HCZ's shiny heracross ♀
Nature adamant Ability: guts
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk/ 6 Def/ 252 Spe
Moves: Megahorn, Close Combat, Stone Edge, Night Slash
Aviable: Lvl 55 evd.
fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
MattJ's shiny Teddiursa♀
Nature: Brave Ability: pick up (when evolves its guts)
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
evd version 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Moves: cross chop, close combat, fake tears
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT, or lvl 21 evd
Fully Redi. cloned by ar dsi from sophies
DarkChaos (HCZ)'s Shinny Corsola ♂
Nature:Modest Ability:natural cure
IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/31 (HP Grass 70)
evd version 252 HP / 254 SpA / 4 SpD
Moves: Barrier
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT or evd lvl 27.
fully Redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies
yees remoraid ♀
Ivs: 31/x/31/31/31/0
nature quiet -
ability hustle -> suction cups
Notable Moves: water spout
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ): alan ID: 09841
Obtained: hatched at tojo falls
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / Fully redis
*yees bp for me i can nickname it cloned with ardsi by sophies
*in my diamond cartridge
DEZTROYA's shinny skarmory NN: starscream
Nature impish Ability:keen eye
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: -
Moves: whirl wind, stealth rock, brave bird, roost
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut
fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
black.arwing's shinny houndor
Nature:hasty Ability:flash fire
evd version 252 Atk / 76 SpA / 180 Spe
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT . or lvl 9 evd Semi-redi for me,
Non-Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat
Sorry sophies, I haven't been on Smogon in a while so I didn't see your message until recently... but I'm here to confirm that you have semi-redis rights on my houndour.
Waffleiron's Houndoom♂ HP Flying 70
Nature :timid Ability: flash fire
Moves: nasty plot, hidden power, flamethrower
Aviable: Lvl lvl40 wiped (no EVs houndoom),
fully redistributable clonned with ar dsi by sophies
Winters Zombie's Kingdra ♂
Nature: adamant Ability: Swift Swim
IVs: 31/31/31/4/20/31
EVs: 180 HP / 252 Atk / 76 Spe
Moves: Waterfall, Outrage, Rain Dance, Dragon Dance
Aviable:- lvl100 EVD -
Fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
Conan's Donphan ♂
Nature:impish ability:sturdy
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / x/ 31 / 6
EVs: - 252 hp/6 attack /252 def
ice shard,stealth rock,earthquake,rapid spin
Aviable: Lvl 50 evd
fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
mattj's hitmontop ♂ with muscle band
Nature:brave Ability:techinician
EVs:252 Atk/188 Def/70 SpD
Moves: Fake Out| Bullet Punch | Bulk Up | Mach Punch
Aviable: Lvl 50 evd hitmontop.
fully-Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
human's shinny hitmontop♂
Nature:adamant Ability:techinician
evd version: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Moves: fakeout, Mach Punch, Sucker Punch, Detect
Aviable: Lvl 46 non-evd hitmontop. or lvl 49 evd,
Non-Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat
Here to confirm that sophies has semi-redis rights on my Hitmontop.
Expert Evan's Blissey
Nature: Bold Ability:
natural cure
IVs: 31/4/31/24/31/27
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Defense, 6 Special Defense
Moves:Toxic, softboiled, aromatherapy, seismic toss
Aviable: Lvl 100 Evd
fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
christian's pkmn movie Shinny Raikou (japaense) HP ICE 70
Nature : rash Ability: pressure
IVs: 31 / 30 / 30 / 31 / 31 / 31
Moves: Extreme Speed, Zap Cannon, Aura Sphere, Weather Ball
Aviable: Lvl 30 ut
fully redistributable by everyone clonned with ar dsi by sophies
ray423's shiny crown entei (english legit wondercard)
Ivs: 31/31/30/30/31/31
Hidden Power grass 70
adamant -
Notable Moves: flareblitz, howl, extreemspeed, crushclaw
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂):GAMESTP ID: 01171
Obtained: wifi event
Available as: Lvl. 30 UT. / non-redis
*in a cherish ball
proof of my rights
Feb 9th, 2011
5:11:20 PM
confirming request:
Semi redis on entei. You can trade who you trade to cannot.
cloned by ar dsi from sophies
christian's pkmn movie Shiny Entei (japanese)
Nature :Adamant Ability: pressure
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 6 / 31 / 31
EVs: -
Moves: Extreme Speed, Flare Blitz, Howl, Crush Claw
Aviable: Lvl 30 ut
fully redistributable by everyone cloned by ar dsi from sophies
Entei is aviable evd (different entei though)...
