I also never really got the Fighting Tera but maybe it was just to nor overlap with Carmine and Drayton himself
His Hydrapple being Tera-Fighting is probably meant to counter Ice types
I also never really got the Fighting Tera but maybe it was just to nor overlap with Carmine and Drayton himself
Hydrapple is such a good looking mon. It makes me wish they made a bigger deal about it in the Indigo Disk- sure it's Kieran's ace, but I feel like it could have been more built up as a new mon. Specially because, with the way it evolves in-game it's kind of implied he beat Drayton with Dipplin not fully evolved which is very amusing considering Archaludon.
I also never really got the Fighting Tera but maybe it was just to nor overlap with Carmine and Drayton himself (which could have been avoided if the later used Tera Electric Archaludon as a twist, but I guess we can't have Tera being used in unique ways by the opposing trainers...)
What if Tera-Fighting is how he beat Drayton (Dodging a 2-Shot from anything Arch could use while keeping a 2HKO of his own with Dragon Pulse on both being Tera'd)?His Hydrapple being Tera-Fighting is probably meant to counter Ice types
Not sure if I'd call this an annoyance on my end but with the benefit of hindsight it's pretty weird that Indigo Disk didn't have a no-holds-barred BW character cameo chucked in. I think the unstated collective assumption was "Alright, they're saving Adult Cheren/Bianca/Hugh and co. for the actual new Unova game that is definitely happening" and well, we know how that turned out
Also Geeta uses a Tera-Flying Kingambit as her ace in her league club rematch (and leads with Glimmora)I will also go to bat that a few unique Tera usages pop up like the mentioned Lacey (Excadrill resists/is immune to Fairy's typical weaknesses to discourage them alongside Fairy/Ground having strong Neutral Coverage without specific Dual Types/Levitators) or Iono's infamous Mismagius, and Brassius's Sudowoodo isn't illogical for its placement thanks to Rock hitting the early game Grass answers (Fire, Flying, Bug).
crasher wake got dexited :(They've really dialled back the fun-but-pointless cameos, haven't they? Thinking about how HGSS had Crasher Wake and Maylene show up for no good reason and how the Alola titles had a bunch of random characters like Wally show up in the Battle Tree, there's very little of that sort of thing in the more recent games.
I kind of think this might be on the back of them not wanting to root themselves on the Pokemon timeline too hard. Like we can make references to the past & how things are passively changing to always be contemporary, of course, but I suspect they don't want to define themselves by "oh Clay is like super old now" or "oh Red is even older, huh..." or "Hey shouldn't Professor Oak be dead by now". & they probably want to also avoid just dropping characters unchanged; easier to get away with that in sprite-based titles.They've really dialled back the fun-but-pointless cameos, haven't they? Thinking about how HGSS had Crasher Wake and Maylene show up for no good reason and how the Alola titles had a bunch of random characters like Wally show up in the Battle Tree, there's very little of that sort of thing in the more recent games.
not that there's been particularly many since...well gen 4 anyway, huh?Going off my comment about cross-generational cameos earlier, one other thing I miss is cross-canon references being subtle.
Discounting Pokemon Yellow, which is obviously a straightforward shout-out to the anime* most of the early games were quite subtle in their references. There's stuff like random NPCs being named for anime characters (several NPCs in DPP are named for film characters in the original Japanese, though the translation teams largely failed to notice these) and some slightly more blatant shout-outs like one of the Mt Battle trainers in XD having a team consisting of Cacnea and Chimecho and asking the player "I've heard someone else has the same team as me. Do you know him or her?" after being defeated. Everyone knows about the girl in GSC who tells the player that she once saw a pink Butterfree. And there's a bunch of mechanical stuff like Pokemon encounter rates being tweaked to reference the anime - in HGSS Pidgeotto is catchable in Viridian Forest and Mr Mime can be caught near Pallet Town, for instance.
Now it's all "HEY DID YOU KNOW ASH EXISTS WOULD YOU LIKE HIS SPECIAL GRENINJA". Which just feels like fanservice, and not good fanservice. I've always thought that Ash-Greninja being available in the games was a dumb idea and the fact they abandoned the alternate form mechanic after a couple of generations pretty much validates that. The various Hat Pikachu were not quite as egregious since... well, they're Pikachu, so it seems far less likely Game Freak will ever remove their data from the games. I'm not a massive fan of novelty costume Pokemon in general though.
