
First off, ignore the title, I just have it there to be there. Second, I posted this team already on Serebii, and it was fixed up by people (mainly KFT KOFF!!!!!), and I've done minimal testing on Shoddy (definately not enough; It did better in OU than in UU), and sort-of fixed a flaw with the help of KFT again, which leads me to present this team to you all (I am in no way implying that Serebii is an inferior forum, which is where teams should be rated before being suitable for the raters here at Smogon.)

I also find it important to note that because this is for competitive WiFi, I have been raising this team from my Serebii rates, so the IVs I have for these pokemon have been factored into the maximum Leftovers recovery of the EVs, although if a significant EV change needs to be made, I will of course start re-breeding (Or, I could switch up the EVs in the middle of training, but i'm too lazy to keep track)

Credit to pokemonelite2000 for the sprites


Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 6 Spe
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpAtk)
  • Zen Headbutt
  • Milk Drink
  • Stealth Rock
  • Double-Edge
Not the fastest lead, and when Fake-poms come along i'll have to go, but it is great at taking the hit and setting up Stealth Rock, then Drinking off the damage. Scrappy over Thick Fat for Double-Edge Ghosts and Zen Headbutt if I'm trapped in a corner with a Fighting poke.


Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 244 HP / 22 Def / 244 SpDef
Calm Nature (+SpDef, -Atk)
  • Dragon Pulse
  • Surf
  • Rest
  • Sleep Talk
Rest-talk Milotic, EVs for max Leftover recovery, and I went in the direction of a Special wall rather than a mixed or Physical wall just because it suits the rest of the pokemon on my team. Dragon Pulse + Surf = a coverage combination that is walled only by Empoleon, which is OU, and Shedninja, which succumbs to Stealth Rock (and which I could kill otherwise). Funny Story Somebody on Serebii actually reccomended that I use Ice Beam over Dragon Pulse for better coverage, and after I politely declined, he agreed with my arguement about Empoleon and Shedninja, but told me that I really should change it.


Ability: Snow Cloak
EVs: 252 HP / 6 SpAtk / 252 Def
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
  • Ice Beam
  • Roar
  • Barrier
  • HP Fighting
Glaceon really was not the first thing that came to my mind when I was searching for a Physical Wall. I was going through pokemon with good Def on the Smogon tier list, and I saw Glaceon, which made me go "wtf". It seemed really uncharacteristic to me that a pokemon which I had previously nicknamed Glass-eevee could be a great Physical Wall. A free turn would be nice, although I have done well many times without one. One Barrier = more Def than a Cloyster/Steelix, Ice Beam for STAB, HP Fighting for coverage, and roar for Phazing (wow that sentence was really obv.)


Medicham@Choice Scarf
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 8 HP /252 Atk / 10 Sp Def / 240 Spe
Jolly Nature
  • Trick
  • Drain Punch
  • Thunder Punch
  • Bullet Punch
I intended to use Gallade in this slot, but unfortunately it is not with us in UU anymore. Medicham's goal is to Trick the Scarf onto a useless move (even though I Trick without thought alot), and then take advantage of Pure Power with Thunder Punch for coverage, Bullet Punch for priority, and Drain Punch as more of an HP restore than a STAB move (although it does pretty well). It is really likely to Trick Leftovers onto myself, so the EVs are set for maximum HP recovery


Manectric@Life Orb
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 Sp Atk / 6 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
  • Thunderbolt
  • HP Grass
  • Flamethrower
  • Signal Beam
Pretty standard Manectric, and it gets the job done. Manectric, I really cannot explain this more, seeing as it is so standard, but I chose Life Orb over Specs or a Scarf for flexibility in move choice.


Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Sp Atk / 6 Sp Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
  • Leech Seed
  • Substitute
  • HP Fire
  • Sludge Bomb
My Sub-Seeder, also kind of a standard, but melikes. Roserade's EVs are set for maximum Leftovers recovery, and I'm actually considering changing Sludge Bomb to Energy Ball or something like that, because Grass types that are immune to Leech Seed are handled by HP Fire (except Ludicolo, but why would I even be up against that thing? its beastly for Sub-Seeding).

In advance, I would like to thank all of you who happen to come across this team and then dissect it.
1. Earthquake is infinitely better than Zen Headbutt on Miltank!

2. There is absolutely no good reason to run Dragon Pulse over Ice Beam on ANY kind of Milotic, but in your case, you ought to just replace it with Toxic because without any Special Attack evs, she won't be koing anything... Better yet, switch her defense and special defense evs as even a calm Milotic with no evs will have 300 plus special defense.