EXIE's pkmn movie Shinny Entei (japanese) Choice Band
Nature :Adamant Ability: pressure
EVs: 252 ATK / 4 SpD / 252 SPE
Moves: Flare Blitz, Howl, Extremespeed, Crush Claw
Aviable: Lvl 34 evd
fully redistributable by everyone cloned by ar dsi from sophies
joshk_bra's suicune
30/30/30/31/31/30 hp electric 70
modest -
Notable Moves: evd version- calm mind, surf, hidden power, icebeam
Evs: 255 spa/254speed
OT (♂): JOSHh ID: 47729
Obtained: caught at route 25
Available as: Lvl. 40 UT. or 50 evd / non redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
* in a heavy ball
my redi proof
Originally Posted by Fat
You got rights on my Modest Suicune :D :D :D
zelen's suicune
hp ground 70
nature timid -
ability pressure
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♀): OT: Zelenia ID: 16040
Obtained: caught at route25
Available as: Lvl. 40 UT./ non redi
*Notes in a quick ball from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies
May 17th, 2011
1:00:00 PM
Sure. You have semi-redis rights for my Impish Shiny Ferroseed and Timid HP:Ground Suicune (so you can trade them, other's can't).
christian's pkmn movie Shinny suicune (japaense) HP ELECTRIC 70
Nature : relaxed Ability: pressure
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 30 / 31 / 3
Moves: Extreme Speed, Sheer Cold, Aqua Ring, Air Slash
Aviable: Lvl 30 ut
fully redistributable by everyone clonned with ar dsi by sophies
matt J's japanese Suicune
Nature: bold Ability: pressure
Hidden power electric 70
EVs: (evd version) 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 40 ut or evd lvl 42.
Fully Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
Diabolico's suicune
Ivs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
hp electric 70
bold - pressure
Notable Moves:-
Evs: N/A.
OT (♀): bell ID: 11257
Obtained: caught at route 25
Available as: Lvl. 40 UT. / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*Caught in a dive ball
magik0722's lavitar ♂
Nature adamant Ability:
IVs: 31-31-31-11-30-31
evd version 160 HP / 252 Atk / 98 Spe
pursuit , Assurance, Focus Energy, Ancient Power
Aviable: Lvl 1ut. or lvl 26 evd
fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
sohfalco's shinny lavitar ♂
Nature:Adamant Ability:guts
IVs: 31/31/31/21/31/31
Moves: Stone edge, earthquake, taunt, dragon dance
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT. non Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
May 8th, 2010
10:29:13 AM
Soul eater looks interesting, im going to check that out.
I have an AR now, so i clone now. It doesnt feel right giving anyone junk pokes anymore :P. I have no problem RNGing now. It takes me around 20mins per breed lol. If you can hook me up with some cool pokemon I can hook you up with some RNG breeds haha.
Psycho86wardbg's Shinny Lugia
Nature: Timid Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
evd version 252 HP / 64 Def / 192 Spe
Aviable: Lvl 45 UT or lvl 45 evd,
Fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
mattj's japanese ho-oh
Nature: adamant Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 255 Atk, 255 Spe
Aviable: Lvl 100 evd,
Fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
mattj's shiny ho-oh nn:NickMcord
Nature: naive Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/29/29/29/29/31
EVs: 64 hp / 252 attk / 192 Spa.
Moves:Extrasensory, Sunny Day, Fire Blast, Sacred Fire
Aviable: Lvl 45ut or evd lvl 45,
Fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
~Golden Emp's Ho-oh(from HG)
Nature: brave Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/31/31/23/31/0
evd version 248 HP / 228 atk / 32 spd
Aviable: Lvl UT45 Lvl 45 evd,
Fully Redi. as long as you link
clonned with ar dsi by sophies
exie's japanese 13movie celebi modest hp fire 70
Nature: modest Ability: natural cure
IVs: 30/6/
EVs: -
Moves: nasty plot, healing wish, leaf storm, recover
Aviable: Lvl 50 ut.
fully redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*capture date: July 16th 2010