Maple tea and burnt scones

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Please read and abide by all of them

1. We do not like hacked pokemon. Do not try to trade them to us
2. We use ar for clonning pokemon ar dsi. All cloning is done by us unless otherwise stated
3. Please have any pokemon being used in a trade with either of us ready BEFORE the trade
4. Leave all trade offers here please. Do not pm either of us unless needed
5. Do not take our pokemon outside of smogon i.e different pokemone forums
6. Please specify who it is you wish to trade with
7. The pokes in our trade thread that are non redi for you are worth two redi pokes or a non redi/semi redi
8. Follow the Redi rules we post, that’s why they are listed. Your redi rules are in bold!
9.The banners were made by sophies, and no one has the right to use them other then the two of us

Voro's Arcanine
lvl 57 evs: 4 hp / 252 att / 254 spe
naughty female Flash Fire
Noteable moves: Close Combat
Ivs: 30/31/31/31/14/28
Cloned by AR

Voro's Shiny Arcanine
Lvl 57 Evs: 4 hp / 252 att / 254 spe
Naughty Male Intimidate
Ivs: 31/31/31/31/23/19
Cloned by AR

Voro's nidoking
Nature: Timid Ability: Sheer Force
IVs: 31/13/19/31/19/31
spa 252 / hp 4 / spe 252
OT: Voro ID: 16814
Available level 60 evd. Non Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi

Voro's nodiqueen
Nature: Quirky Ability: sheer force
IVs: 31/10/25/31/28/31
hp 252 / spa 4 / spd 252
OT: Voro ID: 16814
Available level 60 evd. Non Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi

Voro's Tangela
Nature: calm Ability: Regenerator HP Fire 59
IVs: 31/31/30/28/31/2
Notable moves: Leaf Storm, Leach Seed
OT: Voro ID: 16814
Available level 1 UT. Non Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi

kazo's kingler


Nature: adamant Ability: hypercutter
IVs: 28/31/27/16/31/31
EVs: 16 HP 254 Atk 240 Spe
Moves: Agility, Rock Slide, X-Scissor
Aviable: Lvl 56 evd fully redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

thomas's aerodactyl ♂ nn: Prozac

Nature: jolly Ability: pressure
IVs: 31/30/10/18/31/31
EVs: 255 Atk/ 255Speed
Moves: Earthquake/Stone Edge/ Stealth Rock/ Dragon claw
Aviable:- lvl67 evd fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

MattJ's Moltres

Nature:timid Ability: pressure
EVs: evd version:252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Moves: -
Aviable: lvl 61 evd fully redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Skippy the great's snorlax ♂ Nature: Brave Ability: immunity
IVs: 29 / 30 / 30 / 0 / 30 / 1
EVs: evd version 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SpD
Moves: selfdestruct
Aviable: evd lvl 54 , Fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*from the pokewalker

jasmines hitmonchan♂

Nature:adamant Ability:ironfist
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs: 252 attk/ 4 hp/ 252 Def
Moves: bullet punch, machpunch
Aviable: Lvl 50 evd.
fully Redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

jasmine's hitmonlee

Nature adamant Ability reckless
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs: 236 Atk / 236 Spe
Aviable: Lvl 54 evd . fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

naruto's shinny alakazam ♂

Nature timid Ability: scynchronize
IVs: 30/29/29/31/30/31
moves: trick
evs: 255 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed
Aviable: Lvl 100 evd. fully redi for you on smogon only clonned with ar dsi by sophies

egloo's Dragonite ♂

Nature: Adamant Ability:inner focus
IVs: 29/31/31/31/30/27
EVs: 144Hp/252 Atk/114 Speed
Moves: EQ,dragondance,dragon claw
Aviable:- lvl55 evd - fully redi for you

DEZTROYA's shinny Arcanine NN:0Schnieder

Nature:adamant Ability:flash fire
IVs: 31/31/31/4/31/31
EVs: Evd version 4 hp 252 attk, 252 speed
Aviable: Level 53 evd fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

vaporeon's shinny vaporeon Hidden power electric 70

Nature :bold Ability: water absorb
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs: 188 hp 252 defense 68 speed
Moves: wish
Aviable: Lvl 50 evd fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

hcz's shinny starmie


Nature modest Ability natural cure
IVs: 31/11/31/30/30/31
EVs: 6hp/ 252spa / 252speed
Moves: hydro pump, thunderbolt, icebeam, trick
Aviable: Lvl 55 evd.fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Vixana's Espeon
Lvl. 70 EV's 4hp / 252 spa / 252 spe
Timid Female
Magic Bounce
IVs: 31/16/31/31/31/31 (HP Dragon)
Cloned through AR

Voros Porygon-2

Nature : modest Ability: download
IVs: 27 / 25 / 31 / 30 / 31 / 31
EVs: hp 4 / def 252 / spd 252
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut lvl 51 evd Non redi. clonned with ar dsi

christian's pkmn movie Shinny Raikou (japaense) HP ICE 70

Nature : rash Ability: pressure
IVs: 31 / 30 / 30 / 31 / 31 / 31
EVs: evd version 80 Atk / 254 SpA / 176 Spe
Aviable: Lvl 30 ut lvl 32 evd fully redistributable by everyone clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Waffleiron's Houndoom♂ HP Flying 70

Nature :timid Ability: flash fire
EVs: evd version 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Moves: nasty plot, hidden power, flamethrower
Aviable: lvl 40 evd fully redistributable clonned with ar dsi by sophies

blasphemy1's forretress

Nature realxed Ability: sturdy
IVs: 31 HP | 31 Atk | 31 Def | x SpA| 31 SpD | 0 Spe
EVs: evd version 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Moves: -Rapid Spin-Spikes-Explosion
Aviable: evd lvl 51 fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

HCZ's shiny heracross ♀


Nature adamant Ability: guts
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk/ 6 Def/ 252 Spe
Moves: Megahorn, Close Combat, Stone Edge, Night Slash
Aviable: Lvl 55 evd. fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Shadow Moi's Azumarill♂

Nature adamant Ability: huge power
IVs: 29/31/30/13/31/31
EVs: 212 Hp / 252 Atk / 46 Spe
Moves: - Aqua Jet- Double-Edge- Waterfall- Superpower
Aviable: Lvl 100 evd.fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

matt j's scizzor ♂

Nature :Brave Ability: technician
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/0
EVs:6 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Def / 208 SDef
Moves: Bullet Punch, X-scissor, Brick Break
Aviable: Lvl 50 evd fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

FRAWG's Tyranitar ♂ NN:*HaChe*0

Nature jolly Ability: Sand Stream
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 attk, 252 spd, 6 speed
Moves: Dragon Dance EQ Crunch Fire punch
Aviable: Lvl 100 Ev'd. fully redi for you

christian's pkmn movie Shinny suicune (japaense) HP ELECTRIC 70

Nature : relaxed Ability: pressure
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 30 / 31 / 3
EVs: evd version 244 hp/ 34 attk / 232 SpA
Moves: Air Slash
Aviable: evd level 50 fully redistributable by everyone clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Voro's Marshtomp
lvl. 60 Ev's 8 att / 252 hp / 124 defense / 124 spdef
Nature: sassy
Pokemon power: torrent
IVs: 29/31/28/14/31/31
Cloned Via AR Dsi

eminem's oblivia deoxys

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature jolly ability pressure
Notable Moves: (check post below)
Evs: 4 spa / 252 att / 252 spe
OT (♂ ): Oblivia ID: 03060
Obtained: pokemon ranger January 1st 2011

mattj's shinny flygon ♂

Nature jolly Ability: levitate
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 6 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
Moves: earhquake, rock slide, uturn, dragon claw
Aviable: Lvl 51 Ev'd. fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

human's shiny aggron ♂

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature adamant ability: rockhead
Notable Moves: headsmash
Evs: 252attk/252 speed/6 def
OT (♂ ): Enosh ID: 44331
Obtained: hatched at battle frontier
Available as:50 agron EVD / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies

newt's sceptileHidden Power (ICE)

Nature: timid Ability:over grow
IVs: 31 / 6 / 30 / 31 / 31 / 31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Moves: Focus Blast | Hidden Power
Aviable: Lvl 50 EV'D. fully Redi.for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

matt j's jirachi hidden power ground 70

Nature timid Ability: serene grace
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 30 / 30 / 31
EVs: 80 HP / 252 Spa / 176 Spe
Moves: Draco Meteor, psychic
Aviable: Lvl 51 evd fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

blackblastoise's metagross NN:blackchrome

Nature: Adamant Ability:clear body
IVs: 30/31/31/x /31/31
EVs: 232 Hp / 252 Atk / 16 Def / 8 Spe
Aviable:- lvl100 evd - Fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Voro's Gallade
lvl 60 with pokerus
quirky male
ivs: 26/31/31/5/19/31
evs: 4/252/0/0/0/254

Voro's Gardevoir
Lvl. 60 with Pokerus
Bashful female
IVs: 31/25/31/31/29/31
EVs: 4/0/0/252/0/252

Alfred Shiny Lucario

Lvl. 99 with Pokerus
Adamant Male
Inner Focus
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/253/4/0/0/253
Extremespeed/Close Combat/Crunch/Swords Dance

lightning fusion's dialga

Nature modest Ability: pressure
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: (evd version) 240hp,148 SPA,116 spd
Aviable: lvl 51 EVD fully redi for you clonned

GGleds timid Darkrai

Nature: Timid Ability: Bad Dreams
Available: lvl 77 EVd 4hp/252 sp. attack/ 252 speed
cloned by me using AR dsi​

mattj's garchomp♂

Nature: jolly Ability: sand veil
IVs: -31/31/31/15/31/31
EVs: 6 HP-252 ATK-252 SPEED
Moves: Earthquake/Dragon Claw/sword dance/Rock Slide
Aviable: Lvl 50evd. Fully Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Kazo's Mismagius

Nature: timid Ability:levitate HP Fighting 70
IVs: 30 / x / 26 / 30 / 30 / 30
EVs: 36 HP, 252 SpAtk, 220 Spe
Moves: Nasty Plot
Aviable: Lvl 50 EV'D.fully Redi.for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Matt J's Worlds Weavile ♂

Nature jolly Ability: pressure
IVs: 31/31/31/15/31/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Moves: Fake Out, Ice Shard, Brick Break, Night Slash
Aviable: Lvl 50 Ev'd.fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

SS4Azelf's Impish Torterra ♂

Nature:Impish Ability:overgrow
IVs:31 / 31 / 31 / 24 / 30 / 31
EVs:212 HP, 252 Def, 44 Spe
Moves: Substitute / Wood Hammer / Leech Seed / Toxic
Aviable: Lvl 82 evd. fully redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

Matt J's Azelf

Nature jolly Ability: levitate
IVs: 31/31/30/10/31/31
EVs: 6 HP/252 ATK/252 speed
Moves: U-Turn Ice Punch Explosion Zen Headbutt
Aviable: Lvl 50 Ev'd. fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

awesome possum's shinny empoleon ♂

Nature modest Ability: torrent
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 12HP/ 12Def/ 252SpAtk/ 232Spd
Moves: Agility
Aviable: Lvl 100 evd. fully redi for you on smogon only clonned with ar dsi by sophies

nick20's porygon -z


Nature modest Ability: Adapability
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 6Def/252SpAtk/252Speed
Moves: Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Tri Attack
Aviable: Lvl 100 Ev'd. fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

matt j's shinny infernape ♂

Nature naive Ability: blaze
IVs: 30/31/30/31/31/31 HP 70 ICE
EVs:252 Atk / 64 SpA / 192 Spe
Moves: fakeout, heatwave, hidden power, close combat
Aviable: Lvl 50 evd. fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

umbreon91's shinny bronzor

Nature sassy Ability heatproof
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
EVs: evd version 252 HP / 86 Atk / 80 Def / 92 SpD
Moves: -
Aviable: evd lvl 50 fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*hatched on bellchime trail

alsabino's magnezone Hidden power ice 70

Nature modest Ability:magnet pull
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/29
EVs: evd version 172 HP / 252 SpA / 84 Spe
Aviable: lvl 50evd fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Voros Sigilyph
lvl 61 with pokerus
OT: Voro (ID 16814)
Noteable egg moves: physco shift, Roost
Ability: magic guard
Nature: hardy EV's: 252 hp / 8 spa / 248 spe EVD Lvl 61 or Ut
IV: 27/0/29/31/31/31 Non Redistributable

Voro's Mienshao
OT: Voro (ID 16814)
Ability: Inner focus
Nature: mild EV's: 148 att / 108 spa / 254 spe EVD Lvl 70
IV: 31/26/31/31/31/31 Non Redistributable

Voro's Mienshao
OT: Voro (ID 16814)
Ability: Inner focus
Nature: Lax
UT Lvl 1
IV: 31/7/31/31/31/31 Non Redistributable

Fenix54's Darmanitan (★)

[OT: Alex and ID: 61657]
Ability: Sheer Force | Nature: Jolly | Level: 100
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moveset: Flare Blitz/Rock Slide/Earthquake/U-Turn
EV Set: 252 Atk/ 4 SpDef/ 252 Speed
Redistribution Rights: Fully-Redis

#640 Henry's Virizion

OT: Henry (ID 14081)
Ability: Justified
Nature: Jolly EV's: 4 att / 252 spdef / 252 hp
EVD Lvl 73 / Caught in Rumination Field
IV: 31/31/31/x/31/31 Fully Redistributable

#607 Giorgans' Litwick

Gender: ,Lv 26
Nature: Timid | Ability: Flame Body| HP: Fighting 70
IV's: 30/6/30/30/30/30
OT: George |ID No.: 30384 Non redi
Available lvl 26 UT or 41 evd 4hp / 252 spa / 252 spe

Kaphotic's japanese movie victini

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature adamant - ability victory star
Notable Moves: V-create | Fusion Flare | Fusion Bolt | Searing Shot

Evd version: N/A.
OT ( ): Movie 11 ID:04161
Evs: attack 252 / speed 252
Obtained: wifi event
Available as: Lvl. 50 EVD. / fully redi
*Notes from wifi event cloned with ar dsi by sophies
*Notes from a hacked wonder card cloned with ar replay dsi

Kaphotics japanese Kyurem

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature timid - ability pressure
Notable Moves:Dragon Pulse | Endeavor | Glaciate | Imprison
Evd version: 252speed/252spa./6hp
OT (♂): Kurt ID: 29796
Obtained: caught at Giant Chasam
Available as: Lvl 75 evd / Fully redis
*In a netball, Notes from emulator cloned using ar by jirachi ,cloning by cloud1989

Bond's shiny japanese Serperior

Ivs: 30/18/30/31/31/30 Electric 70
nature timid- ability overgrow
OT (♂ ): Mat ID: 17616
evs: hp 252 / 128 def / 128 spd
Obtained: hatched at Nuvema Town
Available as: Lvl. 58 evd / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned ar dsi by sophies

Bond's japanese krookidile

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature jolly- ability moxie
Notable Moves: 252attk/6def/252speed
Evd version:
OT (♂ ): Mat ID: 30160
Obtained: caught at route 4
Available as: lvl 56 evd / Fully redis
*in a premier ball
*Notes from emulator cloned with Action Replay cloning youngO,and ar dsi by sophies

fenix54s shiny japanese archeops

Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
nature jolly- ability defeatist
Evd version: 6def/252attk/252 speed
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: evd lvl 100 Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar by jirachi , Action Replay cloning by apatiano

akiratrons japanesezoroark ♀nn:ayame

IV: 31 /9/31 /31 /28/31
nature timid - ability illusion
Notable Moves: Nasty Plot | Dark Pulse | Flamethrower
Evd version: 252Sp.A/252Spe
OT ( ♀): AKIRA ID: 36786
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 57 evd. / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar by tyrabsol

Bond's shiny japanese Samurott

Ivs: 30/18/30/31/31/30 Electric 70
nature timid- ability torrent
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: 6spd/252spa/252speed -
OT (♂ ): Mat ID: 17616
Obtained: hatched at Nuvema Town
Available as: lvl 51 evd / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloning by youngO Action Replay ,and ar dsi by sophies

shi's english Braviary

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature adamant - ability sheerforce
evs: att 252 / spe 252
OT (♀ ): Shii♪ ID: 00232
Obtained: caught at victory road
Available as: Lvl. 64 eved / Fully redis
*in a premier ball from the retail cart clonned with ar dsi by sophies,and ar dsi by sophies

fenix54s shiny japanese Escavalier ♂

IV: 31 /31 /31 /31 /31/31
nature careful - ability shell armor
Notable Moves: pursuit
Evd version: 176 HP/152 ATK/182 SpDef
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as:evd lvl50 / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar nova zero cloned by devii ar,and ar dsi by sophies

fenix54's japanese shiny durant♂

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature jolly- ability hustle
Evd version: 252 attack 252 speed 4 hp
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as:Lvl. 70 evd. / Fully redis
*from the emulator clonned by jirachi by ar, and ar dsi by sophies

fenix54's japanese shiny ferrothorn

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature careful - ability steelthorns
Notable Moves: leech seed, spikes
Evd version:252 HP / 48 Def / 208 SpDef
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT.or evd lvl5 / Fully redis
*from the emulator clonned with Action Replay cloning apatiano cloned by devii ar,and ar dsi by sophies

Kaphotics japanese Terrakion

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature jolly - ability justified
Evd version: hp 4 / att 252 / spe 252
OT (♂): Kurt ID: 29796
Obtained: caught at trial chamber
available at level 50 Fully redis
*In a timer ball, Notes from emulator cloned using ar cloned by fellangel and apatiano ar

Akira's japanese nn:SAZANDORA

Ivs: 31/x/31/31/28/31
nature timid - ability levitate
Notable Moves: darkpulse
Evd version: 4 HP, 252 sp.atk, 252 speed
OT ( ♀): AKIRA ID: 36786
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 70 evd. / Fully redis
*from the emulator clonned with ar by tyrabsol,and ar dsi by sophies

tehderk's japanese Excadrill♂

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature adamant - ability: sand rush
Evd version: 252attk/4def/252speed
OT (♂ ): DEREK ID: 35571
Obtained: hatched at route 2
Available as: evd lvl 100 / Fully redis
*From the emulator, cloned by tehderek with poke sav, ar by firestormxl

matt j's landrous♂ nn: Goron

IV: 31/30/31/x/30/31
nature jolly - ability sand force
Evd version: 252attk/4def/252Spe
OT ( ♂): mattj ID: 16440
Obtained: caught at abundant shrine
Available as: Lvl. 100 evd. / Fully redis
*In a repeat ball, Notes cloned using ar by jirachi

Pending, completed and credits

Pending trades


Credits I owe people


Credits people owe me

Sophies: 2


I can clone pokemon for you. If you would like pokemon cloned VM me. I will make up to 1-6 clones and I charge 1 credit per pokemon you wanted cloned or a copy of that pokemon.

Hours of Operation

I should be on every day after 4:30 at the latest except for friday and saturdays



Hello everyone after having my first trade thread do so well (thanks to smogon members like you:pimp:), I figured it was time to try out a partner trade thread with my partner. If your curious about what anime our banners are refrencing it's Hetalia! My side represents Canada, and Voro's is England. Oh, and dusknoir is my favorite pokemon but, before that was a pokemon called..

mawile :3

Sophies Mawile ♂


Nature:impish Ability: intimadte



Moves: punishment, firefang, thunderfang

Aviable: Lvl 1 UT, Non Redi for you

*in my diamond cartridge,cloned by ar dsi from sophies



i1338's shiny beedrill

Ivs: 31/31/31/0/31/31
nature jolly - ability swarm


I need a few third/fifth gen bp's done vm for details ..​


shinyor not , jolly 31/31/31/x/31/31, nn and ut version wanted​



*The sprites are used to emphasies if i accept them shiny.


ominous fyres klink for my zelen's english Reshiram

zari's shiny porygon for my empoleon

varments togepi for my uu warriors shiny natu, reptars marrowak, agonist wobbuffet, twilightblades wishcash

sawk's Calm HP ice , hasty HP ice , hasty HP fire , naive HP ice ,naive HP fire 70 for credits

