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I don't have any good spare chespin (my second best one with hidden ability is 2 flawless xD), and no flawless female Eevee. I'm pretty sure I have spare 4 flawless female Eevees if thats interesting, they are on my X game thought, so can't do everything in the same trade. But let me know if you are interested in them at all. I am online at the PSS right now ^^
Na, we can just do froakie for charmander.

Thanks for the trade; also if you could bump my thread that would be awesome. :D

EDIT: Oh and can you check eggs? I have a few eggs I need checked for IVs/SV and such.
Hamstern Would you like to trade your Chespin flawless egg, for a flawless 31/ 31/ 31/ x/ 31/ 0 brave Pancham egg? it comes with the egg moves: Me First, Quick Guard and Storm Throw, inside a repeat ball. I don't have the egg right now but I can breed it really quick, and then check the SV.
I can also offer a careful Phantump egg, female with the ability Harvest, inside a dusk ball. But it doesn't have egg moves.
Let me know if you're interested.
cmt for torchic but I only want a female to compensate im willing to offer 2 pokes from my thread

What pokeballs are the Lapras and Phanpy in? :)

Na, we can just do froakie for charmander.

Thanks for the trade; also if you could bump my thread that would be awesome. :D

EDIT: Oh and can you check eggs? I have a few eggs I need checked for IVs/SV and such.

Thank you too :) Normally I don't do Instacheck service to people, and right now its late + my hotspot doesn't work at all (some kind of bug I get pretty often so I need to restart the computer).
Hamstern Would you like to trade your Chespin flawless egg, for a flawless 31/ 31/ 31/ x/ 31/ 0 brave Pancham egg? it comes with the egg moves: Me First, Quick Guard and Storm Throw, inside a repeat ball. I don't have the egg right now but I can breed it really quick, and then check the SV.
I can also offer a careful Phantump egg, female with the ability Harvest, inside a dusk ball. But it doesn't have egg moves.
Let me know if you're interested.

Sorry the Chespin is in a pending trade already. I might get more later as I'm trying to breed a shiny one (I know that one had a match, but the contact form was email so I didn't bother, lol).
What pokeballs are the Lapras and Phanpy in? :)

Thank you too :) Normally I don't do Instacheck service to people, and right now its late + my hotspot doesn't work at all (some kind of bug I get pretty often so I need to restart the computer).

Sorry the Chespin is in a pending trade already. I might get more later as I'm trying to breed a shiny one (I know that one had a match, but the contact form was email so I didn't bother, lol).

phanpy is ultra ball lapras is diveball
  • Litleo (M) - Timid, Rivalry, 30\29\31\30\27\31 [1665] Hidden power grass
I am offering a female Jolly Reckless Staraptor with egg moves Brave Bird and Doublle-Edge
  • Helioptile (F) - Timid, Dry Skin, 29\12\30\31\31\31 [1,534] Hidden power ice
For Rotom Timid Levitate 31/x/31/31/31/30? Sorry I don't have the 31/x/30/31/31/31 ones.....
I have hidden power electrike/gastly[in eggs quick ball, and poke ball respectively.], mareep [in great ball] and Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 28\23\31\30\31\30 [2950] HP Fire. DIVE Ball. Have access to more froakies.

I'm interested in the Adamant female 6 iv Honedge . Idc if you hatch it or not.
I would like these eggs, please check my thread!

Eevee (M) - Bold, Adaptability, 31\21\31\31\31\31 [3,404]

Eevee (M) - Bold, Run Away, 31\23\31\31\31\31 [3,821]

Chansey (F) - Bold, Natural Cure, 31\24\31\31\31\31 [118]
Hi mate, please CMT for this one

  • Helioptile (F) - Timid, Dry Skin, 29\12\30\31\31\31 [1,534] Hidden power ice
interested in this
Charmander (F) - Timid, Blaze, 31\13\31\31\31\31 [1,358]

I have these to trade
Bulbasaur Calm Chlorophyll 31/xx/31/31/31/31 with Giga Drain Male Nest Ball
Froakie Timid Protean 31/xx/31/31/31/31 with Toxic Spikes Male Luxury Ball
Mawile Adamant Huge Power 31/31/31/xx/31/31 Luxury Ball
Larvitar Sassy Guts 31/31/31/xx/31/31 with Pursuit, Dragon Dance & Stealth Rock Repeat Ball
Marill Adamant Huge Power 31/31/31/xx/31/31 with Aqua Jet & Belly Drum Dive Ball
Fletchinder Adamant Gale Wing 31/31/31/xx/31/31 Repeat Ball
Hey Hamstern, I noticed you took down the Shiny Charmander you traded me. I was just wondering if I could redistribute it, since I can clone on X and Y now with the in game cloning glitch. I have a few competitive shiny monsters, as well as some legends and I can breed Premier Ball Mareep from your wants list. Also Harvest Dusk Ball Phantump, but man, 1/3 abilities + Female, would be really hard. I don't know, get back to me and let me know. I can clone you a charmander back too, if you don't have one for yourself. :D

EDIT: Also wondering if I could clone that female premier ball solar power charmander of yours? I was also thinking of re-breeding for ancient power. :o

Also, I can trade my Shiny Trevenant now. :P
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Sorry guys, haven't been so active lately so if you still are interested in anything you can post again. I'm not offering eggs atm thought as I can't make any more after the patch so I'm trying to hatch them shiny if I can.

I do offer some shinys thought, even if some of them have silly nicknames. They will always cloned thought, but non of my non-shiny breeds will.
Updated with a couple of pokebank pokémon, more will come soon. All are RNG'd by me :) I don't need much thought, mainly looking for good Xerneas, Zygarde, Yveltal and shiny pokémon with egg moves and nice balls.
Hey Hamstern..! ;) Nice to see a familiar face again....

Can I offer you anything for your Eevee with hyper voice (female) and Reshiram? =)
Hey Hamstern..! ;) Nice to see a familiar face again....

Can I offer you anything for your Eevee with hyper voice (female) and Reshiram? =)

Sorry, nothing I'm really in need of.

Is the OT on the Naive HP Ice Landorus yours? If so, CMT. If not, may I have that info?

Yeah, the OT (00069 Hammie) is mine and I can nickname and transfer it upon request:) Sadly nothing I really need, but if you could breed a jolly iron first Chimchar with the 31/31/31/x/31/31 spread I would be interested in that.
Yeah, the OT (00069 Hammie) is mine and I can nickname and transfer it upon request:) Sadly nothing I really need, but if you could breed a jolly iron first Chimchar with the 31/31/31/x/31/31 spread I would be interested in that.
My Ditto is Jolly, so I can absolutely breed that for you. I'll let you know when it's finished. You do want Jolly, though, and not Naive with the No Sp. Def IV spread?
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