CMt for careful foulplay, knock off vullaby,
and the female sturdy relaxed bergmite?
Jolly Moxie Pinsir and Rash Honedge?
CMt for careful foulplay, knock off vullaby,
and the female sturdy relaxed bergmite?
deviruchi can I get a Female Venipede?
are you online? We can do the trade now.
pirateradio Can I get a Female Jolly Larvitar?
AceSat Not looking for trip-perf dittos right now; I don't need them for any of my active projects.
Sure, I can do that. I have one ready now. Are you still available?
Vullabies still under construction with new Egg Moves. I don't have an ideal Male for this, so it takes time. Sorry! I'll post in the thread when I have Vullabies for the folks who have requested them.
UnluckiestMissesEver I'll take a female Mold Breaker Adamant Drilbur for a Flabebe. I'm hugely backlogged on Vullabies right now, though, and neither of the other things appeals to me.
KaoTicZombieZ I'll take the modest mareep for a Flabebe, sure. As for the Claunchers... they're not as in demand as my other breeds, so renaturing them is low-priority right now.
#712 Bergmite![]()
Ability: Sturdy (Ice Body, Own Tempo also available)
Nature: Relaxed
Egg Moves: Mirror Coat
Comments: These guys took a while, but they're ready to go!
CMT for this guy plox
Sure thing. I'll pm you when I have the AronCan I get a quad perf female each of Aron (missing spatk and spe) and Chansey (missing atk and spatk) for the one quint perf Bergmite?
ok sorry for the long reply, but are you still interested in these?Jolly Moxie Pinsir and Rash Honedge?
ok sorry for the long reply, but are you still interested in these?