Bakus Linkino's Japanese Latias for Stavros' Kabuto
Raistmagic's Porygon 2 for Ray's mewtwo & Shinny lugia
Deco. F's Winterzombies Kingdra for Stavros' Kabuto
skippy the great's matt j's teddy and munchlax for my HCZ shinny corosola
wrecky's klock's shinny charizard for my skippy the great's munchlax / with left overs
Greysong's matt J's world weavile, azelf for my sohfalco's gligar,
and panta's smoochum
ankyfdarkness Matt j's dragonite for whynots timid suicune
berserker lord's murkrow for my spitback roseilia
acedragon619's kursed23's machamp, stormFTW swellow for sohfalcos beldum
superace's newt's sceptile, naive infernape, starvos kabutops and modest togikiss for my bear's heatran, sohfalco's magnimite, kingdra
fatty butt's: T-tar, flygon and shaymin for my kingdra,
bearfan heatran, ee's blissey
wowgek7's porygon z for steffyweffy's drapion
Devilubatsu's Grimmer for my Mattj's Dragonite
Luminary's Umbreon and pimpmobile smeragle for my Mattj's Dragonite
Griffard's shinny nummel for my mattj's shinny flygon
Ikki's MattJ's infernape, MattJ's jirachi for my sohfalco's magnimite
Itstrue's Shinny fortress and GG Darkrai for my mattj's azelf
and kazo's mismagius
ankyfdarkness's Starscream deztroyas scarmory and albino's
magnezone for my skippy the great's munchlax and
mattj's worlds weavile
monsoonbeast's DEZTROYA's Growlithe
Rabbit's Horsea, Aerolin's Mesprit, Psycho86wardbg's Scizor and Syberia's Zapdos for
SteffyWeffy's Drapion, Bearfan's Heatran, Darkchaos' Corsola, MattJ's Togepi and Human's Dratini
itstrue's ggled's darkrai and shinny fortress
for my matt j's azef and kazo's mismagius
GT91's Stormftw's Rampardos for my Alsabino's magnezone
Youpods's adamant rilou, timid rilou, shinny ralts for junks
Markus~'s lightsabre's shinny rhyperior NN:argentum for my human's dratini
Elemt's RNG'd Giratina and Darkchaos's shinny Exeggcute lvl 40 EVD
for my vee's shinny forretress and klock's charizard
teh derk's LightningFusion's Dialga, Syberia's Toxicroak, Shadow Moi's Azumarill
for my sohfalcos beldum and mattj's world weavile
voodoovoodoo's armora flora's shinny ludicolo for my sohfalcos beldum
dr00's shinny starmie for my skippy the greats munchlax
super_ace11's chammommy's wooper for my matt j's weavile
lenihanman's ss4's moltres, syberias clefable, armaldo,
syberias milotic, aerals altaria for my ray's mewtwo, psycho's lugia, newts latias, linkio's latias
shizzle's typholsion and dusknoir for my togekiss and kingdra
Robcore's char's Drifloon, cubone dandan for my clonning and steffyweffy's drapion
-Chase!'s akira's shinny gible for my Psycho86wardbg's Shinny Lugia
wowgek7's Conan's Donphan,stavros Heatran, stavros Cresselia,Syberia's Hariyama for my sephyros armaldo, ss4's moltres, syberias clefable, and syberia's toxicroak with life orb
jla's HCZ's ambipom, honchkrow,heracross, mattj's ho-oh, lacesso's shaymin
extinct's emppoleon,lacesso's shaymin evd for my Akira's gible, voros celebi, human shiny dratini, sohfalcos shiny gligar, and mattj weavile
bakus's shinny cressilia for my humans dratini & shadowmoi's azumaril
super_ace11's jibaku's celebi for my akira's shinny gible
ed hardy's tru shaymin for my ankyofdarkness purugly
bowser's shizzle's absol and miria's zubat for my newt's latios, and syberia's toxicroak
nc's jirachi, shinny lickytonuge for my HP Ice TRU Shaymin, Akira's Shiny Gible, DEZTROYA's shiny skarmory and LightningFusion's Dialga
pokewish's DjGopher's Shiny Azumarill and shinny mismagius for my Matt J's Azelf and akira's shinny gible
buba's hidden power fire shaymin for my klock's Charizard NN: Pyro
davey711 shinny ninjask for my
sohfalco's magnimite
vincento341's Shiny Darkrai, Shiny Tyranitar for Human's Shinny nummel and humans shinny dratini
lugiatina's arceus for my linko's latias
aqualead's hariyama for my mattj's azelf
faladran's froslass for my starvos heartran
ultraskydive's dialga is lightinings fusion palkia is blashberry1's and his abomansnow for transfer help
raichur0xx0rz shinny mediate for my akria's shinny gible
awesome possum's ponyta, girfarig hidden power ground and empoleon for my clonning
The great's shinny galade for my move turtor to spheal (40bp superfang)
justchilling's shinny arcanine, shinny parasect, shinny machamp, and superwolfe's snorunt for my deztroya's skarmory, Humans' shinny dratini, Linkino's Japanese shinny Latias and HCZ's shinny heracross
timetwisters' shinny rayquaza for my matt j's teddiursa
|O|pO's Aromaflora's Furret, kazo's cradily and chars adamant snover for dex's togekiss, justchilling's machop & Psycho86wardbg's Shinny Lugia
kalsard's salamance for my deztroya's starscream skarmory
youpods alakazam and mattj's rayquaza for my Akira's Shiny Gible and Matt J's Azelf
elgoos' dragonite, bagon, dratini, magnimite for distributing his giveaway and clonning
skippy the greats The_GAME's shinny tentacruel for my aerals altaria
pokedude34's marowak for my humans shinny numel
Dxg's Enfermas' adamant jirachi for my matt j's flygon
Pending yusei12's linkino's bagon, blackblastoise's metagross for my stavros's shinny kabuto and Mattj's shinny flygon
mudkipmasters's chamommys impish beldum for my rabbits horsea
cosanostra's kazo's kingler for my skippy the great's munchlax
Chammommy's magikk022's lavitar, mattj's giratina, aromafloras cranidos for my syberias milotic, skippy the great's munchlax
and akira's gible
wrecky's milotic for my humans dratini
chingman78's (i have semi redi) spheal and electivire for my humans shiny dratini, rabbits shiny horsea and jibaku's celebi
tsunade13's Alsabino´s Swellow, vaporeon's vaporeon for my human's shinny dratini & clonning
elgoo's akiratron's articuno BOTH ut and evd versions for my sohfalco's beldum and shinny yanmega
reptar's horsea for my vee's shinny forretress
davey711's shenjda & armoa's lucarios for my human shinny dratini and rabbit horsea
frawg's hippopotamas for my chilling's shinny cacnea
Aqueos's stormftw's hitmontop for my pschoward's lugia
raichur0xx0rz shinny magineum for my hasty palkia
freze's armorafloras omastar and electrode for my hidden power fire shaymin
njsoccer's Negator's Adamant Groundon and The Jojo's Impish LickyLicky for my hidden power fire shaymin
tjtoot's shiny shuckle for matt J's japanese Suicune
superace11's phanta's kabutops for my awesome possum's shinny empoleon
shwheelz shinny tyrouge for my kazo's kingler
winterzombies jolteon for my shinny darkrai
pokedude34's kazo's feraligator for my kay's salamence
davey711's shinny timid eevee and human's staryu for my mattj's teddiursa and the tru shaymin with hp ice
freelanczer's Chris' Jolteon Level 36 UT for my Megamewtwos's surfing Pikachu (from pokewalker)
rocko510's vulpix (i have semi-redi rights YOU DONT) for my shinny scizor and mattj's evd jirachi (he spend the 2 credits he had)
pandalys humans aron for my matt j''s evd jirachi
zaris's hopip, tytouge, voltorb, dratini, diglett, elekid for my sohfalco's shinny lavitar, matt j's jirachi, chamommy's shinny wooper, chingman78's spheal
exie's lapras and porygonz for my shizzle dusknoir and hcz's ambipom
Jrank's matt j's kyogre for my skippy the great's munchlax
crimson assassin's shinny politoad and Acid_Paradox's Regice for my kazo's evd cradily and shizzles ev'd typhlosion
akiratron's shinny kazo's suicune, shinny porygon 2 for HCZ's shinny heracross & Jibaku's Celebi
joshk_bra's arren's mewtwo for my DjGopher's Shiny Azumarill
metalex's mattj's scizzor for my psychowards lugia
kalsards' salamence and togeikiss for my matt j's evd jirachi and jib's celebi
lenihanman's tentacruel forsworns and pichu wichus for my mattj's giratina & rayquaza
reptar's piplup tr, piplup hidden power electric, and DarkChaos' Magmortar for my Skippy the great's Munchlax / with leftovers,syberias clefable matt J's japanese Suicune, resplandor' froslass, HCZ's Shinny exeggutor
ezequiel6566's calm ludicolo for my gg's darkrai and matt j's rayquaza
umbreon91's articuno and moltres for my Mattj's Azelf and Giratina
san_pellegrino's shinny latios for my vees shinny fortress
human's hitmontop for my tru arceus
faladran's linko's kygore and hcz's timid zubat for my justchilling's arcanine
gokufan's digglet, lilbear snorlax, aerodactyl for my
MattJ's Shiny Flygon, MattJ's World Weavile, Stavros's Shiny Kabuto
cipher admin lovrina Shiny Jigglypuff for my rocko's vulpix
alex888's surfing pikachu and brave onix for my deztroyas skarmory,daniels dratini and clonning
frawg's raichu's manaphy for my jojolickly lickly
metalex's matt j's dunsparce & clefable & ramen's luvdisc for my mattj's kyogre, shinny darkrai and dave's quiet dratini
awesome possum's quiet ludicolo and quiet sunflora for my psycho's lugia, nick20's mismagius, human's aron and vee's forretress
ran 22's gorebyss, regigigas zangoose, and swalot, treecko for my armoafloras tr' dittos (3) and hp flying ditto, hidden power rock ditto
TwilightBlade's Cyndaquil and Typhlosion,for Aerolin's Mesprit and Human's Shiny Numel
chamommy's cherubi for my raichu's manaphy
Shadowhunters shinny moltres for my lacesso's shaymin ut and shaymin hp ice 70
musicmeister regice and jolly breloom for my raichur0xx0rz's Manaphy & humans dratini
metalx's blackwigs pineco for my stravos cress
greysong's mattj's garchomp for my human's shinny aron
Njsoccers vespiqueen for my hcz's modest exeggutaor
youpods armoraflora's politoad, hcz's pinsir for PIMPMOBILE smeragle, matt j's giratina
buba's uxie, shaymin, heatran for my sohfalco's lavitar, beldum and enfermas jirachi
wowgek7's matt j's hitmontop giveaway prize
liz's Shinny ev'd spiritomb, MattJ's Shaymin, Gunitdawg's Spiritomb for my Reptar's Timid Kingdra, and bozo naive heatran
taintedshamoo's bronzong for my aromafloras hidden power fire ditto
pehu's latios for my mawile
king old boys's mareep, ekans,koffing, wismur, sharpedo, qwilifish
for my deztroya's skarmory rabbit's shiny horsea linko's shiny bagon Wrecky's Fullmetal buba's heatran, hcz's shiny Zubat
youpods syberias starly for my matt j's garchomp
najdorf's deztroyas umbreon & karmelees salamence for my marrowak
JRT's SS4's tortera for my matt j's giratina
metalex's matt j's cressila, regigigas, palkia for my blackblastoise's metagross NN:blackchrome, linko's japanese Kygore, acetrainerzx's shinny wooper
hamsterns for my slowking and heatran LC zari's voltorb and diglet
superwolfe's baltoy. and shinny blastoise formy linkino's latias and voro's celebi
eiganhjo's sunkren, registeel for my bubas heatran and clonning
reptar's baltoy , shinny rotom, for my evd twilightblades tyhplosion & raichu's manaphy, matt j's articuno
raichu's steelix for my twilightblades cyndaquil
itsukis' Equinoxs flygon, aromafloras belosom, hcz's starmie, aromafloras lapras for my stravos tyrouge, humans aron,chamommy's shinny wooper and reparts horsea
black.arwing's houndor for my humans hitmontop
youpods matt j's moltres & therma's gligar for my Wichu's Pichu & DarkChaos's Corsola
for54years shinny uxie for my matt j's dunsparce
abyssmalstar's exie jirachi for my modest shellder
~Golden emp's two alamos darkrai one modest other timid one for credit another for stravos cressila
jubliee's :heart: miltank and ludicolo with leech seed for my Ill take MattJ's Quiet Kyogre, and AromaFlora's HP Grass TR Ditto
deschain's TheForsworn's nidoking and Mingot's Shedinja for my JustChilling cacnea
ryouk's clamperal for my Steffy's Drapion and Syberia's Zapdos
superdragon's horsea for my umbreon's moltres
cosanostra's Aerolin's milotic for my exies naive jirachi
exies jirachi, and lugia, free giveaway lucario for my racihu's manaphy, matt j's reggigigas and my mawile
delete's ninetails for my kanye's shinny darkrai
Tehderk eving linko's kygore for linkos kygore + 1 credit
frawg's matt j's jirachi for my nick20's Mismagius
skippythegreat's KuyaJBoy'sKecleon & acetrainers regirock for my exie & enfermas jirachi
faladran's hczs chinchou for my Equinox's Flygon
ender 198's typhlosion for my exie and matt j's jirachis
eeveeskitty's aromafloras chinchou for my raichur0xx0rz shinny magineum
super_dragon's shinny taruros for my vincent's spheal
frawgs mzenkens dialga for my reptars baltoy
super_dragon's acid pardox's deyoxs for my enfermas sandshrew
umbreon91's shinny bronzor for my linko's modest kygore
supes's deyoxs'sss for my zari's hopip, dratini, and elekid
{HA}darkus deyoxs for my acetrainers timid suicune
fear the pika's negator's shinny mew for my clonning and choiceband :P
tsunade13's rockinx's shinny kyogre for my Linkino's Japanese shinny Latias
crimosn assassin's Yellowfire’s Shiny Kangaskhan for ankyfdarkness purugly
godudette's Heatran and dozers flaffy for my hp rock ditto
redtype's uxie for my shinny parasect
themarc lotad, skitty, omanyte for my psychowards lugia, skippys munchlax, alteria
jones115 erric's kingdra for my bubas heatran
JRT's shinny stantler for my rockinx's goon scizor!
chronix's shinny gastrodon for my hp fire aromafloras ditto
freze's aromafloras kingdra for superwolfes baltoy
carloSS Psychowards palkia for my pschowards lugia
davey711's ~Golden Emp's ho-oh for my rockinx's goon scizor
lOlpo's tr vaporeon and omega's mew for my christains pkmn move 13 dogs (3)
dragonFE's XD dusknoir for my goon's scizor
Sudo's TRU shaymin for my psychowards lugia
Akiratron's Shinny hp grass raikou for my psychowards shinny palkia
waffleiron's houndom and espeon for my aero's milotic and chamommy's wooper
Humans hitmontop for 1 credit owed SPENT to golden emp
friDanny's seedot, aromafloras blaziken, surskit for my goon scizor, newts sceptive, stravos heatran and cress
Itsuki's aroma flora's skunktank and test's flareon for my akira's gible, golden emps ho-oh,christian's entei & raikou
edlittle's probopass for my blackairwigs houndour
umbreon91 did bp for me ! in exchange for humans numel
ussop is evd trained despotars shroomish
chase!'s Zari's ghastly or My omega's goon scizor
super_dragon is did a bp for me!
Ryoku's acid_pardox's shinny shaymin for my bubas heatran
chouToshio's washer rotom for my enfermas jirachi
pokefanman's Zigzagoon, slakoth, mankey for my sudo's tru shaymin, stavros shinny kabuto and matt j's teddy
ender198's electivire, rilou, floatzel, swinub for my Event Scizor and christians three dogs.
acid pardox's ghastly tutored paint split for 64 bp in exchange for his mawile
neox's linko's modest 13th move celebi for my bozo's naive heatran
aqua lucario's linko's bold 13th move celebi for my expert evan's blissey
emerald_ryuu's shinny eevee, and shinny roserade for my tru reggigigas and christian's raikou
termed's persian for my keckleon
redtype's eruption heatran for my akira shinny gible and my Psycho86wardbg's Shinny Lugia
wildfire's lotad bp for my blash's palkia and skippy the great's munchlax
frawg's for54years bold hp ice celebi for my mawilE
cosanostra's blasphemy1's Fortress, rex's infernape for my twilightblades typlosion
jubilees kazo's calm celebi hp fire for my Buba's Heatran
alexa888's rockin x's qwilifish for my kanye's shinny darkrai
varment4444's timid hp grass zapdos and modest azelf for my vap's vaporeon,boys shinny yamega, kays' mence
dusk252's entei, mew, mewtwo, articuno, slowpoke EVD for credit 6 ev training.
MINOSSE's linko's calm celebi for my riski's impish shinny beldum
lOlpO's Dozer's Cleffeable for my frostreaper's mence
umbreon91's modest zapdos for my lacesso's shaymin
flail's Zephyros' Deoxys for my aromafloras mild ditto HP Fire 70
frosty reaper's shinny metagross for my skippy the great's munchlax
COKTAL's shinny rayquaza for my huntail
supe's adamant deyox's for what ever pokes he wants
mousstastic's HP ice zapdos for Sudo's Shaymin and Mattj's Clefable
superdragon spent two credits on arren's shinny palkia and rocknx's scizor
timeneon's godudettes jumpluf and fenix54 eevee for my exies hasty jirachi
reptar's holy chipmunks shinny snover for my starvos cressilia
gokufan's 7014 shinny azelf for my hcz's shinny heracross
auron87's shinny mawile for my therma omanyte
zari's shinny registeel for my armoraflora's ditto hp flying
winterzombie's raichur0xx0rz's Lapras for my goldenemp's ho-oh
graymonkey0's shinny keckleon for my junkies electivire
Roz's EXIES movie celebi hp fire 70 for my aerolins mespirit
celtic5's Umbreon91's Dewgong for my buba's impish uxie
exies naive jirachi, falandan spent 1 credit
alphabet123's Golduck for my zargons shinny adamant cacnea
umbreon's brave groudon for psycho86wardbg's Shinny Palkia
super_dragon's quiet dialga and linko's japanese groudon for my buba's heatran and exies jirachi
lolpo's quiet metagross for my matt j's jirachi
matt j's hp ground jirachi, falandan spent 1 credit
tooned's calm and modest mantines
canelo351's tru dragonite for my andrea's manaphy
roz's huy's vgc10 crobat and shiny skourpi for my andrea's manaphy and christains shiny pokemon crow suicune
buckert's shweelz poliwrath for my 'kingdra' horsea and akira's shiny gible
wildfire's shiny infernape and shiny abomasnow for my raichur0xx0rz shiny magineum and CHAR'S Drifloon
xui's XD mawile for my bunnery + 1 credit
zerohorus's toxicroak for my pokefreak12's shiny wingull
the dragons' matt j's ho-oh, despotars rilou +1credit for my karmlees mence, daniels dratini, and froslass
entei_the_swifts varment4444's squirtle for my varment4444's mawile
strctlypreme's shiny arrens' kangaskhan for my justin' spiritomb
-Red-'s Acetrainerzx's Chansey, Varment's Chansey, Princess of Johto's Torrchic +1credit for my Aerolin's Milotic, Human's Aron, zaris registeel
lord scalgon's deoyx's x2(modest,naive) heatran, manaphy for my akira's gible, skippy's munchlax, human's shiny hitmontop, tru dragonite
FinalGetsuTensho's exie's azurill, mew and rhyperior for my aromaflora's ditto hp fly, hp rock, and nixhex's ditto
darksoulSP's alphabet123's calm mew for my cherish ball crobat
drunkbaby gabe's raikou mew for my cherish ball tru dragonite
lawliett's acetrainzx's cleffa for my christian's suicune
ooh_shiny's akira's mespirit for my starvos' shiny kabutops
dogbunny's duskskull for my wildfires lotad
plumoe's ace's shellder for my aerolins shiny milotic
ray423's crown entei for my matt j's giratina
frawg's ichrono's slugma for my shella's omastar
varment's clefable, aerolin's azelf , igglybuff for my blashberry1's's Palkia, Waffleiron's Houndoom, dex's togekiss
spent 1 credit frawg owed me on kingoldboys sunkren, metalex spent 2 credits on ray's crown entei, and umbreons sunkren
supes shiny giratina for my jasmine's tyrouge
dtrain5742's serra's spiritomb and lolpo's flygon for my black.arwing's Shiny Houndour, and Psycho86wardbg's Shiny Scisor
unreality's mattj's regice for my vees shiny fortress
redtypes shiftry for my andrea's world 08 lucario. mattj's shiny infernape
jio's lord scalgon hp grass eruption heatran and fenx54's cradily for my kazos kingler and acetrainerz shiny shellder
The agonist's wobbfet for my tru dragonite
alexa's fenix54 walimer for my rockinx's goon event scizor
metalex's jubliee's calm togekiss, shiny tropius, shiny solrock for my rockinx's goon scizor, syberias starly, and frost reapers bunneary
reklaw_vahn shiny charmander for my newts latios
eminem's clefable for my flora's shiny toxicroak
Sæglópur chikorita,' growlithe, spoink, bonsly for davey's shiny shedinja, pokefanmans shiny mankey
supes three third gen. regi's for exie's azumaril, extincts empoleon and fenix54's lileep
shady1621's zari's snorunt for my Sæglópur's bonsly
tolanator's eminem's gulpin for my skippy the greats munchlax
zerohours' torkal and nidoqueen for my justchilling's cacnea and shellas omastar
exploits eminem's oblivia modest hp fire shaymin for my diablicios suicune
alexa's uu warrior pokes (8) for my ...
sky kiryon's lux's shinx for my gorebyss
pikatheory's chimchar for fenix54's wailmer
deathwish's flash's careful dialga for my jubilees shiny togekiss
lucario jr's winterzombie's shinyheatran for my eppies mew
gamer22's forsworn's gastrodon for my Aerolin's shinny milotic
LizardMan's fridanny's chimchar, rockinx's pineco, floras jirachi and arrens duskclops for my Adamant Cacnea, Modest Spoink, Bold Lotad with better speed, and Varment's Mawile.
cannibals growlithe for eppies mew
kingoldboys milotic for my lord scalgons oblivia heatran
maria's stryodomans venonat, dozers absol , dozers hariyama, stravos seaking pokes for my likitongue
saeglopurs mew, meditate, electrike, purugly for my The Jojo's Impish LickyLicky,Shella's shinny omastar,Skippy the great's Munchlax, twilightblades's wishcash
lizardmans flora suicune for my joshk_bras suicune-
sichi's giratina for latias
eevee skittys shiny camerupt for my lilbear's snorlax
mr.sableyes shiny shuckle for my Conan's Donphan
lawliett's uu warriors evd staraptor for waffleirons houndoom
lolcakesxD smogon's lickitongue, smogons venonat, smogons banette, smogons ekans,
ace's torteria, smogons evd milotic
for my eminems deoyxs, exies mew evd, thomas aerodactyl, huy worlds crobat evd
princess johotos torchic evd, uu warriors xatu evd
my eminems jolly and adamant deoyxs for obviousend's giratina and numel
diabolicos 'Fenix's Shiny Yamask,Jkfrankko's Shiny Solosis ,Alexshiny's Shiny Venipede evd Icemanu's Shiny Archeos for giveaway credits spent
-rick game on's keibens victini for my fenix 54s yamax
-tombstones fenix54s sawk,fenix54s simipour, fenix54s stunkfish, fenix54s escavalier for bonds litwick and bonds frillish +2 credits
-kenw's Fenix54's Larvesta, Fenix54's Vanillite, Fenix54's Darumaka ,Fenix54's archen for my
bonds joltik, bonds frillish, fenix 54s yamax, bonds litwick
-diab's akiras shazendora, x-elites cryogonal for fenix54s sawk, fenix54s escavalier
-giorgross's akiras conkleduee, akiras zorak, fenix 54s dwebbie fenix 54s tirtouga for my fenix54's darumaka, fenix54's archen,fenix54's vanillite,fenix54's larvesta
fenix's lilpup and cincinno for my hcz exegutor
freezes matt j's landrous for my fenix54s darumaka
kenw's fenix's seriph and fenix54's ferrothorn for my akiratrons zorak, akiratrons conkledurr
sunshine cats bonds bw vulpix, fenix 54s purrion
for fenix54's minccino fenix54's sigilyph
hamsterns Bouffalant and Eelekross for my fenix54s lilpup and fenix54sMinccino
giorgross's Kaphotics Terrakion for my xElite's japanese Cryogonal
zelen's reshfor my exies mew
megamanxls colblion for my fenix54s natori
shiny mew2's fenix 54's durant, fenix 54s' accelgor for my fenix 54's darukama and fenix 54's lilpup
tehdereks drillbur for a credit owedclonnedx6 for credit
cybertrons icemanus haxors, icemanus conkeldurr
and for fenix 54's sawk and Akira's japanese nn:SAZANDORA
novazeros sae's cobalion for my fenix54s archen
infernapes viridion jolly/timid for fenix54s shiny japanese Shawk& and fenix54stirtouga
infernapes Kyurem and a credit for zelen's Reshiram
c-primes coblion for my evd fenix54s durant
shinymew2s clonning for my shellder and a credit
labrinths evd fenix 54s ferroseed, fenix 54s escailver, i fly evd reuniclus,
i flys evd reuniclus shiny, fenix 54s evd tirtouga for my tehderk's japanese drillbur,fenix54's japanese shiny lilpup,xElite's japanese CryogonalMeGaManX's english Cobalion ,zelen's Reshiram
winterzombies bisharp for my Kaphotics japanese Terrakion
metalix's bonds krokodile, and bonds frilish for my xElite's japanese Cryogonal♂ and fenix 54 vinallinte
ju-da-su's bonds dreamworld ivysaur, and bonds snivy, bonds oshawatt for my fenix 54s escailver, fenix54s accelgor and 2 credits
lucariojr kojondo+egg for fenix54s tirtouga
christains Fenix54's Sewaddle Fenix54's heatmor for my xelites siglyph and fenix54 lilpup
jones115 hasty victini for fenix54s evd accegolr
muffinheads gryrados and cressilla for my matt j's shiny infernape and agnoists zubat
mixxer123's bitterlemon's ditto for my fenix54's japanese shiny sewaddle

labrinth's Ifly's Shiny Vullaby, Ifly's Shiny Sigilyph, for my exelites sigylph and icemanus eglyem
rugaji's victini and kyurem for bonds snivy and osawatt
nestw's Bold Cofagrigus for my Megaman's Cobalion
megamanx's golett and munna for my XElites's sigilyph and fenix54's japanese shiny sewaddle ♀
kenw's tolandor's evd deerling for my hcz exegutaor

joshk_bras druddigon for my fenix54s shiny japanese Larvesta
firestomxl's gliscor for my fenix 54s accelgor

novazeros bonds dw swalbu and bonds dw darumaka for my rugjai's victini
shinymew2's icemanus conkledurr +3credits for my fenix54s seawadle and fenix54s heatmor and fenix 54s vulpix
cool ivysaurs cobalion for my megamans cobalion
cipheradminlovrinas matt js shelmet, matt j's klink, matt j's palpitoad for my
zelens resh :/, fenix 54s larvesta, exelites cryogonaln
AncienTLorD86 's finneon, pidegot and venasaur for my transfering services
lolcakes kapohtis virizon calm/hasty, landrous calm/hasty for my fenix 54s tirtouga, crustle,
simpour and stunfisk
twiglight blades cottonnee and nicknamed cottonee for a credit
mixer123's rugjai's munna for my fenix54s chincco
apatianos drizzle politoed for my bonds litwick
shi's rufflet for xelites sigylph
exploits his landrous for my evd derks drillbur and bonds evd draumaka
cybertrons's Jranks frillish, Jranks scraggy, Jranks litwick for my EV'd vanilish, EV'd Joltik, and EV'd bisharp.
labrinths klank for my apatino's drizzle dw politoad
cool ivysaurs haxorus and tornadus for winterzombies evd bisharp and apatianos dw politoad
snorlaxitives krokidile in exchange for clonning
labrinths iflys denio for my zelens reshiram-
-eiganjo's pansear, bearactic and basculin for my fenix 54s archen, sawk, and bonds oshawatt
zari's candlure for my zelens reshiram
nestW his crustle evd for my zelens reshisram
shiis rufflet for bonds dw swalbu
delacii's bonds deino egg for fenix54s shiny larvesta
sir_lu's toranadus for my apatianos drizzle toad
apatiano's flawless dw magikarp for flora's shiny scyther
yee's remoraid egg for my mattj's dragonite

lulcakes bonds697 tepig, fenix 54 tympole for my shis rufflet, apatiano's drizzle politoed
mangaguy's golett for my apathinos dw politoed
flashes tornadus and reshiram for my fenix54s dw vulpix and apatianos politoed
luxpluff91's xelite's lilgant for matt j's timid jirachi
hamstern's dw sharpedo for my jranks scraggy
infernape-5's fenix 54 almona & audino for my tehderk's japanese drillbur-
dela_cruz cecil's beartic for my fenix54s wailmer
lawliett's boldore and fenix 54's cactus for my fenix 54s archen and fenix 54s yamax
krabs93's swoobat, unfezant and garbodor for my fenix54s vulpix, fenix 54s crustle, fenix 54s tirtouga
diabolico's reklaw's blitz for my bonds denio
judau's movie victini for my ut fenix 54 japanese archen
christians karrablast for my exploits landrous
rockin x's audino for my mawile
superwolfes rek's natu for my fenix54s darumaka and bonds litwick
pixel's dw lileep (2) for my shadow moi's azumaril and umbreons eevee
harrisonslami's sazandora, and tangrowth for my fenix54s accelgor, xelites sigiliph
red's dw murkrow, dw dragonite for my shi's rufflet and credit spent
tesseractions bp muna shiny
Nickq07's scraggy for my aromafloras tr hp fighting ditto
tbolt's kajando for my superace's mild dratini
harrisonslami's sazandora, and kajando for my fenix54s accelgor, xelites sigiliph
icyflame05's dw gligar, dw dratini for my newts latios and x elites sigylph
sir_lu's Tympole, Poliwag, and Amoonguss.for my bonds Oshawatt, rek's Bold Victini, and akiras Conkledurr
hamsterns thuderus for my rayquazathekips victini
krabs93's dw slowbro, dw tentacruel, for my reds dw mukrow, tes' sassy munna
mixxer123 acetrainer x's igglybuff for my bonds697 dreamworld swalbu
buckert's evd kyruem for aromafloras hp fire ditto
nightmare13's thundrus for my jranks scraggy
firestorm_xl kyurem and durant for my Psycho86wardbg's shinny Scizor <-roost, lord scalgon's deoxys naive
gothic togekiss kai's dw swalbu for my zelens reshiram
nickg07 dw nidoran (2) for my jubilee's shiny togekiss and mattjs infernape
wildfire's lilpup and amogus for transfering and ditto
kiras' kyurem for mattj's rayquaza and 1credit
hamstrens' dw tangela for my reds dw dratini
ominous fyres kyruem for my , shiis japanese cottonee
christians gifarig for my dw gligar
rugaji's triggz elmoga tolandors elmoga for my reds murkrow, reds dratini
sakomi's basculin from giveaway
azure demon's jedi's teriakon and solois for my rugaji's victini and kypathotics kyurem
azure demon's deerling for my xelities lilgant
zelens hp ground suicune, hp fire suicune, natori, for my huys world crobat, bubas heatran, aidans aerodactyl
themantykes caracosta and kyurem for my humans evd aron and bonds dw swalbu
chihuahuaowner's elektros, beartic, vanilite for my xeleite lilgant, andreas
manaphy, shis english rufflet
the agonist's pc pikachu and movie victini for my fenix54's shiny durannt, acetrainers shiny shellder
umbreon 91's beehyem for my tes's shiny munna
gothictogekiss' dw shinx, dw murkrow, growlithe for my fenix54's sweaddle, smeragle and reds dw dratini
bowwave's pansage, ducklet, heatmor, solois and stunfisk for my zelen reshiram' , storm_xl's kyurem, Rugaji's victini, shi's japanese cottone and tesseractions's shiny muna sassy
apatiano's dw murkrow for my linkio's shiny latias ut
iambaney zerkrom for red's dw dratini
fenix54's nosepass for credit
christian's derpfish for my mema (aethers zorak)
a e t h e r 's kyruem for my kaphotics thunderus
megamanx's garbor for my
kaphotics movie victini

christains shiny crustle for my likitongue
dizzydrones dw smeragle for my kaphotics movie 11 victini
turtwig's dw flareon for my lord_scalgons eruption heatran
hamstern's dw espeon for my tesa's shiny munna
chev4's rotom for free!

