@ Hamstern
Interested in Chansey
Kangaskhan (premier)
Jolly - Scrappy
What are its IVs?
hamstern, i have barnacle tough claws jolly inside a timer ball(white one)
i would be interested in helioptile :)
do you accept shinies?
I may trade you Shiny hasty protean Froakie
Hamstern CMT for this, Female please:
Timid - Dry skin
Hidden power ice
Yeah, definetely interested :)Would you like my Bold Serene Grace Togepi for a Jolly Torchic? It's in a Premier Ball + Nasty Plot.
CMT for
Litleo Timid - Rivalry
Hidden power grass
Stock: 1 (female)
No thanks.Hey hamstern
would you be interested in a
Petilil- modest- ultra ball
for your skiddo?
I'm in the battle mansion so just gotta finnish a match, but after that I'll add you and go online on the PSS :)i just added you if you're available to trade right now
thanks for the trade. :DI'm in the battle mansion so just gotta finnish a match, but after that I'll add you and go online on the PSS :)