Mariachi Duck's Trade Thread (Grand Reopening! Vullabies, Bergmites and Flabebes are Go!)

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The Bergmite line is ready for business! Moving on to Vullabies tomorrow. Anyone who was interested in a Bergmite, I can now fulfill those requests.
I have a Male 31/x/31/31/31/31 modest gastly no disable

a female honedge brave 31/31/31/31/31/0

and a breeding pair of mold breaker adamant drilbur

any for a vullaby or flabebe?

I have a 31/x/31/30/31/22 HP Fire magnemite w/ magnet pull still in egg which I would ask for both pokes
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Also, just a thought, if ur making trick room claunchers, u should change the nature to quiet instead of modest. Could I offer my 5iv timid/modest mareep for a flabebe as well?
UnluckiestMissesEver I'll take a female Mold Breaker Adamant Drilbur for a Flabebe. I'm hugely backlogged on Vullabies right now, though, and neither of the other things appeals to me.
KaoTicZombieZ I'll take the modest mareep for a Flabebe, sure. As for the Claunchers... they're not as in demand as my other breeds, so renaturing them is low-priority right now.
Vullabies still under construction with new Egg Moves. I don't have an ideal Male for this, so it takes time. Sorry! I'll post in the thread when I have Vullabies for the folks who have requested them.

No worries. Let me know. Either pm me or quote one of my posts when you're ready plz.

EDIT: Impish Vullaby please.
Once Eisenmeteor's Vullaby is done, I will be filling Flabebe orders before moving on to the Impish Vullaby line revamp. Thanks for your patience, everyone who's been waiting for the new Vullabies.

@dietcoke can I get a Female Flash Fire Litwick? Adding you to the list~
#712 Bergmite
Ability: Sturdy (Ice Body, Own Tempo also available)
Nature: Relaxed
Egg Moves: Mirror Coat

Comments: These guys took a while, but they're ready to go!

CMT for this guy plox
#712 Bergmite
Ability: Sturdy (Ice Body, Own Tempo also available)
Nature: Relaxed
Egg Moves: Mirror Coat

Comments: These guys took a while, but they're ready to go!

CMT for this guy plox

Can I get a quad perf female each of Aron (missing spatk and spe) and Chansey (missing atk and spatk) for the one quint perf Bergmite?
Alright, finals week(s) are coming up, so I'm putting the shop on Hiatus. Will be able to fill some orders on December 17th. Feel free to post requests in the thread, just know that I won't be able to start getting through the backlog until then.

Thanks for your patience, everyone.
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