wilfires tyanmo, cobalion, kyurem, boufflant, axew for my bonds denio, alex54s feroseed, jrank's litwick, shi's rufflet
probopass sausages Garbodor for my black airwig's pineco
nebilim's gothette and zorura for hp rock / hp fightTR ditto
julios's joltik, fenix 54's solios and petil for my andrea's wild eep (jumpluff), IcyFlame05 dw dratini, wildfire's lotad
Sæglópur s pawniard and sandile for my chihuahuaowners cubchoo & icemanus eglyem
zaris elektros(3), boomlax, lione, victini for my Bond's japanese sandile jolly ut, Jrank's scraggy,reds dw dratini, red dw murkrow, Bond's japanese DW Blaziken apatiano's japanese dw politoed♀
krabs93's Shiny munchlax sassy, shiny munchlax brave for my
vcreate victini, fenix's audino,fenix's maractus, cryogonal hp water, shiny finneon.
zerohours heatran, kingdra, miltank for my Fenix54's Shiny japanese Maractus, IcyFlame05 dw gligar and xElite's japanese Cryogonal
coolivysaur's metagross for my emolga
khifts 4 dittos for my alphabet123's calm ut mew
patchys starly for bond's ivysaur
krabs93's seaking for my stantler
coolivysaurs metagross, porygon2, milotic, giratina, cloyster, cressila for 6 credits spent
bitterlemons latias for credit
MeGaMaN Xs shiny maractus for my Sæglópurs pawinard
xtr3m3's cubchoo for my lord scalgons heatran
chev4's tornadus for free
zari's dw miltank, dw nidoran m,dw nidoran f for bonds dw ivysaur, tes shiny munna, Sæglópurs pawniard
caruto's shiny woobat, and shiny tepig for my umbreons espeon and apatiano's japanese dw politoed
victini'skraby, khifts corsolia for my x-elites latios and ray's english entei
hozus shiny latias for my andreas tru dragonite
victini's omegafotres dw mamoswineS and ashleys superluck togekiss for exelite latias & latios and
andreas tru dragonite

evan0719's azels dw abra for my akiras dusknoir
aragonbird's 3rd gen hitmonlee, tauros, hypno, clefable, blissey, wigglytuff for my fenix54's Yamask ,fenix 54's DW Vulpix UT, xelites lilgant ,winterzombies Shiny Pawnaird, fenix 54's Archen, fenix 54's Shiny Lillipup
v4victini's dw sableye for a credit
ooh_shiny's corphish for my julios' petil
palu's dw wooper for my icyflame5's dratini
hamstern's scraggy for omegafortes dw mamoswine
thegoldenburrito's scraggy for zoaps dousion
antars' lavitar scyther growlithe for my matt j's jirachi christains suicune, christains raikou
nachocheeses999 dw pichu for jubilees togekiss
ninjawes calm cressila and v-victini for my wildfires amoongus and credit
tehderks thundrus for my Umbreon91's Zapdos and Newts's Latios
cerzeras thunderus for credits
shii's dw torchics (2) and smash mewtwo for my poochyena, emolga and cacnea


Credits I have:
1 uberjynx -hiatus
1 delete -hiatus
1 elgoo -hiatus
1 The Game -hiatus
1 riski ;)
6 dusk252 -hiatus
1 frawg -hiatus
1 Fire Blast
2 TBolt1144 -hiatus
1 apa -hiatus
2 cool ivysaur
2 metalex
2 wildfire
1 triggz -hiatus
1 JRT -hiatus
1 christian
1 Zelen -hiatus
3 shiny mew2
Credits I Owe:
3 lucario_jr
3 cereza
1 ninjawes
2 superdragon great breed! + gave me father parent poke
3 frost reaper
3 icemanu
1 poptarts
tesseraction 2 credits
1 twilight blade
1 kira
1 rocket boss giovoni(any gen5)
1 the giratina man
2 v4victini
ju-da-su 2 credit (any gen5)
1 fenix54's

sophies dw hippopotas <-can nickname

Ivs: 31/29/31/x/31/24
nature relaxed - ability sheerforce
Notable Moves: slack off, revenge, curse
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ):Acyrlic ID: 27285
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. non redi
*Notes from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

sophies dw farfetch'd<-can nickname

Ivs: 31/31/30/10/29/31
nature jolly ability defiant
Notable Moves: quick attack, leaf blade, night slash, roost
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Acyrlic ID: 27285
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. non redi
*Notes non rng'd on my white file from a retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

sophies dw farfetch'd <-can nickname​

Ivs: 31/31/31/18/31/31
nature Lonely ability defiant
Notable Moves: quick attack, leaf blade, night slash, roost
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Acyrlic ID: 27285
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. non redi
*Notes non rng'd on my white file from a retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

Sophies dw likitung ♀ <-can nickname

Ivs: 31/31/31/2/31/30
nature impish ability cloudnine
Notable Moves: curse, bellydrum, bodyslam
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Acyrlic ID: 27285
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. non redi
*Notes non rng'd on my white file from a retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

sophies dw bidoof <-can nickname

Ivs: 31/24/30/31/31/0 hp electric 63
nature calm - ability moody
Notable Moves: quick attack, aquatail, taunt
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Acyrlic ID: 27285
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redi
*Notes from my white file cloned using ar dsi by sophies

sophies dw poochyena <-can nickname

Ivs: 31/31/31/1/23/31
nature adamant- ability rattled->moxie
Notable Moves: ice fang, fire fang, thunder fang
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ):Acyrlic ID: 27285
Obtained: hatched at challengers cave
Available as: Lvl. 1UT. / non redi
*Notes from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

sophies dw wobbuffet <-can nickname

Ivs: 31/11/30/0/30/30
nature bold - ability telepathy
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Acyrlic ID: 27285
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. wobbuffet / non redi
*Notes cloned using ar dsi by sophies

sophies dw lavitar <-can nickname

Ivs: 31/31/29/6/31/6
nature adamant - ability unerve
Notable Moves: stealth rocks
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Acyrlic ID: 27285
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1UT. non redi
*Notes clonned using ar dsi by sophies

sophies dw stantler <-can nickname

Ivs: 31/31/31/4/29/31
nature jolly - ability sap sipper
Notable Moves: megahorn, disable
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ):Acyrlic ID: 27285
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1UT. / non redi
*Notes from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

sophies audino <-can nickname

Ivs: 31/20/31/30/31/13 hp grass 63
nature relaxed- ability regenerator
Notable Moves: yawn, wish, encore, heal bell
Evd version:-
OT ( ♀): Sophies<3 ID:36216
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. non redi
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

sophies audino <-can nickname

Ivs: 31/14/31/31/30/26 hp bug 70
nature calm- healer
Notable Moves: yawn, wish, encore, heal bell
Evd version:-
OT ( ♀): Sophies<3 ID:36216
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. non redi
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

Sophies emolga ♀ <-can nickname

Ivs: 31/31/31/15/29/31
nature jolly ability static
Notable Moves: airslash, roost, baton pass
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Acyrlic ID: 27285
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. non redi
*Notes non rng'd on my white file from a retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

Sophies dw cacnea ♀ <-can nickname

Ivs: 30/31/31/16/31/24
nature brave ability water absorb
Notable Moves: teeter dance
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Acyrlic ID: 27285
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. non redi
*Notes non rng'd on my white file from a retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

Sophies cacnea ♀ <-can nickname

Ivs: 30/30/31/3/30/1
nature brave ability sand veil
Notable Moves: teeter dance
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Acyrlic ID: 27285
Obtained: hatched at route 3, avilable gen 5 only
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. non redi
*Notes non rng'd on my white file from a retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

Sophies Mawile ♂ nn:Mawile

Nature:impish Ability: intimadte
Moves: punishment, firefang, thunderfang
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT, Non Redi for you
*transfered into white from ss cannot nickname ,cloned by ar dsi from sophies

rhyhorn bp by stormfront <-can nickname

Ivs: 31/31/31/22/31/0
nature brave- rockhead-solid rock
Notable Moves: thunderfang, icefang, firefang, crunch
Evd version:-
OT ( ♀): Sophies<3 ID:36216
Obtained: hatched at trial chamber
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. non redi
Stormfront's Rhyhorn​


Non Redis
OT: Storm / Sophies(heart) | ID: 26667 / 36216
Nature: Brave | Trial Chamber / Skyarrow Bridge
Ability: Rock Head | Lvl 1 UT
Moves: Crunch/Thunder Fang/Ice Fang/Fire Fang
Notes: I RNG'd the egg, the egg was cloned, then traded to Sophies to hatch on her game as well as hatching the shiny version on my game. Only Redis by me and Sophies
EV'd version

TEMPLATE pokemon
Ivs: 31/31/31/30/30/31
nature - ability
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ♀): Acyrlic ID: 27285
Obtained: hatched caught at route 13
Available as: Lvl. 100 UT./EVD / Fully redis Semi Redi non redi
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

alex888's surfing pikachu hidden power ice 68

Nature :timid Ability: static
IVs: 27/8/30/27/31/31
EVs: evd version 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Moves: surf
Aviable: Lvl 14ut or lvl 28 Sophies%20has%20semi-redis%20on%20my%20pikachu[/QUOTE]"]evd semiredi for me, non redi for you
Pokemon yellow theme :P
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

The Agonist's PC Yokohama Pikachu

Ivs: 30 / 24 / 30 / 31 / 31 / 30
nature modest - ability static
Notable Moves: grassknot,charge beam,surf,thunderbolt
Evd version: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
OT (♂ ): PC Yokohama (in japanese) ID: 12268
Obtained: wifi event
Available as: Lvl. 50 evd./ Fully redis
*Notes in a cherish ball from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

andrea's TRU dragonite

Nature: mild Ability: inner focus
IVs: 30/30/31/30/31/31 HP grass 70
EVs: -
Moves: Draco Meteor/Thunderbolt/Outrage/Dragon Dance
Aviable: Lvl 50 ut. fully redi with stating its andrea's clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*Had a fateful encounter on December 7, 2010
*In a cherish ball

shii's japanese smash mewtwo nn: ポケスマ!ミュウツー

Ivs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
nature timid - ability pressure
Notable Moves: Psystrike | Shadow Ball | Aura Sphere | Electro Ball
Evd version: n/a
OT ():ポケスマ! ID: 02961
Obtained: pokemon event
Available as: Lvl. 70 UT./ non redi
*Notes in a cherish ball, from a legit event, from shii's retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Jan 12th, 2012 10:11:08 PM
Shii I'll give you semi-redis rights because I respect you and all the work you put into your breeds. xD

Jan 12th, 2012 10:07:06 PM
thats fine I thought mewtwo was non redi as well or is he semi ? ;o

rockinX's 'Goon event' scizor ♂ (japanese) NN: ハッサム (means Hassamu)/with starf berry

Nature : adamant Ability: swarm
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 25 / 31 / 31
EVs: -
Moves: agility, iron defense, sword dance, x-scissor
Aviable: Lvl 50 ut fully redistributable! clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*In a cherish ball

huy's worlds 2010 crobat

Nature: timid Ability: inner focus
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/30 HP ice 70
EVs: -
Moves: air Slash/Heat Wave/Sludge Bomb/Super Fang
Aviable: Lvl 30 ut. fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

eminem's oblivia deoxys

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature (check post below) ability pressure
Notable Moves: (check post below)
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Oblivia ID: 03060
Obtained: pokemon ranger January 1st 2011

Available as: Lvl. 50 UT. / fullyRedi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*ligit wondercard emulator used
Modest moves: psycho boost, meteor mash, superpower
adamnt moves: psycho boost, meteor mash, superpower
jolly moves: psycho boost, meteor mash, superpower
timid moves: psycho boost, meteor mash, superpower
impish moves: psycho boost, detect, counter, mirror coat,
relaxed moves: psycho boost, detect, counter, mirror coat,
sassy moves: psycho boost, detect, counter, mirror coat,
careful moves: psycho boost, detect, counter, mirror coat,
bold moves: psycho boost, detect, counter, mirror coat,

lord scalgon's oblivia heatran

Ivs: 31/31/31/30/31/3 [HP Electric 70]
nature quiet ability flash fire
Notable Moves: Eruption, Magma Storm, Earth Power, Explosion
Evs: evd version 216 HP / 252 SpA / 40 Spd
OT (♂ ): Oblivia ID: 03060
Obtained: pokemon ranger
Available as: Lvl. 50 UT. lvl 50 evd/ non Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Jan 11th, 2011 11:58:03 PM
Lord Scalgon

Enjoy the poke's. :)

Not to forget to mention you have redis rights to all of them, even the Deoxys. I think you're the 6th or 7th person I've given redis rights for the Naive Oblivia Deoxys to...lost count.

andrea's Nintendo World Store Manaphy Manaphy

nature: modest ability:hydration HP electric 70
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
evs: -
Moves: Heart Swap/Water Pulse/Whirlpool/Acid Armor
avilable: lvl 50 ut, fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*legit wondercard

eminem's oblivia shaymins

Nature (see paragraph below) Ability natural cure
IVs: (see paragraph below)
Notable Moves: -
Evs: -
OT ( ): Oblivia ID: 03060
Obtained: Pokemon Ranger
Available as: Lvl. 30 ut. / fully redi
*from pokemon ranger emulator used clonned with ar dsi by sophies
naive hp ice 70: IVs31 | 30 | 30 | 31 | 31 | 31
naive hp fire 70: IVs31 | 30 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30
hasty hp ice 70: IVs 31 | 30 | 30 | 31 | 31 | 31
hasty hp fire 70: IVs 31 | 30 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30
modest hp fire 70: IVs31 | 30 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30 also avilable evd:252 HP / 76 SpA / 180 Spe
calm hp ice 70: IVs 31 | 30 | 30 | 31 | 31 | 31
calm hp fire 70: IVs 31 | 30 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30
bold hp ice 70: IVs: 31 | 30 | 30 | 31 | 31 | 31

andrea's world08 lucario ♂

Ivs: 31/31/31/1/31/31
adamant - inner focus
Notable Moves:
blaze kick/bone rush/sunny day/force palm
Evs: -
OT (♂): WORLD08 ID: 08178
Obtained: Poke Event
Available as: Lvl. 30 ut. / fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*In a cherish ball

Skippy the great's Munchlax ♂ / with leftovers

Nature: Brave Ability: pick up
IVs: 29 / 30 / 30 / 0 / 30 / 1
EVs: evd version 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SpD
Moves: selfdestruct
Aviable: Lvl 5 UT or evd lvl 16 as munchlax , Fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*from the pokewalker

acetrainerzx's palkia

Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
jolly - pressure
Notable Moves:-
Evs: N/A.
OT (): Axe Ace ID: 41787 Obtained: Ruins event
Available as:Lvl. 1 UT. / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*shinjo ruins event

Diabolico's shiny giratina

Ivs: 29/31/30/30/31/30 Hidden Power Fire 69
naive - pressure
Notable Moves:-
Evs: N/A.
OT (): Kagura ID: 62156
Obtained: caught at sinjoh ruins
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Sudo's TRU shaymin HP fire 70

Nature bold Ability natural cure
IVs: 31/x/31/30/31/30
EVs: -
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 50 Ut. fully redi for you if you link back to his thread clonned with ar dsi by sophies


* i have more synchs on other cartridges just ask

mild munna

naive munna

timid munna

bold munna

relaxed munna

brave ralts

quiet abra

modest mew

acetrainerzx's shiny shellder


Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31

adamant - skill link

Notable Moves: rockblast, rapid spin

Evs: N/A.

OT (): Smogon ID: 22704

Obtained: Hatched at lake of rage

Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / Fully redis
clonned ar dsi by sophies

snorlaxitives shellder


Ivs: 31/31/31/x/30/31

jolly - skill link

Notable Moves: rockblast

Evs: N/A.

OT ():henry ID:41087

Obtained: Hatched at route 3

Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redis
my redi. proof
Apr 7th, 2011 12:08:18 AM
thanks for your help. here's proof that shellder is semi-redistributable.
cloned ar dsi by sophies

shiny Smeragle ♂ NN: pimpmobile


Nature:jolly Ability:own tempo​



Moves: (lvl 39) bullet punch, cruch, agility, blazekick​

Aviable: Lvl 1ut. or lvl 39 random evs. Fully redi for you.

*used as parent for a lucario clonned ar dsi by sophies

bitterlemons' shiny japanese ditto


Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

timid - limber

Notable Moves: -​

Evs: N/A.

OT (): Ghix ID: 30864

Obtained: shifted from johto
Available as: Lvl. 46 UT. / Fully redis
*in a diveball, from emulator cloned ar dsi by sophies


Ditto Garden

hidden power and TR dittos!

fourth gen dittos

*thanks to aromaflora&nixhex*​

aromafloras ditto HP Fire 70

Nature: mild Ability: limber​

IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/30​

fully redi for you.clonned with ar dsi by sophies


aromafloras ditto HP rock 70

Nature: jolly Ability: limber​

IVs: 31/31/30/31/30/30​

fully redi for you.clonned with ar dsi by sophies


nixhex's ditto

Nature: jolly Ability: limber​

IVs: 31/31/31/29/31/31

fully redi for you.clonned with ar dsi by sophies


aromafloras ditto hidden power flying 70

Nature: modest Ability: limber​

IVs: 31/31/31/30/30/30​

fully redi for you.clonned with ar dsi by sophies


aromafloras ditto hidden power fire 70 meant for trick room​

Nature:quiet Ability: limber​

IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/2​

fully redi for you.clonned with ar dsi by sophies


aromafloras ditto hidden power grass 70 meant for trick room​

Nature: realxed Ability: limber​

IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/3​

fully redi for you.clonned with ar dsi by sophies


aromafloras ditto HP Fighting 70 meant for trick room​

Nature:adamant Ability: limber​

IVs: 31/31/30/30/30/2​

fully redi for you.clonned with ar dsi by sophies


Khift's Americain Ditto HP ELECTRC, Lv 53, Timid nature, 31/31/31/30/31/31 HP Electric 70​

fully redi for you.clonned with ar dsi by sophies


Khift's Americain Ditto HASTY, Lv 53, Hasty nature, 31/31/31/31/31/31
fully redi for you.clonned with ar dsi by sophies
Khift's Americain Ditto TR QUIET, Lv 53, Quiet nature, 31/31/31/31/31/0
fully redi for you.clonned with ar dsi by sophies
Khift's Americain Ditto TR RELAXD, Lv 53, Relaxed nature, 31/31/31/31/31/0
fully redi for you.clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Umbreon shiny eevee's (gen4)


umbreon's shiny vaporeon ♂​

Ivs: 31/3/31/30/31/31 HP Electric 70

nature :bold ability: adaptability

Notable Moves: fake tears, wish, yawn, curse

Evs: N/A.

OT (♂ ): umbreon ID: 52166

Obtained: hatched seafoam islands

Available as: Lvl. 1 UT as eevee. non-Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
umbreon's shiny jolteon
Ivs: 31/2/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70
nature :timid ability: adaptability
Notable Moves: fake tears, wish, yawn, curse
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ): umbreon ID: 52166
Obtained: hatched power plant
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT as eevee. non-Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
umbreon's shiny flareon
31/31/30/30/31/31 HP Grass 70
nature :lonely ability: adaptability
Notable Moves: fake tears, wish, yawn, curse
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ): umbreon ID: 52166
Obtained: hatched burned tower
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT as eevee. non-Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
umbreon's shiny espeon
Ivs: 31/2/31/30/31/30 HP Fire 70
nature :timid ability: adaptability
Notable Moves: fake tears, wish, yawn, curse
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ): umbreon ID: 52166
Obtained: hatched bellchime trail
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT as eevee. non-Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
umbreon's shiny umbreon
Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature :careful ability: adaptability
Notable Moves: fake tears, wish, yawn, curse
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ): umbreon ID: 52166
Obtained: hatched mt.moon
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT as eevee. non-Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
umbreon's shiny leafeon
Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature :jolly ability: adaptability
Notable Moves: fake tears, wish, yawn, curse
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ): umbreon ID: 52166
Obtained: hatched ilex forest
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT as eevee. non-Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
umbreon's shiny glaceon
Ivs: 31/2/30/30/30/30 HP Fighting 70
nature :calm ability: adaptability
Notable Moves: fake tears, wish, yawn, curse
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ): umbreon ID: 52166
Obtained: hatched ice path
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT as eevee. non-Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

BP's done for me (gen3-4)


fast hatch and iv checker on the lotad(s)

shiny rilou


Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

naive - inner focus

Notable Moves: blaze kick, bullet punch, crunch, agility

Evs: N/A.

OT ():ZAC ID: 22203

Obtained: bellchime trail hatched
Available as: Lvl. 1 as UT. / non redi
*bp poppycock did for me only we have rights clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat Poppycock
Posting here to say that sophies has redistributable rights on the Riolu BPs I did for her.

shiny rilou


Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

rash - inner focus

Notable Moves: blaze kick, bullet punch, crunch, agility

Evs: N/A.

OT ():ZAC ID: 22203

Obtained: bellchime trail hatched
Available as: Lvl. 1 as UT. / non redi
*bp poppycock did for me only we have rights clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat Poppycock
Posting here to say that sophies has redistributable rights on the Riolu BPs I did for her.

exploits's shiny poliwag


Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/0

nature sassy - ability waterabsorb

Notable Moves: haze, encore

Evs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 SpD

OT ( ): Henry ID: 38151

Obtained: Hacthed at route 34
Available as: Lvl. 1 ut. evd lvl 26 poliwag / non redi
*A bp done by Exploits, him and myself semi redi on this clonned with ar dsi by sophies
Mar 29th, 2011 11:04:39 PMExploits

non-redis for you. You can trade, others cannot.​

shiny Lotad


Nature:Bold Ability: Rain Dish

IVs:31/3/31/30/31/31 HP electric 70


Moves:Razor Leaf, counter, leech seed, synthesis

Aviable: Lvl 1 UT, (hatched at whirl islands) Non Redi for you

*If you want me see rule ten clonned with ar dsi by sophies

*bp done by superdragon
proof of my rights Jun 29th, 2010 5:08:58 PM

Sure, I will trade now. Can I get two copies back of iv Lotad please and just one of male parent Lotad. Use my HG FC please. Did you want redis rights on it?​

shiny Lotad HP electric 70


Nature:Bold Ability: Rain Dish



Moves:leech seed

Aviable: Lvl 1 UT, Non Redi for you

*If you want me see rule ten clonned with ar dsi by sophies

*bp done by umbreon
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat Umbreon91
Posting here to confirm that Sophies has rights on (a lot of) my Pokémon:
Brave Groudon 31/31/31/23/31/0
Shiny Bold Lotad 31/31/31/30/31/3
Modest Moltres 30/15/30/31/31/31
Relaxed Articuno 30/26/31/31/30/2
And some Eevee (my whole Trophy Case).