I'm sure others will disagree on this but personally I've never wanted to play "as Ash" in any of the games so stuff like that turns me off. They're two different continuities and while references like the XD thing are fun (and event distributions like Cilan's Pansage are pretty cool) they're more than enough.
*though still actually fairly restrained! They could have gone a lot harder with it than they did
Legends and SV to a degree also gives them an avenue of "here's someone who's clearly related to the character but also decidedly not the same person" with the ancestors (in reverse with Perrin) at the expense of not being able to feature them in story without a handwave in Masters (like Adaman's excuse would be Dialga but Irida might have to piggyback off him since Palkia is Space). A lot of the flavor text options in SV also seem to come with a character of their own like Drayton or Lacey being related to Drayden and Clay rather than just an off-hand reference by NPC's as passing conversation.I kind of think this might be on the back of them not wanting to root themselves on the Pokemon timeline too hard. Like we can make references to the past & how things are passively changing to always be contemporary, of course, but I suspect they don't want to define themselves by "oh Clay is like super old now" or "oh Red is even older, huh..." or "Hey shouldn't Professor Oak be dead by now". & they probably want to also avoid just dropping characters unchanged; easier to get away with that in sprite-based titles.
Seems like their way of doing refences in the modern titles is less cameos and more stuff like the outfits you can wear or flavor text you can see.
not that there's been particularly many since...well gen 4 anyway, huh?
I can't recall any direct references in Gen 5. Gen 6 at least has Rayquaza & Deoxys as an allusion to the movie....and an even vaguer allusion that the birds in XY roost in "Sea Spirit's Den" (surely Lugia would've been there in Z Version, but....)
Gen 7 had Ash-Greninja was effectively limited to a demo and existed mostly so that the fancy new form they helped make had a home. & Cap Pikachu (/Pikashium-Z) was more an anniversary thing & seems they gave up on the idea of continuing to support more of them after adding the 2 caps in gen 8.
Gen 8 Dada Zarude...exists! Also feels like something that could concievably exist unattached from Koko. So that's nice? I guessssss the fact the birds & Lugia are VE in BDSP is kind of a reference. The event Shiny Zoroark mask from the hisui webisodes can also count.
& Gen 9 had no references to the anime at all to my recollection. I mean, beyond supporting the Cap Pikachu and Dada Zarude.
But outside of that it's just been event giveaways like Liko's Sprigatito and such, and they've being doing those since at least gen 4.
I kind of think this might be on the back of them not wanting to root themselves on the Pokemon timeline too hard. Like we can make references to the past & how things are passively changing to always be contemporary, of course, but I suspect they don't want to define themselves by "oh Clay is like super old now" or "oh Red is even older, huh..." or "Hey shouldn't Professor Oak be dead by now". & they probably want to also avoid just dropping characters unchanged; easier to get away with that in sprite-based titles.
Seems like their way of doing refences in the modern titles is less cameos and more stuff like the outfits you can wear or flavor text you can see.
Could also make the argument that Pokemon Masters being a continual cameo machine kind of takes the heat off, I suppose.
Something I find funny about this is how this design is mostly difficult because of Colosseum's Roster, though the main "gotcha" is if you don't know Evice's team to avoid his combos getting in togetherit was really bold of Genius Sonority to include the most cancerous final boss I've seen in any video game
View attachment 651094
Seriously. Evice is so unfun and overtuned that he's one of those final bosses that completely sours my opinion of the entire game. Even if the game sets up a checkpoint once you beat Nascour so you go straight back to Evice if you lose, it's still a brutal move for the first time player. Four back-to-back fights before you heal, a pretty good but slightly tough Nascour battle, but then the absolute insanity of Evice is too much.
The previous bosses are tough but mostly fun. While Colosseum has underwhelming team options, you can make some of it work for everything but this.
Final boss or not, Evice skews way too close to rom hack design for me to feel comfortable. The other bosses had some shades of that (ex: Venus 1's Vileplume having Stun Spore / Attract) but it never went into outright nonsense like Evice does. A team this cracked needed to be scaled down to Nascour's mid 50-levels, maybe even lower. I would not blame any kid if they never saw the ending of this game because it's locked behind hours-long grinding just because "it's the final boss!"
Evice is why I can't recommend Pokemon Colosseum to people and just tell them to play XD instead. XD's final dungeon might take a while but I think the scope and atmosphere is at least worth playing once.
