List of released Dream World Pokemon

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Meh, I never really used mamoswine anyway. God, weavile totally should've got technician.
Adaptability is better. Adaptability is better.

Oh no. He gets 10 less BP on Pursuit without Technician. But now his Ice Punch is Earthquake.

It makes sense too. He's a snow weasel useful in all climates.

Also, one thing I didn't consider with the release of Ditto in the Dream World is that it makes it possible for event Pokemon to get their egg moves. I think it was disproven sometime ago that Ditto's DW ability doesn't increase the chance of its offspring their's, but I'm not sure.

2K and stuff.
Inb4 male only DW Breloom without Spore and Bullet Seed and a preset nature: Modest.

We should really make a poll of what we need / want most from the DW if America / Europe ever gets that poll.

From the top of my head, my list would include:

Breloom (Shroomish)
Zapdos (with Heat Wave please...)
Entei (with Flare Blitz please, though unlikely)

That's about it, I think.

Oh, and I want Anger Point Camerupt, but that's just me.

To add on to this:

Totodile (female)
My greatest hope is that on the 1st anniversary of Black & White, they release all the other non-legendary non-5th Gen DW Pokemon as well as release the Cave DW Course. (I see right through you GF)

I'm pretty much calling this
September 18th 2011: all remaining 1st-4th Gen Pokemon released into DW
April 2012: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 3
Summer 2012: Genius Sonority pumps out a new Pokemon Stadium-esqe game on the Wii
September 2012: Pokemon Grey

Cause that's how Pokemon works. They really like to hit the same release dates again & again making them all very predictable.
Your Sudowoodo evolved into Pyroak!

...wait WHAT?

...I remember when this thread used to be productive. xD
It's hard to be productive in a topic that's essentially complete as of the moment. I'm still waiting for news for a new... anything, really. It'd be cool if there was a new area or something.

Has there been any new news on anything?
My big wants are Keldeo, Genesect, Shroomish, Bagon, Sableye, Lugia, and Ho-oh. A Flame Body Heatran sounds alright, but being able to come in on any Fire move and get a boost is just too good to lose.
I'm just wondering how we are going to convince noobs to give up a god pokémon with 720 BST in exchange for a meh NFE with only 295 BST. I mean, we know how good Technician Breloom is, but not everyone who is going to vote know about this. If choice wasn't depending on other people, then I would probably choose Shroomish. But it's a popularity poll, so we should try a popular pokémon among noobs that has a good DW ability for us. Breloom is good, arguably the best to be released, but it's not popular among noobs. Ditto, on the other hand, can be popular and has a decent ability. If we are not going with Ditto, then we should try Lugia or Ho-oh. Unfortunately for Shroomish, Sableye and Ilumise (as Volbeat won't come with Encore or Baton Pass), they probably don't have enough popularity to beat Arceus & cia.
However, if someone proves that Shroomish can beat Arceus in a popularity poll with plenty of noobs, then Shroomish gets a vote.

Easy: Prove Techloom can beat Arceus. They'll be all over Shroomish.

Also, one thing I didn't consider with the release of Ditto in the Dream World is that it makes it possible for event Pokemon to get their egg moves. I think it was disproven sometime ago that Ditto's DW ability doesn't increase the chance of its offspring their's, but I'm not sure.

2K and stuff.

If one parent is a Ditto, the offspring won't have a DW ability.
That would be assuming Arceus is attempting to counter Breloom, which is retarded. I did do a calc just now where Adamant CB Arceus can nuke it guaranteed after rocks, but I imagine Breloom in Ubers would want HP investment.
Why would ExtremeKiller Arceus stay in on a boosted TechniLoom Mach Punch if it would be 1HKOed after SR? If something can 1HKO an Arceus that isn't an Uber itself after Stealth Rock is up, you know it's got some worth. I would also assume if you're in Ubers, you'd definitely want some HP to back up your defenses so you're not effortlessly flicked away.
Don't know if anyone cares or not, but Cross Chop is spelled 'Cross Shop' in elekid's analysis.
On the topic of voting, I'm shocked no one is going for durant! Traunt is pretty broken guys ;) But seriously, I'll be voting either ditto or shroomish, I can't decide..
Don't know if anyone cares or not, but Cross Chop is spelled 'Cross Shop' in elekid's analysis.
On the topic of voting, I'm shocked no one is going for durant! Traunt is pretty broken guys ;) But seriously, I'll be voting either ditto or shroomish, I can't decide..

Nobody is voting for durant because you can only vote for generation I-IV pokemon.
50.9% - 60.4%

You guys put too much faith into such a weak move.

People put too much faith into Scizor's Bullet Punch too. Most priority moves are given too much hype. Shadow Tag Chandelure would inevitably banish all Chandelure into Ubers forever, since with Shadow Tag, even a Gothitelle is a nightmare, and I've never even seen a Gothitelle used without Shadow Tag. I'm assuming in Dream World OU, they might be used, but Chandelure is the main one.
GL is going to undergo extended maintenance next Tuesday. Any chances of them releasing a new DW area? :P

The site always undergoes maintenance on Tuesday during that period. The only difference between this and some of the other times is that they put an announcement up, something they have also done a few times in the past without releasing anything new. So, unfortunately, I wouldn't count on it.
It's 18 hour maintenance, the same 18 hours as every Tuesday. I've seen it get extended another 6 hours after the usual for a full 24 hours of maintenance, and I think there was new stuff afterward, but this seems to be exactly the same as always.
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