LotadHP electric 70


Nature:calm Ability: Rain Dish

IVs: 31/23/31/30/31/31


Moves:leech seed, rain dance, grass knot

Aviable: Lvl 1 UT, Non Redi for you

*If you want me see rule ten clonned with ar dsi by sophies
+bp done by wildfire
proof of my rights Jul 9th, 2010 6:10:07 PM
I breed a calm ludiolo with rain dish with 31/23/31/30/31/31. It has hidden power electric and leech seed. If you want it I get 2 pokemon from your trade thread and we both get semi redis rights. I bred a lot of other ludicolos with different natures and spreads if your interested. ^^​

LotadHP electric 70


Nature:calm Ability: Rain Dish

IVs: 31/2/30/31/31/3


Moves:leech seed

Aviable: Lvl 1 UT, Non Redi for you

*If you want me see rule ten clonned with ar dsi by sophies
+bp done by monsoonbeast
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat monsoonbeast
Sophies has semi-redis rights on my Lotad, Rattata (TopPercent), and Farfetch'd

shinny bunery


Nature:jolly Ability: klutz

IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31


Moves:switcheroo, encore

Aviable: Lvl 1 UT, Non Redi for you

*If you want me see rule ten clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*bp done by frost reaper
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat Frost Reaper
SOPHIES!I have been away quite some time with school and work completely dominating my every waking moment, but I have returned from the dead to inform you that you have semi-redistribution rights to the Buneary and Reptar. Huzzah!

varment's mawile


Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31​

nature :adamant ability: intimidate

Notable Moves: seismic toss

Evs: N/A.

OT (♂ ): Ryan ID: 52422

Obtained: hoenn
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. non-Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*bp done by varment4444
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat varment4444
Posting to confirm that Sophies has semi-redis rights on my Emerald Exclusive Mawile. (Thats ONLY Sophies to, nobody but the two of us can trade it, period.)

~ Little cup ~


phantastic's Smoochum


Nature: Timid Ability: Oblivious​

IVs: 31/0/31/30/30/31 HP Ground 68


Moves: Nasty Plot, Fake Out, Signal Beam​

Aviable: Lvl 1 UT. Semi redi for me, non redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Her thread:

:toast:Redi section:toast:

zari's hopip


Nature jolly Ability Chlorophyll​

IVs: 30/31/31/x/31/31​

EVs: EV'd 80 HP / 196 Def / 196 Spe​

Moves: Sleep Powder/ Leech Seed / Bounce / Encore

Aviable: Lvl 5 evd . fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

EXIE's Azurill


Ivs: 31/31/31/2/31/31

nature adamant - ability huge power

Notable Moves: Waterfall, Return, Substitute, Encore

Evs: 116 HP / 196 ATK / 36 SpD / 116 SPE

OT (♂ ): EXIE ID: 06267
Obtained: Hacthed at Golden Rod
Available as: Lvl. 2 EVD / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*i passed the hack check!

zari's voltorb Hidden Power Grass 68


Nature: hasty Ability static​

IVs: 31 / 29 / 22 / 30 / 31 / 31​

EVs: 50 Atk / 240 SpA / 197 Spe​


Aviable: Lvl 5 evd . fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

zari's diglett hidden power ice


Nature hasty Ability arena trap​

IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31​

EVs:240 Atk 236 Spe​

Moves: Sucker Punch / Earthquake / Rock Slide / Hidden Power

Aviable: Lvl 5 evd . fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

zari's elekid


Nature hasty adamant Ability static​

IVs: 31/29/30/31/31/31​

EVs: 100 Atk 156 SpA 236 Spe​

Moves: Cross Chop / Ice Punch / Psychic / Thunderbolt

Aviable: Lvl 5 evd . fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

zari's dratini


Nature adamant Ability shed skin​

IVs: 31/31/31/24/8/31​

EVs: 244 Atk / 48 SpD / 198 Spe​

Moves: Dragon Dance / Aqua Tail / Outrage / ExtremeSpeed

Aviable: Lvl 5 evd . fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

jasmine's tyrouge


Nature adamant Ability steadfast​

IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31​

EVs: 236 Atk / 236 Spe​

Moves: Fake Out / Foresight / Bullet Punch / Mach Punch

Aviable: Lvl 5 evd . fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

zari's ghastly ♂ hiddenpower ice 70


Nature: Timid Ability: levitate​

IVs: 31|10|30|31|31|31​

EVs: 40 Def/76 SpD/196 SpA/198 Spe​

Moves: Hypnosis/Hidden Power/Thunderbolt/Shadow Ball

Aviable: Lvl 5 evd. Fully Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

zari's shiny snorunt


Ivs: 31/31/31/30/30/31 (HP Ground 70)

nature naive - ability inner focus

Notable Moves: icy wind crunch ,ice shard, spikes
Evs: 36 attk/36 def/200SpA/40 SpD/198 Spe
OT ( ): lyn ID: 46537
Obtained: Hacthed at snowpoint temple
Available as: Lvl. 5 EVD / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies

TheMantyke's dw shiny krabby

Ivs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
nature jolly - ability sheerforce
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Roarke ID: 23883
Obtained: caught at entree forest
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / Fully redis
*Notes cloned using ar dsi by sophies

-Red-'s dw dratini

nature adamant - ability marvel scale
Notable Moves: dragon dance, extreme speed
Evd version: -
OT ( ♂): Toya ID: 58278
Obtained: hatched at dragon spirial tower
Available as: Lvl. 1 ut. / non redis
* Notes cloned using ar dsi by sophies
May 1st, 2011 11:38:12 PM

Yeah, but everyone who gets it from me also gets semi redis XD​

Everyone who gets that murkrow from me is non redis​

Everyone who gets that murkrpw from you is also Non redis.​

-Red-'s dw murkrow

IV: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature adamant - ability prankster
Notable Moves: sky attack, feather dance, roost
Evd version: -
OT ( ♂): Toya ID: 58278
Obtained: hatched at lostlorn forest
Available as: Lvl. 1 ut. / non redis
* Notes cloned using ar dsi by sophies


Originally Posted by Fat -Red-

Sophies has semi redis rights on this pokemon:​

Everyone else is Non redis​

# 198 Murkrow | [Male]​

Credit: [-Red-] [Non Redis]​

OT: [Toya] | ID: [58278]​

Hatched @ [Lostlorn Forest] | Level: [1] | Date: [06/01/11]​

Nature: [Adamant] | Ability: [Prankster]​

IV: [31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31]​

EV: [0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0]​

[Astonish] | [Featherdance] | [Roost] | [Sky Attack]​

Availibility: [UT @ Level 1]​

Cloning Method: [AR] | [Retail Cart Used]​

firestormxl's english dw gliscor


Ivs: 28/31/31/14/31/31
nature jolly ability posion heal
Notable Moves: earthquake/ice fang/toxic/taunt
Evd version: 252 hp/40 def/216 speed
OT (♂ ): Storm ID: 02658
Obtained: hatched route 3
Available as: Lvl. 100 EVD / non redi
*cloned using ar dsi by sophies

proof of my rights


Originally Posted by Fat firestorm xl

sophie has semi-redistribution rights to my gliscor :)

IcyFlame05 dw gligar


Ivs: 31/31/31/3/31/31​

nature impish - ability immunity
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂): Black ID: 05630
Obtained: hatched caught at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 ut non redi
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights

May 2nd, 2011 10:45:57 PM

Hey thanks a lot sophies. Yeah i'll go ahead and give you the semi redi rights.

KHIFTS dw shiny corsolia

Ivs: 31 | 30 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 31 HP Grass 70
nature bold - ability regenerator
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): KHIFT ID: 31712
Obtained: caught at entree forest
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT./ Fully redis
*Notes cloned using ar dsi by sophies

IcyFlame05 dw dratini


Ivs: 30/31/31/30/31/31
nature modest - ability marvel scale
Notable Moves: extreme speed
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂): Black ID: 05630
Obtained: hatched caught at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 ut non redi
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

proof of my rights

May 2nd, 2011 10:45:57 PM

Hey thanks a lot sophies. Yeah i'll go ahead and give you the semi redi rights.
apatiano's dw magikarp♂


Ivs: 31/31/31/5/31/31
nature jolly- ability rattled -> moxie
Notable Moves:-
Evd version:-
OT (♂ ): Bryant ID: 63298
Obtained: hatched at dragonspiral tower
Available as: Lvl. 1ut. / non redis
*Notes cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Apr 6th, 2011 8:36:02 AM

thank you sooooooo much for the banner i love it!! Sophies has semi redis rights on my rattled magikarp.​

jiraiyas shiny magikarp♂


Ivs: 31/31/31/30/31/31 hp electric 70
nature adamant - ability rattled-> moxie
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: -
OT ():Lexie ID: 32520
Obtained: hatched at undella bay
Available as: Lvl. 1ut./ non redi
*Notes from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

explained in giveaway semi-redi to winners

nickg07's shiny nidoran


Ivs: 31/31/30/31/31/31
nature timid - ability hustle-> sheerforce
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂):NICKG ID: 62860
Obtained: hatched at nimbasa city
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT./ non redi
*Notes from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

proof of my rights

May 15th, 2011 5:21:17 PMNickg07

Of course. Semi rights on those nido's.​

nickg07's shiny nidoran♀

Ivs: 31/31/30/31/31/31
nature bold- ability hustle-> sheerforce
Notable Moves: pursuit
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂):NICKG ID: 62860
Obtained: hatched at nimbasa city
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT./ non redi
*Notes from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies
May 15th, 2011 5:21:17 PMNickg07

Of course. Semi rights on those nido's.​

Fenix54's japanese Shiny vulpix


Ivs: 31/30/30/31/31/31 hp ice 70
nature timid - ability drought
Notable Moves: hypnoisis
Evd version:252speed/6spd/252special attack
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 62873
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. evd lvl 37/ Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar nova zero,and ar dsi by sophies

Bond's japanese dreamworld swalbu♀


Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature adamant- ability: cloud nine
Notable Moves: sing
Evd version: -
OT (♂ ): Mat ID: 30160
Obtained: caught at entree forest
Available as: Lvl. 10 ut. / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned ,ar dsi by sophies

apatiano's japanese dw politoed♀


Ivs: 31/31/31/29/31/31
nature timid- ability drizzle
Notable Moves:hypnosis scald icebeam focusblast
Evd version:252Sp.Atk/6 sp.def/252Speed
OT (♂ ): Bryant ID: 63298
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 56evd. / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

Rugaji's Dream World Musharna


Ivs: 31/0/31/31/31/0
nature sassy - ability telepathy
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Rugjai ID: 01558
Obtained: caught at dreamyard
Available as: Lvl. 50 UT. / Fully redis
*Notes: In a healball, from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

tesseractions's shiny muna


Ivs: 31/0/31/31/31/0

nature sassy & relaxed - ability telepathy
Notable Moves: Helping hand,baton pass, magic coat, barrier
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂):Kai ID: 50182
Obtained: Hatched at Dreamyard
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redi
* from retail cart. cloned using ar dsi by sophies


Originally Posted by Fat Tesseraction

Do you mean to say that you'd like for me to trade you the egg?

I would need your TID/SID to make it a shiny hatch on your game.

Also, in order to trade you an egg, it would involve a lot of saving during the callibration process. I'd have to re-save constantly since I'd need to sace before hatching the egg, which would alter my starting frame every time if I somehow missed the frame or something, so I'm not sure it's worth the effort.

In general, though, a BP would cost 1-2 credits from you + exclusive rights to distribute the baby.

Bond's japanese darmaitan♀


Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature adamant- ability zen mode
Notable Moves: hammer arm, flare blitz, belly drum
Evd version: -
OT (♂ ): Mat ID: 30160
Obtained: caught at desert resort
Available as: Lvl. 35 wiped. / Fully redis
*in a premier ball

*Notes from emulator cloned using ,and ar dsi by sophies

birthday togekiss

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature modest - ability superluck
Notable Moves: present, airslash, aurasphere, extreme speed
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♀): Ashly ID: 33651
Obtained: dw event
Available as: Lvl. 10 UT. togekiss / Fully redis
*Notes in a dreamball cloned using ar dsi by sophies

OmegaDonut's DW japanese Mamoswine

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature jolly, adamant - ability thickfat
Notable Moves:Hail, Ice Fang, Take Down, Double Hit
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): RoC ID: 39708
Obtained: event
Available as: Lvl. 34 UT. mamoswine / Fully redis
*Notes in a dreamball cloned using ar dsi by sophies

Voro's dw tangela


Ivs: 31/31/30/28/31/2
nature calm - ability regenerator
Notable Moves: leaf storm, leech seed
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Voro ID: 16814
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1UT. / non redi
*Notes from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

sophies has rights on my calm dw hpfire59 tangela, and my impish gollet

ooh_shiny's shiny corphish

Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
nature adamant - ability adapability
Notable Moves: dragondance, superpower
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♀): Raquel ID: 41328
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. non redi
*Notes cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Nov 20th, 2011 10:12:30 PM
thanks, enjoy the lobster dinner XD

You have Semi Redis rights

azel's shiny abra

Ivs: 31/30/31/30/31/30 hp fire 70
nature timid - ability magic guard
Notable Moves: fire punch, ice punch, thunderpunch
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂):Azel ID: 26225
Obtained: hatched at skybridge
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redi
*Notes cloned using ar dsi by sophies
through vm's* Oct 19th, 2011 12:17:22 PMevan0913

Thanks for the trade :D
Sorry that took a while :P

Edit: Semi-Redis

TEMPLATE pokemon
Ivs: 31/31/31/30/30/31
nature - ability
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ♀): Sophies<3 ID: 36216
Obtained: hatched caught at route 13
Available as: Lvl. 100 UT./EVD / Fully redis Semi Redi non redi
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies
TEMPLATE pokemon
Ivs: 31/31/31/30/30/31
nature - ability
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ♀): Sophies<3 ID: 36216
Obtained: hatched caught at route 13
Available as: Lvl. 100 UT./EVD / Fully redis Semi Redi non redi
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

Kaphotic's japanese movie victini

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature adamant - ability victory star
Notable Moves: V-create | Fusion Flare | Fusion Bolt | Searing Shot
Evd version: N/A.
OT ( ): Movie 11 ID:04161
Obtained: wifi event
Available as: Lvl. 50 UT. / fully redi
*Notes from a hacked wonder card cloned with ar replay dsi by sophies

Ninjawes' english victini

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/2 hpice70
nature brave - ability victory star
Notable Moves: vcreate,fusion bolt, searing shot, fusion flare
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): movie14 ID: 12031
Obtained: wifi event
Available as: Lvl. 50 UT. / non redi
*Notes from wifi event legit wondercard clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Dec 29th, 2011 4:27:18 PM
Ok. And do you have the pkm. files of them?

Im getting the pokes ready...

And I think I might quit pokemon soon so I think Im going to make all my pokemon Semi-Redis for now

Rugaji's english victini

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature jolly - ability victory star
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Rugaji ID: 01559
Obtained: caught at liberty garden
Available as: Lvl. 15 UT. / non redi
*Notes in a repeat ball clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Mar 22nd, 2011 8:32:52 PM
You read the rules on my thread? Just letting you know that the Pokemons that are originally mine are Non Redis for the person receiving it from me (you may trade but not the person receiving it from you). Let me know if anything's up. :>

Rayquazathekips's english victini

Ivs: 31/1/31/31/31/31
nature bold - ability victory star
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Hamaza ID:
Obtained: caught at liberty garden
Available as: Lvl. 15 UT. / fully redi
*Notes in a repeat ball clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Bond's shiny japanese oshawott

Ivs: 30/18/30/31/31/30 Electric 70
nature timid- ability torrent
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: 6spd/252spa/252speed -
OT (♂ ): Mat ID: 17616
Obtained: hatched at Nuvema Town
Available as: Lvl. 5 ut. lvl 28 evd / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloning by youngO Action Replay ,and ar dsi by sophies

Bond's shiny japanese snivy

Ivs: 30/18/30/31/31/30 Electric 70
nature timid- ability overgrow
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: -
OT (♂ ): Mat ID: 17616
Obtained: hatched at Nuvema Town
Available as: Lvl. 5ut. / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned ar dsi by sophies

megametal's tepig<-can nickname

Ivs: IV: 31/31/31/22/31/0 hp water 64
nature brave - ability blaze
Notable Moves: superpower
Evd version:-
OT ( ♀): Sophies<3 ID:36216

Obtained: Hatched at gear station
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / fully Redi
*hatched on my black file, bp done by megametal

Ju-da-su's japanese tepig

Ivs: IV: 29/31/31/14/31/31
nature adamant - ability blaze
Notable Moves: Flame Charge, Flamethrower
Evd version:252 attk /124 def/132speed
OT (♂ ): テイルズ ID: 21077
Obtained: Hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. lvl 40 emboar / non Redi
*non rng, from flashcart, cloned by cloud1989 using ar,and ar dsi by sophies

wildfire's lilpup

Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
nature jolly - ability vitalspirit -> intimidate
Notable Moves:-
Evd version: N/A.
OT (): MAY ID: 40799
Obtained: caught at route 1
Available as: Lvl. 3 UT. lilpup/ non redi
*Notes in a ultra ball, from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Posting that Sophies has semi redis rights on my relaxed foongus and my jolly lillipup.

fenix54's japanese shiny lilpup

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature adamant - ability pickup-> sand rush
Notable Moves: yawn, pursuit
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / Fully redis
*from the emulator clonned with ar by jirachi ,and ar dsi by sophies

Fenix54's japanese Shiny Purrloin

Ivs: 31/31/31/30/31/31 hp electric 70
nature naive - ability unburden
Notable Moves: covet yawn encore
Evd version:64 Atk / 252 SpA / 192 Spe-
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. or lvl 100 evd liepard Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar by fellangel ,and ar dsi by sophies

fenix54s shiny japanese Simipour ♂

IV: 31 /31 /31 /30 /31/31 HP Electric 70
nature hasty - ability gluttony
Notable Moves: hydro pump
Evd version:252 attk/64 spa / 192 Spe
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. or lvl 21 evd / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar by jirachi ,and ar dsi by sophies

Lawliett's shiny boldore

Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
nature sassy - ability sturdy
Notable Moves: Smack Down, Power Gem, Rock Slide, Stealth Rock
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂): L ID: 32137
Obtained: caught at victory rd.
Available as: Lvl. 42 UT./ non redi
*Notes from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat Lawliett
Posting to confirm that sophies has semi redis rights on my Boldore :)

tehderk's japanese drillbur

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature adamant - ability sand rush
Notable Moves: hone claws, dig
Evd version: 252attk/4def/252speed
OT (♂ ): DEREK ID: 35571
Obtained: hatched at route 2
Available as: Lvl. 1UT. or evd lvl 100 / Fully redis
*From the emulator, cloned by tehderek with poke sav, ar by firestormxl

fenix54s shiny japanese audino

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature bold- ability regenerator
Notable Moves: yawn. wish, helping hand
Evd version:-
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

sophies audino <-can nickname

Ivs: 31/20/31/30/31/13 hp grass 63
nature relaxed- ability regenerator
Notable Moves: yawn, wish, encore, heal bell
Evd version:-
OT ( ♀): Sophies<3 ID:36216
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. non redi
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

sophies audino <-can nickname

Ivs: 31/14/31/31/30/26 hp bug 70
nature calm- healer
Notable Moves: yawn, wish, encore, heal bell
Evd version:-
OT ( ♀): Sophies<3 ID:36216
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. non redi
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

akiratrons japanese conkeldurr

IV: 31 /31 /31/4 /26/31
nature adamant - ability guts
Notable Moves: Payback| Bulk Up | Much Punch | Drain Punch
Evd version: 252HP/252Atk/6Spe
OT ( ♀): AKIRA ID: 36786
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 52evd. / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar by tyrabsol

matt j's papitoad nn:Mamu

nature modest - ability swift swim
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: -
OT ( ♂): mattj ID: 16440
Obtained: caught at icirrus city
Available as: Lvl. 30 ut / Fully redis
*Notes cloned using pokesav ar dsi by sophies

fenix54s shiny japanese Sawk

IV: 31 /31 /31 /31 /31/31
nature jolly - inner focus
Notable Moves:
Evd version: 6hp/252attk/252 speed
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT.or evd lvl100 / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using with ar by jirachi ,and ar dsi by sophies

fenix54's japanese shiny sewaddle ♀

Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
nature jolly- ability Chlorophyll
Notable Moves: Tackle|String Shot| Baton Pass | Agility
Evd version: 252attk/6def/252speed
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 62873
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 ut.lvl 100 evd / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar by firestormxl,and ar dsi by sophies

Twilightblades cottonee

Ivs: 31/30/31/31/31/31
nature timid- ability prankster
Notable Moves: encore
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♀):Alice ID: 157098
Obtained: Hatched at Nacrene City
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redi
*Notes c-gear rng, from retail cart. cloned using ar dsi by sophies

proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat TwilightBlade
Sophies has Semi redis rights to my Cottonee, fwee.

shiis japanese cottonee

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature bold- ability prankster
Notable Moves:
Growth, Leech Seed, Stun Spore, Mega Drain
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♀):
エムリットID: 24570
Obtained: caught at Pinwheel Forest
Available as: Lvl. 14 UT. / non redi
from retail cart. cloned using ar dsi by sophies

proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat TwilightBlade

julios's shiny petilil

IV: 31/31/30/31/30/30 hp rock 70
nature modest ability chlorophyl
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: -
OT ( ♂):Julius ID: 56094
Obtained: hatched at rumination field
Available as: Lvl. 1 ut. / non redis
* Notes from retail cart, in a quick ball cloned using ar dsi by sophies

sophies has semi-redistributable rights on julios' Joltik and Petilil (OT: Julius)

See ya around and thanks again

xelites shiny lilligant

Ivs: 31/19/30/31/30/30 hp rock 70
nature timid - ability chlorophyl
Notable Moves: Toxic, Hidden Power, Stun Spore, Solarbeam
Evd version: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Speed
OT (♂ ): Joe ID: 52957
Obtained: caught at pinwheelforest
Available as: Lvl. 100 EVD / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

sakomis basculin

Ivs: 31/31/31/20/31/31
nature jolly - ability adaptability
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT ():SAKOMI ID: 12485
Obtained: caught at Route 3
Available as: Lvl. 5 UT./ Fully redis
*Notes in a masterball from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

snorlaxatives' english sandile♀


Ivs: 31/30/31/17/30/31
nature adamant- ability intimdate
Notable Moves: pursuit, embargo
Evd version:252attk/6def/252speed
OT (♂ ): henry ID:41087
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 ut. lvl 21 evd / non redis
*Notes from retail cart with Action Replay dsi by sophies
proof of rights
Apr 1st, 2011 11:52:13 AMsnorlaxative

my Female, Adamant, Intimidate Sandile with 31/30/30-31/x/30-31/31 IVs is semi-redistributable for sophies

Bond's japanese sandile♀

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature adamant- ability Intimidate
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: 252attk/6def/252speed
OT (♂ ): Mat ID: 30160
Obtained: caught at route 4
Available as: Lvl. 21 evd. / Fully redis
*in a premier ball
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar by tyrabsol,and ar dsi by sophies

Bond's japanese sandile

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature jolly- ability moxie
Notable Moves: -
Evd version:
OT (♂ ): Mat ID: 30160
Obtained: caught at route 4
Available as: Lvl. 17 ut. / Fully redis
*in a premier ball
*Notes from emulator cloned with Action Replay cloning youngO,and ar dsi by sophies

Sæglópur s shiny sandile ♂

Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
nature admant - ability moxie
Notable Moves:Beat Up \ Thunder Fang \ Fire Fang \ Pursuit

Evd version: N/A.
OT(♂ ):Autumn ID: 57769
Obtained: hatched at desert resort
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redis
*Notes from cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Posting to say that Sophies has semi-redis rights on my Sandile and Pawniard. :)

fenix54s shiny japanese Darumaka

Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
nature jolly- ability hustle
Notable Moves: Tackle | Encore | Focus Punch
Evd version: 252attk/6def/252 speed
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. or lvl 20 evd / Fully redis
*in a premier ball
*Notes from emulator cloning by cloud1989 ar

Bond's japanese darumaka

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature adamant- ability hustle
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: 252attk/6def/252speed
OT (♂ ): Mat ID: 30160
Obtained: caught at route 4
Available as: Lvl. 20 evd. / Fully redis
*in a premier ball
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar jirachi, ,and ar dsi by sophies

Fenix54's Shiny japanese Maractus

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature quiet - ability chlorophyll
Notable Moves: Spikes
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched caught at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

fenix54s shiny japanese Crustle

IV: 31 /31 /31 /31 /31/31
nature careful - ability shell armor
Notable Moves: spikes
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar by jirachi ,and ar dsi by sophies

Jrank's scraggy

nature brave - ability moxie
Notable Moves: Ice Punch|Fake Out|Drain Punch|Low Kick
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Jrank ID:ID: 09283
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT./ Fully redis
*Notes from retail card cloned using ar dsi by sophies

Nickq07's shiny scraggy

Ivs: 31/31/30/31/31/31
nature jolly- ability moxie
Notable Moves: Dragon Dance | Drain Punch | Ice Punch | Crunch
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂):NICKG ID: 62860
Obtained: Hatched at cold storage
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redi
* from retail cart. cloned using ar dsi by sophies

proof of my rights
May 2nd, 2011 6:23:48 PM
Hi yes its semi distributable. Give me a shout when your ready im about to go offline shortly so if not by then will have to sort it out tomorrow.

fenix54's japanese shiny sigilyph

Ivs: 31/ 30/31/30/31/31 hp grass 70
nature timid - magic guard
Notable Moves: roost, ancient power
Evd version:252 HP / 76 SpA / 180 Speed
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. lvl 21 evd / Fully redis
*from the emulator clonned with Action Replay cloning apatiano cloned by fellangel,and ar dsi by sophies