From my experience the best strategy for the final boss is to Master Ball Skarmory, TM Toxic on, spam healing items.Something I find funny about this is how this design is mostly difficult because of Colosseum's Roster, though the main "gotcha" is if you don't know Evice's team to avoid his combos getting in together
Most of the Physical attackers would be hard-shut-down by burns, but nothing available has WoW as an option. Misdreavus sits pretty well on Slaking but is literally the only Ghost option and in turn can't do very much back (even without the level gap). Skarmory is in a similar position for it, Machamp, Salamence, and Scizor, but you literally would have to just stop and go Purify it since Gonzap is the last fight before the Colosseum gauntlet.
My hang-up is just that while Evice uses more complex strategies than most opponents (Baton Passing, Skill Swapping his Slaking), you ultimately don't deal with him very differently than you would most other opponents (Taunt to prevent the Status moves, maybe Paralyze, and otherwise a Slugfest) unless the level gap hits your team that hard. It's not to the extent I can't recommend the game, but there's also the bungled design of the Gauntlet trainers themselves not really escalating until Nascour and Evice jump in levels, nor are they that removed from Gonzap's levels just beforehand. It results in not really having a good spot to grind if you need the level increase or to purify Shadow Pokemon for new strategies, and I always recommend in favor of the Master Ball duplication glitch simply because removing a Pokemon for free is legitimately a fight decider at this stage.
Unless you're trying to use level caps in a game especially not designed for it, where 90% of the experience comes from grinding Mt. Battle and trainer rematches (Not to mention all the battling necessary to purify the shadows), Evice is a joke I shit stomped at first try at 11, the Gonzap fight before the Colosseum was harder.it was really bold of Genius Sonority to include the most cancerous final boss I've seen in any video game
View attachment 651094
Seriously. Evice is so unfun and overtuned that he's one of those final bosses that completely sours my opinion of the entire game. Even if the game sets up a checkpoint once you beat Nascour so you go straight back to Evice if you lose, it's still a brutal move for the first time player. Four back-to-back fights before you heal, a pretty good but slightly tough Nascour battle, but then the absolute insanity of Evice is too much.
The previous bosses are tough but mostly fun. While Colosseum has underwhelming team options, you can make some of it work for everything but this.
Final boss or not, Evice skews way too close to rom hack design for me to feel comfortable. The other bosses had some shades of that (ex: Venus 1's Vileplume having Stun Spore / Attract) but it never went into outright nonsense like Evice does. A team this cracked needed to be scaled down to Nascour's mid 50-levels, maybe even lower. I would not blame any kid if they never saw the ending of this game because it's locked behind hours-long grinding just because "it's the final boss!"
Evice is why I can't recommend Pokemon Colosseum to people and just tell them to play XD instead. XD's final dungeon might take a while but I think the scope and atmosphere is at least worth playing once.
Evice would be difficult if he didn't have randomized leads, so his strategy is a crapshoot.it was really bold of Genius Sonority to include the most cancerous final boss I've seen in any video game
View attachment 651094
Seriously. Evice is so unfun and overtuned that he's one of those final bosses that completely sours my opinion of the entire game. Even if the game sets up a checkpoint once you beat Nascour so you go straight back to Evice if you lose, it's still a brutal move for the first time player. Four back-to-back fights before you heal, a pretty good but slightly tough Nascour battle, but then the absolute insanity of Evice is too much.
The previous bosses are tough but mostly fun. While Colosseum has underwhelming team options, you can make some of it work for everything but this.
Final boss or not, Evice skews way too close to rom hack design for me to feel comfortable. The other bosses had some shades of that (ex: Venus 1's Vileplume having Stun Spore / Attract) but it never went into outright nonsense like Evice does. A team this cracked needed to be scaled down to Nascour's mid 50-levels, maybe even lower. I would not blame any kid if they never saw the ending of this game because it's locked behind hours-long grinding just because "it's the final boss!"
Evice is why I can't recommend Pokemon Colosseum to people and just tell them to play XD instead. XD's final dungeon might take a while but I think the scope and atmosphere is at least worth playing once.
I also misused Exp share entirely for Plusle, so I was underleveled for Nascour/Evice even more![]()
That's because you're doing it wrong. Like yeah, the glitch works but just taking 6 Shadows through the early areas of Mt. Battle just only using Shadow Rush to repeatedly call them out of Hyper Mode is faster.Not fun at all.