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  • yea im sorry :( I can get you more copies tomorrow though :) I will be on all day.
    hey I don't think I have enough time to do all this cloning im about to leave soon. and I need to finish off a few pendings I have. how about I give you 3 each for now?
    sry for the wait I never had junk Pokemon, I need these pokemon back that I trade you.
    yeah well I went offline now..i saw you on but you didnt join..OK Im going into wifi now please join my trade!!
    can you join my trade please relictus I have to host the trade otherwise i get some connection error. Ok im going into wifi now..
    I'm in a battle right now. I'll be online to trade, and will VM you when I am done.
    I posted you a CMT. Can you please reply ASAP because if you want to trade NOW would be ideal. (I am leaving on a camping trip with school from Mon morning until Fri afternoon). Thanks, please reply in my thread.
    The Gyarados ivs are 13/13/23/22/2/6 (not so good sorry), Smeargle I know has good IVs in speed and hp, Blissey has good ivs in HP and Def i think, the Arceus has not so good ivs.
    since when did pvp gear start to look good :P i am surprised we both play allaince (probaly why we both are on smogon now)
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