XElites's sigilyph♀ <-I can nickname this

Ivs: 31/ 31/30/30/30/30 hp fighting 70
nature timid - magic guard
Notable Moves: stored Power, Roost, Psycho Shift
Evd version: 252 HP, 200 sp.atk, 52 Speed
OT ( ♀): Sophies<3 ID:36216
Obtained: hatched at celestial tower
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. or evd lvl 18/ Fully redis
*from the emulator clonned with Action Replay cloning youngO,and ar dsi by sophies
*This is xelites egg, his OT (♂ ): Cass ID: 01216

Fenixs shiny japanese yamask

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature calm - ability mummy
Notable Moves: nastyplot
Evd version: hp 252/52spa/202spd
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1UT. or evd lvl 49 cofagrigus / Fully redis
*From the emulator, clonned with ar by jirachi, Action Replay cloning apatiano

fenix54s shiny japanese tirtouga♂

IV: 31 /31 /31 /31 /31/31
nature careful - ability sturdy
Notable Moves: body slam
Evd version:252 HP/252 Sp. D, and 4 Def.
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. evd lvl 5 / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar by jirachi cloned by devii ar,and ar dsi by sophies

fenix54s shiny japanese archen

Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
nature jolly- ability defeatist
Notable Moves: Quick Attack | Leer | Wing Attack | Head Smash-
Evd version: -
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar by jirachi , Action Replay cloning by apatiano

probopass sausages's garbodor ♂

Ivs: 31/31/31/20/31/31
nature adamant- ability weak armor
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: -
OT (♂ ): GM ID: 39793
Obtained: caught at route 9
Available as: lvl 33 ut. / Fully redis
*from the retail cart in a luxury ball cloned ar dsi by sophies

A E T H E R's english zoraknn: memma

Ivs: 31/30/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70
nature naive - ability illusion
Notable Moves: Scary Face/Fury Swipes/Taunt/Faint Attack
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ):Aeolus ID:
Obtained: caught at Caught at Lostlorn Forest
Available as: Lvl. 25 UT. / non redi
*in a luxury ball
*clonned with ar dsi by sophies from retail cart

fenix54's japanese shiny minccino♀

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature jolly- ability technician
Notable Moves: knock off
Evd version:6def/252attk/252speed
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT.lvl 100 evd cinccino / Fully redis
*from the emulator clonned with ar by jirachi ,and ar dsi by sophies

nebilim's gothita <-can nickname

IV: 31/x/31/30/31/2 hp fire 70
nature relaxed ability frisk
Notable Moves: uproar, captivate, mirror coat
Evd version: -
OT (♀): Sophies<3 ID: 36216
Obtained: hatched at black city
Available as: Lvl. 1 ut. / non redis
* Notes my ot but hatched from nebilim's egg, cloned using ar dsi by sophies
May 30th, 2011 8:56:53 PM
O haz semi-rights on the gothy

zoap's Duosion

Ivs: 31/11/30/30/31/2 hp fire 70
nature quiet - ability magic guard
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT ( ): Paoz ID: 00825
Obtained: caught at route 9
Available as: Lvl. 31 UT. / non redi
*Notes from retail cart in a ultra ball cloned using ar dsi by sophies
May 29th, 2011 8:33:38 PM
You can have whatever redis you want, I'll use Semi redis if thats what you want(I don't plan on opening a trade thread anytime soon.

alex54's shiny japanese solois

IV: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature modest ability magic guard
Notable Moves: confuse ray, trick, psywave
Evd version: -
OT ( ♂):AlexID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 ut. / fully redis
* Notes from the emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

bowwaves japanese solois

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature bold - ability magic guard
Notable Moves: Trick, reflect
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Bow ID: 07160
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redi
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Sophies has rights on my Ducklett,Solosis,Heatmor and Stunkfish.

bowwaves japanese ducklet

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature naive - ability big pecks
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Bow ID: 07160
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redi
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Sophies has rights on my Ducklett,Solosis,Heatmor and Stunkfish.

fenix54s shiny japanese Vanillite

Ivs: 31/x/31/30/31/31 hp electric 70
nature timid- ability icebody
Notable Moves: Icicle Spear | Water Pulse-
Evd version: 6hp/252speciala./252speed
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / lvl 100 evd vanilish Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar by tyrabsol,and ar dsi by sophies

CakeOfSpan's vanillite♀ nn:Vanilla

Ivs: 31/30/31/31/30/31 HP Ghost 70
nature modest- ability icebody
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂):Zyxion ID: 09362
Obtained: caught at cold storage
Available as: Lvl. 20 UT./ non redi
*Notes from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Jun 7th, 2011, 11:59:07 AM Alright I can get on now! And yes, it is semi-redi (should've included that, my bad lol)

chihuahuaowners japanese Vanillite

Ivs: 31 / 31 / 30/ 31 /30 / 30 hp rock 70
nature timid- ability icebody
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: -
OT (♂ ): cass ID: 01211
Obtained: hatched at Dragonspriral TowerAvailable as: Lvl. 23 UT. / Fully redis
*Notes from flash cart in a heal ball cloned using ar dsi by sophies

Sophies emolga ♀ <-can nickname

Ivs: 31/31/31/15/29/31
nature jolly ability static
Notable Moves: airslash, roost, baton pass
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Acyrlic ID: 27285
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. non redi
*Notes non rng'd on my white file from a retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

triggz emolga

Ivs: 31/24/31/31/29/31
nature timid - ability static
Notable Moves: Shock Wave / Electro Ball / Volt Switch / Thunderbolt
Evd version: 6 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
OT (♂ ):V ID: 06509
Obtained: hatched at Chargestone Cave
Available as: Lvl. 100 evd./ Fully redis
*Notes from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

fenix54s shiny japanese Escavalier

IV: 31 /31 /31 /31 /31/31
nature careful - ability shell armor
Notable Moves: pursuit
Evd version: -
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT./ Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar nova zero cloned by devii ar,and ar dsi by sophies

wildfire's foongus

Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/0
nature relaxed - effect spore
Notable Moves:-
Evd version: N/A.
OT (): MAY ID:40799
Obtained: caught at route 7
Available as: Lvl. 27 UT. foongus/ non redi
*Notes from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Posting that Sophies has semi redis rights on my relaxed foongus and my jolly lillipup.

Bond's japanese (pink)frillish♀

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature calm- ability waterabsorb
Notable Moves: -
Evd version:252 hp/252sp.defense/6spa
OT (♂ ): Mat ID: 30160
Obtained: caught at p2 laboratory
Available as: Lvl. 15 ut. lvl 21 evd / Fully redis
*in a premier ball
*Notes from emulator clonned Action Replay cloning by youngO,and ar dsi by sophies

Bond's japanese (Blue) Frillish

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature modest- ability cursed body
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: 252 hp/6spd/252spa.
OT (♂ ): Mat ID: 30160
Obtained: caught at p2 laboratory
Available as: Lvl. 5 UT. lvl 50 evd jellicent / Fully redis
*in a premier ball
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar by YoungO ,and ar dsi by sophies

Jrank's frillish

Ivs: 31|7|30|31|31|0
nature Quiet - ability cursed body
Notable Moves: Trick Room|Shadow Ball
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Jrank ID:ID: 09283
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT./ Fully redis
*Notes from retail card cloned using ar dsi by sophies

nebilims frillish<- nicknameable hatched


Ivs: 31/28/31/31/31/31 hp dragon 68
nature calm - ability cursed body
Notable Moves: pain split
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♀): Sophies<3 ID: 36216
Obtained: hatched under bay
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redi
*from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
May 9th, 2011 8:21:30 PM
Here?Later i will fix my thread

Ok, I hereby announce that sophie and me have semi distribution rights on a female frilish with 31/28/31/31/31/31 and pain split move and in egg form.

Starmie's shiny/non frilish♂ <-can nickname non-shiny version

Ivs: 31|31|31|31|31|0
nature bold - ability cursed body
Notable Moves:pain split, energy ball, Shadow Ball
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♀ ):RENE ID: 54221
Obtained: hatched at Route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT./ non redis
*Notes from retail card cloned using ar dsi by sophies
May 30th, 2011 7:45:40 AM
Starrmie hey, ermm sorry , actually i managed to breed a salamence for myself, since you weren't around. Is it okay if i change to something else =D. I think I mentioned it through VM and yup, you have semi redis ^^. I will edit my post in your thread for my new choice if it is ok with you.
TEMPLATE pokemon
Ivs: 31/31/31/30/30/31
nature - ability
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ♀): Sophies<3 ID: 36216
Obtained: hatched caught at route 13
Available as: Lvl. 100 UT./EVD / Fully redis Semi Redi non redi
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

fenix54s shiny japanese alomomola

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature impish- ability hydration
Notable Moves: refresh | mirror coat-
Evd version: -
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar by sophies

Bond's japanese Joltik ♀

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature timid- ability compoud eyes
Notable Moves: Furry Cutter/Electroweb/Bug Bite/Gastro Acid
Evd version: 6def/252spa /252speed
OT (♂ ): Mat ID: 30160
Obtained: caught at chargestone cave
Available as: Lvl. 24 UT. lvl 27 evd/ Fully redis
*in a premier ball
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar jirachi and ,and ar dsi by sophies

julios's shiny joltik

IV: 30/6/30/31/31/31 hp ice 70
nature modest ability unerve
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: -
OT ( ♂):Julius ID: 56094
Obtained: caught at chargestone cave
Available as: Lvl. 27 ut. / non redis
* Notes from retail cart, in a quick ball cloned using ar dsi by sophies

sophies has semi-redistributable rights on julios' Joltik and Petilil (OT: Julius)

See ya around and thanks again

fenix54's japanese shiny ferroseed

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature careful - ability steelthorns
Notable Moves: leech seed, spikes
Evd version:-
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT./ Fully redis
*from the emulator clonned with Action Replay cloning apatiano cloned by devii ar,and ar dsi by sophies

zelen's shiny ferroseed

nature impish - ability iron barbs
Notable Moves: Leech Seed | Stealth Rock | Curse-
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♀): OT: Zelenia ID: 14979
Obtained: hatched at Desert Resort
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT./ non redi
*Notes from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies
May 17th, 2011 1:00:00 PM
Sure. You have semi-redis rights for my Impish Shiny Ferroseed and Timid HP:Ground Suicune (so you can trade them, other's can't).

iambaney's klink

nature impish - ability plus
Notable Moves: charge beam
Evd version: -
OT ( ♂): Baneana ID: 14404
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1ut / Fully redis
*Notes cloned using ar dsi sophies

matt j's klink nn:Trap

nature timid - ability minus
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: -
OT ( ♂): mattj ID: 16440
Obtained: caught at chargestonecave
Available as: Lvl. 27ut / Fully redis
*Notes cloned using pokesav ar dsi by sophies

icemanu's japanese shiny eglyem

Ivs: 31/30/30/31/31/31 hp ice 70
nature sassy - ability synchronize
Notable Moves: nasty plot
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ):Alex ID: 62873
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redi
*bp done for me only him and i have rights
*clonned with ar by YoungO,and ar dsi by sophies from the emulator
proof of rights bp fourm says in his thread waiting for post

Bond's japanese litwick♀

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature timid- ability flash fire
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Mat ID: 30160
Obtained: caught at celestial tower
Available as: Lvl. 28 UT. / Fully redis
*in a premier ball
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar jirachi and ,and ar dsi by sophies

lord scalgon's shiny litwick♀

Ivs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
nature timid- ability flash fire
Notable Moves: - heatwave imprison
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ):Masters ID: 30051
Obtained: hatched at celestial tower
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar jirachi and ,and ar dsi by sophies
rights confirmed by being a distributor for this giveaway

Jrank's litwick

Ivs: 31|31|30|31|31|0
nature Quiet - ability flashfire
Notable Moves: Trick Room|Heat Wave|Energy Ball|Shadow Ball
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Jrank ID:ID: 09283
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT./ Fully redis
*Notes from retail card cloned using ar dsi by sophies

wildfire's axew

Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
nature jolly - rivarly
Notable Moves:-
Evd version: N/A.
OT (): MAY ID:40799
Obtained: caught at guidance chamber
Available as: Lvl. 21 Ut/ non redi
*Notes from retail cart in an ultra ball, cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Posting that sophies has semi redis rights to my impish reckless boufflant, calm cobalion, jolly kyreum, brave tynamo, jolly rivarly axew

cecils bearctic

Ivs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
nature adamant - ability snow cloak
Notable Moves: Swords Dance | Icicle Crash | Superpower | Shadow Claw
Evd version:88 Spe | 188 HP | 252 Atk
OT (♂ ): Cecil ID: 12345
Obtained: caught at twist mountain
Available as: Lvl. 37 EVD / Fully redi
*In a diveball from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

chihuahuaowners cubchoo

Ivs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 16 /31 / 0
nature brave- ability snowcloak
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (): (Japanese wifi event) ID: 10220
Obtained: lovely place (wifi event)
Available as: Lvl. 15 UT. / Fully redis
*Notes in a cherish ball from flash cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

chihuahuaowners tynamo

Ivs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 /31 / 0
nature quiet- ability levitate
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♀): Cass ID: 01216
Obtained: caught at Chargestone Cave
Available as: Lvl. 27 UT. / Fully redis
*Notes in a premier ball from flash cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

wildfire's tynamo

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature brave - levitate
Notable Moves:-
Evd version: N/A.
OT (): MAY ID:40799
Obtained: caught at chargestone cave
Available as: Lvl. 27UT. / non redi
*Notes from retail cart in an ultra ball, cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Posting that sophies has semi redis rights to my impish reckless boufflant, calm cobalion, jolly kyreum, brave tynamo, jolly rivarly axew

xElite's japanese Cryogonal

Ivs: 31/6/30/30/31/31 hp water 70
nature timid - levitate
Notable Moves:
Evd version: 6hp/252spa/252speed
OT (♂ ): Joe ID: 52957
Obtained: caught at twist mountain
Available as: Lvl. 31 UT. or lvl 100 evd / Fully redis
*In a diveball, from the emulator cloned ar by jirachi, and ar dsi by sophies

fenix54's english shiny accelgor♂

Ivs:31 /31/31/30 /31/31 hp electric 70
nature timid- ability sticky hold
Notable Moves: uturn, spikes, struggle bug
Evd version: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 70 evd. / Fully redis
*from the emulator clonned by jirachi ar, and ar dsi by sophies

matt j's shelmet nn:Gibdo

nature timid - ability hydration
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: -
OT ( ♂): mattj ID: 16440
Obtained: caught at icirrus city
Available as: Lvl. 30ut / Fully redis
*Notes cloned using pokesav ar dsi by sophies

fenix54s shiny japanese Stunfisk ♂

IV: 31 /31 /31 /31 /31/31
nature calm - ability limber
Notable Moves: Earth power
Evd version:252 HP / 6def / 252 sp.Def
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. or evd lvl 18/ Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies and ar cloned by fellangel

bowwaves japanese stunfisk

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature bold - ability limber
Notable Moves: EarthPower| Sleep Talk| Yawn |Painsplit
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Bow ID: 07160
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redi
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Sophies has rights on my Ducklett,Solosis,Heatmor and Stunkfish.

lucariojr's japanese Kojondo nn:トマス=Thomas I can nickname the ut version

Ivs: 29/31/31/30/30/31
nature jolly- ability Inner Focus
Notable Moves: Feint,Rock Slide,Drain Punch,Fake Out
Evd version: 252attk/6def/252speed
OT (♂ ): BULET ID: 57712
Obtained: hatched at trail chambers
Available as: Lvl. 1 ut. or evd lvl 70 / nonredis
*Notes from cart cloned using Action Replay by jirachi,and ar dsi by sophies
*egg is fully redi
Originally Posted by Fat lucariojr
my man sophies has semi redis rights on トマスthe mienshao but only trained, eggs are fully redis

Voro's Golett

Ivs: 31/24/31/17/31/26
nature impish - ability iron fist
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Voro ID: 16814
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1UT. / non redi
*Notes from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies
sophies has rights on my calm dw hpfire59 tangela, and my impish gollet

winterzombies' japanese bisharp

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature jolly - ability inner focus
Notable Moves: suckerpunch, pyscho cut
Evd version: 252attk/6sp.def/252speed
OT (♂ ): ゾンビ ID: 30403
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1UT. lvl 18 evd non redi
*Legit cart abuse, C-Gear seed. cloned using Action Replay cloning youngO ,and ar dsi by sophies
proof of rights
Originally Posted by Fat Winters Zombie
Just stopping by that Sophies has trading rights to my Jolly Female Japanese Komatana (Pawniard).


Sæglópurs shiny pawniard ♂

Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
nature admant - ability defiant
Notable Moves:Headbutt \ Revenge \ Sucker Punch \ Pursuit

Evd version: N/A.
OT(♂ ):Autumn ID: 57769
Obtained: hatched at
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redis
*Notes from cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Posting to say that Sophies has semi-redis rights on my Sandile and Pawniard. :)

wildfire's bouffalant

Ivs: 31 31 31 x 31 31
nature impish - reckless
Notable Moves:-
Evd version: N/A.
OT (): MAY ID:40799
Obtained: caught at route 10
Available as: Lvl. 35UT. / non redi
*Notes from retail cart in an ultra ball, cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Posting that sophies has semi redis rights to my impish reckless boufflant, calm cobalion, jolly kyreum, brave tynamo, jolly rivarly axew

shi's english rufflet

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature adamant - ability sheerforce
Notable Moves: -
Evd version:-
OT (♀ ): Shii♪ ID: 00232
Obtained: caught at victory road
Available as: Lvl. 38 UT. / Fully redis
*in a premier ball from the retail cart clonned with ar dsi by sophies,and ar dsi by sophies

shi's english rufflet

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature jolly - ability sheerforce
Notable Moves: -
Evd version:-
OT (♀ ): Shii♪ ID: 00232
Obtained: caught at victory road
Available as: Lvl. 38 UT. / Fully redis
*in a premier ball from the retail cart clonned with ar dsi by sophies,and ar dsi by sophies

fenix54's japanese shiny heatmor ♀

Ivs: 31/30/30/31/31/31 hp ice70
nature mild- ability flashfire
Notable Moves: Incinerate | Lick | Pursuit | Night Slash
Evd version: 252 spa / 80 attk / 176 speed-
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 62873
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 ut.lvl 100 evd / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar by firestormxl,and ar dsi by sophies

bowwave's heatmor

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature hasty - ability flashfire
Notable Moves:Body Slam| Pursuit| Curse|Sucker Punch
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Bow ID: 07160
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redi
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Sophies has rights on my Ducklett,Solosis,Heatmor and Stunkfish.

firestorm_xl's shiny english durant♂

Ivs: 31/31/30/22/31/31
nature adamant - ability hustle
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Storm ID: 02648
Obtained: caught at victory road
Available as: Lvl. 37 UT. / non redi
*Notes in a level ball clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
May 11th, 2011 9:55:30 PM
firestorm xl
yes you have semi redis rights to my kyurem and durant :)

fenix54's japanese shiny durant♂

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature jolly- ability hustle
Notable Moves: thunderfang
Evd version: -
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: lvl 1 ut. / Fully redis
*from the emulator clonned by jirachi by ar, and ar dsi by sophies

bond's denio
<- avilable in egg, or nicknameable hatched

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature timid - ability hustle > levitate
Notable Moves: darkpulse
Evd version:-
OT ( ): Mat ID: 30160
Obtained: hatched victory road
Available as: Egg/lvl1ut / Fully redis
*from emulator cloned by delagacii ar/ clonned with ar dsi by sophies,and ar dsi by sophies

fenix54s shiny japanese Larvesta ♀

IV: 31/30/30/31/31/31 Hidden Power Ice 70
nature timid - ability flame body
Notable Moves: Ember | String Shot | Morning Sun
Evd version: 252speed/6hp/252special attack
OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657
Obtained: hatched at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. evd lvl 20/ Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned by jirachi, cloned by fellangel

bonds japanese volcarona

IV: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature modest - ability flame body
Notable Moves: bug buzz | quiver dance | heat wave silver wind
Evd version:252 Sp. Attack / 4 Sp. Defense / 254 Speed
OT (♂ ): Mat ID: 30160
Obtained: hatched at relic castle
Available as: Lvl. 70 ut. or lvl 70 evd/ Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using Action Replay cloning by cloud1989, cloned by devii ar

Kaphotics japanese Terrakion

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature jolly - ability justified
Notable Moves: Helping Hand | Retaliate | Rock Slide | Sacred Sword
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂): Kurt ID: 29796
Obtained: caught at trial chamber
Available as: Lvl. 42 UT. / Fully redis
*In a timer ball, Notes from emulator cloned using ar cloned by fellangel and apatiano ar

Kaphotics japanese virizonn

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature timid,jolly, calm, hasty - ability justified
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: -
OT (♂): Kurt ID: 29796
Obtained: caught at Rumination Field
Available as: Lvl. 42 UT. / Fully redis
*In a nest ball, Notes from emulator cloned using ar jirachi and cloning by cloud1989, ar dsi sophies

wildfire's cobalion

Ivs: 31 4 31 31 31 31
nature calm - justified
Notable Moves:-
Evd version: N/A.
OT (): MAY ID:40799
Obtained: caught at guidance chamber
Available as: Lvl. 42 UT. / non redi
*Notes from retail cart in an ultra ball, cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Posting that sophies has semi redis rights to my impish reckless boufflant, calm cobalion, jolly kyreum, brave tynamo, jolly rivarly axew

MeGaManX's english Cobalion

Ivs: 31/30/30/31/31/31hp ice70
nature timid - ability justified
Notable Moves:-
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ):Nuveen ID: 00145
Obtained: caught at Guidance Chamber
Available as: Lvl. 42 UT. / non redi
* *in a dive ball, clonned with Action Replay cloning youngO cloned by fellangel,and ar dsi by sophies
proof of rights via vm's

Mar 13th, 2011 4:50:32 PM

Yes, but I'll allow ONLY you to trade it if you want to. You've helped me a lot in the past :D. Thanks for the compliment

zelen's english Reshiram

Ivs: 31 / 17 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
nature timid - ability turboblaze
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT ( ):Zelenia ID: 14979
Obtained: caught at N's room
Available as: Lvl. 50 UT. / non redi
*clonned with ar by cloud1989 and sophies ar dsi
proof of rights vm's Mar 13th, 2011 5:47:52 PM

Semi-redi is fine. Smogon is still lagging... x_X Argh.

chev4's tornadus

Ivs: 30/31/30/31/31/31 hp ice 70
nature naive - ability prankster
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): ~Chev4~ ID: 00612
Obtained: caught at route 2
Available as: Lvl. 40 UT. Fully redis
*Notes in A masterball from english cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

cereza's thunderus ♂

Ivs: 31/31/31/20/31/31
nature adamant - ability prankster
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT ( ): Ange ID: 19581
Obtained: caught at route 12
Available as: Lvl. 40 UT./ non redis
*Notes from in a luxury ball cloned using ar dsi by sophies

TehDereks thunderus ♂

Ivs: 31/14/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70
nature modest - ability prankster
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): DEREK ID: 35571
Obtained: caught at
Available as: Lvl. 40 UT./ Fully redis
*Notes from flashcart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

Kaphotics shiny thunderus ♂

Ivs: 31/18/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70
nature timid - ability prankster
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Kaphotics ID: 00007
Obtained: caught at route 3
Available as: Lvl. 40 UT./ Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

exploits's english landrous

31/30/30/31/31/31 HP ice70
nature naive - ability sand force
Notable Moves: - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Sandstorm - Fissure
Evd version: -
OT ( ♂): Henry ID: 14081
Obtained: caught at abundant shrine
Available as: Lvl. 70 ut. / non redis
*In a timer ball, Notes cloned using ar dsi by sophies

proof of rights Mar 29th, 2011 11:04:39 PMExploits
non-redis for you. You can trade, others cannot.

