf anyway?
yeah i guess, but in a double battle, a good move like helping hand or ally switch or even heal pulse from an ally could probably keep kricketune protected to unleash a few good echoed voices
even without an ally a few annoyingly effective minimizes (i think kricktetune can learn it but i could be wrong) would allow one to keep up a barrage of repetitive moves while being virtually untouchable.
besides, it can be pretty grating on an opponent to get hit with the same move over and over again. kind of like how those annoying pokemon breeders make you want to break your ds with a full set of weaklings
No offence, but have you ever even played standard battles? accuracy clause is almost always in effect, which means that moves that affect accuracy are banned.
hmmm... well i still think a metronome would still be a better combo any day, if only for it the shock value gained from your opponent due to its rareness. And, as I am called buisness, i must vanish...
Well, what you're not understanding is that without a choice scarf, kricketune has literally no chance of outspeeding anything, and is killed in 1 hit by almost anything.
Literally the only thing Kricketune has for it is a passable attack stat and maybe Sing. When you're outclassed by Beedrill, well... But I'll try.

Kricketune @ that item that raises accuracy/Life Orb
- Taunt
- Sing
- Bug Bite
- Night Slash/Return/Whatever

Taunt a slow wall, Sing on the switch in (and pray to Bhudda it hits), and then start hitting whatever with Bug Bite.

Oh well, it looks neat and has a cool cry. I'll use it on a joke team some time.
No offence, but have you ever even played standard battles? accuracy clause is almost always in effect, which means that moves that affect accuracy are banned.
Surely it's only evasion clause? That's what all the rules I've seen are. I don't think there's a rule against reducing your opponent's accuracy with say, Sand Attack, as that's reasonably easily dealt with?
No, it effects both accuracy and evasion.

Actually AngryHan is right. Smogon doesn't have an accuracy clause, it has an evasion clause (AKA Double Team, Minimize, Bright Powder, and Lax Incense cannot be used). The reason you never see accuracy reducing moves is not because they're banned, it's because they're terrible as their effects go away as soon as the opponent switches.
For the sake of argument, I'd say that the closest thing to a viable moveset that is fairly conistent would be in an Anti-Lead role, and even then only in RU (NU provided the tiers settle).
Kricketune (M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Swarm
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)/Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- X-Scissor
- Taunt
- Endeavor
- Knock Off/Protect/Sing

Basically the best he can manage. X-Scissor for the obligatory stab, with Taunt preventing the opponent from setting up on him, which would be...everything? Probably, I don't know, just my guess. Endeavor allows you to bring an opponent down to 1 Hp with you, which should happen often considering his piddling defenses. With this it is of course possible to run Hasty/Naive with 0 IVs in Hp/Def/SDef to guarantee this, seeing as he isn't really going to viable late-game anywho. Knock Off is basically the biggest impact he could make, removing a foe's Lefties/Scarf/etc. (hopefully). Protect can be used in order to buffer himself against Fake Out users in addition to scouting the next attack, though Sing is somewhat viable, I suppose.

Kricketune does have a fairly neat movepool, namely in Perish Song, though he lacks the bulk to abuse it. Unfortunately he is simply cursed to inadequecy, tis but the nature of the poke :/
^ That's not productive discussion

neither was this post

Every Pokemon has competitive viability except Delibird
I lol'd at this thread. I don't really care for bug types competitively, but I don't think I ever used Kricketune. I always hated how hard it was to level him while still in the beginning of the game in D/P/Pt. It didn't get a good move until it learned X-Scissor, and by that time I would always have another pokemon to take its place.
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