3. Wish on Glaceon provides better team support while Mirror Coat puts them in a tough spot as physical attacks will be all but null after two barriers.
Miltank should probably use Body Slam, as 30% paralysis is great and your team could use it. With Scrappy, ghosts (except Shedinja) are no longer immune to this paralysis, and we all know how much Missy/Rotom like being paralyzed. Hammer Arm is probably a better coverage move, as it gets perfect neutral coverage with Body Slam (except Shedinja). However, there are many powerful Fire-type leads out there, meaning Thick Fat may be the better choice. In that case, most Ghosts will wall you regardless, and Heal Bell is best in that slot for team support.

Hmm...Dragon Pulse is an interesting idea. If it can break Azumarill and Poliwrath's subs, then it might be worthwhile. However, if it can't, you're much better off with Ice Beam, to hit Grass types harder. If you use Heal Bell on Miltank, a Haze Milotic might serve you better.

Glaceon should probably have no def EVs and max sdef EVs if you're going to use Barrier, and Wish should replace Roar, especially if you use Haze Milotic. Team support is always good, and a +2 def Glaceon has over 550 defense with no EV investment. Best is to get your Glaceon to the next multiple of 10 in defense, put HP 1 point above a Leftovers number, and dump the rest in sdef.

Scarfcham is a good revenge killer, but Scarf Hitmonlee is probably better. If you do use Scarfcham, HJK/Zen Headbutt/Tpunch/Ipunch is a very good set. Psycho Cut can go over Zen Headbutt, if the 90% accuracy bothers you.

Charge beam may be better than Signal Beam on Manectric. I can't think of any common thing that Signal Beam hits hard that the other moves don't, and the +1 from Charge Beam would be much appreciated.

Lastly, I'd recommend Spikes or Tspikes on Roserade over HP Fire. Once you're safely behind a sub and subseeding, what better time to set up entry hazards? Spikes is probably better, as a Venusaur or Roserade switch-in would rather suddenly put a stop to everything you're doing if you use Tspikes.

Firstly I would use your miltank as your physical wall and get rid of glaceon. Even though you say its good it has one of the worst defensive typings , but I would suggest maybe a leafeon instead, it can sword dance to boost its attacks and has better defense, also since this is a wifi team you could breed this pretty easy from your glaceon.

What also worrys me about this team is how fragile most of your team are I suggest replacing some of your pokes with bulkier counterparts , but since you have already breed these and since its boring breeding you can keep it as it is if you like.
1) Definitely run Body Slam on Miltank no question. I would run a lum berry to beat roserade leads, you body slam them dealing over 50% as their sleep powder hits your lum then you can either go for the ko or set up rocks. I also recommend heal bell over zen headbutt in order to stop toxic from wrecking your team.
2) I recommend running ice beam, but whatever it doesnt look like your changing your mind any time soon.
3) Your team has no ground immunities, so spikes/tspikes are a huge problem. I would replace Glaceon which is a terrible physical wall with donphan who has rapid spin.
4) Your Medicham is messed up. you need hi jump kick over drain punch and bullet punch is absurd, get it out of there.
Lum Berry on Miltank is no use when you are not running any speed to outspeed Roserade, and Body Slam > Double-Edge as it doesn't have recoil to hurt Miltank.

Dragon Pulse on Milotic is LOL, as Milotic needs super effective attacks to hurt stuff without Sp. Atk investment, HP Grass to hit other Bulky Waters or Ice Beam to hurt Grass Pokemon. I would go for HP Grass as you're not staying in on Leafeon/Roserade to Ice Beam anyway.

Why run Glaceon with Barrier when you can use Steelix? Furthermore, Glaceon takes 25% from SR. >.<

Steelix gets Roar too, and Gyro Ball/Earthquake/Explosion hurts too. Otherwise, another good physical wall would be Donphan, he can run Earthqake/Assurance/Rapid Spin/Roar.

What's up with Trick on Medicham? It needs the speed to sweep, 80 base speed isn't fast at all in the metagame. In fact, if you're slower than Timid Specsmega, you're not fast enough. Run Brick Break/Psycho Cut (STAB) Fire Punch/Ice Punch (For Tangrowth and Donphan)

I'm not very sure how Manectric can break through the most common wall out there, Registeel, even with Flamethrower, it will probably be crippled by Paralysis. I suggest adding a Special Fire-Type, then you'll have a cool Grass-Fire-Water Core. I'll lean towards Magmortar as it gets Thunderbolt too.