Kaphotics japanese landrous♂

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature calm,naive - ability sand force
Notable Moves: -
Evd version:
OT (♂): Kurt ID: 29796
Obtained: caught at abundant shrine
Available as: Lvl. 70 UT. / Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

Rugaji's english kyurem

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature hasty - ability pressure
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Rugaji ID: 01559
Obtained: caught at giant chasam
Available as: Lvl. 75 UT. / non redi
*Notes in a dive ball clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
Mar 22nd, 2011 8:32:52 PM
You read the rules on my thread? Just letting you know that the Pokemons that are originally mine are Non Redis for the person receiving it from me (you may trade but not the person receiving it from you). Let me know if anything's up. :>

firestorm_xl's shiny english kyurem

Ivs: 31/31/30/22/31/31
nature adamant - ability pressure
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Storm ID: 02648
Obtained: caught at giant chasam
Available as: Lvl. 75 UT. / non redi
*Notes in a masterball clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
May 11th, 2011 9:55:30 PM
firestorm xl
yes you have semi redis rights to my kyurem and durant :)

wildfire's kyurem

Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
nature jolly - pressure
Notable Moves:-
Evd version: N/A.
OT (): MAY ID:40799
Obtained: caught at giant chasam
Available as: Lvl. 75UT./ non redi
*Notes from retail cart in an ultra ball, cloned using ar dsi by sophies
Posting that sophies has semi redis rights to my impish reckless boufflant, calm cobalion, jolly kyreum, brave tynamo, jolly rivarly axew

Kaphotics japanese Kyurem

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature timid - ability pressure
Notable Moves:Dragon Pulse | Endeavor | Glaciate | Imprison
Evd version: -
OT (♂): Kurt ID: 29796
Obtained: caught at Giant Chasam
Available as: Lvl. 75 UT. / Fully redis
*In a netball, Notes from emulator cloned using ar by jirachi ,cloning by cloud1989

iambanney's zekrom

Ivs: 31/31/31/30/30/31 hp ground 70
nature hasty - ability terravolt
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: (2attk evs)
OT (♂ ): Baneana ID: 14404
Obtained: caught at N's Castle
Available as: Lvl. 52 some EVs / Fully redis
*Notes in a premier ball cloned using ar dsi by sophies


kakaber infernape ♂ NN:Play

Nature naive Ability: blaze
IVs: 30 / 30 / 30 / 31 / 31 / 31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Moves: nasty plot, vaccum wave, fire blast, grass knot
Aviable: Lvl 100 Ev'd.fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Extinct's empoleon ♂

Nature modest Ability: torrent
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: Eved 24 Hp/ 252 Sp Atk/ 232/ Spe
Moves: - Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Surf, Agility
Aviable: Lvl 36 evd. fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Syberia's Starly

Nature adamant Ability keen eye
IVs: 31/31/28/24/29/31
EVs: Evd Version 252 Atk / 6 Def / 252 Spe
Moves: Pursuit and Feather Dance
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT. or lvl 25 evd version fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

uuwarriors shiny staraptor ♂

IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature adamant - ability keen eye
Notable Moves: brave bird, pursuit, close combat, return
Evs: 252 atk, 4 hp, 252 speed
OT ( ): Jake ID: 35049
Obtained: hatched at viridian forest
Available as: Lvl. 50 evd. / fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

HCZ'S Roselia ♂ hp ground 70

Nature: Timid Ability: natural cure
IVs: 31/31/31/30/30/31
EVs: evd verison 4 def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Moves: Leaftstorm
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT. lvl 24 evd semi redi for me, non Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat DarkChaos (HCZ)
Sophies have rights to my giveaway pkmn.

armoaflora's shinny cranidos ♂

Nature: brave Ability: mold breaker
IVs: 31-31-29-28-31-24
EVs: evd version 252 HP / 254 Atk / 4 Def
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 1 utor evd lvl 15 fully redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

StormFtw's Rampardos ♂ / with choice band

Nature: jolly Ability: mold breaker
IVs: 29/31/31/20/31/31
EVs: 6 Hp/252 Atk/252 Spe
Moves: EQ, stone edge, crunch, head smash
Aviable: Lvl 100, evd fully redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

forsworn's gastrodon♂

Ivs: 30/30/30/31/31/30
nature relaxed- ability sticky hold
Notable Moves: icebeam recover, earthquake, surf
Evs:216 HP, 252 Def, 42 SpAtk
OT ( ): forswrn ID: 46759
Obtained: Hacthed at solacen town
Available as: Lvl. 54 evd. / fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

CHAR'S Drifloon

Nature:timid ability:unburden
IVs: 31 / x / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
EVs: evd version 144 def/252spa/60spd/54speed
Moves: destiny bond, hypnois, dreameater
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut or evd lvl 26 fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

nick20's shiny Mismagius

Nature: calm Ability:levitate
IVs: 31/31/31/31/30/31
EVs: 252Hp/216SpDef/40Speed
Moves: Mean Look, Perish Song, Pain Split, Protect
Aviable: Lvl 100 EV'D.fully Redi.for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Sæglópurs shiny glameow

31 l 31 l 31 l 31 l 31 l 31
nature jolly - ability limber
Notable Moves: Fake Out l Iron Tail l Return l Shadow Claw
Evs: N/A.
OT ( ♀): Mary ID: 53175
Obtained: hatched at saffron city
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT./ non Redi

proof of rights
Originally Posted by Fat Sæglópur
Posting to confirm that Sophies has semi-redis rights on my Mew, Meditite, Electrike, and Glameow :)
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

ankyfdarkness Purugly NN: Mars/w.Life Orb

Nature:Jolly Ability:Own Tempo
EVs:252 spe/252 atk/6 hp
Moves:Body Slam, Fake Out, Hypnosis, U-Turn
Aviable: Lvl 50 Evd Fully Redi.cloned by ar dsi from sophies

umbreon91's shinny bronzor

Nature sassy Ability heatproof
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
EVs: -
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut . fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*hatched on bellchime trail

uuwarrior's shiny Spiritomb♂

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
careful - pressure
Notable Moves: Shadow Ball | Shadow Sneak | Destiny Bond | Pain Split
Evd version: 208 HP / 184 Atk / 116 SpD
OT (): Jake ZX ID: 35049
Obtained: hatched at lavender town
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. or lvl 23 evd / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Gunitdawg's Spiritomb ♂

Nature careful Ability pressure
IVs: 31/31/31/10/31/21
EVs: 252 HP/252 Defense/6 Attack
Moves: Pain Split/Sucker Punch/Pursuit/Will-O-Wisp
Aviable: Lvl 100 evd.fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Akira's Shiny Gible♂

Nature: jolly Ability: sand veil
IVs: - 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: evd version 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Moves: outrage
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT. or evd Fully Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Skippy the great's Munchlax ♂ / with leftovers

Nature: Brave Ability: pick up
IVs: 29 / 30 / 30 / 0 / 30 / 1
EVs: evd version 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SpD
Moves: selfdestruct
Aviable: Lvl 5 UT or evd lvl 16 as munchlax , Fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*from the pokewalker

despotar's Rilou ♂ nn:'fighter'

Nature: jolly Ability: inner focus
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: sword dance, crunch
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT rilou. Fully Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

EXIE's lucario nn: LAHARL HP rock70

Nature modest Ability: inner focus
IVs: 30/30/31/31/30/30
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 SPE
Moves: Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball, HP Rock 70, Vacuum Wave
Aviable: Lvl 37 evd non-redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*If you want me see rule ten
proof of my rights
note refrence: view conversation with EXIE
Sep 29th, 2010 7:01:44 PM EXIE
you have semi-redis rights on my jirachi and lucario, so they are non-redis for others in your thread.

andrea's world08 lucario ♂

Ivs: 31/31/31/1/31/31
adamant - inner focus
Notable Moves:
blaze kick/bone rush/sunny day/force palm
Evs: -
OT (♂): WORLD08 ID: 08178
Obtained: Poke Event
Available as: Lvl. 30 ut. / fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*In a cherish ball

forsworns hippodon

Ivs: 31/31/31/24/31/31
nature impish - sandstream
Notable Moves: Earthquake|stone edge|eq|Slack Off
Evs:252 HP/6 Atk/252 def
OT ( ): JONAS ID: 48761
Obtained: Hacthed at Runic Maniac Cave
Available as: Lvl. 100 evd. / fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Roz's shiny skorupi nn: Sasori

Nature:jolly ability:sniper
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31 HP Electric 70
EVs: -
Moves: Leer/Pursuit/Night Slash/False Swipe
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut. semi redi for me, non redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat Roz
Posting to confirm that Sophies does have semi-redis rights on my Skorupi NNed Sasori.
* hatched in Ilex Forest ~ July 19th, 2010

Stefyweffys's Drapion/with leftys

Nature: impish Ability: battle armour
IVs: 31/31/31/x/29/31
EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Def, 4 Atk
Moves: Toxic Spikes, Crunch, Knock off, Whirlwind
Aviable: Lvl 55 EV'D as drapion.fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

syberia's toxicroak with life orb

Nature: adamant Ability: dry skin
IVs: 31/31/31/x/29/31
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spe/6 HP
Moves: Bullet Punch/Fake Out/Cross Chop/Sucker Punch
Aviable: Lvl 50 EV'D .fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

floras shiny toxicroak

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
jolly - dryskin
Notable Moves:- Stone Edge- Cross Chop- Sucker Punch- Swords Dance

Evs: 6 def. 252 attk 252 speed
OT (): Serra ID: 32017
Obtained: Hatched in Vfrontier access

Available as: toxicroak Lvl. 37 evd. / non redis
clonned with ar dsi by sophies

ancienTLorD86's shiny finneon

Ivs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 30 / 31 / 31
HP: Electric 70
nature modest - ability storm drain
Notable Moves: -
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ):AvZLorD ID:61556
Available as: Lvl. 1 ut. / non redi
*cloned by ar dsi from sophies
proof of rights vm's
Mar 27th, 2011 1:16:57 AMAncienTLorD86
yes...i got semi redis right because you got it from me..

defense's abomasnow ♀ nn:Shiva

Ivs:31/30/31/30/31/30 Hidden Power Fire 70
nature hasty - ability snow warning
Notable Moves: ~Blizzard~Grass Knot~Hidden Power Fire 70~Earthquake
Evs:16 ATK / 252 SpA / 240 Spe
OT ( ): Ryan ID: 12770
Obtained: caught at Acuity Lakefront
Available as: lvl 42 evd / fully rediclonned with ar dsi by sophies

HolyChipmunk's shiny Snover ♂

Nature: quiet Ability: snow warning
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
EVs: -
Moves: grass knot, blizzard
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT, Fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

chars's snover with nevermeltice

Nature:adamant Ability:snow warning
IVs: 31/31/30/x/30/31
EVs: (aviable only as abomasnow) 4hp, 252 attk, 252 speed
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 40 UT snover or lvl 46 evd abomasnow . fully Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

ultraskydive's abomasnow/with focus sash NN: USD


Nature:calm Ability:snow warning
IVs: 29/31/21/31/13/21
EVs:4hp 254 spa 252 speed
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 50 evd abomanow. fully Redi for you.
clonned with ar dsi by sophies

alsabino's magnezone Hidden power ice 70

Nature modest Ability:magnet pull
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: -
Moves: hidden power, substitute, thunderbolt, magnet rise
Aviable: Lvl 50 ut fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

The Jojo's Impish LickyLicky ♂


Nature:Impish Ability:oblivious
EVs:252 HP, 126 Defense, 126 Sp. Defense
Moves: Curse, Toxic, Return, Explosion
Aviable: Lvl 40 evd. fully redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

floras shiny rhyperior

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
adamant - solid rock
Notable Moves: - Substitute- Megahorn- Earthquake- Stone Edge
Evs: 134 HP/208 Atk/168 Spe
OT (): Serra ID: 32017
Obtained: Hatched in Vfrontier access

Available as: rhyperior Lvl. 58 evd. / non redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies

EXIE's Rhyperior

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
nature brave - ability solid rock
Notable Moves: Earthquake, Stone Edge, Megahorn, Swords Dance-
Evs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Def
OT (♂ ): EXIE ID: 06267
Obtained: hatched rock tunnel
Available as: Lvl. 57EVD / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies

UU warrior's shiny electriver

Ivs: 31/x/30/31/31/31 hp ice 70
timid - motordrive
Notable Moves: Thunderbolt | Focus Blast | Psychic | Hidden Power
Evs: 4 HP | 252 Special Attack | 252 Speed
OT (): Jake ZX ID: 35049
Obtained: caught at route 10
Available as: Lvl. 50evd. / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*in a luxury ball

Matt J's Togepi♂

Nature:Impish Ability:Serene Grace
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT Fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
From HCZ's Easter give away:

Dexterity togekiss ♂ Hidden Power (Ice)

Nature modest Ability: serene grace
IVs: 31 / 7 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 30
EVs: 252 HP / 150 SpA / 108 Spe
Moves:Flamethrower | Hidden Power (Ice) | Nasty Plot | Wish
Aviable: Lvl 63 Ev'd. fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

jubilee's shiny togekiss

Ivs: 31/2/31/31/31/31
calm - serne grace
Notable Moves: Air Slash, Wish, Baton Pass, Nasty plot
Evs: 252 HP / 64 Sp.D / 192 Speed
OT (): Stephen ID: 50519
Obtained: pal park hatched
Available as: Lvl. 35 evd. / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Twilight Blade's Togekiss

Nature :calm Ability: serene grace
IVs: 31 / 6 / 28 / 31 / 31 / 31
EVs:252 HP / 6 Def / 252 SpDef
Moves: aura Sphere || Air Slash || Thunder Wave || Roost
Aviable: Lvl 50 evd fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
sinnoh 02☜('ヮ'☜)

shiny yanmega Hidden Power Ground (70)


Nature modest Ability speed boost
IVs: 31/31/31/30/30/31
EVs: 4hp 252spa 252speed
Aviable: Lvl 57 EVD. fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

musica's shiny gallade

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature adamant - ability steadfast
Notable Moves: destiny bond, shadow sneak
Evs: 4 HP / 254 Atk / 252 Spe
OT ( ): Musicas ID: 35770
Obtained: Hacthed at route 34
Available as: Lvl. 20 wiped. or lvl 27 evd / non redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
Redi Proof

Akiratrons dusknoir

Ivs: 30/31/31/14/31/30
nature relaxed - pressure
Notable Moves: gravity. pain split, dynamic punch, willowisp
OT ( ): Akira ID: 18869
Obtained: Transfered from hoenn
Available as: Lvl. 37 ut. / fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

'shizzle's' shinny dusknoir ♂

Nature: impish Ability: pressure
IVs:31 / 27 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
EVs: 252 HP / 28 Atk / 228 Def
Moves: Pain Split | Will o Wisp | Ice Punch | Earthquake
Aviable: Lvl 50 non redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Sep 27th, 2010 10:26:55 PM

proof of my rights

Yeah you have semi redis, I dont really care anymore anyway, just quote this if anyone asks.

resplandor' froslass

Nature timid Ability: snow cloak
IVs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
EVs: 248 HP/228 Def/32 Spe
Moves: Ice Beam|Spikes|Taunt|Pain Split
Aviable: Lvl 60 UT.fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

chou toshio'sRotom HP grass 68

Nature: Bold Ability: Leviate
IVs: 30 / (17) / 31 / 30 / 31 / 31
EVs: 252 HP, 168 DEF, 90Speed
Aviable:- lvl 65 evd - Fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

buba's uxie

Nature:impish Ability:levitate
EVs:evd version 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 50 UT or lvl 50 evd Semi-redi for me, Non-Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat Buba
OT: Buba ID: 52520 Shaymin Timid Hidden power fire 70 Shaymin Modest Hidden power ice 70 Heatran Naive HP electric 70 Uxie Impish sophies has semi redis on those guys.

Aerolin's Mesprit

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature timid - ability levitate
Notable Moves: -
Evs: 252 HP / 92 SpA / 164 Spe
OT (♀): Kyria ID: 19274
Obtained: route 202
Available as: Lvl. 50 UT./ 50 EVD / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*in a heal ball

expert evans azelf nn:ALL-STAR

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
modest - levitate
Notable Moves:- Extrasensory/Nasty Plot/grass knot/thunderbolt

Evs: 6 def. 252 sp.attk 252 speed
OT (♂): Evan ID: 45363
Obtained: caught at Valor cavern

Available as: Lvl. 100 evd. / fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies

aerolin's azelf

Ivs: 30/31/31/31/31/31
naive - levitate
Notable Moves:- Thunderbolt/Flamethrower/Explosion/U-turn
Evs: 6 def. 252 attk 252 speed
OT (
): Kyria ID: 19274
Obtained: caught at Valor cavern

Available as: Lvl. 51 evd. / fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies

lightning fusion's dialga / with choice specs

Nature modest Ability: pressure
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: (evd version) 240hp,148 SPA,116 spd
Aviable: Lvl 47 ut. or lvl 51 EVD fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

godudette's dialga NN: mzenken

Nature quiet Ability: pressure
IVs: 31/27/30/31/31/3
EVs: -
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 47 ut. fully redi, must keep nickname clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*I won this dialga, in her giveaway!

mzenken's shinny dialga

Nature hasty Ability: pressure
IVs: 30/31/31/31/30/31
EVs: evd version 120 HP / 136 Atk / 252 SpA
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 47 ut. or evd lvl 47 non Redi for you.clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat mzenken
sophies has redis rights on my Hasty Shiny Dialga.

blashberry1's's Palkia with choice scarf

Nature: hasty Ability: pressure
IVs: 31/31/30/31/31/31
EVs: 75hp 255 spa 180 speed
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 90 evd . Fully Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

mattj's Palkia

Nature: timid Ability: pressure
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 Speed / 4 Defence / 252 Sp Atk
Moves: Spacial Rend, Surf, Protect, Blizzard
Aviable: Lvl 76 evd . Fully Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

psycho86wardbg's Shinny Palkia

Nature: timid Ability: pressure
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: evd version 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut . or evd Fully Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*Shinjo ruins palkia

Diabolico's palkia

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
timid - pressure
Notable Moves:-
Evs: N/A.
OT (): Kagura ID: 20887
Obtained: caught at spear pillar
Available as:Lvl. 70 UT. / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*Caught in a dive ball

acetrainerzx's palkia

Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
jolly - pressure
Notable Moves:-
Evs: N/A.
OT (): Axe Ace ID: 41787 Obtained: Ruins event
Available as:Lvl. 1 UT. / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*shinjo ruins event

lord scalgon's oblivia heatran

Ivs: 31/31/31/30/31/3 [HP Electric 70]
nature quiet ability flash fire
Notable Moves: Eruption, Magma Storm, Earth Power, Explosion
Evs: evd version 216 HP / 252 SpA / 40 Spd
OT (♂ ): Oblivia ID: 03060
Obtained: pokemon ranger
Available as: Lvl. 50 UT. lvl 50 evd/ non Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Jan 11th, 2011 11:58:03 PM
Lord Scalgon

Enjoy the poke's. :)

Not to forget to mention you have redis rights to all of them, even the Deoxys. I think you're the 6th or 7th person I've given redis rights for the Naive Oblivia Deoxys to...lost count.

Buba's Heatran ♀

Ivs: 31/31/31/30/31/31 [HP Electric 70]
nature naive ability flash fire
Notable Moves: Explosion
Evs: 4atk 252SpA 252Spe (Scarf/Lead/Life Orb/Substitute)
OT (♂ ): buba ID: 52520

Available as: Lvl. 74 evd. / non Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat Buba
OT: Buba ID: 52520
Shaymin Timid Hidden power fire 70
Shaymin Modest Hidden power ice 70
Heatran Naive HP electric 70
Uxie Impish

sophies has semi redis on those guys.

andrea's Heatran ♀

Ivs: 31/24/30/31/31/3 HP ice 68
nature quiet ability flash fire
Notable Moves: -
Evs: 252 HP/252 SpA/6 SpD
OT ( ): lenaID: 21216
Available as: Lvl. 52 evd. / non Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat andrea
That's mine. =) Fully redis with the NN Firestorm. I can send you a copy of that if you wanna replace your un-nicked
one. If not, I can just edit in that you have semi-redis rights on that.You might wanna change it to 'andrea's Heatran' tho. =P EDIT: sophies has exclusive semi-redis rights to the non-nicknamed Heatran.

Bearfan's Heatran

Nature: Mild Ability: flash fire
IVs: 30/30/31/30/31/31 HP Grass 70
EVs: HP 4, SpA 254, Spe 252 Lv 100
Moves: Explosion
Aviable: Lvl 100 EVD. Fully Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

stavros's Heatran♂


Nature: Modest Ability: flash fire
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: evd version SpA 252, SPd 6, Spe 252
Moves: Crunch/Lava Plume/Metal Sound/Scary Face
Aviable: Lvl 50 ut. or lvl 51 evd Fully Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

mattj's Regigigas W/ Leftovers

Nature: brave Ability: slowstart
IVs: 30/31/30/X/30/0
EVs: evd version 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 50 ev wiped . or evd lvl 51 Fully Redi
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

Diabolico's Regigigas
Ivs: 31/31/31/17/31/31
adamant - slow start
Notable Moves:-
Evs: N/A.
OT (): Kagura ID:20887
Obtained: Snow temple
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / Fully redis
*In a premier ball cloned by ar dsi from sophies

AncienTLorD86 shiny reggiggas

IVs: 30 / 30 / 27 / 18 / 29 / 29
nature adamant - ability slow start
Notable Moves: dizzy punch, confuse ray
Evs: -
OT ( ): AvZLorD ID: 61556
Obtained: Caught at snowpoint temple
Available as: Lvl. 1 ut. / fully redi
*in a premier ball cloned by ar dsi from sophies

matt j's's japanese Giratina

Nature: adamant Ability: pressure
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 86 HP / 216 Atk / 96 SpD / 112 Spe
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut. or evd version fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Diabolico's shiny giratina

Ivs: 29/31/30/30/31/30 Hidden Power Fire 69
naive - pressure
Notable Moves:-
Evs: N/A.
OT (): Kagura ID: 62156
Obtained: caught at sinjoh ruins
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies

stavros' cressilia

Nature quiet Ability levitate hp fire
IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/2
EVs: evd version 252 HP / 4 def / 254 SpA
Moves: Slash/Aurora Beam/Mist/Future Sight
Aviable: Lvl 50 UT. or lvl 51 evd fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

raichur0xx0rz's Manaphy

nature: Timid ability:hydration
IVs: 31/7/31/31/31/31
evs: evd version 80 HP / 252 SpA / 176 Spe
Moves: Tail Glow, Rest, Surf, Ice Beam
avilable: lvl 1 ut, or evd lvl 8 Arrived from Pokemon Ranger fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

andrea's Nintendo World Store Manaphy Manaphy

nature: modest ability:hydration HP electric 70
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
evs: -
Moves: Heart Swap/Water Pulse/Whirlpool/Acid Armor
avilable: lvl 50 ut, fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*legit wondercard

GGled's Darkrai

Nature timid Ability: bad dreams
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 4 hp, 252 spa, 254 speed
Moves: hypnios, nightmare
Aviable: Lvl 50 Ev'd. fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*wonder card darkrai
kanye's shinny Darkrai


Nature timid Ability: bad dreams
IVs: 31/x/27/31/29/31
EVs: evd version 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 254 Spe
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 50 ut. or lvl 52 evd. fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*wondercard darkrai

buba's shaymin Hidden power fire 70

Nature timid Ability natural cure
IVs: 31/31/30/30/31/30
EVs: 4hp 252spa 252spe
Moves: Seed Flare, Earth Power, leech seed
Aviable: Lvl 100 evd. non redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat Buba
OT: Buba ID: 52520 Shaymin Timid Hidden power fire 70 Shaymin Modest Hidden power ice 70 Heatran Naive HP electric 70 Uxie Impish sophies has semi redis on those guys.

Sudo's TRU shaymin HP fire 70

Nature bold Ability natural cure
IVs: 31/x/31/30/31/30
EVs: -
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 50 Ut. fully redi for you if you link back to his thread clonned with ar dsi by sophies

buba's shaymin Hidden power ice 70

Nature modest Ability natural cure
EVs: 4hp 252spa 252spe
Moves: airslash
Aviable: Lvl 64 evd. non redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat Buba
OT: Buba ID: 52520 Shaymin Timid Hidden power fire 70 Shaymin Modest Hidden power ice 70 Heatran Naive HP electric 70 Uxie Impish sophies has semi redis on those guys.

riski's shaymin
HP ice 70
Nature naughty Ability natural cure
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31
EVs: -
Moves: seed bomb, sword dance, earth power
Aviable: Lvl 30 Ut. fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*caught in heal ball

eminem's oblivia shaymins

Nature (see paragraph bellow) Ability natural cure
IVs: (see paragraph bellow)
Notable Moves: -
Evs: -
OT ( ): Oblivia ID: 03060
Obtained: Pokemon Ranger
Available as: Lvl. 30 ut. / fully redi
*from pokemon ranger emulator used clonned with ar dsi by sophies
naive hp ice 70: IVs31 | 30 | 30 | 31 | 31 | 31
naive hp fire 70: IVs31 | 30 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30
hasty hp ice 70: IVs 31 | 30 | 30 | 31 | 31 | 31
hasty hp fire 70: IVs 31 | 30 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30
modest hp fire 70: IVs31 | 30 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30 also avilable evd:252 HP / 76 SpA / 180 Spe
calm hp ice 70: IVs 31 | 30 | 30 | 31 | 31 | 31
calm hp fire 70: IVs 31 | 30 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30
bold hp ice 70: IVs: 31 | 30 | 30 | 31 | 31 | 31

lacesso's shaymin

Nature timid Ability natural cure
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: -
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 30 Ut. fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
2. Lv 100 item Leftovers Eved 252 Hp/ 6 Sp Atk/ 252 Spe
Move Set: Seed Flare, Earth Power, Leech Seed, Substitute
* Wondercard, please specify which version you want

13laze13oy's shiny torchic

Ivs: 31/31/31/30/31/31 Hidden Power: Electric 70
nature mild - ability blaze
Notable Moves: Flamethrower, Hidden Power
OT ( ):xMIKEx ID:26710
Obtained: Hacthed at route 210
Available as: Lvl. 1 ut. / non redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of rights

Princessjohoto's torchic hp electric 70 nn: Atarashii

Nature :rash Ability: blaze
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs: 192 Atk / 252 SpA / 64 Spe
Moves: Agility/Fire Blast/Hidden Power/Baton Pass
Aviable: Lvl 1ut or lvl22 combusken evd fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Gaburaisu's Torchic hidden power Steel 70

Nature :modest Ability: blaze
EVs: also aviable evd as combusken 254 spA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut or lvl 24 evd combusken fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

jubilee's Shinny Mudkip ♂ HP electric 70

Nature: relaxed Ability: torrent
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs: evd version 252 HP / 40 Def / 216 SpD
Moves: Curse/Yawn
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT. or lvl 18 evd marshtomp Semi redi for me, non redi for you.
clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*Hatched at tohjo falls, Jubilee was super nice and gave me rights :)
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat Jubilee
Confirming Sophies has rights to my Relaxed Mudkip.

uuwarrior's shiny poochyena♂

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
adamant - run away
Notable Moves: sucker punch | me first
Evs: 252 Atk / 4 hp / 252 Spe
OT (): Jake ZX ID: 35049
Obtained: hatched at safari zone
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. or lvl20evd/ Fully redis
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

pokefans zigazagoon ♂ NN:Twister

Nature :adamant Ability: gluttony
IVs:31 31 31 31 31 31
EVs: -
Moves: Toxic, Charge Beam, Blizzard
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut fully redistributable cloned by ar dsi from sophies

themarcster's Lotad ♂

Nature :timid Ability: swift swim
IVs: 31/11/31/31/31/31
EVs: evd version 60 HP / 252 SpA / 196 Spe
Aviable: Lvl 1ut, or lvl 13 evd fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

frawg's shiny seedot

Ivs: 31/x/31/30/31/30 hiddenpower fire 70
modest - chlorophyl
Notable Moves:nasty plot, grass knot
Evs: 6hp/252 spa/252speed
OT ():JULIAN ID: 58741
Obtained: route 34 hatched
Available as: Lvl. 1 as seedot UT. or seedot lvl 30 evd / non redi
*bp done by kingoldboy
clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat Frawg
Since my Old Trade Thread was pretty successful, I've decided to do a Joint Trade Thread with Captain Awesome!

Originally Posted by Fat Frawg
12) All Trophy Case Pokemon on my side of the thread will be Semi-Redis unless stated.

stormFTW swellow / with flame orb

Nature: jolly Ability:guts
IVs: 31/31/29/31/31/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Moves: brave bird
Aviable: Lvl 50 EV'D . fully Redi.for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

pokefreak12's shinny wingull

Nature :bold Ability:
IVs: 30/x/31/31/31/17
EVs: evd version 236 HP / 160 Def / 114 SpA
Moves: roost
Aviable: Lvl 1ut or lvl 28 evd semi redi for me, non redi for you
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

musica's shiny gardevoir♀

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature modest - ability trace
Notable Moves: calm mind, shadow sneak
Evs: 4 Def / 254 SpA / 252 Spe
OT ( ): Musicas ID: 35770
Obtained: Hacthed in Golden Rod
Available as: Lvl. 30 wiped gardevoir lvl 31 evd gardevoir / non redi
my redi Proof
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

pokefans shinny slakoth ♂ NN:Shikamaru

Nature : adamant Ability: traunt
IVs:31 31 31 31 31 31
EVs: -
Moves:shadow claw
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut fully redistributable cloned by ar dsi from sophies

davey711's shinny ninjask ♀


Nature:jolly Ability:speed boost
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs:evd version 176 HP / 252 Atk / 80 Spe
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 20 UT.or evd lvl 50 non Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*bp done by anwar
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat Davey711
sophies has semi-redis rights on my Ninjask.

davey711's shinny shedinja

Nature :jolly Ability: wonderguard
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: evd version: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 20 ut or evd lvl 28 non redi for you
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat Davey711
sophies has semi-redis rights on my Ninjask.
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

Syberia's Hariyama

Nature:adamant ability:guts
IVs: 30 / 31 / 31 / x/ 31 / 31
EVs: 252 Atk, 82 Def, 176 Spe
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 52 Evd fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

fenix 54's shiny nosepass

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/2 hp ice 70
nature sassy - ability magnetpull
Notable Moves: stealth rock, explosiom
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Fenix54 - ID:05306
Obtained: hatched caught at route 13
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT.nosepass Fully redis
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies

human's shiny aron ♂

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature adamant ability: rockhead
Notable Moves: headsmash
Evd moves: -
Evs: -
OT (♂ ): Enosh ID: 44331
Obtained: hatched at battle frontier
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Sæglópurs shiny meditate

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature jolly - ability pure power
Notable Moves: Psycho Cut
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ♀): Mary ID: 53175
Obtained: Cianwood City
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT./ non Redi
proof of rights
Originally Posted by Fat Sæglópur
Posting to confirm that Sophies has semi-redis rights on my Mew, Meditite, Electrike, and Glameow :)
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

raichur0xx0rz's shiny meditate ♂

Nature: adamant Ability: pure power
EVs: evd version 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 254 Spe
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut. as meditate or lvl 38 evd as medicham Semi redi for me, non redi for you.
proof of my rights
haha, i was wondering why it was taking so long =P

All my pokes are Semi-Redis, but my legendaries are full reds.
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

Sæglópurs shiny electrike

Ivs: 31 l 30 l 31 l 30 l 31 l 31 HP Grass 70
nature timid ability static
Notable Moves: Charge Beam l HP l Thunderbolt l Flamethrower
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ♀): Mary ID: 53175
Obtained: route 10
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT./ non Redi
proof of rights
Originally Posted by Fat Sæglópur
Posting to confirm that Sophies has semi-redis rights on my Mew, Meditite, Electrike, and Glameow :)

cloned by ar dsi from sophies

Aquarius electrike /with life orb NN:LIGHTLOVER

Nature: Modest Ability: Static body
IVs: 31/30/31/30/14/31 HP ground 70
EVs:6HP, 252S.Attack, 252Speed
Moves: -Charge Beam-Thunderbolt-Flamethrower-Signal Beam
Aviable: Lvl 54 evd. Semi Redi.for me, non-redi for you
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

Kingoldboy's carnavah

Nature: naive Ability: rough skin
IVs:31/31/30/30/31/31 Hidden Power grass 70
EVs: evd version 80 Atk / 252 SpA / 176speed
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut, or lvl 26 evd non redi.

proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat KingOldBoy

Welcome to my shop!


Most of the pokemon i breed will be Semi-Redis (you can trade, but those who get it can't). Special cases will be listed under the pokemon respectively.
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

fenix54's shiny wailmer

Ivs: 31/31/31/30/31/31 hiddenpower electric 70
bold - oblivious
Notable Moves: curse
Evs: N/A.
OT ():Fenix54 ID: 65306
Obtained: solacentown hatched
Available as: Lvl. 1 as UT. / fully redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

Human's Shiny nummel

Nature:Modest Ability:simple
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs:evd version 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SpA
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT. or evd lvl 32 fully Redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

Sæglópur's shiny Spoink

Ivs: 30 l 30 l 30 l 31 l 31 l 31 HP Ice 70
nature modest - ability thick fat
Notable Moves: Trick l Substitute l
Evs: N/A.
OT (♀): mary ID: 53175
Obtained: hatched at pewter city
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non Redi
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat Sæglópur
Posting to confirm Sophies has semi-redis rights on my pokes (OT Mary) if she credits me. :)
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

Equinox's Flygon ♂

Nature adamant Ability levitate
IVs: 30 / 31 / 31 / x / 31 / 31
EVs:6hp/ 252 attack / 252 speed
Moves: earthquake, dragonclaw utrurn, stone edge
Aviable: Lvl 100 evd.fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Zargon's shinny Cacnea ♂

Nature:adamant Ability:sand veil
EVs:evd version 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Moves: Seed Bomb, Swords Dance,Substitute
Aviable: lvl 1 cacnea or evd lvl 16. fully redi. cloned by ar dsi from sophies

JustChilling's shiny Cacnea ♂

Nature:quiet Ability:sand veil
Moves: nasty plot
Aviable: lvl 1 cacnea. Semi-redi for me, Non-Redi for you.
Hatched at Ruins of Alph
proof of rights He explain in the rules of his thread he determines redi status, i have the right- just waiting on post confirmation
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

aeral's altaria

Nature: adamant Ability: natural cure
IVs: 30/31/31/30/31/31
EVs: 66 hp 252 attack 192 speed
Moves: dragondance, eq, roost, outrage
Aviable: Lvl 50 Evd. fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

twilightblades's wishcash

Ivs: 31/31/31/11/31/31
nature adamant - ability anticipation
Notable Moves: dragon dance, earthquake, stone edge, waterfall
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 2def/ 252 Spe
OT ( ): Brian ID: 12018
Obtained: Hacthed at Lake of rage
Available as: Lvl. 50 evd. / fully redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

DEZTROYAs Corphish ♂ NN: MeatyClaws HP DARK 70

Nature:Adamant Ability: Hyper Cutter
IVs: 31/31/31/15/31/31
EVs:evd version 54 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe
Moves: body slam, bubble
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT. or evd lvl 29 Redi for me, fully Redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

superwolfes shinny baltoy

Nature:bold Ability: levitate
IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/31
EVs: evd version:252 HP / 144 Def / 112 SpA

Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT. or evd version lvl 19 Non-Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat superwolfe
sophies has semi redis rights on my baltoy

reptar's baltoy

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
nature relaxed - ability levitate
Notable Moves: -
Evs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 SpD
OT (♂ ): ryan ID: 59344
Obtained: hatched at foreign building
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT./ 33 claydol EVD / nonredi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat Reptar
Just posting to say that Sophies has semi-redis rights on my Baltoy and my Horsea.

kazo's cradily has pokerus ♂

Nature:careful Ability:suction cups
IVs: 31/31/31/22/31/27
EVs: -
Moves: curse, recover
Aviable: Lvl 50 UT. or lvl 50 evd 252 HP/ 4 Def/ 252 Sp. Def
fully Redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

sephyros armaldo ♂

Nature: adamant Ability: battle armor
EVs: 204 hp 252 attack 54 speed
Moves: eq,x-sissor,stone edge,sword dance
Aviable: Lvl 40 EVD fully redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

syberias milotic hp grass

Nature:modest Ability:marvel scale
IVs: 31/x/31/30/31/31
EVs: 4hp 252 sa 252 speed
Moves: recover hidden power, icebeam,hydro pump
Aviable: Lvl 37 Evd. fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

bananas shinny milotic

Nature:calm Ability:marvel scale
IVs: 31/22/30/30/29/30
EVs: -
Moves: Surf, Icebeam, Rest, SleepTalk
Aviable: Lvl 18 ut. fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Aerolin's shinny milotic NN:illumina

Nature:bold Ability:marvel scale
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
EVs: Hp-148 Def-252 Sp.Atk-110
Moves: Ice Beam, Surf, Hypnosis, Recover
Aviable: Lvl 75 evd. fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

graymonkey0's shiny keckleon ♂

Nature :careful Ability:colour change
IVs: 31 31 31 31 31 31
EVs: -
Moves: recover, magic coat
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut redistributable for me, non Redi for you
proof of rights
Originally Posted by Fat graymonkey0
You have semi-redis rights on my Kecleon
cloned by ar dsi from sophies
hoenn 02☜('ヮ'☜)

ramen cards shinny luvdisc ♂ with Damp Rock hidden power electric

Nature:modest Ability:swift swim
EVs:252 Hp / 252 Sp Atk / 4 Speed
Moves: Ice Beam, Surf, HP Electric, Rain Dance
Aviable: Lvl 45 evd. fully redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

linko's shinny bagon

Nature: naive Ability:rock head
IVs: 31/31/26/29/31/30
EVs: none
Moves: Brick Break Dragon Dance Hydro Pump Fire Blast
Aviable:- lvl25 ut - Fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

frost reaper's shiny salamence ♂ with life orb NN: Reptar

Nature :naive Ability: intimadte
IVs: 31/31/30/31/31/31
EVs:232 Atk/ 26 SpA/ 252 Speed
Moves: Outrage/Dragon Dance/Earthquake/Fire Blast (Max PP on all)
Aviable: Lvl 100 evd semi redi for me, non Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

kimblee's shiny salamence ♂

Nature :adamant Ability: intimadte
IVs: 31/31/31/x/26/31
EVs:76HP / 252 Attack / 180 SPD
Moves: firefang, outrage, dragon dance, eq
Aviable: Lvl 50 evd fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

kay's salamence ♂

Nature modest Ability: intimiadte
IVs: 31/x/3/31/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Moves: Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse
Aviable: Lvl 63 evd. fully redi for you on smogon only clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Karlmee1234's shinny salamence

Nature :jolly Ability: intimadte
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
EVs:252 Hp / 180 Def / 76 Speed
Moves: Roost, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Earthquake
Aviable: Lvl 50 evd fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

sohfalco's shiny Beldum

Nature:Adamant Ability:clear body
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs:evd version 252 HP / 236 Atk / 12 Def / 10 speed
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT. or lvl 26 metatang evd non Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
May 8th, 2010 10:29:13 AM

Soul eater looks interesting, im going to check that out.

I have an AR now, so i clone now. It doesnt feel right giving anyone junk pokes anymore :P. I have no problem RNGing now. It takes me around 20mins per breed lol. If you can hook me up with some cool pokemon I can hook you up with some RNG breeds haha.


lolpo's shiny metagross / with life orb
OT: gutza
nature: naugthy
Ability: clear body
IVs: [30l30l31l30l6l30]
EVs:evd version 252 Atk / 124 SpA / 132 Spe
Moves: eq, grass knot, shadow ball, meteor mash
comes at lv 48 non evd or lvl 48 evd non Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat lOlpO
just posting to say that sophi has the rigths on
lolpo's shiny metagross / with life orb
OT: gutza
nature: naugthy
Ability: clear body
IVs: [30l30l31l30l6l30]
EVs:evd version 252 Atk / 124 SpA / 132 Spe
Moves: eq, grass knot, shadow ball, meteor mash
comes at lv 48 non evd or lvl 48 evd non Redi for you.

riski's shiny Beldum

Nature:impish Ability:clear body
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT. Fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

twigdee's shiny beldum

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
adamant - clear body
Notable Moves: -
Evs: N/A.
OT (): Terry ID: 52764
Obtained: hatched at mt.silver
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
my Redi Proof

Feb 22nd, 2011 10:24:06 PM

hey :O i just need 2 copies of each
A gastly (HP ICE)
A beldum
and a staryu. Semi Redis :O

Diabolico's regirock

Ivs: 31/31/31/7/31/31
careful - clearbody
Notable Moves:-
Evs: N/A.
OT (): Kagura ID: 20887
Obtained: cayght at rock peak ruins
Available as: Lvl. 30 UT. / Fully redis cloned by ar dsi from sophies
*Caught in a repeat ball, rebattle code used

Diabolico's Regice

Ivs: 31/27/30/30/31/30 Hidden Power Fire 70
calm - clearbody
Notable Moves:-
Evs: N/A.
OT (): Kagura ID: 20887
Obtained: Iceberg ruins
Available as: Lvl. 30 UT. / Fully redis
*Caught in a dive ball cloned by ar dsi from sophies

mattj's Regice

Ivs: 31/23/31/31/30/0
relaxed - clearbody
Notable Moves:-
Evs: 6hp/252Def/252Spa
OT (): mattj ID:25437
Obtained: Iceberg ruins
Available as: Lvl. 50 evd. / Fully redis cloned by ar dsi from sophies

Whynot's Registeel NN:Iron manz

Nature: Imipish Ability: clear body
IVs: 29/30/31/x/31/05HP dragon 68 (wow..)
EVs: -
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 40 UT. Semi redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*Thank you Misa Campo for the check!

zari's shiny Registeel

Nature: sassy Ability: clear body
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 24 / 30 / 6
EVs: -
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 30 UT. non redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat Zari
zari's shiny Registeel

Nature: sassy Ability: clear body
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 24 / 30 / 6
EVs: -
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 30 UT. non redi for you
*if you want me see rule ten

Posting to confirm Sophies has semi rights on my registeel :)

matt J's japanese latias ♀Hidden power ground 70

Nature: timid Ability: levitate
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs: -
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 35 ut. Fully Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Linkino's Japanese shinny Latias ♀

Nature: Timid Ability: Leaviate
IVs: 31/6/31/30/31/30 HP fire 70
EVs: -
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 40 UT. fully redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

xelites shiny english latias

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature timid - ability levitate
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): xElite ID: 02227
Obtained:caught at pewter city
Available as: Lvl. 40 UT. / non redi
*Notes from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies
proof of rights for winners of giveaway]

xelites shiny english latios

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature timid - ability levitate
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): xElite ID: 02227
Obtained:caught at route 6
Available as: Lvl. 35 UT. / non redi
*Notes from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies
proof of rights for winners of giveaway]

Newts's Latios ♂

Nature: Timid Ability: levitate
IVs: 31/6/31/30/31/30 Hidden power fire 70
EVs: evd version 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Moves: Dragon Breath/Protect/Refresh/Luster Purge
Aviable: Lvl 35 UT. or evd version lvl 35 Fully Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
From his giveaway

Diabolico's Kygore

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Timid - Drizzle
Notable Moves:-
Evs: N/A.
OT (): Kagura ID: 44622
Obtained: Embedded Tower
Available as: Lvl. 50 UT. / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*In a net ball

matt j's japanese kyogre with iron ball

Nature quiet Ability: drizzle
IVs: 31/1/31/31/31/0
EVs: 252 HP/252 SpA/6 Def
Moves: Protect/Ice Beam/Water Spout/Thunder
Aviable: Lvl50 evd. fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

linko's japanese Kygore

Nature: modest Ability: drizzle
IVs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
EVs: (evd version) 6hp, 252 special attack, 252, speed
Moves:Aqua Ring|Ice Beam|AncientPower|Water Spout
Aviable: Lvl 50 UT, or lvl 100 Evd Fully Redi.clonned with ar dsi by sophies

negator's Groudon

Nature: adamant Ability: drought
IVs: 30/27/27/18/31/31
EVs: -
Moves:-Seismic Toss -Body Slam -Counter -Double Edge
Aviable: Lvl 70 UT, Fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

umbreon91's Groudon

Nature: brave Ability: drought
IVs: 31/31/31/23/31/0HP Ice 64
EVs: -
Moves:Eruption, Earthquake, Rest, AncientPower
Aviable: Lvl 50 UT, non Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*Hg/ss groudon
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat Umbreon91
Posting here to confirm that Sophies has rights on (a lot of) my Pokémon:
Brave Groudon 31/31/31/23/31/0
Shiny Bold Lotad 31/31/31/30/31/3
Modest Moltres 30/15/30/31/31/31
Relaxed Articuno 30/26/31/31/30/2
And some Eevee (my whole Trophy Case).

matt J's Rayquaza

Nature: jollyAbility: air lock
IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/31
EVs: 6 HP, 252 Attack, 252 Speed
Aviable: Lvl 53 evd , Fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

EXIE's Jirachi

Nature hasty Ability: serene grace
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 ATK / 4 SpA / 252 SPE
Moves: Iron Head, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Grass Knot
Aviable: Lvl 17 evd non-redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
note refrence: view conversation with EXIE
Sep 29th, 2010 7:01:44 PM EXIE
you have semi-redis rights on my jirachi and lucario, so they are non-redis for others in your thread.

efemera's jirachi

Nature adamant Ability: serene grace
IVs: 31 / 31 / 30 / 28 / 31 / 31
EVs:80HP / 252 Atk / 178 Spe
Moves: Wish | Zen Headbutt | Gravity | Draco Meteor
Aviable: Lvl 50 evd. fully redi for you on smogon clonned with ar dsi by sophies

EXIE's Jirachi

Nature naive Ability: serene grace
IVs: 31/31/31/29/31/31
EVs: -
Moves: Wish, Draco Meteor
Aviable: Lvl 5 ut fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

xelites jirachi

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature calm - ability serene grace
Notable Moves: wish rest confusion dracometeor
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♂ ): SMR2010 ID: 06260
Obtained: wifi event
Available as: Lvl. 5 UT. / non redi
*Notes from emulator cloned using ar dsi by sophies
proof of rights for winners of giveaway]

matt j's jirachi

Nature jolly Ability: serene grace
IVs: 31/31/31/30/30/31
EVs: 80 HP / 252 Attack / 176 Spe (re-eved by myself, its correct!)
Moves: Wish, Draco Meteor
Aviable: Lvl 5 ut or Lvl 18 evd or lvl 50evd. fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
Or matt j's jirachi lvl 50 evd clonned with ar dsi by sophies
Lv 50 with Ev Spreads of 80 HP / 254 Atk / 176 Spe
Moves: Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch and Iron Defense

lord scalgon's deoxys

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature naive ability pressure
Notable Moves: detect, counter, mirror coat, psycho boost
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Oblivia ID: 03060
Obtained: pokemon ranger
Available as: Lvl. 50 UT. / non Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
Lord Scalgon's comments: If only if I was able to acquire it in its offensive form...

I've long waited for this Deoxys. Ever since I noticed almost nobody possessed a flawless Oblivia Deoxys, I embarked on my own adventure to claim one for myself. I even had to ask a friend to help me defeat Deoxys in Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs, as it can only be done in multiplayer, in which I succeeded. I'll admit though, the Deoxys boss fight was brutal...but I'm glad it's all over. I believe to be the first person on Smogon to acquire this flawless Deoxys, but then again, I could be wrong - at least there's nobody else that has this in their threads before me.

proof of my rights Jan 11th, 2011 11:58:03 PM
Lord Scalgon

Enjoy the poke's. :)

Not to forget to mention you have redis rights to all of them, even the Deoxys. I think you're the 6th or 7th person I've given redis rights for the Naive Oblivia Deoxys to...lost count.

lord scalgon's deoxys

Ivs: 31/13/31/31/31/31
nature modest ability pressure
Notable Moves: detect, counter, mirror coat, psycho boost
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Oblivia ID: 03060
Obtained: pokemon ranger
Available as: Lvl. 50 UT. / non Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Jan 11th, 2011 11:58:03 PM
Lord Scalgon

Enjoy the poke's. :)

Not to forget to mention you have redis rights to all of them, even the Deoxys. I think you're the 6th or 7th person I've given redis rights for the Naive Oblivia Deoxys to...lost count.

eppie's shiny deoxys nn:Deoxys (attack form)

Ivs: 31/30/31/9/30/31
nature adamant ability pressure
Notable Moves: recover, counter, extrme speed, agility
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ): EppieID: 25162
Obtained: hoenn
Available as: Lvl. 40 UT. / fullyRedi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*caught in a nest ball
Emulator used

eminem's oblivia deoxys

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature (check post below) ability pressure
Notable Moves: (check post below)
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Oblivia ID: 03060
Obtained: pokemon ranger January 1st 2011

Available as: Lvl. 50 UT. / fullyRedi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*ligit wondercard emulator used
Modest moves: psycho boost, meteor mash, superpower
adamnt moves: psycho boost, meteor mash, superpower
jolly moves: psycho boost, meteor mash, superpower
timid moves: psycho boost, meteor mash, superpower
impish moves: psycho boost, detect, counter, mirror coat,
relaxed moves: psycho boost, detect, counter, mirror coat,
sassy moves: psycho boost, detect, counter, mirror coat,
careful moves: psycho boost, detect, counter, mirror coat,
bold moves: psycho boost, detect, counter, mirror coat,

Sæglópur's shiny chikorita

Ivs: 31 l 26 l 31 l 31 l 31 l 31
nature bold - ability overgrow
Notable Moves: Ingrain l Leech Seed l GrassWhistle l Aromatherapy
Evs: N/A.
OT (♀): mary ID: 53175
Obtained: hatched at newbark town
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non Redi
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat Sæglópur
Posting to confirm Sophies has semi-redis rights on my pokes (OT Mary) if she credits me. :)

raichur0xx0rz shinny magineum ♂

Nature:bold Ability:overgrow
EVs:evd version 216 HP / 150 Def / 144 SpA
Moves: AROMATHERAPY, energy ball, lightscreen
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT chikorita. or evd version lvl 35 meganium Semi-redi for me, Non-Redi for you.
proof of my rights
haha, i was wondering why it was taking so long =P

All my pokes are Semi-Redis, but my legendaries are full reds.
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

twilightblades cyndaquil ♂ hidden power ice 70


Nature:timid Ability:blaze
IVs:31 / 30 / 30 / 31 / 31 / 31
EVs:evd version: 4 HP / 252 Sp Atk / 252 Spe
Moves:evd version: Hidden Power, Eruption, Focus Blast, Flamethrower
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT cyndaquil or evd lvl 72 typlosion
Semi-redi for me, Non-Redi for you.

proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat TwilightBlade
Sophies has Semi-redis rights to my Cyndaquil and Typhlosion.

cloned by ar dsi from sophies

'shizzle's' shinny typhlosion ♂ /with choice scarf Hidden Power: Dragon 69 (O.o;)

Nature: hasty Ability: blaze
IVs:20 / 30 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
EVs: 144 Atk / 252 SpA / 112 Spe
Moves: hidden power, focus punch, overheat
Aviable: Lvl 50 fully redi . *you must credit shizzle if you put this in your thread!cloned by ar dsi from sophies

kazo's feraligator nn:Astor

Nature :adamant Ability: torrent
EVs: 252 HP, 252 attack, 4 SpD
Moves: Aqua Jet, Substitute, Swords Dance, Dragon Claw
Aviable: Lvl 60 evd fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

huy's worlds 2010 crobat

Nature: timid Ability: inner focus
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/30 HP ice 70
EVs: -
Moves: air Slash/Heat Wave/Sludge Bomb/Super Fang
Aviable: Lvl 30 ut. fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

the agonist's crobat ♀ HP Fighting 70nn: Nightwing

Ivs: 31/x/30/30/30/30
nature modest ability inner focus
Notable Moves: nastyplot, bravebird
Evs: N/A.
OT ( ): AlyssaID: 05993
Obtained: hatched at dark cave
Available as: Lvl. 1 as zubat UT. / nonRedi
clonned with ar dsi by sophies

proof of my rights
RE: Vm's between me and the agnoist

Feb 6th, 2011 4:40:50 PM
The Agonist

semi-redis for you only

the agonist's crobat♀HP Fighting 70 nn: Qwikstrike

Ivs: 27/x/30/30/30/30
nature timid ability inner focus
Notable Moves: nastyplot, bravebird
Evs: N/A.
OT ( ): AlyssaID: 05993
Obtained: hatched at dark cave
Available as: Lvl. 1 as zubat UT. / non Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

proof of my rights
RE: Vm's between me and the agnoist

Feb 6th, 2011 4:40:50 PM
The Agonist

semi-redis for you only

hcz's shiny chinchou


Ivs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
calm - volt absorb
Notable Moves: -
Evs: N/A.
OT ():TRELLIS ID: 19560
Obtained: hatched floaroma town
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat DarkChaos (HCZ)
Sophies have rights to my giveaway pkmn.

wichu's pichu ♂ hidden power ice 70

Nature:timid Ability:static
IVs: 31/10/30/31/31/31
EVs:evd version 254 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Moves: wish , encore, volt tackle
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT or evd lvl 20. fully Redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

acetrainerzx's Cleffa

Ivs: 31/24/31/31/31/31
calm - cute charm ( if evolved in 4th gen. wonderguard)
Notable Moves: Softboiled, Seismic Toss, Counter, Wish
Evs: N/A.
OT (): Ace ZX ID: 18202
Obtained: hoenn
Available as: Lvl. 5 UT. / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies

eminem's Cleffa nn:Puffalump

Ivs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
bold - cute charm ( if evolved in 4th gen. wonderguard)
Notable Moves: Softboiled, Seismic Toss, Counter, Wish
Evs: N/A.
OT (): Eminem ID: 23273
Obtained: hoenn
Available as: Lvl. 5 UT. / non redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat Eminem
All my pokemon are now Semi-Redis meaning YOU can trade them but the people who get them from you cannot.
Use this post for confirmation on your rights.

acetrainerzx's Igglybuff

Ivs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
nature bold - ability cute charm
Notable Moves: wish
Evs: N/A.
OT(♂ ):Smogon ID: 22704
Obtained: hatched at battle frontier
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT.
Fully redis *Notes cloned by ar dsi sophies

uuwarrior's shiny natu♂

Ivs: 30 | 15 | 30 | 31 | 31 | 31 Ice 70 hp ice70
modest - early bird
Notable Moves:Miracle eye, nightshade, miracle eye
Evs: 40 HP / 252 SpA / 216 Spe
OT (): Jake ZX ID: 35049
Obtained: caught at ruins of alph
Available as: Lvl. 18 UT.or lvl 21 evd / Fully redis
caught in a level ball
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

skippy the greats maril

Nature: impish Ability:huge power
IVs: 29 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 30 / 31
EVs: evd version: 240 HP / 216 Def / 52 SpD
Moves: Amnesia/Light Screen/Body Slam/Refresh
Aviable:- lvl 1 ut or lvl 24 azumaril semi-redi for me, non redi for you
clonned with ar dsi by sophies

DjGopher's Shiny Azumarill

Nature adamant Ability: huge power
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 212 Hp / 252 Atk / 46 Spe
Moves:Focus Punch,Substitute,Waterfall,Toxic
Aviable: Lvl 20 ut fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Sæglópur's shiny bonsly

Ivs: 31 l 31 l 31 l 0 l 31 l0
nature brave - ability rockhead
Notable Moves: Fake Tears l Copycat l Explosion
Evs: N/A.
OT (♀): mary ID: 53175
Obtained: hatched at route 36
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / non Redi
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat Sæglópur
Posting to confirm Sophies has semi-redis rights on my pokes (OT Mary) if she credits me. :)
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

Psycho86wardbg's shinny Politoed♂ with leftys

Nature:adamant Ability:water absorb
EVs: 249 HP, 255 Attack, 4 Defense, 2 Speed
Moves: eartquake waterfal breakbrick hypnois
Aviable: Lvl 100 evd. fully redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

godudette's Shiny jumpluff nn: WildEep

Nature: jolly Ability: Chloropyhll
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
EVs: 252 HP/252 Spe/6 SpDef
Moves: Protect,Aerial Ace, encore, helpinghand
Aviable: Lvl 50 evd. fully redi with nickname clonned with ar dsi by sophies

shella's ambipom ♂


Nature jolly Ability: technician
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk, 4 spd, 252 Spe
Moves: -Fake Out, Pursuit, Return, Counter
Aviable: Lvl 32 evd. semi redi for me, non redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat shella
Sophies has semi redis rights on my Omastar and Ambipom! :)

umbreons Sunflora

Ivs: 31/2/31/30/31/30 Hidden Power Fire 70
Modest - Chlorophyll
Notable Moves:Encore, Helping Hand
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂): Umbreon ID: 52166
Obtained: Hatched in Viridian Forest / Aug. 23, 2009
Available as: Sunkren Lvl. 1 UT. / Fully redis cloned by ar dsi from sophies

riski's shiny wooper Hidden Power Dark 70

Nature:careful Ability: water absorb
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Encore, recover, eq, curse
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT.fully Redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

Waffleiron's Espeon♂ HP Ground 70

Nature :timid Ability: sychronize
EVs: -
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 2 ut fully redistributable cloned by ar dsi from sophies

DEZTROYA'S shinny Umbreon ♂ NN:blueshade

Nature :careful Ability: sychronize
IVs: 31/31/31/6/31/31
Moves: Taunt, Curse, Payback, wish
Aviable: Lvl 47 evd fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

HCZ's honchkrow


Nature adamant Ability Insomnia
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 6 Hp, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
Moves: Sucker Punch, Super Power, Drill Peck, Night Slash
Aviable: Lvl 45 EVD. nonredi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat DarkChaos (HCZ)
Sophies have rights to my giveaway pkmn.

berserker lord's mukrow

Nature jolly Ability super luck
IVs: 31/31/29/7/31/31
EVs: Evd Version: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Moves: brave bird
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT. or evd lvl 29 Posting%20to%20confirm%20Sophies%20has%20semi%20rights%20on%20my%20Brave%20Bird%20Murkrow.[/QUOTE]"]semi redi for me, Non redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies
His thread:
proof rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat Berserker Lord
Posting to confirm Sophies has semi rights on my Brave Bird Murkrow.

the agonist's wobuffet♂

Ivs: 31/x/31/x/31/x
nature impish ability shadow tag
Notable Moves: Encore, charm
Evs: 28 HP / 228 Def / 252 SpD

OT ( ): Jen ID: 33508
Obtained: hatched route 34
Available as: Lvl. 1 as wynaunt UT. or evd lvl 34 / fullyRedi clonned with ar dsi by sophies
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

Black.Arwing's shinny Pineco

Nature :impish Ability: sturdy
IVs: 31/31/31/4/31/0
EVs: 252 HP / 112 Atk / 144 Def
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut or evd lvl 18 fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

vee's shinny forretress

Nature realxed Ability: sturdy
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 HP, 112 Atk, 144 Def
Moves: Eq, stealthrock, explosion, rapid spin
Aviable: Lvl 100 Ev'd. fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

blasphemy1's forretress

Nature realxed Ability: sturdy
IVs: 31 HP | 31 Atk | 31 Def | x SpA| 31 SpD | 0 Spe
EVs: evd version 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Moves: -Rapid Spin-Spikes-Payback-Explosion
Aviable: Lvl 31 ut ev wiped. or evd lvl 38 fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

matt j's shinny dunspace

Nature:brave Ability:serene grace
EVs:252 Atk / 222 Hp / 36 special Def
Moves:Roost, Zen Headbutt,thunderwave, Headbutt
Aviable: Lvl 50 evd. fully redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

sohfalco's shinny gligar♂ / with pokerus

Nature:impish Ability: sand veil
IVs: 31/30/31/x/31/31
EVs: -
Moves: earthquake, knock off, stealth rock, stone edge
Aviable: Lvl 22 ut. non Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
May 8th, 2010 10:29:13 AM

Soul eater looks interesting, im going to check that out.

I have an AR now, so i clone now. It doesnt feel right giving anyone junk pokes anymore :P. I have no problem RNGing now. It takes me around 20mins per breed lol. If you can hook me up with some cool pokemon I can hook you up with some RNG breeds haha.

Themarcster's Gligar ♂

Nature:jolly Ability: sand veil
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: evd version 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 Spe
Moves: doubble edge
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut, evd lvl 13 fully Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

raichur0xx0rz shiny steelix

Nature: impish Ability: rockhead
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / x / 31
EVs: evd version:252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 special def
Moves: fire fang, thunder fang, ice fang
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT. or lvl 26 evd Non-Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
haha, i was wondering why it was taking so long =P

All my pokes are Semi-Redis, but my legendaries are full reds.

cloned by ar dsi from sophies

metalex's steelixnn Queen

Ivs: 31/30/30/17/30/0
relaxed - sturdy
Notable Moves: -
Evs: N/A.
OT ():Marlin ID: 64213
Obtained: caught at victory road
Available as: Lvl. 40 evd. / non redi
*in a heavy ball clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat Metalex
Sophie has trading rights to my relaxed Steelix NN: Queen from winning in my giveaway. She may trade no one else.
Giveaway Link

Kingoldboy's shiny qwilifish

Nature: impish Ability: poison point
IVs: 31/31/31/10/31/31
EVs: evd version 248 HP / 152 Def / 104 SpD / 4 Spe
Moves: aqua jet
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut or evd lvl 28 non redi.
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat KingOldBoy

Welcome to my shop!


Most of the pokemon i breed will be Semi-Redis (you can trade, but those who get it can't). Special cases will be listed under the pokemon respectively.
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

rockinX's 'Goon event' scizor ♂ (japanese) NN: ハッサム (means Hassamu)/with starf berry

Nature : adamant Ability: swarm
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 25 / 31 / 31
EVs: -
Moves: agility, iron defense, sword dance, x-scissor
Aviable: Lvl 50 ut fully redistributable! clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*In a cherish ball

Psycho86wardbg's shinny Scizor ♂

Nature: adamant Ability:technician
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 hp, 252 attack 6 defense
Moves: brick break, sword dance, bullet punch, roost
Aviable: Lvl 20 evd fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

jeff's shinny shukle with chesto berry♂

Nature:realxed Ability:gluttony
EVs:6 hp/252 def/ 252 sp def
Moves: wrap, toxic, stealth rock, rest
Aviable: Lvl 100 evd. fully redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

Mr.Sableyes shiny shuckle

Ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
nature impish - ability gluttony
Notable Moves: Knock Off/Accupressure
Evs: -
OT ( ): Steve ID: 35581
Obtained: Hacthed
Available as: Lvl. 1 ut. / non redi
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat Mr. Sableye
CMT for:

Reply in PM/VM, even if you're not interested in anything. I'll be willing to trade a semi-redis copy of one of my breads if you want.

sophies has my Shuckle and semi-redis rights on it, just to be official about it.
johoto 02☜('ヮ'☜)

HCZ's shiny heracross ♀


Nature adamant Ability: guts
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk/ 6 Def/ 252 Spe
Moves: Megahorn, Close Combat, Stone Edge, Night Slash
Aviable: Lvl 55 evd. fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

MattJ's shiny Teddiursa

Nature: Brave Ability: pick up (when evolves its guts)
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
EVs: evd version 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Moves: cross chop, close combat, fake tears
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT, or lvl 21 evd Fully Redi. cloned by ar dsi from sophies

DarkChaos (HCZ)'s Shinny Corsola ♂


Nature:Modest Ability:natural cure
IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/31 (HP Grass 70)
EVs:evd version 252 HP / 254 SpA / 4 SpD
Moves: Barrier
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT or evd lvl 27. fully Redi cloned by ar dsi from sophies

yees remoraid

Ivs: 31/x/31/31/31/0
nature quiet - ability hustle -> suction cups
Notable Moves: water spout
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ): alan ID: 09841
Obtained: hatched at tojo falls
Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. / Fully redis
*yees bp for me i can nickname it cloned with ardsi by sophies
*in my diamond cartridge

DEZTROYA's shinny skarmory NN: starscream

Nature impish Ability:keen eye
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: -
Moves: whirl wind, stealth rock, brave bird, roost
Aviable: Lvl 1 ut fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

black.arwing's shinny houndor

Nature:hasty Ability:flash fire
EVs: evd version 252 Atk / 76 SpA / 180 Spe
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT . or lvl 9 evd Semi-redi for me, Non-Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat black.arwing
Sorry sophies, I haven't been on Smogon in a while so I didn't see your message until recently... but I'm here to confirm that you have semi-redis rights on my houndour.

Waffleiron's Houndoom♂ HP Flying 70

Nature :timid Ability: flash fire
EVs: -
Moves: nasty plot, hidden power, flamethrower
Aviable: Lvl lvl40 wiped (no EVs houndoom),
fully redistributable clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Winters Zombie's Kingdra ♂

Nature: adamant Ability: Swift Swim
IVs: 31/31/31/4/20/31
EVs: 180 HP / 252 Atk / 76 Spe
Moves: Waterfall, Outrage, Rain Dance, Dragon Dance
Aviable:- lvl100 EVD - Fully redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Conan's Donphan

Nature:impish ability:sturdy
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / x/ 31 / 6
EVs: - 252 hp/6 attack /252 def
Moves: ice shard,stealth rock,earthquake,rapid spin
Aviable: Lvl 50 evd fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

mattj's hitmontop with muscle band

Nature:brave Ability:techinician
EVs:252 Atk/188 Def/70 SpD
Moves: Fake Out| Bullet Punch | Bulk Up | Mach Punch
Aviable: Lvl 50 evd hitmontop. fully-Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

human's shinny hitmontop

Nature:adamant Ability:techinician
EVs: evd version: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Moves: fakeout, Mach Punch, Sucker Punch, Detect
Aviable: Lvl 46 non-evd hitmontop. or lvl 49 evd, Non-Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat Human
Here to confirm that sophies has semi-redis rights on my Hitmontop.

Expert Evan's Blissey

Nature: Bold Ability: natural cure
IVs: 31/4/31/24/31/27
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Defense, 6 Special Defense
Moves:Toxic, softboiled, aromatherapy, seismic toss
Aviable: Lvl 100 Evd fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

christian's pkmn movie Shinny Raikou (japaense) HP ICE 70

Nature : rash Ability: pressure
IVs: 31 / 30 / 30 / 31 / 31 / 31
EVs: -
Moves: Extreme Speed, Zap Cannon, Aura Sphere, Weather Ball
Aviable: Lvl 30 ut fully redistributable by everyone clonned with ar dsi by sophies

ray423's shiny crown entei (english legit wondercard)

Ivs: 31/31/30/30/31/31 Hidden Power grass 70
adamant - pressure
Notable Moves: flareblitz, howl, extreemspeed, crushclaw
Evs: N/A.
OT ():GAMESTP ID: 01171
Obtained: wifi event
Available as: Lvl. 30 UT. / non-redis
*in a cherish ball
proof of my rights

Feb 9th, 2011 5:11:20 PM

confirming request:
Semi redis on entei. You can trade who you trade to cannot.
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

christian's pkmn movie Shiny Entei (japanese)

Nature :Adamant Ability: pressure
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 6 / 31 / 31
EVs: -
Moves: Extreme Speed, Flare Blitz, Howl, Crush Claw
Aviable: Lvl 30 ut fully redistributable by everyone cloned by ar dsi from sophies
Entei is aviable evd (different entei though)...
EXIE's pkmn movie Shinny Entei (japanese) Choice Band
Nature :Adamant Ability: pressure
EVs: 252 ATK / 4 SpD / 252 SPE
Moves: Flare Blitz, Howl, Extremespeed, Crush Claw
Aviable: Lvl 34 evd fully redistributable by everyone cloned by ar dsi from sophies

joshk_bra's suicune

Ivs: 30/30/30/31/31/30 hp electric 70
modest - pressure
Notable Moves: evd version- calm mind, surf, hidden power, icebeam
Evs: 255 spa/254speed
OT (): JOSHh ID: 47729
Obtained: caught at route 25
Available as: Lvl. 40 UT. or 50 evd / non redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
* in a heavy ball
my redi proof
Originally Posted by Fat joshk_bra
You got rights on my Modest Suicune :D :D :D

zelen's suicune

31/14/31/30/30/31 hp ground 70
nature timid - ability pressure
Notable Moves: -
Evd version: N/A.
OT (♀): OT: Zelenia ID: 16040
Obtained: caught at route25
Available as: Lvl. 40 UT./ non redi
*Notes in a quick ball from retail cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies
May 17th, 2011 1:00:00 PM
Sure. You have semi-redis rights for my Impish Shiny Ferroseed and Timid HP:Ground Suicune (so you can trade them, other's can't).

christian's pkmn movie Shinny suicune (japaense) HP ELECTRIC 70

Nature : relaxed Ability: pressure
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 30 / 31 / 3
EVs: -
Moves: Extreme Speed, Sheer Cold, Aqua Ring, Air Slash
Aviable: Lvl 30 ut fully redistributable by everyone clonned with ar dsi by sophies

matt J's japanese Suicune

Nature: bold Ability: pressure Hidden power electric 70
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs: (evd version) 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Moves: -
Aviable: Lvl 40 ut or evd lvl 42. Fully Redi clonned with ar dsi by sophies

Diabolico's suicune

Ivs: 31/31/31/30/31/31 hp electric 70
bold - pressure
Notable Moves:-
Evs: N/A.
OT (): bell ID: 11257
Obtained: caught at route 25
Available as: Lvl. 40 UT. / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*Caught in a dive ball

magik0722's lavitar ♂

Nature adamant Ability:
IVs: 31-31-31-11-30-31
EVs: evd version 160 HP / 252 Atk / 98 Spe
Moves: pursuit , Assurance, Focus Energy, Ancient Power
Aviable: Lvl 1ut. or lvl 26 evd fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

sohfalco's shinny lavitar ♂

Nature:Adamant Ability:guts
IVs: 31/31/31/21/31/31
Moves: Stone edge, earthquake, taunt, dragon dance
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT. non Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of my rights
May 8th, 2010 10:29:13 AM

Soul eater looks interesting, im going to check that out.

I have an AR now, so i clone now. It doesnt feel right giving anyone junk pokes anymore :P. I have no problem RNGing now. It takes me around 20mins per breed lol. If you can hook me up with some cool pokemon I can hook you up with some RNG breeds haha.

Psycho86wardbg's Shinny Lugia

Nature: Timid Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 HP DARK 70
EVs: evd version 252 HP / 64 Def / 192 Spe
Aviable: Lvl 45 UT or lvl 45 evd, Fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

mattj's japanese ho-oh

Nature: adamant Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 255 Atk, 255 Spe
Aviable: Lvl 100 evd, Fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

mattj's shiny ho-oh nn:NickMcord

Nature: naive Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/29/29/29/29/31
EVs: 64 hp / 252 attk / 192 Spa.
Moves:Extrasensory, Sunny Day, Fire Blast, Sacred Fire
Aviable: Lvl 45ut or evd lvl 45, Fully Redi. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

~Golden Emp's Ho-oh(from HG)

Nature: brave Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/31/31/23/31/0
EVs: evd version 248 HP / 228 atk / 32 spd
Aviable: Lvl UT45 Lvl 45 evd, Fully Redi. as long as you link
clonned with ar dsi by sophies

exie's japanese 13movie celebi modest hp fire 70

Nature: modest Ability: natural cure
IVs: 30/6/31/30/31/30
EVs: -
Moves: nasty plot, healing wish, leaf storm, recover
Aviable: Lvl 50 ut. fully redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*capture date: July 16th 2010

kanto 1-103☜('ヮ'☜)

ancienTLorD86's shiny venasaur

Ivs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
nature calm - ability overgrow
Notable Moves: Sludge Bomb / Leaf Storm / Sleep Powder / Earthquake
Evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Sp.Def
OT (♂ ):AvZLorD ID:61556
Available as: Lvl. 40 evd. / non redi
*clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of rights vm's
Mar 27th, 2011 1:16:57 AMAncienTLorD86
yes...i got semi redis right because you got it from me..

GunblazeGriffn's shiny Bulbasaur

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature timid- ability overgrow
Notable Moves: Power Whip, Leaf Storm, Light screen, magic leaf
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Brad ID: 34798
Obtained: hatched at Goldenrod city
Available as: Lvl. 1UT. / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*in my diamond cartridge

GunblazeGriffn's shiny Charmander

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature timid - ability blaze
Notable Moves:
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Brad ID: 34798
Obtained: hatched at Goldenrod city
Available as: Lvl. 1UT. / Fully redis
*in my diamond cartridgecloned by ar dsi from sophies

klock's Charizard ♂ NN: Pyro

Nature: Timid Ability: blaze Hidden power grass
IVs: 31/14/31/30/31/31
EVs: 252 SpA, 6 SpD, 252 Spe
Moves: hidden power, dragon pulse, focus blast, flamethrower
Aviable: Lvl 50 EV'd, Fully Redi. cloned by ar dsi from sophies

GunblazeGriffn's shiny Squirtle

Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
nature modest - ability torrent
Notable Moves: Aqua Jet / Flail / Aqua Ring / Yawn
Evs: N/A.
OT (♂ ): Brad ID: 34798
Obtained: hatched at Goldenrod city
Available as: Lvl. 1UT. / Fully redis clonned with ar dsi by sophies
*in my diamond cartridge

ancienTLorD86's shiny pidgeot

Ivs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 0 / 31 / 31
nature jolly - ability tangled feet
Notable Moves: Quick Attack / Brave Bird / Pursuit / Steel Wing
Evs: 252 Atk / 6 Def / 252 SpE
OT ():AvZLorD ID:61556
Available as: Lvl. 40 evd. / non redi
* cloned by ar dsi from sophies
proof of rights vm's
Mar 27th, 2011 1:16:57 AMAncienTLorD86
yes...i got semi redis right because you got it from me..

i1338's shiny beedrill

Ivs: 31/31/31/0/31/31
nature jolly - ability swarm
Notable Moves: -
Evd version:252 attack /252speed /6spdef
OT (♂ ): i1338 ID: 54650
Obtained: caught at national park
Available as: Lvl. 53 EVD / Fully redis
*Notes from flash cart cloned using ar dsi by sophies

monsoonbeast's Rattata ♂ NN:TopPercent

Nature:jolly Ability:guts
EVs:evd version 14 HP / 252 Atk / 244 Spe
Moves: Endure, Counter, Reversal
Aviable: Lvl Lvl 1ut or lvl 28 evd non redi for you
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat monsoonbeast
Sophies has semi-redis rights on my Lotad, Rattata (TopPercent), and Farfetch'd
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

alex888's surfing pikachu hidden power ice 68

Nature :timid Ability: static
IVs: 27/8/30/27/31/31
EVs: evd version 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Moves: surf
Aviable: Lvl 14ut or lvl 28 Sophies%20has%20semi-redis%20on%20my%20pikachu[/QUOTE]"]evd semiredi for me, non redi for you
Pokemon yellow theme :P
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

efemera's Shiny Sandshrew ♂
Nature:Adamant Ability:Sand Veil

EVs:evd version 82 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spe
Moves:Swords Dance/Earthquake/Night Slash/X=scissor
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT. or evd lvl 28 Semi-redi for me, Non-Redi for you.
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

bakus' shiny nidoran

Ivs: 31/x/31/30/31/31 hp electric 70
timid - poison point
Notable Moves: -
Evs: 4 def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
OT ():TENSAI ID: 56103
Obtained: caught at route 35
Available as: Lvl. 12 UT. or lvl 19 evd nidoran / non redi
*in a moonball clonned with ar dsi by sophies
proof of rights Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat Bakus
Since Sophies traded with me for my Nidoking, she has semi-rights to it :)

TheForsworn's Nidokinghidden power grass 67

Nature:modest Ability:posion point
EVs:4 HP/252 Spl.A/252 Spd
Moves: Earth Power-Ice Beam-Hidden Power-Thunderbolt
Aviable: Lvl 54 evd . fully-Redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

syberias clefable

Nature:calm Ability: magic guard
EVs: 212 hp 80 def 36 sa 180 spd
Moves: icebeam thunderbolt softboiled calm mind
Aviable: Lvl 40 EVDfully redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

matt j's clefable with life orb

Nature:quiet Ability: magic guard
EVs: 252 Sp Atk / 124 Hp / 132 Def
Moves: Endeavour, Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt
Aviable: Lvl 50 EVDfully redi for you. clonned with ar dsi by sophies

rockco510's shiny vulpix with firestone hidden power ice 70

Nature :timid Ability: flashfire
IVs: 31/26/30/31/31/31
EVs: evd version 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 254 Spe
Moves: hypnois, energy ball
Aviable: Lvl 10 ut or evd lvl 33 non redi for you
proof of my rights
Originally Posted by Fat rocko510
Sorry, about not replying to your vm Sophies, just haven't been on here in a while. And yes you can semi-redis my shiny vulpix. :)
cloned by ar dsi from sophies

hcz's shiny zubat Hidden Power Electric 68


Nature timid Ability:inner focus
IVs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 31
EVs: evd version: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Moves: Leech Life|Quick Attack|Brave Bird|Whirlwind
Aviable: Lvl 1 UT, or evd lvl 20.fully redi for you clonned with ar dsi by sophies

zari's shiny paras